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With many advantages, many ecological parameters of protozoan communities have been successfully used as a useful bioindicator for bioassessment of water quality in Chinese marine waters. However, as regard the response of the annual cyclicity of protozoan communities to seasonal environmental stress, a further investigation was needed. In this study, the cyclicity of annual variations in community patterns of biofilm-dwelling protozoa was studied based on an annual dataset. Samples were monthly collected, using glass slide method, at four stations, within a pollution gradient, in coastal waters of the Yellow Sea, northern China during a 1-year period. The cyclicity patterns of the microbiota represented a significant spatial variation among four stations. The low value of cyclicity coefficients occurred in heavily polluted area, while the high values were in less stressed areas. Correlation analysis showed that the cyclicity measure was significantly related to environmental variables ammonia, transparency and dissolved oxygen. Thus, it is suggested that the annual cyclicity of protozoan communities may be used as a potential bioindicator of bioassessment in marine ecosystems. 相似文献
Community-based assessment of protozoa is usually performed at a taxon-dependent resolution. As an inherent ‘taxon-free’ trait, however, body-size spectrum has proved to be a highly informative indicator to summarize the functional structure of a community in both community research and monitoring programs in aquatic ecosystems. To demonstrate the relationships between the taxon-free resolution of protozoan communities and water conditions, the body-size spectra of biofilm-dwelling protozoa and their seasonal shift and environmental drivers were explored based on an annual dataset collected monthly from coastal waters of the Yellow Sea, northern China. Body sizes were calculated in equivalent spherical diameter (ESD). Among a total of 8 body-size ranks, S2 (19–27 μm), S3 (28–36 μm), S4 (37–50 μm) and S5 (53–71 μm) were the top four levels in frequency of occurrence, while rank S1 (13–17 μm), S2 and S4 were the dominant levels in abundance. These dominants showed a clear seasonal succession: S2/S4 (spring) → S2/S4 (summer) → S4 (autumn) → S2 (winter) in frequency of occurrence; S1 (spring) → S4 (summer) → S2 (autumn) → S1 (winter) in abundance. Bootstrapped average analysis showed a clear seasonal shift in body-size spectra of the protozoa during a 1-year cycle, and the best-matching analysis demonstrated that the temporal variations in frequency of occurrence and abundance were significantly correlated with water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), alone or in combination with chemical oxygen demand (COD) and nutrients. Thus, the body-size spectra of biofilm-dwelling protozoa were seasonally shaped and might be used as a time and cost efficient bioindicator of water quality in marine ecosystems. 相似文献
Biological trait analysis is a powerful tool to summarize the spatial/temporal patterns of community functioning and ecosystem process at taxon-free resolutions. To identify the optimal colonization period with high homogeneity in functional patterns of protozoa for bioassessment, 1-month baseline colonization survey was conducted in coastal waters of the Yellow Sea. A fuzzy-coding functional trait system was used to summarize the functional structure of protozoan communities during the colonization process. The functional patterns showed a low homogeneity during the early stage (3–7 days), followed by a stable stage (10–14 days) with high homogeneity, and the last stage (21–28 days) with high heterogeneity. The functional richness showed a low variability, while the functional evenness and divergence generally showed a decreasing trend during the whole colonization process. Furthermore, the functional dispersion and RaoQ indices generally leveled off only during the stable stage. These results suggest that it is necessary to determine the optimal exposure time period with high homogeneity of community functioning for bioassessment using protozoan colonization in marine ecosystems. 相似文献
As an inherent trait, body-size structure has been used to summarize functional features of a community instead of taxonomic resolutions due to the high redundancy for bioassessment. In this study, the multivariate approaches were used to determine the environmental drivers to the spatial variation in body-size structure based on an annual dataset of biofilm-dwelling protozoa. Samples were monthly collected at four stations within a gradient of pollution in coastal waters of the Yellow Sea, northern China during a 1-year cycle. The second-stage (2STAGE) clustering and ordination analyses demonstrated that the annual patterns were significantly different among four sampling stations. Mantel analysis showed the spatial variations in body-size structures of the protozoa were significantly correlated with the water quality status along the pollution gradient. Best matching analysis revealed that the potential environmental drivers to shape the spatial difference in body-size structure may be pH, chemical oxygen demand (COD) and nutrients (e.g., soluble phosphates, ammonia and nitrates). It is suggested that the multivariate approaches used may determine the environmental drivers to shape the spatial variations in body-size structure of biofilm-dwelling protozoa in marine ecosystems. 相似文献
