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The gregarine Cosmetophilus vonones , n. g., n. sp. (Sporozoasida: Actinocephalidae: Acanthosporinae) from the intestine and intestinal caeca of the harvestman Vonones sayi (Simon) (Opiliones: Cosmetidae) is described. The new internal parasite is the first recorded from a harvestman in the New World and the second from the opilion suborder Laniatores. In addition to the records from the type locality in western Texas, additional collections are reported from the same host in central and eastern Texas and Tennessee.  相似文献   

Gregarina ronderosi n. sp. is described based on life cycle observations conducted on nymphs and adults of its natural host, the grasshopper Dichroplus elongatus. Following ingestion of oocysts by the host, parasite development occurs between the epithelium and the food mass in the midgut and gastric caeca. Gametocysts are liberated in the faeces. Natural prevalence in the type locality, Girondo, northwestern Buenos Aires Province, was 39.7% (n=131). The earliest trophozoites seen were small (< or = 10 microm), somewhat ovoid, unsegmented bodies. Fully developed trophozoites (the body is divided into epimerite, protomerite, and deutomerite) were slender, with conical or globular epimerites in attached or unattached forms, respectively. Trophozoites varied greatly in size [total length: 10.4-275.1 microm; mean (+/-S.E.): 126.3+/-78.9]. Gamonts, which were the most common stages observed and filled the midgut and gastric caeca in grasshoppers kept in rearing rooms, had a stocky appearance and also varied greatly in size (total length: 80-348 microm; 205+/-13). Association of gamonts was precocious, biassociative, and caudofrontal. Gametocysts were spherical and highly variable in size (96-376 microm in diameter; 202.8+/-52.5), and normally have 14 sporoduct basal discs. Everted sporoducts were up to 60 microm long. Oocysts were uniformly doliform in shape, measured (5+/-0.08 by 3.2+/-0.06 microm) and contained eight sporozoites. Wall reinforcements (carinae) were present. No infection resulted in experimentally inoculated Locusta migratoria, which is a host of Gregarina acridiorum. G. ronderosi is strikingly similar to G. acridiorum, but has larger oocysts.  相似文献   

Honey bees (Apis mellifera) productively infected with Deformed wing virus (DWV) through Varroa destructor (V. destructor) during pupal stages develop into adults showing wing and other morphological deformities. Here, we report for the first time the occurrence of bumble bees (Bombus terrestris, Bombus pascuorum) exhibiting wing deformities resembling those seen in clinically DWV-infected honey bees. Using specific RT-PCR protocols for the detection of DWV followed by sequencing of the PCR products we could demonstrate that the bumble bees were indeed infected with DWV. Since such deformed bumble bees are not viable DWV infection may pose a serious threat to bumble bee populations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Leidyana canadensis n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Eugregarinida) is described from larvae of the eastern hemlock looper, Lambdina fiscellaria (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) collected near St. Stephen, Charlotte County, New Brunswick, Canada. Gamonts solitary, located between host ventricular peritrophic membrane and ventricular epithelium. Protomerite very broadly ellipsoid with transverse posterior margin; length 43.7 μm, width 42.7 μm; protomerite-deutomerite septum strongly constricted. Deutomerite narrowly obovoid with anterior transverse margin; length 186.6 μm, width 58.7 μm; total length 227.1 μm. Nucleus spherical to broadly ellipsoid; length 26.3 μm, width 20.2 μm; placement abaxial in the posterior 2/3 of the deutomerite. Nucleus often obscured in late gamonts. Association late, caudofrontal, ephemeral and leading directly to syzygy. Gametocysts roughly spherical; diameter 216.7 μm; hyaline coat increasing diameter to 359.1 μm. Gametocysts mature and dehisce through six short spore tubes within 48 hours. Oocysts axially symmetric, dolioform in dorsal aspect, compressed in the plane perpendicular to the major axis, very uniform in size and shape; length along major axis 5.2 μm, terminal width 1.8 μm, medial width 3.8 μm; extruded in chains.  相似文献   

Faecal samples from striped field mice (n = 72) and yellow-necked mice (n = 246) were screened for Cryptosporidium by microscopy and PCR/sequencing. Phylogenetic analysis of small-subunit rRNA, Cryptosporidium oocyst wall protein and actin gene sequences revealed the presence of C. parvum, C. hominis, C. muris and two new species, C. apodemi and C. ditrichi. Oocysts of C. apodemi are smaller than C. ditrichi and both are experimentally infectious for yellow-necked mice but not for common voles. Additionally, infection by C. ditrichi was established in one of three BALB/c mice. The prepatent period was 7–9 and 5–6 days post infection for C. apodemi and C. ditrichi, respectively. The patent period was greater than 30 days for both species. Infection intensity of C. ditrichi ranged from 4000–50,000 oocyst per gram of faeces and developmental stages of C. ditrichi were detected in the jejunum and ileum. In contrast, neither oocysts nor endogenous developmental stages of C. apodemi were detected in faecal or tissue samples, although C. apodemi DNA was detected in contents from the small and large intestine. Morphological, genetic, and biological data support the establishment of C. apodemi and C. ditrichi as a separate species of the genus Cryptosporidium.  相似文献   

