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Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase catalyzes the oxidation and decarboxylation of glutaryl-CoA to crotonyl-CoA and CO(2). Inherited defects in the protein cause glutaric acidemia type I, a fatal neurologic disease. Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase is the only member of the acyl-CoA dehydrogenase family with a cationic residue, Arg-94, situated in the binding site of the acyl moiety of the substrate. Crystallographic investigations suggest that Arg-94 is within hydrogen bonding distance of the gamma-carboxylate of glutaryl-CoA. Substitution of Arg-94 by glycine, a disease-causing mutation, and by glutamine, which is sterically more closely related to arginine, reduced k(cat) of the mutant dehydrogenases to 2-3% of k(cat) of the wild type enzyme. K(m) of these mutant dehydrogenases for glutaryl-CoA increases 10- to 16-fold. The steady-state kinetic constants of alternative substrates, hexanoyl-CoA and glutaramyl-CoA, which are not decarboxylated, are modestly affected by the mutations. The latter changes are probably due to steric and polar effects. The dissociation constants of the non-oxidizable substrate analogs, 3-thiaglutaryl-CoA and acetoacetyl-CoA, are not altered by the mutations. However, abstraction of a alpha-proton from 3-thiaglutaryl-CoA, to yield a charge transfer complex with the oxidized flavin, is severely limited. In contrast, abstraction of the alpha-proton of acetoacetyl-CoA by Arg-94 --> Gln mutant dehydrogenase is unaffected, and the resulting enolate forms a charge transfer complex with the oxidized flavin. These experiments indicate that Arg-94 does not make a major contribution to glutaryl-CoA binding. However, the electric field of Arg-94 may stabilize the dianions resulting from abstraction of the alpha-proton of glutaryl-CoA and 3-thiaglutaryl-CoA, both of which contain gamma-carboxylates. It is also possible that Arg-94 may orient glutaryl-CoA and 3-thiaglutaryl-CoA for abstraction of an alpha-proton.  相似文献   

Glutaconyl-coenzyme A (CoA) is the presumed enzyme-bound intermediate in the oxidative decarboxylation of glutaryl-CoA that is catalyzed by glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase. We demonstrated glutaconyl-CoA bound to glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase after anaerobic reduction of the dehydrogenase with glutaryl-CoA. Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase also has intrinsic enoyl-CoA hydratase activity, a property of other members of the acyl-CoA dehydrogenase family. The enzyme rapidly hydrates glutaconyl-CoA at pH 7.6 with a k(cat) of 2.7 s(-1). The k(cat) in the overall oxidation-decarboxylation reaction at pH 7.6 is about 9 s(-1). The binding of glutaconyl-CoA was quantitatively assessed from the K(m) in the hydratase reaction, 3 microM, and the K(i), 1.0 microM, as a competitive inhibitor of the dehydrogenase. These values compare with K(m) and K(i) of 4.0 and 12.9 microM, respectively, for crotonyl-CoA. Glu370 is the general base catalyst in the dehydrogenase that abstracts an alpha-proton of the substrate to initiate the catalytic pathway. The mutant dehydrogenase, Glu370Gln, is inactive in the dehydrogenation and the hydratase reactions. However, this mutant dehydrogenase decarboxylates glutaconyl-CoA to crotonyl-CoA without oxidation-reduction reactions of the dehydrogenase flavin. Addition of glutaconyl-CoA to this mutant dehydrogenase results in a rapid, transient increase in long-wavelength absorbance (lambda(max) approximately 725 nm), and crotonyl-CoA is found as the sole product. We propose that this 725 nm-absorbing species is the delocalized crotonyl-CoA anion that follows decarboxylation and that the decay is the result of slow protonation of the anion in the absence of the general acid catalyst, Glu370(H(+)). In the absence of detectable oxidation-reduction, the data indicate that oxidation-reduction of the dehydrogenase flavin is not essential for decarboxylation of glutaconyl-CoA.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1994,127(6):1557-1574
The carboxyl-terminal Lys-Asp-Glu-Leu (KDEL), or a closely-related sequence, is important for ER localization of both lumenal as well as type II membrane proteins. This sequence functions as a retrieval signal at post-ER compartment(s), but the exact compartment(s) where the retrieval occurs remains unresolved. With an affinity-purified antibody against the carboxyl-terminal sequence of the mammalian KDEL receptor, we have investigated its subcellular localization using immunogold labeling on thawed cryosections of different tissues, such as mouse spermatids and rat pancreas, as well as HeLa, Vero, NRK, and mouse L cells. We show that rab1 is an excellent marker of the intermediate compartment, and we use this marker, as well as budding profiles of the mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) in cells infected with this virus, to identify this compartment. Our results demonstrate that the KDEL receptor is concentrated in the intermediate compartment, as well as in the Golgi stack. Lower but significant labeling was detected in the rough ER. In general, only small amounts of the receptor were detected on the trans side of the Golgi stack, including the trans- Golgi network (TGN) of normal cells and tissues. However, some stress conditions, such as infection with vaccinia virus or vesicular stomatitis virus, as well as 20 degrees C or 43 degrees C treatment, resulted in a significant shift of the distribution towards the trans- TGN side of the Golgi stack. This shift could be quantified in HeLa cells stably expressing a TGN marker. No significant labeling was detected in structures distal to the TGN under all conditions tested. After GTP gamma S treatment of permeabilized cells, the receptor was detected in the beta-COP-containing buds/vesicles that accumulate after this treatment, suggesting that these vesicles may transport the receptor between compartments. We propose that retrieval of KDEL- containing proteins occurs at multiple post-ER compartments up to the TGN along the exocytotic pathway, and that within this pathway, the amounts of the receptor in different compartments varies according to physiological conditions.  相似文献   

