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Summary The effects of destruxin B, a host-specific toxin of Alternaria brassicae that causes black spot disease in oilseed brassicas, were studied on in vitro pollen germination and pollen-tube growth of Brassica campestris var brown sarson, B. juncea, B. napus cvs Westar and Cresor, B. nigra and Sinapis alba. Pollen grains of B. nigra, B. juncea and B. campestris were the most sensitive and those of S. alba the least sensitive to the toxin. Effects of the toxin were also studied on the leaves of these species, and the degree of sensitivity of leaves of different species was comparable to that of their pollen grains. The results on the responses of pollen grains as well as leaves to the toxin are in agreement with the degree of susceptibility/resistance of these species to A. brassicae reported in the literature, indicating that the genes imparting susceptibility/restistance are expressed in the pollen, a prerequisite for pollen selection. Results are also presented which show that the toxin fed to the cut end of isolated inflorescence axis is readily taken up by the developing pollen and results in the inhibition of germination of susceptible pollen. This technique offers a simple and effective method for application of selection pressure to eliminate pollen grains susceptible to the toxin from effecting fertilization.  相似文献   

A non-sporulating isolate of Alternaria brassicae, inoculated on callus culture of Brassica juncea cv. Kranti, colonized the callus and produced spores. When captafol, a fungicide, was added (100 mg/l) to the callus culture medium, if effectively checked fungal contamination and saprophytic growth of A. brassicae on culture medium, without adversely affecting callus growth or establishment of dual culture.  相似文献   

Eighteen fungicides were first evaluated for their effects on growth of Alternaria brassicae and for ascertaining their fungicidal and fungistatic natures in artificial cultures. The chemicals emerging fungicidal in action, were later evaluated for their efficacy as seed treatment and foliar application in the management of damping-off of seedlings and blight of rapeseed separately. Of 18 fungicides tested, six fungicides, viz., Dithane M-45, Dithane Z-78, Ziram, Difolatan-80, Blitox-50 and Benlate completely inhibited the growth of the pathogen and were fungicidal in action. Thiram and Brestan-60, which also caused total growth inhibition, were, however, fungistatic. Benlate (0.1 %) followed by Dithane M-45 was best seed-dressing fungicide for controlling damping-off of seedlings. Dithane M-45 (0.2%) followed by Dithane Z-78 as foliar spray was most effective for controlling the blight and increasing the yield in field trials.  相似文献   

The relationship between development of light leaf spot and yield loss in winter oilseed rape was analysed, initially using data from three experiments at sites near Aberdeen in Scotland in the seasons 1991/92, 1992/93 and 1993/94, respectively. Over the three seasons, single-point models relating yield to light leaf spot incidence (% plants with leaves with light leaf spot) at GS 3.3 (flower buds visible) generally accounted for more of the variance than single-point models at earlier or later growth stages. Only in 1992/93, when a severe light leaf spot epidemic developed on leaves early in the season, did the single-point model for disease severity on leaves at GS 3.5/4.0 account for more of the variance than that for disease incidence at GS 3.3. In 1991/92 and 1992/3, when reasonably severe epidemics developed on stems, the single-point model for light leaf spot incidence (stems) at GS 6.3 accounted for as much of the variance. Two-point (disease severity at GS 3.3 and GS 4.0) and AUDPC models (disease incidence/severity) accounted for more of the variance than the single-point model based on disease incidence at GS 3.3 in 1992/93 but not in the other two seasons. Therefore, a simple model using the light leaf spot incidence at GS 3.3 (x) as the explanatory variable was selected as a predictive model to estimate % yield loss (yr): yr= 0.32x– 0.57. This model fitted all three data sets from Scotland, When data sets from Rothamsted, Rosemaund and Thurloxton in England were used to test it, this single-point predictive model generally fitted the data well, except when yield loss was clearly not related to occurrence of light leaf spot. However, the regression lines relating observed yield loss to light leaf spot incidence at GS 3.3 often had smaller slopes than the line produce, by the model based on Scottish data.  相似文献   

