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Abbreviations of the complex life cycle of trematodes, from three to two hosts, have occurred repeatedly and independently among trematode lineages. This is usually facultative and achieved via progenesis: following encystment in the second intermediate host, the metacercaria develops precociously into an egg-producing adult, bypassing the need to reach a definitive host. Given that it provides relatively cheap insurance against a shortage of definitive hosts, it is not clear why facultative progenesis has only evolved in a few taxa. Here a comparative approach is used to test whether progenetic trematodes are characterized by larger body size and egg volumes, two traits that correlate with other key life history features, than other trematodes. These traits may constrain the evolution of progenesis, because precocious maturation might be impossible when the size difference between the metacercaria and a reproductive adult is too large. First, trematode species belonging to genera in which progenesis has been documented were found not to differ significantly from other trematode species. Second, using within-genus paired comparisons across 19 genera in which progenesis has been reported, progenetic species did not differ, with respect to body size or egg size, from their non-progenetic congeners. Third, using intraspecific paired comparisons in species where progenesis is facultative, no difference was observed in the sizes of eggs produced by worms in both the intermediate and definitive host, suggesting that opting for progenesis does not influence the size of a worm's eggs. Overall, the lack of obvious differences in body or egg size between trematodes with truncated life cycles and those with the normal three-host cycle indicates that basic life history characteristics are not acting as constraints on the evolution of progenesis; trematodes of all sizes can do it. Why facultative progenesis is not more widespread remains a mystery.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic and then heterochronic approaches are used here to analyze sexual differentiation within two well-known Jurassic dimorphic species. This analysis compares two ways of determining the relative biological age of ammonites, one using size (diameter) and the other the number of septa as a proxy of age. The shape standard is established from factor analysis of morphological and growth parameters. Size-age-shape relationships are analyzed on the basis of a new heterochronic representation. When diameter is used as a proxy of age, microconch morphs are globally considered to be progenetic compared with macroconch morphs. When size and age are determined separately and shape is included, (1) Ebrayiceras jactatum (microconch morph) has a shorter period of growth (progenesis) with acceleration of shape compared with its macroconch morph ( Morphoceras macrescens ), (2)( Cardioceras cordatum (microconch morph) has a shorter period of growth (progenesis) coupled with a slower rhythm of growth (dwarfism) compared with its macroconch morph. These findings emphasize the complex relationship between supposed sexual dimorphs in ammonites when size and age standards can be separated, as well as the need for an ontogenetic approach.  相似文献   

Progenesis is considered to have an important role in evolution because it allows the retention of both a larval body size and shape in an adult morphology. However, the cost caused by the adoption of a progenetic process in both males and females remains to be explored to explain the success of progenesis and particularly its biased prevalence across the sexes and environments. Here, through an experimental approach, we used a facultative progenetic species, the palmate newt (Lissotriton helveticus) that can either mature at a small size and retain gills or mature after metamorphosis, to test three hypotheses for sex‐specific pay‐offs of progenesis in safe versus risky habitats. Goldfish were used because they caused a higher decline in progenetic than metamorphic newts. We determined that progenetic newts have a lower reproductive fitness than metamorphic newts. We also found that, when compared to metamorphs, progenetic males have lower reproductive activity than progenetic females and that predatory risk affects more progenetic than metamorphic newts. By identifying ultimate causes of the female‐biased sex ratios found in nature, these results support the male escape hypothesis, that is the higher metamorphosis rate of progenetic males. They also highlight that although progenesis is advantageous in advancing the age at first reproduction, it also brings an immediate fitness cost and this, particularly, in hostile predatory environments. This means that whereas some environmental constraints could favour facultative progenesis, some others, such as predation, can ultimately counter‐select progenesis. Altogether, these results improve our understanding of how developmental processes can affect the sexes differently and how species invasions can impair the success of alternative developmental phenotypes.  相似文献   

