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We examined the DNA from chloroplasts obtained from different tissues of juvenile maize seedlings (from eight to 16 days old) and adult plants (50-58 days old). During plastid development, we found a striking progression from complex multigenomic DNA molecules to simple subgenomic molecules. The decrease in molecular size and complexity of the DNA paralleled a progressive decrease in DNA content per plastid. Most surprising, we were unable to detect DNA of any size in most chloroplasts from mature leaves, long before the onset of leaf senescence. Thus, the DNA content per plastid is not constant but varies during development from hundreds of genome copies in the proplastid to undetectable levels in the mature chloroplast. This loss of DNA from isolated, mature chloroplasts was monitored by three independent methods: staining intact chloroplasts with 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI); staining at the single-molecule level with ethidium bromide after exhaustive deproteinization of lysed chloroplasts; and blot-hybridization after standard DNA isolation procedures. We propose a mechanism for the production of multigenomic chloroplast chromosomes that begins at paired DNA replication origins on linear molecules to generate a head-to-tail linear concatemer, followed by recombination-dependent replication.  相似文献   

We examined the DNA from chloroplasts obtained from young and fully expanded leaves of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.), Medicago truncatula, pea (Pisum sativum L.), and maize (Zea mays L.). The changes in plastid DNA content and structure were monitored by four independent methods: 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining with intact chloroplasts, in situ DAPI staining of cytological sections, ethidium bromide staining at the single-molecule level after exhaustive deproteinization of lysed chloroplasts, and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. During leaf development, we found a decline of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) in all four plants. For tobacco, for which plants can readily be regenerated from somatic cells, cpDNA persisted longer than in the other three plants. We also found a striking progression from complex multigenomic DNA molecules to simple subgenomic molecules during plastid development. Although the decrease in molecular size and complexity paralleled the decrease in DNA content per plastid, 6% of the chloroplasts in a fully expanded tobacco leaf still contained DNA in complex branched structure, whereas no such complex structures were found in mature leaves for the hard-to-regenerate maize.  相似文献   



A decline in chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) during leaf maturity has been reported previously for eight plant species, including Arabidopsis thaliana. Recent studies, however, concluded that the amount of cpDNA during leaf development in Arabidopsis remained constant.  相似文献   

Two chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) regions exhibiting a high frequency of intra- or inter-species variation were identified in 12 accessions of the genus Medicago. Restriction maps of both regions were prepared for alfalfa, and the probable nature of the events causing the DNA differences was identified. Specific DNA fragments were then cloned for use in identification of variants in each region. Two each of M. sativa ssp. varia and ssp. caerulea and one of six M. sativa ssp. sativa single plants examined possessed cpDNA heterogeneity as identified by screening extracts for fragments generated by the presence and absence of a specific Xba I restriction site. Three plants of M. sativa ssp. sativa, two of each of sspp. varia and caerulea, and three M. scutellata were also examined for single-plant cpDNA heterogeneity at a hypervariable region where differences resulted from small insertion-deletion events. A single M. scutellata plant with mixed cpDNAs was identified. Sorting out was seen when one spp. sativa plant with mixed plastid types identifiable by the Xba I restriction site difference was vegetatively propagated. This indicated that the initial stock plant was heteroplastidic. Controlled crosses will be required in order to test whether heteroplasmy results from chloroplast transmission in the pollen and to examine the dynamic of sorting out. However, heteroplasmy is apparently not a rare situation in Medicago.Contribution No 88-547-J from the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Manhattan.  相似文献   

Echeverria  Andres  Gonzalez  Esther M. 《Plant and Soil》2021,459(1-2):249-260
Plant and Soil - Changes in snow cover can influence root growth and distribution of herbaceous species in water limiting desert ecosystems. However, how the growth of root systems of herbaceous...  相似文献   

To investigate the involvement of methylation of DNA in somatic embryogenesis we initiated a comparative study using Medicago truncatula lines that have different capacities to produce somatic embryos. Treatment with the demethylating drug 5-azacytidine caused a loss of regeneration capacity in the embryogenic line by arresting the production of somatic embryos. Analysis with methylation-sensitive enzymes showed disruption of somatic embryogenesis competence to be correlated with rDNA demethylation. Our data suggest production of somatic embryos depends on a certain level of DNA methylation.  相似文献   

