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The long-term study of animal populations facilitates detailed analysis of processes otherwise difficult to measure, and whose significance may appear only when a large sample size from many years is available for analysis. For example, inbreeding is a rare event in most natural populations, and therefore many years of data are needed to estimate its effect on fitness. A key behaviour hypothesized to play an important role in avoiding inbreeding is natal dispersal. However, the functional significance of natal dispersal with respect to inbreeding has been much debated but subject to very few empirical tests. We analysed 44 years of data from a wild great tit Parus major population involving over 5000 natal dispersal events within Wytham Woods, UK. Individuals breeding with a relative dispersed over several-fold shorter distances than those outbreeding; within the class of inbreeding birds, increased inbreeding was associated with reduced dispersal distance, for both males and females. This led to a 3.4-fold increase (2.3-5, 95% CI) in the likelihood of close (f=0.25) inbreeding relative to the population average when individuals dispersed less than 200m. In the light of our results, and published evidence showing little support for active inbreeding avoidance in vertebrates, we suggest that dispersal should be considered as a mechanism of prime importance for inbreeding avoidance in wild populations.  相似文献   

Dispersal (i.e. movement from a natal or breeding site to another breeding site) is a central process in ecology and evolution as it affects the eco‐evolutionary dynamics of spatially structured populations. Dispersal evolution is regulated by the balance between costs and benefits, which is influenced by the individual phenotype (i.e. phenotype‐dependent dispersal) and environmental factors (i.e. condition‐dependent dispersal). Even though these processes have been extensively studied in species with simple life cycles, our knowledge about these mechanisms in organisms displaying complex life cycles remains fragmentary. In fact, little is specifically known about how the interplay between individual and environmental factors may lead to alternative dispersal strategies that, in turn, lead to the coexistence of contrasted site fidelity phenotypes. In this paper, we examined breeding dispersal in a pond‐breeding amphibian, the great crested newt Triturus cristatus, within usual walking distances for a newt. We took advantage of recent developments in multi‐event capture–recapture models and used capture–recapture data (946 newts marked) collected in a spatially structured population occupying a large pond network (73 ponds). We showed a high rate of breeding site infidelity (i.e. pond use) and the coexistence of two dispersal phenotypes, namely, a highly pond faithful phenotype and a dispersing phenotype. Individuals that were site faithful at time t – 1 were therefore more likely to remain site faithful at time t. Our results also demonstrated that the probability that individuals belong to one or the other dispersal phenotypes depended on environmental and individual factors. In particular, we highlighted the existence of a dispersal syndrome implying a covariation pattern among dispersal behavior, body size, and survival. Our work opens new research prospects in the evolution of dispersal in organisms displaying complex life cycles and raises interesting questions about the evolutionary pathways that contribute to the diversification of movement strategies in the wild.  相似文献   

Hox genes are recognized for their explanatory power of bilateral development. However, relatively little is known about natural variation in, and the evolutionary dynamics of, Hox genes within wild populations. Utilizing a natural population of sand lizards (Lacerta agilis), we screened HoxA13 for genetic variation and an association with incidence of offspring malformations. We found significant effects of parental genetic similarity and offspring sex, and their interaction, on risk of hatching malformed as an offspring. We also found within population genetic variation in HoxA13, and identified a significant effect of a three-way interaction among Hox genotype, parental genetic similarity, and offspring sex on the risk of hatching malformation. Since malformed offspring in this population do not survive to maturity, this study reveals complex and ongoing selection associated with Hox genes in a wild reptile population. Importantly, this demonstrates the utility of natural populations in unveiling microevolutionary processes shaping variation in highly conserved genes.  相似文献   

