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We report in this paper on isolation and characterization of two unknown nucleosides G* and [A*] located in the T-psi-stem of yeast methionine initiator tRNA, using the combined means of HPLC protocols, real time UV-absorption spectrum, and post-run mass spectrometry by electron impact or fast atom bombardment. The G* nucleoside in position 65 was identified as unmodified guanosine. The structure of the unknown [A*] in position 64 was characterized as an isomeric form of O-ribosyl-adenosine by comparison of its chromatographic, UV-spectral and mass spectrometric properties with those of authentic O-alpha-ribofuranosyl-(1"----2')-adenosine isolated from biosynthetic poly(adenosine diphosphate ribose). Our studies also brought evidence for the presence of a phosphorylmonoester group located on this new modified nucleoside [A*], when isolated by ion exchange chromatography from enzymic hydrolysis of yeast initiator tRNAMet without phosphatase treatment.  相似文献   

Summary Standard laboratory yeast strains have from four to five genes encoding the methionine initiator tRNA (IMT). Strain S288C has four IMT genes with identical coding sequences that are colinear with the RNA sequence of tRNA I Met . Each of the four IMT genes from strain S288C is located on a different chromosome. A fifth IMT gene with the same coding sequence is present in strain A364A but not in S288C. By making combinations of null alleles in strain S288C, we show that each of the four IMT genes is functional and that tRNA I Met is not limiting in yeast strains with three or more intact genes. Strains containing a single IMT2, 3 or 4 gene grow only after amplification of the remaining IMT gene. Strains with only the IMT1 gene intact are viable but grow extremely slowly; normal growth is restored by the addition of another IMT gene by transformation, providing a direct test for IMT function.Abbreviations IMT and imt (imt=initiator methionine tRNA), designate the genotype of the wild-type and the mutant alleles respectively, of the initiator methionine transfer RNA gene - met-tRNA I Met methionylated initiator methionine transfer RNA - eIF-2 eukaryotic initiation factor two - GTP guanosine 5-triphosphate The calculation of Td values (the temperature at which half of the duplex is dissociated) for oligonucleotides used as probes in hybridizations was based on the assumption that the increase in Td value was 4° C for each G:C base pair and 2° C for each A:T base pair (Wallace et al. 1981)  相似文献   

Two methionine tRNAs from yeast mitochondria have been purified. The mitochondrial initiator tRNA has been identified by formylation using a mitochondrial enzyme extract. E. coli transformylase however, does not formylate the yeast mitochondrial initiator tRNA. The sequence was determined using both 32P-in vivo labeled and 32P-end labeled mt tRNAf(Met). This tRNA, unlike N. crassa mitochondrial tRNAf(Met), has two structural features typical of procaryotic initiator tRNAs: (i) it lacks a Watson-Crick base-pair at the end of the acceptor stem and (ii) has a T-psi-C-A sequence in loop IV. However, both yeast and N. crassa mitochondrial initiator tRNAs have a U11:A24 base-pair in the D-stem unlike procaryotic initiator tRNAs which have A11:U24. Interestingly, both mitochondrial initiator tRNAs, as well as bean chloroplast tRNAf(Met), have only two G:C pairs next to the anticodon loop, unlike any other initiator tRNA whatever its origin. In terms of overall sequence homology, yeast mitochondrial tRNA(Met)f differs from both procaryotic or eucaryotic initiator tRNAs, showing the highest homology with N. crassa mitochondrial initiator tRNA.  相似文献   

