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An experiment was conducted in sheep-grazed pasture in three regions of New Zealand over three years to evaluate the effect of application time on the efficacy of a dry granule myceliumon-wheat formulation of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum for the biological control of Cirsium arvense . At each site, the experimental mycoherbicide was applied to a previously untreated plot in each month of the year for three years at a dose of 50 g m -2 . Applications made during the spring and early summer months of October, November and December significantly reduced the ground cover of C. arvense for 67, 67 and 44%, respectively of these applications. Reduced ground covers ranged from 38 to 81% of the cover on untreated plots. Applications in late summer and autumn were less effective. Correlations of ground cover by C. arvense with climate parameters suggested that free moisture promoted treatment efficacy, but that intense rainfall after treatment reduced efficacy through wash off. The importance of leaf wetness for the efficacy of the mycoherbicide was confirmed by comparing disease development and mortality in C. arvense shoots with and without enhanced moisture levels under field conditions. A water miscible formulation applied as a slurry was less dependent upon leaf wetness than the dry granule formulation.  相似文献   

Two auxotrophic mutant strains of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum were tested in the greenhouse for pathogenicity on Cirsium arvense (Californian thistle) with and without amino acid amendments. An arginine auxotrophic mutant, with an amendment of the amino acid, followed an identical disease progress curve to that of the wild strain of the pathogen from which it was derived. However, when deprived of the amino acid amendment it was still highly pathogenic. A leucine auxotrophic mutant demonstrated poor pathogenicity without a leucine amendment, but improved pathogenicity with the addition of the amino acid. However, both of these treatments were inferior to the two wild strains tested and the arginine auxotroph with and without amendments. A field experiment was conducted on C. arvense stems in permanent pasture to compare the pathogenicity of amended auxotrophic strains and wild strains of S. sclerotiorum applied as a granule in a wheat-based carrier. The two wild strains gave significant reductions in thistle cover within 3 months of treatment, and subsequent reductions in thistle stem height and density during the following season. There was no evidence that the auxotrophic strains reduced thistle cover in the season the treatments were applied, but they did reduce subsequent stem density in the following spring. To determine disease carry-over associated with the wild and auxotrophic strains of the pathogen, rape was planted into subplots over the next three consecutive seasons. Despite substantial populations of sclerotia being present in the soil, especially in the first season after treatment of the thistles, no disease of rape caused by S. sclerotiorum was detected over the three seasons in any of the plots. Sclerotium populations of S. sclerotiorum in the soil declined by over 50% between 20 and 32 months after treatment, but there was no decline over the subsequent 12 months. The trial demonstrated that the auxotrophic strains were less field fit compared with the wild strains and that the presence of inoculum and a susceptible host to S. sclerotiorum were not the only prerequisites for disease development. It was concluded that use of a trap crop following treatment is not a suitable method for determining the risk of using this pathogen as a mycoherbicide in pasture.  相似文献   

The biotype of the defoliating beetle, Altica carduroum, from Wusu Xinjiang, China was studied as a biocontrol agent for Cirsium arvense in Canada. At Wusu, the beetle is particularly damaging to C. arvense in irrigated crops and fallow fields. A release of 300 adult A. carduorum at Urumqi, Xinjiang, dispersed to cover an area with a radius of 600 m by the following year, where it destroyed almost 60 of C. arvense leaves and resulted in plant wilting at a density of 4.5 beetles plant. Laboratory studies of the beetle' s development of 2 C intervals from 15 to 27 C identified the optimum developmental temperature as 25.5 C. Beetles reared at this temperature laid an average of 245 eggs, with a 41-fold generation increase. Habitat comparisons between biotypes of A. carduorum from Wusu and Europe suggest that the Wusu biotype may be better suited as a biocontrol agent of C. arvense on the Canadian prairies.  相似文献   

