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To elucidate the mechanism of proliferation and differentiation of testicular germ cells, donor testicular germ cells labeled with enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) were transplanted to recipient seminiferous tubules. The kinetics of colonization as well as of differentiation of the donor cells was followed in the same transplanted tubules (alive) under ultraviolet light. One week after transplantation, clusters of fluorescent cells were randomly spread as dots in the recipient seminiferous tubule, whereas non-homed cells flowed out from the testis to the epididymis. By 4 weeks after transplantation, green germ cells were observed with weak and moderate fluorescence along the recipient seminiferous tubule. By 8 weeks, proliferation and differentiation of the germ cells occurred, resulting in strong fluorescence in the middle part of the seminiferous tubule but in weak and moderate fluorescence at both terminals. The length of the fluorescent positive seminiferous tubule became longer. Detailed histological analyses of the recipient tubules indicated that the portions of the seminiferous tubule in weak, moderate, and strong fluorescence contained the spermatogonia, spermatogonia with spermatocytes, and all types of germ cells including spermatids, respectively. Thus, testicular stem cells colonized first as dots within 1 week, and then proliferated along the basement membrane of the seminiferous tubules followed by differentiation.  相似文献   

The Drosophila Trithorax‐like (Trl) gene encodes a GAGA factor which regulates a number of developmentally important genes. In this study, we identify a new function for Drosophila GAGA factor in male germ cell development. Trl mutants carrying strong hypomorphic alleles display loss of primordial germ cells during their migration in embryogenesis and severe disruption in mitochondria structure during early spermatogenesis. The mutation resulted in small testes formation, a deficit of germ cells, abnormal mitochondrial morphogenesis, spermatocyte death through autophagy, and partial or complete male sterility. Pleiotropic mutation effects can be explained by the misexpression of GAGA factor target genes, the products of which are required for germ cell progression into mature sperm. genesis 52:738–751, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In cultivated male eel, spermatogonia are the only germ cells present in testis. Our previous studies using an organ culture system have shown that gonadotropin and 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT, a potent androgen in teleost fishes) can induce all stages of spermatogenesis in vitro. for detailed investigation of the control mechanisms of spermatogenesis, especially of the interaction between germ cells and testicular somatic cells during 11-KT-induced spermatogenesis in vitro, we have established a new culture system in which germ cells and somatic cells are cocultured after they are aggregated into pellets by centrifugation. Germ cells (spermatogonia) and somatic cells (mainly Sertoli cells) were isolated from immature eel testis. Coculture of the isolated germ cells and somatic cells without forming aggregation did not induce spermatogenesis, even in the presence of 11-KT. In contrast, when isolated germ cells and somatic cells were formed into pellets by centrifugation and were then cultured with 11-KT for 30 days, the entire process of spermatogenesis from premitotic spermatogonia to spermatozoa was induced. However, in the absence of 11-KT in the culture medium spermatogenesis was not induced, even when germ cell and somatic cells were aggregated. These results demonstrate that physical contact of germ cells to Sertoli cells is required for inducing spermatogenesis in response to 11-KT.  相似文献   

Summary Commonly used enzymic methods for the isolation of rat Seroli cells yield populations containing ∼15% germ cells. Although the germ cells become eliminated after several media changes, they could interferen with the use of Sertoli cells for critical studies during the first several days of culture. A brief treatment of Sertoli cell monolayer cultures with 20 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.4) was found to eliminate most of the residual contaiminating germ cells. The duration of this treatment varied from 1.0 to 10 min, depending on cell denisty in the culture, the degree of germ cell contamination, and the age of animals used for Sertoli cell isolation. In a study of 95% pure 7-d Sertoli cell cultures, the hypotonic treatment did not alter the DNA or RNA content per dish or the incorporation of [3H]uridine into total and poly A+RNA. Also, the hypotonic treatment did not alter specific Sertoli cell functions, i. e., secretion of Sertoli cell factor (inhibin) and stimulation of cAMP levels by follicle stimuting hormone in 2-d cultures. Androgen receptor concentration per dish was also not changed. Changes in several general metabolic parameters observed after hypotonic treatment of 2-d cultures were attributed primarily to loss of contaiminating germ cells. Consequently, hypotonic treatment can be used to eliminate contaminating germ cells from the Sertoli cell cultures without apparent detrimental effects on a number of Sertoli cell biochemical parameters. This may be of considerable importance when the purity of Sertoli cells is critical for the interpretation of experimental data. This work was supported in part by grants HD-1-P50-08338, HD-17795 (BMS), and HD-18186 (JJH) from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