Brassica juncea is an important oilseed crop of the Indian sub-continent. Yield loss due to fungal disease alternaria leaf spot caused by Alternaria brassicae is a serious problem in cultivation of this crop. Nonavailability of resistance genes within crossable germplasms of Brassica necessitates use of genetic engineering strategies to develop genetic resistance against this pathogen. The pathogenesis related (PR) proteins are group of plant proteins that are toxic to invading fungal pathogens, but are present in plant in trace amount. Thus, overexpression of PR proteins leads to increased resistance to pathogenic fungi in several crops. The PR protein glucanase hydrolyzes a major cell-wall component, glucan, of pathogenic fungi and acts as a plant defense barrier. We report the expression of a class I basic glucanase gene, under the control of CaMV 35S promoter, in Indian mustard and its genetic resistance against alternaria leaf spot. Southern and Northern hybridization confirmed stable integration and expression of the glucanase gene in mustard transgenics. Several independent transgenics were screened in vitro and under poly house conditions for their resistance against Alternaria brassicae. In an in vitro antifungal assay, transgenics arrested hyphal growth of Alternaria brassicae by 15-54%. Under pathogen-challenged conditions in poly house, the transgenics showed restricted number, size and spread of lesions caused by Alternaria brassicae. Also, the onset of disease was delayed in transgenics compared to untransformed parent plants. The results demonstrate potentiality of a PR protein from a heterologous source in developing alternaria leaf spot resistance in Indian mustard.  相似文献   

Experiments were done under controlled environment and glasshouse conditions to study the effects of inoculum concentration, leaf age and wetness period on the development of dark leaf and pod spot (Alternaria brussicae) on oilseed rape (Brassica napus). On leaves of potted oilseed rape plants (cv. Bienvenu) inoculated with A. brassicae conidial suspensions, the severity (number of lesions cm-2) of dark leaf spot increased as inoculum concentration increased from 80 to 660 spores ml-1and as leaf age increased from 4 to 14 days. On pods on detached racemes of spring oilseed rape (cv. Starlight), the incidence of dark pod spot (% of pods diseased) increased as inoculum concentration increased from 80 to 104spores ml-1. Increasing inoculum concentration above 104spores ml-1did not increase the incidence but did increase the severity of dark pod spot. A minimum wetness period of 4 h was needed for infection of oilseed rape leaves (cv. Envol) by A. brussicue at 18°C and disease severity increased with increasing wetness period up to 12 h. The length of dry interruptions after 3–8 h of initial wetness affected the severity of dark leaf spot. A second wetness period increased the severity of dark leaf spot if the dry interruption was ≤ 6 h and if the first wetness period was ≤ 8 h. The incubation period of A. brassicae decreased from 3.5 to 2.5 days as inoculum concentration increased from 80 to 660 spores ml-on leaves (cv. Bienvenu) at 17–25°C and from 3.8 to 1.0 day as inoculum concentration increased from 80 to ≥2 ≥ 103spores ml-1on pods (cv. Starlight) at 18°C.  相似文献   

Light leaf spot, caused by Pyrenopeziza brassicae, was assessed regularly on double-low cultivars of winter oilseed rape during field experiments at Rothamsted in 1990-91 and 1991-92. Previous cropping and fungicide applications differed; seed yield and seed quality were measured at harvest. In each season, both the initial incidence of light leaf spot and the rate of disease increase were greater in oilseed rape crops sown after rape than those sown after cereals. The incidence of diseases caused by Phoma lingam or Alternaria spp. was also greater in second oilseed rape crops. In 1991-92 there was 42% less rainfall between September and March than in 1990-91, and much less light leaf spot developed. However, P. lingam and Alternaria spp. were more common. Only fungicide application schedules including an autumn spray decreased the incidence of light leaf spot on leaves, stems and pods, as indicated by decreased areas under the disease progress curves (AUDPC) and slower rates of disease increase. Summer sprays decreased incidence and severity of light leaf spot on pods only. In 1990-91, all fungicide treatments which included an autumn spray increased seed and oil yields of cv. Capricorn but only the treatment which included autumn, spring and summer sprays increased yields of cv. Falcon. No treatment increased the yields of cv. Capricorn or cv. Falcon in 1991-92. Fungicide applications decreased glucosinolate concentrations in the seed from a crop of cv. Cobra severely infected by P. brassicae in 1990-91, but did not increase yield.  相似文献   