Traditionally, insects are not approved for release in North America as agents for the biological control of weeds if the larvae complete development on desirable plants in no-choice tests. This criterion excludes the use of the leaf-feeding beetle Altica carduroum Guer. since it can complete development on all Cirsium spp., including rare North American species, although in nature it is only known from the target weed Cirsium arvense. Host suitability is the result of a sequence of selection factors, and this study shows that most discrimination between thistle species is the result of host finding and egg production, and not larval developmental ability. In no-choice tests, the larvae completed development on 18 Cirsium species in five sections of the genus that were tested and on Silybum marianum, but not on other genera in the tribe Cardueae or more distantly related Asteraceae. The adult food consumption on C. arvense was two to eight times greater than on other Cirsium species, many of which, such as C. pitcheri and C. drummondii, received no feeding by over 50 of the beetles in the first 24 h. The best North American thistle for egg production was C. scariosum, but this was only 28 of that on C. arvense. The preference for C. arvense in multiple-choice tests increased with the size 2 of the arena. In the largest, an area of 6 m , 80 of the beetles and eggs were found on C. arvense and none were found on plants outside the subtribe Carduineae. Thus, as theory predicts, host discrimination between thistle species takes place at earlier stages than suitability for larval development, and this should be considered when determining the safety of candidate agents.  相似文献   

Growth of Coniothyrium minitans on potato dextrose broth was compared with that on an inexpensive molasses-yeast liquid medium at 18-22°C in static culture. Biomass and conidial production were, in general, similar, although the rate of biomass production was quicker and conidial production was slightly greater per unit volume of medium in the molasses-yeast medium. Air-dried biomass from molasses-yeast liquid culture containing mycelia, pycnidia and conidia of C. minitans was mixed (12%, w/w) with kaolin to give a kaolin-biomass dust. The ability of C. minitans to survive and subsequently infect and reduce the viability of sclerotia of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum from this kaolin-biomass dust was found to be little affected by storage for 48 weeks between 4 and 15°C but was decreased by higher storage temperatures. The kaolin-biomass dust preparation did not differ from a standard maizemeal-perlite inoculum of C. minitans in its ability to infect sclerotia of S. sclerotiorum or reduce their viability or carpogenic germination in glasshouse and field pot bioassays. Further, when either inoculum was applied once to glasshouse soil naturally infested with S. sclerotiorum prior to planting three successive crops of lettuce, the pattern of disease control, reduction of sclerotial numbers/ plot, infection of sclerotia, reduction of sclerotial viability and survival in soil were similar for both inocula. The potential for the commercial development of liquid-culture-produced inocula of C. minitans is discussed.  相似文献   

Fifty-four isolates of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum from Ranunculus acris and other natural hosts were applied as mycelial infested kibbled wheat onto 6 month-old R. acris plants in two glasshouse screening experiments. Most isolates (90%) did not differ in their pathogenicity towards R. acris. One isolate, S. sclerotiorum G45, was selected based on its ability to cause severe disease and suppress regeneration of R. acris. A field experiment was conducted to determine the efficacy of S. sclerotiorum (G45) against R. acris in infested dairy pastures in the Takaka Valley, Golden Bay, New Zealand. Isolate G45 was formulated as a wettable powder and was applied as a slurry at 20 and 40 ml/plant in December 1995. After 10 weeks, regeneration from the crown of treated plants was apparent and a second application of S. sclerotiorum was made in February 1996. Best control of R. acris was obtained when the plants were inoculated in full flower in December. At the first time of treatment, the 40 ml application of S. sclerotiorum slurry reduced the total dry weight of R. acris by an average of 57%. The second application had no effect on total dry weight, possibly because moisture levels were not sufficient for S. sclerotiorum infection. This study confirmed S. sclerotiorum to be an aggressive pathogen of R. acris under both glasshouse and field conditions. As a result, this pathogen has potential as a mycoherbicide for R. acris. Further experiments are required to explore ways of enhancing the efficacy of S. sclerotiorum against R. acris by manipulation of the host, pathogen and environment.  相似文献   

