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SYNOPSIS. A central scientific problem for ecologists and systematistshas been to explain spatiotemporal patterns of species diversity.One aspect of this question is how to understand the taxonomicassembly of biotas and their included ecosystems and communities.Four processes add or subtract species from a region: speciation,extinction, biotic dispersion, and long-distance dispersal.Speciation and biotic dispersion are postulated to result inhistorically structured (hierarchical) species assemblages,whereas long-distance dispersal results in assemblages thatwould be expected to be historically unstructured (nonhierarchical).Continental biotas, as exemplified by the Australian avifauna,are historically structured: they are segregated into areasof endemism having hierarchical relationships that presumablyarose as a result of their history being dominated by cyclesof biotic dispersion and vicariance. It is also proposed thatthese latter two processes are necessary, and in many casesprobably sufficient, to explain the taxonomic composition ofcommunities within these areas of endemism. Long-distance dispersalappears to play a much more minor role in the assembly of eithercontinental biotas or their communities than current ecologicaltheory would predict.  相似文献   

云南马先蒿属植物的生物地理及物种多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马先蒿属(Pedicularis)是被子植物中最大的属之一,在云南植物区系中占有重要地位。按照钟补求系统,该属植物在云南有151种分属于13个群72个系。马先蒿属在云南的地理分布体现了下列特点:(1)种类十分丰富,占整个属总种数的25%,占中国的42.6%。(2)包括了该属全部花冠类型,即无齿、有齿的原始类型各为24种、短管具喙的中间过渡类型87种,较进化的长管类型16种。(3)马先蒿属植物分布在云南的11个地理分布区域中,但该属植物在康藏高原区最为丰富,有108个种在本区有分布,占云南种数的71.5%;横断山植物区和东喜马拉雅植物区是本属的现代分布中心和多样性中心。(4)特有现象十分明显,其中8个系、52个种为云南特有,横断山和东喜马拉雅的特有种量为丰富,也是本属的特有中心。(5)民先蒿植物与邻近的四川(西南部)和西藏(东南部)在区系上联系密切,与缅甸和不丹有一定的联系。  相似文献   

Physiological telemetry is a powerful tool in studying the thermal biology and energetics of elasmobranchs in the laboratory and field. Controlled laboratory studies have increased our understanding of the physiology and behavior of many elasmobranchs, but have focused primarily on small, slow moving species. Extrapolating results from these laboratory studies to free-swimming animals in the field or to other unstudied species may be problematic, due to laboratory constraints or species specific differences. Some elasmobranchs are too large or logistically difficult to maintain in captivity, making them extremely difficult to study in the laboratory, and thus can only be studied in the field. Physiological telemetry offers a bridge between the laboratory and the field providing an opportunity to elucidate similarities and differences. Previous studies have coupled a variety of sensors with ultrasonic transmitters to relay information on epaxial muscle and stomach temperatures of free-swimming lamnid sharks. Even though these studies indicate lamnids exhibit elevated body temperatures, the degree to which these sharks may control body temperature is still not fully understood. Telemetry of heart rate, swimming speed, muscle contraction rate, and tail beat frequency has been used to estimate energy consumption of free-swimming elasmobranchs with varying success. Based on recent advances in technology, several hypotheses regarding thermoregulation, cardiac output, and obligate ram ventilation are discussed. Although many telemetry studies have been restricted by logistical difficulties in conducting long-term tracks, recent developments such as acoustic modems, underwater listening stations and satellite telemetry may significantly increase the amount and types of physiological data that can be collected. These improvements in technology and captive animal husbandry techniques will help to bridge the gap between the laboratory and the field.  相似文献   

Sequences of a part of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene were analyzed in four Japanese Panonychus species to determine their phylogenetic relationships. Neighbor-Joining and maximum likelihood analysis resulted in a high bootstrap support of the relationships within the genus Panonychus. In contrast with a previous study based on ribosomal DNA data, the COI phylogeny suggested that P. mori was more distantly related to P. citri than to P. ulmi. This study shows for the first time that P. osmanthi is closely related to P. citri. Intraspecific variation analysis shows that the genetic distance between two local populations of P. mori is higher than between P. citri and P. osmanthi.  相似文献   

The Amoebozoa are a major eukaryotic lineage that encompasses a wide range of amoeboid organisms. The group is understudied from a systematic perspective: molecular tools have only been applied in the last 15 yr. Hence, there is an undersampling of both genes and taxa in the group especially compared to plants, animals, and fungi. Here, we present the complete mitochondrial genomes of two ubiquitous and abundant morpho‐species (Acanthamoeba castellanii and Vermamoeba vermiformis). Both have mitochondrial genomes of close relatives previously available, enabling insights into recent divergences at a genomic scale, while simultaneously offering comparisons with divergence estimates obtained from traditionally used single genes, SSU rDNA and cox1. The newly sequenced mt genomes are significantly divergent from their previously sequenced conspecifics (A. castellannii 16.4% divergence at nucleotide level and 10.4% amino acid; V. vermiformis 21.6% and 13.1%, respectively), while divergence at the small subunit ribosomal DNA is below 1% within both species. Morphological analyses determined that these lineages are indistinguishable from their previously sequenced counterparts. Phylogenetic reconstructions using 26 mt genes also indicate a level of divergence that is comparable to divergence among species, while reconstructions using the small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) do not. In addition, we demonstrate that between closely related taxa, there are high levels of synteny, which can be explored for primer design to obtain larger fragments than the traditional barcoding genes. We conclude that, although most systematic work has relied on SSU, this gene alone can severely underestimate diversity. Thus, we suggest that the mt genome emerges as an alternative for unraveling the lower level phylogenetic relationships of Amoebozoa.  相似文献   