J Heberle  D Oesterhelt    N A Dencher 《The EMBO journal》1993,12(10):3721-3727
Surface bound pH indicators were applied to study the proton transfer reactions in the mutant Asp85-->Glu of bacteriorhodopsin in the native membrane. The amino acid replacement induces a drastic acceleration of the overall rise of the M intermediate. Instead of following this acceleration, proton ejection to the extracellular membrane surface is not only two orders of magnitude slower than M formation, it is also delayed as compared with the wild-type. This demonstrates that Asp85 not only accepts the proton released by the Schiff's base but also regulates very efficiently proton transfer within the proton release chain. Furthermore, Asp85 might be the primary but is not the only proton acceptor/donor group in the release pathway. The Asp85-->Glu substitution also affects the proton reuptake reaction at the cytoplasmic side, although Asp85 is located in the proton release pathway. Proton uptake is slower in the mutant than in the wild-type and occurs during the lifetime of the O intermediate. This demonstrates a feed-back mechanism between Asp85 and the proton uptake pathway in bacteriorhodopsin.  相似文献   

Metal ions in proteins are important not only for the formation of the proper structures but also for various biological activities. For biological functions such as hydrolysis and oxidation, metal ions often adopt unusual coordination structures. We constructed a stable scaffold for metal binding to create distorted metal coordination structures. A stable four stranded α‐helical coiled‐coil structure was used as the scaffold, and the metal binding site was in the cavity created at the center of the structure. Two His residues and one Asp or Glu residue were used to coordinate the metal ions, AM2D and AM2E, respectively. Cu2+ bound to AM2D with an equatorial planar coordination structure with two His, one Asp, and H2O as detected by electron spin resonance and UV spectral analyzes. On the other hand, Cu2+ had a slightly distorted square planar structure when it bound two His and Glu in AM2E, due to the longer side‐chain of the Glu residue as compared to the Asp residue. Computational analysis also supported the distorted coordination structure of Cu2+ in AM2E. This construct should be useful to create various coordinations of metal ions for catalytic functions. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 91: 907–916, 2009. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   