The flagellate Crithidia bombi and the neogregarine Apicystis bombi have been found in individuals of Bombus terrestris, a Palaearctic species of bumble bee commercially reared and shipped worldwide for pollination services. B. terrestris has recently entered into the northwestern Patagonia region of Argentina from Chile, where it was introduced in 1998. Prevalence was 21.6% for C. bombi and 3.6% for A. bombi (n = 111). The pathogens were not detected in 441 bumble bees belonging to five of the eight known Argentine native species (Bombus atratus, Bombus morio, Bombus bellicosus, Bombus opifex, Bombus tucumanus) collected elsewhere in the country. Although the absence of natural occurrence of C. bombi and A. bombi in Argentine native bumble bees cannot be ascertained at present due to the limited surveys performed, it is important to report their detection in invasive B. terrestris. The invasion event is relatively recent and the accompanying pathogens are not species specific within the genus Bombus.  相似文献   

Cattle (Bos taurus) are intermediate hosts for three named species of Sarcocystis, S. cruzi, S. hirsuta, and S. hominis. Recently, a fourth species was identified and named S. sinensis. However, S. sinensis originally named a species of Sarcocystis in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) in China. Based on unverifiable evidence, it was suggested that the same parasite infects cattle. In addition, S. sinensis was recently declared as nomen nudum because its naming violated the rules of International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Thus, the fourth species using cattle as an intermediate host does not have a valid name. Here, we propose a new name, Sarcocystis rommeli for the S. sinensis‐like parasite from cattle in Argentina, and differentiate it ultrastructurally from S. hominis sarcocysts from experimentally infected cattle. Sarcocystis rommeli sarcocysts were microscopic with a 5‐μm‐thick wall with slender villar protrusions (Vp); the Vp were up to 5 μm long, up to 0.5 μm wide, and of uneven thickness, often bent at an angle. The ground substance layer (Gs) was up to 0.8 μm thick and smooth. Vesicular structures were seen at the base of the Vp. The bradyzoites were 10–12 μm long. Sarcocystis hominis sarcocysts had Vp that were often upright, up to 7.5 μm long, and up to 1.8 μm wide; the Gs was up to 2 μm thick and without vesicles. Its sarcocyst wall was up to 5.6 μm thick, the vp were bent at an angle, up to 5.8 μm long, the Gs was up to 2 μm thick, but without vesicles seen in S. rommeli. Beef containing sarcocysts of S. rommeli was not orally infectious for two human volunteers and a red fox (Vulpes vulpes). The Sarcocystis described here is molecularly different from S. cruzi, S. hirsuta, and S. hominis based on 18S rRNA and cox1 gene sequences.  相似文献   

Marine gregarines are unicellular parasites of invertebrates commonly found infecting the intestine and coelomic spaces of their hosts. Situated at the base of the apicomplexan tree, marine gregarines offer an opportunity to explore the earliest stages of apicomplexan evolution. Classification of marine gregarines is often based on the morphological traits of the conspicuous feeding stages (trophozoites) in combination with host affiliation and molecular phylogenetic data. Morphological characters of other life stages such as the spore are also used to inform taxonomy when such stages can be found. The reconstruction of gregarine evolutionary history is challenging, due to high levels of intraspecific variation of morphological characters combined with relatively few traits that are taxonomically unambiguous. The current study combined morphological data with a phylogenetic analysis of small subunit rDNA sequences to describe and establish a new genus and species (Cuspisella ishikariensis n. gen., n. sp.) of marine gregarine isolated from the intestine of a polynoid host (Lepidonotus helotypus) collected from Hokkaido, Japan. This new species possesses a set of unusual morphological traits including a spiked attachment apparatus and sits on a long branch on the molecular phylogeny. Furthermore, this study establishes a molecular phylogenetic position for Loxomorpha cf. harmothoe, a previously described marine gregarine, and reveals a new group of gregarines that infect polynoid hosts.  相似文献   

