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In harem‐polygynous societies, body condition is often correlated with dominance rank. However, the consequences of dominance are less clear. High‐ranking males do not inevitably have the highest reproductive success, especially in systems where females mate with multiple males. In such societies, we expect male reproductive success to be more highly skewed than female reproductive success, but reproductive skew in females can still arise from rankings established within matrilineal societies. Dominance can also impact life‐history decisions by influencing dispersal patterns in yearlings. To better understand the function of dominance in harem‐polygynous societies, we studied the causes and consequences of dominance in yellow‐bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris), a social rodent with skewed male reproductive success and female reproductive suppression. Specifically, we examined body condition as a predictor and the probability of breeding, number of offspring, and dispersal as outcomes of dominance. Additionally, we looked at variation in dominance between males and females and adults and yearlings, because marmots can engage in distinct interactions depending on the type of individuals involved. We found that marmots in better body condition have higher dominance rank than those in poorer condition. In addition, adults are dominant over yearlings. Within yearlings, dominance does not influence dispersal, but those in better body condition are less likely to disperse. Within all adults, individuals in better condition produce more offspring per year. Within adult males, more dominant males have greater reproductive success. Despite previous evidence of reproductive suppression in females, we found no effects of dominance rank on female reproductive success in the current study. The function of dominance in female marmots remains enigmatic.  相似文献   

Previous models have predicted that when mortality increases with age, older individuals should invest more of their resources in reproduction and produce less dispersive offspring, as both their future reproductive value and their prospect of competing with their own sib decline. Those models assumed stable population sizes. We here study for the first time the evolution of age‐specific reproductive effort and of age‐specific offspring dispersal rate in a metapopulation with extinction‐recolonization dynamics and juvenile dispersal. Our model explores the evolutionary consequences of disequilibrium in the age structure of individuals in local populations, generated by disturbances. Life‐history decisions are then shaped both by changes with age in individual performances, and by changes in ecological conditions, as young and old individuals do not live on average in the same environments. Lower juvenile dispersal favours the evolution of higher reproductive effort in young adults in a metapopulation with extinction‐recolonization compared with a well‐mixed population. Contrary to previous predictions for stable structured populations, we find that offspring dispersal should generally increase with maternal age. This is because young individuals, who are overrepresented in recently colonized populations, should allocate more to reproduction and less to dispersal as a strategy to exploit abundant recruitment opportunities in such populations.  相似文献   

Dispersal often covaries with other traits, and this covariation was shown to have a genetic basis. Here, we wanted to explore to what extent genetic constraints and correlational selection can explain patterns of covariation between dispersal and key life‐history traits—lifespan and reproduction. A prediction from the fitness‐associated dispersal hypothesis was that lower genetic quality is associated with higher dispersal propensity as driven by the benefits of genetic mixing. We wanted to contrast it with a prediction from a different model that individuals putting more emphasis on current rather than future reproduction disperse more, as they are expected to be more risk‐prone and exploratory. However, if dispersal has inherent costs, this will also result in a negative genetic correlation between higher rates of dispersal and some aspects of performance. To explore this issue, we used the dioecious nematode Caenorhabditis remanei and selected for increased and decreased dispersal propensity for 10 generations, followed by five generations of relaxed selection. Dispersal propensity responded to selection, and females from high‐dispersal lines dispersed more than females from low‐dispersal lines. Females selected for increased dispersal propensity produced fewer offspring and were more likely to die from matricide, which is associated with a low physiological condition in Caenorhabditis nematodes. There was no evidence for differences in age‐specific reproductive effort between high‐ and low‐dispersal females. Rather, reproductive output of high‐dispersal females was consistently reduced. We argue that our data provide support for the fitness‐associated dispersal hypothesis.  相似文献   

