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Cache recovery is critical for evolution of hoarding behaviour, because the energy invested in caching may be lost if consumers other than the hoarders benefit from the cached food. By raiding food caches, animals may exploit the caching habits of others, that should respond by actively defending their caches. The arctic fox (Alopex lagopus) is the main predator of lemmings and goose eggs in the Canadian High Arctic and stores much of its prey in the ground. Common ravens (Corvus corax) are not as successful as foxes in taking eggs from goose nests. This generalist avian predator regularly uses innovation and opportunism to survive in many environments. Here, we provide the first report that ravens can successfully raid food cached by foxes, and that foxes may defend their caches from ravens.  相似文献   

Microevolutionary trends in the dentition of the Red fox (Vulpes vulpes)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Microevolutionary trends in dental traits were studied in a Polish population of the Red fox, Vulpes vulpes (Linnaeus, 1758). Changes in qualitative and quantitative traits over a 70‐year interval were analysed in 1453 museum specimens collected between 1927 and 1996. Over that period, there were qualitative trends towards increasing complication of occlusal crown surface in posterior premolars (i.e. P4, P3, P4) and I3. Other cheek teeth did not undergo directional change. Changes in trait correlations were assessed using samples from the 1960s and 1990s. The correlations between C1–C1 and M1–M2 increased, while correlation values in the incisor region (I1–I2, I1–I1, I1–I2, I3–I2), carnassial region (P4–M1, P4–M1 and M1–M1) and in P2–P1 decreased. These changes may be related to increasing dietary opportunism of the Red fox during the 20th century.  相似文献   

Herbivore food preference can be measured either in terms of attractiveness or of edibility: these quantities are not necessarily correlated. The isopod Idotea baltica (Pallas) is attracted to large, tough, branched algae (perennials) while the amphipod Ampithoe valida (Smith) is attracted to softer, filamentous or bladed algae (ephemerals). Attractiveness for Ampithoe is related to the nutritive value of the algae; this is not so for Idotea, which responds more to algal morphology and availability. Idotea's mobility, possible susceptibility to fish predation, and preference for moderate wave exposures may select for a primary response to algae as habitat rather than as food source.  相似文献   

Here, we report from the first direct observation of a red fox (Vulpes vulpes) intrusion on an arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) breeding den from the southern Arctic tundra of Yamal Peninsula, Russia in 2007. At the same time, as a current range retraction of the original inhabitant of the circumpolar tundra zone the arctic fox is going on, the red fox is expanding their range from the south into arctic habitats. Thus, within large parts of the northern tundra areas the two species are sympatric which gives opportunities for direct interactions including interference competition. However, direct first-hand observations of such interactions are rare, especially in the Russian Arctic. In the present study, we observed one red fox taking over an arctic fox breeding den which resulted in den abandonment by the arctic fox. On July 19, eight arctic fox pups were observed on the den before the red fox was observed on the same den July 22. The pups were never seen at the den or elsewhere after the red fox was observed on the den for as long as we stayed in the area (until August 10). Our observation supports the view that direct interference with red fox on breeding dens may contribute to the range retraction of arctic foxes from the southern limits of the Arctic tundra in Russia.  相似文献   

Seven different cranial measurements of foxes of known sex were recorded. Univariate and multivariate techniques were used to study the geographical variability of the skulls. A clear multivariate separation of skulls from six counties in Wales is demonstrated, which is correlated with certain geographic features of the areas from which the skulls were obtained.  相似文献   

The body size of the Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in Scotland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
H. H. Kolb    R. Hewson 《Journal of Zoology》1974,173(2):253-255

Some 720 foxes were examined for signs of disease and parasites, incidental to an intensive ecological study. The epifauna, skin infections, intestinal helminths and lesions of internal organs are described and rates of infection given. Important diseases included sarcoptic mange, which is a major debilitating factor and probably a fatal infection. Leptospirosis was common, antibodies were recorded in the blood, and chronic interstitial nephritis was a frequent condition of the kidneys. The nematodes Uncinaria stenocephala and Toxocara spp. were often present as parasites of the alimentary canal and may be a mortality factor in cubs. The cestodes and ectoparasites alone would appear to be of little importance and largely reflect the diet of the fox.  相似文献   

Summer food of sympatric red fox and pine marten in the German Alps   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Based on fecal analyses, we compared summer diet composition and trophic niche breadth for the sympatric red fox Vulpes vulpes (n=55 scats) and pine marten Martes martes (n=64) in the foothills of the German Alps. Mammals accounted for 41 and 51% of the consumed biomass by pine martens and red foxes, respectively, and no single mammal species exceeded 8% of the diet. The larger red fox consumed a wider range of prey sizes than the smaller pine marten, and both consumed large amounts of plants and also insects. Whereas the Levins index suggested that both predators have specialist feeding niches, the Shannon-Wiener index showed that both predators were relatively generalist. Despite its preliminary nature, our study suggests that a strict distinction between generalist and specialist trophic niches is not justified for medium-sized carnivores in the Alps, particularly as results greatly depend on the indices used.  相似文献   

The results of an 18-month survey of fox diet in the Stoke Gabriel area of South Devon are presented. Attention is drawn to the variety of prey consumed, and some features not previously recorded are noted. The probable factors influencing the diet are discussed and availability suggested to be the most important.  相似文献   