Morphology is strongly correlated with trophic mode in marine invertebrate larvae. We asked if larval morphogenesis is influenced by adelphophagy, a trophic mode in which larvae are provisioned with additional yolk in the form of extra‐embryonic nurse eggs, instead of the more common increase in egg size. We used histology and scanning electron microscopy to analyze morphogenesis in Boccardia proboscidea, a polychaete that produces both small planktotrophic larvae and large adelphophagic larvae in a single egg capsule. Results indicate that both morphs are similar for histogenesis of ectodermal derivatives, and differ for the gut mucosa and coelom which show delayed differentiation in the adelphophagic morph. Heterochrony in gut and coelom development suggests that differentiation of these organ systems is decoupled from overall development, and that a trade‐off exists between maturation of these tissues and rapid growth. We also looked for potential barriers to adelphophagy in planktotrophic larvae that have nurse eggs available to them. These planktotrophic larvae appeared morphologically equipped for adelphophagy: the gut was differentiated at an early stage, and larvae had structures involved in nurse‐egg ingestion in the adelphophagic morph (e.g., oral cilia and ventral ciliated patches). Planktotrophic larvae were additionally capable of ingesting particles (Di‐I) while in the egg capsule. Lack of adelphophagy in planktotrophic larvae remains enigmatic but these results indicate that morphology alone does not account for the arrested development shown by these larvae. J. Morphol. 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Many oceanic islands harbor diverse species that differ markedly from their mainland relatives with respect to morphology, behavior, and physiology. A particularly common morphological change exhibited by a wide range of species on islands worldwide involves either a reduction in body size, termed island dwarfism, or an increase in body size, termed island gigantism. While numerous instances of dwarfism and gigantism have been well documented, documentation of other morphological changes on islands remains limited. Furthermore, we lack a basic understanding of the physiological mechanisms that underlie these changes, and whether they are convergent. A major hypothesis for the repeated evolution of dwarfism posits selection for smaller, more efficient body sizes in the context of low resource availability. Under this hypothesis, we would expect the physiological mechanisms known to be downregulated in model organisms exhibiting small body sizes due to dietary restriction or artificial selection would also be downregulated in wild species exhibiting dwarfism on islands. We measured body size, relative head size, and circulating blood glucose in three species of reptiles—two snakes and one lizard—in the California Channel Islands relative to mainland populations. Collating data from 6 years of study, we found that relative to mainland population the island populations had smaller body size (i.e., island dwarfism), smaller head sizes relative to body size, and lower levels of blood glucose, although with some variation by sex and year. These findings suggest that the island populations of these three species have independently evolved convergent physiological changes (lower glucose set point) corresponding to convergent changes in morphology that are consistent with a scenario of reduced resource availability and/or changes in prey size on the islands. This provides a powerful system to further investigate ecological, physiological, and genetic variables to elucidate the mechanisms underlying convergent changes in life history on islands.  相似文献   

Hatching failure is inversely correlated with population bottleneck size among exotic birds introduced to New Zealand, but the mechanism for this is unclear. We assess whether the bottlenecks these species experienced during their introduction have affected hatching failure through deleterious changes in egg morphology. We measured egg size and shape of 13 species that passed through bottlenecks of 11–800 individuals during their establishment in the 19th century. Eggs were also measured in the source populations ('pre-bottleneck') of each species to compare pre- and post-bottleneck egg morphology directly. Significant changes in egg volume were found in six of 13 species, with most laying smaller eggs in New Zealand. Egg shape changed in four of 13 species but there was no directional bias; two species developed more elongated eggs and two species broader eggs. There was no relationship between bottleneck size and change in egg volume, but species passing through severe bottlenecks had greater variability in egg volume and were more likely to have eggs that deviated in shape from their source populations. There was no relationship between changes in either egg volume or shape and rates of hatching failure. Further work is needed to assess whether changes in egg morphology have negative consequences on offspring fitness and whether the observed changes are the result of differing environmental conditions in the introduced range.  相似文献   