Sociality as a life-history tactic of ground squirrels   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary Multi-variate analysis of life-history traits of 18 species of burrowing sciurids indicates that reproductive effort is determined by body-size energetics. Other traits, such as age adult weight reached, age of dispersal, length of time of gestation, were significantly correlated with body size. A principal component analysis suggested that the complex of life-history traits could be reduced to four components: body size (=weight), seasonality, specific reproductive effort, and maturity. The variation in the sociality index was best explained by age of first reproduction and age adult weight reached. Generally, species are more social when large body size combined with a relatively short growing season is associated with delayed dispersal and occurs in those species typically breeding for the first time at age two or older. Sociality in these species may have evolved through retention of daughters within the maternal home range as a means of continuing reproductive investment beyond weaning.  相似文献   

Dispersal is of prime importance for many evolutionary processes and has been studied for decades. The reproductive consequences of dispersal have proven difficult to study, simply because it is difficult to keep track of dispersing individuals. In most previous studies evaluating the fitness effects of dispersal, immigrants at a study locality have been lumped into one category and compared to philopatric individuals. This is unfortunate, because there are reasons to believe that immigrants with long and short dispersal distances may differ substantially in reproductive success. In the present study, we used a combination of capture-recapturing and multilocus microsatellite genotyping to categorize great reed warblers at our Swedish study site as philopatric individuals or short- or long-distance dispersing immigrants. We then performed novel comparisons of lifetime reproductive success (LRS) and survival rates of these three dispersal categories. The birds belonged to cohorts 1987-1996, and data for their LRS were gathered between 1988 and 2003. The analyses showed that philopatric males attracted more females, produced more fledglings and recruits throughout their lives, and survived better than immigrants. Among the immigrant males, those categorized as long-distance dispersers had lowest LRS and survival probability. Models that included covariates of potential importance showed that the difference in LRS between dispersal categories was partly caused by corresponding variation in number of breeding years at our study site. These results indicate that short- and, in particular, long-distance dispersers were of poor phenotypic quality, but it may also be proposed that immigrants attracted few females because they were poorly adapted to the local social environment. In females, the number of local recruits corrected for the number of breeding years (as well as for number of fledglings) differed between dispersal categories in a pattern that suggests an intermediate optimal dispersal distance. Short-distance dispersers recruited more offspring per year (and per fledgling) than both philopatric individuals and long-distance dispersers. Data suggest that the low LRS of philopatric females was related to costs of inbreeding. The low LRS of long-distance dispersing females may have resulted from their offspring being especially prone to disperse outside the study area, but also other potential explanations exist, such as local maladaptation. Our study highlights the importance of separating immigrant birds on the basis of their genetic similarity to the local study population when analyzing variation in LRS and inferring realized gene flow.  相似文献   

The dynamic shifts in life history traits by non-native populations at an invasion front may be driven by a combination of phenotypic plasticity and micro-evolutionary processes, allowing for appropriate responses to changes in biotic and abiotic factors associated with range expansion. The temporal and spatial scale at which these shifts occur, however, is largely unexplored. We examined the age-specific life-history responses of female round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) across a fine spatial scale by comparing traits of individuals at the expanding front of an invasive pathway with those of individuals living at the previous year’s front. Females in the new front were younger, exhibited higher body condition index and fecundity, and greater reproductive allocation than those living at the previous year’s front. No difference in back-calculated length at age or in seasonal growth increment was found between occupants of the old and new fronts. Age-specific differences in reproductive investment were observed; age-1 females from the new front exhibited greater reproductive effort but similar reproductive allocation, whereas age-2 females showed greater reproductive allocation in the new front, but similar reproductive effort. These age-specific differences may be related to differences in population density and other biotic factors encountered during ontogeny, or to micro-evolutionary processes. Our results demonstrate that fine scale changes in energy allocation towards reproduction through increases in reproductive allocation and fecundity occur at the invasion front, highlight how quickly those shifts can occur at the expansion front, and suggest that such changes in newly colonised areas facilitate range expansion.  相似文献   

