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In rats, and many other species, most lung alveoli are formed after birth. Septation of the large air saccules existing at birth has been considered as the main mechanism for alveoli formation. However, other undefined means of alveolarization have also been postulated to account for the large increase in gas-exchange surface area that takes place in the lung as the rat grows larger. Moreover, recent results show that the majority of alveoli in rat lung are formed by means other than septation of saccules existing at birth, but these mechanisms have not been identified up to the present. In this study, a mathematical model of alveolarization in rat lung is presented. The model is based on three postulates: (a) new saccules continue to be formed up to adulthood according to certain rules; (b) all these saccules subsequently septate generating a certain number of alveoli; (c) once formed, the saccules (and alveoli) do not change in volume, but newly-formed saccules are larger than the preceding ones according to a given law. The model accurately predicts the experimentally-known values at different ages of total alveolar volume, alveolar number, volume of the average alveolus, gas-exchange surface area, and alveolar volume distribution for normal rats and for rats in which septation is inhibited by treatment with dexamethasone or hypoxia during the early postnatal weeks of life.  相似文献   

Alveolar expansion imaged by optical sectioning microscopy.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During lung expansion, the pattern of alveolar perimeter distension is likely to be an important determinant of lung functions as, for example, surfactant secretion. However, the segmental characteristics of alveolar perimeter distension remain unknown. Here, we applied real-time confocal microscopy in the isolated, perfused rat lung to determine the micromechanics of alveolar perimeter distension. To image the alveolar perimeter, we loaded alveolar epithelial cells with a fluorescent dye that we microinjected into the alveolus. Then we viewed single alveoli in a 2-microm-thick optical section at a focal plane 20 mum deep to the pleural surface at baseline. In each alveolus, we identified five to eight segments of the perimeter. For each segment, we determined length (L(seg)) by means of image analysis. At baseline alveolar pressure (P(alv)) of 5 cmH(2)O, L(seg) averaged 46 microm. We hyperinflated the lung to P(alv) of 20 cmH(2)O and identified the same optical section as referenced against morphological landmarks. Hyperinflation increased mean L(seg) by 14%. However, segment distension was heterogeneous, even within the single alveolus. Furthermore, distension was greater in alveolar type 1 than type 2 epithelial cells. These findings indicate that alveoli expand nonuniformly, suggesting that segments that distend the most might be preferred alveolar locations for injury in conditions associated with lung overdistension.  相似文献   

Lung tissue elastic recoil and the dimension and number of pulmonary gas-exchange units (alveoli) are major determinants of gas-exchange function. Loss of gas-exchange function accelerates after menopause in the healthy aged and is progressively lost in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The latter, a disease of midlife and later, though more common in men than in women, is a disease to which women smokers and never smokers may be more susceptible than men; it is characterized by diminished lung tissue elastic recoil and presently irremediable alveolar loss. Ovariectomy in sexually immature rats diminishes the formation of alveoli, and estrogen prevents the diminution. In the present work, we found that estrogen receptor-alpha and estrogen receptor-beta, the only recognized mammalian estrogen receptors, are required for the formation of a full complement of alveoli in female mice. However, only the absence of estrogen receptor-beta diminishes lung elastic tissue recoil. Furthermore, ovariectomy in adult mice results, within 3 wk, in loss of alveoli and of alveolar surface area without a change of lung volume. Estrogen replacement, after alveolar loss, induces alveolar regeneration, reversing the architectural effects of ovariectomy. These studies 1) reveal estrogen receptors regulate alveolar size and number in a nonredundant manner, 2) show estrogen is required for maintenance of already formed alveoli and induces alveolar regeneration after their loss in adult ovariectomized mice, and 3) offer the possibility estrogen can slow alveolar loss and induce alveolar regeneration in women with COPD.  相似文献   