Larval helminths often share intermediate hosts with other individuals of the same or different species. Competition for resources and/or conflicts over transmission routes are likely to influence both the association patterns between species and the life history strategies of each individual. Parasites sharing common intermediate hosts may have evolved ways to avoid or associate with other species depending on their definitive host. If not, individual parasites could develop alternative life history strategies in response to association with particular species. Three sympatric species of helminths exploit the amphipod Paracalliope fluviatilis as an intermediate host in New Zealand: the acanthocephalan Acanthocephalus galaxii, the trematode Microphallus sp. and the progenetic trematode Coitocaecum parvum. Adult A. galaxii and C. parvum are both fish parasites whereas Microphallus sp. infects birds. We found no association, either positive or negative, among the three parasite species. The effects of intra- and interspecific interactions were also measured in the trematode C. parvum. Both intra- and interspecific competition seemed to affect both the life history strategy and the size and fecundity of C. parvum. Firstly, the proportion of progenesis was higher in metacercariae sharing their host with Microphallus sp., the bird parasite, than in any other situation. Second, the intensity of intraspecific competition apparently constrained the ability of metacercariae to adopt progenesis and limited both the growth and egg production of progenetic individuals. These results show that the life history strategy adopted by a parasite may be influenced by other parasites sharing the same host.  相似文献   

We examined which egg parameters warbling vireos Vireo gilvus use to discriminate brown-headed cowbird Molothrus ater eggs and, by comparing our results to other studies, tested the prediction that ejecter species with eggs more similar in appearance to cowbird eggs will be less tolerant of foreign eggs. In addition, we tested the hypothesis that egg characteristics influence the cost of ejection and probability of committing ejection errors. Warbling vireos ejected 100% of eggs with a cowbird spot pattern and only spot pattern significantly influenced the probability of ejecting a foreign egg, whereas size and nest stage did not. Foreign eggs that differed in two parameters were not ejected significantly more than those that differed in one parameter. Thus, warbling vireos appear to be less tolerant of foreign eggs than species with eggs more divergent from cowbird eggs. There was no significant difference in the number of vireo eggs that were damaged when foreign eggs of different sizes and spot patterns were ejected, which is counter to the assumptions of the evolutionary equilibrium hypothesis. Similarly, foreign egg characteristics did not significantly influence the probability of ejection errors. Finally, egg discrimination in warbling vireos appears to have evolved directly to counter cowbird parasitism because all conspecific eggs switched into their nests were accepted.  相似文献   

Theoretical models predict that genetic relatedness affects the competition within and between parasite clonal groups sharing a common host. Here, we studied natural and experimental multiple infections of the trematode Coitocaecum parvum in its intermediate host. We focused on the effects of clonality on the life-history strategy of parasites competing for resources. Coitocaecum parvum can either delay maturation until its amphipod host is ingested by a definitive host, or adopt a progenetic strategy and reproduce inside the amphipod. Within a common host, clonal parasites were more likely to adopt identical life-history strategies than different genetic clones, both in natural and experimental infections. However, when timing of infection and other factors were controlled experimentally, parasites sharing a host were likely to adopt identical strategies regardless of their clonal identity, although pairs of clones were more likely to adopt progenesis than pairs of nonclones. The asymmetries in relative size and egg production between coinfecting parasites adopting the same life-history strategy were slightly, but not significantly, higher between different clones than identical clones. Our results suggest that the dynamics of competition between coinfecting parasites, although influenced by numerous external factors, is also modulated by genetic relatedness among parasites.  相似文献   

