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Biogenic amines are believed to play important roles in producing behaviors. Although some biogenic amines have been extensively studied in both vertebrates and invertebrates, little is known about the effects of trace amines like tyramine and octopamine. We investigated how trace amines affect behaviors using quantitative morphometric methods on Drosophila Tbetah(nM18) and iav(N) mutants that have altered levels of tyramine and octopamine. Locomotion of wild-type and mutant third instar larvae was analyzed using Dynamic Image Analysis System (DIAS) software. We found that Tbetah(nM18) mutants, with elevated tyramine levels and reduced octopamine levels, had a severe locomotion phenotype. Mutant larvae spent much more time in pausing episodes than wild-type larvae and displayed a reduction in speed and linear translocation. The locomotion phenotype was partially rescued by feeding Tbetah(nM18) larvae octopamine, an effect that could be nullified with simultaneous feeding of tyramine. Feeding Tbetah(nM18) larvae yohimbine, an agent that inhibits the activity of Drosophila tyramine receptors, also improved some locomotion parameters. Feeding both octopamine and yohimbine further improved rescue efficiency. Simultaneously reducing the octopamine and tyramine levels as in iav(N) larvae, in contrast, led to a less severe behavioral phenotype than that of Tbetah(nM18) mutants. Feeding iav(N) larvae either tyramine or octopamine exerted only a minor improvement in locomotion. These results suggest that tyramine and octopamine have opposite effects on Drosophila larval locomotion regulation and that a balance between the two is important in producing normal behavior.  相似文献   

Drosophila oogenesis provides an excellent opportunity to study fundamental aspects of developmental biology and to learn the importance of multiple signalling pathways in the regulation of cellular morphogenesis. Taking advantage of the genetic and molecular approaches extremely powerful in this organism, over the years an enormous collection of data has accumulated on the genes involved in important steps of egg chamber development, such as germline and somatic stem cell maintenance, division and differentiation; oocyte determination and positioning; establishment of follicle cell fate and axes formation. These different processes are mediated by a reciprocal cross-talk between germline and somatic follicle cells. Here, in a schematic and simplified form, we point out what we believe are the main recent results on the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying ovarian development and outline our recent contribution to this field.  相似文献   

Substrate-specific degradation of proteins by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway is a precise mechanism that controls the abundance of key cell regulators. SCF complexes are a family of E3 ubiquitin ligases that target specific proteins for destruction at the 26S-proteasome. These complexes are composed of three constant polypeptides--Skp1, Cullin1/3 and Roc1/Rbx1--and a fourth variable adapter, the F-box protein. Slimb (Slmb) is a Drosophila F-Box protein that fulfills several roles in development and cell physiology. We analyzed its participation in egg chamber development and found that slmb is required in both the follicle cells and the germline at different stages of oogenesis. We observed that in slmb somatic clones, morphogenesis of the germarium and encapsulation of the cyst were altered, giving rise to egg chambers with extra germline cells and two oocytes. Furthermore, in slmb somatic clones, we observed ectopic Fasciclin 3 expression, suggesting a delay in follicle cell differentiation, which correlated with the occurrence of ectopic polar cells, lack of interfollicular stalks and mislocalization of the oocyte. Later in oogenesis, Slmb was required in somatic cells to specify the position, size and morphology of dorsal appendages. Mild overactivation of the Dpp pathway caused similar phenotypes that could be antagonized by simultaneous overexpression of Slmb, suggesting that Slmb might normally downregulate the Dpp pathway in follicle cells. Indeed, ectopic expression of a dad-LacZ enhancer trap revealed that the Dpp pathway was upregulated in slmb somatic clones and, consistent with this, ectopic accumulation of the co-Smad protein, Medea, was recorded. By analyzing slmb germline clones, we found that loss of Slmb provoked a reduction in E2f2 and Dp levels, which correlated with misregulation of mitotic cycles during cyst formation, abnormal nurse cell endoreplication and impairment of dumping of the nurse cell content into the oocyte.  相似文献   

