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Female Sprague-Dawley rats were decapitated at various stages of the estrous cycle, pregnancy, lactation and following ovariectomy. Anterior pituitary and ovarian tissues were collected and assayed to quantify luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) receptors. No changes were noted in receptor affinity either between tissues or physiological stages studied. Pituitary LHRH receptor concentrations and content were greater (P less than 0.05) during diestrus II and proestrus than during estrus. Pituitary LHRH receptor concentrations and content during pregnancy were not different from those during estrus, however, a significant decrease was noted in pituitary LHRH receptor content and concentrations during lactation compared to estrus. Ovarian LHRH receptor content did not change with stage of reproduction (P less than 0.05). There was, however, a decrease (P less than 0.05) in ovarian LHRH receptor concentrations at Week 3 of pregnancy and Week 1 of lactation which was possibly due to the increase ovarian weight noted at both these physiological stages. There was no correlation (P less than 0.1) between ovarian and pituitary LHRH receptor numbers (r = 0.096). These findings suggest that the internal mechanisms which control changes in pituitary LHRH receptor numbers do not control ovarian LHRH receptor numbers.  相似文献   

A single injection of estradiol valerate (EV) induces, after a lag period of 4-6 wk, a chronic anovulatory polycystic ovarian (PCO) condition in adult rats. This condition is associated with a selective compromise of luteinizing hormone (LH) release and/or synthesis reflected in low basal serum LH concentrations, decreased pituitary content of LH, and decreased gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)-stimulated LH secretion. The present study was undertaken to determine to what extent the aberrant LH release in rats with PCO could be related to alterations in pituitary content of GnRH receptors. Pituitary GnRH-receptor content was assessed by the evaluation of saturation binding of a GnRH analog, [125I]-D-Ala6-des-Gly10-GnRH, to pituitary membrane preparations. The receptor content of pituitaries from rats with PCO was compared to that obtained from intact animals at estrus and diestrus. Receptor levels in ovariectomized normal rats and rats with PCO were also assessed. The pituitary GnRH receptor content in PCO rats was similar to that observed in normal controls at estrus and was significantly lower than that for rats at diestrus. Although a twofold increase in pituitary GnRH receptor content was observed at 28 days following the castration of control rats, GnRH receptor content in the pituitaries of PCO rats, at 28 days following ovariectomy, remained unchanged. Although, castration-induced elevations in mean serum LH and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) concentrations were observed in both the PCO and control animals, the rise in both gonadotropins was significantly attenuated in the PCO-castrates when compared to the ovariectomized controls. Since GnRH is a major factor in the regulation of pituitary GnRH receptor content, these findings suggest that hypothalamic GnRH release is impaired in rats with PCO and that this impairment is independent of any influences from the polycystic ovaries.  相似文献   