The role of cell surface glycoproteins of the sea urchin egg in binding sperm has been examined by studying the biological activity of glycopeptides derived from these glycoproteins. Glycopeptides were produced from egg surface glycoproteins by Pronase digestion. After fractionation by gel filtration the glycopeptides were tested for their ability to inhibit the binding of sperm to eggs, presumably by competing with the egg surface glycoproteins for binding sites on the sperm. One glycopeptide fraction with an apparent molecular weight of approximately 6,000 was found to be a potent inhibitor of sperm-egg binding, as well as fertilization, even at nanomolar concentrations. This activity was heat stable and exerted its effect against the sperm and not the egg. Experiments with a radiolabeled form of the glycopeptide fraction directly demonstrated that at least one component of it bound to sperm. Specific binding of the radiolabeled glycopeptide occurred only to acrosome-reacted sperm. Because the isolated glycopeptide fraction has many of the characteristics that one would expect of a biologically active fragment of an egg surface receptor for sperm, these findings are consistent with the idea that one or more glycoconjugates on the surface of the egg are involved in sperm binding.  相似文献   

The variation in reproductive variables is documented both within and across species of chelonians. At both the generic and family levels, egg weight and clutch size show positive, significant correlations with adult carapace length. There is a negative correlation across both genera and families between clutch size and egg weight after removing the effects of body size, suggesting an evolutionary trade-off between these two life-history characteristics. However, the trade-off is not complete, since clutch size is positively correlated with clutch weight after removing the effects of body size. Terrestrial species lay fewer and larger eggs for their size than freshwater or marine species, but this association is statistically confounded by the fact that chelonian families form ecological groups. There is no significant association between habitat and clutch weight after removing the effects of body size, nor between latitude and either egg weight or clutch size, but temperate species have a heavier clutch weight after removing the effects of body size. Larger species lay eggs that are more spherical, but after controlling for body size, egg shape is not associated with clutch size. The patterns of covariation between adult weight, egg weight and clutch size contrast with those reported for birds and mammals, and some reasons for these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of hibernation and fasting on intestinal glucose and proline uptake rates of chuckwallas (Sauromalus obesus) and on the size of organs directly or indirectly related to digestion. These lizards show geographic variation in body size and growth rate that parallels an elevational gradient in our study area. At low elevation, food is available only for a short time during the spring; at high elevation, food may also be available during summer and autumn, depending on rainfall conditions in a given year. We hypothesized that low-elevation lizards with a short season of food availability would show more pronounced regulation of gut size and function than high-elevation lizards with prolonged or bimodal food availability. Hibernating lizards from both elevations had significantly lower uptake rates per milligram intestine for both nutrients, and lower small intestine mass, than active lizards. The combination of these two effects resulted in significantly lower total nutrient uptake in hibernating animals compared to active ones. The stomach, large intestine, and cecum showed lower masses in hibernators, but these results were not statistically significant. The heart, kidney, and liver showed no difference in mass between hibernating and nonhibernating animals. Lizards from low elevations with a short growing season also showed a greater increase in both uptake rates and small intestine mass from the hibernating to the active state, compared to those from high elevations with longer growing seasons. Thus, compared to those from long growing season areas, lizards from short growing season areas have equal uptake capacity during hibernation but much higher uptake capacity while active and feeding. This pattern of regulation of gut function may or may not be an adaptive response, but it is consistent with variation in life-history characteristics among populations. In areas with a short season, those lizards that can extract nutrients quickly and then reduce the gut will be favored; in areas where food may be available later in the year, those lizards that maintain an active gut would be favored. While other researchers have found much greater magnitudes of gut regulation when making comparisons among species, we find the different patterns of change in gut function between different populations of chuckwallas particularly intriguing because they occur within a single species.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a surge in interest in the effects of the microbiota on the host. Increasingly, we are coming to understand the importance of the gut microbiota in modulating host physiology, ecology, behavior, and evolution. One method utilized to evaluate the effect of the microbiota is to suppress or eliminate it, and compare the effect on the host with that of untreated individuals. In this study, we evaluate some of these commonly used methods in the model organism, Drosophila melanogaster. We test the efficacy of a low‐dose streptomycin diet, egg dechorionation, and an axenic or sterile diet, in the removal of gut bacteria within this species in a fully factorial design. We further determine potential side effects of these methods on host physiology by performing a series of standard physiological assays. Our results showed that individuals from all treatments took significantly longer to develop, and weighed less, compared to normal flies. Males and females that had undergone egg dechorionation weighed significantly less than streptomycin reared individuals. Similarly, axenic female flies, but not males, were much less active when analyzed in a locomotion assay. All methods decreased the egg to adult survival, with egg dechorionation inducing significantly higher mortality. We conclude that low‐dose streptomycin added to the dietary media is more effective at removing the gut bacteria than egg dechorionation and has somewhat less detrimental effects to host physiology. More importantly, this method is the most practical and reliable for use in behavioral research. Our study raises the important issue that the efficacy of and impacts on the host of these methods require investigation in a case‐by‐case manner, rather than assuming homogeneity across species and laboratories.  相似文献   

