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 In Nicotiana debneyi, resistance to a wide range of black root rot (Chalara elegans) isolates is conferred by a single dominant gene. This gene has been transferred to cultivated tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and was recently discovered to be linked in coupling to a 1050-bp random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker generated with the UBC 418 primer. We have cloned and sequenced the UBC4181050 marker and found it to be part of a retrotransposon. This retrotransposon is a remnant of the N. debneyi genome and is the first to be isolated from this species. Transposon N. debneyi (Tnd)-1 is present in the tobacco genome as two directly repeated copies, and in multiple copies in the donor species N. debneyi and in a number of related Nicotiana species. The retrotransposon appears to have been introduced into the Nicotiana genome after the development of the Suavolentes progenitors. The gene associated with black root rot resistance co-segregates with the retrotransposon in tobacco and is thought to be contained within the introgressed fragment marked by Tnd-1. The retrotransposon will therefore be a useful species-specific landmark that can be used for future cloning of the resistance gene. Received: 3 March 1998 / Accepted: 18 August 1998  相似文献   

Protoplasts from suspension-cultured cells of Nicotiana glutinosa L. were lysed in 0.3 molar sorbitol in 2 millimolar ethylenediaminetetraacetate-tris(hydroxymethyl) aminomethane (pH 7.5) to release intact vacuoles. The vacuoles were purified by centrifugation in a Ficoll step gradient. About 11% of the vacuoles and 13% of the acid phosphatase activity was recovered in the purified vacuole fraction, suggesting that the vacuole is the major site for acid phosphatase in these cells. NADH-cytochrome c reductase, malate dehydrogenase, and cytochrome c oxidase activities were reduced during vacuole purification. The majority of the adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP) hydrolytic activity of purified vacuoles was associated with nonspecific acid phosphatase and not with a transport ATPase. As judged by acid phosphatase distribution and electron microscopy, the effective density of vacuoles in a sucrose gradient was low (less than 1.1 grams per cubic centimeter), although an unequivocal estimate of the vacuole or tonoplast density was not possible from the experiments conducted.  相似文献   

Two isoperoxidases (Af and Cn) from the medium of tobacco tissue suspension culture WR-132 grown in darkness have been purified to apparent homogeneity and partially characterized. Cn and Af have MWs of ca 30 000 and 54 000, respectively. Af has ca 5.1% carbohydrate, but none could be detected in Cn. Both isoperoxidases appear to follow simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics with respect to guaiacol as the substrate. The Kms for guaiacol are 4 and 13.3 mM for Af and Cn, respectively, while both isoperoxidases have a pH optimum at 6.5. Cn, is dissimilar to other isoperoxidases from tobacco tissue cultures, but Af is very similar to isoperoxidase A3 from W-38 tobacco tissue culture.  相似文献   

Twenty-five Neurospora crassa mutants obtained by chemical mutagenesis were screened for increased resistance to various antifungal plant defensins. Plant defensin-resistant N. crassa mutants were further tested for their cross-resistance towards other families of structurally different antimicrobial peptides. Two N. crassa mutants, termed MUT16 and MUT24, displaying resistance towards all plant defensins tested but not to structurally different antimicrobial peptides were selected for further characterization. MUT16 and MUT24 were more resistant towards plant defensin-induced membrane permeabilization as compared to the N. crassa wild-type. Based on the previously demonstrated key role of fungal sphingolipids in the mechanism of growth inhibition by plant defensins, membrane sphingolipids of MUT16 and MUT24 were analysed. Membranes of these mutants contained structurally different glucosylceramides, novel glycosylinositolphosphorylceramides, and an altered level of steryl glucosides. Evidence is provided to link these clear differences in sphingolipid profiles of N. crassa mutants with their resistance towards different plant defensins.  相似文献   

Aquaporins in the plasma and vacuolar membranes play a key role in the intercellular and intracellular water transport in plants. First, we quantitated the absolute amounts for mRNAs of eight aquaporin isoforms in hypocotyls of radish seedlings. Then, we investigated the effects of salt and water stresses (150 mM NaCl, 300 mM mannitol and 20% polyethylene glycol) and phytohormones (gibberellic acid, abscisic acid and brassinolide) on the mRNA and protein levels of aquaporins in the plasma membrane (RsPIP1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 2-1, 2-2 and 2-3) and vacuolar membrane (RsTIP1-1 and 2-1). The mRNA and protein levels of RsTIP1-1, RsTIP2-1, RsPIP1-1, RsPIP1-2 and RsPIP1-3 were comparatively constant. In contrast, mannitol treatment altered the mRNA levels of RsPIP2-1, RsPIP2-2 and RsPIP2-3 in roots. Immunoblot analysis showed that the RsPIP2-1 protein level was increased by NaCl treatment and decreased by treatment with mannitol and polyethylene glycol. Gibberellic acid and abscisic acid suppressed the levels of mRNAs of RsPIP2-1, RsPIP2-2 and RsPIP2-3 and the protein level of RsPIP2-1 in roots. On the other hand, the protein levels of RsPIP1-group members and RsTIPs were scarcely changed by these phytohormones. In the case of hypocotyls and cotyledons, the mRNA and protein levels of eight isoforms were not markedly affected by any treatment. These results indicate that aquaporins in the root, especially the RsPIP2 group, may be a stress responsive type of aquaporin at least in the protein level.  相似文献   

Summary Two modes of ColE1 DNA replication are known, one dependent on RNase H, and the other RNase H independent. The cer114 mutant of the ColE1 replicon is defective in both modes and carries a single base pair alteration 95 by upstream of the replication origin. An Escherichia coli mutant which restored maintenance of the cer114 replicon was isolated. This host suppressor mutant is defective in RNase H and carries a herC, mutation located at 62 min of the E. coli chromosome. The herC, mutation is recessive to its wild-type allele and supports maintenance of the mutant replicon in the absence of RNase H. The herC, mutation alone conferred cold-sensitive growth, suggesting that the herC, gene product is essential for cell growth. The 1832 by E. coli DNA fragment, containing the wild-type allele of the herC, mutation, was cloned and an open reading frame for the HerC protein was determined.  相似文献   

通过对大豆铝胁迫下的转录组测序分析,发现一个差异表达的基因,其编码一个具有101个氨基酸残基的Dna J-like分子伴侣蛋白-Gm Dna J1(Glycine max Dna J1),等电点为8.97;序列分析表明该蛋白具有典型的高度保守的J domain功能域,是一种类型III的J蛋白;通过对其序列的同源性及进化关系分析,推测该蛋白可能响应重金属胁迫。为进一步探究Gm Dna J1是否能够对重金属胁迫产生应答反应,试验分别以0或100μmol·L-1Cu2+、Pb2+和Cd2+溶液胁迫处理的不同时间(0、12、24、48和72 h)大豆根尖RNA为材料,通过实时定量PCR研究了该蛋白基因的表达特征。结果表明:与对照相比,Gm Dna J1受Cu、Pb和Cd等重金属的诱导而强烈表达,呈现先升高后降低的趋势,其中Pb、Cd处理24 h后表达水平达到峰值,而Cu处理48 h后达到峰值;此外,Gm Dna J1对Cu、Pb和Cd胁迫的响应程度也不同,表明该基因对这三种重金属的响应模式存在差异。根据以上研究结果,推测大豆Gm Dna J1蛋白不仅响应铝毒胁迫,而且可能在响应重金属胁迫方面具有重要的作用,参与了大豆对重金属毒害的抵抗。该结果为深入研究Gm Dna J1在重金属胁迫响应中的功能及其分子机制提供了一定的依据。  相似文献   

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