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Children with a cleft in the soft palate have difficulties with speech, swallowing, and sucking. Despite successful surgical repositioning of the muscles, optimal function is often not achieved. Scar formation and defective regeneration may hamper the functional recovery of the muscles after cleft palate repair. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the anatomy and histology of the soft palate in rats, and to establish an in vivo model for muscle regeneration after surgical injury.


Fourteen adult male Sprague Dawley rats were divided into four groups. Groups 1 (n = 4) and 2 (n = 2) were used to investigate the anatomy and histology of the soft palate, respectively. Group 3 (n = 6) was used for surgical wounding of the soft palate, and group 4 (n = 2) was used as unwounded control group. The wounds (1 mm) were evaluated by (immuno)histochemistry (AZAN staining, Pax7, MyoD, MyoG, MyHC, and ASMA) after 7 days.


The present study shows that the anatomy and histology of the soft palate muscles of the rat is largely comparable with that in humans. All wounds showed clinical evidence of healing after 7 days. AZAN staining demonstrated extensive collagen deposition in the wound area, and initial regeneration of muscle fibers and salivary glands. Proliferating and differentiating satellite cells were identified in the wound area by antibody staining.


This model is the first, suitable for studying muscle regeneration in the rat soft palate, and allows the development of novel adjuvant strategies to promote muscle regeneration after cleft palate surgery.  相似文献   

Palatogenesis is a complex process implying growth, elevation and fusion of the two lateral palatal shelves during embryogenesis. This process is tightly controlled by genetic and mechanistic cues that also coordinate the growth of other orofacial structures. Failure at any of these steps can result in cleft palate, which is a frequent craniofacial malformation in humans. To understand the etiology of cleft palate linked to the BMP signaling pathway, we studied palatogenesis in Bmp7-deficient mouse embryos. Bmp7 expression was found in several orofacial structures including the edges of the palatal shelves prior and during their fusion. Bmp7 deletion resulted in a general alteration of oral cavity morphology, unpaired palatal shelf elevation, delayed shelf approximation, and subsequent lack of fusion. Cell proliferation and expression of specific genes involved in palatogenesis were not altered in Bmp7-deficient embryos. Conditional ablation of Bmp7 with Keratin14-Cre or Wnt1-Cre revealed that neither epithelial nor neural crest-specific loss of Bmp7 alone could recapitulate the cleft palate phenotype. Palatal shelves from mutant embryos were able to fuse when cultured in vitro as isolated shelves in proximity, but not when cultured as whole upper jaw explants. Thus, deformations in the oral cavity of Bmp7-deficient embryos such as the shorter and wider mandible were not solely responsible for cleft palate formation. These findings indicate a requirement for Bmp7 for the coordination of both developmental and mechanistic aspects of palatogenesis.  相似文献   

Genetic differences between various inbred strains of mice in the levels of glucocorticoid receptors embryonic in maxillary mesenchyme cells appear to be reflected in the magnitude of the responses to steroids in these cells. High levels of glucocorticoids cause significant growth inhibition in maxillary mesenchyme cells with subsequent alterations in the production of extracellular matrix components. The presence of higher levels of cytoplasmic glucocorticoid receptor proteins may be one factor which could predispose those strains such as A/J to a greater inhibition of craniofacial growth in vivo by glucocorticoids and therefore increase the frequency of cleft palate production. Furthermore, women with infertility treated with glucocorticoids to support pregnancy give birth to infants with a marked decrease in birth weight [98]. Pharmacologic doses of glucocorticoids can also cause a dramatic reduction in the growth of a number of fetal tissues in mice and humans. In fact, there is evidence that glucocorticoids may be a causative factor in the production of cleft palate in primates [52]. The nature of the molecular elements which determine the biochemical and physiologic responses to glucocorticoids in the palate still remains largely unknown. Although in the mouse there is some evidence to suggest that the major histocompatibility locus (H-2) might be involved, the level(s) at which this control is exerted is unknown. It is possible that this locus may regulate in some manner the level of glucocorticoid receptors and the response to glucocorticoids in the secondary palate. Moreover, there is evidence to suggest that other genes distinct from, but closely linked to the H-2 locus may be important in determining both the strain-dependent differences in susceptibility to glucocorticoid-induced cleft palate and the intracellular levels of cyclic AMP in the secondary palate. It is also apparent that glucocorticoids in conjunction with other hormones or growth factors such as epidermal growth factor and agents which regulate cyclic nucleotide metabolism are essential for the normal development of the secondary palate. Excesses or deficiencies in either the level of these growth regulators and/or in their receptors in specific fetal tissues at defined periods in development are likely to lead to certain fetal malformations. Definition and integration of the genetic, biochemical, and endocrine factors which are involved in the control of cellular growth as influenced by alterations in the composition of cell surface and extracellular matrix components should provide some insights into the events associated with normal palatogenesis.  相似文献   