In vertebrate neurons, axons have a uniform arrangement of microtubules with plus ends distal to the cell body (plus-end-out), and dendrites have equal numbers of plus- and minus-end-out microtubules. To determine whether microtubule orientation is a conserved feature of axons and dendrites, we analyzed microtubule orientation in invertebrate neurons. Using microtubule plus end dynamics, we mapped microtubule orientation in Drosophila sensory neurons, interneurons, and motor neurons. As expected, all axonal microtubules have plus-end-out orientation. However, in proximal dendrites of all classes of neuron, approximately 90% of dendritic microtubules were oriented with minus ends distal to the cell body. This result suggests that minus-end-out, rather than mixed orientation, microtubules are the signature of the dendritic microtubule cytoskeleton. Surprisingly, our map of microtubule orientation predicts that there are no tracks for direct cargo transport between the cell body and dendrites in unipolar neurons. We confirm this prediction, and validate the completeness of our map, by imaging endosome movements in motor neurons. As predicted by our map, endosomes travel smoothly between the cell body and axon, but they cannot move directly between the cell body and dendrites.  相似文献   

The egg chamber of Drosophila melanogaster consists of 16 interconnected cells surrounded by a monolayer of follicle cells. Each 16 cell cluster (from which the oocyte and 15 nurse cells differentiate) arises within the germarial region of an ovariole. To study the ultrastructure of the early stages in the formation and differentiation of egg chambers, a three dimensional reconstruction was made from serial thin sections through a germarium from a 24-hour old, virgin female. The germarium was found to be subdivided into three regions: (1) The mitotically active area where clusters of 16 cells originate from a series of cystocyte divisions, (2) the region where these cells interact with mesodermal cells, and (3) the region where the germarial cyst is transformed into the first egg chamber in the vitellarium. Since cystocytes were found to decrease in size with each division, the possibility exists that cell size may determine when the divisions cease. Models are presented which mimic with varying degrees of success the developmental changes the germarial cells undergo with time. Hypothesis are developed to explain why stem line oogonia are restricted to the anterior portion of the germarium, why mesodermal cells first interact with cystocytes in region 2, and why the oocyte is oriented posteriorly. The nuclear differentiations of the component cells of the chamber are described and correlated with observed differences in radiosensitivity. Symbionts were observed in the germaria of several strains of Drosophila, and the bearing of these findings upon nutritional studies is discussed.  相似文献   

Proline isomerization is well known to cause additional slow phases during protein refolding. We address a new question: does the presence of prolines significantly affect the very fast kinetics that lead to the formation of folding intermediates? We examined both the very slow (10-100 min) and very fast (4 micro s-2.5 ms) folding kinetics of the two-domain enzyme yeast phosphoglycerate kinase by temperature-jump relaxation. Phosphoglycerate kinase contains a conserved cis-proline in position 204, in addition to several trans-prolines. Native cis-prolines have the largest effect on folding kinetics because the unfolded state favors trans isomerization, so we compared the kinetics of a P204H mutant with the wild-type as a proof of principle. The presence of Pro-204 causes an additional slow phase upon refolding from the cold denatured state, as reported in the literature. Contrary to this, the fast folding events are sped up in the presence of the cis-proline, probably by restriction of the conformational space accessible to the molecule. The wild-type and Pro204His mutant would be excellent models for off-lattice simulations probing the effects of conformational restriction on short timescales.  相似文献   

During tissue elongation from stage 9 to stage 10 in Drosophila oogenesis, the egg chamber increases in length by ∼1.7-fold while increasing in volume by eightfold. During these stages, spontaneous oscillations in the contraction of cell basal surfaces develop in a subset of follicle cells. This patterned activity is required for elongation of the egg chamber; however, the mechanisms generating the spatiotemporal pattern have been unclear. Here we use a combination of quantitative modeling and experimental perturbation to show that mechanochemical interactions are sufficient to generate oscillations of myosin contractile activity in the observed spatiotemporal pattern. We propose that follicle cells in the epithelial layer contract against pressure in the expanding egg chamber. As tension in the epithelial layer increases, Rho kinase signaling activates myosin assembly and contraction. The activation process is cooperative, leading to a limit cycle in the myosin dynamics. Our model produces asynchronous oscillations in follicle cell area and myosin content, consistent with experimental observations. In addition, we test the prediction that removal of the basal lamina will increase the average oscillation period. The model demonstrates that in principle, mechanochemical interactions are sufficient to drive patterning and morphogenesis, independent of patterned gene expression.  相似文献   