Complex life cycles provide advantages to parasites (longer life span, higher fecundity, etc.), but also represent a series of unlikely events for which many adaptations have evolved (asexual multiplication, host finding mechanisms, etc.). Some parasites use a radical strategy where the definitive host is dropped; life cycle abbreviation is most often achieved through progenesis (i.e. early maturation) and reproduction in the second intermediate host. In many progenetic species, both the typical and abbreviated life cycles are maintained. However, conditions that trigger the adoption of one or the other strategy, and the pros and cons of each parasite life history strategy, are often complex and poorly understood. We used experimental infections with the trematode Coitocaecum parvum in its fish definitive host to test for potential costs of progenesis in terms of lifespan and fecundity. We show that individuals that adopt progenesis in the intermediate host are still able to establish in the definitive host and achieve higher survival and fecundity than conspecifics adopting the typical three-host life cycle. Our results and that of previous studies show that there seems to be few short-term costs associated with progenesis in C. parvum. Potential costs of self-fertilization and inbreeding are often suggested to select for the maintenance of both life-history strategies in species capable of facultative progenesis. We suggest that, at least for our focal species, there are more constraints than costs limiting its adoption. Progenesis and the abbreviated cycle may become the typical life-history strategy while reproduction in the vertebrate definitive host is now a secondary alternative when progenesis is impossible (e.g. limited host resources, etc.). Whether this pattern can be generalized to other progenetic trematodes is unknown and would require further studies.  相似文献   

The complex life cycles of parasites are thought to have evolved from simple one-host cycles by incorporating new hosts. Nevertheless, complex developmental routes present parasites with a sequence of highly unlikely transmission events in order to complete their life cycles. Some trematodes like Coitocaecum parvum use facultative life cycle abbreviation to counter the odds of trophic transmission to the definitive host. Parasites adopting life cycle truncation possess the ability to reproduce within their intermediate host, using progenesis, without the need to reach the definitive host. Usually, both abbreviated and normal life cycles are observed in the same population of parasites. Here, we demonstrate experimentally that C. parvum can modulate its development in its amphipod intermediate host and adopt either the abbreviated or the normal life cycle depending on current transmission opportunities or the degree of intra-host competition among individual parasites. In the presence of cues from its predatory definitive host, the parasite is significantly less likely to adopt progenesis than in the absence of such cues. An intermediate response is obtained when the parasites are exposed to cues from non-host predators. The adoption of progenesis is less likely, however, when two parasites share the resource-limited intermediate host. These results show that parasites with complex developmental routes have transmission strategies and perception abilities that are more sophisticated than previously thought.  相似文献   

