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While the role of selective attention in filtering out irrelevant information has been extensively studied, its characteristics and neural underpinnings when multiple environmental stimuli have to be processed in parallel are much less known. Building upon a dual-task paradigm that induced spatial awareness deficits for contralesional hemispace in right hemisphere-damaged patients, we investigated the electrophysiological correlates of multimodal load during spatial monitoring in healthy participants. The position of appearance of briefly presented, lateralized targets had to be reported either in isolation (single task) or together with a concurrent task, visual or auditory, which recruited additional attentional resources (dual-task). This top-down manipulation of attentional load, without any change of the sensory stimulation, modulated the amplitude of the first positive ERP response (P1) and shifted its neural generators, with a suppression of the signal in the early visual areas during both visual and auditory dual tasks. Furthermore, later N2 contralateral components elicited by left targets were particularly influenced by the concurrent visual task and were related to increased activation of the supramarginal gyrus. These results suggest that the right hemisphere is particularly affected by load manipulations, and confirm its crucial role in subtending automatic orienting of spatial attention and in monitoring both hemispaces.  相似文献   

The genetic FOXP2-CNTNAP2 pathway has been shown to be involved in the language capacity. We investigated whether a common variant of CNTNAP2 (rs7794745) is relevant for syntactic and semantic processing in the general population by using a visual sentence processing paradigm while recording ERPs in 49 healthy adults. While both AA homozygotes and T-carriers showed a standard N400 effect to semantic anomalies, the response to subject-verb agreement violations differed across genotype groups. T-carriers displayed an anterior negativity preceding the P600 effect, whereas for the AA group only a P600 effect was observed. These results provide another piece of evidence that the neuronal architecture of the human faculty of language is shaped differently by effects that are genetically determined.  相似文献   

A number of studies have explored the time course of Chinese semantic and syntactic processing. However, whether syntactic processing occurs earlier than semantics during Chinese sentence reading is still under debate. To further explore this issue, an event-related potentials (ERPs) experiment was conducted on 21 native Chinese speakers who read individually-presented Chinese simple sentences (NP1+VP+NP2) word-by-word for comprehension and made semantic plausibility judgments. The transitivity of the verbs was manipulated to form three types of stimuli: congruent sentences (CON), sentences with a semantically violated NP2 following a transitive verb (semantic violation, SEM), and sentences with a semantically violated NP2 following an intransitive verb (combined semantic and syntactic violation, SEM+SYN). The ERPs evoked from the target NP2 were analyzed by using the Residue Iteration Decomposition (RIDE) method to reconstruct the ERP waveform blurred by trial-to-trial variability, as well as by using the conventional ERP method based on stimulus-locked averaging. The conventional ERP analysis showed that, compared with the critical words in CON, those in SEM and SEM+SYN elicited an N400–P600 biphasic pattern. The N400 effects in both violation conditions were of similar size and distribution, but the P600 in SEM+SYN was bigger than that in SEM. Compared with the conventional ERP analysis, RIDE analysis revealed a larger N400 effect and an earlier P600 effect (in the time window of 500–800 ms instead of 570–810ms). Overall, the combination of conventional ERP analysis and the RIDE method for compensating for trial-to-trial variability confirmed the non-significant difference between SEM and SEM+SYN in the earlier N400 time window. Converging with previous findings on other Chinese structures, the current study provides further precise evidence that syntactic processing in Chinese does not occur earlier than semantic processing.  相似文献   

Chemosensory event-related potentials (CSERP) can be used toexamine central nervous odor processing. An important questionfor understanding odor perception is how different concentrationsare processed. In the present study two odors were chosen whichactivate either the olfactory (linalool) or the trigeminal (menthol)system. Both odors were presented to 11 subjects in four differentconcentrations. Four subjects had to attend actively to theodors while the others perceived the odors under passive attention.The results showed that increased concentrations of the olfactorystimulus resulted in shorter latencies of the N1 component butdid not affect the amplitudes of the CSERP. However, the amplitudesof the stimulus dependent, exogenous components (N1, P2) increasedwith higher concentrations of the trigeminal stimulus. The amplitudeof the late positive complex, which reflects endogenous processes,was usually larger when the odorous stimuli had to be attendedto actively. It is concluded that olfactory intensity codingresults in a qualitatively different but not in a stronger neuronalresponse of the human brain. Chem. Senses 22: 9–26, 1997.  相似文献   

