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We investigated the cellular mechanism of formation of subepidermal thick bundles of collagen (collagen lamella) during larval development of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, using cDNA of alpha1(I) collagen as a probe. The originally bilayered larval epidermis contains basal skein cells and apical cells, and the collagen lamella is directly attached to the basement membrane. The basal skein cells above the collagen lamella and fibroblasts beneath it intensively expressed the alpha1(I) gene. As the skin developed, suprabasal skein cells ceased expression of the gene. Concomitantly, the fibroblasts started to outwardly migrate, penetrated into the lamella and formed connective tissue between the epidermis and the lamella. These fibroblasts intensively expressed the gene. As the connective tissue developed, the basal skein cells ceased to express the gene and were replaced by larval basal cells that did not express the gene. These dynamic changes took place first in a lateral region of the body skin and proceeded to all other regions except the tail. Isolated cultured skein cells expressed the gene and extracellularly deposited its protein as the type I collagen fibrils. Thus, it is concluded that anuran larval epidermal cells can autonomously and intrinsically synthesize type I collagen.  相似文献   

The conversion of the larval to adult epidermis during metamorphosis of tadpoles of bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, was investigated utilizing newly cloned Rana keratin cDNAs as probes. Rana larval keratin (RLK) cDNA (rlk) was cloned using highly specific antisera against Xenopus larval keratin (XLK). Tail skin proteins of bullfrog tadpoles were separated by 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis and subjected to Western blot analysis with anti-XLK antisera. The Rana antigen detected by this method was sequenced and identified as a type II keratin. We cloned rlk from tadpole skin by PCR utilizing primers designed from these peptide sequences of RLK. RLK predicted by nucleotide sequences of rlk was a 549 amino acid -long type II keratin. Subtractive cloning between the body and the tail skin of bullfrog tadpole yielded a cDNA (rak) of Rana adult keratin (RAK). RAK was a 433 amino acid-long type I keratin. We also cloned a Rana keratin 8 (RK8) cDNA (rk8) from bullfrog tadpole epidermis. RK8 was 502 amino acid-long and homologous to cytokeratin 8. Northern blot analyses and in situ hybridization experiments showed that rlk was actively expressed through prometamorphosis in larva-specific epidermal cells called skein cells and became completely inactive at the climax stage of metamorphosis and in the adult skin. RAK mRNA was expressed in basal cells of the tadpole epidermis and germinative cells in the adult epidermis. The expression of rlk and rak was down- and up-regulated by thyroid hormone (TH), respectively. In contrast, there was no change in the expression of RK8 during spontaneous and TH-induced metamorphosis. RK8 mRNA was exclusively expressed in apical cells of the larval epidermis. These patterns of keratin gene expression indicated that the expression of keratin genes is differently regulated by TH depending on the type of larval epidermal cells. The present study demonstrated the usefulness of these genes for the study of molecular mechanism of postembryonic epidermal development and differentiation.  相似文献   

A tadpole of bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana , is originally covered with the larval skin over its entire body. Drastic changes arise in both the epidermis and the subcutaneous connective tissue at an early developmental stage, producing the precursor of adult type skin (pre-adult skin). It was found that calcium is a useful probe to detect the region where the precursor formation has occurred because its deposition in the upper part of subcutaneous collagen bundles coincides with the appearance of the pre-adult skin. Whole-mount in situ staining of tadpoles with alizarin red S revealed the initiation site of the premetamorphic transformation of the larval skin into the adult precursor and its ensuing region-dependent expansion. The pre-adult skin first emerged at TK II to III (TK, Taylor and Kollros staging) t lateral sides of the body, which led us to postulate that 'the center for premetamorphic skin transformation' is formed at the specific site in this region. This center moved dorsally and then ventrally, then reached to the most proximal region of the tail, yielding a unique sequential conversion pattern by around TK V when the conversion was completed in the trunk. The present study also visualized the process of the hindlimb skin transformation.  相似文献   