A fate map has been constructed for Phoronis vancouverensis. The animal pole of the egg gives rise to the apical plate in the hood of the actinotroch larva. The vegetal pole of the egg marks the site of gastrulation. During the initiation of gastrulation the cells of the animal pole of the embryo are directly opposite those at the vegetal pole of the embryo. The plane of the first cleavage always goes through the animal-vegetal pole of the egg. In about 70% of the cases the plane of the first cleavage is perpendicular to the future anterior-posterior axis of the actinotroch larva; in the remaining cases the plane of the first cleavage is either oblique with reference to, or occurs along, the future anterior-posterior axis of the larva. Following gastrulation catecholamine-containing cells first make their appearance in the apical plate and gut cells first produce esterase. The timing of regional specification in these embryos has been examined by isolating animal or vegetal, anterior or posterior, or lateral regions at different time periods between the initiation of cleavage and gastrulation and examining their ability to differentiate. Animal halves isolated from early cleavage through late blastula stages do not gastrulate and do not form catecholamine-containing cells. When animal halves are isolated with endoderm during gastrulation, they differentiate catecholamine-containing cells. Vegetal halves isolated at the 8- to 16-cell stage gastrulate and form normal actinotroch larvae with esterase-positive gut and catecholamine-containing apical plate cells. When this same region is isolated at blastula stages it does not gastrulate and does not differentiate these cell types. Vegetal halves isolated during gastrulation subsequently form esterase-positive gut cells, but they do not form catecholamine-containing apical plate cells. When presumptive anterior, posterior, or lateral halves are isolated from early cleavage through blastula stages, each half forms a normal actinotroch larva. Lateral halves isolated during gastrulation also form normal larvae. Anterior halves isolated during late gastrulation differentiate only the anterior end of the actinotroch larva. These isolates have a hood with catecholamine-containing apical plate cells and the first part of an esterase-positive gut but lack the anlagen of the intestine and protonephridia. Posterior halves isolated during late gastrulation differentiate only the posterior end of the actinotroch which lacks a hood with catecholamine-containing cells but has an esterase-positive gut, protonephridia, and the anlagen of the intestine.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The evolution of traits in hosts may be influenced by their parasites and vice versa and a coevolutionary arms race often develops between the two. As part of such an arms race, the common cuckoo mimics the eggs of its hosts to avoid egg rejection. Traits related to this arms race may also be influenced by climatic conditions, such as temperature, affecting, for example, food availability and, thus, female condition and egg size (therefore may reflect Bergmann’s rule or the resource rule). The potential interaction between coevolution and climate has rarely been studied. We investigated whether egg and body size of cuckoos and reed warblers from Britain and Denmark had undergone change between 1868 and 1956, and whether such changes were correlated with climatic factors. Cuckoo egg size decreased during the studied period while warbler egg size remained stable. Hence, cuckoo and warbler eggs have become more similar in size over time. Cuckoo egg volume decreased with increasing annual precipitation, but annual precipitation decreased over time. Warbler egg volume increased with spring temperatures (which could not reflect Bergmann’s rule, but may support the resource rule). Hence, it seems that the measured climatic indices did not affect cuckoo egg size but may in part affect warbler egg size. Therefore, the decrease in cuckoo egg size may be the result of the coevolutionary arms race. Body and egg sizes in the cuckoos were negatively correlated whereas warbler body and egg sizes were uncorrelated, suggesting that selection probably acted on egg size directly and not via selection on body size. Taken together, these findings may indicate that climate change, the coevolutionary arms race, or both, affected egg sizes. It is suggested that drawing conclusions regarding the arms race without taking into account other selective pressures (e.g., climate) may confound conclusions regarding parasite-host systems.  相似文献   