Fillgrove KL  Anderson VE 《Biochemistry》2001,40(41):12412-12421
The chemical mechanism of the 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase (EC from rat liver mitochondria has been investigated. This enzyme catalyzes the NADPH-dependent reduction of 2,4-dienoyl-coenzyme A (CoA) thiolesters to the resulting trans-3-enoyl-CoA. Steady-state kinetic parameters for trans-2,trans-4-hexadienoyl-CoA and 5-phenyl-trans-2,trans-4-pentadienoyl-CoA were determined and demonstrated that the dienoyl-CoA and NADPH bind to the 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase via a sequential kinetic mechanism. Kinetic isotope effect studies and the transient kinetics of substrate binding support a random order of nucleotide and dienoyl-CoA addition. The large normal solvent isotope effects on V/K ((D)(2)(O)V/K) and V ((D)(2)(O)V) for trans-2,trans-4-hexadienoyl-CoA reduction indicate that a proton transfer step is rate limiting for this substrate. The stability gained by conjugating the phenyl ring to the diene in PPD-CoA results in the reversal of the rate-determining step, as evidenced by the normal isotope effects on V/K(CoA) ((D)V/K(CoA)) and V/K(NADPH) ((D)V/K(NADPH)). The reversal of the rate-determining step was supported by transient kinetics where a burst was observed for the reduction of trans-2,trans-4-hexadienoyl-CoA but not for 5-phenyl-trans-2,trans-4-pentadienoyl-CoA reduction. The chemical mechanism is stepwise where hydride transfer from NADPH occurs followed by protonation of the observable dienolate intermediate, which has an absorbance maximum at 286 nm. The exchange of the C alpha protons of trans-3-decenoyl-CoA, catalyzed by the 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase, in the presence of NADP(+) suggests that formation of the dienolate is catalyzed by the enzyme active site.  相似文献   

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), characterized by cardiac hypertrophy and contractile dysfunction, is a major cause of heart failure. HCM can result from mutations in the gene encoding cardiac α-tropomyosin (TM). To understand how the HCM-causing Asp175Asn and Glu180Gly mutations in α-tropomyosin affect on actin-myosin interaction during the ATPase cycle, we labeled the SH1 helix of myosin subfragment-1 and the actin subdomain-1 with the fluorescent probe N-iodoacetyl-N'-(5-sulfo-1-naphtylo)ethylenediamine. These proteins were incorporated into ghost muscle fibers and their conformational states were monitored during the ATPase cycle by measuring polarized fluorescence. For the first time, the effect of these α-tropomyosins on the mobility and rotation of subdomain-1 of actin and the SH1 helix of myosin subfragment-1 during the ATP hydrolysis cycle have been demonstrated directly by polarized fluorimetry. Wild-type α-tropomyosin increases the amplitude of the SH1 helix and subdomain-1 movements during the ATPase cycle, indicating the enhancement of the efficiency of the work of cross-bridges. Both mutant TMs increase the proportion of the strong-binding sub-states, with the effect of the Glu180Gly mutation being greater than that of Asp175Asn. It is suggested that the alteration in the concerted conformational changes of actomyosin is likely to provide the structural basis for the altered cardiac muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Cyclotides are a family of plant defense proteins with a unique cyclic backbone and cystine knot. Their remarkable stability under harsh thermal, enzymatic, and chemical conditions, combined with their range of bioactivities, including anti-HIV activity, underpins their potential as protein drug scaffolds. The vast majority of cyclotides possess a conserved glutamate residue in loop 1 of the sequence that is involved in a structurally important network of hydrogen bonds to an adjacent loop (loop 3). A single native cyclotide sequence, kalata B12, has been discovered that has an aspartic acid in this otherwise conserved position. Previous studies have determined that methylation of the glutamate or substitution with alanine abolishes the membrane disrupting activity that is characteristic of the family. To further understand the role of this conserved structural feature, we studied the folding, structure, stability, and activity of the natural aspartic acid variant kalata B12 and compared it to the prototypical cyclotide kalata B1, along with its glutamate to alanine or aspartate mutants. We show that the overall fold of kalata B12 is similar to the structure of other cyclotides, confirming that the cyclotide framework is robust and tolerant to substitution, although the structure appears to be more flexible than other cyclotides. Modification of the glutamate in kalata B1 or replacing the aspartate in kalata B12 with a glutamate reduces the efficiency of oxidative folding relative to the native peptides. The bioactivity of all modified glutamate cyclotides is abolished, suggesting an important functional role of this conserved residue. Overall, this study shows that the presence of a glutamic acid in loop 1 of the cyclotides improves stability and is essential for the membrane disrupting activity of cyclotides.  相似文献   

Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), characterized by cardiac dilatation and contractile dysfunction, is a major cause of heart failure. DCM can result from mutations in the gene encoding cardiac α-tropomyosin (TM). In order to understand how the dilated cardiomyopathy-causing Glu40Lys mutation in TM affects actomyosin interactions, thin filaments have been reconstituted in muscle ghost fibers by incorporation of labeled Cys707 of myosin subfragment-1 and Cys374 of actin with fluorescent probe 1.5-IAEDANS and α-tropomyosin (wild-type or Glu40Lys mutant). For the first time, the effect of these α-tropomyosins on the mobility and rotation of subdomain-1 of actin and the SH1 helix of myosin subfragment-1 during the ATP hydrolysis cycle have been demonstrated directly by polarized fluorimetry. The Glu40Lys mutant TM inhibited these movements at the transition from AM∗∗·ADP·Pi to AM state, indicating a decrease of the proportion of the strong-binding sub-states in the actomyosin population. These structural changes are likely to underlie the contractile deficit observed in human dilated cardiomyopathy.  相似文献   

The interactions of the substrate analogues, GlcNAc, beta-methyl GlcNAc, (GlcNAc)2, and (GlcNAc)3, with turkey egg-white lysozyme [ED], in which the Asp 101 of hen lysozyme is replaced by Gly, were studied at various pH values by measuring changes in the circular dichroic (CD) band at 295 nm. Results were compared with those for hen egg-white lysozyme. The modes of binding of these substrate analogues to turkey lysozyme were very similar to those hen lysozyme except for the participation of Asp 101 in hen lysozyme. The ionization constants of the catalytic carboxyls, Glu 35 and Asp 52, in the turkey lysozyme-(GlcNAc)3 complex were determined by measuring the pH dependence of the CD band at 304 nm, which originates from Trp 108 near the catalytic carboxyls. The ionization behavior of the catalytic carboxyls of turkey lysozyme in the presence and absence of (GlcNAc)3 was essentially the same as that for hen lysozyme. The pH dependence of the binding constant of (GlcNAc)3 to hen lysozyme was compared with that to turkey lysozyme between pH 2 and 8. The pH dependence of the binding constant for (GlcNAc)3 to turkey lysozyme could be interpreted entirely in terms of perturbation of catalytic carboxyls. In the case of hen lysozyme, it was interpreted in terms of perturbation of the catalytic carboxyls and Asp 101 in the substrate-binding site. The pK values of Asp 101 in hen lysozyme and the hen lysozyme-(GLcNAc)3 complex were 4.5 and 3.4, respectively. The binding constants of (GlcNAc)3 to lysozyme molecules with different microscopic protonation forms, with respect to the catalytic carboxyls, were estimated. The binding constant of lysozyme, in which Asp 52 and Glu 35 are deprotonated, to (GlcNAc)3 was the smallest. The other three species had similar binding constant to (GlcNAc)3.  相似文献   