Poecilogony is the production of more than one type of young within a single species of marine invertebrate. We chose a poecilogonous polychaete to investigate potential differences in morphogenesis among offspring that are polymorphic in dispersal potentials (planktonic, benthic) and trophic modes (planktotrophy, adelphophagy). Differences in morphogenesis occur and are strongly influenced by maternal type. Females that provide extra-embryonic nutrition (as nurse eggs; type III females) also produce offspring with an accelerated onset of juvenile traits, relative to planktotrophic offspring of females that do not provide extra-embryonic nutrition (type I females). Thus, progeny of some females appear morphologically preadapted for a benthic lifestyle. Surprisingly, differences in phenotype among offspring do not parallel offspring ecotype, as offspring with early onset of juvenile traits (III) are ecologically bimodal. Some Type III offspring eat the nurse eggs (adelphophagy), have accelerated development, and hatch as benthic juveniles. In contrast, their siblings hatch as small, planktotrophic, dispersive larvae that are morphologically similar to their type III siblings, but ecologically similar to Type I planktotrophic larvae. We propose that poecilogony evolved through sequence heterochrony in morphogenesis with accelerated onset of juvenile traits in type III offspring. In addition, we suggest that heterochrony in life-history events (hatching, metamorphosis) also occurs, thereby generating offspring that are dimorphic in both phenotype and ecotype. Over time, selection acting on different levels of ontogeny (morphogenesis vs. dispersal) may balance this polymorphism and allow poecilogony to persist.  相似文献   

Environmental factors during early development may have profound effects on subsequent life-history traits in many bird species. In wild birds, sex-specific effects of early ontogeny on natal dispersal and future reproduction are not well understood. The objective of this work was to determine whether hatching date and pre-fledging mass and condition of free-living Great Tits Parus major have any subsequent effect on individuals’ natal dispersal and reproductive performance at first breeding. Both males and females dispersed longer distances in coniferous than in deciduous forests, while dispersal was condition-dependent only in males (heavier as nestlings dispersed farther). In females, mass and condition at pre-fledging stage correlated significantly with clutch size, but not with subsequent reproductive performance as measured by fledging success or offspring quality. In contrast, heavier males as nestlings had higher future fledging success and heavier offspring in their broods compared with those in worse condition as nestlings. The hatching date of female as well as male parents was the only parental parameter related to the number of eggs hatched at first breeding. These results indicate that pre-fledging mass and condition predict subsequent fitness components in this bird species. We suggest that sex-specific relationships between a disperser’s condition and its selectivity with respect to breeding habitat and subsequent performance need to be considered in future models of life-history evolution.  相似文献   

Abstract In many organisms, large offspring have improved fitness over small offspring, and thus their size is under strong selection. However, due to a trade-off between offspring size and number, females producing larger offspring necessarily must produce fewer unless the total amount of reproductive effort is unlimited. Because differential gene expression among environments may affect genetic covariances among traits, it is important to consider environmental effects on the genetic relationships among traits. We compared the genetic relationships among egg size, lifetime fecundity, and female adult body mass (a trait linked to reproductive effort) in the seed beetle, Stator limbatus , between two environments (host-plant species Acacia greggii and Cercidium floridum ). Genetic correlations among these traits were estimated through half-sib analysis, followed with artificial selection on egg size to observe the correlated responses of lifetime fecundity and female body mass. We found that the magnitude of the genetic trade-off between egg size and lifetime fecundity differed between environments–a strong trade-off was estimated when females laid eggs on C. floridum seeds, yet this trade-off was weak when females laid eggs on A. greggii seeds. Also differing between environments was the genetic correlation between egg size and female body mass–these traits were positively genetically correlated for egg size on A. greggii seeds, yet uncorrelated on C. floridum seeds. On A. greggii seeds, the evolution of egg size and traits linked to reproductive effort (such as female body mass) are not independent from each other as commonly assumed in life-history theory.  相似文献   