The plurivorous ascomycete, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum , is being evaluated as a mycoherbicide for the biocontrol of Cirsium arvense in pastures. Increased inoculum levels potentially add to the risk of disease in susceptible crops sown at or near the biocontrol site. This paper summarises: (1) two series of experiments that quantify the survival of soilborne sclerotia in sheep-grazed pastures in the Canterbury province of New Zealand; (2) a survey of the natural sclerotium population densities in four contrasting agricultural activity strata; and (3) a model for predicting the time period for which susceptible crops should be withheld from a site following the cessation of biocontrol. In the first series of two experiments, mycoherbicide-induced populations of sclerotia were sampled annually for four years. Half-lives were estimated to be 395 and 218 days. In the second series of eight experiments, sclerotia were buried in mesh bags in four different soils for three to four years, and exhibited half-lives of 206-506 days. In the survey, the four strata were permanent pasture, arable crop/pasture rotation, continuous cropping and market garden. The estimated sclerotium density in the market garden stratum was 9m -2 ; few sclerotia were found in the other three strata. Using the withholding period model, the average time for a biocontrol-induced sclerotium population to decay exponentially to a natural 'market garden' density of 9 sclerotia m -2 was estimated to be four years, assuming an average initial density of 125 sclerotia m -2 and an average half-life of 351 days. A conservative upper limit for the withholding period was estimated to be ten years.  相似文献   

Candidate weed biocontrol agents must be screened to exclude those that could threaten desirable plants . Traditionally , this has been done by rejecting species that develop on economically important plants in laboratory no - choice tests . However , because congeneric plants often support development in these tests , even when they are not utilized in nature , the tests do not meet legislated requirements for rare plant species or the increasing public concern for native plants . Plant suitability for larval development is a poor predictor of host range because insects use a sequence of steps in which the early steps , such as host finding and acceptance for oviposition , tend to be stronger than the later ones , such as suitability for development . This study is a trial of a new approach to screening insects as weed biocontrol agents that uses risk analysis to quantify the suitability of a plant as a host on the basis of inset performance at various stages in its life cycle . The insects used for the study was a NW Chinese biotype of the leaf beetle , Altica carduorum, which in terms of climate adaptation and damage it inflicts on the weedy thistle Cirsium arvense, is a promising biocontrol agent for Canada . However , its ability to develop on all North American Cirsium spp . in laboratory no - choice tests currently excludes its release . We show by risk and factor analyses , with five sequential host - selection parameters , that the suitability of these thistles to A. carduorum is so low that the beetle would not jeopardize the continued existence of rare native thistles , so its release should not be a problem .  相似文献   

The effect of pollen and senescent petals on the suppression of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) blossom blight (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) by the mycoparasite Coniothyrium minitans was investigated. When incubated at 20°C for 39 h, germination of conidia of C. minitans and ascospores of S. sclerotiorum was 99.9 and 98.6%, respectively, in the presence of alfalfa pollen (9×104 pollen grains mL?1), whereas spore germination of both organisms was <0.5% in the absence of pollen (in water). In the presence of a commercial pollen product, Swiss? pollen granules (mainly bee pollen), germination was 99.6% for C. minitans and 98.3% for S. sclerotiorum when the pollen concentration was 1.0% (w/v). When the pollen concentration was reduced to 0.1% (w/v), germination was reduced to 13.0% for C. minitans and 10.8% for S. sclerotiorum. Tests on detached alfalfa florets showed that the colonization of alfalfa florets by S. sclerotiorum was significantly suppressed by C. minitans in the presence of pollen (1.0% Swiss? pollen granules), especially when C. minitans was inoculated 1-day before S. sclerotiorum. In vivo inoculation tests revealed that the efficacy of C. minitans in the protection of alfalfa pods from the infection by S. sclerotiorum was affected by the time at which C. minitans was applied. When C. minitans was applied on young blossoms of alfalfa at the anthesis stage, pod infection was 96.6% for the treatment of C. minitans+S. sclerotiorum and 99.6% for the treatment of S. sclerotiorum alone. However, when C. minitans was applied on senescent petals of alfalfa at the pod development stage, pod infection was 8.0% for the treatment of C. minitans+S. sclerotiorum compared to 90.8% for the treatment of S. sclerotiorum alone. These results suggest that timing of the application of C. minitans is critical for the mycoparasite to compete with S. sclerotiorum for the source of nutrients from pollen and senescent petals, and for its control of alfalfa blossom blight caused by S. sclerotiorum.  相似文献   

