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An abdominal aortic aneurysm is a pathological dilation of the abdominal aorta, which carries a high mortality rate if ruptured. The most commonly used surrogate marker of rupture risk is the maximal transverse diameter of the aneurysm. More recent studies suggest that wall stress from models of patient-specific aneurysm geometries extracted, for instance, from computed tomography images may be a more accurate predictor of rupture risk and an important factor in AAA size progression. However, quantification of wall stress is typically computationally intensive and time-consuming, mainly due to the nonlinear mechanical behavior of the abdominal aortic aneurysm walls. These difficulties have limited the potential of computational models in clinical practice. To facilitate computation of wall stresses, we propose to use a linear approach that ensures equilibrium of wall stresses in the aneurysms. This proposed linear model approach is easy to implement and eliminates the burden of nonlinear computations. To assess the accuracy of our proposed approach to compute wall stresses, results from idealized and patient-specific model simulations were compared to those obtained using conventional approaches and to those of a hypothetical, reference abdominal aortic aneurysm model. For the reference model, wall mechanical properties and the initial unloaded and unstressed configuration were assumed to be known, and the resulting wall stresses were used as reference for comparison. Our proposed linear approach accurately approximates wall stresses for varying model geometries and wall material properties. Our findings suggest that the proposed linear approach could be used as an effective, efficient, easy-to-use clinical tool to estimate patient-specific wall stresses.  相似文献   

BackgroundAn autogenous arteriovenous fistula is the optimal vascular access for hemodialysis. In the case of brachiocephalic fistula, cephalic arch stenosis commonly develops leading to access failure. We have hypothesized that a contribution to fistula failure is low wall shear stress resulting from post-fistula creation hemodynamic changes that occur in the cephalic arch.MethodsTwenty-two subjects with advanced renal failure had brachiocephalic fistulae placed. The following procedures were performed at mapping (pre-operative) and at fistula maturation (8–32 weeks post-operative): venogram, Doppler to measure venous blood flow velocity, and whole blood viscosity. Geometric and computational modeling was performed to determine wall shear stress and other geometric parameters. The relationship between hemodynamic parameters and clinical findings was examined using univariate analysis and linear regression.ResultsThe percent low wall shear stress was linearly related to the increase in blood flow velocity (p < 0.01). This relationship was more significant in non-diabetic patients (p < 0.01) than diabetic patients. The change in global measures of arch curvature and asymmetry also evolve with time to maturation (p < 0.05).ConclusionsThe curvature and hemodynamic changes during fistula maturation increase the percentage of low wall shear stress regions within the cephalic arch. Low wall shear stress may contribute to subsequent neointimal hyperplasia and resultant cephalic arch stenosis. If this hypothesis remains tenable with further studies, ways of protecting the arch through control of blood flow velocity may need to be developed.  相似文献   

Flow-mediated dilation is aimed at normalization of local wall shear stress under varying blood flow conditions. Blood flow velocity and vessel diameter are continuous and opposing influences that modulate wall shear stress. We derived an index FMDv to quantify wall shear stress normalization performance by flow-mediated dilation in the brachial artery. In 22 fasting presumed healthy men, we first assessed intra- and inter-session reproducibilities of two indices pFMDv and mFMDv, which consider the relative peak and relative mean hyperemic change in flow velocity, respectively. Second, utilizing oral glucose loading, we evaluated the tracking performance of both FMDv indices, in comparison with existing indices [i.e., the relative peak diameter increase (%FMD), the peak to baseline diameter ratio (Dpeak/Dbase), and the relative peak diameter increase normalized to the full area under the curve of blood flow velocity with hyperemia (FMD/shearAUC) or with area integrated to peak hyperemia (FMD/shearAUC_peak)]. Inter-session and intra-session reproducibilities for pFMDv, mFMDv and %FMD were comparable (intra-class correlation coefficients within 0.521–0.677 range). Both pFMDv and mFMDv showed more clearly a reduction after glucose loading (reduction of ~45%, p≤0.001) than the other indices (% given are relative reductions): %FMD (~11%, p≥0.074); Dpeak/Dbase (~11%, p≥0.074); FMD/shearAUC_peak (~20%, p≥0.016) and FMD/shearAUC (~38%, p≤0.038). Further analysis indicated that wall shear stress normalization under normal (fasting) conditions is already far from ideal (FMDv << 1), which (therefore) does not materially change with glucose loading. Our approach might be useful in intervention studies to detect intrinsic changes in shear stress normalization performance in conduit arteries.  相似文献   