Light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) was assessed as % plants with light leaf spot, % leaves with light leaf spot or % leaf area with light leaf spot in winter oilseed rape field experiments done at different sites (Rothamsted, Hertfordshire; Boxworth, Cambridgeshire; near Aberdeen, Scotland), with different cultivars (e.g. Bristol and Capitol), different fungicide treatments, on plants sampled at different dates. Regression analyses on data from these experiments showed that there were consistently good relationships between % leaves with light leaf spot and % plants with light leaf spot for plants sampled during the autumn and winter, until the % plants with light leaf spot approached 100%. The slopes and positions of regression lines were sometimes affected by cultivar, fungicide treatment or sampling date, but not by site. The relationship between % leaf area with light leaf spot (square root-transformed) and % leaves with light leaf spot was less consistent than that between % leaves with light leaf spot and % plants with light leaf spot and was sometimes affected by cultivar, fungicide treatment or sampling date but not by site. The relationship between % leaf area with light leaf spot (square root-transformed) and % plants with light leaf spot was also inconsistent and was sometimes affected by cultivar, fungicide treatment, sampling date and site.  相似文献   

Root extracts of black nightshade (Solanum nigrum) were analyzed for activity against isolates ABA‐31 and ABA‐104 of Alternaria brassicicola, the causal agent of black leaf spot of Chinese cabbage (Brassica pekinensis). Preliminary results showed that dried root tissues of black nightshade extracted with 70% ethanol contained antifungal properties against A. brassicicola. Ethanol root extracts were used for further fractionations using ethyl acetate, n‐butanol and water. Among the three extracts, the n‐butanol fraction showed the strongest antifungal activity by its suppression of conidial germination of A. brassicicola. The n‐butanol extract of S. nigrum roots was fractionated further into six fractions (I–VI). Among the six fractions tested, fraction V showed a strong inhibitory effect on conidial germination of A. brassicicola and thereby suppressed lesion development of black leaf spot of Chinese cabbage at a concentration of 25 ppm or higher. Nuclear magnetic resonance analysis indicated that fraction V contained a mixture of saponins, and results of further bio‐guided fractionation and bioassay suggested that saponins in fraction V were key chemical components in the control of A. brassicicola. The potential of using black nightshade for developing natural products for the control of fungal plant diseases is discussed.  相似文献   

Light leaf spot lesions were generally first observed as light green areas on leaves of UK winter oilseed rape crops in January or February and later became brittle and bleached. Elongated lesions, which were brown with indistinct edges, developed on stems in the spring and summer, when lesions were also observed on flower buds, pedicels and pods. Development of diagnostic white pustules (spore masses of Pyrenopeziza brassicae, which erupt through surfaces of infected tissues) for confirmation of light leaf spot infection on symptomless plants or plants with indistinct or ambiguous symptoms in the autumn, winter or spring was enhanced by incubating plants in polyethylene bags. In experiments with artificially inoculated plants, glasshouse-grown plants exposed in infected crops and plants sampled from crops, white pustules developed at all incubation temperatures from 2oC to 20oC on infected leaves of different cultivars. The period of incubation required before the appearance of pustules decreased as the time that had already elapsed since the initial infection increased. The longest periods of incubation were required at the lowest temperatures (2oC or 5oC) but leaves senesced and abscised from plants most quickly at the highest temperatures (15oC or 20oC), suggesting that the optimal incubation temperature was between 10oC and 15oC.  相似文献   