It is generally believed that lung alveoli contain an extracellular aqueous layer of surfactant material, which is allegedly required to prevent alveolar collapse at small lung volume; the surfactant's major constituent is a fully saturated phospholipid, referred to as dipalmitoyl lecithin or DPL. I herein demonstrate that the surfactant hypothesis of alveolar stability is fundamentally wrong. Although DPL is synthesized inside type II epithelial cells and stored in the typical inclusion bodies therein and lowers surface tension to zero in the surface balance, there is no evidence to the effect that type II cells secrete the DPL surfactant into the aqueous intra-alveolar layer which is shown by electron microscopy in support of the surfactant theory. To the contrary, all the evidence indicates that, when seen, such an extracellular layer is an artifact. This is probably upon the damage glutaraldehyde inflicts onto alveolar structures during fixation of air-inflated lung tissue. Furthermore, several cogent arguments invalidate the belief that an extracellular layer of DPL and serum proteins is present in the alveoli of normal lung. In light of these arguments, a surface tension role of DPL in alveolar stability is excluded. Three hypotheses for an alternative role of DPL in respiration mechanics are proposed. They are: (a) alveolar clearance by viscolytic and surfactant action (bubble or foam formation) on the aqueous systems which are present in lung alveoli during edema and in prenatal life and which would otherwise be impervious to air; (b) homeostasis of blood palmitate in normal lung; (c) modulation of the elasticity of terminal lung tissue by the intact inclusion bodies and parts thereof inside type II cells in normal lung.  相似文献   

The formation of pulmonary alveoli in mice and rats by subdivision of alveolar saccules that constitute the newborn's gas-exchange region ends by approximately postnatal day 14. However, alveoli continue to form after age 14 days until age approximately 40 days by means other than septation of the saccules present at birth. With the use of morphometric procedures and retinoic acid receptor (RAR)-alpha+/+ and RAR-alpha-/- mice, we now show the volume of individual alveoli (va), the number of alveoli (Na), and alveolar surface area (Sa) are the same in 14-day-old RAR-alpha+/+ and RAR-alpha-/- mice. However, at age 50 days, va is larger, and Na and Sa are smaller, in RAR-alpha-/- than in RAR-alpha+/+ mice, although total lung volume is the same in both groups. These findings, and prior data showing RAR-beta is an endogenous inhibitor of alveolus formation during, but not after, the perinatal period, indicate there are developmental period-specific regulators of alveolus formation and that total lung volume and alveolar dimensions may have different regulators.  相似文献   

Despite decades of research into the mechanisms of lung inflation and deflation, there is little consensus about whether lung inflation occurs due to the recruitment of new alveoli or by changes in the size and/or shape of alveoli and alveolar ducts. In this study we use in vivo (3)He lung morphometry via MRI to measure the average alveolar depth and alveolar duct radius at three levels of inspiration in five healthy human subjects and calculate the average alveolar volume, surface area, and the total number of alveoli at each level of inflation. Our results indicate that during a 143 ± 18% increase in lung gas volume, the average alveolar depth decreases 21 ±5%, the average alveolar duct radius increases 7 ± 3%, and the total number of alveoli increases by 96 ± 9% (results are means ± SD between subjects; P < 0.001, P < 0.01, and P < 0.00001, respectively, via paired t-tests). Thus our results indicate that in healthy human subjects the lung inflates primarily by alveolar recruitment and, to a lesser extent, by anisotropic expansion of alveolar ducts.  相似文献   

According to the current view, the formation of new alveolar septa from preexisting ones ceases due to the reduction of a double- to a single-layered capillaries network inside the alveolar septa (microvasculature maturation postnatal days 14-21 in rats). We challenged this view by measuring stereologically the appearance of new alveolar septa and by studying the alveolar capillary network in three-dimensional (3-D) visualizations obtained by high-resolution synchrotron radiation X-ray tomographic microscopy. We observed that new septa are formed at least until young adulthood (rats, days 4-60) and that roughly half of the new septa are lifted off of mature septa containing single-layered capillary networks. At the basis of newly forming septa, we detected a local duplication of the capillary network. We conclude that new alveoli may be formed in principle at any time and at any location inside the lung parenchyma and that lung development continues into young adulthood. We define two phases during developmental alveolarization. Phase one (days 4-21), lifting off of new septa from immature preexisting septa, and phase two (day 14 through young adulthood), formation of septa from mature preexisting septa. Clinically, our results ask for precautions using drugs influencing structural lung development during both phases of alveolarization.  相似文献   