Life-history theory predicts that older females will increase reproductive effort through increased fecundity. Unless offspring survival is density dependent or female size constrains offspring size, theory does not predict variation in offspring size. However, empirical data suggest that females of differing age or condition produce offspring of different sizes. We used a dynamic state-variable model to determine when variable offspring sizes can be explained by an interaction between female age, female state and survival costs of reproduction. We found that when costs depend on fecundity, young females with surplus state increase offspring size and reduce number to minimize fitness penalties. When costs depend on total reproductive effort, only older females increase offspring size. Young females produce small offspring, because decreasing offspring size is less expensive than number, as fitness from offspring investment is nonlinear. Finally, allocation patterns are relatively stable when older females are better at acquiring food and are therefore in better condition. Our approach revealed an interaction between female state, age and survival costs, providing a novel explanation for observed variation in reproductive traits.  相似文献   

Due to different costs and benefits associated with dispersal and philopatry, life history traits of immigrants and philopatric individuals may differ. Despite of the apparent effects, dispersal status is only rarely considered in analyses of population dynamics. We analysed whether dispersal status explains variation in life history traits of an endangered Temminck's stint Calidris temminckii population breeding at the Baltic Sea. We also estimated the impact of immigration and dispersal status on the population growth rate (λ) with a population matrix model, in which immigrants and philopatric individuals are separated to their own stages. We found that philopatric individuals had a higher apparent survival than immigrants in both sexes. In reproductive parameters, variation due to dispersal status was not clear. Nests incubated by philopatric individuals survived better than those of immigrants, but this did not translate in hatchling production per breeding attempt. Models described a sink population in which the inclusion of both immigration rate to the population and the dispersal status of individuals into the model increased estimates of λ. When the better success of philopatric individuals was considered, the population growth appeared more stable (λ=0.972). If this was not taken into account, λ implied a strong decline (λ=0.911). The results support the hypothesis that immigrants exhibit lower components of lifetime reproductive success and therefore contribute less to population growth and the gene pool than local recruits. While we cannot distinguish whether this difference reflects higher mortality or permanent emigration, the latter explanation seems more plausible. Our results highlight the importance of considering immigration and dispersal status in population modelling. In the case of the endangered study population, the results implied that management options directed to improve local recruitment would be a profitable option.  相似文献   

Wei-Guo Du 《Oikos》2006,112(2):363-369
Understanding the proximate determinants of phenotypic variations in life-history traits can provide powerful insights into a species' life-history strategies. I experimentally manipulated availability of food (high vs low) to examine plasticity in the reproductive traits of northern grass lizards, Takydromus septentrionalis (Lacertidae), from eastern China. Food availability significantly affected reproductive frequency and thereby seasonal reproductive output, but had little effect on reproductive output per clutch. Low-food females postponed reproduction and produced less clutches in the reproductive season than did high-food females. After producing their second clutches, low-food females were in lower body condition than the high-food counterparts. By the end of the experiment, however, all females exhibited similar body condition. Clutch size and clutch mass differed between the first and second clutches but not between the treatments. Egg size and phenotypic traits of hatchlings (body size, morphology and locomotor performance) in T. septentrionalis did not vary significantly from first to second clutches nor between the two treatments. These results support optimal egg size (offspring) theory. Female T. septentrionali s "decide" whether or not to reproduce largely based on current energy intake; lowered feeding rates thus delay oviposition and reduce reproductive frequency. In contrast, clutch size, egg size and relative clutch mass remain unchanged.  相似文献   

