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While haemoconcentration due to loss of plasma volume is well established during cycling, the existence of similar changes during running remains contentious. This study compared the changes in plasma volume and associated blood indices during 60 min of running and cycling at the same relative intensity (approximately 65% VO2max), with all changes referenced to blood indices obtained after 30 min seated at rest on a cycle ergometer. Plasma osmolarity increased similarly with both forms of exercise but was less than predicted for water loss alone, such that there was a net loss of sodium during exercise and of potassium postexercise, with essentially no loss of protein. Plasma volume decreased similarly (approximately 6.5%) in both exercise trials, but while that with cycling was initiated by exercise itself and was essentially maximal within 5 min, the reduction in plasma volume in the running trial was induced by adopting the upright posture and was complete before exercise began. These data would indicate that different mechanisms are responsible for the changes in plasma volume induced by running and cycling, while the similarity of change would suggest that there is a lower limit to any reduction in plasma volume, regardless of mechanism. Furthermore, the observation that the changes in plasma volume were complete before or early in exercise, would imply that oral water ingestion during prolonged exercise, which is essential for thermoregulation, may be more concerned with homeostasis of extravascular water rather than plasma volume.  相似文献   

A method is described for frequent sequential blood volume estimation in baboons using 32P for red cell volume measurements and 125I-albumin for simultaneous plasma volume measurements. Values for red cell, plasma, and total blood volumes are reported. Close correlations of the volumes to bodyweight were demonstrated. Circulatory half-lives of the isotopes, determined from disappearance curves, confirmed their suitability for serial measurements in these baboons.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of acute exposure of the whole body to cold on blood lactate response during incremental exercise. Eight subjects were tested with a cycle ergometer in a climatic chamber, room temperature being controlled either at 24 degrees C (MT) or at -2 degrees C (CT). The protocol consisted of a step increment in exercise intensity of 30 W every 2 min until exhaustion. Oxygen consumption (VO2) was measured at rest and during the last minute of each exercise intensity. Blood samples were collected at rest and at exhaustion for estimations of plasma norepinephrine (NE), epinephrine (E), free fatty acid (FFA) and glucose concentrations, during the last 15 s of each exercise step and also during the 1st, 4th, 7th, and the 10th min following exercise for the determination of blood lactate (LA) concentration. The VO2 was higher during CT than during MT at rest and during nearly every exercise intensity. At CT, lactate anaerobic threshold (LAT), determined from a marked increase of LA above resting level, increased significantly by 49% expressed as absolute VO2, and 27% expressed as exercise intensity as compared with MT. The LA tended to be higher for light exercise intensities and lower for heavy exercise intensities during CT than during MT. The E and NE concentrations increased during exercise, regardless of ambient temperature. Furthermore, at rest and at exhaustion E concentrations did not differ between both conditions, while NE concentrations were greater during CT than during MT. Moreover, an increase off FFA was found only during CT.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Previous experiments have demonstrated that consumption of a glucose polymer-electrolyte (GP-E) beverage is superior to water in minimizing exercise-induced decreases in plasma volume (PV). We tested the hypothesis that elevated plasma concentrations of vasopressin and/or aldosterone above that seen with water ingestion may explain this observation. Six trained cyclists performed 115 min of constant-load exercise (approximately 65% of maximal oxygen consumption) on a cycle ergometer on two occasions with 7 days separating experiments. Ambient conditions were maintained relatively constant for both exercise tests (29-30 degrees C; 58-66% relative humidity). During each experiment, subjects consumed 400 ml of one of the following beverages 20 min prior to exercise and 275 ml immediately prior to and every 15 min during exercise: (1) distilled water or (2) GP-E drink contents = 7% carbohydrate (glucose polymers and fructose; 9 mmol.l-1 sodium; 5 mmol.l-1 potassium; osmolality 250 mosmol.l-1). No significant difference (P > 0.05) existed in mean skin temperature, rectal temperature, oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production or the respiratory exchange ratio between treatments. Further, no significant differences existed in plasma osmolality and plasma concentrations of sodium, potassium, chloride or magnesium between treatments. Plasma volume was better maintained (P < 0.05) in the GP-E trial at 90 and 120 min of exercise when compared to the water treatment. No differences existed in plasma levels of vasopressin or aldosterone between treatments at any measurement period. Further, the correlation coefficients between plasma concentrations of vasopressin and aldosterone and change in PV during exercise were 0.42 (P < 0.05) and 0.16 (P > 0.05), respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To examine the influence of an increase in central blood volume with head-out water immersion (WI) on the sympathoadrenal response to graded dynamic exercise, nine healthy men underwent upright leg cycle exercise on land and with WI. Plasma norepinephrine and epinephrine concentrations were used as indexes of overall sympathoadrenal activity. Oxygen consumption (VO2), heart rate, systolic blood pressure, and plasma concentrations of norepinephrine, epinephrine, and lactate were determined at work loads corresponding to approximately 40, 60, 80, and 100% peak VO2. Peak VO2 did not differ on land and with WI. Plasma norepinephrine concentration was reduced (P less than 0.05) at 80 and 100% peak VO2 with WI and on land, respectively. Plasma epinephrine and lactate concentrations were similar on land and with WI at the three submaximal work stages, but both were reduced (P less than 0.05) at peak exertion with WI. Heart rate was lower (P less than 0.05) at the three highest work intensities with WI. These results suggest that the central shift in blood volume with WI reduces the sympathoadrenal response to high-intensity dynamic exercise.  相似文献   