Immature female rats were infused s.c. continuously over a 60-h period with a partially purified porcine pituitary follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) preparation having FSH activity 4.2 x NIH-FSH-S1 and luteinizing hormone (LH) activity 0.022 x NIH-LH-S1. High rates of superovulation were observed in rats receiving 1 U FSH/day, with 69 +/- 11 oocytes/rat recovered as cumulus-enclosed oocytes from oviducts on Day 1 (equivalent to the day of estrus). Addition of LH to the FSH, at dosages equivalent to 2.5-100 micrograms/day NIH-LH-S1 equivalents (2.5-100 mU) resulted in a dose-related inhibition of superovulation, reaching a nadir of 15 +/- 7 oocytes recovered from rats receiving 50 mU LH/day together with 1 U FSH/day. At the two highest LH doses, 50 and 100 mU/day, ovulation was advanced so that 12 +/- 3 and 15 +/- 4 oocytes, respectively, were recovered from oviducts of these rats flushed on the morning of Day 0, compared to none in rats infused with FSH alone. Ovarian steroid concentrations (ng/mg) observed on the morning of Day 0 in rats infused with FSH alone were progesterone, 0.50 +/- 0.13; testosterone, 0.16 +/- 0.08; androstenedione, 0.06; and estradiol, 0.23 +/- 0.05. On the morning of Day 1, ovarian progesterone concentrations in rats infused with FSH alone had risen to 3.30 +/- 0.33 ng/mg, whereas concentrations of testosterone, androstenedione, and estradiol, had fallen to essentially undetectable levels. Addition of LH to the FSH infusion resulted in dose-related increases, on Day 0, of all four steroids up to a dosage of 25 mU LH/day. At higher LH dosages, Day 0 ovarian concentrations of androgens and estradiol fell markedly, while progesterone concentrations continued to increase. Histological examination of ovaries revealed increases in the extent of luteinization of granulosa cells in follicles with retained oocytes on both Days 0 and 1 in rats infused with 25 and 50 mU LH/day together with 1 U FSH/day, compared to those observed in rats receiving FSH alone. These findings indicate that the elevated progesterone levels on Day 0 and inhibition of ovulation observed at these LH doses were due to premature luteinization of follicles, thus preventing ovulation. At lower LH doses, no sign (based on histologic or steroidogenic criteria) of premature luteinization was evident, suggesting that the decreased superovulation in these rats was due to decreased follicular maturation and/or increased atresia rather than to luteinization of follicles without ovulation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Crude and membrane-enriched homogenates of unfrozen follicular and luteal tissue from cows, ewes and sows were assayed for the presence of specific luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) receptors by one-point saturation analysis using [D-Ser-(TBU)6, des-Gly-NH2(10)] LHRH-EA as the labeled and unlabeled ligand. Pituitaries from cows, ewes, sows and rats, and rat ovaries served as positive controls and were assayed with each ovarian tissue assay. Scatchard analysis was used to determine binding affinity of pools of ovarian and pituitary tissue. Specific high-affinity LHRH receptors were found in the pituitaries of cows, ewes, sows and rats and in the rat ovary. In contrast, no specific LHRH binding was detected in follicular or luteal tissue of cows, ewes or sows. Thus, unlike the rat ovary which contains LHRH receptors, ovaries from these domestic species lack specific LHRH receptors.  相似文献   

Acute changes of bovine pituitary luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) receptors in response to steroid challenges have not been documented. To investigate these changes 96 ovariectomized (OVX) cows were randomly allotted to one of the following treatments: 1) 1 mg estriol (E3); 2) 1 mg 17 beta-estradiol (E2); or 3) 25 mg progesterone (P) twice daily for 7 days before 1 mg E2 and continuing to the end of the experiment. Serum was collected at hourly intervals from 4 animals in each group for 28 h following estrogen treatment. Four animals from each treatment were killed at 4-h intervals from 0 to 28 h after estrogen injection to recover pituitaries and hypothalami. Treatment with E3 or E2 decreased serum luteinizing hormone (LH) within 3 h and was followed by surges of LH that were temporally and quantitatively similar (P greater than 0.05). Progesterone did not block the decline in serum LH, but did prevent (P less than 0.05) the E2-induced surge of LH. Serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) was unaffected (P less than 0.05) by treatment. Pituitary concentrations of LH and FSH were maximal (P less than 0.001) at 16 h for E3 and 20 h for E2, whereas P prevented (P greater than 0.05) the pituitary gonadotropin increase. Concentrations of LHRH in the hypothalamus were similar (P greater than 0.05) among treatments. Pituitary concentrations of receptors for LHRH were maximal (P less than 0.005) 12 h after estrogen injection (approximately 8 h before the LH surge), even in the presence of P. This study demonstrated that in the OVX cow: 1) E2 and E3 increased the concentration of receptors for LHRH and this increase occurred before the surge of LH; and 2) P did not block the E2-induced increase in pituitary receptors for LHRH but did prevent the surge of LH.  相似文献   