目的:评价口温蜡在软腭缺损修复中制取缺损腔功能印模的应用效果。方法:对11例硬软腭缺损患者分别采用口温蜡和藻酸盐制取缺损腔印模,制作阻塞器,使用两种阻塞器各1个月后,比较其戴口温蜡取模制作的阻塞器时(甲组)、戴藻酸盐取模制作的阻塞器时(乙组)和不戴阻塞器时(丙组)三种情况下,患者口鼻漏情况的主观满意度、语音清晰度(Speech Inteligibility,SI)以及单韵母频谱分析值,分别对其进行比较。结果:甲组的口鼻漏满意度、语音清晰度及单韵母[i]音F1、F2、[u]音F2、[ü]音F2的频率值均显著高于其余两组(P0.05)。结论:口温蜡取模制作的阻塞器能够明显改善患者因腭咽闭合功能不全造成的口鼻漏、言语障碍等状况。  相似文献   

Taste buds, the sensory organs for taste, have been described as arising solely from the surrounding epithelium, which is in distinction from other sensory receptors that are known to originate from neural precursors, i.e., neural ectoderm that includes neural crest (NC). Our previous study suggested a potential contribution of NC derived cells to early immature fungiform taste buds in late embryonic (E18.5) and young postnatal (P1-10) mice. In the present study we demonstrated the contribution of the underlying connective tissue (CT) to mature taste buds in mouse tongue and soft palate. Three independent mouse models were used for fate mapping of NC and NC derived connective tissue cells: (1) P0-Cre/R26-tdTomato (RFP) to label NC, NC derived Schwann cells and derivatives; (2) Dermo1-Cre/RFP to label mesenchymal cells and derivatives; and (3) Vimentin-CreER/mGFP to label Vimentin-expressing CT cells and derivatives upon tamoxifen treatment. Both P0-Cre/RFP and Dermo1-Cre/RFP labeled cells were abundant in mature taste buds in lingual taste papillae and soft palate, but not in the surrounding epithelial cells. Concurrently, labeled cells were extensively distributed in the underlying CT. RFP signals were seen in the majority of taste buds and all three types (I, II, III) of differentiated taste bud cells, with the neuronal-like type III cells labeled at a greater proportion. Further, Vimentin-CreER labeled cells were found in the taste buds of 3-month-old mice whereas Vimentin immunoreactivity was only seen in the CT. Taken together, our data demonstrate a previously unrecognized origin of taste bud cells from the underlying CT, a conceptually new finding in our knowledge of taste bud cell derivation, i.e., from both the surrounding epithelium and the underlying CT that is primarily derived from NC.  相似文献   



Previous studies have shown that disruption of GABA signaling in mice via mutations in the Gad1, Gabrb3 or Viaat genes leads to the development of non-neural developmental defects such as cleft palate. Studies of the Gabrb3 and Gad1 mutant mice have suggested that GABA function could be required either in the central nervous system or in the palate itself for normal palatogenesis.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To further examine the role of GABA signaling in palatogenesis we used three independent experimental approaches to test whether Gad1 or Viaat function is required in the fetal CNS for normal palate development. We used oral explant cultures to demonstrate that the Gad1 and Viaat mutant palates were able to undergo palatogenesis in culture, suggesting that there is no defect in the palate tissue itself in these mice. In a second series of experiments we found that the GABAA receptor agonist muscimol could rescue the cleft palate phenotype in Gad1 and Viaat mutant embryos. This suggested that normal multimeric GABAA receptors in the CNS were necessary for normal palatogenesis. In addition, we showed that CNS-specific inactivation of Gad1 was sufficient to disrupt palate development.