The relationship between egg size and offspring phenotype is critical to our understanding of the selective pressures acting on the key reproductive life-history traits of egg size and number. Yet there is surprisingly little empirical evidence to support a strong, positive relationship between egg size and offspring quality (i.e., offspring growth, condition, and survival) in birds, in part because of confounding effects of parental quality and the lack of experimental techniques for directly manipulating avian egg size independently of maternal condition. Previously, we showed that treatment of laying female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) with the antiestrogen tamoxifen can decrease egg size by ca. 8% but that this reduction in egg size had few effects on offspring mass and size at fledging. Here, we extend the use of this technique to induce larger decreases in egg size (up to 50% in individual females) and show that a reduction in egg size of ca. 18% is associated with decreased embryo viability, increased hatchling mortality, and lower posthatching offspring survival. Furthermore, we show that although hatchlings from eggs reduced in size by ca. 9% can survive to fledging, these chicks show slower initial growth during the linear growth phase (5-10 d of age), fledge at lower masses than chicks from control eggs, and show postfledging compensatory growth. Our results provide empirical support for significant effects of egg size on offspring quality and further suggest that among individual females there is a minimum egg size required to maintain embryo viability and offspring quality.  相似文献   

D. T. Briese 《Oecologia》1996,105(4):464-474
Female Larinus latus lay eggs into the capitula of their Onopordum spp. host plants from the onset of capitulum development until the completion of flowering. This tight linkage between insect life-history and plant development optimised larval survival, apart from some initial asynchrony between the readiness of the females to oviposit and the suitability of the very small capitula to physically support eggs. Eggs were laid on bracts and stems of capitula or directly in the florets, when these became available. Both the location of the egg and time of oviposition influenced mortality factors such as egg and larval parasitism, egg desiccation and larval establishment. Overall, survival of eggs laid later in the season into florets was higher, although the adults that emerged were smaller. The change in choice of oviposition site that occurs at the onset of flowering, not only favours survival, but ensures more efficient resource use by the larvae. This occurs because sequential flowering of Onopordum spp. drives a sequential oviposition pattern and spreads the egg load more evenly over the available capitula, reversing a trend earlier in the season to clump eggs that were laid directly on the bracts. Other potential constraints, such as capitulum size, absolute egg density and previous egg-laying do not play a major role in determining the oviposition pattern of L. latus. Larval survival was positively correlated with capitulum size and not strongly influenced by egg density. Competition for resources only appeared to play a role in smaller capitula, and manifested itself in a reduction in the size of emerging adults rather than the death of immatures. In the absence of strong interspecific competition, the oviposition behavior of L. latus has become geared to maximising resource use for larvae (i.e. its own potential competitiveness) rather than minimising interactions with other members of the capitulum endophage guild.  相似文献   

Larvae of two species of sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis and S. purpuratus) differ in initial form and in the rate of development. To determine whether these differences are attributable to the large interspecific difference in egg size, we experimentally reduced egg size by isolating blastomeres from embryos. The rate of development of feeding larvae derived from isolated blastomeres was quantified using a novel morphometric method. If the differences early in the life histories of these two species are due strictly to differences in egg size, then experimental reduction of the size of S. droebachiensis eggs should yield an initial larval form and rate of development similar to that of S. purpuratus. Our experimental manipulations of egg size produced three clear results: 1) smaller eggs yielded larvae that were smaller and had simpler body forms, 2) smaller eggs resulted in slower development through the early feeding larval stages, and 3) effects of egg size were restricted to early larval stages. Larvae from experimentally reduced eggs of the larger species had rates of development similar to those of the smaller species. Thus, cytoplasmic volumes of the eggs, not genetic differences expressed during development, account for differences in larval form and the rate of form change. This is the first definitive demonstration of the causal relationship between egg size (parental investment per offspring) and life-history characteristics in marine benthic invertebrates. Because larval form influences feeding capability, the epigenetic effects of egg size on larval form are likely to have important functional consequences. Adaptive evolution of egg size may be constrained by the developmental relationships between egg size and larval form: evolutionary changes in egg size alone can result in concerted changes in larval form and function; likewise evolutionary changes in larval form and function can be achieved through changes in egg size. These findings may have broader implications for other taxa in which larval morphology and, consequently, performance may be influenced by changes in egg size.  相似文献   

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