内蒙古西伯利亚杏种质资源表型多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了明确内蒙古西伯利亚杏(Armeniaca sibirica(L.)Lam.)种质资源表型性状的变异特点和多样性,对来自14个种源的143份西伯利亚杏种质资源的37个表型性状进行聚类、相关性、主成分等分析。结果表明,内蒙古西伯利亚杏表型性状的变异系数均值为20.38%,单果重的变异系数(56.69%)最大,果形指数的变异系数(7.99%)最小,数量性状的Shannonweaver多样性信息指数(2.648)大于质量性状(0.265);各部位数量性状变异系数大小顺序为叶果核仁,多样性信息指数大小顺序为叶核仁果。基于37个表型性状数据,将种质资源分为4个类群:第Ⅰ类群核仁大且饱满,适用于选育大仁品种;第Ⅱ类群核壳薄,出仁率高,丰产潜力大;第Ⅲ类群核壳厚,适用于选育核壳用品种;第Ⅳ类群果实、果核、核仁均大但核仁不饱满,适用于改良并选育仁用杏品种。数量性状的前6个主成分累计方差贡献率达到87.20%,反映的信息与聚类分析和相关分析结果基本一致。核干重、仁干重、出核率、出仁率等经济性状受果核性状指标的影响较大,结合相关性分析和主成分分析,23个数量性状可简化为单果重、核干重、仁干重、核侧径、核壳厚、仁横径、果形指数、核形指数、仁形指数等9个主要性状。以上结果为西伯利亚杏的资源评价和品种选育提供了重要的物质基础和理论依据。  相似文献   

A subgenomic library constructed from small Pstl restriction fragments (0.4 to 2.0 kb) yielded 83.18% low-copy clones. Using 17 random genomic and 5 heterologous probes in 65 probe-enzyme combinations, Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) for nuclear DNA was studied in five desi and five kabuli type chickpea cultivars. Only two clones revealed polymorphism in the cultivars tested. No polymorphism in chickpea varieties was detected with four Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers studied. However, some degree of polymorphism between C. arietinum and its wild relative C. reticulatum was detected. The RFLP analysis of chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes showed no polymorphism.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Fine structure of Pentatrichomonas hominis is described in the light of previous light microscopic findings. The relationships among kinetosomes #1-#4 and R are like those previously reported orhomonas gallinae, and the same is true of the rootlet filaments associated with the several kinetosomes. The kinetosome (I) of the independent flagellum is situated just behind the reflection of the sigmoid filaments of kinetosome #2 onto the pelta and parallels these filaments for a considerable distance. The peltaraxostylar junction consists of 3 layers: the capitulum of the axostyle (outer, the pelta (intermediate, and the sigmoid rootlets of kineto some #2 (inner). The pelta overlaps the axostylar capitulum to a variable extent. The parabasal body consists of elongate and flattened cisternae of smooth endoplasmic reticulum surrounded by numerous small vesicles. There are 2 typically cross-striated parabasal filaments, filament 2 probably contributing most, if not all, the material to the slender, periodic organelle that underlies the parabasal body and usually does not extend far beyond the posterior end of the nucleus. The periodic costa is paralleled by paracostal granules, but there are few, if any, paraxostylar granules. The ultrastructure of the costa appears to be a network of flattened hexagons, with a single fibril projecting thru each of the hexagonal areas. The major cross-striations are made up largely of densely-stained filaments which are occasionally cut in cross section. The undulating membrane consists of a cytoplasmic fold extending from the dorsal surface of the organism and of the attached part of the recurrent flagellum, which is closely applied to the fold. The segment of the membrane dorsal to the flagellum, presumably the “accessory filament,” contains the marginal lamella, a membrane folded upon itself and with periodicity virtually indistinguishable from that of the rootlet filament of kinetosome #1.  相似文献   



Regular physical activity has recognised health benefits for people with T1DM. However a significant proportion of them do not undertake the recommended levels of activity. Whilst questionnaire-based studies have examined barriers to exercise in people with T1DM, a formal qualitative analysis of these barriers has not been undertaken. Our aims were to explore attitudes, barriers and facilitators to exercise in patients with T1DM.