Our results are consistent with a role for Gad1 and Viaat in the central nervous system for normal development of the palate. We suggest that the alterations in GABA signaling lead to non-neural defects such as cleft palate as a secondary effect due to alterations in or elimination of fetal movements.  相似文献   

目的:重建OSAHS患者上气道和软腭的流固耦合有限元模型,研究OSAHS患者上气道及软腭气流动力学特征,为进一步探讨OSAHS的的发病机制奠定基础。方法:对一名中度OSAHS患者的上气道及周围组织进行MRI扫描,将以DICOM格式存储的扫描数据导入Mimics15.0软件中进行预处理,得到上气道和软腭的模型;再利用逆向工程软件Geomagic Studio 2013建立了2 mm气道壁;然后在3-D重建软件NX中,生成气道壁和气道以及软腭之间的组合模型;最后将该组合模型导入ANSYS Workbench13.0软件中,通过网格划分、定义材料属性、设定模型的边界条件操作建立了上气道和软腭的流固耦合有限元模型。结果:利用Mimics、Ansys等软件建立了完整的上气道和软腭的流固耦合有限元模型。共得到气道:2806835单元和529281个节点;气道壁:2304348单元和3487609个节点;软腭:131855单元和204784个节点。结论:本研究建立的上气道及软腭的流固耦合有限元模型符合人体的生物力学特点,为下一步的数值模拟实验提供了一个更真实、可靠的模型。  相似文献   

Immunohistochemistry for transient receptor potential melastatin-8 (TRPM8), the cold and menthol receptor, was performed on the rat soft palate, epiglottis and pharynx. TRPM8-immunoreactive (IR) nerve fibers were located beneath the mucous epithelium, and occasionally penetrated the epithelium. These nerve fibers were abundant in the posterior portion of the soft palate and at the border region of naso-oral and laryngeal parts of the pharynx. The epiglottis was free from such nerve fibers. The double immunofluorescence method demonstrated that TRPM8-IR nerve fibers in the pharynx and soft palate were mostly devoid of calcitonin gene-related peptide-immunoreactivity (CGRP-IR). The retrograde tracing method also demonstrated that 30.1 and 8.7 % of sensory neurons in the jugular and petrosal ganglia innervating the pharynx contained TRPM8-IR, respectively. Among these neurons, the co-expression of TRPM8 and CGRP-IR was very rare. In the nodose ganglion, however, pharyngeal neurons were devoid of TRPM8-IR. Taste bud-like structures in the soft palate and pharynx contained 4–9 TRPM8-IR cells. In the epiglottis, the mucous epithelium on the laryngeal side had numerous TRPM8-IR cells. The present study suggests that TRPM8 can respond to cold stimulation when food and drinks pass through oral and pharyngeal cavities.  相似文献   

Mice of the A/J and B10.A/SgSnJ strains were treated with 50 mg of cyclosporin A (CsA) per kg of body weight on day 12 of gestation. There were significantly more fetal resorptions in both the A/J and B10.A strain when treated with CsA than in controls treated with olive oil. A low frequency (7.6%) of isolated cleft palates were induced in the A/J strain, which was significantly greater than that observed in A/J mice treated with olive oil alone. No cleft palates were induced in B10.A, which suggests that any increase in susceptibility that was observed could not be attributed to H-2 linked genes.  相似文献   

目的建立小鼠心脏正常发育的时间表以及对应的形态学特征模式.方法小鼠胚胎ED8.5、ED9.5、ED10.5、ED11.5、ED12.5、ED14.5、ED16.5、ED18.5和P1(postnatal day)(出生后1 d的仔鼠)标本,进行整体或心脏部位不同轴向切片,HE染色,采用PCTV图像分析系统,对各时相小鼠心脏形态发育特征进行研究.结果 ⑴细胞结构发育的时空模式:① ED8.5时,生心板形成;ED9.5时,心肌细胞呈不规则的纺锤形,细胞的大小多样化,细胞核小;ED10.5时,小血管和着色较浅的肌原纤维出现,细胞之间连接较松;ED11.5时,心肌纤维排列较紧,纵断面上呈细长形,横断面上呈不规则多角形;ED12.5时,细胞核着色更清晰,心肌细胞形状逐渐规则,细胞之间紧密连接,同时闰盘结构出现在心室心肌细胞.②ED12.5时心肌小梁结构第一次在心室出现,ED14.5时增厚,而在心房少见心肌小梁.⑵心室结构的形成和心脏发育的成熟:①心肌间充质网络结构在ED10.5的心室中明显呈现,随着它的发育,心室的心内膜在ED11.5出现,心室心外膜可以辨认.②房室隔在ED12.5完全形成,心内膜垫在ED12.5开始发生并快速发育,促进室间隔在ED14.5完全形成.③心包膜在ED16.5可明显辨认,心包膜腔形成,此时近段流出道心内膜垫完全心肌细胞替换.结论肌原纤维细胞和心肌间充质细胞同时在ED10.5出现,提示肌原纤维对心肌细胞的成型和心肌化起作用.细胞的结构变化和心肌层的成熟过程,显示小鼠心脏部位成熟时间的不同,心室成熟相对较晚.  相似文献   