Leaf - feeding beetles , Altica carduorum, from a population in NW China have been identified as candidate agents for biocontrol of Canada thistle , Cirsium arvense. This paper assesses the potential of beetles from this population to establish on the Canadian prairies . A phenological model is applied to determine where sufficient heat accumulates to allow completion of at least one generation per year . The model was applied both with and without a submodel of adult thermoregulation . The model was driven using meteorological data from a grid covering the agricultural region of the Canadian prairies , i . e . ca . 670 000 km 2 , at a resolution of (50 50) km . In each grid square , the percentage of the years 1960 - 89 for which the model indicated that at least one generation could have been completed was calculated; these proportions were categorized (0 - 80%; 80 - 99% and 100%) and mapped . Maps of C. arvense density over the simulation region were also produced , and compared to the maps of predicted beetle distribution . The model suggests that A. carduorum could establish over much of the prairies . Without thermoregulation , the predicted range (i . e . the area in which one generation was completed in every year) is restricted to the warmer parts of the prairies , where C. arvense is generally sparse . Inclusion of thermoregulation almost doubled the predicted range to cover most of the range of C. arvense on the Canadian prairies , missing only the cooler peripheral areas . These results suggest that this strain of A. carduorum has potential to overlap the range of C. arvense on the Canadian prairies , and so has potential to control this weed .  相似文献   

Natural levels of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum ascsospores in the Canterbury region were determined over 3 years by trapping depositing ascospores in dishes containing a selective agar. Mean levels in 'horticulture', 'biocontrol-pasture', 'mixed cropping' and 'pasture' strata were 115, 56, 10 and 3 ascospores m -2 day -1 , respectively. Ascospore deposition downwind of small experimental biocontrol sites was measured on 2 days in 1994 and 9 days in 1997 in late spring. Exponential depletion models scaled up to represent a 1 ha biocontrol site, revealed that dispersing ascospores declined to natural levels at downwind distances of 2.5-7.9 m. These results imply that biological weed control in pasture using S. sclerotiorum creates no greater risk of crop disease than does horticulture, and that under the conditions of our experiments, an isolation distance of 8 m would have sufficed. However, such a safety zone may be inadequate under certain meteorological conditions not encountered in the experiments when ascospores may disperse in larger numbers over longer distances. To complete the information required to build a mechanistic model of spore dispersal (beyond the scope of this paper) which would cope with a variety of meteorological conditions, two studies were conducted on the dynamics of apothecium formation and ascospore release. In a two-year study, apothecium formation was confined to the spring (September-November), and population size peaked in mid October. In a 5-day study, ascospore release occurred during the daytime, reaching a maximum late morning on frost-free days and a lower maximum mid afternoon on days with morning frost.  相似文献   

Damaged sclerotia of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum buried in soil infested with Trichoderma hamatum isolate TMCS - 3 were degraded rapidly when the medulla of sclerotia was com pletely exposed by the feeding activity of larvae of the fungus gnat Bradysia coprophila. These heavily damaged sclerotia also enhanced , in vitro, the growth of TMCS - 3 . Growth of TMCS - 3 in liquid culture was studied using different carbon sources as substrates , including sclerotia of S. sclerotiorum. Significantly more biomass of TMCS - 3 was recovered using sclerotia as a substrate compared to other carbon sources tested . Exudates from sclerotia whose melanized rinds had been completely removed by feeding larvae accelerated the germination of conidia of TMCS - 3 . Concentrations of amino acids , carbohydrates and proteins in the sclerotial exudates were not increased as damage to sclerotia was increased . Exudation of electrolytes was higher in undamaged than damaged sclerotia . Glucanase activity of TMCS - 3 was slightly increased when the fungus was exposed to damaged sclerotia . However , chitinase activity was not increased by damaging the sclerotia . Larval damage altered the sclerotia not only physically but also chemically , thereby enhancing the activity of the fungus T. hamatum.  相似文献   