tRNA is best known for its function as amino acid carrier in the translation process, using the anticodon loop in the recognition process with mRNA. However, the impact of tRNA on cell function is much wider, and mutations in tRNA can lead to a broad range of diseases. Although the cloverleaf structure of tRNA is well-known based on X-ray-diffraction studies, little is known about the dynamics of this fold, the way structural dynamics of tRNA is influenced by the modified nucleotides present in tRNA, and their influence on the recognition of tRNA by synthetases, ribosomes, and other biomolecules. One of the reasons for this is the lack of good synthetic methods to incorporate modified nucleotides in tRNA so that larger amounts become available for NMR studies. Except of 2'-O-methylated nucleosides, only one other sugar-modified nucleoside is present in tRNA, i.e., 2'-O-beta-D-ribofuranosyl nucleosides. The T loop of tRNA often contains charged modified nucleosides, of which 1-methyladenosine and phosphorylated disaccharide nucleosides are striking examples. A protecting-group strategy was developed to introduce 1-methyladenosine and 5'-O-phosphorylated 2'-O-(beta-D-ribofuranosyl)-beta-D-ribofuranosyladenine in the same RNA fragment. The phosphorylation of the disaccharide nucleoside was performed after the assembly of the RNA on solid support. The modified RNA was characterized by mass-spectrometry analysis from the RNase T1 digestion fragments. The successful synthesis of this T loop of the tRNA of Schizosaccharomyces pombe initiator tRNA(Met) will be followed by its structural analysis by NMR and by studies on the influence of these modified nucleotides on dynamic interactions within the complete tRNA.  相似文献   

M Pak  L Pallanck  L H Schulman 《Biochemistry》1992,31(13):3303-3309
The role of the anticodon and discriminator base in aminoacylation of tRNAs with tryptophan has been explored using a recently developed in vivo assay based on initiation of protein synthesis by mischarged mutants of the Escherichia coli initiator tRNA. Substitution of the methionine anticodon CAU with the tryptophan anticodon CCA caused tRNA(fMet) to be aminoacylated with both methionine and tryptophan in vivo, as determined by analysis of the amino acids inserted by the mutant tRNA at the translational start site of a reporter protein containing a tryptophan initiation codon. Conversion of the discriminator base of tRNA(CCA)fMet from A73 to G73, the base present in tRNA(Trp), eliminated the in vivo methionine acceptor activity of the tRNA and resulted in complete charging with tryptophan. Single base changes in the anticodon of tRNA(CCA)fMet containing G73 from CCA to UCA, GCA, CAA, and CCG (changes underlined) essentially abolished tryptophan insertion, showing that all three anticodon bases specify the tryptophan identity of the tRNA. The important role of G73 in tryptophan identity was confirmed using mutants of an opal suppressor derivative of tRNA(Trp). Substitution of G73 with A73, C73, or U73 resulted in a large loss of the ability of the tRNA to suppress an opal stop codon in a reporter protein. Base pair substitutions at the first three positions of the acceptor stem of the suppressor tRNA caused 2-12-fold reductions in the efficiency of suppression without loss of specificity for aminoacylation of the tRNA with tryptophan.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The synthesis of O-beta-D-ribofuranosyl-(1"-2')-adenosine-5"-O-phosphate and its suitably protected derivative for oligonucleotide synthesis have been developed.  相似文献   

The biologically active dinucleotides adenosine(5')tetraphospho(5')adenosine (Ap4A) and adenosine(5')-triphospho(5')adenosine (Ap3A), which are both releasable into the circulation from storage pools in thrombocytes, are catabolized by intact bovine aortic endothelial cells. 1. Compared with extracellular ATP and ADP, which are very rapidly hydrolysed, the degradation of Ap4A and Ap3A by endothelial ectohydrolases is relatively slow, resulting in a much longer half-life on the endothelial surface of the blood vessel. The products of hydrolysis are further degraded and finally taken up as adenosine. 2. Ap4A hydrolase has high affinity for its substrate (Km 10 microM). 3. ATP as well as AMP transiently accumulates in the extracellular fluid, suggesting an asymmetric split of Ap4A by the ectoenzyme. 4. Mg2+ or Mn2+ at millimolar concentration are needed for maximal activity; Zn2+ and Ca2+ are inhibitory. 5. The hydrolysis of Ap4A is retarded by other nucleotides, such as ATP and Ap3A, which are released from platelets simultaneously with Ap4A.  相似文献   