Summary Polyspermy is normally present in the Drosophila egg.Extreme polyspermy may lead to disturbances which may prevent the egg from further development.Polar body formation may be disorganized by supernumerary sperms.Supernumerary sperms may form unipolar, bipolar and multipolar spindles.In rarer cases sperms will enter into normal spindles and form multipolar spindles. In some cases such interference seems to adjust itself to the original bipolar condition and division figures with the polyploid number of chromosomes will result. Either by the conjugation of two sperms, or by dimegaly, or by the doubling of chromosomes of a single sperm, supernumerary nuclei may develop. The origin of certain mosaics and gynandromorphs may be explained on this basis.  相似文献   

The development of Dysaphis plantaginea (Pass.) (Homoptera: Aphididae) winter eggs was studied at six different constant temperatures ranging from 7.5 to 16.5 °C in order to improve the basis for phenological forecasts in early spring. The mortality was generally low at temperatures below 13.5 °C but increased considerably at 16.5 °C. The effect of temperature on development rates could be described with linear regression within the temperature range under study. The lower temperature threshold for development was estimated to be 4.0 °C and the thermal constant 140 day‐degrees. A time‐varying distributed delay approach was used to establish a temperature driven phenology model for winter egg hatch of D. plantaginea considering the intrinsic variability in development time. The model parameters such as temperature‐dependent development times and corresponding variances were quantified based on the experimental data. When compared with independent observations on egg hatch under semifield conditions, the model gave satisfactory validation results. It can be used as forecasting tool for the optimal timing of monitoring and control measures for D. plantaginea in early spring.  相似文献   

Drosophila oogenesis is a powerful model for the study of numerous questions in cell and developmental biology. In addition to its longstanding value as a genetically tractable model of organogenesis, recently it has emerged as an excellent system in which to combine genetics and live imaging. Rapidly improving ex vivo culture conditions, new fluorescent biosensors and photo-manipulation tools, and advances in microscopy have allowed direct observation in real time of processes such as stem cell self-renewal, collective cell migration, and polarized mRNA and protein transport. In addition, entirely new phenomena have been discovered, including revolution of the follicle within the basement membrane and oscillating assembly and disassembly of myosin on a polarized actin network, both of which contribute to elongating this tissue. This review focuses on recent advances in live-cell imaging techniques and the biological insights gleaned from live imaging of egg chamber development.  相似文献   

The bioactive lipid lysohosphatidic acid is besides a strong mitogen for quiescent fibroblasts, a potent inducer of phenotypic transformation on normal rat kidney cells. The lysophosphatidic acid induced loss of densityarrest is strongly inhibited by bradykinin. Although their effects on normal rat kidney cell proliferation are opposite, bradykinin mimics many of the intracellular effects induced upon lysophosphatidic acid receptor activation, including phosphoinositide turnover, Ca2+-mobilization and arachidonic acid release. Bradykinin does not counteract the lysophosphatidic acid induced reduction of cAMP levels in normal rat kidney cells. However, bradykinin inhibits the lysophosphatidic acid and other growth factor induced phenotypic transformation through the induction of a so far uncharacterized prostaglandin G/H synthase product. The growth inhibitory effect of bradykinin is limited to density-arrested cells, while upon prolonged treatment bradykinin itself is capable to induce the loss of densitydependent growth control. It is concluded that bradykinin is a bifunctional regulator of normal rat kindney cell proliferation and that its inhibitory effects are midiated via induction of a prostaglandin dervative.  相似文献   

Isoform-specific null mutations were used to define the functions of three orphan members of the nuclear receptor superfamily, E75A, E75B, and E75C, encoded by the E75 early ecdysteroid-inducible gene. E75B mutants are viable and fertile, while E75C mutants die as adults. In contrast, E75A mutants have a reduced ecdysteroid titer during larval development, resulting in developmental delays, developmental arrests, and molting defects. Remarkably, some E75A mutant second instar larvae display a heterochronic phenotype in which they induce genes specific to the third instar and pupariate without undergoing a molt. We propose that ecdysteroid-induced E75A expression defines a feed-forward pathway that amplifies or maintains the ecdysteroid titer during larval development, ensuring proper temporal progression through the life cycle.  相似文献   

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