We tested whether interspecific competition from Aedes albopictus had measurable effects on A. aegypti at the typical numbers of larval mosquitoes found in cemetery vases in south Florida. We also tested whether the effect of interspecific competition from A. albopictus on A. aegypti differed between sites where A. aegypti either persists or went extinct following invasion by A. albopictus. Similar experiments manipulating numbers of A. albopictus in cemetery vases were conducted at three sites of A. aegypti persistence and three sites where A. aegypti was apparently extinct. The experiments were done using numbers of larvae that were determined by observed numbers of larvae for each site, and with resources (leaf detritus) that accumulated in experimental vases placed into each field site. In both the early rainy season (when number of mosquito larvae was low) and the late rainy season (when number of mosquito larvae was high), there was a significant effect of treatment on developmental progress of experimental A. aegypti. In the late rainy season, when numbers of larvae were high, there was also a significant effect of treatment on survivorship of A. aegypti. However, the competition treatment × site type (A. aegypti persists vs extinct) interaction was never significant, indicating that the competitive effect of A. albopictus on A. aegypti did not differ systematically between persistence versus extinction sites. Thus, although competition from A. albopictus is strong under field conditions at all sites, we find no evidence that variation in the impact of interspecific competition is associated with coexistence or exclusion. Interspecific competition among larvae is thus a viable explanation for exclusion or reduction of A. aegypti in south Florida, but variation in the persistence of A. aegypti following invasion does not seem to be primarily a product of variation in the conditions in the aquatic environments of cemetery vases. 相似文献
Biofilm-dwelling protozoa have successfully used as a feasible bioindicator for bioassessment of water quality status in marine ecosystems. Based on a dataset of biofilm-dwelling protozoa in coastal waters of the Yellow Sea, we demonstrated a spatial variation in body-size spectrum of protozoan communities along a gradient of increasing environmental pollution. Two biodiversity indices, as a new indicator of water quality, were proposed, first being body-size diversity (Δ′) logistically corresponded to taxonomic diversity index but with a trait hierarchy of body-size units based on Euclidean distance resemblance, and the second a modified body-size diversity index (Δ′m) with a modified hierarchy based on the trait matrix. The values of both indices Δ′ and Δ′m were found to be significantly correlated with the changes of environmental variables, especially the nutrients. Furthermore, the body-size diversity (Δ′mrk) at body-size-rank-1 (“genus-level”) resolution might be used as a potential surrogate of those at “species-level” resolution. Thus, we suggest that the ecological parameters based on body-size spectrum may be used as potential bioindicator of water quality status, and that the body-size rank sufficiency might be an effective time-efficient protocol for monitoring programs by identifying taxa to “genus-level” body-size rank. 相似文献
It has long been recognized that communities and their ecosystems are structured at several, nested spatial scales. But identifying
the appropriate scale(s) to collect, analyse and interpret data to answer specific questions about ecosystems has been a vexing
problem for ecologists. We collected observations of the benthic invertebrate community and its environment in 10 primarily
agricultural tributary streams of the Thames River in southwestern Ontario, Canada. Within each stream we sampled two reaches,
in each reach we sampled three riffles, and in each riffle we took three kick samples of invertebrates and characterized the
substrate environment. We also characterized the habitat at each of the 20 reaches (10 streams × 2 reaches/stream). Most of
the variability in the stream invertebrate community structure (as described with taxonomic richness and the biotic index
of tolerance, as well as by the Bray-Curtis distance of the community composition from the mean at a spatial scale) was at
larger spatial scales of among streams and between riffles. Much of the substrate and habitat variation was also at the larger
spatial scales, as were correlations between the biota and the environment of the benthic invertebrate community. We concluded
that for the purposes of bioassessment, characterization of one reach per stream is sufficient, at least in this context,
for describing a stream and evaluating its health.