Chemotherapeutic doses of cisplatin impair spermatogenesis and ultimately cause azoospermia and infertility in some men. The mechanism by which cisplatin damages testicular germ cells is poorly understood. Cisplatin's impact is first detected hours after exposure in the formation of DNA cross-links followed by weeks of testicular damage. Here, we report in 11-week-old male mice an early and massive rise of germ cell apoptosis after a single intraperitoneal (I.P.) injection of either 5 or 10 mg/kg cisplatin. For the lower dose, a roughly 9-fold peak increase in the apoptotic index over the control level is observed at 36 h, and for the higher dose, a 24-fold rise is seen at 24 h. At these peak levels, the lower dose produced a higher ratio of apoptotic early spermatocytes to apoptotic spermatogonia than did the higher dose. In addition to this early wave of germ cell die-off, our data show that while the post-wave apoptotic rates for both dose regimes diminish, at 12 days the apoptotic rates appear significantly higher (5 mg/kg) than controls. In summary, our findings show two events set in motion by acute cisplatin exposure: (1) a previously unreported massive apoptotic die-off of germ cells followed by (2) an elevated apoptotic rate possibly reflecting long-term or permanent damage to the seminiferous tubule.  相似文献   

RNA‐binding proteins (RBPs) play important roles for generating various cell types in many developmental processes, including eggs and sperms. Nanos is widely known as an evolutionarily conserved RNA‐binding protein implicated in germ cell development. Mouse NANOS2 interacts directly with the CCR4‐NOT (CNOT) deadenylase complex, resulting in the suppression of specific RNAs. However, the mechanisms involved in target specificity remain elusive. We show that another RBP, Dead end1 (DND1), directly interacts with NANOS2 to load unique RNAs into the CNOT complex. This interaction is mediated by the zinc finger domain of NANOS2, which is essential for its association with target RNAs. In addition, the conditional deletion of DND1 causes the disruption of male germ cell differentiation similar to that observed in Nanos2‐KO mice. Thus, DND1 is an essential partner for NANOS2 that leads to the degradation of specific RNAs. We also present the first evidence that the zinc finger domain of Nanos acts as a protein‐interacting domain for another RBP, providing a novel insight into Nanos‐mediated germ cell development.  相似文献   

Pole cells and posterior segmentation in Drosophila are specified by maternally encoded genes whose products accumulate at the posterior pole of the oocyte. Among these genes is tudor (tud). Progeny of hypomorphic tud mothers lack pole cells and have variable posterior patterning defects. We have isolated a null allele to further investigate tud function. While no pole cells are ever observed in embryos from tud-null mothers, 15% of these embryos have normal posterior patterning. OSKAR (OSK) and VASA (VAS) proteins, and nanos (nos) RNA, all initially localize to the pole plasm of tud-null oocytes and embryos from tud-null mothers, while localization of germ cell-less (gcl) and polar granule component (pgc), is undetectable or severely reduced. In embryos from tud-null mothers, polar granules are greatly reduced in number, size, and electron density. Thus, tud is dispensable for somatic patterning, but essential for pole cell specification and polar granule formation.  相似文献   

Spermatogenesis requires intact, fully competent Sertoli cells. Here, we investigate the functions of Dicer, an RNaseIII endonuclease required for microRNA and small interfering RNA biogenesis, in mouse Sertoli cell function. We show that selective ablation of Dicer in Sertoli cells leads to infertility due to complete absence of spermatozoa and progressive testicular degeneration. The first morphological alterations appear already at postnatal day 5 and correlate with a severe impairment of the prepubertal spermatogenic wave, due to defective Sertoli cell maturation and incapacity to properly support meiosis and spermiogenesis. Importantly, we find several key genes known to be essential for Sertoli cell function to be significantly down-regulated in neonatal testes lacking Dicer in Sertoli cells. Overall, our results reveal novel essential roles played by the Dicer-dependent pathway in mammalian reproductive function, and thus pave the way for new insights into human infertility.  相似文献   