The deficiency of the enzyme glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase leads to predominant accumulation of glutaric acid (GA) in the organism and is known as glutaric acidemia type I (GA1). Despite the mechanisms of brain damage involved in GA1 are not fully understood, oxidative stress may be involved in this process. Treatment is based on protein/lysine (Lys) restriction and l-carnitine (L-car) supplementation. L-car was recently shown to have an important antioxidant role. A knockout mice model (Gcdh?/?) submitted to a dietary overload of Lys was developed to better understand the GA1 pathogenesis. In this study, we evaluated L-car and glutarylcarnitine levels, the lipid and protein damage, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and antioxidant enzymes activities in striatum of Gcdh?/? and wild-type (WT) mice. We also determined the effect of the L-car treatment on these parameters. Thirty-day-old Gcdh?/? and WT mice were fed a normal chow (0.9% Lys) or submitted to a high Lys diet (4.7%) for 72 h. Additionally, these animals were administered with three intraperitoneal injections of saline or L-car in different times. Gcdh?/? mice were deficient in L-car and presented a higher glutarylcarnitine levels. They also presented lipid and protein damage, an increased ROS production and altered antioxidant enzymes compared to WT mice. Additionally, mice exposed to Lys overload presented higher alterations in these parameters than mice under normal diet, which were significantly decreased or normalized in those receiving L-car. Thus, we demonstrated a new beneficial effect of the L-car treatment attenuating or abolishing the oxidative stress process in Gcdh?/? mice.  相似文献   

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), characterized by cardiac hypertrophy and contractile dysfunction, is a major cause of heart failure. HCM can result from mutations in the gene encoding cardiac α-tropomyosin (TM). To understand how the HCM-causing Asp175Asn and Glu180Gly mutations in α-tropomyosin affect on actin-myosin interaction during the ATPase cycle, we labeled the SH1 helix of myosin subfragment-1 and the actin subdomain-1 with the fluorescent probe N-iodoacetyl-N′-(5-sulfo-1-naphtylo)ethylenediamine. These proteins were incorporated into ghost muscle fibers and their conformational states were monitored during the ATPase cycle by measuring polarized fluorescence. For the first time, the effect of these α-tropomyosins on the mobility and rotation of subdomain-1 of actin and the SH1 helix of myosin subfragment-1 during the ATP hydrolysis cycle have been demonstrated directly by polarized fluorimetry. Wild-type α-tropomyosin increases the amplitude of the SH1 helix and subdomain-1 movements during the ATPase cycle, indicating the enhancement of the efficiency of the work of cross-bridges. Both mutant TMs increase the proportion of the strong-binding sub-states, with the effect of the Glu180Gly mutation being greater than that of Asp175Asn. It is suggested that the alteration in the concerted conformational changes of actomyosin is likely to provide the structural basis for the altered cardiac muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Sensory rhodopsin II (SRII), a repellent phototaxis receptor found in Halobacterium salinarum, has several homologous residues which have been found to be important for the proper functioning of bacteriorhodopsin (BR), a light-driven proton pump. These include Asp73, which in the case of bacteriorhodopsin (Asp85) functions as the Schiff base counterion and proton acceptor. We analyzed the photocycles of both wild-type SRII and the mutant D73E, both reconstituted in Halobacterium salinarum lipids, using FTIR difference spectroscopy under conditions that favor accumulation of the O-like, photocycle intermediate, SII540. At both room temperature and -20 degrees C, the difference spectrum of SRII is similar to the BR-->O640 difference spectrum of BR, especially in the configurationally sensitive retinal fingerprint region. This indicates that SII540 has an all-trans chromophore similar to the O640 intermediate in BR. A positive band at 1761 cm-1 downshifts 40 cm-1 in the mutant D73E, confirming that Asp73 undergoes a protonation reaction and functions in analogy to Asp85 in BR as a Schiff base proton acceptor. Several other bands in the C=O stretching regions are identified which reflect protonation or hydrogen bonding changes of additional Asp and/or Glu residues. Intense bands in the amide I region indicate that a protein conformational change occurs in the late SRII photocycle which may be similar to the conformational changes that occur in the late BR photocycle. However, unlike BR, this conformational change does not reverse during formation of the O-like intermediate, and the peptide groups giving rise to these bands are partially accessible for hydrogen/deuterium exchange. Implications of these findings for the mechanism of SRII signal transduction are discussed.  相似文献   