By using both mitochondrial and nuclear multiloci markers, we explored population genetic structure, gene flow and sex-specific dispersal of frillneck lizards ( Chlamydosaurus kingii ) sampled at three locations, separated by 10 to 50 km, in a homogenous savannah woodland in tropical Australia. Apart from a recombinant lizard, the mitochondrial analyses revealed two nonoverlapping haplotypes/populations, while the nuclear markers showed that the frillneck lizards represented three separate clusters/populations. Due to the small population size of the mtDNA, fixation may occur via founder effects and/or drift. We therefore suggest that either of these two processes, or a combination of the two, are the most likely causes of the discordant results obtained from the mitochondrial and the nuclear markers. In contrast to the nonoverlapping mitochondrial haplotypes, in 12 out of 74 lizards, mixed nuclear genotypes were observed, hence revealing a limited nuclear gene flow. Although gene flow should ultimately result in a blending of the populations, we propose that the distinct nuclear population structure is maintained by frequent fires resulting in local bottlenecks, and concomitant spatial separation of the frillneck lizard populations. Limited mark–recapture data and the difference in distribution of the mitochondrial and nuclear markers suggest that the mixed nuclear genotypes were caused by juvenile male-biased dispersal.  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts a change in reproduction success with age as energy resources are limited and must be allocated effectively to maximize reproduction and survival. In this study, we use three reproductive performance measures, maternal expenditure, offspring weaning mass, and first-year survival, to investigate the role that maternal age plays in successful reproduction. Long-term uninterrupted life history data available for Marion Island’s southern elephant seals and mass change estimates from photogrammetry data allow for assessment of age-related reproduction performance and trade-offs. Known-aged adult females were photographed for photogrammetric mass estimation (n = 29) and their pups weighed at weaning during the 2009 breeding season. Maternal age and proportional mass loss positively influenced pup weaning mass. In turn, first-year pup return rates (as a proxy for survival) were assessed through the intensive mark–recapture program. Pup survival increased with female age and weaning mass. Pups of young females aged 3–6 years have a lower first-year survival probability compared with pups of older and larger females.  相似文献   

The day and night pattern of upstream and downstream dispersal of masu salmon fry of wild and domestic origin was compared in artificial channels (45 m long), for two ages of planting: unfed alevins and eyed eggs. Early dispersal was important for the wild stock (48–50%) compared with the domestic one (16–36%). More wild fry moved downstream than upstream, and more domestic fry dispersed upstream. Upstream movement in wild and domestic fry was more active by day than by night, except for wild fry planted as eyed eggs, where upstream migration was higher at night. In contrast, downstream movement in wild and domestic fry was more common by night than by day, but daylight catches were not negligible for the wild stock.  相似文献   

The ecological implications of dispersal have been discussed in many studies of wild animals in the field but little is known about the social mechanisms leading to the emigration of certain members of a group. To study the social background of dispersal in wild house mice ( Mus domesticus Rutty) a population cage system was evaluated that allowed permanent observation of individually marked animals. It consisted of ten cages connected to a central cage by transparent plastic tubes. Two of these cages were defined as 'dispersal cages' and could be reached only by swimming through a water basin. Dispersal was defined as a permanent stay in one of these cages for at least 4 days. At the beginning of the experiment one pair of house mice with their litter was placed into the cage system. Each of six experiments lasted for 6 months during which data on spacing, social interactions, body condition, reproduction, mortality and dispersal were collected by daily observations. Results regarding this study could be summarized as follows: (1) dispersal in house mice is male-biased; (2) there are interfamiliar differences in dispersal age, dispersal rate, and in the development of the population structure; (3) after reaching sexual maturity subdominant males are evicted by the dominant one; (4) reproductive rate among females drops with increasing birth order, thus only the oldest females within a group reproduce; (5) females born under high population density conditions can only reproduce after dispersal.  相似文献   

To investigate genetic variation and to compare it with those of domestic quail populations, enzymatic and non-enzymatic proteins in a wild quail population were examined electrophoretically.
The wild quail population had a genetic variability considerably lower than those of domestic populations. The average heterozygosity estimated for 22 loci was 0.090 in the wild quail population.  相似文献   

Senescence has been hypothesized to arise in part from age-related declines in immune performance, but the patterns and drivers of within-individual age-related changes in immunity remain virtually unexplored in natural populations. Here, using a long-term epidemiological study of wild European badgers (Meles meles), we (i) present evidence of a within-individual age-related decline in the response of a key immune-signalling cytokine, interferon-gamma (IFNγ), to ex vivo lymphocyte stimulation, and (ii) investigate three putative drivers of individual variation in the rate of this decline (sex, disease and immune cell telomere length; ICTL). That the within-individual rate of age-related decline markedly exceeded that at the population level suggests that individuals with weaker IFNγ responses are selectively lost from this population. IFNγ responses appeared to decrease with the progression of bovine tuberculosis infection (independent of age) and were weaker among males than females. However, neither sex nor disease influenced the rate of age-related decline in IFNγ response. Similarly, while ICTL also declines with age, variation in ICTL predicted neither among- nor within-individual variation in IFNγ response. Our findings provide evidence of within-individual age-related declines in immune performance in a wild mammal and highlight the likely complexity of the mechanisms that generate them.  相似文献   