This study examined plasma volume changes (deltaPV) in humans during periods with or without changes in body hydration: exercise-induced dehydration, heat-induced dehydration and glycerol hyperhydration. Repeated measurements of plasma volume were made after two injections of Evans blue. Results were compared to deltaPV calculated from haematocrit (Hct) and blood haemoglobin concentration ([Hb]). Eight well-trained men completed four trials in randomized order: euhydration (control test C), 2.8% dehydration of body mass by passive controlled hyperthermia (D) and by treadmill exercise (60% of their maximal oxygen uptake, VO2max) (E), and hyperhydration (H) by glycerol ingestion. The Hct, [Hb], plasma protein concentrations and plasma osmolality were measured before, during and after the changes in body hydration. Different Hct and [Hb] reference values were obtained to allow for posture-induced variations between and during trials. The deltaPV values calculated after two Evans blue injections were in good agreement with deltaPV calculated from Hct and [Hb]. Compared to the control test, mean plasma volume declined markedly during heat-induced dehydration [-11.4 (SEM 1.7)%] and slightly during exercise-induced dehydration [-4.2 (SEM 0.9)%] (P < 0.001 compared to D), although hyperosmolality was similar in these two trials. Conversely, glycerol hyperhydration induced an increase in plasma volume [+7.5 (SEM 1.0)%]. These results would indicate that, for a given level of dehydration, plasma volume is dramatically decreased during and after heat exposure, while it is better maintained during and after exercise.  相似文献   