浙江东部牛蛙的自然种群及潜在危害   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
牛蛙(Rana catesbeiana)的入侵已成为一些本地两栖类种群数量下降或灭绝的主要因素之一。1959年牛蛙被引入中国大陆,但直到1990年才开始在国内大范围饲养。牛蛙的自然种群在国内一直未见报道。我们于2003年9—11月调查了浙江省东部5区3县的牛蛙种群,发现在岱山、秀山、六横及佛渡岛上有牛蛙分布,共捕获23只牛蛙,包括4只成年个体,18个亚成体和1只蝌蚪。于2004年1月和2月在岱山捕获28只蝌蚪。结果显示:(1)牛蛙的蝌蚪能在当地越冬成活,说明牛蛙在上述4岛成功地建立了自然种群;(2)牛蛙主要分布于水库、池塘和溪流,牛蛙的生境与6种当地蛙有部分重叠;(3)养殖时管理不善造成的牛蛙逃逸,以及牛蛙价格过低而导致养殖户将牛蛙弃置野外可能是牛蛙入侵的主要原因。牛蛙对当地蛙的潜在威胁很大,开展牛蛙的分布、食性和种群动态研究是当务之急。  相似文献   

Glioblastomas are the most aggressive forms of primary brain tumors with their tendency to invade surrounding healthy brain tissues, rendering them largely incurable. In this report, we used small-interference RNA technology to knock down the expression of protein kinase C (PKC) ζ, which resulted in specific and massive impairment of glioblastoma cell migration and invasion. We also explained the fundamental molecular processes of glioblastoma migration and invasion in which PKCζ is a participant. The silence of PKCζ expression likewise impaired the phosphorylation of LIN-11, Isl1 and MEC-3 protein domain kinase (LIMK) and cofilin, which is a critical step in cofilin recycling and actin polymerization. Consistent with the defects in cell adhesion, phosphorylation of integrin β1 was also dampened. Therefore, PKCζ regulated both cytoskeleton rearrangement and cell adhesion, which contributed to cell migration. Additionally, there was down-regulation of matrix metalloprotease-9 expression in siPKCζ/LN-229 cells, which coincided with decreased invasion both in vitro and in vivo. These results indicate that PKCζ is involved in the control of glioblastoma cell migration and invasion by regulating the cytoskeleton rearrangement, cell adhesion, and matrix metalloprotease-9 expression. Collectively, these findings suggest that PKCζ is a potential therapeutic target for glioblastoma infiltration.  相似文献   

The possible role for cyanogenic glycosides as nitrogen storage compounds was studied in barley, Hordeum vulgare (cv. Golf), cultivated under different nitrogen regimes. Cyanogenic glycosides were absent in seeds and roots but were synthesized in seedlings where they accumulated at a level of about 150 nmol shoot−1 in control plants and 110 nmol shoot−1 in nitrogen-starved plants. An enzyme involved in the breakdown of cyanogenic glycosides, β-glucosidase (EC 3.2.1.-) exhibited high activity in seeds and was also detected in roots and shoots. The activity of β-cyanoalanine synthase (EC, which is involved in the metabolism of HCN, was low in seeds but very high in roots and shoots. There was no correlation between the activities of the two enzymes and the content of cyanogenic glycosides or nitrogen. The relative content of nitrogen in cyanogenic glycosides never exceeded 0.3% of total nitrogen, and the amount of cyanogenic glycosides decreased at a low rate even at a stage when nitrogen limitation inhibited growth.  相似文献   