Isolate T39 of Trichoderma harzianum (TRICHODEX) is a commercial biocontrol agent. It controls Botrytis cinerea (grey mould) in greenhouse crops and in vineyards, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (white mould) in various greenhouse and field crops, Cladosporium fulvum (leaf mould) in tomato, and the powdery mildews Sphaerotheca fusca in cucurbits and Leveillula taurica in pepper. T. harzianum T39 was applied in vineyards and greenhouses as part of grey mould management programmes in alternation with chemical fungicides. In the present study, the effect of T39 on diseases of greenhouse crops was demonstrated. The biocontrol agent was applied in formulations containing two concentrations of the active ingredient, or in the presence of oil in cucumber and tomato greenhouses. Suppression of B. cinerea , C. fulvum and S. sclerotiorum was similar when T39 was applied at final active ingredient rates of 0.2 or 0.4 g l -1 , except for one sampling date in one experiment. The addition of JMS Stylet-Oil did not contribute to the control of the above mentioned diseases achieved by T39.  相似文献   

Macleaya alkaloids (abr. MCA), an extract from aerial parts of Macleaya cordata, was investigated on suppressing Sclerotinia stem rot disease. The median inhibitory concentrations (EC50) of MCA on mycelia growth were 5.21 μg mL?1 to carbendazim-susceptible (Ss01) and 6.34 μg mL?1 to carbendazim-resistant (Hm25) S. sclerotiorum, and there was no cross-resistance between MCA and carbendazim. MCA blocked the mycelial membrane leakage and regulated the exo-secretion of the reducing sugar and oxalate in a concentration-dependent manner. Moreover, MCA also significantly destroyed the redox balance including superoxide dismutase, peroxidase and catalase in Sclerotinia mycelia. In pot experiments, MCA showed an excellent antifungal efficacy on protecting rapeseed leaves from the infection of Ss01 and Hm25 isolates. The results suggested a potential possibility to develop MCA as an agro-chemical to control Sclerotinia stem rot disease and manage carbendazim resistance.  相似文献   

对强弱毒力不同的核盘菌Ep-1PNA5和Ep-1PN的主要致病因子草酸和果胶酶的产生进行了比较研究。结果发现强毒力的Ep-1PNA5和弱毒力Ep-1PN都可产生草酸,并且在发病油菜活体组织上,弱毒力Ep-1PN的病组织中的草酸含量高于Ep-1PNA5病组织;两个菌株在发病油菜活体组织上的果胶酶产量没有差异,但在诱导培养基中Ep-1PN菌株比Ep-1PNA5的果胶酶产量高。这一结果表明弱毒力Ep-1PN菌株毒力的衰退并不是因为其所携带的dsRNA因子抑制了草酸和果胶酶所产生的。  相似文献   

Combining specialist herbivory with interspecific plant competition can be an effective means of controlling pasture weeds. Cirsium arvense (Canada thistle, Californian thistle, creeping thistle) is one of the worst weeds of pastoral production systems in New Zealand (NZ). The oligophagous leaf-feeding beetle, Cassida rubiginosa, was recently released in NZ for control of C. arvense. To assess the impact of this biocontrol agent we conducted an outdoor potted-plant experiment with low and high densities of Cassida larvae combined with different levels of interspecific competition from typical NZ pasture species. Secondly, we carried out a field-release experiment to quantify the impact of high densities of Cassida under more natural conditions. Interspecific competition reduced all measured plant parameters of C. arvense except mean shoot height and base diameter. Herbivory by Cassida only reduced root biomass, and showed a weak additive response when combined with competition. All other measured parameters of C. arvense showed a substitutive response, with competition being the only factor having a significant impact on the weed. There were no significant synergistic interactions with competition and herbivory on C. arvense. Interestingly, the number of root buds per plant was significantly greater in the presence of herbivory by Cassida, suggesting that C. arvense may compensate for defoliation. Similar to the potted-plant experiment, Cassida had no significant effect on shoot growth and development in the field-release experiment. The results of this study indicate that competition from typical NZ pasture species is a more important factor than herbivory by Cassida, and unless Cassida reaches outbreak densities, it will likely have an insignificant impact on this weed.  相似文献   