Effect of exercise on blood volume   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Five healthy men exercised at 65-70% of maximum O2 uptake (VO2 max) for 30 min in an ambient temperature of 30 degrees C. Duplicate experiments were conducted at three levels of plasma volume:control, hypovolemia, in which blood volume (BV) was reduced an average of 490 ml (9.7%) with diuretics, and hypervolemia, in which BV was increased an average of 440 ml (7.8%) by infusing an isotonic solution containing 5% human serum albumin. Marked venoconstriction occurred during exercise in all conditions and persisted despite large increases in deep body temperature. The degree of venoconstriction was similar during control and hypervolemic conditions, but was potentiated during hypovolemia. The observed venoconstriction appeared to consist of two components: an early one related to autonomic adjustments at the onset of exercise, and a later one possibly related to progressive decreases in cardiac filling. Heart rate, cardiac stroke volume (SV), and cardiac output during exercise were significantly affected by changes in BV. During hypovolemia the average differences from control values were 10 beats X min-1, -14 ml, and -2.2 l X min-1, respectively; during hypervolemia the differences from control were -7 X min-1, 10 ml, and 1.0 l X min-1, respectively. The pattern of SV over the course of exercise indicates that pooling of blood in veins may be quantitatively more important than plasma water loss in reducing cardiac filling pressure in the heat.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of the initial state of hydration on hormone responses to prolonged exercise in the heat. Five subjects at two initial hydration levels (hypohydrated and hyperhydrated) were exposed to a 36 degrees C environment for 3 h of intermittent exercise. During exercise, the subjects were either fluid-deprived, or rehydrated with water or an isotonic electrolyte sucrose solution (ISO). Both the stress hormones, adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol, and the main fluid regulatory hormones, aldosterone, renin activity (PRA) and arginine vasopressin (AVP), were measured in blood samples taken every hour. Prior hyperhydration significantly reduced initial AVP, aldosterone and PRA levels. However, except for AVP, which responded to exercise significantly less in previously hyperhydrated subjects (p less than 0.05), the initial hydration state did not influence the subsequent vascular and hormonal responses when the subjects were fluid-deprived while exercising. Concurrent rehydration, either with water or with ISO, reduced or even abolished the hormonal responses. There were no significant differences according to the initial hydration state, except for PRA responses, which were significantly lower (p less than 0.01) in previously hyperhydrated subjects who also received water during exercise. These results indicate that prior hydration levels influence only slightly the hormonal responses to prolonged exercise in the heat. Progressive rehydration during exercise, especially when extra electrolytes are given, is more efficient in maintaining plasma volume and osmolarity and in reducing the hormonal responses.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to examine the effect of low body glycogen stores on plasma ammonia concentration and sweat ammonia excretion during prolonged, nonexhausting exercise of moderate intensity. On two occasions seven healthy untrained men pedalled on a cycle ergometer for 60 min at 50% of their predetermined maximal O2 uptakes ( max) firstly, following 3 days on a normal mixed diet (N-diet) (60% carbohydrates, 25% fat and 15% protein) and secondly, following 3 days on a low-carbohydrate diet (LC-diet) (less than 5% carbohydrates, 50% fat and 45% protein) of equal energy content. Blood was collected from the antecubital vein immediately before, at 30th and at 60th min of exercise. Sweat was collected from the hypogastric region using gauze pads. It was shown that plasma ammonia concentrations after the LC-diet were higher than after the N-diet at both the 30th and 60th min of exercise. Sweat ammonia concentration and total ammonia loss through the sweat were also higher after the LC-diet. The higher ammonia concentrations in plasma and sweat after the LC-diet would seem to indicate an increased ammonia production, which may be related to reduced initial carbohydrate stores.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of local dehydration on heart rate and blood pressure during static exercise, six healthy male subjects performed exercise of the calf muscles with different extracellular volumes of the working muscles. Exercise consisted of 5 min of static calf muscle contractions at about 10% of maximal voluntary contraction. The body position during exercise was identical in all tests, i.e. supine with the knee joint 90 degrees flexed. During a 25-min pre-exercise period three different protocols were employed to manipulate the calf volume. In test A the subjects rested in the exercise position; in test B the body position was the same as in A but calf volumes were increased by venous congestion [cuffs inflated to 10.67 kPa (80 mmHg)]; in test C the calf volumes were decreased by lifting the calves about 40 cm above heart level with the subjects supine. To clamp the changed calf volumes in tests B and C, cuffs were inflated to 300 mmHg 5 min before the onset of exercise. This occlusion was maintained for 1 min after the termination of exercise. Compared to tests A and B, the reduced volume of test C led to significant increases in heart rate and blood pressure during exercise. Oxygen uptake did not exceed resting levels in tests B and C until the cuffs were deflated, indicating that only calf muscles contributed to the neurogenic peripheral drive. It is concluded that extracellular muscle volume plays a significant role in adjusting heart rate and blood pressure during static exercise.  相似文献   