In continuing the investigation of AAA hemodynamics, unsteady flow-induced stresses are presented for pulsatile blood flow through the double-aneurysm model described in Part I. Physiologically realistic aortic blood flow is simulated under pulsatile conditions for the range of time-average Reynolds numbers 50 h Re m h 300. Hemodynamic disturbance is evaluated for a modified set of indicator functions which include wall pressure ( p w ), wall shear stress ( w ), Wall Shear Stress Gradient (WSSG), time-average wall shear stress ( w *), and time-average Wall Shear Stress Gradient WSSG *. At peak flow, the highest shear stress and WSSG levels are obtained at the distal end of both aneurysms, in a pattern similar to that of steady flow. The maximum values of wall shear stresses and wall shear stress gradients are evaluated as a function of the time-average Reynolds number resulting in a fourth order polynomial correlation. A comparison between numerical predictions for steady and pulsatile flow is presented, illustrating the importance of considering time-dependent flow for the evaluation of hemodynamic indicators.  相似文献   



In the human placenta the maternal blood circulates in the intervillous space (IVS). The syncytiotrophoblast (STB) is in direct contact with maternal blood. The wall shear stress (WSS) exerted by the maternal blood flow on the STB has not been evaluated. Our objective was to determine the physiological WSS exerted on the surface of the STB during the third trimester of pregnancy.

Material and Methods

To gain insight into the shear stress levels that the STB is expected to experience in vivo, we have formulated three different computational models of varying levels of complexity that reflect different physical representations of the IVS. Computations of the flow fields in all models were performed using the CFD module of the finite element code COMSOL Multiphysics 4.4. The mean velocity of maternal blood in the IVS during the third trimester was measured in vivo with dynamic MRI (0.94±0.14 mm.s-1). To investigate if the in silico results are consistent with physiological observations, we studied the cytoadhesion of human parasitized (Plasmodium falciparum) erythrocytes to primary human STB cultures, in flow conditions with different WSS values.


The WSS applied to the STB is highly heterogeneous in the IVS. The estimated average values are relatively low (0.5±0.2 to 2.3±1.1 dyn.cm-2). The increase of WSS from 0.15 to 5 dyn.cm-2 was associated with a significant decrease of infected erythrocyte cytoadhesion. No cytoadhesion of infected erythrocytes was observed above 5 dyn.cm-2 applied for one hour.


Our study provides for the first time a WSS estimation in the maternal placental circulation. In spite of high maternal blood flow rates, the average WSS applied at the surface of the chorionic villi is low (<5 dyn.cm-2). These results provide the basis for future physiologically-relevant in vitro studies of the biological effects of WSS on the STB.  相似文献   



To investigate the potential of reducing the radiation dose in prospectively electrocardiogram-triggered coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) while maintaining diagnostic image quality using an iterative reconstruction technique (IRT).

Methods and Materials

Prospectively-gated CCTA were first performed on a phantom using 256-slice multi-detector CT scanner at 120 kVp, with the tube output gradually reduced from 210 mAs (Group A) to 125, 105, 84, and 63 mAs (Group B–E). All scans were reconstructed using filtered back projection (FBP) algorithm and five IRT levels (L2-6), image quality (IQ) assessment was performed. Based on the IQ assessment, Group D(120 kVp, 84 mAs) reconstructed with L5 was found to provide IQ comparable to that of Group A with FBP. In the patient study, 21 patients underwent CCTA using 120 kV, 210 mAs with FBP reconstruction (Group 1) followed by 36 patients scanned with 120 kV, 84 mAs with IRT L5 (Group 2). Subjective and objective IQ and effective radiation dose were compared between two groups.