The syncytial endosperm of rice undergoes cellularization according to a regular morphogenetic plan. At 3 days after pollination (dap) mitosis in the peripheral synctium ceases. Radial systems of microtubules emanating from interphase nuclei define nuclear-cytoplasmic domains (NCDs) which develop axes perpendicular, to the embryo sac wall. Free-growing anticlinal walls between adjacent NCDs compart-mentalize the cytoplasm into open-ended alveoli which are overtopped by syncytial cytoplasm adjacent to the central vacuole. At 4 dap, mitosis resumes as a wave originating adjacent to the vascular bundle. The spindles are oriented parallel to the alveolar walls and cell plates formed in association with interzonal phragmoplasts result in periclinal walls that cut off a peripheral layer of cells and an inner layer of alveoli displaced toward the center. Polarized growth of the newly formed alveoli and elongation of the anticlinal walls occurs during interphase. The next wave of cell division in the alveoli proceeds as the first and a second cylinder of cells is cut off inside the peripheral layer. The periods of polarized growth/anticlinal wall elongation alternating with periclinal cell division are repeated 3–4 times until the grain is filled by 5 dap.  相似文献   

In a previous simulation, our laboratory demonstrated that the flow induced by a rhythmically expanding and contracting alveolus is highly complex (Haber S, Butler JP, Brenner H, Emanuel I, and Tsuda A, J Fluid Mech 405: 243-268, 2000). Based on these earlier findings, we hypothesize that the trajectories and deposition of aerosols inside the alveoli differ substantially from those previously predicted. To test this hypothesis, trajectories of fine particles (0.5-2.5 microm in diameter) moving in the foregoing alveolar flow field and simultaneously subjected to the gravity field were simulated. The results show that alveolar wall motion is crucial in determining the enhancement of aerosol deposition inside the alveoli. In particular, 0.5- to 1-microm-diameter particles are sensitive to the detailed alveolar flow structure (e.g., recirculating flow), as they undergo gravity-induced convective mixing and deposition. Accordingly, deposition concentrations within each alveolus are nonuniform, with preferentially higher densities near the alveolar entrance ring, consistent with physiological observations. Deposition patterns along the acinar tree are also nonuniform, with higher deposition in the first half of the acinar generations. This is a result of the combined effects of enhanced alveolar deposition in the proximal region of the acinus due to alveoli expansion and contraction and reduction in the number of particles remaining in the gas phase down the acinar tree. We conclude that the cyclically expanding and contracting motion of alveoli plays an important role in determining gravitational deposition in the pulmonary acinus.  相似文献   

We studied the ultrastructural characteristics of alveolar basement membranes (ABM) and capillary basement membranes (CBM) in rat lungs at birth, at 8-10 d of age, during alveolar formation, and at 6-10 wk of age, after most alveoli have formed. We also measured in vitro lung proteoglycan and heparan sulfate synthesis at each age. We noted three major age-related changes in pulmonary basement membranes. (a) Discontinuities in the ABM through which basilar cytoplasmic foot processes extend are present beneath alveolar type-2 cells but not alveolar type-1 cells. These discontinuities are most prevalent at birth but also exist in the adult. (b) Discontinuities are also present in CBM at the two earliest time points but are maximal at 8 d of age rather than at birth. Fusions between ABM and CBM are often absent at 8 d of age, but CBM and CBM/ABM fusions were complete in the adult. (c) Heparan sulfate proteoglycans identified with ruthenium red and selective enzyme degradation are distributed equally on epithelial and interstitial sides of the ABM lamina densa at birth, but decrease on the interstitial side with age. In vitro proteoglycan and heparan sulfate accumulation at birth was two times that at 8 d and five times that in the adult. Discontinuities in ABM allow epithelial-mesenchymal interactions that may influence type-2 cells cytodifferentiation. Discontinuities in CBM suggest that capillary proliferation and neovascularization are associated with alveolar formation at 8 d. When CBM becomes complete and forms junctions with ABM, lung neovascularization likely ends as does the ability to form new alveoli.  相似文献   