A purposeful sample of long standing T1DM patients were invited to participate in this qualitative study. Twenty-six adults were interviewed using a semi-structured interview schedule to determine their level of exercise and barriers to initiation and maintenance of an exercise programme.

Principal findings

Six main barriers to exercise were identified: lack of time and work related factors; access to facilities; lack of motivation; embarrassment and body image; weather; and diabetes specific barriers (low levels of knowledge about managing diabetes and its complications around exercise). Four motivators to exercise were identified: physical benefits from exercise; improvements in body image; enjoyment and the social interaction of exercising at gym or in groups. Three facilitators to exercise were identified: free or reduced admission to gyms and pools, help with time management, and advice and encouragement around managing diabetes for exercise.


Many of the barriers to exercise in people with T1DM are shared with the non-diabetic population. The primary difference is the requirement for education about the effect of exercise on diabetes control and its complications. There was a preference for support to be given on a one to one basis rather than in a group environment. This suggests that with the addition of the above educational requirements, one to one techniques that have been successful in increasing activity in patients with other chronic disease and the general public should be successful in increasing activity in patients with T1DM.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The fine structure of Trichomonas gallinae has been examined by electron microscopy and correlated with previous light microscope observations. A composite diagram of the flagellate, derived from both types of examination, is presented. Details of relationships of various mastigont organelles are documented by electron micrographs. The extent of the pelta and its connection to the capitulum of the axostyle have been determined. Four types of kinetosome rootlets have been described. One consists of superficial “filaments” radiating from each of the 9 triplet microtubules of kinetosomes #1, #2 and #3. A 2nd type of rootlet structure is represented by single comma-shaped filaments emerging clockwise from kinetosomes #1 and #3. The filament from kinetosome #1 has a periodic structure similar to that of the marginal lamella with which it is believed to connect. A 3rd type of rootlet emerges from kinetosome #2 as a sheet of about 9 filaments which traverse a sigmoid course and terminate on the inner surface of the microtubules of the pelta near the peltar-axostylar junction. The 4th set of structures consists of the costa and parabasal filaments. These structures have major periodicities of similar dimension but have readily differentiable repeating units. The costa appears to originate at the kinetosome of the recurrent flagellum, but its origin is also contiguous with that of parabasal filament 2 which has some continuity with kinetosomes #2 and #3. Parabasal filament 1, on the other hand, arises solely from or near kinetosome #2. Occasional observations of a costa and a parabasal filament in juxtaposition over a great part of their length has led to the suggestion that the parabasal filament may play a role in the development of the costa. Periodic and filamentous structures have been observed in paraxostylar and paracostal granules and in nearby cytoplasm. Their possible role in providing substance for the developing axostyle and the costa is discussed. The results are discussed in the light of available information pertaining to structure of various trichomonad species as revealed by light and electron microscopy.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The fine structure of Hypotrichomonas acosta resembles in many respects that of Trichomonadidae, and especially of members of the sub-family Trichomonadinae which have been examined to date by electron microscopy. In addition, the flagellate has certain ultrastructural differences from the latter organisms, some of which are of phylogenetic significance. Among these, the structure of the undulating membrane and the apparently occasional presence of a fine filament which may be considered as homologous to the costa of Trichomonadidae are the most important. The undulating membrane is represented by a rather low and otherwise poorly developed dorsal cytoplasmic fold with an ill-defined distal marginal lamella; the recurrent flagellum is applied near the dorsum of the fold. In a very few preparations a relatively short filament, of a diameter falling below the resolution limits of light microscope, is seen in a position which corresponds to that of the costa of Trichomonadidae. The identity of the filament as a probable rudimentary costa is supported also by the character of its periodicity. The rare appearance of the rudimentary costa among hundreds of sections may be explained either by its minute dimensions or by its absence from many hypotrichomonads. Other structures recorded for the first time in trichomonads are: the fine filamentous connections of the axostylar microtubules; the branching of parabasal filament 2; and the unusually organized, perhaps helical, polysomes, which are found in addition to the ribosomal complexes associated with the endoplasmic reticulum and commonly found in trichomonads. A detailed analysis of interconnections among various mastigont structures is presented and several kinds of cytoplasmic inclusions are described. H. acosta is of interest in the study of the nuclear envelope and presence of nuclear pores, which are numerous and conspicuous in this flagellate. The fine structure of the hypotrichomonad is discussed in relation to that of other trichomonads and in some instances to that of other protozoa.  相似文献   



