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We have cloned portions of the glycophorin C (sialoglycoprotein beta) gene from individuals with red cells of normal, Gerbich and Yus phenotypes. The clones contain up to three exons of the glycophorin C gene (designated exons 2, 3 and 4). Analysis by restriction mapping and DNA sequencing confirmed that the deletions causing the Gerbich and Yus phenotypes are located entirely within the glycophorin C gene. Sequencing of the normal gene showed that not only do exon 2 and exon 3 have related DNA sequences, but also that both the 5' and 3' flanking intronic DNA sequences are almost identical. The two variant genes each lack a different exon: the Yus type gene lacks exon 2, whereas the Gerbich-type gene lacks exon 3. We suggest that the observed deletions are due to recombination between the regions of homologous intronic repeats. We also provide evidence that an unequal cross-over mechanism may be responsible for a number of observed glycophorin C gene rearrangements, including an insertion mutation in Lewis II (Lsa)-type red cells that has not previously been reported.  相似文献   

1. Membranes from erythrocytes heterozygous for the Mk and Miltenberger Class V (Mi.V) condition and membranes from erythrocytes homozygous for the Mg condition were studied by polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis by using the periodate/Schiff stain binding of radioiodinated lectins and labelling with lactoperoxidase. 2. Both the Mk and Mi.V conditions are associated with a decreased content of the major blood-group-MN-active sialoglycoprotein. 3. An unusual blood-group-M-active membrane component was found in Mi.V cells of appropriate genotype. No comparably component was found in Mk erythrocytes. 4. The Mg antigen appears to result from a modification of the MN-active sialoglycoprotein found in normal cells. Our results suggest that the Mg sialoglycoprotein contains fewer sialotetrasaccharides than does the normal sialglycoprotein. This may result from changes in the amino acid sequence of the protein. 5. The results are discussed in relation to differences in the antigenic properties of Mk, Mi.V and Mg cells and their possible influence on the structure of the surface of each of these cells.  相似文献   

The sialoglycoprotein periodate fuchsin sulfite 2 has about 8% of the sialic acid contained in the sialoglycoproteins of the human erythrocyte membrane. This polypeptide appears to have an apparent monomeric molecular weight of 35,000, somewhat smaller than the monomer of the major sialoglycoprotein (periodate fuchsin sulfite 1) as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacry lamide gel electrophoresis, and has frequently been confused with the monomer of the major sialoglycoprotein. Periodate fuchsin sulfite 2 is not labeled by the lactoperoxidase procedure in the intact cell, although it is accessible to neuraminidase and other hydrolases. On the other hand, this component can be labeled by lactoperoxidase on the cytoplasmic surface of open membranes or resealed ghosts. Thus, it is a trans membrane protein. Although most of the other transmembrane proteins of the human erythrocyte membrane are extracted from the membrane by 0.1% Triton X-100 in 7 mm phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, this component is not removed and may be a cytoskeletal component. Trypsin, chymotrypsin, and thermolysin peptides, as well as cyanogen bromide fragments, clearly indicate that the primary sequence of this polypeptide can be distinguished from dimeric or monomeric forms of the major sialoglycoprotein (periodate fuchsin sulfite 1).  相似文献   

1. RhD,c and E immune complexes isolated from 3H- and 125I-surface-radiolabelled and unlabelled intact human red cells were analysed by SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. 2. Apparent Mr values of 31,900 for RhD polypeptide and 33,100 for Rhc,E polypeptide were obtained under both reducing and non-reducing conditions. Glycosylation of RhD,c and E polypeptides was not detected. 3. RhD,c and E immune complexes also contain a glycoprotein component. RhD glycoprotein (apparent Mr 45,000-100,000) is distinct from Rhc,E glycoprotein(s) (apparent Mr 35,000-65,000). Rh (Rhesus) glycoprotein carbohydrate moieties are susceptible to endo-beta-galactosidase digestion and carry blood-group-ABH determinants. This suggests the presence of polylactosaminoglycan-type structures. 4. Rh glycoproteins are not present in Rh immune complexes as a result of non-specific adsorption of membrane glycoproteins during the membrane-solubilization phase of immune-complex isolation because RhD immune complexes isolated from a 1:1 (v/v) mixture of Acde/cde and OcDE/cDE red cells do not contain blood-group-A-active glycoprotein. 5. Blood-group-A immune complexes isolated from group-A red cells of the appropriate Rh phenotypes contain the 31,900- and 33,100-apparent-Mr Rh polypeptides. 6. It was concluded from the above evidence that non-covalent Rh-glycoprotein-Rh-polypeptide complexes exist in the native red-cell membrane. 7. The 31,900- and 33,100-apparent-Mr Rh polypeptides are absent from blood-group-A immune complexes isolated from regulator type Rhnull cells (donor A.L.), but are replaced by a 33,800-apparent-Mr Rhnull-specific polypeptide (Rhnull polypeptide). It is suggested that Rhnull polypeptide is an aberrant product of the Rh gene complex.  相似文献   