Salivary glands of the unfed adult Argas (Persicargas) arboreus (family Argasidae) contain 2 types of alveoli, one nongranular and one granule-secreting. The fine structure of the nongranular alveolus is similar to that of the family Ixodidae. In the granule-secreting alveolus, the presence of 3 types of secretory cells, each with morphologically distinct granular inclusions, confirms histological and histochemical observations on argasid salivary glands. Epithelial cells with numerous membranous infoldings, mitochondria, microtubules, and a complex canalicular system probably concerned with fluid regulation and secretion are located between granule-secreting cells and form caps over their basal regions. The luminal border of both secretory and epithelial cells is microvillate. The alveolar lumen leads into the chitinous alveolar duct which lacks the complex valvular structure of ixodid alveoli. Axons containing neurosecretory material occur in both nongranular and granule-secreting alveoli and probably control salivary secretion.  相似文献   

Pulmonary alveoli are formed in part by subdivision (septation) of the gas-exchange saccules of the immature lung. Septation results in smaller, more numerous structures (alveoli) and is developmentally regulated in mammals including humans, rats, and mice; if it fails to occur at the appropriate time, there is no spontaneous post hoc septation nor has there been a means of inducing septation after it has failed to occur. We measured lung volume, the volume of individual alveoli, and alveolar surface area and calculated alveolar number in neonatal rats in which septation had been blocked by treatment with a glucocorticosteroid hormone and in adult tight-skin mice that have a genetic failure of septation. We tested the hypothesis that treatment with all-trans retinoic acid induces post hoc septation. In both models of failed septation, hence in two species, and in immature and adult animals, treatment with all-trans retinoic acid induced post hoc septation, offering the possibility of a similar effect in premature infants.  相似文献   

We have investigated the mechanism of alveolar liquid filling in pulmonary edema. We excised, degassed, and intrabronchially filled 14 dog lung lobes from nine dogs with 75, 150, 225, or 350 ml of 5% albumin solution, and then air inflated the lobes to a constant airway pressure of 25 cmH2O. By use of micropipettes, we punctured subpleural alveoli to measure alveolar liquid pressure by the servo-null technique. Alveolar liquid pressure was constant in all lobes despite differences in lobe liquid volume and averaged 10.6 +/- 1.3 cmH2O. Thus, in all lobes a constant pressure drop of 14.4 cmH2O existed from airway to alveolar liquid across the air-liquid interface. We attribute this finding, on the basis of the Laplace equation, to an air-liquid interface of constant radius in all the lobes. In fact, we calculated from the Laplace equation an air-liquid interface radius which equalled morphological estimates of alveolar radius. We conclude that in the steady state, alveoli that contained liquid have a constant radius of curvature of the air-liquid interface possibly because they are always completely liquid filled.  相似文献   