So far, an overall view of olfactory structures activated by natural biologically relevant odors in the awake rat is not available. Manganese-enhanced MRI (MEMRI) is appropriate for this purpose. While MEMRI has been used for anatomical labeling of olfactory pathways, functional imaging analyses have not yet been performed beyond the olfactory bulb. Here, we have used MEMRI for functional imaging of rat central olfactory structures and for comparing activation maps obtained with odors conveying different biological messages.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Odors of male fox feces and of chocolate flavored cereals were used to stimulate conscious rats previously treated by intranasal instillation of manganese (Mn). MEMRI activation maps showed Mn enhancement all along the primary olfactory cortex. Mn enhancement elicited by male fox feces odor and to a lesser extent that elicited by chocolate odor, differed from that elicited by deodorized air. This result was partly confirmed by c-Fos immunohistochemistry in the piriform cortex.


By providing an overall image of brain structures activated in awake rats by odorous stimulation, and by showing that Mn enhancement is differently sensitive to different stimulating odors, the present results demonstrate the interest of MEMRI for functional studies of olfaction in the primary olfactory cortex of laboratory small animals, under conditions close to natural perception. Finally, the factors that may cause the variability of the MEMRI signal in response to different odor are discussed.  相似文献   

Recently nano-materials are widely used but they have shown contrasting effects on human and plant life. Keeping in view the contrasting results, the present study has evaluated plant growth response, antioxidant system activity and photosynthetic apparatus physiological and ultrastructural changes in Brassica napus L. plants grown under a wide range (0, 500, 2500, 4000 mg/l) of nano-TiO2 in a pot experiment. Nano-TiO2 has significantly improved the morphological and physiological indices of oilseed rape plants under our experimental conditions. All the parameters i-e morphological (root length, plant height, fresh biomass), physiological (photosynthetic gas exchange, chlorophyll content, nitrate reductase activity) and antioxidant system (Superoxide dismutase, SOD; Guaiacol peroxidase, POD; Catalase, CAT) recorded have shown improvement in their performance by following nano-TiO2 dose-dependent manner. No significant chloroplast ultra-structural changes were observed. Transmission electron microscopic images have shown that intact & typical grana and stroma thylakoid membranes were in the chloroplast, which suggest that nano-TiO2 has not induced the stressful environment within chloroplast. Finally, it is suggested that, nano-TiO2 have growth promoting effect on oilseed rape plants.  相似文献   

Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded from 74 subjects (45 men) between 18 and 82 years of age in a simple visual detection task. On each trial the subject reported the location of a triangular flash of light presented briefly 20° laterally to the left or right visual field or to both fields simultaneously. ERPs to targets exhibited a similar morphology including P1, N1, P2, N2, and P3 components across all age groups. The principal effects of advancing age were (1) a marked reduction in amplitude of the posterior P1 component (75–150 latency) together with an amplitude increase of an anterior positivity at the same latency; (2) an increase in amplitude of the P3 component that was most prominent over frontal scalp areas; and (3) a linear increase in P3 peak latency. These results extend the findings of age-related changes in P3 peak latency and distribution to a non-oddball task in the visual modality and raise the possibility that short-latency ERPs may index changes in visual attention in the elderly.  相似文献   

Cathepsin L (TbCatL) is an essential lysosomal thiol protease in African trypanosomes. TbCatL is synthesized as two precursor forms (P/X) that are activated to mature form (M) with the removal of the prodomain upon arrival in the lysosome. We examine TbCatL trafficking in a novel system: truncated TbCatL reporter without the C‐terminal domain (CTD; TbCatL?) ectopically expressed in an RNA interference (RNAi) cell line targeting the CTD/3′ untranslated region (UTR) of endogenous mRNA. TbCatL? is synthesized as P′/X′/M′ species, localizes to the lysosome, and rescues the lethal TbCatL RNAi phenotype. Inactive TbCatLΔ:C150A is only processed to M′ in the presence of endogenous TbCatL indicating trans‐auto‐catalytic activation. X′ is formed with active endoplasmic reticulum (ER)‐retained TbCatLΔ:MDDL, but not with TbCatLΔ:C150A, indicating stochastic generation in the ER by cis‐auto‐cleavage within the prodomain of newly synthesized P′. Modelling the TbCatL prodomain on the human CatL structure suggests three solvent accessible features that could contain post‐Golgi targeting signals: the N‐terminus, the helix 1/turn 1 junction, and a separate turn (T3). We demonstrate that the critical motif for lysosomal targeting is an asparagine‐proline dipeptide in T3 that is strictly conserved in all Kinetoplastida. These findings show novel insights on the maturation of TbCatL, which is a critical virulence factor in mammalian infection.  相似文献   