Mammalian endothelial cells are deficient in cystathionine β synthetase (CBS) activity, which is responsible for homocysteine (Hcy) clearance. This deficiency makes the endothelium theprime target for Hcy toxicity. Hcy induces integrin shedding in microvascular endothelial cells (MVEC) by increasing matrix metalloproteinase (MMP). Hcy competes with inhibitory neurotransmitter γ aminobutyric acid (GABA)-A receptor. We hypothesized that Hcy transduces MVEC remodeling by increasing metalloproteinase activity and shedding β-1 integrin by inactivating the GABA-A/B receptors, thus behaving as an excitatory neurotransmitter. MVEC were isolated from mouse brain. The presence of GABA-A receptor was determined by immunolabeling. It was induced by muscimol, an agonist of GABA-A receptors as measured by Western blot analysis. Hcy induced MMP-2 activity in a dose- and time-dependent maner, measured by zymography. GABA-A/B receptors ameliorated the Hcy-mediated MMP-2 activation. Hcy selectively increased the levels of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1 and TIMP-3 but decreased the levels of TIMP-4. Treatment with muscimol decreased the levels of TIMP-1 and TIMP-3 and increased the levels of TIMP-4 to control. Hcy caused a robust increae in the levels of a disintegrin and metalloproteinase (ADAM)-12. In the medium of MVEC reated with Hcy, the levels of β-1 integrin were significantly increased. Treatment with muscimol or baclofen (GABA-B receptor agonist) ameliorated the levels significantly increased. Treatment with muscimol or baclofen (GABA-B receptor agonist) ameliorated the levels of β-1 integrin in the medium. These results suggested that Hcy induced DAM-12. Significantly, Hcy facilitated the β-1 integrin shedding. Treatment of MVEC with muscimole or baclofen during Hcy administration ameliorated the expression of metalloproteinase, integrin-shedding, and constrictive collagen remodeling, suggesting a role of Hcy in GABA receptor-mediated cerebrovascular remodeling.  相似文献   

In order to study the expression of the morphological and functional characteristics of human thyroid cells, 3-dimensional cultures were carried out in collagen gel. This substrate allows the cells to retain their organization in follicles with a normal polarity. Cellular polarities appeared normal at the time of collagen embedding, but there was a delay of 4-5 days in culture before the maximal TSH stimulation of 125I- uptake and of cAMP accumulation occurred. In normal and adenoma-derived cells, 125I- uptake, which could be increased by TSH, was demonstrated. cAMP accumulated in the culture medium and thyroglobulin was secreted into the follicle lumen. Of the 4 differentiated carcinomas for which the 72-hr uptake of 125I- was measured, only 2 displayed slight 125I- uptake and response to TSH. Thus, human thyroid cells exhibit better morphological and functional differentiation in collagen gel culture than in monolayer culture. Furthermore, in a variety of pathological cases studied, the expression of specific characteristics in culture varied in a fashion similar to differences observed in vivo.  相似文献   

Amino acid analyses of nuclear basic proteins of an anuran amphibian, Rana catesbeiana, revealed that they are comprised of a full set of core histones and three types of lysine-rich, sperm-specific proteins. On the basis of their amino-acid compositions and partial amino-acid sequences of their trypsin-resistant cores, the sperm-specific proteins could be defined as members of the histone H1 family. Both micrococcal nuclease digestion and electron microscopy indicated that sperm chromatin consists of nucleosomal and fibrillar DNA structures which are irregularly interspersed with each other. When sperm nuclei were incubated with nucleoplasmin, nuclei decondensed to some extent, and the sperm-specific H1s were removed, but not completely. The residual sperm-specific histone H1 variants were also found in reconstituted male pronuclear chromatin, comprising regularly spaced nucleosomes. We conclude that sperm-specific histone H1 variants are essential for chromatin condensation in the sperm nuclei, but that their complete removal is not necessary for the remodeling into somatic chromatin that takes place after fertilization. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 47:181–190, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Human thyroid cells were grown and subcultured in vitro to examine their responses to known hormones and growth factors, and to serum. The cells were obtained from surgical specimens and were either neoplastic or nonneoplastic. The effects of culture conditions on cell growth were measured by changes in cell numbers and by stimulation of [3H]thymidine incorporation. The results showed that serum (0.5%) was essential for cell proliferation, and that a mixture of insulin (10 μg/ml), transferrin (5 μg/ml), hydrocortisone (10 μg/ml), somatostatin (10 ng/ml), and glycyl-histidyl-lysine (10 ng/ml) enhanced the effect of serum. Maximum growth of the cells was obtained when epidermal growth factor was present at 10−9 M. Differentiation was measured by production of thyroglobulin, which was found to be stimulated by thyrotropin. This system provides a means to study the hormonal control of growth and differentiation in human thyroid cells. This work was supported by grants from the Medical Research Council of Canada; the Department of Medicine, University of Toronto; and the National Cancer Institute of Canada. J. E. E. is a C.H. Best Foundation and Department of Medicine postdoctoral fellow.  相似文献   

