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Summary Scanning electron microscopy, light microscopy, and gravimetric analysis was used to evaluate stomatal function, epicuticular wax, and the stem-root transition region of grape (Vitis sp. ‘Valiant’) plantlets grownin vitro, polyethylene glycoltreatedin vitro, and greenhouse-grown plants. Scanning electron microscopic studies of leaf surfaces ofin vitro-grown plants showed widely open stomata as compared to leaf stomata of polyethylene glycol-treatedin vitro-cultured and greenhouse-grown plants. Ultrastructurally, leaf epicuticular wax ofin vitro plants was less dense than in their polyethylene-treated and greenhouse counterparts. Quantitatively,in vitro-grown plants had reduced epicuticular was as compared to polyethylene glycol-treated and greenhouse-grown plants. Light microscopic studies showed no obvious differences in the vascular connections in the stem-root transition region ofin vitro-cultured, polyethylene glycol-treatedin vitro-cultured, and greenhouse-grown plants. It is therefore likely that the rapid wilting and desiccation observed after transplantingin vitro grape plantlets is due to their defective stomatal function and reduced epicuticular wax and may not be due to poor water transport associated with vascular connection.  相似文献   

A micropropagation approach was developed for nine ornamental Prunus species, P. americana, P. cistena, P. glandulosa, P. serrulata ‘Kwanzan’, P. laurocerasus, P. sargentii, P. tomentosa, P. triloba, P. virginiana ‘Schubert’, commercially important in North America, and GF305 peach, commonly used for Prunus virus indexing. The micropropagation cycle based on proliferation of vegetative tissues includes establishment of tissue culture through introduction of shoot meristems in vitro, shoot proliferation, root induction and plant acclimatization steps and can be completed in 5 months. A meristem sterilization protocol minimized bacterial and fungal contamination. Multiple shoot formation in ornamental Prunus was obtained through the use of 1 mg l−1 6-benzyladenine. For GF305 peach, alteration in the sugar composition, fructose instead of sucrose, and addition of 1 mg l−1 ferulic acid had a significant impact on the shoot proliferation rate and maintenance of long-term in vitro culture. Rooting and plant acclimatization conditions were improved using a two-step protocol with a 4-day root induction in indole-3-butiric acid (IBA)-containing media with consequent 3-week root elongation in IBA-free media. One-month incubation of rooted shoots in a vermiculite-based medium resulted in additional shoot and root growth and provided better acclimatization and plant recovery. The micropropagation approach can be used for maintenance of the clonal properties for Prunus spp. as well as a protocol to support meristem therapy against viral infection.  相似文献   

Summary A peptide corresponding to residues 106–126 of the human prion protein (PrP) possesses the neurotoxic and amyloidogenic properties of the infectious form of the parental protein. This peptide is now identified as a ‘difficult sequence’ and synthesis using conventional manual Fmoc chemistry was unsuccessful with acylation terminating at a central core of hydrophobic amino acids. The use of tetramethylfluoroformamidinium hexafluorophosphate and 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone as anti-aggregatory agents in the coupling steps improved the synthesis but still resulted in an incomplete peptide. The incorporation ofN-(2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzyl)protection at glycine residues 119 and 124 enabled synthesis of the full length peptide in low yield. Synthesis using Boc chemistry within situ neutralisation gave the full length peptide in high yield.  相似文献   