A solvent kinetic isotope effect study of electron transfer in two complex flavoproteins, xanthine oxidase and trimethylamine dehydrogenase, has been undertaken. With xanthine oxidase, electron transfer from the molybdenum center to the proximal iron-sulfur center of the enzyme occurs with a modest solvent kinetic isotope effect of 2.2, indicating that electron transfer out of the molybdenum center is at least partially coupled to deprotonation of the Mo(V) donor. A Marcus-type analysis yields a decay factor, beta, of 1.4 A(-1), indicating that, although the pyranopterin cofactor of the molybdenum center forms a nearly contiguous covalent bridge from the molybdenum atom to the proximal iron-sulfur center of the enzyme, it affords no exceptionally effective mode of electron transfer between the two centers. For trimethylamine dehydrogenase, rates of electron equilibration between the flavin and iron-sulfur center of the one-electron reduced enzyme have been determined, complementing previous studies of electron transfer in the two-electron reduced form. The results indicate a substantial solvent kinetic isotope effect of 10 +/- 4, consistent with a model for electron transfer that involves discrete protonation/deprotonation and electron transfer steps. This contrasts to the behavior seen with xanthine oxidase, and the basis for this difference is discussed in the context of the structures for the two proteins and the ionization properties of their flavin sites. With xanthine oxidase, a rationale is presented as to why it is desirable in certain cases that the physical layout of redox-active sites not be uniformly increasing in reduction potential in the direction of physiological electron transfer.  相似文献   

Photoactive yellow protein (PYP) is a blue light sensor present in the purple photosynthetic bacterium Ectothiorhodospira halophila, which undergoes a cyclic series of absorbance changes upon illumination at its lambda(max) of 446 nm. The anionic p-hydroxycinnamoyl chromophore of PYP is covalently bound as a thiol ester to Cys69, buried in a hydrophobic pocket, and hydrogen-bonded via its phenolate oxygen to Glu46 and Tyr42. The chromophore becomes protonated in the photobleached state (I(2)) after it undergoes trans-cis isomerization, which results in breaking of the H-bond between Glu46 and the chromophore and partial exposure of the phenolic ring to the solvent. In previous mutagenesis studies of a Glu46Gln mutant, we have shown that a key factor in controlling the color and photocycle kinetics of PYP is this H-bonding system. To further investigate this, we have now characterized Glu46Asp and Glu46Ala mutants. The ground-state absorption spectrum of the Glu46Asp mutant shows a pH-dependent equilibrium (pK = 8.6) between two species: a protonated (acidic) form (lambda(max) = 345 nm), and a slightly blue-shifted deprotonated (basic) form (lambda(max) = 444 nm). Both of these species are photoactive. A similar transition was also observed for the Glu46Ala mutant (pK = 7.9), resulting in two photoactive red-shifted forms: a basic species (lambda(max) = 465 nm) and a protonated species (lambda(max) = 365 nm). We attribute these spectral transitions to protonation/deprotonation of the phenolate oxygen of the chromophore. This is demonstrated by FT Raman spectra. Dark recovery kinetics (return to the unphotolyzed state) were found to vary appreciably between these various photoactive species. These spectral and kinetic properties indicate that the hydrogen bond between Glu46 and the chromophore hydroxyl group is a dominant factor in controlling the pK values of the chromophore and the glutamate carboxyl.  相似文献   