Yes‐associated protein (YAP), a key effector of the Hippo signaling pathway, is expressed in the nucleus of spermatogonia in mice, suggesting a potential role in spermatogenesis. Here, we report the generation of a conditional knockout mouse model (Yapflox/flox; Ddx4cre/+) that specifically inactivates Yap in the germ cells. The inactivation of Yap in spermatogonia was found to be highly efficient in this model. The loss of Yap in the germ cells had no observable effect on spermatogenesis in vivo. Histological examination of the testes showed no structural differences between mutant animals and age‐matched Yapflox/flox controls, nor was any differences detected in gonadosomatic index, expression of germ cell markers or sperm counts. Cluster‐forming assay using undifferentiated spermatogonia, including spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs), also showed that YAP is dispensable for SSC cluster formation in vitro. However, an increase in the expression of spermatogenesis and oogenesis basic helix–loop–helix 1 (Sohlh1) and neurogenin 3 (Ngn3) was observed in clusters derived from Yapflox/flox; Ddx4cre/+ animals. Taken together, these results suggest that YAP fine‐tunes the expression of genes associated with spermatogonial fate commitment, but that its loss is not sufficient to alter spermatogenesis in vivo.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2022,57(12):1482-1495.e5
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For the reason that adult Sertoli cell specific connexin 43 knockout (SCCx43KO) mice show arrested spermatogenesis at spermatogonial level or Sertoli cell only tubules and significantly reduced germ cell (GC) numbers, the aims of the present study were (1) to characterize the remaining GC population and (2) to elucidate possible mechanisms of their fading. Apoptosis was analyzed in both, KO and wild type (WT) male littermates during postnatal development and in adulthood using TUNEL. Although GC numbers were significantly reduced in KO at 2 and 8 days postpartum (dpp) when compared to WT, no differences were found concerning apoptotic incidence between genotypes. From 10 dpp, the substantial GC deficiency became more obvious. However, significantly higher apoptotic GC numbers were seen in WT during this period, possibly related to the first wave of spermatogenesis, a known phenomenon in normal pubertal testes associated with increased apoptosis. Characterization of residual spermatogonia in postnatal to adult KO and WT mice was performed by immunohistochemical reaction against VASA (marker of GCs in general), Lin28 and Fox01 (markers for undifferentiated spermatogonia) and Stra8 (marker for differentiating spermatogonia and early spermatocytes). During puberty, the GC component in SCCx43KO mice consisted likely of undifferentiated spermatogonia, few differentiating spermatogonia and very few early spermatocytes, which seemed to be rapidly cleared by apoptosis. In adult KOs, spermatogenesis was arrested at the level of undifferentiated spermatogonia. Overall, our data indicate that Cx43 gap junctions in SCs influence male GC development and differentiation rather than their survival.  相似文献   

Several putative Oct-4 downstream genes from mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells have been identified using the suppression-subtractive hybridization method. In this study, one of the novel genes encoding an ES cell and germ cell specific protein (ESGP) was cloned by rapid amplification of cDNA ends. ESGP contains 801 bp encoding an 84 amino acid small protein and has no significant homology to any known genes. There is a signal peptide at the N-terminal of ESGP protein as predicted by SeqWeb (GCG) (SeqWeb version 2 ttp://gcg.biosino.org:8080/). The result of immunofluorescence assay suggested that ESGP might encode a secretory protein. The expression pattern of ESGP is consistent with the expression of Oct-4 during embryonic development. ESGP protein was detected in fertilized oocyte, from 3.5 day postcoital (dpc) blastocyst to 17.5 dpc embryo, and was only detected in testis and ovary tissues in adult. In vitro, ESGP was only expressed in pluripotent cell lines, such as embryonic stem cells, embryonic carcinoma cells and embryonic germ cells, but not in their differentiated progenies. Despite its specific expression, forced expression of ESGP is not indispensable for the effect of Oct-4 on ES cell self-renewal, and does not affect the differentiation to three germ layers.  相似文献   

The quality control of sperm is critical for efficient reproduction. In germ cells, cell death involves different processes to those in somatic cells, and in many cases, the trigger to induce cell death in deficient germ cells is still unclear. It is known that the fatty acid composition of sperm is related to fertility. Composition of the fatty acid of germ cells changes dynamically during spermatogenesis, and fatty acid binding protein (FABP) may be involved in these changes. In this study, we developed transgenic mice with a testicular germ-cell-specific FABP (PERF15) transgene, whose expression was controlled by the Cre-LoxP site-specific recombination system. We also developed transgenic mice with the Cre gene under the control of the spermatocyte specific Pgk2 promoter. In double transgenic mice, following Cre-mediated recombination of the PERF15 containing transgene, PERF15 was strongly overexpressed. Its overexpression induced multinucleate symplasts to form, indicating programmed germ cell death occurred at the elongated spermatid stage. As a result, sperm harboring the transgene were significantly decreased, but the surviving sperm demonstrated higher fertility than natural sperm. Therefore, we conclude that PERF15 associate with the direction of germ cell fates and preserve the quality of sperm.  相似文献   