Abstract  Allodapine bees present particular problems for taxonomy due to a high level of morphological conservatism in adults, even between genera. However, this tribe of bees also presents a unique opportunity to explore the evolution of social parasitism because of the comparatively large number of origins of socially parasitic species. Morphological differences presented here, along with DNA sequence data and molecular phylogenetic analyses, indicate a much larger number of Australian social parasite species in the genus Inquilina than previously anticipated, and suggest that the final number of socially parasitic species may be considerable. We describe five new species and present sequence data that will help elucidate the delineation of further new species. Inquilina provides a unique opportunity to study the evolution of social parasitism in social insects, but further studies will need to encompass both population genetic and phylogenetic approaches.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidiosis is a common parasitic infection in birds that is caused by more than 25 Cryptosporidium species and genotypes. Many of the genotypes that cause avian cryptosporidiosis are poorly characterized. The genetic and biological characteristics of avian genotype III are described here and these data support the establishment of a new species, Cryptosporidium proventriculi. Faecal samples from the orders Passeriformes and Psittaciformes were screened for the presence of Cryptosporidium by microscopy and sequencing, and infections were detected in 10 of 98 Passeriformes and in 27 of 402 Psittaciformes. Cryptosporidium baileyi was detected in both orders. Cryptosporidium galli and avian genotype I were found in Passeriformes, and C. avium and C. proventriculi were found in Psittaciformes. Cryptosporidium proventriculi was infectious for cockatiels under experimental conditions, with a prepatent period of six days post-infection (DPI), but not for budgerigars, chickens or SCID mice. Experimentally infected cockatiels shed oocysts more than 30 DPI, with an infection intensity ranging from 4,000 to 60,000 oocysts per gram (OPG). Naturally infected cockatiels shed oocysts with an infection intensity ranging from 2,000 to 30,000 OPG. Cryptosporidium proventriculi infects the proventriculus and ventriculus, and oocysts measure 7.4 × 5.8 μm. None of the birds infected C. proventriculi developed clinical signs.  相似文献   

Gregarine apicomplexans are unicellular parasites commonly found in the intestines and coeloms of invertebrate hosts. Traits associated with the conspicuous feeding stage of gregarines, known as the trophozoite, have been used in combination with molecular phylogenetic data for species delimitation and the reconstruction of evolutionary history. Trophozoite morphology alone is often inadequate for inferring phylogenetic relationships and delimiting species due to frequent cases of high intraspecific variation combined with relatively low interspecific variation. The current study combined morphological data with small subunit (SSU) rDNA sequences to describe and establish two novel marine gregarine species isolated from the intestine of a polychaete host Lumbrineris inflata collected in British Columbia (Canada): Paralecudina anankea n. sp. and Lecudina caspera n. sp. The sister species to the host is Lumbrineris japonica, which can be found on the opposite side of the Pacific Ocean (Japan) and contains two different species of gregarine parasites: Paralecudina polymorpha and Lecudina longissima. Molecular phylogenetic analyses placed P. anankea n. sp. as the sister species to P. polymorpha and L. caspera n. sp. as the sister species to L. longissima. This phylogenetic pattern demonstrates a co‐evolutionary history whereby speciation of the host (Lumbrineris) corresponds with simultaneous speciation of the two different lineages of intestinal gregarines (Paralecudina and Lecudina).  相似文献   

Five out of one hundred adults of Niphargogammarus intermedius caught at the Azov sea shore were found to be infected with microsporidia. The infection was found in the subcuticular fat body and myocytes. Parasites developed in direct contact with host cells, displayed a disporoblastic sporogony and diplokaryotic arrangement of nuclei at all stages. Spores were oval, 4.6–5.8 × 2.6–3.0 μm. Exospore appendages, vesicular–tubular secretions, and the anisofilar polar filament indicated a similarity to Anncaliia species. Sporont surfaces displayed ridges of amorphous material. Meronts and sporonts formed protoplastic extensions, similar to A. vesicularum and A. meligheti. Mature spores possessed a bipartite polaroplast. The polar tube was arranged in one row of 13–18 coils including 0–3 distal coils of lesser diameter. Partial sequencing of SSU, ITS, and LSU regions of rRNA gene (GenBank accessions: KY288064 – KY288065 ) confirmed this new species to be congeneric with A. algerae (# AF069063 ) and A. meligheti (# AY894423 ). The SSU gene of this novel microsporidium shared 99.4% sequence similarity to A. algerae and 98.9% to A. meligheti. Genes for HSP70 and RPB1 amplified with primers designed for A. algerae orthologs displayed 99.7% and 97.4% similarity, respectively, between A. algerae and the novel microsporidium. A new species, Anncaliia azovica, is described based on morphological and molecular characterization.  相似文献   