We have identified a mannosidase in rat liver that releases alpha 1----2, alpha 1----3 and alpha 1----6 linked manose residues from oligosaccharide substrates, MannGlcNAc where n = 4-9. The end product of the reaction is Man alpha 1----3[Man alpha 1----6]Man beta 1----4GlcNAc. The mannosidase has been purified to homogeneity from a rat liver microsomal fraction, after solubilization into the aqueous phase of Triton X-114, by anion-exchange, hydrophobic and hydroxyapatite chromatography followed by chromatofocusing. The purified enzyme is a dimer of a 110-kDa subunit, has a pH optimum between 6.1 and 6.5 and a Km of 65 microM and 110 microM for the Man5GlcNAc-oligosaccharide or Man9GlcNAc-oligosaccharide substrates, respectively. Enzyme activity is inhibited by EDTA, by Zn2+ and Cu2+, and to lesser extent by Fe2+ and is stabilized by Co2+. The pattern of release of mannose residues from a Man6GlcNAc substrate shows an ordered hydrolysis of the alpha 1----2 linked residue followed by hydrolysis of alpha 1----3 and alpha 1----6 linked residues. The purified enzyme shows no activity against p-nitrophenyl-alpha-mannoside nor the hybrid GlcNAc Man5GlcNAc oligosaccharide. The enzyme activity is inhibited by swainsonine and 1-deoxymannojirimycin at concentrations 50-500-fold higher than required for complete inhibition of Golgi-mannosidase II and mannosidase I, respectively. The data indicate strongly that the enzyme has novel activity and is distinct from previously described mannosidases.  相似文献   

The analysis of the tRNAs associated to the virus-like particles produced by the Ty1 element revealed the specific packaging of three major tRNA species, in about equal amounts: the replication primer initiator tRNA(Met), the tRNA(Ser)AGA and a tRNA undetected until now as an expressed species in yeast. The latter tRNA is coded by the already described tDNA(Ser)GCT. This tRNA is enriched more than 150 fold in the particles as compared to its content in total cellular tRNA where it represents less than 0.1% (initiator tRNA(Met) and tRNA(Ser)AGA being 11 and 4 fold enriched respectively). This tRNA is the only species coded by the tDNA(Ser)GCT gene which is found in three copies per genome since no other corresponding expressed tRNA could be detected. This gene is thus very poorly expressed. The high concentration of tRNA(Ser)GCU in the particles compared to its very low cellular content led us to consider its possible implication in Ty specific processes.  相似文献   

M Mori  Y Ito  T Ogawa 《Carbohydrate research》1990,195(2):199-224
The mollu-series glycosphingolipids, O-alpha-D-mannopyranosyl-(1----3)-O-beta-D-mannopyranosyl-(1----4)-O-bet a-D-glucopyranosyl-(1----1)-2-N-tetracosanoyl-(4E)-sphingeni ne and O-alpha-D-mannopyranosyl-(1----3)-O-[beta-D-xylopyranosyl-(1----2])-O- beta-D-mannopyranosyl-(1----4)-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1----1)-2-N- tetracosanoyl-(4E)-sphingenine, were synthesized for the first time by using 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-D-xylopyranosyl trichloroacetimidate, methyl 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-1-thio-alpha-D-mannopyranoside, benzyl O-(4,6-di-O-benzyl-beta-D-mannopyranosyl)-(1----4)-2,3,6-tri-O-benzyl-be ta-D- glucopyranoside 9, and (2S,3R,4E)-2-azido-3-O-(tert-butyldiphenylsilyl)-4-octade cene-1,3-diol 6 as the key intermediates. The hexa-O-benzyl disaccharide 9 was prepared by coupling two monosaccharide synthons, namely, 2,3-di-O-allyl-4,6-di-O-benzyl-alpha-D-mannopyranosyl bromide and benzyl 2,3,6-tri-O-benzyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside. It was demonstrated that azide 6 was highly efficient as a synthon for the ceramide part in the coupling with both glycotriaosyl and glycotetraosyl donors, particularly in the presence of trimethylsilyl triflate.  相似文献   