Pan-cadherin antibodies recognize the conserved C-terminal region of the family of cell-cell adhesion molecules, cadherins, and have a broad spectrum of reactivity to the molecules. In the present study, by immunohistochemistry using an anti-pan cadherin monoclonal antibody (mAb), expression dynamics of cadherins in epidermal tissues were analyzed during metamorphosis of Xenopus laevis. At early stages of development, the anti-pan cadherin mAb detected signals at cell-cell boundaries and in the cytoplasm of both trunk and tail epidermal cells. During metamorphosis, the immunoreactivity decreased in the trunk skin tissue but remained in the tail. At the climax stage, immunoreactivity was observed only in the regressing tail epidermis. The signals disappeared completely from the trunk epidermis, which had already transformed into adult-type tissue. This observation was confirmed by western blot analysis. A specific band was detected in the larval skin, but not in the adult lysate, at approximately 135 kDa in molecular size, corresponding to the molecular mass of cadherins. This different immunoreactivity in larvae and adults was observed in the epidermis of the skin, but not in any other tissues examined, that is, brain, kidney and liver. The immunoreactivity seen in larval epidermal cells was drastically downregulated by thyroid hormone treatment in vitro. These changes of immunoreactivity were specific for the C-terminal region of cadherins, suggesting intracellular alteration of the molecules during metamorphosis, and the anti-pan cadherin mAb can be a marker for larval-type epidermal cells that is applicable to analysis of Xenopus metamorphosis.  相似文献   

The freeze tolerant wood frog Rana sylvatica was studied to determine the impact of the freezing and thawing of this frog on the activity of γ-glutamyltranspeptidase in the liver. On exposure to ?2·5°C, for 1, 12 and 24 h, frogs were found to be cool, covered with ice crystals and frozen, respectively. Thawing for 24 h at 4°C recovered the frogs completely. A 45 per cent decrease in the liver weight: body weight ratio was notable after 1 h at ?2·5°C, suggestive of an early hepatic capacitance response. A glycemic response to freezing was observed: blood glucose levels exhibited a 55 per cent decrease after 1 h at ?2·5°C on cooling; a 10·5-fold increase after 12 h at ?2·5°C on the initiation of freezing; and a 22-fold increase after 24 h at ?2·5°C in the fully frozen state. Blood glucose levels remained elevated four-fold in the thawed state. Plasma insulin levels were increased twofold in the frozen state and 1·8-fold in the thawed state, while plasma ketone levels were increased 1·8-fold in the frozen state and 1·5-fold in the thawed state. Plasma total T3 levels were decreased by 22 per cent in the frozen state and normalized on thawing. In homogenates and plasma membranes isolated from the livers of Rana sylvatica, the activity of γ-glutamyltranspeptidase was found to be elevated at all stages of the freeze–thaw process. After 1, 12 and 24 h at ?2·5°C, activities were increased 2·5-, 2·3-, 2·4-fold respectively in the homogenates and 2·5-, 2·2-, 2·4-fold respectively in the plasma membranes. After thawing, activities were still increased 1·9-fold in both homogenates and plasma membranes. In homogenates prepared from the kidneys of Rana sylvatica, the activity of γ-glutamyltranspeptidase was increased 1·4-fold after 1 h at ?2·5°C after which it returned to normal. The role of thyroid hormone in producing the increase in γ-glutamyltranspeptidase in the liver of Rana sylvatica in response to freezing is discussed as is the significance of the enzyme increase in terms of hepatic cytoprotection and freeze tolerance.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA) acts by binding to nuclear RA receptors (RARs) to regulate a broad spectrum of downstream target genes in most cell types examined. In cytoplasm, RA binds specifically to cellular retinoic acid binding proteins I (CRABPI), and II. Although the function of CRABPI in animals remains the subject of debate, it is believed that CRABPI binding facilitates RA metabolism, thereby modulating the concentration of RA and the type of RA metabolites in cells. The basal promoter of the CrabpI gene is a housekeeping promoter that can be regulated by thyroid hormones (T3), DNA methylation, sphinganine, and ethanol acting on its upstream regulatory region. T3 regulation of CrabpI is mediated by the binding of thyroid hormone receptor (TR) to a TR response element (TRE) approximately 1 kb upstream of the basal promoter. Specifically, in the adipocyte differentiation process, T3 regulation is bimodal and closely associated with the cellular differentiation status: T3 activates CrabpI in predifferentiated cells (e.g., mesenchymal precursors or fibroblasts), but suppresses this gene once cells are committed to adipocyte differentiation. These disparate effects are functions of T3-triggered differential recruitment of coregulatory complexes in conjunction with chromatin looping/folding that alters the configuration of this genomic locus along adipocyte differentiation. Subsequent sliding, disassembly and reassembly of nucleosomes occur, resulting in specific changes in the conformation of the basal promoter chromatin at different stages of differentiation. This chapter summarizes studies illustrating the epigenetic regulation of CrabpI expression during adipocyte differentiation. Understanding the pathways regulating CrabpI in this specific context might help to illuminate the physiological role of CRABPI in vivo. This article is part of a special issue entitled: Retinoid and Lipid Metabolism.  相似文献   