Summary The response of oilseed rape cultivars to infection with Agrobacterium tumefaciens and A. rhizogenes and the possibility of regenerating genetically transformed oilseed rape plants were examined. The frequency at which Agrobacterium induced galls or hairy-roots on in vitro cultured plants ranged from 10% to 70%, depending on the cultivar. From galls induced by the tumorigenic strain T37, known to be strongly shoot inducing on tobacco, roots developed frequently. Occasionally, shoots formed and some of these produced tumour cell specific nopaline. Attempts to grow the transformed shoots into plants have so far been unsuccessful. Whole plants transformed with Ri-T-DNA, however, were regenerated. These had crinkled leaves and abundant, frequently branching roots that showed reduced geotropism, similar to previously isolated Ri T-DNA transformed tobacco and potato plants. The transformed oilseed rape plants flowered, but failed to form seeds.  相似文献   

Comparisons of epidemics of light leafspot of differing duration and time of initiation were made in two experiments using a single cultivar of Brassica napus. Fungicide was applied before introduction of disease to prevent infection or some time after inoculation to stop further disease development. In the first experiment, substantial reductions in green leaf area and total plant dry-matter were found at flowering when disease was introduced in the autumn or in January. Plant dry weight at maturity was also greatly reduced in these treatments. The detrimental effect of an epidemic initiated in the autumn was avoided to a large extent if fungicide application began in February. Epidemics initiated in March had only small effects on final dry-matter yield. Seed yield was negatively correlated with the length of the epidemic. In a second experiment, early epidemics initiated in the autumn were halted after different time intervals. Commencing fungicide application even as early as December failed to prevent some loss of dry weight at flowering. At maturity, however, dry weight and seed yield were reduced significantly when fungicide application was delayed until February. Failure to control the disease resulted in a 46% loss of seed yield.  相似文献   

Alternaria represents the most common decay organism of the post-harvest tomato fruit. The prevalent type of decay, black rot lesion, is caused byA. alternata which may invade tomato tissue damaged by sun scald.Aspergillus niger, A. flavus andRhizopus stolonifer come in the second count level and occupy high to moderate occurrence. The mainly natural mycotoxins produced in rotted tomato are alternariol (AOH), alternariol monomethyl ether (AME), and tenuazonic acid (TA). Altertoxin I & II (AT-I & AT-II), in addition to AOH, AME and TA were produced by localA. alternata in a synthetic medium. The optimum temperature for toxin production byA. alternata IMI 89344 was 28 °C for AOH and AME, 21 °C for TA, and 14 °C for AT-I and AT-II. The growth and toxin were produced in a noticeable amount at 7 °C but drop at 35 °C. Significant inhibition in these toxins was attained at 500 ppm cinnamon oil in YES-Czapeks medium and in a tomato homogenate.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate pollen dispersal inBrassica napus (oilseed rape). The selectable marker, used to follow pollen movement, was a dominant transgene (bar) conferring resistance to the herbicide glufosinate-ammonium. Transgenic and non-transgenic plants of the cultivar Westar were planted in a 1.1 ha field trial, with the transgenic plants in a 9 m diameter circle at the centre, surrounded by non-transgenic plants to a distance of at least 47 m in all directions. A 1 m circle of non-transgenic plants was sown in the centre of the transgenic area to allow estimation of the level of pollen dispersal when plants were in close contact. Honeybee hives were placed at the trial site to optimize the opportunity for cross-pollination. During the flowering period, regular observations were made of the number of plants flowering and the number and type of insects present in 60 1 m2 areas. These areas were located uniformly around the plot at distances of 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 36 and 47 m from the edge of the 9 m circle of transgenic plants. Seed samples were harvested from each of the 7 distances so that approximately 20% of the circumference of the plot was sampled at each distance. The centre non-transgenic circle was also sampled. Plants were grown from the seed samples and sprayed with glufosinate to estimate the frequency of pollen dispersal at each distance. In order to screen enough samples to detect low frequency cross-pollination events, seed samples were tested in the greenhouse and on a larger scale in the field. Results were confirmed by testing progeny for glufosinate resistance and by Southern blot analysis. The estimated percentage of pollen dispersal in the non-transgenic centre circle was 4.8%. The frequency was estimated to be 1.5% at a distance of 1 m and 0.4% at 3 m. The frequency decreased sharply to 0.02% at 12 m and was only 0.00033% at 47 m. No obvious directional effects were detected that could be ascribed to wind or insect activity.  相似文献   