African trypanosomes are protozoan parasites that cause “sleeping sickness” in humans and a similar disease in livestock. Trypanosomes also infect laboratory mice and three major quantitative trait loci (QTL) that regulate survival time after infection with T. congolense have been identified in two independent crosses between susceptible A/J and BALB/c mice, and the resistant C57BL/6. These were designated Tir1, Tir2 and Tir3 for Trypanosoma infection response, and range in size from 0.9–12 cM.

Principal Findings

Mapping loci regulating survival time after T. congolense infection in an additional cross revealed that susceptible C3H/HeJ mice have alleles that reduce survival time after infection at Tir1 and Tir3 QTL, but not at Tir2. Next-generation resequencing of a 6.2 Mbp region of mouse chromosome 17, which includes Tir1, identified 1,632 common single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) including a probably damaging non-synonymous SNP in Pram1 (PML-RAR alpha-regulated adaptor molecule 1), which was the most plausible candidate QTL gene in Tir1. Genome-wide comparative genomic hybridisation identified 12 loci with copy number variants (CNV) that correlate with differential gene expression, including Cd244 (natural killer cell receptor 2B4), which lies close to the peak of Tir3c and has gene expression that correlates with CNV and phenotype, making it a strong candidate QTL gene at this locus.


By systematically combining next-generation DNA capture and sequencing, array-based comparative genomic hybridisation (aCGH), gene expression data and SNP annotation we have developed a strategy that can generate a short list of polymorphisms in candidate QTL genes that can be functionally tested.  相似文献   

Indirect immunofluorescence has been used to study the distribution of fibronectin and collagen types I, II, and III in the developing primary and secondary palatal processes and forelimb buds of the Swiss Webster (NIH) mouse. In the palatal processes fibronectin and types I and III collagen are distributed throughout the mesenchyme. Fibronectin is present in the basement membrane, while types I and III collagen are localized in a linear, discontinuous fashion beneath the basement membrane. Fibronectin is not observed in the epithelium, including the presumptive fusion areas. In the forelimb bud these components show a similar distribution prior to chondrogenesis (early day 11). When chondrogenesis commences (late day 11 or early day 12) fibronectin and, to a lesser degree, types I and III collagen are apparently concentrated in the core mesenchyme, suggesting that fibronectin has a role in initiating chondrogenesis, perhaps by increasing cellular aggregation. Type II collagen is observed only in chondrogenic regions. The codistribution of fibronectin and types I and III collagen supports in vitro studies which indicate that cells use fibronectin to bind to collagen in the matrix. The developing chondrogenic regions appear to lose fibronectin gradually, concomitant with the appearance of type II collagen, suggesting that fibronectin is not involved in the maintenance of functional chondrocytes in their matrices.  相似文献   

Atherosclerosis-associated diseases are the main cause of mortality and morbidity in western societies. The progression of atherosclerosis is a dynamic process evolving from early to advanced lesions that may become rupture-prone vulnerable plaques. Acute coronary syndromes are the clinical manifestation of life-threatening thrombotic events associated with high-risk vulnerable plaques. Hyperlipidemic mouse models have been extensively used in studying the mechanisms controlling initiation and progression of atherosclerosis. However, the understanding of mechanisms leading to atherosclerotic plaque destabilization has been hampered by the lack of proper animal models mimicking this process. Although various mouse models generate atherosclerotic plaques with histological features of human advanced lesions, a consensus model to study atherosclerotic plaque destabilization is still lacking. Hence, we studied the degree and features of plaque vulnerability in different mouse models of atherosclerotic plaque destabilization and find that the model based on the placement of a shear stress modifier in combination with hypercholesterolemia represent with high incidence the most human like lesions compared to the other models.  相似文献   

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