Handling editor: R. Norris 相似文献
应用原生动物群落评价石油废水对燕山区水系的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
北京燕山地区的水系——周口店河、东沙河、丁家洼河、西沙河、大石河中游受到石油废水和生活污水的影响。作者在5条河流同步采用载玻片法、PFu(Polyurethane Foam Unit)法和传统的浮游生物沉淀法收集原生动物群落。对群落的种类组成、多样性指数、群集过程(Seq、G、T90%)等参数进行了测定。3种方法都能监测出周口店河有严重的毒性效应,载玻片法和PFU法能监测出含石油的废水在东沙河逐渐净化的过程,PFU法能最终判断出西沙河的有机污染比丁家洼河大。因此这5条河流的污染程度是依大石河、丁家洼河、西沙河、东沙河、周口店河的次序而递增。周口店河上游站因含强酸、强碱的废水引起的毒性已迫使原生动物无法生存。由于东沙河的汇入,大石河的中游地段优势种出现以自养性向异养性转化、丰度增加、多样性指数下降的富营养化现象,对北拒马河亦有潜在的压迫。 相似文献
The objective of this study was to identify the impact of nutrient enrichment on the diversity of the ciliate community associated with the roots of the aquatic macrophyte Eichhornia crassipes. The experiment was performed in the Garças Lake, located in the Upper Paraná River floodplain, Brazil. We conducted two treatments (fertilized and control) with three replicates each. To increase the initial nutrient concentrations in each mesocosm of the fertilized treatment, we added 1000 μg L−1 of KNO3 and 200 μg L−1 of KH2PO4 during each sampling date. We found a relative high number of ciliate species (85 species) and a predominance of hypotrichs. Among the recorded species, about 25% occurred exclusively in the fertilized treatment. Moreover, detrended correspondence analysis demonstrated that the ciliate community associated with E. crassipes roots changed significantly in response to the nutrient input in such a way that the species composition of the fertilized treatment was remarkably different from that of the control. In contrast to our expectations, species richness in the fertilized treatment was significantly higher than that in the control, refuting our hypothesis that species richness decreases under eutrophic conditions. 相似文献
It is cost-effective protocol to identify a functional species pool for marine bioassessment by removing redundant species from a raw dataset. The feasibility of functional species pool for discriminating water quality status was studied based on a dataset of 120 samples of ciliated protozoa. From the full 60-species dataset of the whole ciliate communities, a 35-species subset was identified as a functional species pool, the species number, abundance and biodiversity indices of which were significantly correlated with those of the full species dataset. The spatial pattern of the subset was significantly related to the changes in nutrients soluble reactive phosphates (SRP), nitrate/nitrite nitrogen (NO3-N/NO2-N) and ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N). Four indices of the taxonomic diversity (Δ), taxonomic distinctness (Δ*), average in taxonomic distinctness (Δ+) and the variation in taxonomic distinctness (Λ+) based on this small species pool were significantly correlated with the changes of nutrients NO3-N and/or (NH4-N). The paired indices Δ+ and Λ+ showed a clear decreasing trend of departure from the expected taxonomic pattern. These findings suggest that the 35-species functional species subset may be used as a feasible functional surrogate of ciliated protozoan assemblages for community-based bioassessment in marine ecosystems. 相似文献
The environmental drivers to shape the spatial patterns in annual dynamics of the planktonic ciliate communities were studied based on an annual dataset from a bay, northern Yellow Sea. Samples were biweekly collected at five stations with different environmental condition status during a 1-year period. The second-stage-analysis-based multivariate approaches were used to reveal the internal dynamics in annual patterns of the ciliate assemblages. Results showed that: (a) there was a clear spatial variability in annual dynamics among five stations; (b) the dominant species represented different succession dynamics among four samples stations during the 1-year cycle; and (c) the spatial variations in annual patterns of the ciliates were significantly correlated with nutrients, alone or in combination with salinity and dissolve oxygen (DO). Thus, it is suggested that the nutrients may be the main drivers to shape the spatial patterns in annual dynamics of planktonic ciliate communities in marine ecosystems. 相似文献