The ter (teratoma) gene causes germ cell deficiency and a high incidence of congenital testicular teratomas derived from primordial germ cells in 129/Sv- ter strain mice. Ovarian teratomas in LTXBJ mice originate from ovarian parthenotes. In order to study the function of the ter gene in germ cell development and teratocarcinogenesis, we examined the influence of a foreign genetic background on the ter action by introducing the ter gene of 129/Sv- ter strain mice into C57BL/6J, LTXBJ and C3H/HeJ genetic backgrounds by the backcross method and by thus establishing B6- ter , LTXBJ- ter and C3H- ter ter congenic strains, respectively. Histological analysis showed that germ cell deficiency occurred in both sexes of the ter mutants, through the fetal stages to adulthood, but that congenital testicular teratocarcinogenesis did not occur after the fifth backcross generation. The ter/ter gonads were smaller than normal (+/+ or +/ ter ). Experimental testicular teratomas never developed from intratesticular grafts of B6- ter genital ridges. LTXBJ- ter/ter females had no ovarian teratomas. It is concluded that the ter gene is solely responsible for germ cell deficiency, but not testicular teratocarcinogenesis, in ter congenic strains having background genes other than 129/Sv- ter and that the ter gene is not involved in ovarian teratocarcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Background information. Primordial germ cells in developing male and female gonads are responsive to somatic cell cues that direct their sex‐specific differentiation into functional gametes. The first divergence of the male and female pathways is a change in cell cycle state observed from 12.5 dpc (days post coitum) in mice. At this time XY and XX germ cells cease mitotic division and enter G1/G0 arrest and meiosis prophase I respectively. Aberrant cell cycle regulation at this time can lead to disrupted ovarian development, germ cell apoptosis, reduced fertility and/or the formation of germ cell tumours. Results. In order to unravel the mechanisms utilized by germ cells to achieve and maintain the correct cell cycle states, we analysed the expression of a large number of cell cycle genes in purified germ cells across the crucial time of sex differentiation. Our results revealed common signalling for both XX and XY germ cell survival involving calcium signalling. A robust mechanism for apoptosis and checkpoint control was observed in XY germ cells, characterized by p53 and Atm (ataxia telangiectasia mutated) expression. Additionally, a member of the retinoblastoma family and p21 were identified, linking these factors to XY germ cell G1/G0 arrest. Lastly, in XX germ cells we observed a down‐regulation of genes involved in both G1‐ and G2‐phases of the cell cycle consistent with their entry into meiosis. Conclusion. The present study has provided a detailed analysis of cell cycle gene expression during fetal germ cell development and identified candidate factors warranting further investigation in order to understand cases of aberrant cell cycle control in these specialized cells.  相似文献   

Sceloporus bicanthalis is a viviparous lizard that lives at higher elevations in Mexico. Adult male S. bicanthalis were collected (n = 36) from the Nevado de Toluca, Mexico (elevation is 4200 m) during August to December, 2007 and January to July, 2008. Testes were extracted, fixed in Trumps, and dehydrated in a graded series of ethanol. Tissues were embedded, sectioned (2 μm), stained, and examined via a light microscope to determine the spermatogenic developmental strategy of S. bicanthalis. In all months examined, the testes were spermiogenically active; based on this, plus the presence of sperm in the lumina of seminiferous tubules, we inferred that S. bicanthalis had year-round or continuous spermatogenesis, unlike most reptiles that occupy a temperate or montane habitat. It was recently reported that seasonally breeding reptiles had a temporal germ cell development strategy similar to amphibians, where germ cells progress through spermatogenesis as a single population, which leads to a single spermiation event. This was much different than spatial development within the testis of other derived amniotes. We hypothesized that germ cell development was temporal in S. bicanthalis. Therefore, we wanted to determine whether reptiles that practice continuous spermatogenesis have a mammalian-like spatial germ cell development, which is different than the typical temperate reptile exhibiting a temporal development. In the present study, S. bicanthalis had a temporal development strategy, despite its continuous spermatogenic cycle, making them similar to tropical anoles.  相似文献   

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