Desiccation tolerance (DT) in orthodox seeds is acquired during seed development and lost upon imbibition/germination, purportedly upon the resumption of DNA synthesis in the radicle cells. In the present study, flow cytometric analyses and visualization of microtubules (MTs) in radicle cells of seedlings of Medicago truncatula showed that up to a radicle length of 2 mm, there is neither DNA synthesis nor cell division, which were first detected in radicles with a length of 3 mm. However, DT started to be lost well before the resumption of DNA synthesis, when germinating seeds were dried back. By applying an osmotic treatment with polyethylene glycol (PEG) before dehydration, it was possible to re-establish DT in seedlings with a radicle up to 2 mm long. Dehydration of seedlings with a 2 mm radicle, with or without PEG treatment, caused disassembly of MTs and appearance of tubulin granules. Subsequent pre-humidification led to an almost complete disappearance of both MTs and tubulin granules. Upon rehydration, neither MTs nor tubulin granules were detected in radicle cells of untreated seedlings, while PEG-treated seedlings were able to reconstitute the microtubular cytoskeleton and continue their normal development. Dehydration of untreated seedlings also led to an apoptotic-like DNA fragmentation in radicle cells, while in PEG-treated seedlings DNA integrity was maintained. The results showed that for different cellular components, desiccation-tolerant seedlings may apply distinct strategies to survive dehydration, either by avoidance or further repair of the damages.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Medicago truncatula has gained much attention as a genomic model species for legume biology, but little is known about the morphology of its pods and seeds. Structural and developmental characteristics of M. truncatula pod walls and seed coats are presented. METHODS: Plants of M. truncatula ecotype A17 were grown under controlled conditions in a greenhouse. Flowers were date-tagged at anthesis, so that pods of known age could be collected. Harvested pods were fixed and sectioned for light microscopy. Structural attributes of pod walls and seed coats were characterized at four time points throughout early to mid-stages of pod development (3, 6, 13 and 20 d post-pollination). KEY RESULTS: Basic features of the pod wall are an exocarp comprised of a single epidermal layer, a mesocarp with seven to 14 layers of parenchyma cells, and an endocarp composed of an inner epidermal cell layer and three to five layers of sclerenchyma cells adjacent to it. Vascular bundles are abundant in the pod wall and include one lateral carpellary bundle, one median carpellary bundle and nine to 12 vascular bundles, all embedded within the mesocarp parenchyma. Seed coat features include an epidermal layer of macrosclereids, a sub-epidermal layer of osteosclereids, and two to five rows of internal parenchyma cells. The hilar region contains the tracheid bar and the chalazal vascular bundle, the latter of which expands to form only two short branches. CONCLUSIONS: This characterization provides a needed understanding of pod structure and development in this model legume, and should facilitate various molecular investigations into legume fruit and seed biology.  相似文献   

The evolutionary origins of legume root nodules are largely unknown. We have identified a gene, LATD, of the model legume Medicago truncatula, that is required for both nodule and root development, suggesting that these two developmental processes may share a common evolutionary origin. The latd mutant plants initiate nodule formation but do not complete it, resulting in immature, non-nitrogen-fixing nodules. Similarly, lateral roots initiate, but remain short stumps. The primary root, which initially appears to be wild type, gradually ceases growth and forms an abnormal tip that resembles that of the mutant lateral roots. Infection by the rhizobial partner, Sinorhizobium meliloti, can occur, although infection is rarely completed. Once inside latd mutant nodules, S. meliloti fails to express rhizobial genes associated with the developmental transition from free-living bacterium to endosymbiont, such as bacA and nex38. The infecting rhizobia also fail to express nifH and fix nitrogen. Thus, both plant and bacterial development are blocked in latd mutant roots. Based on the latd mutant phenotype, we propose that the wild-type function of the LATD gene is to maintain root meristems. The strong requirement of both nodules and lateral roots for wild-type LATD gene function supports lateral roots as a possible evolutionary origin for legume nodules.  相似文献   

The cellular content of chloroplast DNA in Euglena gracilis has been quantitatively determined. DNA was extracted from Euglena cells at various stages of chloroplast development and renatured in the presence of trace amounts of 3H-labeled chloroplast DNA. From the kinetics of renaturation of the 3H-labeled chloroplast DNA, compared with the kinetics of renaturation of excess nonradioactive chloroplast DNA, the fraction of cellular DNA represented by chloroplast DNA was calculated. The content of chloroplast DNA was found to increase from 4.9 to 14.6% of cellular DNA during light-induced chloroplast development. Correcting for the change in DNA mass per cell, the number of copies of chloroplast DNA is found to vary from 1400 to 2900 per cell. During this developmental transition, the cellular content of the chloroplast ribosomal RNA genes varies from 1900 to 5200 copies per cell. The ratio of the number of copies of rRNA genes to chloroplast genomes per cell remains in the range of 1-2 throughout chloroplast development, ruling out selective amplification of chloroplast rRNA genes as a means of regulation of rRNA gene expression. Direct measurement of the number of rRNA cistrons per 9.2 X 10(7) dalton genome yields a value of 1 or 2.  相似文献   