The rate of photosynthesis and its relation to tissue nitrogen content was studied in leaves and siliques of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) growing under field conditions including three rates of nitrogen application (0, 100 or 200 kg N ha-1) and two levels of irrigation (rainfed or irrigated at a deficit of 20 mm). The predominant effect of increasing N application under conditions without water deficiency was enhanced expansion of photosynthetically active leaf and silique surfaces, while the rate of photosynthesis per unit leaf or silique surface area was similar in the different N treatments. Thus, oilseed rape did not increase N investment in leaf area expansion before a decline in photosynthetic rate per unit leaf area due to N deficiency could be avoided. Much less photosynthetically active radiation penetrated into high-N canopies than into low-N canopies. The specific leaf area increased markedly in low light conditions, causing leaves in shade to be less dense than leaves exposed to ample light. In both leaves and siliques the photosynthetic rate per unit surface area responded linearly to increasing N content up to about 2 g m-2, thus showing a constant rate of net CO2 assimilation per unit increment in N (constant photosynthetic N use efficiency). At higher tissue N contents, photosynthetic rate responded less to changes in N status. Expressed per unit N, light saturated photosynthetic rate was three times higher in leaves than in silique valves, indicating a more efficient photosynthetic N utilization in leaves than in siliques. Nevertheless, from about two weeks after completion of flowering and onwards total net CO2 fixation in silique valves exceeded that in leaves because siliques received much higher radiation intensities than leaves and because the leaf area declined rapidly during the reproductive phase of growth. Water deficiency in late vegetative and early reproductive growth stages reduced the photosynthetic rate in leaves and, in particular, siliques of medium- and high-N plants, but not of low-N plants.  相似文献   

During an investigation of the mycoflora on oilseed rape, the predominant fungal species present in 20 samples collected from Catalonia (Spain) wereAlternaria alternata (Fries) Keissler,Penicillium spp. andAspergillus flavus. None of the 20 samples analyzed presented contamination byAlternaria mycotoxins (tenuazonic acid, alternariol, alternariol methyl ether, altertoxin I and altertoxin II). Only aflatoxin B1 was detected in 1 of the 20 samples analyzed, with a concentration of 0.25 ppb. Of the 40Aspergillus flavus strains isolated from oilseed rape samples, only 3 revealed aflatoxigenic capacity. None of thePenicillium spp. isolated from oilseed rape samples revealed mycotoxigenic capacity (citreoviridin, griseofulvin, citrinin, patulin and penicillic acid).  相似文献   

Uniconazole at various concentrations on rape, at the three-leaf stage, was examined for physiologic and yield effects. Foliar sprays of 10, 25, and 50 mg/liter significantly reduced seedling height, and increased shoot width (stem width before elongation), number of green leaves, and total dry weight at transplanting. Chlorophyll content, superoxide dismutase and catalase activities, root oxidizability (capacity for root oxidation), and ethylene production were also increased. Additionally, the number of branches and pods/plant were increased; and a 7.4, 8.5, and 4.3% increase of seed yield over the controls was observed with treatments at 10, 25, and 50 mg/liter uniconazole, respectively. No significant effects were observed on plant maturity, the seed oil content, or the erucic acid and glucosinolate content. Total oil production significantly increased with 10, 25, and 50 mg/liter by 9.9, 10.6, and 6.8%, respectively, over the controls. These results suggested that uniconazole-induced high productivity was accompanied by increased levels of activities of various antioxidants, including superoxide dismutase and catalase, and by the improvement of root oxidizability and plant vigor.Abbreviations SOD superoxide dismutase - CAT catalase - NBT nitro blue tetrazolium - TTC red tetrazolium - IAA indoleacetic acid  相似文献   