Diets of raccoon dog, red fox and badger were studied in southern Finland from 1990 to 1996 by collecting faeces from dens and latrines during May-July of each year. The frequency of occurrence and relative volume of each food item in the faeces were calculated. The raccoon dog was the most and the red fox the least omnivorous of these carnivores, according to the diversity index. Diet composition of all these species varied among areas, indicating that they are opportunistic feeders. Mammals and birds constituted the bulk of the fox diet, while invertebrates, frogs and plants were most frequently eaten by the badger. The frequency of earthworms in badger faeces varied between 16 and 77%, according to area. Voles and shrews were important to the raccoon dog, but it also frequently consumed other food items. The food niches of the badger and the raccoon dog overlapped more than that of the red fox and other species. The red fox was more carnivorous and fed on larger prey items than the others, but the food composition of the red fox in the present study reflects the prey carried to the den for the pups; thus, the diet of adult foxes may be more similar to that of the raccoon dog. In conclusion, these 3 carnivores share many resources, suggesting that competition may occur among them: however, their diets also differ to some extent, which helps them to avoid competition. Furthermore, the badger and the raccoon dog are dormant during winter, when food is scarcest, which may be the reason why all these species can coexist in rather unproductive boreal forests.  相似文献   

Isaya Higa  Yoshiaki Fuyama 《Genetica》1993,88(2-3):129-136
To reveal the genetic mechanism of host selection in a monophagous fruit flyDrosophila sechellia, olfactory responses and oviposition preferences of this species were compared with those of closely related polyphagous species,D. simulans andD. melanogaster. Adult flies ofD. sechellia were strongly attracted to the ripe fruit ofMorinda citrifolia which is known to be the sole breeding site of this species. They were also attracted to the odor ofn-caproic acid which is contained in the ripe fruit ofM. citrifolia and is presumably responsible for the characteristic odor of the fruit. In contrast,D. simulans andD. melanogaster showed a strong repulsion ton-caproic acid. In parallel with the olfactory responses,D. sechellia females laid eggs preferentially on a medium containingn-caproic acid, to which the other two species showed an aversion. Genetic analyses using the hybrid progeny betweenD. sechellia andD. simulans suggested that the species differences in these behaviors are controlled by gene(s) located on the second chromosome.  相似文献   

The effects of the addition of color to a dry primate diet on the feeding behavior of orangutans were studied. Purina Monkey Chow was dipped in food coloring (red, green, blue, orange). Colored and plain chow was offered to the subjects, three adults, and two juveniles. Time to eat or lose interest in feeding, quantity, and color of pieces of chow handled and eaten were recorded for each group. The juveniles' consumption of chow increased when offered colored chow, and adults required less time to consume their food. One juvenile showed a significant preference for red monkey chow.  相似文献   

Describing the sex ratio, age structure of the population and ontogenetic variability of Red fox, Vulpes vulpes (Canidae, Carnivora) skull parameters, this study is based on 416 male and 289 female skulls collected in the Czech Republic. The skulls analysed came from feral individuals, that were shot by hunters. The male to female ratio was 1:0.69 regarding the whole population. Individuals younger than one year prevailed in the population (54% males, 48% females were in their first year of life). Four growth patterns of skull dimensions were described. The first group included mainly skull length dimensions (e.g. condylobasal length). They grew rapidly until the sixth month of life, becoming stabilised afterwards. The second group comprised parameters that were stable throughout the life (e.g. cheek tooth rows). Measurements representing the third growth pattern showed continual growth (mainly width dimensions, e.g. zygomatic breadth). Conversely, smaller dimensions of postorbital breadth were observed after the sixth month of life. Postorbital breadth represented the fourth growth pattern. It was concluded, that male and female Red foxes had similar ontogenetic skull development, even though there were some differences, e.g. in jugular breadth, which increased after the age of six months in males unlike in females.  相似文献   

Induction of specific food preference in lepidopterous larvae   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Last instar larvae of Manduca sexta (Johanssen) and Heliothis zea (Boddie), fed on different host plants or on artificial diet, and then tested individually, have shown clear preference for the plant previously eaten. This induced preference is specific for the inducing plant species and is not merely a change in the insect's general threshold of food acceptability. The extent to which preference can be induced by various host plants differs considerably. No induction is possible with plants outside the insect's host range. In larvae fed on artificial diet preference to a given host plant can be induced even by a one-day feeding on it. A preference once induced is not wiped out by two larval moults and subsequent feeding on an artificial diet. Thus it is supposed that the information serving as a basis for the induced feeding habit is stored in the central nervous system. The possible ecological significance of the induced preference is discussed.
Zusammenfassung Larven des letzten Entwicklungsstadium von Manduca sexta (Sphingidae) und Heliothis zea (Noctuidae), die an verschiedenen Wirtspflanzen gezüchtet wurden, bevorzugten in individuellen Nahrungswahlversuchen jene Pflanzenarten, an welchen sie sich entwickelten. Diese induzierte Präferenz ist spezifisch für die induzierende Pflanzenart und nicht einfach eine allgemeine Verschiebung der Reizschwelle für Frass- bzw. Vergällungsstoffe. Die Stärke der durch verschiedene Wirtspflanzen induzierten Präferenz variierte von Pflanze zu Pflanze erheblich. Es war nicht möglich, Präferenz für eine Pflanzenart ausserhalb des Wirtspflanzenkreises zu induzieren. In den an künstlicher Nahrung gezüchteten Raupen entwickelte sich die Präferenz für eine gegebene Wirtspflanze bereits während einer eintägigen Ernährung an derselben. Die einmal erworbene Präferenz wurde selbst durch zwei Häutungen und Ernährung mit künstlicher Nahrung nicht ausgelöscht. Demnach wird angenommen, dass die als Basis für die induzierte Präferenz dienende Rezeptoreninformation im Zentralnervensystem gespeichert wird. Die wahrscheinliche ökologische Bedeutung der induzierten Präferenz wird besprochen.

Supported by National Institutes of Health grant NB 07069-01.  相似文献   

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