Pulmonary emphysema is a connective tissue disease characterized by the progressive destruction of alveolar walls leading to airspace enlargement and decreased elastic recoil of the lung. However, the relationship between microscopic tissue structure and decline in stiffness of the lung is not well understood. In this study, we developed a 3D computational model of lung tissue in which a pre-strained cuboidal block of tissue was represented by a tessellation of space filling polyhedra, with each polyhedral unit-cell representing an alveolus. Destruction of alveolar walls was mimicked by eliminating faces that separate two polyhedral either randomly or in a spatially correlated manner, in which the highest force bearing walls were removed at each step. Simulations were carried out to establish a link between the geometries that emerged and the rate of decline in bulk modulus of the tissue block. The spatially correlated process set up by the force-based destruction lead to a significantly faster rate of decline in bulk modulus accompanied by highly heterogeneous structures than the random destruction pattern. Using the Karhunen-Loève transformation, an estimator of the change in bulk modulus from the first four moments of airspace cell volumes was setup. Simulations were then obtained for tissue destruction with different idealized alveolar geometry, levels of pre-strain, linear and nonlinear elasticity assumptions for alveolar walls and also mixed destruction patterns where both random and force-based destruction occurs simultaneously. In all these cases, the change in bulk modulus from cell volumes was accurately estimated. We conclude that microscopic structural changes in emphysema and the associated decline in tissue stiffness are linked by the spatial pattern of the destruction process.  相似文献   

目的:研究松软牙槽嵴和/或牙槽嵴粘膜增生形成的原因,探讨预防和治疗措施。方法:对180例戴用全口义齿一年以上的患者进行临床调查研究。研究内容包括缺牙原因,义齿戴用的时间,牙槽嵴粘膜情况,松软牙槽嵴和/或牙槽嵴粘膜增生发生的部位,人工牙的类型等。结果:①180例全口义齿病例中,有松软牙槽嵴者20例,占22%,男:女=6:4,其中下牙槽嵴占60%,上牙槽嵴占,20%,上下牙槽嵴均有者占20%。患牙槽嵴粘膜增生者共8例,占4.4%,最多发生在下舌侧,其次为下唇沟。同时患有松软牙槽嵴和牙槽嵴粘膜增生的有4例,占患牙槽嵴粘膜增生病例的一半。②在患松软牙槽嵴的病例中,人工牙为塑料牙和瓷牙各占50%。缺牙原因为牙周病者共12例,占60%,龋病2例,占10%,龋病-牙周病者8例,占30%。③在患松软牙槽嵴的病例中,下颌牙槽嵴条件均为差,上颌牙槽嵴条件均为中或差。在患增生的粘膜组织的病例中,75%病例义齿固位为中或差,25%义齿固位为较好。结论:发病原因与患者缺牙原因,牙槽嵴部位,牙槽嵴条件,人工牙类型等有关。因此可以认为,牙槽嵴粘膜松软是戴用全口义齿后出现的不可忽视的问题,而牙槽嵴粘膜松软和/或增生的粘膜组织是相辅相成的。所以一副全口义齿不是一劳永逸的,使用一定的时间后需要更换,特别对牙槽嵴条件较差的患者  相似文献   

G G Rose  T Yajima 《In vitro》1977,13(11):749-768
Fetal mouse lungs were cultivated, using the dual-rotary circumfusion system for tissue culture, and their histotypic development was surveyed for 75 days by phase-contrast and electron microscopy. Alveoli, terminal bronchioles and alveolar macrophages were photographed periodically with still and time-lapse phase-contrast microscopy. Their histotypic appearance was confirmed by electron micrographs of the 1- and 2 1/2-month-old specimens. These revealed typical alveoli surrounded by a basal lamina and composed of types I and II pneumocytes containing various lamellar-body forms within the type II cells, the alveolar lumen, and the alveolar macrophages. There was a shift from almost all type II cells in the 1-month-old alveoli to the presence of frequent type I cells as constituents of the alveoli in the 2 1/2-month-old cultures. The terminal bronchioles were tubules consisting of ciliated cells with Clara cells interspersed between them. The ciliated cells contained as many as 30 cilia or basal bodies per section and numerous microvilli. They were attached to each other and to the Clara cells by junctional complexes and accessory desmosomes which were generally in the apical ends of the cells. The Clara cells typically had glycogen granules interspersed between lamellae of the endoplasmic reticulum, contained numerous well dispersed mitochondria, occasional lysosome-like granules and crystalloid bodies which appeared to be tubular. Some Clara cells presented a moderatley dense secretory granule in the center of the whorl of the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the formation of alveolar pores, lungs of rats, after intratracheal perfusion of glutaraldehyde, are processed at postnatal days 1, 7, 14, 16 and 21 for light and transmission electron microscopy and at days 7 and 16 for scanning electron microscopy. The initial low secondary crests of day 1 rapidly elongate to pleats subdividing the primary saccules. The ledges of some pleats partly grow toward each other as ring like diaphragms, leaving openings whose boundary is composed of alveolar epithelium separated by a basal lamina from a connective tissue sheath with capillaries. At day 7, in scanning electron microscopy the lumina of some rudimentary alveoli communicate by apertures of different sizes, as a result of the outgrowth of curved alveolar pleats which narrow to a ring-like aperture. The interalveolar openings observed in scanning electron microscopy resemble those investigated by light and transmission electron microscopy. The number of interalveolar pores increases from day 7 on; they become more and more frequent at days 14, 16 and 21, respectively. It appears that alveolar multiplication in newborn rats proceeds not only by segmentation of terminal respiratory units but also by compoundment of septa. The difference between genuine pores and transsections of folds in transmission electron microscopy will be given closer attention in this study. Also, the incidence and location of type II pneumocytes during rapid enlargement of the alveolar surface area is discussed.  相似文献   