Nine clinical isolates of Enterobacteriaceae (six Escherichia coli and three Proteus mirabilis) isolated in three Parisian hospitals between 1989 and 2000 showed a particular extended-spectrum cephalosporin-resistance profile characterized by resistance to cefotaxime and aztreonam but not to ceftazidime. CTX-M-1, CTX-M-2, CTX-M-9, CTX-M-14 and two novel plasmid-mediated CTX-M beta-lactamases (CTX-M-20, and CTX-M-21) were identified by polymerase chain reaction and isoelectric focusing (pI>8) and were associated in eight cases with TEM-1 (pI=5.4) or TEM-2 (pI=5.6) beta-lactamases. We used internal ISEcp1 and IS26 forward primers and the CTX-M consensus reverse primer to characterize the CTX-M beta-lactamase promoter regions and showed their high degree of structure diversity. We found upstream of some bla(CTX-M) genes, a 266-bp sequence 100% identical to the sequence upstream of the Kluyvera ascorbata beta-lactamase gene, suggesting that this chromosomal enzyme is the progenitor of the CTX-M-2/5 cluster.  相似文献   

Single cell electropotentials of barley (Hordeum vulgare L., cv. `Compana') root cortex were measured at different external concentrations of KCl in the presence of Ca2+. The roots were low in salt from seedlings grown on 0.5 mm aerated CaSO4 solution. Thus, the conditions were equivalent to those used to define the dual mechanisms found with radioactive tracer-labeled ion uptake. In 0.5 mm CaSO4 alone, there is an increase with time of cell negativity from about -65 millivolts 15 minutes after cutting segments to about -185 millivolts in 6 to 8 hours. Two possible hypotheses, not mutually exclusive, are offered to explain this aging effect: that cutting exposes plasmodesmata which are leaky initially but which seal in time, and that some internal factors, e.g., hormones diffusing from the apex, have a regulatory effect on the cell potential, an influence which becomes dissipated in isolated segments and permits the development of a higher potential difference. In any case changes in selective ion transport must be involved. The cell potentials at KCl concentrations above 2.0 mm are more negative than would be expected for a passive diffusion potential. It is suggested that this discrepancy may be due to an electrogenic pump or to a higher K+ concentration in the cytoplasm than in the remainder of the cell, or perhaps to both. Whether there is a clear relationship between cell potential and mechanisms 1 and 2 of cation transport depends upon whether the cell potentials of freshly cut or of aged tissue represent the values relevant to intact roots.  相似文献   