In the phantom scans, there were no significant differences in image noise, contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) and modulation transfer function (MTF) curves between Group A and the 84 mAs, 63 mAs groups (Groups D and E). Group D (120 kV, 84 mAs and L5) provided an optimum balance, producing equivalent image quality to Group A, at the lowest possible radiation dose. In the patient study, there were no significant difference in image noise, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and CNR between Group 1 and Group 2 (p = 0.71, 0.31, 0.5, respectively). The effective radiation dose in Group 2 was 1.21±0.14 mSv compared to 3.20±0.58 mSv (Group 1), reflecting dose savings of 62.5% (p<0.05).


iterative reconstruction technique used in prospectively ECG-triggered 256-slice coronary CTA can provide radiation dose reductions of up to 62.5% with acceptable image quality.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate how perceived stress may affect electroencephalographical (EEG) activity in a stress paradigm in a sample of 76 healthy participants. EEG activity was analyzed using multilevel modeling, allowing estimation of nested effects (EEG time segments within subjects). The stress paradigm consisted of a 3-minute pre-stimulus stress period and a 2-minute post-stimulus phase. At t=3 minutes, a single electrical stimulus was delivered. Participants were unaware of the precise moment of stimulus delivery and its intensity level. In the EEG time course of alpha activity, a stronger increase was observed during the post-stimulus period as compared to the pre-stimulus period. An opposite time course effect was apparent for gamma activity. Both effects were in line with a priori expectations and support the validity of this experimental EEG-stress paradigm. Secondly, we investigated whether interaction effects of stress and coping, as measured with the Perceived Stress Scale-10 questionnaire (PSS-10), could be demonstrated. A higher perceived stress score was accompanied by a greater increase in delta- and theta-activity during the post-stimulus phase, compared to low scores. In contrast, low coping capacity was associated with a stronger decrease in slow beta, fast beta and gamma activity during the post-stimulus phase. The results of the present article may be interpreted as proof-of-principle that EEG stress-related activity depends on the level of subjectively reported perceived stress. The inclusion of psychosocial variables measuring coping styles as well as stress-related personality aspects permits further examination of the interconnection between mind and body and may inform on the process of transformation from acute to chronic stress.  相似文献   

Development of many conditions and disorders, such as atherosclerosis and stroke, are dependent upon hemodynamic forces. To accurately predict and prevent these conditions and disorders hemodynamic forces must be properly mapped. Here we compare a shear-rate dependent fluid (SDF) constitutive model, based on the works by Yasuda et al in 1981, against a Newtonian model of blood. We verify our stabilized finite element numerical method with the benchmark lid-driven cavity flow problem. Numerical simulations show that the Newtonian model gives similar velocity profiles in the 2-dimensional cavity given different height and width dimensions, given the same Reynolds number. Conversely, the SDF model gave dissimilar velocity profiles, differing from the Newtonian velocity profiles by up to 25% in velocity magnitudes. This difference can affect estimation in platelet distribution within blood vessels or magnetic nanoparticle delivery. Wall shear stress (WSS) is an important quantity involved in vascular remodeling through integrin and adhesion molecule mechanotransduction. The SDF model gave a 7.3-fold greater WSS than the Newtonian model at the top of the 3-dimensional cavity. The SDF model gave a 37.7-fold greater WSS than the Newtonian model at artery walls located immediately after bifurcations in the idealized femoral artery tree. The pressure drop across arteries reveals arterial sections highly resistive to flow which correlates with stenosis formation. Numerical simulations give the pressure drop across the idealized femoral artery tree with the SDF model which is approximately 2.3-fold higher than with the Newtonian model. In atherosclerotic lesion models, the SDF model gives over 1 Pa higher WSS than the Newtonian model, a difference correlated with over twice as many adherent monocytes to endothelial cells from the Newtonian model compared to the SDF model.  相似文献   

桃果实在成熟过程中细胞壁干物质不断减少,随着共价结合果胶质和离子结合果胶质减少,水溶性果胶质明显增加,纤维素也逐渐减少,但半纤维素含量变化较小.低温胁迫造成果胶质和纤维素的降解过程受阻,从而造成较高分子量果胶质的积累,果汁粘度升高.中途加温则能促进果胶质和纤维素的增溶和解聚,引导细胞进行与果实成熟有关的细胞壁代谢.14C-蔗糖标记试验表明,在细胞壁不断降解的同时,也进行着合成.在果实成熟的启动阶段,细胞壁的合成能力加强.果实衰老过程与细胞壁合成减少有着直接的联系.受到低温伤害的果实细胞壁物质含量高于正常果实的原因,并不是其合成水平的升高,而是其降解的减慢.  相似文献   



Abnormal fluid mechanical environment in the pre-natal cardiovascular system is hypothesized to play a significant role in causing structural heart malformations. It is thus important to improve our understanding of the prenatal cardiovascular fluid mechanical environment at multiple developmental time-points and vascular morphologies. We present such a study on fetal great arteries on the wildtype mouse from embryonic day 14.5 (E14.5) to near-term (E18.5).