The theory of reproductive effort is commonly viewed in the perspective of the cost of offspring to the parent. This interpretation predicts that older females make a greater reproductive effort than younger females, for whom the cost of lost future offspring is less. The benefit early-born offspring represent in future generations is greater than that of late-born offspring in most natural populations, so, alternatively, young females should make a greater reproductive effort. These hypotheses were investigated in nursing Harp seals by examining age-specific reproductive effort in terms of energetic maternal investment.
Younger Harp seal females lost weight at the same rate as did older females. Moreover. since younger, growing females tended to start lactation with less blubber than older females. weight loss during 10 days (d) of lactation represented a greater proportion of stored energy for young females. A successfully weaned pup, therefore, constituted a greater reproductive effort for them than for older females, consistent with benefit–oriented predictions from theory.
A model is presented to outline the components of an annual energy budget for female Harp seals in the context of reproductive effort. This model indicates that young females may devote a greater proportion of their annual net energy to reproduction and take a greater risk of lost future reproduction. It also identifies areas of inadequacy of existing data on pinniped energy budgets.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Life-history traits and density were assayed in seven populations of two sympatric species of wolf spider for three consecutive years. The goal of the study was to quantify population dynamics and its relation to spatial and temporal life-history variation.
2. Adult female body size and fecundity varied significantly, among field sites and among years, in both species. Female spiders of both species differed in mean relative reproductive effort among sites, but not among years. The size of offspring was invariable, with no significant differences due to site or year.
3. All populations of both species tended to either decrease or increase in density during a given year and this was tightly correlated with changes in prey consumption rates.
4. Since life-history patterns are determined primarily by selection, it is concluded that size at sexual maturity for females is phenotypically plastic and responds to changes in prey availability. Offspring size however is not plastic and it is likely that other selection forces have determined offspring size. Temporal fluctuations in population size are correlated over a large area relative to dispersal capabilities for these species and conservation efforts for invertebrates must take this into consideration.  相似文献   

In anurans, fecundity (clutch size) is the most important determinant of female reproductive success. We investigated three possible causes responsible for fecundity variation in female Italian treefrogs, Hyla intermedia, during four breeding seasons: (i) variation in morphological (body size and condition) and life-history (age) traits; (ii) variation in the tradeoff between the number and the size of eggs; (iii) seasonal effects and within-season differences in the timing of deposition. At the population level, we found no evidence for a tradeoff between the number and the size of eggs, because they both correlated positively with females’ body size. Conversely, neither age nor post-spawning body condition showed any effect on female reproductive investment. Independent of body size, we found no evidence for variation in reproductive effort among different breeding seasons, but strong evidence for a decrease of clutch size and an increase of egg size with the advancing of a breeding season. To test for the functional significance of the observed temporal variation in allocation strategy, we carried out a rearing experiment in semi-natural conditions on a random sample of ten clutches. The experiment showed a negative effect of clutch size and a positive effect of egg size on both tadpole growth and developmental rates, suggesting that reproductive investment, although constrained by body size, can be adjusted by females to the time of deposition to increase the chances of offspring survival.  相似文献   

Although shifts in life-history traits of insular vertebrates, as compared with mainland populations, have been observed in many taxa, few studies have examined the relationships among individual life-history traits on islands. Lifehistory theory also predicts that there is a trade-off between body size and reproductive effort, and between egg size and clutch size. We surveyed the rice frog, Fejervarya limnocharis, on 20 islands within the Zhoushan Archipelago and two nearby sites on the mainland of China to compare differences in life-history traits and to explore relationships among those traits. Rice frog females reached a greater body size on half of the smaller islands among the total 20 surveyed islands, and larger egg size, decreased clutch size and reduced reproductive effort on most of the islands when compared to the two mainland sites. Insular body size was negatively correlated with reproductive effort. There was a negative correlation between egg size and clutch size. Results suggest that life-history theory provides a good explanation for co-variation between body size and reproductive effort, and between egg size and clutch size in rice frogs on the islands.  相似文献   