It is necessary to detect how much ecological redundancy or response units (RUs) exist in communities for reducing the “signal-to-noise” ratios of the observed full species data in community-based ecological research and monitoring programs. To reveal the functional redundancy in ciliated protozoan communities in marine ecosystems for both ecological research and monitoring programs, a multivariate approach (peeling procedure) was used to identify the response units to the environmental changes using a dataset of biofilm-dwelling ciliates from coastal waters of the Yellow Sea, northern China. From the full 141-species dataset, three subsets with sufficient information of the whole community (correlation coefficient >0.75) were identified as response units (RUs 1–3) at three levels of functional redundancy, which comprised 20, 26 and 27 species, respectively. These response units appeared to be interchangeable between functional equivalents on both spatial and temporal scales. In terms of relative abundance, RU1, which predominated the ciliate communities over 1-year period, and RU2, which occurred only in warm seasons (except winter) with a peak in summer, presented a decreasing trend, while RU3, which distributed all four seasons with two peaks in summer and autumn, increased with the increase of pollution level. Furthermore, high proportions of bacterivores were found in RU1 during warm seasons and represented an increase trend, while high relative abundances of algivores occurred in RUs 2 and 3 appeared to be decreasing along the pollution gradient. These results demonstrated that the ciliated protozoan assemblages have high functional redundancy in response to environmental changes in marine ecosystems. 相似文献
The Northern Prairie Pothole Region (NPPR) of Alberta, Canada, contains numerous shallow marshes that serve as important habitat for wildlife and provide essential ecosystem services. Many of these wetlands have been destroyed or degraded by human activity and the majority of remaining wetlands occur in landscapes affected by crop and cattle production. Alberta has implemented a conservation policy which requires the creation of wetland assessment tools. Aquatic macroinvertebrates are frequently used as indicators of environmental condition in rivers, but their effectiveness as indicators in prairie pothole wetlands is not clear. To evaluate the capacity of aquatic macroinvertebrates identified to family-level resolution to serve as regional bioindicators of agricultural disturbance in NPPR wetlands, we sampled macroinvertebrates at 64 fishless wetlands. The wetlands spanned a gradient in the extent of agriculture from 0 to 100% cover within a 500 m buffer around each wetland. We discovered that, contrary to our predictions, macroinvertebrate family richness and community composition could not predict agricultural disturbance (cropping or cattle grazing). We conclude that efforts to develop bioindicators for NPPR wetlands should be redirected to other taxa that are less costly to identify to species and that exhibit sensitivity to agricultural disturbance. 相似文献
Most bioassessment programs in Brazil face difficulties when scaling up from small spatial scales because larger scales usually encompass great environmental variability. Covariance of anthropogenic pressures with natural environmental gradients can be a confounding factor in the evaluation of biologic responses to anthropogenic pressures. The objective of this study was to develop a multimetric index (MMI) with macroinvertebrates for two stream types and two ecoregions in the Atlantic Forest biome in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. We hypothesized that by using two approaches – (1) testing and adjusting metrics to landscape parameters, and (2) selecting metrics using a cluster analysis to avoid metrics redundancy – the final MMI would perform better than the traditional approach (unadjusted metrics, one metric representing each category). Four MMIs were thus developed: MMI-1 – adjusted MMI with metrics selected after cluster analysis); MMI-2 – adjusted MMI with one metric from each category; MMI-3 – unadjusted MMI with metrics selected after cluster analysis; MMI-4 – unadjusted MMI with one metric from each category. We used three decision criteria to assess MMI’s performance: precision, responsiveness and sensitivity. In addition, we tested the MMI’s by using an independent set of sites to validate the results. Although all MMIs performed well in the three criteria, adjusting metrics to natural variation increased MMI response and sensitivity to impairment. In addition, the selected MMI-2 was able to classify sites of two stream types and two ecoregions. The use of cluster analysis, however, did not avoid high redundancy between metrics of different branches. The MMI-4 had the poorest performance among all tested MMIs and it was not able to distinguish adequately reference and impaired sites from both ecoregions. We present some considerations on the use of metrics and on the development of MMI’s in Brazil and elsewhere. 相似文献