Ultrasound bio-microscopy (UBM) was used to measure blood velocity of the great arteries. Subsequently, specimens were cryo-embedded and sectioned using episcopic fluorescent image capture (EFIC) to obtain high-resolution 2D serial image stacks, which were used for 3D reconstructions and quantitative measurement of great artery and aortic arch dimensions. EFIC and UBM data were input into subject-specific computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for modeling hemodynamics.


In normal mouse fetuses between E14.5–18.5, ultrasound imaging showed gradual but statistically significant increase in blood velocity in the aorta, pulmonary trunk (with the ductus arteriosus), and descending aorta. Measurement by EFIC imaging displayed a similar increase in cross sectional area of these vessels. However, CFD modeling showed great artery average wall shear stress and wall shear rate remain relatively constant with age and with vessel size, indicating that hemodynamic shear had a relative constancy over gestational period considered here.


Our EFIC-UBM-CFD method allowed reasonably detailed characterization of fetal mouse vascular geometry and fluid mechanics. Our results suggest that a homeostatic mechanism for restoring vascular wall shear magnitudes may exist during normal embryonic development. We speculate that this mechanism regulates the growth of the great vessels.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To explore the effects of computed tomography (CT) slice thickness and reconstruction algorithm on quantification of image features to characterize tumors using a chest phantom. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-two phantom lesions of known sizes (10 and 20 mm), shapes (spherical, elliptical, lobulated, and spiculated), and densities [-630, -10, and +100 Hounsfield Unit (HU)] were inserted into an anthropomorphic thorax phantom and scanned three times with relocations. The raw data were reconstructed using six imaging settings, i.e., a combination of three slice thicknesses of 1.25, 2.5, and 5 mm and two reconstruction kernels of lung and standard. Lesions were segmented and 14 image features representing lesion size, shape, and texture were calculated. Differences in the measured image features due to slice thickness and reconstruction algorithm were compared using linear regression method by adjusting three confounding variables (size, density, and shape). RESULTS: All 14 features were significantly different between 1.25 and 5 mm slice images. The 1.25 and 2.5 mm slice thicknesses were better than 5 mm for volume, density mean, density SD gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) energy and homogeneity. As for the reconstruction algorithm, there was no significant difference in uni-dimension, volume, shape index 9, and compactness. Lung reconstruction was better for density mean, whereas standard reconstruction was better for density SD. CONCLUSIONS: CT slice thickness and reconstruction algorithm can significantly affect the quantification of image features. Thinner (1.25 and 2.5 mm) and thicker (5 mm) slice images should not be used interchangeably. Sharper and smoother reconstructions significantly affect the density-based features.  相似文献   



Non-maturation and post-maturation venous stenosis are the primary causes of failure within arteriovenous fistulae (AVFs). Although the exact mechanisms triggering failure remain unclear, abnormal hemodynamic profiles are thought to mediate vascular remodelling and can adversely impact on fistula patency.


The review aims to clarify the role of shear stress on outward remodelling during maturation and evaluate the evidence supporting theories related to the localisation and development of intimal hyperplasia within AVFs.


A systematic review of studies comparing remodelling data with hemodynamic data obtained from computational fluid dynamics of AVFs during and after maturation was conducted.


Outward remodelling occurred to reduce or normalise the level of shear stress over time in fistulae with a large radius of curvature (curved) whereas shear stress was found to augment over time in fistulae with a small radius of curvature (straight) coinciding with minimal to no increases in lumen area. Although this review highlighted that there is a growing body of evidence suggesting low and oscillating shear stress may stimulate the initiation and development of intimal medial thickening within AVFs. Further lines of evidence are needed to support the disturbed flow theory and outward remodelling findings before surgical configurations and treatment strategies are optimised to conform to them. This review highlighted that variation between the time of analysis, classification of IH, resolution of simulations, data processing techniques and omission of various shear stress metrics prevented forming pooling of data amongst studies.