Membranes from erythrocytes with a new Gerbich (Ge)-negative phenotype (Leach phenotype), as well as those from two other Ge-negative phenotypes, were examined. Whereas cells of the Leach phenotype apparently lack three minor sialoglycoproteins (beta, beta 1 and gamma), the membranes of Ge- Yus- and Ge- Yus+ erythrocytes apparently lack beta- and gamma-sialoglycoproteins but contain additional diffusely migrating components of apparent Mr 30 500-34 500 and 32 500-36 500 respectively. Immunoprecipitation experiments showed that the abnormal components of both Ge- Yus- and Ge- Yus+ erythrocytes reacted with two monoclonal antibodies, BRIC 4 and BRIC 10. These antibodies have been shown to react with sialoglycoproteins beta and beta 1 in normal erythrocytes. Cytoskeletal preparations from Ge- Yus- and Ge- Yus+ erythrocyte membranes contained the abnormal components. In contrast with cells of the Leach phenotype, which are elliptocytic, Ge- Yus- and Ge- Yus+ were of normal shape, despite their apparent lack of beta- and gamma-sialoglycoproteins. It seems likely that the abnormal components in these cells contribute to their normal shape. Ovalocytic erythrocytes were shown to incorporate more radioactivity in the sialoglycoprotein-beta 1 region than normal erythrocytes after labelling by the periodate/NaB3H4 technique. It is suggested that abnormal components in Ge- Yus- and Ge- Yus+ erythrocytes result from chromosomal misalignment with unequal crossing-over at meiosis between the genes giving rise to beta-, beta 1- and gamma-sialoglycoproteins.  相似文献   

Human erythrocytes of blood group En (a-), a rare homozygous condition involving a complete lack of the major sialoglycoprotein of the cell membrane (glycophorin A), were compared with erythrocytes from normal (En(a+)) individuals by freeze-fracture electron microscopy. No decrease in number, or variation in morphology, of the intramembranal particles of En (a-) cells was detectable. These results show that the erythrocyte sialoglycoprotein is not essential for the maintenance of the integrity of the intramembranal particles of the human erythrocyte membrane.  相似文献   

Individuals whose erythrocytes are positive for the rare blood-group antigen Webb (Wb) have an altered form of the minor sialoglycoprotein beta (synonyms glycophorin C and glycoconnectin). This altered sialoglycoprotein beta (beta Wb) has an Mr about 2700 lower than that of normal sialoglycoprotein beta. Treatment of normal sialoglycoprotein beta with endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase F decreased its Mr by about 3600, but similar treatment of sialoglycoprotein beta Wb had no effect. These results suggest the possibility that sialoglycoprotein beta Wb lacks the N-glycosidically linked oligosaccharide found on normal sialoglycoprotein beta.  相似文献   

An unusual glycoprotein variant (Pj) was found inherited through a caucasian family exhibiting atypical N and Nvg blood-group reactivities. Pj erythrocytes are blood-group-MS homozygous and have a normal sialic acid content. On sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis the variant contains a new component Pj of 24kDa apparent molecular mass in the monomeric state which is sharply stained by periodic acid/Schiff reagent. Both blood-group-MN (alpha) and -Ss (delta) glycoproteins were present. Homodimers (Pj2) as well as heterodimers with MN-glycoprotein (alpha Pj) and the Ss-glycoprotein (delta Pj) were also identified. The new sialoglycoprotein Pj is trypsin- and chymotrypsin-resistant in situ and carries N- and Nvg- but not M- and S-reactivities. The Pj component is labelled by lactoperoxidase-catalysed radioiodination. A 3H label is also easily introduced into the sialic acid or the galactose and galactosamine of the Pj glycoprotein. It is proposed that the Pj is a hybrid glycoprotein containing the N-terminal end of delta-glycoprotein and the C-terminal end of the alpha-glycoprotein. This proposal is supported by the finding that Pj carries a leucine residue at its N-terminus and is not immunoprecipitated by a monoclonal mouse antibody (R18) reacting specifically with the external domain of glycoprotein alpha. The red cells from the proposita Pj were found positive for a very low frequency MN antigen named Sta.  相似文献   