Different methodologies for the measurement of peptide amino acid (PAA) in blood and plasma were compared in sheep. Preparation of blood and plasma samples consisted of a deproteinization, either chemical with sulfosalicylic acid (0.04 g for 1 ml of sample) or physical by ultrafiltration (10,000‐MW cut‐off filters), with or without a subsequent ultrafiltration through a 3,000‐MW cut‐off filter. Peptide concentrations were determined by quantification of amino acid concentrations before and after acid hydrolysis of samples. Free amino acid concentrations were similar by all the method used (about 2.5 and 2.7mM, for blood and plasma respectively). Peptide concentrations were higher with chemical deproteinization (10.6 and 4.2 mM, for blood and plasma respectively) than with physical deproteinization (5.7 and 3.3 mM, for blood and plasma respectively). When the deproteinized samples were further treated to remove material of molecular weight above than 3 kDa, peptide concentrations were significantly reduced, which indicates inefficiencies in the ability of the deproteinizing procedures in removing all the proteinaceous materials. Concentration of small PAA (< 3kDa) in blood was about 1.5‐fold that in plasma, mainly due to peptide Gly and Glu derived from the hydrolysis of the erythrocyte glutathione. The choice of a methodology for quantifying circulating peptides is discussed.  相似文献   

Pyrogenic factors may include the proinflammatory cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), and IL-8 (chemokine). Exercise also causes cytokinemia that might result in pyrogenically mediated body temperature elevation. The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of exercise training on exercise-induced plasma concentrations of IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, and IL-8. Messenger RNA levels of these factors were also evaluated in peripheral blood leukocytes. We also observed the relationship between cykokines, chemokines, and sweating after exercise. Nine tennis athletes (n=9) and untrained sedentary control subjects (n=10) ran for 1 h at 75% intensity of VO2max. Venous blood samples were analyzed for plasma concentrations and mRNA expression in leukocytes of cytokines and chemokine of interest. Sweat volume was calculated by measuring body weight changes. Leukocyte mRNA expression and plasma protein levels of IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, and IL-8 immediately increased after exercise in both groups, but to a much greater extent in the athletic group. However, mRNA expression and plasma protein level for IL-6 and TNF-α, unlike IL-1β and IL-8, decreased more quickly in the athletic group compared to the control group during the recovery period. Compared to the control group, greater sweat loss volumes, and lower body temperatures in athletic group were observed at all time points. In conclusion, exercise training improved physical capacity and sweating function so that body temperature was more easily regulated during and after exercise. This may due to improved production of specific cytokine and chemokine in sweating during exercise.  相似文献   

目的探讨不同的膳食结构对供浆员血浆蛋白及血脂含量的影响。方法测定400例以牛、羊肉和马铃薯为主要膳食结构的供血浆者和400例以猪肉和马铃薯为主要膳食结构的供血浆者的血浆蛋白和血脂水平;同时统计食用高脂肪膳食后血浆出现乳糜的情况。结果经测定以牛、羊肉和马铃薯为主要膳食结构的供血浆者和以猪肉和马铃薯为主要饮食结构的供血浆者的血浆蛋白和血脂水平相当,两者之间无显著性差异(P>0.05);献浆前1 2 h内食用高脂肪膳食后血浆出现乳糜的概率明显增高,与食用清淡膳食相比具有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论这两种膳食结构的差异对供浆员血浆蛋白及血脂水平没有明显影响;献浆前12 h内应当避免食用高脂肪类膳食。  相似文献   

The cellular mechanisms that couple activity of glutamatergic synapses with changes in blood flow, measured by a variety of techniques including the BOLD signal, have not previously been modelled. Here we provide such a model, that successfully accounts for the main observed changes in blood flow in both visual cortex and somatosensory cortex following their stimulation by high-contrast drifting grating or by single whisker stimulation, respectively. Coupling from glutamatergic synapses to smooth muscle cells of arterioles is effected by astrocytes releasing epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs) onto them, following glutamate stimulation of the astrocyte. Coupling of EETs to the smooth muscle of arterioles is by means of potassium channels in their membranes, leading to hyperpolarization, relaxation and hence an increase in blood flow. This model predicts a linear increase in blood flow with increasing numbers of activated astrocytes, but a non-linear increase with increasing glutamate release.  相似文献   