Initiator methionine tRNA from the mitochondria of Neurospora crassa has been purified and sequenced. This mitochondrial tRNA can be aminoacylated and formylated by E. coli enzymes, and is capable of initiating protein synthesis in E. coli extracts. The nucleotide composition of the mitochondrial initiator tRNA (the first mitochondrial tRNA subjected to sequence analysis) is very rich in A + U, like that reported for total mitochondrial tRNA. In two of the unique features which differentiate procaryotic from eucaryotic cytoplasmic initiator tRNAs, the mitochondrial tRNA appears to resemble the eucaryotic initiator tRNAs. Thus unlike procaryotic initiator tRNAs in which the 5′ terminal nucleotide cannot form a Watson-Crick base pair to the fifth nucleotide from the 3′ end, the mitochondrial tRNA can form such a base pair; and like the eucaryotic cytoplasmic initiator tRNAs, the mitochondrial initiator tRNA lacks the sequence -TΨCG(or A) in loop IV. The corresponding sequence in the mitochondrial tRNA, however, is -UGCA- and not -AU(or Ψ)CG-as found in all eucaryotic cytoplasmic initiator tRNAs. In spite of some similarity of the mitochondrial initiator tRNA to both eucaryotic and procaryotic initiator tRNAs, the mitochondrial initiator tRNA is basically different from both these tRNAs. Between these two classes of initiator tRNAs, however, it is more homologous in sequence to procaryotic (56–60%) than to eucaryotic cytoplasmic initiator tRNAs (45–51%).  相似文献   

Three members of a collection of pBR322-yeast DNA recombinant plasmids containing yeast tRNA genes have been analyzed and sequenced. Each plasmid carries a single tRNA gene: pY44, tRNASer2; pY41, tRNAArg2; pY7, tRNAVal1. All three genes are intronless and terminate in a cluster of Ts in the non-coding strand. The sequence information here and previously determined sequences allow an extensive comparison of the regions flanking several yeast tRNA genes. This analysis has revealed novel features in tRNA gene arrangement. Blocks of homology in the flanking regions were found between the tRNA genes of an isoacceptor family but, more interestingly, also between genes coding for tRNAs of different amino-acid specificities. Particularly, three examples are discussed in which sequence elements in the neighborhood of different tRNA genes have been conserved to a high degree and over long distances.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous nuclear RNA contains double-stranded regions that are not found in mRNA and that may serve as recognition elements for processing enzymes. The double-stranded regions of heterogeneous nuclear RNA prepared from HeLa cells promoted the synthesis of (2',5')oligoadenylate [(2',5')oligo(A) or (2'5')An] when incubated with (2',5')An polymerase. This enzyme is present in elevated levels in interferon-treated cells, and labeled heterogeneous nuclear RNA incubated with extracts of these cells is preferentially cleaved, since mRNA included in the same incubations is not appreciably degraded. The cleavage of heterogenous nuclear RNA is caused by the synthesis of (2'5')An and by a "localized" activation of the (2',5')An-dependent endonuclease, since it was enhanced by ATP, the substrate of the (2',5')An polymerase, and inhibited by 2'-dATP and ethidium bromide. Both of these compounds suppress the synthesis of (2',5')An, the first by competitive inhibition and the latter by intercalating into double-stranded RNA. The possible role of double-stranded regions and of the (2',5')An polymerase-endonuclease system in the processing of heterogeneous nuclear RNA is discussed.  相似文献   

5-Methylthioribulose-1-phosphate (MTRu-1-P) dehydratase catalyzes the reaction from MTRu-1-P to 2,3-diketo-5-methylthiopentyl-1-phosphate (DK-MTP-1-P) in the methionine salvage pathway in Bacillus subtilis. The properties of this enzyme remain to be determined. We characterized these properties using a recombinant protein. The enzyme, with a molecular mass of 90 kDa, was composed of four subunits. The K(m) and V(max) of the enzyme were 8.9 microM and 42.7 micromole min(-1) mg protein(-1) at 25 degrees C respectively. Maximum activity was observed at pH 7.5 to 8.5 and 40 degrees C. The activation energy of the reaction from MTRu-1-P to DK-MTP-1-P was 63.5 kJ mol(-1). The reaction product DK-MTP-1-P was labile, and decomposed at a rate constant of 0.048 s(-1) to an unknown compound that was not utilized by DK-MTP-1-P enolase, the enzyme catalyzing the next step. The function of this enzyme in the pathway is discussed.  相似文献   

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