In Swiss ponds, eutrophication represents one of the major threats to biodiversity. A biological method to assess the trophic state would, therefore, be particularly useful for monitoring purposes. Macrophytes have already been successfully used to evaluate the trophic state of rivers and lakes. Considering their colonizing abilities and their roles in pond ecosystem structure and function, macrophytes should be included in any assessment methods as required by the European Water Framework Directive. Vegetation survey and water quality data for 114 permanent ponds throughout Switzerland were analysed to define indicator values for 113 species including 47 with well-defined ecological response to total water phosphorus (TP). Using indicator values and species cover, a Macrophyte Nutrient Index for Ponds (M-NIP) was calculated for each site and assessed with both the original pond data set and a limited validation data set. The resulting index performed better when considering only species with narrow responses to TP gradient and was more applicable, but less accurate when including all species. Despite these limitations, the M-NIP is a valuable and easy tool to assess and monitor the nutrient status of Swiss ponds and was shown to be robust and relatively sensitive to slight changes in phosphorus loading with a validation subset. Guest editors: B. Oertli, R. Cereghino, A. Hull & R. Miracle Pond Conservation: From Science to Practice. 3rd Conference of the European Pond Conservation Network, Valencia, Spain, 14–16 May 2008 相似文献
Book reviews 总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0
Michael A. Gates 《Hydrobiologia》1984,108(3):233-238
No previous study of plankton in lakes has estimated the relative contribution of ciliated protozoa to the biomass of the total plankton community, including phytoplankton. In a series of south-central Ontario lakes, ciliates comprise on the order of 5 to 10% of the total planktonic biomass of these relatively oligotrophic lakes and exist there in densities of 20–40 ml−1. Therefore, ciliates constitute an important component of lake ecosystems that should not be ignored in limnological studies of zooplankton abundance and distribution. 相似文献
STUART S. BAMFORTH 《The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology》1980,27(1):33-36
SYNOPSIS Litters and soils are special interstitial ecosystems containing water in surface films and pore spaces, large amounts of organic matter, and are subject to extreme moisture and temperature fluctuations. “Terrestrial protozoa” are ubiquitous limnetic species tolerant of high CO2 tensions and possessing efficient encystment mechanisms. Protozoa exploit tiny microhabitats unavailable to larger animals (e.g. nematodes). Naked amebae dominate due to their flexible bodies and interface locomotion. Small flagellates may be abundant, especially in litters. Ciliates are less numerous but their species composition indicates the degree of moisture of the habitat, as do the slower-growing testacea which become prominent in regions of slow decomposition (conifer and tundra biomes). Protozoa promote decomposition by enhancing bacterial metabolism, eating excess bacteria, and excreting simple compounds returnable to plants. Large populations, especially amebae, exploit the abundant bacterial flora of plant root zones (rhizosphere). One protozoon, Colpoda cucullus, has successfully invaded the surfaces of vegetation. 相似文献
Medvinsky AB Petrovskii SV Tikhonova IA Venturino E Malchow H 《Journal of biosciences》2001,26(1):109-120
This is work is focused on the role of diffusive interaction between separate habitats in a patchy environment in plankton
pattern formation. We demonstrate that conceptual reaction-diffusion mathematical models constitute an appropriate tool for
searching and understanding basic mechanisms of plankton pattern formation and complex spatio-temporal plankton dynamics. 相似文献
Medvinsky AB Petrovskii SV Tikhonov DA Tikhonova IA Ivanitsky GR Malchow H 《Journal of biosciences》2001,26(1):77-108
This work is focused on the processes underlying the dynamics of spatially inhomogeneous plankton communities. We demonstrate
that reaction-diffusion mathematical models are an appropriate tool for searching and understanding basic mechanisms of complex
spatio-temporal plankton dynamics and fractal properties of planktivorous fish school walks. 相似文献