延胡索(CorydalisyanhusuoW.T.WangexZ.Y.SuetC.Y.Wu)是我国的重要中药材。《中华人民共和国药典》收载的延胡索为同类中药材的法定正品。除栽培正品延胡索外,以块茎在国内产地作药用的还有同类野生中药材约10种[1,2]。该类中药材的原植物分别隶属紫堇属延胡索亚属Subgen.CapnitesDC.的实心延胡索组Sect.Pes-gallinaceusIrimisch.和薯根延胡素组Sect.LeonticoidesDe[3]。近年.人工杂交新品种的培育成功[4]又扩大了药源。近年,作者在浙江余杭超山发现一个野生延胡索居群,染色体为2n=48,与栽培延胡索2n=32不同。经多年…  相似文献   

Sexual ornamentation needs to be conspicuous to be effective in attracting potential mates and defending territories and indeed, a multitude of ways exists to achieve this. Two principal mechanisms for increasing conspicuousness are to increase the ornament's colour or brightness contrast against the background and to increase the size of the ornament. We assessed the relationship between the colour and size of the dewlap, a large extendible throat‐fan, across a range of species of gliding lizards (Agamidae; genus Draco) from Malaysia and the Philippines. We found a negative relationship across species between colour contrast against the background and dewlap size in males, but not in females, suggesting that males of different species use increasing colour contrast and dewlap size as alternative strategies for effective communication. Male dewlap size also increases with increasing sexual size dimorphism, and dewlap colour and brightness contrast increase with increasing sexual dichromatism in colour and brightness, respectively, suggesting that sexual selection may act on both dewlap size and colour. We further found evidence that relative predation intensity, as measured from predator attacks on models placed in the field, may play a role in the choice of strategy (high chromatic contrast or large dewlap area) a species employs. More broadly, these results highlight that each component in a signal (such as colour or size) may be influenced by different selection pressures and that by assessing components individually, we can gain a greater understanding of the evolution of signal diversity.  相似文献   

1. Many invertebrates inhabiting insular aquatic habitats rely on external agents or vectors to disperse. Besides water connections and wind, waterfowl and amphibians are known to mediate passive dispersal of freshwater invertebrates. However, the possibility of dispersal by terrestrial mammals has been largely overlooked. 2. We investigated the potential of both external and internal zoochorous dispersal of aquatic invertebrates by the wild boar (Sus scrofa) in Mediterranean wetlands in the Camargue (France). As wild boar frequently visit wetlands for feeding and wallowing purposes, we hypothesized that they may be important passive dispersal vectors of aquatic invertebrates at a local scale. Dried mud was collected from selected ‘rubbing trees’ used by boars to dispose of parasites. Additionally, faecal pellets were collected from different locations in the wetland area. 3. Seventeen freshwater invertebrate taxa including rotifers, cladocerans, copepods and ostracods hatched from sediment obtained from ‘rubbing trees’, while invertebrates hatching from dried faeces (10 taxa) were mainly rotifers. Dispersing invertebrates were collected up to 318 m from a nearest potential dispersal source. Both abundance and richness of invertebrates significantly decreased with dispersal distance. 4. Our results demonstrate that large mammals such as wild boar can act as dispersal vectors of aquatic invertebrates at a local scale in the wetland area of the Camargue and suggest that external transport may be quantitatively more important than internal transport. As wallowing (mud bathing) is common in many terrestrial mammals, this mode of dispersal may be quite widespread.  相似文献   

Research investigating the geographical context of speciation has primarily focused on abiotic factors such as the role of Pleistocene glacial cycles, or geotectonic events. Few study systems allow a direct comparison of how biological differences, such as dispersal behaviour, affect population genetic structure of organisms that were subdivided during the Pleistocene. Mormon crickets exist in solitary and gregarious 'phases', which broadly correspond with an east-west mtDNA division across the Rocky Mountains. Gregarious individuals form bands that can move up to 2 km daily. This study assessed whether population genetic structure results mainly from deep Pleistocene vicariance or if we can also detect more recent genetic patterns due to phase and dispersal differences superimposed on the older, deeper divisions. We found that separation in refugia was a more important influence on genetic divergence than phase, with the Rockies acting as a barrier that separated Mormon cricket populations into eastern and western refugia during Pleistocene glacial cycles. However, patterns of isolation by distance differ between eastern and western clades for both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, with greater divergence within the eastern, solitary clade. An mtDNA haplotype mismatch distribution is compatible with historical population expansion in the western clade but not in the eastern clade. A persistent (and possibly sex-biased) difference in dispersal ability has most likely influenced the greater population genetic structure seen in the eastern clade, emphasizing the importance of the interaction of Quaternary climate fluctuations and geography with biotic factors in producing the patterns of genetic subdivision observed today.  相似文献   