RATIONALE AND HYPOTHESIS: Previous studies evaluating the histoarchitecture of distal airspaces have been shown to be limited by the difficulty in adequately differentiating alveoli and alveolar ducts. This limitation has been specially noticed in studies addressing lung recruitment and in situations of diffuse alveolar damage (DAD), where generic nominations for distal airspaces had to be created, such as "peripheral airspaces" (PAS) and "large-volume gas-exchanging airspaces" (LVGEA). Elastic stains have been largely used to describe normal lung structures. Weigert's resorcin-fuchsin staining (WRF) demarcates the thickened free portions of the ductal septum facilitating its recognition. We hypothesized that this staining could help in differentiating alveoli from alveolar ducts in distorted lung parenchyma. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Samples of control lungs and of DAD lungs induced by mechanical ventilation (VILI) were stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and with WRF. Using morphometry we assessed the volume proportion of alveoli, alveolar ducts and LVGEA in control and VILI lungs. RESULTS: WRF stained VILI lungs showed a significant decrease in the volume proportion of LVGEA and alveoli and a significant increase in the volume proportion of alveolar ducts when compared to HE stained samples. CONCLUSION: We conclude that WRF staining is useful to distinguish alveolar ducts from alveoli in a DAD model, and suggest that it should be routinely used when morphometric studies of lung parenchyma are performed.  相似文献   

A three-compartment model predicting the recovery of aerosol boli (i.e., the ratio of the number of particles expired to the number inspired) as a function of breath-holding time and bolus penetration was fitted to experimental data measured in nine isolated dog lungs. For each lung, the diameters of alveoli and alveolar ducts, as well as the volume fractions of alveoli, alveolar ducts, and airways, were determined as parameters providing the best fit. Parameter values were alveolar diameter = 0.116 +/- 0.007 (SE) mm, alveolar duct diameter = 0.284 +/- 0.015 mm, total alveolar volume/total lung capacity (TLC) = 0.68 +/- 0.02, total alveolar duct volume/TLC = 0.24 +/- 0.02, and total airway volume/TLC = 0.09 +/- 0.01. These values agreed with published values for linear dimensions and volumetric fractions in the canine lung. The mean alveolar diameter determined by the model in the nine lungs agreed closely with a mean value of 0.115 +/- 0.002 mm determined by morphometric analysis of photographs of the subpleural alveoli in the same lungs. The procedure of fitting the model to experimental data appears to have promise as a noninvasive probe of the lung periphery. However, aerosol-derived dimensions were more variable than morphometric ones, possibly because of interlung differences in aerosol distribution not accounted for in the model.  相似文献   

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