The integration sites in the cellular genome of human papillomavirus are located in chromosomal regions always associated with oncogenes or other known tumor phenotypes. Two regions, 8q24 and 12q13, are common to several cases of cervical carcinoma and can have integrated more than one type of papillomavirus DNA. These two chromosomal regions contain several genes implicated in oncogenesis. These observations strongly imply that viral integration sites of DNA tumor viruses can be used as the access point to chromosomal regions where genes implicated in the tumor phenotype are located, a situation similar to that of non-transforming retroviruses.  相似文献   

We investigated the membrane of En(a-) human erythrocytes as part of a study of the structure and biochemical function of the surface glycoproteins of the mammalian cell. 2. En(a-) erythrocytes were selected because they have more extensive changes at the cell surface than any other known erythrocyte variant. 3. Our results show that in En(a-) erythrocytes: (a) the major membrane sialoglycoprotein is lacking; (b) the other major membrane-penetrating glycoprotein (band 3) has an altered electrophoretic mobility. 4. The apparent clinical normality of En(a-) cells suggests that the change in band 3 may compensate for the loss of the membrane sialoglycoproteins. It is clear that a viable erythrocyte can exist despite the absence of one of its major surface components.  相似文献   

Uniaxial loading of the red-cell membrane   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The major sialoglycoprotein of the human erythrocyte membrane has been selectively released by the non-ionic detergent Tween 20 and further purified in detergent-free buffers by hydroxyapatite chromatography and, finally, by hydrophobic interaction chromatography on pentyl-Sepharose. The purified glycoprotein shows one main zone, PAS-1, and up to three minor zones after staining both for protein and carbohydrate in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of dodecyl sulfate. The relative staining intensities are concentration dependent. When the purified glycoprotein has been heated to 100 degrees C in dodecyl sulfate, more stain appears in the most rapid zone, PAS-2, and less in the slower zones, indicating a disaggregation of oligomeric forms of this glycoprotein, including a dimer, PAS-1.  相似文献   

The major sialoglycoprotein of the human erythrocyte membrane has been selectively released by the non-ionic detergent Tween 20 and further purified in detergent-free buffers by hydroxyapatite chromatography and, finally, by hydrophobic interaction chromatography on pentyl-Sepharose. The purified glycoprotein shows one main zone, PAS-1, and up to three minor zones after staining both for protein and carbohydrate in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of dodecyl sulfate. The relative staining intensities are concentration dependent. When the purified glycoprotein has been heated to 100 °C in dodecyl sulfate, more stain appears in the most rapid zone, PAS-2, and less in the slower zones, indicating a disaggregation of oligomeric forms of this glycoprotein, including a dinier, PAS-1.  相似文献   

To extend the characterization of the human V beta gene repertoire, we utilized anchored or V beta-specific polymerase chain reaction to generate a large (approximately 200 clones) beta-chain library from the thymus of a single individual. Nine new V beta genes were identified, including single members for two new subfamilies (V beta 22 and 23), two new members of the V beta 5 subfamily, and one new member each for V beta 2, 6, 7, 9, and 12. Full-length sequences were also obtained for the published partial sequences of V beta 3, 5.3, 9.1, and 13.4, and additional nucleotides for V beta 7.1 and V beta 7.2. Based on consensus sequences from multiple clones, apparent allelic variants for six V beta genes (V beta 2.1, 5.3, 7.2, 8.2, 13.4, and 16) were also tentatively identified. Population and family studies for two of these (V beta 2.1 and 16) further confirmed that these V beta were alleles and not separate genes. Nonconservative substitutions in some of these alleles, as well as in previously identified alleles, are located at the hypervariable loops or the framework region. These findings indicate that V beta gene polymorphism appears to be significant in humans and might be the result of selective pressure imposed by conventional Ag (hypervariable loops) or superantigens (framework regions).  相似文献   