The luteinizing hormone releasing hormone analog D-Trp6-Pro9-Net-LHRH (LHRHa) inhibits rat ovarian estradiol secretion. To determine whether LHRHa decreases serum estradiol concentrations solely by inhibiting gonadotropin secretion or, in addition, by influencing directly ovarian estradiol biosynthesis, we examined the effects of LHRHa on the activities of 5 key ovarian steroidogenic enzymes. Fifty hypophysectomized, gonadotropin-treated rats were given either LHRHa (1 microgram/day) or saline sc during 7 days. The LHRHa treated animals exhibited a significant decrease in serum estradiol when compared with the control group (461 +/- 30 vs 31 +/- 5 pg/ml, mean +/- SE, P less than 0.001). The changes in estradiol concentration were associated with decreases in ovarian weight (372 +/- 19 vs 185 +/- 11 mg, P less than 0.001) and in the microsomal enzyme activities of 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (156 +/- 5 vs 53 +/- 4 nmol/mg prot/min, P less than 0.001), 17 hydroxylase (4.7 +/- 0.8 vs 3.7 +/- 0.7 nmol/mg prot/min, P less than 0.002), 17,20 desmolase (279 +/- 14 vs 50 +/- 7 pmol/mg prot/min, P less than 0.001), 17 keto-steroid reductase (132 +/- 11 vs 6 +/- 1 nmol/mg prot/min, P less than 0.001), and aromatase (19 +/- 1.5 vs 0.9 +/- 0.1 nmol/mg prot/min, P less than 0.001) in LHRHa treated animals. These findings indicate that LHRHa can inhibit directly rat ovarian estradiol biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Immunization of female rats with a bovine serum albumin-luteinizing hormone releasing hormone conjugate results in suppression of dimethylbenzanthracene mammary tumor incidence. Tumor incidence was 1.3, and 1.29 tumors per rat in bovine serum albumin alone (n = 10) and unimmunized (n = 18) control groups, but no tumors were found in the bovine serum albumin-luteinizing hormone releasing hormone conjugate immunized animals (n = 10). In a second experiment immunization with bovine serum albumin-luteinizing hormone releasing hormone conjugates reduced tumor incidence to 0.3 tumors per rat (n = 10) from the 1.2 tumors per animal seen in the control animals (n = 10) immunized with bovine serum albumin alone. Bovine serum albumin-luteinizing hormone immunization caused the production of anti-LHRH antibodies, an interruption of estrous cycles, lowered serum estradiol and progesterone levels, and atrophy of the ovaries and uteri. Immunization BSA-hormone conjugates is a novel anti-tumor strategy.  相似文献   

Hypothalamic cytosol contains a macromolecule which cross-reacts with antibodies to luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LRH). This cross-reacting material (macro-CRM) is insoluble in methanol or acid ethanol, and its molecular weight is about 70,000. Macro-CRM is also found in cytosols of extra-hypothalamic regions of the brain, liver, kidney, spleen, and skeletal muscle. Plasma contains only marginal amounts of macro-CRM. This substance inhibits the binding of [125I]LRH to LRH antibodies in a reversible, competitive manner.  相似文献   

In 16 patients with metastatic testicular cancer and 10 age matched male control subjects growth hormone (GH) responses to growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH; 1 microgram/kg body weight iv.) and thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH; 200 micrograms iv.) were measured. Basal GH levels and GH levels following stimulation with GHRH or TRH were significantly increased in cancer patients compared to control subjects. 9 patients with testicular cancer were studied both in the stage of metastatic disease and after they had reached a complete remission. In complete remission GH responses to GHRH tended to decrease but the differences did not reach statistical significance. Our data suggest an alteration of hypothalamic and/or pituitary regulation of GH secretion in patients with metastatic testicular cancer.  相似文献   

P B Jones  P M Conn  J Marian  A J Hsueh 《Life sciences》1980,27(22):2125-2132
We have previously shown that gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) and its agonists inhibit ovarian functions by a direct action on ovarian granulosa cells in vitro. A labeled GnRH agonist, [des-Gly10, D-Ser (TBu)6, Pro9-NHEt]GnRH, was used here to examine the possibility that these inhibitory actions of GnRH were mediated through specific receptors which recognize GnRH. Ovarian membrane fractions obtained from immature, hypophysectomized diethylstilbesterol-treated rats were incubated with the 125I-GnRH agonist and specific binding was determined by a filtration assay. Stereospecific, high affinity binding was detected in the ovarian membranes; the dissociation constant for the labeled GnRH agonist was determined to be 0.84 ± 0.33 × 10?10 M and the binding capacity was calculated to be 12.9 fmol/mg protein, or 0.142 fmol/μg DNA. The binding affinity for the GnRH decapeptide was 3.3 times lower than that of the GnRH agonist whereas two GnRH partial peptides did not compete for the 125I-agonist binding. After sequential treatment with FSH, LH and prolactin to the hypophysectomized female rats, the ovarian GnRH binding capacity increased per ovary, but decreased per mg ovarian protein.Furthermore, ovarian granulosa cells were isolated and their binding capacity was determined to be 25.2 fmol/mg protein, or 0.133 fmol/μg DNA, suggesting that the granulosa cells contain GnRH binding sites. Thus, this report demonstrates the presence of stereospecific, high affinity GnRH binding sites in the rat ovarian granulosa cells.  相似文献   

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