Two new gregarines in the recently erected genus Psychodiella (formerly Ascogregarina), Psychodiella sergenti n. sp. and Psychodiella tobbi n. sp., are described based on morphology and life cycle observations conducted on larvae and adults of their natural hosts, the sand flies Phlebotomus sergenti and Phlebotomus tobbi, respectively. The phylogenetic analyses inferred from small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) sequences indicate the monophyly of newly described species with Psychodiella chagasi. Ps. sergenti n. sp. and Ps. tobbi n. sp. significantly differ from each other in the life cycle and in the size of life stages. The sexual development of Ps. sergenti n. sp. (syzygy, formation of gametocysts and oocysts) takes place exclusively in blood-fed Ph. sergenti females, while the sexual development of Ps. tobbi n. sp. takes place also in males and unfed females of Ph. tobbi. The susceptibility of Phlebotomus perniciosus, Phlebotomus papatasi, Ph. sergenti, Ph. tobbi, and Phlebotomus arabicus to both gregarines was examined by exposing 1st instar larvae to parasite oocysts. High host specificity was observed, as both gregarines were able to fully develop and complete regularly the life cycle only in their natural hosts. Both gregarines are considered as serious pathogens in laboratory-reared colonies of Old World sand flies.  相似文献   

A new species of Cryptosporidium is described from the feces of domestic cattle, Bos taurus. Oocysts are structurally similar to those of Cryptosporidium muris described from mice but are larger than those of Cryptosporidium parvum. Oocysts of the new species are ellipsoidal, lack sporocysts, and measure 7.4 x 5.5 microm (range, 6.0-8.1 by 5.0-6.5 microm). The length to width ratio is 1.35 (range, 1.07-1.50). The colorless oocyst wall is < 1 microm thick, lacks a micropyle, and possesses a longitudinal suture at one pole. A polar granule is absent, whereas an oocyst residuum is present. Oocysts were passed fully sporulated and are not infectious to outbred, inbred immunocompetent or immunodeficient mice, chickens or goats. Recent molecular analyses of the rDNA 18S and ITS1 regions and heat-shock protein 70 (HSP-70) genes demonstrate this species to be distinct from C. muris infecting rodents. Based on transmission studies and molecular data, we consider the large form of Cryptosporidium infecting the abomasum of cattle to be a new species and have proposed the name Cryptosporidium andersoni n. sp. for this parasite.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The blood of each of 95 turtles (8 species) collected from southeastern Louisiana was infected with some or all of the merogonic stages and gametocyte stage of Haemogregarina pseudemydis n. sp. Five species of turtles harbored Pirhemocyton chelonarum n. sp. Turtle Haemogregarina and Pirhemocyton are locality records for Louisiana. Pirhemocyton is reported for the first time in turtles and in the continental U.S.A.  相似文献   

Goussia girellae n. sp. is described from the opaleye fish, Girella nigricans. Merogonic stages were observed in the apices of intestinal epithelial cells, in the lamina propria, and in extra-intestinal sites including liver, gills, and spleen. Gamonts were observed in the intestinal epithelial cells. Only unsporulated oocysts were detected in the intestine, and sporulation occurred when feces containing oocysts were incubated for 48 h in seawater at 21 degrees C. Oocysts are elongated (24.8 x 14.7 micron) with a wall about 200 nm thick and have no residuum, micropyle, or polar granule. Sporocysts are ellipsoid (8.5 x 4.5 micron), have a thin two-layered wall approximately 30 nm thick, and consist of two valves joined by a suture. Although moribund opaleye were also infected with Gyrodactylus sp., Cryptobia sp., Cardicola sp., and epitheliocystis organisms (chlamydia), all fish were heavily infected with G. girellae and morbidity was thus attributed to the coccidium.  相似文献   

The structure and infectivity of the oocysts of a new species of Cryptosporidium from the feces of humans are described. Oocysts are structurally indistinguishable from those of Cryptosporidium parvum. Oocysts of the new species are passed fully sporulated, lack sporocysts. and measure 4.4-5.4 microm (mean = 4.86) x 4.4-5.9 microm (mean = 5.2 microm) with a length to width ratio 1.0-1.09 (mean 1.07) (n = 100). Oocysts were not infectious for ARC Swiss mice, nude mice. Wistar rat pups, puppies, kittens or calves, but were infectious to neonatal gnotobiotic pigs. Pathogenicity studies in the gnotobiotic pig model revealed significant differences in parasite-associated lesion distribution (P = 0.005 to P = 0.02) and intensity of infection (P = 0.04) between C. parvum and this newly described species from humans. In vitro cultivation studies have also revealed growth differences between the two species. Multi-locus analysis of numerous unlinked loci, including a preliminary sequence scan of the entire genome demonstrated this species to be distinct from C. parvum and also demonstrated a lack of recombination, providing further support for its species status. Based on biological and molecular data, this Cryptosporidium infecting the intestine of humans is proposed to be a new species Cryptosporidium hominis n. sp.  相似文献   

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