RAPD analysis was carried out to study the genetic variation and phylogenetic relationships of polyploid Aegilops species, which contain the D genome as a component of the alloploid genome, and diploid Aegilops tauschii, which is a putative donor of the D genome for common wheat. In total, 74 accessions of six D-genome Aegilops species were examined. The highest intraspecific variation (0.03–0.21) was observed for Ae. tauschii. Intraspecific distances between accessions ranged 0.007–0.067 in Ae. cylindrica, 0.017–0.047 in Ae. vavilovii, and 0–0.053 inAe. juvenalis.Likewise, Ae. ventricosaand Ae. crassa showed low intraspecific polymorphism. The among-accession difference in alloploidAe. ventricosa (genome DvNv) was similar to that of one parental species, Ae. uniaristata (N), and substantially lower than in the other parent, Ae. tauschii (D). The among-accession difference in Ae. cylindrica(CcDc) was considerably lower than in either parent, Ae. tauschii (D) orAe. caudata (C). With the exception of Ae. cylindrica, all D-genome species—Ae. tauschii (D),Ae. ventricosa (DvNv), Ae. crassa (XcrDcr1 and XcrDcr1Dcr2), Ae. juvenalis (XjDjUj), andAe. vavilovii (XvaDvaSva)—formed a single polymorphic cluster, which was distinct from clusters of other species. The only exception, Ae. cylindrica(CcDc), did not group with the other D-genome species, but clustered withAe. caudata (C), a donor of the C genome. The cluster of these two species was clearly distinct from the cluster of the other D-genome species and close to a cluster of Ae. umbellulata (genome U) and Ae. ovata (genome UgMg). Thus, RAPD analysis for the first time was used to estimate and to compare the interpopulation polymorphism and to establish the phylogenetic relationships of all diploid and alloploid D-genome Aegilops species.  相似文献   

K Jarni  B De Cuyper  R Brus 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e41231
Microsatellite markers were used to describe the genetic variability of four seed stands of wild cherry (Prunus avium L.). One hundred and thirty one individuals were genotyped at ten nuclear microsatellite loci. Total genetic diversity was high (H E = 0.704), while differences between stands were small but significant (F ST = 0.053, G′ ST = 0.234). There was a significant amount of clonal reproduction in one stand, with only 11 genotypes identified among 36 trees. One stand showed a significant excess (F IS = −0.044) of heterozygosity, and one showed a deficit (F IS = 0.044). Our results demonstrate the importance of taking into account the biological and genetic characteristics of species in forest management, especially when determining a new seed stand. The small genetic differences found between seed stands indicate that a large number of stands are not required. However, they should be carefully selected and should possess adequate genetic variability to ensure low relatedness between seed trees.  相似文献   

Abstract The vascular patterns of the ventral side of the kidneys in Bufo bufo and Rana ridibunda is similar. Strong venulae renales revehentes dominate. In Bombina variegata and Xenopus laevis, however, also many superficially located glomeruli are found at the ventral side. In Xenopus further branching of the renal arteries into afferent arterioles attracts attention. Bundles of delicate afferent arterioles originate within circumscribed areas of the renal artery. The glomerular layer of the kidney is tightest in Bombina, and has its maximal extension in Rana. It covers up to 2/3 of the thickness of the kidney while in the other species studied the glomeruli are restricted to the ventral third of the kidney. Glomeruli with double afferent or efferent arterioles were rarely found in Xenopus. The vascularization of the dorsal side of the kidneys is characterized by the presence of large (Bufo, Rana, Xenopus) or small (Bombina) venulae renales advehentes.  相似文献   

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