Standardised measurements and data processing techniques are needed to comprehensively evaluate the relationship between shear stress and intimal medial thickening. Advances in image acquisition and flow quantifications coupled with the increasing prevalence of longitudinal studies commencing from fistula creation offer viable techniques and strategies to robustly evaluate the relationship between shear stress and remodelling during maturation and thereafter.  相似文献   

It is well known that blood vessels shorten axially when excised. This is due to the perivascular tethering constraint by side branches and the existence of pre-stretch of blood vessels at the \textit {in situ} state. Furthermore, vessels are radially constrained to various extents by the surrounding tissues at physiological loading. Our hypothesis is that the axial pre-stretch and radial constraint by the surrounding tissue homogenizes the stress and strain distributions in the vessel wall. A finite element analysis of porcine coronary artery and rabbit thoracic aorta based on measured material properties, geometry, residual strain and physiological loading is used to compute the intramural stresses and strains. We systematically examined the effect of pre-stretch and external radial constraint in both vessels. Our results show that both stretching in the axial direction and compression in the radial direction lead to a more homogeneous strain and stress state in the blood vessel wall. A ``uniform biaxial strain' hypothesis is proposed for the blood vessel wall and the ramifications are discussed.  相似文献   



Anaemia is a common disorder. Most health providers in resource poor settings rely on physical signs to diagnose anaemia. We aimed to determine the diagnostic accuracy of pallor for anaemia by using haemoglobin as the reference standard.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In May 2007, we enrolled consecutive patients over 12 years of age, able to consent and willing to participate and who had a haemoglobin measurement taken within a day of assessment of clinical pallor from outpatient and medicine inpatient department of a teaching hospital. We did a blind and independent comparison of physical signs (examination of conjunctivae, tongue, palms and nailbed for pallor) and the reference standard (haemoglobin estimation by an electronic cell counter). Diagnostic accuracy was measured by calculating likelihood ratio values and 95% confidence intervals (CI) at different haemoglobin thresholds and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve. Two observers examined a subset of patients (n = 128) to determine the inter-observer agreement, calculated by kappa statistics. We studied 390 patients (mean age 40.1 [SD 17.08] years); of whom 48% were women. The haemoglobin was <7 g/dL in 8% (95% confidence interval, 5, 10) patients; <9 g/dL in 21% (17, 26) patients and <12 g/dL in 64% (60, 70) patients. Among patients with haemoglobin <7 g/dL, presence of severe tongue pallor yielded a LR of 9.87 (2.81, 34.6) and its absence yielded a LR of 0. The tongue pallor outperformed other pallor sites and was also the best discriminator of anaemia at haemoglobin thresholds of 7 g/dL and 9 g/dL (area under the receiver operating characteristic curves (ROC area  = 0.84 [0.77, 0.90] and 0.71[0.64, 0.76]) respectively. The agreement between the two observers for detection of anaemia was poor (kappa values  = 0.07 for conjunctival pallor and 0.20 for tongue pallor).


Clinical assessment of pallor can rule out and modestly rule in severe anaemia.  相似文献   

Understanding of how neurons transform fluctuations of membrane potential, reflecting input activity, into spike responses, which communicate the ultimate results of single-neuron computation, is one of the central challenges for cellular and computational neuroscience. To study this transformation under controlled conditions, previous work has used a signal immersed in noise paradigm where neurons are injected with a current consisting of fluctuating noise that mimics on-going synaptic activity and a systematic signal whose transmission is studied. One limitation of this established paradigm is that it is designed to examine the encoding of only one signal under a specific, repeated condition. As a result, characterizing how encoding depends on neuronal properties, signal parameters, and the interaction of multiple inputs is cumbersome. Here we introduce a novel fully-defined signal mixture paradigm, which allows us to overcome these problems. In this paradigm, current for injection is synthetized as a sum of artificial postsynaptic currents (PSCs) resulting from the activity of a large population of model presynaptic neurons. PSCs from any presynaptic neuron(s) can be now considered as “signal”, while the sum of all other inputs is considered as “noise”. This allows us to study the encoding of a large number of different signals in a single experiment, thus dramatically increasing the throughput of data acquisition. Using this novel paradigm, we characterize the detection of excitatory and inhibitory PSCs from neuronal spike responses over a wide range of amplitudes and firing-rates. We show, that for moderately-sized neuronal populations the detectability of individual inputs is higher for excitatory than for inhibitory inputs during the 2–5 ms following PSC onset, but becomes comparable after 7–8 ms. This transient imbalance of sensitivity in favor of excitation may enhance propagation of balanced signals through neuronal networks. Finally, we discuss several open questions that this novel high-throughput paradigm may address.  相似文献   