Human Relaxin 2 is an insulin-related peptide hormone with a mass of 19,084 Da. The mRNA contains a number of arginine codons that are rarely used by Escherichia coli to produce highly expressed proteins. As a result, expressing this recombinant protein in E. coli is problematic. When human Relaxin 2 was expressed in E. coli BL21 (DE3), several forms of the protein were made. One species had the expected molecular weight (19,084 Da). A second species observed had a molecular weight of 21,244 Da. A third minor species had a molecular weight of 17,118 Da. These aberrant molecular weights can be explained as follows. First, a sequence CGA-AAA-AAG-AGA, containing the rare arginine codons CGA and AGA was the site of the +1 frameshift that generated the 21,244 Da species. Since there was a limited supply of this arginyl-tRNA, the peptidyl-tRNA moved +1 nucleotide to occupy the codon and resumed protein synthesis. Second, a -1 frameshift associated with 'slippery A' sequence XXA-AAA-AAG accounted for 10% of the product with a mass of 17,118 Da. Presumably, the shift to -1 also occurred because there was a paucity of the arginyl-tRNAArgucu. Introduction of a plasmid coding for the cognate tRNA for AGA and site directed mutagenesis prevented the formation of both frameshift species.  相似文献   

Perchloric acid extracts of LLC-PK1/Cl4 cells, a renal epithelial cell line, incubated with either [2-13C]glycine l-[3-13C]alanine, or d,l-[3-13C]aspartic acid were investigated by 13C-NMR spectroscopy. All amino acids, except labelled glycine, gave rise to glycolytic products and tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) intermediates. For the first time we also observed activity of γ-glutamyltransferase activity and glutathione synthetase activity in LLC-PK1 cells, as is evident from enrichment of reduced glutathione. Time courseS showed that only 6% of the labelled glycine was utilized in 30 min, whereas 31% of l-alanine and 60% of l-aspartic acid was utilized during the same period. 13C-NMR was also shown to be a useful tool for the determination of amino acid uptake in LLC-PK1 cells. These uptake experiments indicated that glycine alanine and aspartic acid are transported into Cl4 cells via a sodium-dependent process. From the relative enrichment of the glutamate carbons, we calculated the activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase to be about 61% of when labelled l-alanine was the only carbon source for LLC-PK1/Cl4 cells. Experiments with labelled d,l-aspartic, however, showed that about 40% of C-3-enriched oxaloacetate (arising from a de-amination of aspartic acid) reached the pyruvate pool.  相似文献   

Plasmodium lactate dehydrogenase (pLDH), owing to unique structural and kinetic properties, is a well known target for antimalarial compounds. To explore a new approach for high level soluble expression of Plasmodium falciparum lactate dehydrogenase (PfLDH) in E. coli, PfLDH encoding sequence was cloned into pQE-30 Xa vector. When transformed E. coli SG13009 cells were induced at 37 °C with 0.5 mM isopropyl β-d-thiogalactoside (IPTG) concentration, the protein was found to be exclusively associated with inclusion bodies. By reducing cell growth temperature to 15 °C and IPTG concentration to 0.25 mM, it was possible to get approximately 82% of expressed protein in soluble form. Recombinant PfLDH (rPfLDH) was purified to homogeneity yielding 18 mg of protein/litre culture. rPfLDH was found to be biologically active with specific activity of 453.8 μmol/min/mg. The enzyme exhibited characteristic reduced substrate inhibition and enhanced kcat [(3.2 ± 0.02) × 104] with 3-acetylpyridine adenine dinucleotide (APAD+). The procedure described in this study may provide a reliable and simple method for production of large quantities of soluble and biologically active PfLDH.  相似文献   

The sporogonic development of the malaria parasite takes place in the mosquito and a wide range of factors modulates it. Among those, the contents of the blood meal can influence the parasite development directly or indirectly through the mosquito response to the infection. We have studied the effect of a second blood meal in previously infected mosquitoes and the effect of anti-sporozoite immune serum on parasite development and mosquito response to the infection. The prevalence and intensity of infection and gene expression of both Plasmodium yoelii and Anopheles stephensi was analyzed. We verified that a second blood meal and its immune status interfere with parasite development and with Plasmodium and mosquito gene expression.  相似文献   