Resistance to Plasmodiophora brassicae Woron, the causal fungus of clubroot, was examined in an F2 population of a cross between a clubroot-resistant kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala) and a susceptible cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis). QTL detection was performed with RAPD markers. Two resistance notations, carried out at different times after inoculation, were used. Three markers were associated with these two notations and three were specifically linked to only one notation. QTL analysis suggests the existence of at least two genetic mechanisms implicated in the resistance phenomenon.  相似文献   

Breeding of oilseed rape (Brassica napus ssp. napus) has evoked a strong bottleneck selection towards double-low (00) seed quality with zero erucic acid and low seed glucosinolate content. The resulting reduction of genetic variability in elite 00-quality oilseed rape is particularly relevant with regard to the development of genetically diverse heterotic pools for hybrid breeding. In contrast, B. napus genotypes containing high levels of erucic acid and seed glucosinolates (++ quality) represent a comparatively genetically divergent source of germplasm. Seed glucosinolate content is a complex quantitative trait, however, meaning that the introgression of novel germplasm from this gene pool requires recurrent backcrossing to avoid linkage drag for high glucosinolate content. Molecular markers for key low-glucosinolate alleles could potentially improve the selection process. The aim of this study was to identify potentially gene-linked markers for important seed glucosinolate loci via structure-based allele-trait association studies in genetically diverse B. napus genotypes. The analyses included a set of new simple-sequence repeat (SSR) markers whose orthologs in Arabidopsis thaliana are physically closely linked to promising candidate genes for glucosinolate biosynthesis. We found evidence that four genes involved in the biosynthesis of indole, aliphatic and aromatic glucosinolates might be associated with known quantitative trait loci for total seed glucosinolate content in B. napus. Markers linked to homoeologous loci of these genes in the paleopolyploid B. napus genome were found to be associated with a significant effect on the seed glucosinolate content. This example shows the potential of Arabidopsis-Brassica comparative genome analysis for synteny-based identification of gene-linked SSR markers that can potentially be used in marker-assisted selection for an important trait in oilseed rape. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Concerns about the negative effects of chemical control of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) pests on non-target species, human safety, and development of insecticide resistance, require alternative control strategies such as the use of trap crops and biocontrol to be developed. Psylliodes chrysocephala(L.) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) (cabbage stem flea beetle) and Ceutorhynchus pallidactylus (Marsh.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) (cabbage stem weevil) are two major stem-mining pests of oilseed rape. This study investigated the phenology of these pests and their main parasitoids in the UK, the potential use of turnip rape (Brassica rapa L.) as a trap crop to reduce oilseed rape infestation, and the effects of insecticide treatment on pest incidence and larval parasitism. Water trap samples, plant dissections and pest larval dissections were done to determine: the incidence of adult pests and their parasitoids, the level of plant infestation by the pests and percentage larval parasitism, respectively. The turnip rape trap crop borders reduced P. chrysocephalabut not C. pallidactylus infestation of oilseed rape plots. Treatment of the trap crop with insecticide had little effect on either pest or parasitoid incidence in the oilseed rape. TersilochusmicrogasterSzép. andT. obscurator Aub. (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) were the main larval parasitoids of P. chrysocephalaand C. pallidactylus, respectively. Tersilochus microgasteris reported for the first time in the UK. The implications for integrated pest management are discussed.  相似文献   

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