Abstract: Here we provide the first assessment of the accuracy of lightweight satellite transmitters (<80 g) under actual operating conditions and the performance of the Argos system in southern Europe. To estimate transmitter accuracy we used transmitters equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) and compared the location estimates provided by Argos with the estimates provided by the GPS. Using the 68th percentile to define the accuracy of locations estimates, observed accuracy was 4 km for Location Class (LC) 1, 15 km for LC 0, 20 km for LC A, and 59 km for LC B, which is in line with estimates reported by other authors. Yet, the error of the remaining 32% of the data ranged between 4 km and 11 km, 15 km and 217 km, 20 km and 145 km, and 59 km and 493 km, respectively, suggesting that using the 68th percentile to estimate accuracies might give misleading confidence on the accuracy of location estimates. Using the 90th percentile is probably more appropriate. Less than 10% of the locations we obtained corresponded to the more accurate LCs (3, 2, and 1), with Argos failing to provide a position estimate in 45% of the attempts. The low number of high-quality location estimates is likely a consequence of the electromagnetic interference reported for our study area, rather than a defect of the Platform Transmitter Terminals (PTTs), which under good conditions of signal reception seem to be as reliable as heavier ones. The recent advent of lightweight GPS transmitters overrides most of these problems. Yet, whereas the smallest Argos-GPS PTTs weigh 30 g, which restricts their use to animals weighting > 1,000 g, conventional PTTs can be as small as 9.5 g, allowing their use with animals weighting 250-300 g.  相似文献   

通过平板流动腔装置对大鼠成骨细胞施以流体剪应力,研究剪应力作用对成骨细胞中骨保护因子(osteoprotegerin,OPG),破骨细胞分化因子(osteoclast differentiation factor,ODF)基因表达的影响.分别考察了剪应力大小和作用时间,以及单一水平和梯度变化的剪切力加载方式的影响.运用RT-PCR和蛋白质印迹技术检测OPG、ODFmRNA和蛋白质表达的变化,结果显示,剪切力作用下OPG的表达得到促进,ODF的表达受到抑制,mRNA与蛋白质表达的变化一致,这种影响与剪切力的大小和作用时间有关.1.0和1.5N/m2的剪应力作用效果比0.5N/m2明显,梯度变化的作用方式在作用效果上与最后一个梯度水平相当的恒定剪应力单独作用没有显著差异,在加载的24h内剪应力对OPG、ODF表达的影响始终存在.这种影响使得OPG/ODF的平衡向着OPG占优的方向发展,这种变化意味着骨吸收会受到抑制,提示力学刺激可能通过OPG/ODF调控系统对骨代谢平衡进行调控.  相似文献   

目的:探讨血流剪切力对支架内新生粥样硬化斑块形成的影响。方法:在6只新西兰白兔右髂动脉植入金属裸支架,术后高脂喂养8周。将支架按长度均等分为近中远3段,应用多普勒超声测量各支架段血管的血流速度和血管内径,根据Poiseuille定律计算出术后即刻及术后8周时各支架段的平均血流剪切力。应用光学相干断层成像技术(optical coherence tomography,OCT)检测术后8周支架内新生内膜的生长情况及特性。结果:成功建立支架内斑块动物模型。术后即刻近中远支架段的血流剪切力分别为4.25±0.92,2.49±1.07,1.67±0.49Pa(P0.05);术后8周近中远支架段血流剪切力分别为20.40±6.07,11.09±1.74,7.97±0.26Pa(P0.05),均较术后即刻明显升高(P0.001);术后8周近中远支架段的内膜异质性发生率分别为86.67%,53.33%,41.12%(P0.05);术后8周近中远支架段OCT检测的富含脂质斑块的发生率分别为53.3%,20%,0%(P0.05)。结论:支架内新生粥样硬化斑块的发生可能与较高的血流剪切力相关。  相似文献   

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