Legumes carry out special biochemical functions, e.g. the fixation of molecular nitrogen based on a symbiosis with proteobacteria. At the cellular level, this symbiosis has to be implemented into the energy metabolism of the host cell. To provide a basis for future analyses, we have characterized the protein complement of mitochondria of the model legume Medicago truncatula using two-dimensional isoelectric focussing (IEF) and blue-native (BN)-SDS-PAGE. While the IEF reference map resulted mainly in resolution of those proteins associated with the mitochondrial matrix, the BN proteomic map allowed separation of protein subunits from the respiratory chain protein complexes, which are located in the organelle's inner membrane. The M. truncatula mitochondrial BN reference map revealed some striking similarities to the one from Arabidopsis thaliana but at the same time exhibited also some special features: complex II is of increased abundance and additionally represented by a low molecular mass form not reported for Arabidopsis. Furthermore three highly abundant forms of prohibitin complexes are present in the mitochondrial proteome of M. truncatula. Special features with respect to mitochondrial protein complexes might reflect adaptations of legumes to elevated cellular energy requirements enabling them to develop symbiotic interactions with rhizobial bacteria.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the large amount of RAPD polymorphism found in 1990 in a population of the selfing annual Medicago truncatula GAERTN. (Fabaceae), we have analysed most of the individuals (n = 363) from the same population 6 years later using microsatellite loci. We confirm the result of the earlier study, namely that this population is very polymorphic and highly subdivided, with approximately 37% of the variance distributed among subpopulations, only 50 m apart one from another. We use standard F-statistics analyses, linkage disequilibria, minimum spanning network, multilocus assignment tests and spatial autocorrelation analyses to test the hypotheses that spatial structure and outcrossing events are involved in maintaining the large amount of genetic diversity at the level of each subpopulation. Interestingly, fine-scale spatial structure could be observed in only one subpopulation suggesting that other mechanisms are acting elsewhere. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study of fine spatial genetic structure in a predominantly selfing species.  相似文献   

The plant root system is important for plant anchorage and nutrition. Among the different characteristics of the root system, root branching is a major factor of plasticity and adaptation to changing environments. Indeed, many biotic and abiotic stresses, such as drought or symbiotic interactions, influence root branching. Many studies concerning root development and root branching were performed on the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, but this model plant has a very simplified root structure and is not able to establish any symbiotic interactions. We have recently described 7 stages for lateral root development in the model legume Medicago truncatula and found significant differences in the tissular contribution of root cell layers to the formation of new lateral roots (LR). We have also described 2 transgenic lines expressing the DR5:GUS and DR5:VENUS-N7 reporter genes that are useful to follow LR formation at early developmental stages. Here, we describe the use of these transgenic lines to monitor LR developmental responses of M. truncatula to the phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) which is a major actor of stress and symbiotic interactions. We show that ABA promotes the formation of new lateral root primordia and their development, mostly at the late, pre-emergence stage.  相似文献   

Summary Under greenhouse conditions the dark green wild type (su/su) tobacco grows 2–3 times faster than the yellow mutant (Su/su) and contains five-fold more chlorophyll. On a fresh weight basis, however, both genotypes contain similar amounts of RuBPCase and fraction 11 protein in approximately equal proportion and have similar levels of 70s and 80s ribosomes. When seedlings are cultured on agar medium supplemented with sucrose and equal concentrations of IAA and kinetin or kinetin alone, a drastic reduction of RuBPCase and free 70s ribosomes, but not of chlorophyll content, were observed. Moreover, albino (Su/Su) seedlings developed on supplemented media still contain appreciable amounts of RuBPCase and free 70s ribosomes although chlorophyll levels are extremely low indicating no correlation between RuBPCase and chlorophyll content. RuBPCase crystallized from both wild type and yellow mutant plants seem to have identical composition and structure when examined by isoelectric focusing, amino acid analysis or peptide mapping techniques. The slow-growing yellow mutant is apparently deficient only in chlorophyll of the light harvesting chlorophyll-protein complex but with no alteration of the protein moiety or chlorophyll a/b ratio.  相似文献   

Zhou C  Han L  Hou C  Metelli A  Qi L  Tadege M  Mysore KS  Wang ZY 《The Plant cell》2011,23(6):2106-2124
Compound leaf development requires highly regulated cell proliferation, differentiation, and expansion patterns. We identified loss-of-function alleles at the SMOOTH LEAF MARGIN1 (SLM1) locus in Medicago truncatula, a model legume species with trifoliate adult leaves. SLM1 encodes an auxin efflux carrier protein and is the ortholog of Arabidopsis thaliana PIN-FORMED1 (PIN1). Auxin distribution is impaired in the slm1 mutant, resulting in pleiotropic phenotypes in different organs. The most striking change in slm1 is the increase in the number of terminal leaflets and a simultaneous reduction in the number of lateral leaflets, accompanied by reduced expression of SINGLE LEAFLET1 (SGL1), an ortholog of LEAFY. Characterization of the mutant indicates that distinct developmental domains exist in the formation of terminal and lateral leaflets. In contrast with the pinnate compound leaves in the wild type, the slm1 sgl1 double mutant shows nonpeltately palmate leaves, suggesting that the terminal leaflet primordium in M. truncatula has a unique developmental mechanism. Further investigations on the development of leaf serrations reveal different ontogenies between distal serration and marginal serration formation as well as between serration and leaflet formation. These data suggest that regulation of the elaboration of compound leaves and serrations is context dependent and tightly correlated with the auxin/SLM1 module in M. truncatula.  相似文献   

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