Island and mainland populations of animal species often differ strikingly in life-history traits such as clutch size, egg size, total reproductive effort and body size. However, despite widespread recognition of insular shifts in these life-history traits in birds, mammals and reptiles, there have been no reports of such life-history shifts in amphibians. Furthermore, most studies have focused on one specific life-history trait without explicit consideration of coordinated evolution among these intimately linked life-history traits, and thus the relationships among these traits are poorly studied. Here we provide the first evidence of insular shifts and trade-offs in a coordinated suite of life-history traits for an amphibian species, the pond frog Rana nigromaculata . Life-history data were collected from eight islands in the Zhoushan Archipelago and neighboring mainland China. We found consistent, significant shifts in all life-history traits between mainland and island populations. Island populations had smaller clutch sizes, larger egg sizes, larger female body size and invested less in total reproductive effort than mainland populations. Significant negative relationships were found between egg size and clutch size and between egg size and total reproductive effort among frog populations after controlling for the effects of body size. Therefore, decreased reproductive effort and clutch size, larger egg size and body size in pond frogs on islands were selected through trade-offs as an overall life-history strategy. Our findings contribute to the formation of a broad, repeatable ecological generality for insular shifts in life-history traits across a range of terrestrial vertebrate taxa.  相似文献   

When individuals disperse, they modify the physical and social composition of their reproductive environment, potentially impacting their fitness. The choice an individual makes between dispersal and philopatry is thus critical, hence a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in the decision to leave the natal area is crucial. We explored how combinations of behavioural (exploration, mobility, activity and stress response) and morphological (body mass) traits measured prior to dispersal were linked to the subsequent dispersal decision in 77 roe deer Capreolus capreolus fawns. Using an unusually detailed multi-trait approach, we identified two independent behavioural continuums related to dispersal. First, a continuum of energetic expenditure contrasted individuals of low mobility, low variability in head activity and low body temperature with those that displayed opposite traits. Second, a continuum of neophobia contrasted individuals that explored more prior to dispersal and were more tolerant of capture with those that displayed opposite traits. While accounting for possible confounding effects of condition-dependence (body mass), we showed that future dispersers were less neophobic and had higher energetic budgets than future philopatric individuals, providing strong support for a dispersal syndrome in this species.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory predicts that differential reproductive effort and rate of reproductive senescence will evolve under different rates of external mortality. We examine the evolutionary divergence of age-specific reproduction in two life-history ecotypes of the western terrestrial garter snake, Thamnophis elegans. We test for the signature of reproductive senescence (decreasing fecundity with age) and increasing reproductive effort with age (increasing reproductive productivity per gram female) in replicate populations of two life-history ecotypes: snakes that grow fast, mature young and have shorter lifespans, and snakes that grow slow, mature late and have long lives. The difference between life-history ecotypes is due to genetic divergence in growth rate. We find (i) reproductive success (live litter mass) increases with age in both ecotypes, but does so more rapidly in the fast-growth ecotype, (ii) reproductive failure increases with age in both ecotypes, but the proportion of reproductive failure to total reproductive output remains invariant, and (iii) reproductive effort remains constant in fast-growth individuals with age, but declines in slow-growth individuals. This illustration of increasing fecundity with age, even at the latest ages, deviates from standard expectations for reproductive senescence, as does the lack of increases in reproductive effort. We discuss our findings in light of recent theories regarding the phenomenon of increased reproduction throughout life in organisms with indeterminate growth and its potential to offset theoretical expectations for the ubiquity of senescence.  相似文献   

In cooperative breeders, sexually mature subordinates can either queue for chances to inherit the breeding position in their natal group, or disperse to reproduce independently. The choice of one or the other option may be flexible, as when individuals respond to attractive dispersal options, or they may reflect fixed life-history trajectories. Here, we show in a permanently marked, natural population of the cooperatively breeding cichlid fish Neolamprologus pulcher that subordinate helpers reduce investment in territory defence shortly before dispersing. Such reduction of effort is not shown by subordinates who stay and inherit the breeding position. This difference suggests that subordinates ready to leave reduce their investment in the natal territory strategically in favour of future life-history perspectives. It seems to be part of a conditional choice of the dispersal tactic, as this reduction in effort appears only shortly before dispersal, whereas philopatric and dispersing helpers do not differ in defence effort earlier in life. Hence, cooperative territory defence is state-dependent and plastic rather than a consistent part of a fixed life-history trajectory.  相似文献   

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