Six male subjects exercised for 50 min at 25% (light exercise) and 55% (moderate exercise) of their estimated aerobic capacities in environments of 42 degrees C db, 35 degrees C wb and 30 degrees C db, 24 degrees C wb, respectively. Alterations in the hematocrit, hemoglobin, and plasma protein concentrations, and in the activity of an injected aliquot of isotopically labeled albumin were each used to calculate the percentage change in plasma volume occurring during exercise and recovery. Changes in each measure were consistent with a reduction in plasma volume during exercise and a return to preexercise levels during recovery. There was no significant difference between the measures when exercising in the heat, but during the more severe exercise in the cooler environment disproportional changes in protein, hematocrit, and hemoglobin were observed. Disproportional changes were also seen during the recovery phase, when the hematocrit and hemoglobin concentration indicated a more rapid return of the plasma volume to preexercise levels than did either the plasma protein concentration or albumin activity. During moderate exercise and recovery there was a 1% decrease in red cell volume. It is concluded that exercise accelerates the rate of protein movement from extravascular compartments to the intravascular compartment, leading to elevated plasma protein levels during recovery which favor the return of water to the intravascular space. Hemoglobin concentration is considered to be the most reliable measure of plasma volume change during exercise.  相似文献   

The purpose of these experiments was to examine the influence of various fluid replacement drinks on exercise-induced disturbances in homeostasis during heavy exercise. Nine trained cyclists performed constant load exercise on a cycle ergometer to fatigue on three occasions with 1-week separating experiments. The work rate was set initially at approximately 85% of VO2max (range 82-88%) with fatigue being defined as a 10% decline in power output below the initial value. During each experiment subjects consumed one of the following three beverages prior to and every 15 min during exercise: (1) non-electrolyte placebo (NEP; 31 mosmol.kg-1); (2) glucose polymer drink containing electrolytes (GP; 7% CHO, 231 mosmol.kg-1), and (3) electrolyte placebo drink without carbohydrate (EP; 48 mosmol.kg-1). Both the GP and EP beverage contained sodium citrate/citric acid (C) as a flavoring agent while C was not contained in the NEP drink. Although seven of nine subjects worked longer during the GP and EP treatment when compared with the NEP trial, the difference was not significant (P greater than 0.05). No differences (P greater than 0.05) existed between the GP and EP treatments in performance time. Exercise changes in rectal temperature, heart rate, delta % plasma volume and plasma concentrations of total protein, free fatty acids, glucose, lactate, potassium, chloride, calcium, and sodium did not differ (P greater than 0.05) between trials.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To elucidate the mechanisms of lactate formation during submaximal exercise, eight men were studied during one- (1-LE) and two-leg (2-LE) exercise (approximately 11-min cycling) using the catheterization technique and muscle biopsies (quadriceps femoris muscle). The absolute exercise intensity and thus the energy demand for the exercising limb was the same [mean 114 (SEM 7) W] during both 1-LE and 2-LE. At the end of exercise partial pressure of O2 and O2 saturation in femoral venous blood were lower and arterial adrenaline and noradrenaline were higher during 2-LE than during 1-LE. Mean arterial blood lactate concentration increased to 10.8 (SEM 0.8) (2-LE) and 5.2 (SEM 0.4) mmol · 1–1 (1-LE) after 10 min of exercise. The intramuscular metabolic response to exercise was attenuated during 1-LE [mean, lactate = 49 (SEM 9); glucose 6-P = 3.3 (SEM 0.3); nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, reduced = 0.17 (SEM 0.02); adenosine 5-diphosphate 2.7 (SEM 0.1) mmol · kg dry mass–1] compared to 2-LE [76 (SEM 6); 6.1 (SEM 0.7); 0.21 (SEM 0.02); 3.0 (SEM 0.1) mmol · kg dry mass–1, respectively]. To elucidate whether the lower plasma adrenaline concentration could contribute to the attenuated metabolic response, additional experiments were performed on four of the eight subjects with infusion of adrenaline during 1-LE (1-LEE). Average plasma adrenaline concentration was increased during 1-LEE and reached 2–4 times higher levels than during 2-LE. Post-exercise muscle lactate and glucose 6-P contents were higher during 1-LEE than during 1-LE and were similar to those during 2-LE. Also, leg lactate release was elevated during 1-LEE versus 1-LE. It was concluded that during submaximal dynamic exercise the intramuscular metabolic response not only depended on the muscle power output, but also on the total muscle mass engaged. Plasma adrenaline concentrations and muscle oxygenation were found to be dependent upon the working muscle mass and both may have affected the metabolic response during exercise.  相似文献   

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