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Visualization of subcellular structures and their temporal evolution is of utmost importance to understand a vast range of biological processes. Optical microscopy is the method of choice for imaging live cells and tissues; it is minimally invasive, so processes can be observed over extended periods of time without generating artifacts due to intense light irradiation. The use of fluorescence microscopy is advantageous because biomolecules or supramolecular structures of interest can be labeled specifically with fluorophores, so the images reveal information on processes involving only the labeled molecules. The key restriction of optical microscopy is its moderate resolution, which is limited to about half the wavelength of light (~200 nm) due to fundamental physical laws governing wave optics. Consequently, molecular processes taking place at spatial scales between 1 and 100 nm cannot be studied by regular optical microscopy. In recent years, however, a variety of super-resolution fluorescence microscopy techniques have been developed that circumvent the resolution limitation. Here, we present a brief overview of these techniques and their application to cellular biophysics.  相似文献   

For the improved understanding of biological systems on the nanoscale, it is necessary to enhance the resolution of light microscopy in the visible wavelength range beyond the limits of conventional epifluorescence microscopy (optical resolution of about 200 nm laterally, 600 nm axially). Recently, various far-field methods have been developed allowing a substantial increase of resolution ("superresolution microscopy", or "lightoptical nanoscopy"). This opens an avenue to 'nano-image' intact and even living cells, as well as other biostructures like viruses, down to the molecular detail. Thus, it is possible to combine light optical spatial nanoscale information with ultrastructure analyses and the molecular interaction information provided by molecular cell biology. In this review, we describe the principles of spectrally assigned localization microscopy (SALM) of biological nanostructures, focusing on a special SALM approach, spectral precision distance/position determination microscopy (SPDM) with physically modified fluorochromes (SPDM(Phymod) . Generally, this SPDM method is based on high-precision localization of fluorescent molecules, which can be discriminated using reversibly bleached states of the fluorophores for their optical isolation. A variety of application examples is presented, ranging from superresolution microscopy of membrane and cytoplasmic protein distribution to dual-color SPDM of nuclear proteins. At present, we can achieve an optical resolution of cellular structures down to the 20-nm range, with best values around 5 nm (~1/100 of the exciting wavelength).  相似文献   

We used live-cell, real-time fluorescence imaging of co-cultures of HIV-1 infected T cells and uninfected target cells to examine the action of mitochondria during cell-to-cell transmission of the virus. We find that mitochondria of HIV infected cells enter uninfected target cells and advance viral spread. We show that human mitochondria serve as viral reservoirs and carriers and that they can move between cells. This was confirmed by our results that purified mitochondria from HIV infected cells are infectious, and that mitochondrial inhibitors block HIV transmission. Viral infection and replication in the target cells were verified by syncytial formation and HIV-1 core protein p24 production. Our results offer new insights into the cellular mechanisms of viral transmission and identify mitochondria as new host targets for viral infection.  相似文献   

Fusion of conidia and conidial germlings by means of conidial anastomosis tubes (CATs) is a common phenomenon in filamentous fungi, including many plant pathogens. It has a number of different roles, and has been speculated to facilitate parasexual recombination and horizontal gene transfer between species. The bean pathogen Colletotrichum lindemuthianum naturally undergoes CAT fusion on the host surface and within asexual fruiting bodies in anthracnose lesions on its host. It has not been previously possible to analyze the whole process of CAT fusion in this or any other pathogen using live-cell imaging techniques. Here we report the development of a robust protocol for doing this with C. lindemuthianum in vitro. The percentage of conidial germination and CAT fusion was found to be dependent on culture age, media and the fungal strain used. Increased CAT fusion was correlated with reduced germ tube formation. We show time-lapse imaging of the whole process of CAT fusion in C. lindemuthianum for the first time and monitored nuclear migration through fused CATs using nuclei labelled with GFP. CAT fusion in this pathogen was found to exhibit significant differences to that in the model system Neurospora crassa. In contrast to N. crassa, CAT fusion in C. lindemuthianum is inhibited by nutrients (it only occurs in water) and the process takes considerably longer.  相似文献   

As an important method to accurately and timely diagnose stroke and study physiological characteristics and pathological mechanism in it, imaging technology has gone through more than a century of iteration. The interaction of cells densely packed in the brain is three-dimensional (3D), but the flat images brought by traditional visualization methods show only a few cells and ignore connections outside the slices. The increased resolution allows for a more microscopic and underlying view. Today''s intuitive 3D imagings of micron or even nanometer scale are showing its essentiality in stroke. In recent years, 3D imaging technology has gained rapid development. With the overhaul of imaging mediums and the innovation of imaging mode, the resolution has been significantly improved, endowing researchers with the capability of holistic observation of a large volume, real-time monitoring of tiny voxels, and quantitative measurement of spatial parameters. In this review, we will summarize the current methods of high-resolution 3D imaging applied in stroke.  相似文献   