The fungus Sclerotinia minor is presently under development in this laboratory as a granular bioherbicide for broadleaf weed species. With a view to enhancing the virulence of the fungus, the effect of increasing endogenous oxalic acid concentration through modification of the growth conditions was investigated. S. minor was grown in 125 ml of eight different liquid culture media in shake flasks incubated at 20°C for 7 days. The final pH, mycelial dry weight, and oxalic acid content of the spent growth media were determined and the virulence of S. minor grown on each solid culture medium was screened on detached dandelion leaves. A 330% increase in oxalic acid was obtained plus 56 mM of sodium succinate to Modified Richard's solution (MRS) as compared to MRS alone. A concomitant increase in virulence of 218% was expressed as increased lesion diameter.  相似文献   

Creeping thistle, Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. (Asteraceae), is one of the most serious weeds in ecological compensation areas (within-field or border refugia) in Europe. Since conventional weed control measures are restricted in compensation areas, augmenting indigenous agents for biological control of the weed may be a feasible alternative. In this paper, we studied the effect of density of the shield beetle, Cassida rubiginosa Muller (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae), and two vegetation types typical for ecological compensation areas, on the performance of creeping thistle plants in an open field experiment. Early-season larval feeding had no measurable effect on creeping thistle growth, while late-season feeding significantly reduced shoot growth. These findings were attributed to higher feeding rates of the herbivores at higher ambient temperatures late in the season. Defoliation had a strong effect on the above-ground performance of C. arvense plants, but not on the below-ground performance. In contrast, the plant community affected all below-ground performance parameters measured, but only some of the above-ground performance parameters of creeping thistle. A combination of high levels of plant competition and herbivory by C. rubiginosa larvae led to 50% mortality in C. arvense plants during the growing season. We conclude that augmentation of indigenous herbivores of C. arvense in combination with breaking up the root system by tillage and the establishment of a highly competitive plant community of beneficial herbs may be a feasible way to control this problematic weed in ecological compensation areas.  相似文献   

Genetic variation among Sclerotinia sclerotiorum isolates from different regions and host plants were investigated using pathogenicity test, mycelial compatibility groups (MCGs) and molecular markers. Six MCGs were identified and significant differences of virulence variability were observed within and among MCGs. Cluster analysis of combined repetitive sequence-based polymerase chain reaction and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA data discriminated 12 isolates into 11 genotypes, indicating high level of genetic polymorphism among tested isolates. Twelve isolates clustered into four major groups corresponding to their hosts andgeographical region. The variability found within closely related isolates of S.sclerotiorum indicated that such morphological and molecular markers are useful in population studies of this pathogen.  相似文献   

Altica carduorum Guer. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) populations aggregate on vigorously growing stands of its host, the thistle Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. (Asteraceae). The beetle needs contact to recognize a Cirsium species and biting to distinguish its host C. arvense. Feeding or mechanical damage on C. arvense, but not other Cirsium species, aggregates the beetles. Also feces from feeding on C. arvense, but not other Cirsium species, aggregates the opposite sex. Adults also aggregate on larval feces. We suggest that initial host location in the spring depends on random encounter by beetles overwintering in a stand of C. arvense. The beetles commonly make short flights after feeding and either land on another C. arvense plant, which establishes a secondary aggregation centre, or return to the original one. In this manner beetles released on a stand of C. arvense in China spread a radius of 600 m in a year, but those released 35 m away from their host failed to find it. Altica carduorum will develop on any Cirsium species to which it is confined, but is monophagous in the field because host finding is dependent on aggregation to wound and feces substances that are specific to C. arvense.  相似文献   

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