The MutH protein, which is part of the Dam-directed mismatch repair system of Escherichia coli, introduces nicks in the unmethylated strand of a hemi-methylated DNA duplex. The latent endonuclease activity of MutH is activated by interaction with MutL, another member of the repair system. The crystal structure of MutH suggested that the active site residues include Asp70, Glu77 and Lys79, which are located at the bottom of a cleft where DNA binding probably occurs. We mutated these residues to alanines and found that the mutant proteins were unable to complement a chromosomal mutH deletion. The purified mutant proteins were able to bind to DNA with a hemi-methylated GATC sequence but had no detectable endonuclease activity with or without MutL. Although the data are consistent with the prediction of a catalytic role for Asp70, Glu77 and Lys79, it cannot be excluded that they are also involved in binding to MutL.  相似文献   

Site-specific mutagenesis was used to replace Glu309, Glu771, and Asp800 in the Ca(2+)-ATPase of rabbit fast twitch muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum with their corresponding amides. These residues are predicted to lie in the transmembrane domain and have been suggested as oxygen ligands for Ca2+ binding at high affinity sites (Clarke, D. M., Loo, T. W., Inesi, G., and MacLennan, D. H. (1989) Nature 339, 476-478). The Glu309----Gln and Asp800----Asn mutants were unable to form a phosphoenzyme from ATP at the Ca2+ concentrations examined (up to 12.5 mM), whereas the Glu771----Gln mutant phosphorylated from ATP at 2.5 mM Ca2+. In all three mutants, Ca2+ at concentrations well below 12.5 mM prevented or inhibited phosphorylation with Pi, suggesting that at least one calcium-binding site was functioning in each mutant. In the mutants Glu309----Gln and Glu771----Gln, the ADP-insensitive phosphoenzyme intermediate was unusually stable, as indicated by a very low rate of dephosphorylation observed in kinetic experiments and by an increased apparent affinity for Pi determined in equilibrium phosphorylation experiments. These data indicate a central role of Glu309 and Glu771 in the energy-transducing conformational changes and/or in the activation of phosphoenzyme hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Human beta-hexosaminidase A (alpha beta) and B (beta beta) are composed of subunits (alpha and beta) that are 60% identical and have been grouped with other evolutionarily related glycosidases into "Family 20". The three-dimensional structure of only one Family 20 member has been elucidated, a bacterial chitobiase. This enzyme shares primary structure homology with both the human subunits only in its active-site region, and even in this restricted area, the level of identity is only 26%. Thus, the validity of the molecular model for the active site of the human enzyme based on chitobiase must be determined experimentally. In this report, we analyze highly purified mutant forms of human hexosaminidase B that have had conservative substitutions made at Glu and Asp residues predicted by the chitobiase model to be part of its active site. Mutation of beta Glu(355) to Gln reduces k(cat) 5000-fold with only a small effect on K(m), while also shifting the pH optimum. These effects are consistent with assignment of this residue as the acid/base catalytic residue. Similarly, mutation of beta Asp(354) to Asn reduced k(cat) 2000-fold while leaving K(m) essentially unaltered, consistent with assignment of this residue as the residue that interacts with the substrate acetamide group to promote its attack on the anomeric center. These data in conjunction with the mutagenesis studies of Asp(241) and Glu(491) indicate that the molecular model is substantially accurate in its identification of catalytically important residues.  相似文献   

Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), coded by the gene NOS3, may play an important role in uncontrollable cellular growth in several cancer types. Our study was performed to test the association between Glu298Asp polymorphisms in the NOS3 gene and colorectal cancer risk and progression. In this study, NOS3 Glu298Asp polymorphism was genotyped in 84 patients with colorectal cancer and 99 healthy subjects using polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis. There were significant differences in the distribution of NOS3 genotypes and frequencies of the alleles between colorectal cancer patients and controls (P = 0.016, P = 0.006, respectively). The increased frequency of NOS3 Glu298Asp homozygotes genotypes in patients who had advanced tumour stage was statistically significant (P = 0.042). Our findings have suggested that NOS3 Glu298Asp polymorphism might be associated with the risk and progression of colorectal cancer in Turkish population.  相似文献   

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