Mackerels of the genus Scomber are commercially important species, but their taxonomic status is still controversial. Although previous phylogenetic data support the recognition of Atlantic Scomber colias and Pacific Scomber japonicus as separate species, it is only based on the analysis of partial mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. In an attempt to shed light on this relevant issue, we have determined the complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of S. colias, S. japonicus, and Scomber australasicus. The total length of the mitogenomes was 16,568 bp for S. colias and 16,570 bp for both S. japonicus and S. australasicus. All mitogenomes had a gene content (13 protein-coding, 2 rRNAs, and 22 tRNAs) and organization similar to that observed in Scomber scombrus and most other vertebrates. The major noncoding region (control region) ranged between 865 and 866 bp in length and showed the typical conserved blocks. Phylogenetic analyses revealed a monophyletic origin of Scomber species with regard to other scombrid fish. The major finding of this study is that S. colias and S. japonicus were significantly grouped in distinct lineages within Scomber cluster, which phylogenetically constitutes evidence that they may be considered as separate species. Additionally, molecular data here presented provide a useful tool for evolutionary as well as population genetic studies.  相似文献   

SlyD, the sensitive-to-lysis protein from Escherichia coli, consists of two domains. They are not arranged successively along the protein chain, but one domain, the “insert-in-flap” (IF) domain, is inserted internally as a guest into a surface loop of the host domain, which is a prolyl isomerase of the FK506 binding protein (FKBP) type. We used SlyD as a model to elucidate how such a domain insertion affects the stability and folding mechanism of the host and the guest domain. For these studies, the two-domain protein was compared with a single-domain variant SlyDΔIF, SlyD* without the chaperone domain (residues 1-69 and 130-165) in which the IF domain was removed and replaced by a short loop, as present in human FKBP12. Equilibrium unfolding and folding kinetics followed an apparent two-state mechanism in the absence and in the presence of the IF domain. The inserted domain decreased, however, the stability of the host domain in the transition region and decelerated its refolding reaction by about 10-fold. This originates from the interruption of the chain connectivity by the IF domain and its inherent instability. To monitor folding processes in this domain selectively, a Trp residue was introduced as fluorescent probe. Kinetic double-mixing experiments revealed that, in intact SlyD, the IF domain folds and unfolds about 1000-fold more rapidly than the FKBP domain, and that it is strongly stabilized when linked with the folded FKBP domain. The unfolding limbs of the kinetic chevrons of SlyD show a strong downward curvature. This deviation from linearity is not caused by a transition-state movement, as often assumed, but by the accumulation of a silent unfolding intermediate at high denaturant concentrations. In this kinetic intermediate, the FKBP domain is still folded, whereas the IF domain is already unfolded.  相似文献   

Protonation of the Ca2+ ligands of the SR Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA1a) was studied by a combination of rapid scan FTIR spectroscopy and electrostatic calculations. With FTIR spectroscopy, we investigated the pH dependence of CO bands of the Ca2+-free phosphoenzyme (E2P) and obtained direct experimental evidence for the protonation of carboxyl groups upon Ca2+ release. At least three of the infrared signals from protonated carboxyl groups of E2P are pH dependent with pKa values near 8.3: a band at 1758 cm−1 characteristic of nonhydrogen-bonded carbonyl groups, a shoulder at 1720 cm−1, and part of a band at 1710 cm−1, both characteristic of hydrogen-bonded carbonyl groups. The bands are thus assigned to H+ binding residues, some of which are involved in H+ countertransport. At pH 9, bands at 1743 and 1710 cm−1 remain which we do not attribute to Ca2+/H+ exchange. We also obtained evidence for a pH-dependent conformational change in β-sheet or turn structures of the ATPase. With MCCE on the E2P analog E2(), we assigned infrared bands to specific residues and analyzed whether or not the carbonyl groups of the acidic Ca2+ ligands are hydrogen bonded. The carbonyl groups of Glu771, Asp800, and Glu908 were found to be hydrogen bonded and will thus contribute to the lower wave number bands. The carbonyl group of some side-chain conformations of Asp800 is left without a hydrogen-bonding partner; they will therefore contribute to the higher wave number band.  相似文献   

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