Sialoglycoprotein beta, a minor sialoglycoprotein of the red cell membrane, was studied in homozygous and heterozygous 4.1(-) hereditary elliptocytosis, a variety of hereditary elliptocytosis characterized by total or partial absence of protein 4.1. Erythrocytes were treated with the periodic acid-NaB3H4 procedure. Following polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of SDS, labelled sialoglycoproteins were revealed by fluorography. (i) In the ghosts from the 4.1(-) homozygote, sialoglycoprotein beta was sharply decreased. It is not sure whether the residual material is sialoglycoprotein beta itself, or a distinct sialoglycoprotein migrating in the same place. In long exposure fluorograms, sialoglycoprotein gamma (a sialoglycoprotein related to sialoglycoprotein beta) also turned out to be reduced. In the homozygote's Triton-shells, sialoglycoprotein beta and gamma appeared completely absent. (ii) In the 4.1(-) heterozygote, sialoglycoprotein beta appeared slightly reduced, whereas sialoglycoprotein gamma appeared normal. Both of these proteins were extracted in seemingly normal amounts in the Triton-shells. These observations bring further support to the view that there is an interaction between skeletal membrane protein 4.1 and sialoglycoprotein beta, that is additional to other interactions between the former protein and the lipid bilayer and/or other transmembrane proteins.  相似文献   

1. Genomic DNA derived from individuals who lack glycophorin A (GPA), glycophorin B (GPB) or both of these proteins was subjected to Southern-blot analysis using GPA and GPB cDNA probes. 2. Bands on the Southern blots were assigned to the GPA gene, GPB gene or to a putative pseudogene. 3. Genomic DNA derived from an individual of the Mk phenotype was shown to have deletions in the GPA and GPB genes. The simplest model for the results obtained is that a single deletion spans the GPA and GPB genes in the individual studied.  相似文献   

The specificity of various allo- and autoantibodies, which agglutinate normal erythrocytes, but do not react with En(a-) red cells and normal erythrocytes, treated with trypsin (anti-EnaTS) or ficin (anti-EnaFS), was investigated. Various fragments and modification products of the major (MN) red cell membranes sialoglycoprotein were used in hemagglutination inhibition assays. Six anti-EnaFS sera were found to be directed against the residues approx. 46-56 of the molecule. Five of these require the carbohydrate unit, attached to Thr50, for binding. One anti-EnaTS serum was found to be directed against the residues approx. 36-42. Another antibody with anti-EnaTS specificity was shown to react with the residues 31-39 in some of the MN sialoglycoprotein molecules, namely those not glycosylated at a certain position (probably Thr33). A third anti-EnaTS serum, directed against the sequence domain around Lys30, was also found to react only with a fraction of the molecules, apparently due to the variable attachment of oligosaccharides in that region. The heterogeneity of glycosylation, detected by these two sera, appears to account for the partial tryptic and chymotryptic cleavage in this domain of the MN sialoglycoprotein, which has been described previously. Heterogeneity of the glycosylation at various positions of the molecule could be established by the isolation and analysis of peptides.  相似文献   

The major human erythrocyte membrane sialoglycoprotein (glycophorin A or MN glycoprotein) was purified from the red blood cells of an individual, homozygous for the Mi-VII gene in the Miltenberger subsystem of the MNSs blood-group system. The complete structure of a tryptic peptide comprising the residues 40-61 of glycophorin A was deduced from manual sequence analyses. The Mi-VII-specific glycophorin A was shown to exhibit an arginine----threonine and a tyrosine----serine exchange at the positions 49 and 52 respectively. The threonine-49 residue was found to be glycosylated. Inhibition assays demonstrated that one of the Mi-VII-specific antigen determinants (Anek) is located within the residues 40-61 of glycophorin A and comprises sialic acid residue(s) attached to O-glycosidically linked oligosaccharide(s). Our data contribute to an understanding of the Miltenberger system and provide an explanation at the molecular level for the previous finding that the erythrocytes from the Mi-VII homozygote lack a high-frequency antigen (EnaKT), located within the residues 46-56 of normal glycophorin A.  相似文献   

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