Lingual epithelial cells, including those of the taste buds, are regularly replaced by proliferative stem cells. We found that integrin beta(1), a keratinocyte stem cell marker, was expressed at the basal layer and taste buds of adult mouse tongue epithelium. We purified and cultured integrin beta(1)-positive cells (termed KT-1 cells), whose growth was stimulated by epidermal growth factor (EGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2). FGF-2 stimulation induced translocation of the FGF type I receptor (FGFR1) into nuclei, suggesting that the growth-stimulating effect of FGF-2 was mediated through FGFR1. EGF and FGF-2 also regulated cell surface expression of the neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) in KT-1 cells. Anti-N-CAM antibody immunoreactivity was restricted to the gustatory epithelium and the nerves in the tongue epithelium, giving rise to the possibility that KT-1 may contain gustatory epithelial cells. KT-1 cells may thus be useful for analyzing the factors that regulate the growth and differentiation of lingual and gustatory epithelial cells in vitro.  相似文献   

The goals of this study were to sequence and physically map the porcine dopaminebeta-hydroxylase (DBH) gene, as well as to perform an association study between polymorphisms of this gene and the reproductive performance and piglet survivability of F(2) pigs from an Iberian x Meishan cross. The porcine DBH gene was positioned by RH mapping near the telomere of chromosome 1q2.13, close to markers SSC10D08 and SW1301. Sequencing of DBH cDNAs from 10 pigs revealed the existence of six nucleotide polymorphisms, two of which led to non-synonymous amino acid substitutions within exon 3 at positions 463A>G and 616A>G that corresponded to Thr155Ala and Lys206Glu respectively. Three haplotypes segregated in an Iberian x Meishan population: DBH(X) (A(436)-A(616)), DBH(Y) (A(436)-G(616)) and DBH(Z) (G(436)-G(616)). The DBH haplotypes significantly affected rectal temperatures 1 h after birth (P = 0.002) and have a suggestive effect on the time to first colostrum intake (P = 0.019) and on birth weight (P = 0.019).  相似文献   

Adipogenesis is a complex process that involves the differentiation of preadipocytes into mature adipocytes. We have developed two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) cell culture systems for the purpose of culturing and differentiating primary preadipocytes in vitro. Differentiating preadipocytes show multiple lipid droplet accumulation and comparable protein expression patterns to mature adipocytes in vivo. We report that in both in vitro systems terminally differentiated adipocytes show characteristics similar to those of mature adipocytes in vivo, assessed by the expression of the S100alpha/beta protein, insulin receptor and caveolin-1, and receptors for inflammatory mediators, namely tumor necrosis factor-alpha receptors I and II (TNFRI and TNFRII) and chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5). Our results demonstrate that the S100 protein, caveolin-1, and insulin receptor are expressed and up-regulated in differentiating and terminally differentiated cells. In addition, the receptors for TNFalpha are not present in preadipocytes but are expressed in differentiating preadipocytes and in differentiated adipocytes. Similarly, CCR5 was exclusively expressed in differentiating preadipocytes and terminally differentiated adipocytes, but not in preadipocytes. Both 2D and 3D culture models are highly robust and reproducible and offer the potential to study adipogenesis and cellular interactions closely resembling and comparable to those in vivo. Our 3D collagen system offers a distinct advantage over the 2D system in that the adipocytes remain confined within the matrix and remain intact during biochemical analysis. Moreover, the collagen matrix allows adipocytes to closely simulate morphological characteristics and behavior as in vivo whilst permitting manipulation of the microenvironment in vitro to study adipogenesis.  相似文献   

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