The antagonistic pleiotropy theory of senescence postulates genes or traits that have opposite effects on early-life and late-life performances. Because selection is generally weaker late in life, genes or traits that improve early-life performance but impair late-life performance should come to predominate. Variation in the strength of age-specific selection should then generate adaptive variation in senescence. We demonstrate this mechanism by comparing early and late breeders within a population of semelparous capital-breeding sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). We show that early breeders (but not late breeders) are under strong selection for a long reproductive lifespan (RLS), which facilitates defence of their nests against disturbance by later females. Accordingly, early females invest less energy in egg production while reserving more for nest defence. Variation along this reproductive trade-off causes delayed or slower senescence in early females (average RLS of 26 days) than in late females (reproductive lifespan of 12 days). We use microsatellites to confirm that gene flow is sufficiently limited between early and late breeders to allow adaptive divergence in response to selection. Because reproductive trade-offs should be almost universal and selection acting on them should typically vary in time and space, the mechanism described herein may explain much of the natural variation in senescence.  相似文献   

There are five wild populations of Cycas fairylakea in Guangdong Province,China,three of which are newly found.A study of the biological characteristics of C.fairylakea populations showed that this species had a narrow colonization area within 300 hm2,and an island pattern of distribution.Because of the overexploitation,urbanization,environment pollution,plant diseases,and insect pests,the wild populations and individuals of C.fairylakea decreased markedly in the past decades.All five populations have an opposite pyramid age structure,few coning plants,few seed production,and low level of seed germination rate or sterility.In conclusion,C.fairylakea in Guangdong Province was threatened seriously and an urgent need to take effective efforts to protect the plants and habitats in its location sites was required.  相似文献   

Natural recolonization of bobcat (Lynx rufus) populations in the midwestern United States presents challenges for managers with limited knowledge of the species’ population dynamics in a highly fragmented agricultural landscape. Dispersal is a component of population dynamics of a recolonizing population, which is likely influenced by landscape features. To better understand population expansion, we examined dispersal characteristics of juvenile (<2 yr) bobcats in recently recolonized south-central Iowa, USA, from 2003–2009. We radio-collared and tracked dispersal fates of 61 individuals (34 males, 27 females), with 29 (22 males, 7 females) dispersing by approximately 2 years of age and the rest remaining philopatric. Most (65%) juvenile males dispersed, whereas only 26% of females dispersed. Initiation of dispersal varied, but none occurred in July–August. Dispersal duration ranged from 4–240 days. Average age at dispersal was 16.9 ± 1.1 (SE) months. Dispersal was most prevalent in an east-west direction and straight-line distances ranged from 6.6–203.2 km ( = 57.9 km). On average, males dispersed 44 km farther than females. Land cover composition was similar in natal and post-dispersal core ranges and consisted predominantly (70%) of forest and grassland. Lower abundance of forest and grassland in areas north of the study area may ultimately limit the ability of juvenile bobcats to successfully disperse and expand throughout the Corn Belt of Iowa. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

1. Using data from the literature, I assessed how broad climatic patterns affected field body temperatures (Tb’s) of lizards in the genus Sceloporus.

2. Sceloporus at temperate latitudes had mean Tb’s of 35°C throughout their elevational range. This pattern is associated with “tropical” temperatures that extend into high north latitudes during the summer and the relatively low elevations occupied by the lizards.

3. At tropical latitudes, mean Tb declined from 35°C at low elevations to 31°C at high elevations. This pattern is associated with low seasonal variation in temperature at tropical latitudes and the relatively high elevations occupied by the lizards.  相似文献   

Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis has recently been used as a new tool for estimating intraspecific diversity. However, whether known haplotypes contained in a sample can be detected correctly using eDNA‐based methods has been examined only by an aquarium experiment. Here, we tested whether the haplotypes of Ayu fish (Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis) detected in a capture survey could also be detected from an eDNA sample derived from the field that contained various haplotypes with low concentrations and foreign substances. A water sample and Ayu specimens collected from a river on the same day were analysed by eDNA analysis and Sanger sequencing, respectively. The 10 L water sample was divided into 20 filters for each of which 15 PCR replications were performed. After high‐throughput sequencing, denoising was performed using two of the most widely used denoising packages, unoise3 and dada2 . Of the 42 haplotypes obtained from the Sanger sequencing of 96 specimens, 38 (unoise3 ) and 41 (dada2 ) haplotypes were detected by eDNA analysis. When dada2 was used, except for one haplotype, haplotypes owned by at least two specimens were detected from all the filter replications. Accordingly, although it is important to note that eDNA‐based method has some limitations and some risk of false positive and false negative, this study showed that the eDNA analysis for evaluating intraspecific genetic diversity provides comparable results for large‐scale capture‐based conventional methods. Our results suggest that eDNA‐based methods could become a more efficient survey method for investigating intraspecific genetic diversity in the field.  相似文献   

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