To genuinely understand how complex biological structures function, we must integrate knowledge of their dynamic behavior and of their molecular machinery. The combined use of light or laser microscopy and electron microscopy has become increasingly important to our understanding of the structure and function of cells and tissues at the molecular level. Such a combination of two or more different microscopy techniques, preferably with different spatial- and temporal-resolution limits, is often referred to as ‘correlative microscopy’. Correlative imaging allows researchers to gain additional novel structure–function information, and such information provides a greater degree of confidence about the structures of interest because observations from one method can be compared to those from the other method(s). This is the strength of correlative (or ‘combined’) microscopy, especially when it is combined with combinatorial or non-combinatorial labeling approaches. In this topical review, we provide a brief historical perspective of correlative microscopy and an in-depth overview of correlative sample-preparation and imaging methods presently available, including future perspectives on the trend towards integrative microscopy and microanalysis.  相似文献   

Free cholesterol in mammalian cells resides mostly in the plasma membrane, where it plays an important role in cellular homeostasis. We synthesized a new fluorescent cholesterol analogue that retained an intact alkyl chain and the sterane backbone of cholesterol. The hydroxyl group of cholesterol was converted into an amino group that was covalently linked to the fluorophore tetramethylrhodamine to retain the ability to form hydrogen bonds with adjacent molecules. Incubating live MDCK (Madin–Darby canine kidney) cells with our fluorescent cholesterol analogue resulted in the generation of intense signals that were detected by microscopy at the plasma membrane. Incubation with the analogue exerted minimal, if any, influence on cell growth, indicating that it could serve as a useful tool for analyzing free cholesterol at the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Due to diffraction, the resolution of imaging emitted light in a fluorescence microscope is limited to about 200 nm in the lateral direction. Resolution improvement by a factor of two can be achieved using structured illumination, where a fine grating is projected onto the sample, and the final image is reconstructed from a set of images taken at different grating positions. Here we demonstrate that with the help of a spatial light modulator, this technique can be used for imaging slowly moving structures in living cells. This article has been submitted as a contribution to the Festschrift entitled “Uncovering cellular sub-structures by light microscopy” in honour of Professor Cremer’s 65th birthday.  相似文献   

Hyphae are microscopic filaments that elongate and branch to create networks of interconnected tubes. Understanding how they work remains a formidable challenge in experimental mycology. Important advances in hyphal research in the 20th century came from electron microscopy, which revealed clusters of cytoplasmic vesicles in the cell apex, and biochemical studies that identified the cell wall materials that are assembled at the tip. Early genetic experiments on hyphae based on mutant analysis were disappointing and provided little information on the relationship between genotype and phenotype. Progress has come more recently, in the first decades of this century, by combining the techniques of molecular genetics with modern imaging methods. Live-cell imaging has allowed us to study the dynamics of cell components in strains of fungi engineered with plasmids encoding proteins fused to fluorescent probes. This technology has provided significant insights on the growth process and yet the fundamentals of hyphal growth remain elusive.  相似文献   

We develop a confocal system equipped with optimal elliptical apertures to improve axial point spread function and signal‐to‐background ratio (SBR) for different detector sizes. By adjusting the parameters of the elliptical apertures, the axial half width at half‐maximum can be reduced to 4.986 (described in optical coordinates) and SBR can be improved to 0.176. We evaluate this system with the 1951 USAF resolution test chart and the primary cultured neuron from SD rat stained by Map‐2, and observe better imaging performance, which indicates the potential applications in biological science.   相似文献   

Bacterial replication and chromosome segregation are highly organized both in space and in time. However, spatial analysis is hampered by the resolution limit of conventional fluorescence microscopy. In this study, we incubate rapidly-growing Escherichia coli with 5-ethynyl-2′-deoxyuridine (EdU), label the resulting EdU-DNA with photoswitchable fluorophores, and image incorporated molecules with an average experimental precision of 13 nm. During the segregation process, nucleoids develop highly-defined and cell-cycle dependent hetero-structures, which contain discrete DNA fibers with diameters far below the diffraction limit. Strikingly, these structures appear temporally shifted between sister chromosomes, an asymmetry which accumulates for ongoing replication rounds. Moreover, nucleoid positioning and expansion along the bacterial length axis fit into an elongation-mediated segregation model in fast growing E. coli cultures. This is supported by close proximity of the nucleoids to the bacterial plasma membrane, the nature of the observed hetero-structures and recently found interactions of membrane-associated proteins with DNA.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the participation of the motor proteins kinesin and dynein in axonal transport of neurofilaments (NF) in cultured dorsal root ganglia neurons. Therefore, we performed live-recording studies of the green fluorescent protein-tagged neurofilament M (GFP-NF-M) to assay transport processes in neurons. Co-localization studies revealed that GFP-NF-M was capable to build a functional NF network with other NF subunits, including phosphorylated heavy neurofilaments (NF-H-PH). Time-lapse recordings using confocal laser scanning microscopy exhibited fast transport of NF dots in anterograde and retrograde direction through a photobleached gap. Following microinjection of anti-kinesin antibodies or colchicine treatment an impairment of anterograde as well as retrograde NF transport was observed during live-recording experiments. In contrast, microinjection of anti-dynein antibodies only impaired retrograde transport of NF whereas the anterograde movement of GFP-NF-M was unaffected. Treatment of the cells with unspecific antibodies had no effect.  相似文献   