The Trypanosoma cruzi clade is a group of parasites that comprises T. cruzi sensu lato and its closest relatives. Although several species have been confirmed phylogenetically to belong to this clade, it is uncertain how many more species can be expected to belong into this group. Here, we present the results of a survey of trypanosome parasites of the bat Artibeus jamaicensis from the Panamá Canal Zone, an important seed disperser. Using a genealogical species delimitation approach, the Poisson tree processes (PTP), we tentatively identified five species of trypanosomes – all belonging to the T. cruzi clade. A small monophyletic group of three putative Trypanosoma species places at the base of the clade phylogeny, providing evidence for at least five independent colonization events of these parasites into the New World. Artibeus jamaicensis presents a high diversity of these blood parasites and is the vertebrate with the highest number of putative trypanosome species reported from a single locality. Our results emphasize the need for continued efforts to survey mammalian trypanosomes.  相似文献   

The ranges of 10 tropical Pacific phytoplankton species are shown in the maps. Five types of these ranges are discussed. Except for broadly tropical species some species with much narrower ranges are characterized. The bases of ranges and the expatriation areas are given. The bases of ranges of all the species studied fall into similar temperature and salinity limits. Most of the species inhabit a wide range of nutrients concentration, but Climacodium frauenfeldianum and Hemiaulus hauckii are only found at low phosphate and silicate concentrations. These peculiarities determine the geography of ranges of these two species. Among the species investigated only Ceratium gravidum belongs to the shade flora.  相似文献   

We surveyed the diversity of soil Archaea across a large scale elevational gradient of ecosystem types, from foothills forest to alpine tundra in the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains. We used a dilution technique to sequence the single most abundant archaeal 16S rDNA sequence in each of the 40 soil cores distributed across the gradient to compare our results to those of typical 16S clone library studies.We found a greater diversity of sequences than has typically been found in clone library studies from a single site or core, identifying sequences both from the Terrestrial Group and the FFSB Group at several sites. We did not observe any significant environmental correlates with the dominant sequence type, nor was there any relationship between the spatial distance between samples and the phylogenetic similarity of the dominant sequence types. Despite using a very different methodology, our collective results are in remarkably good agreement with other studies of soil Crenarchaeota in terms of the diversity and relative abundance of sequence types identified. We are able to identify two instances of very tightly clustered sequences which we suggest are the results of global selective sweeps—one closely related to SCA1145, an abundant globally distributed group within the Terrestrial Group of Crenarchaeota, and another nested within the more basal FFSB group of sequences. We replicated our sequence results at two levels: first, by repeating the dilution and PCR processes from the same soil core DNA extraction, and second, by performing a replicate DNA extraction from the same homogenized soil core sample. Pairs of sequences produced by the dilution replicates were significantly more similar than the pairs of sequences produced by the extraction replicates, suggesting that soil Crenarchaeota exists in highly localized and discrete clonal populations.  相似文献   

It remains a challenge to identify the geographical patterns and underlying environmental associations of species with unique ecological niches and distinct behaviors. This in turn hinders our understanding of the ecology as well as effective conservation management of threatened species. The white-eared night heron (Gorsachius magnificus) is a non-migratory nocturnal bird species that has a patchy distribution in the mountainous forests of East Asia. It is currently categorized as “Endangered” on the IUCN Red List, primarily due to its restricted range and fragmented habitat. To improve our knowledge of the biogeography and conservation of this species, we modeled the geographical pattern of its suitable habitat and evaluated the potential impacts of climate change using ecological niche modeling with a maximum entropy approach implemented in Maxent. Our results indicated that the amount of suitable habitat in all of East Asia was about 130 000 km2, which can be spatially subdivided into several mountain ranges in southern and southwestern China and northern Vietnam. The extent of suitable habitat range may shrink by more than 35% under a predicted changing climate when assuming the most pessimistic condition of dispersal, while some more suitable habitat would be available if the heron could disperse unrestrainedly. The significant future changes in habitat suitability suggested for Gorsachius magnificus urge caution in any downgrading of Red List status that may be considered. Our results also discern potentially suitable areas for future survey efforts on new populations. Overall, this study demonstrates that ecological niche modeling offers an important tool for evaluating the habitat suitability and potential impacts of climate change on an enigmatic and endangered species based on limited presence data.  相似文献   

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