Physical contacts between organelles play a pivotal role in intracellular trafficking of metabolites. Monitoring organelle interactions in living cells using fluorescence microscopy is a powerful approach to functionally assess these cellular processes. However, detailed target acquisition is typically limited due to light diffraction. Furthermore, subcellular compartments such as lipid droplets and mitochondria are highly dynamic and show significant subcellular movement. Thus, high-speed acquisition of these organelles with extended-resolution is appreciated. Here, we present an imaging informatics pipeline enabling spatial and time-resolved analysis of the dynamics and interactions of fluorescently labeled lipid droplets and mitochondria in a fibroblast cell line. The imaging concept is based on multispectral confocal laser scanning microscopy and includes high-speed resonant scanning for fast spatial acquisition of organelles. Extended-resolution is achieved by the recording of images at minimized pinhole size and by post-processing of generated data using a computational image restoration method. Computation of inter-organelle contacts is performed on basis of segmented spatial image data. We show limitations of the image restoration and segmentation part of the imaging informatics pipeline. Since both image processing methods are implemented in other related methodologies, our findings will help to identify artifacts and the false-interpretation of obtained morphometric data. As a proof-of-principle, we studied how lipid load and overexpression of PLIN5, considered to be involved in the tethering of LDs and mitochondria, affects organelle association.  相似文献   

We describe a method for localizing plant viral RNAs in vivo using Pumilio, an RNA-binding protein, coupled to bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC). Two Pumilio homology domain (PUMHD) polypeptides, fused to either the N- or C-terminal halves of split mCitrine, were engineered to recognize two closely adjacent eight-nucleotide sequences in the genomic RNA of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). Binding of the PUMHDs to their target sites brought the split mCitrine halves into close proximity, allowing BiFC to occur and revealing the localization of viral RNA within infected cells. The bulk of the RNA was sequestered in characteristic inclusion bodies known as viral replication complexes (VRCs), with a second population of RNA localized in discrete particles distributed throughout the peripheral cytoplasm. Transfer of the TMV Pumilio recognition sequences into the genome of potato virus X (PVX) allowed the PVX RNA to be localized. Unlike TMV, the PVX RNA was concentrated in distinctive 'whorls' within the VRC. Optical sectioning of the PVX VRCs revealed that one of the viral movement proteins was localized to the centres of the RNA whorls, demonstrating significant partitioning of viral RNA and proteins within the VRC. The utility of Pumilio as a fluorescence-based reporter for viral RNA is discussed.  相似文献   

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have prevalent roles in cancer biology and regenerative medicine. Conventional techniques for characterising EVs including electron microscopy (EM), nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) and tuneable resistive pulse sensing (TRPS), have been reported to produce high variability in particle count (EM) and poor sensitivity in detecting EVs below 50?nm in size (NTA and TRPS), making accurate and unbiased EV analysis technically challenging. This study introduces direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (d-STORM) as an efficient and reliable characterisation approach for stem cell-derived EVs. Using a photo-switchable lipid dye, d-STORM imaging enabled rapid detection of EVs down to 20–30?nm in size with higher sensitivity and lower variability compared to EM, NTA and TRPS techniques. Imaging of EV uptake by live stem cells in culture further confirmed the potential of this approach for downstream cell biology applications and for the analysis of vesicle-based cell-cell communication.  相似文献   

A simple, zero-cost, reversible modification of a bright field microscope permits visualization of phase gradients in cells by transmitted illumination, yielding a Nomarski-like effect. This modification, based on schlieren optics, is simultaneously compatible with high-aperture epi-illumination fluorescence excitation. For many objectives that are intended for use in fluorescence work, but are unavailable in phase contrast versions, the modification provides a simple means for locating cells in culture with good image contrast and resolution.  相似文献   

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