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Benzylisoquinoline alkaloids (BIAs) are a class of specialized metabolites with a diverse range of chemical structures and physiological effects. Codeine and morphine are two closely related BIAs with particularly useful analgesic properties. The aldo-keto reductase (AKR) codeinone reductase (COR) catalyzes the final and penultimate steps in the biosynthesis of codeine and morphine, respectively, in opium poppy (Papaver somniferum). However, the structural determinants that mediate substrate recognition and catalysis are not well defined. Here, we describe the crystal structure of apo-COR determined to a resolution of 2.4 Å by molecular replacement using chalcone reductase as a search model. Structural comparisons of COR to closely related plant AKRs and more distantly related homologues reveal a novel conformation in the β1α1 loop adjacent to the BIA-binding pocket. The proximity of this loop to several highly conserved active-site residues and the expected location of the nicotinamide ring of the NADP(H) cofactor suggest a model for BIA recognition that implies roles for several key residues. Using site-directed mutagenesis, we show that substitutions at Met-28 and His-120 of COR lead to changes in AKR activity for the major and minor substrates codeinone and neopinone, respectively. Our findings provide a framework for understanding the molecular basis of substrate recognition in COR and the closely related 1,2-dehydroreticuline reductase responsible for the second half of a stereochemical inversion that initiates the morphine biosynthesis pathway.  相似文献   

The butterflies in the genus Heliconius offer an exceptional opportunity for the study of the ecology and genetics of an adaptive radiation due to their extensive intra‐ and interspecific variation in wing colour patterns and mimetic associations. Here, we characterize 22 polymorphic microsatellite loci in Heliconius melpomene that have been shown to be useful for linkage mapping and population studies in this and other species. Levels of variation were high, although heterozygosity deficiencies were found in most loci, probably due to null alleles. The loci showed broad amplification success on six other species across the genus.  相似文献   

Aspects of intramolecular light energy and electron transfer will be discussed for three protein cofactor complexes, whose three-dimensional structures have been elucidated by x-ray crystallography: Components of light harvesting cyanobacterial phycobilisomes, the purple bacterial reaction centre, and the blue multi-copper oxidases. A wealth of functional data is available for these systems which allow specific correlations between structure and function and general conclusions about light energy and electron transfer in biological materials to be made.  相似文献   

Polyketides are known to be used by insects for pheromone communication and defence against enemies. Although in microorganisms (fungi, bacteria) and plants polyketide biogenesis is known to be catalysed by polyketide synthases (PKS), no insect PKS involved in biosynthesis of pheromones or defensive compounds have yet been found. Polyketides detected in insects may also be biosynthesized by endosymbionts. From a chemical perspective, polyketide biogenesis involves the formation of a polyketide chain using carboxylic acids as precursors. Fatty acid biosynthesis also requires carboxylic acids as precursors, but utilizes fatty acid synthases (FAS) to catalyse this process. In the present review, studies of the biosynthesis of insect polyketides applying labelled carboxylic acids as precursors are outlined to exemplify chemical approaches used to elucidate insect polyketide formation. However, since compounds biosynthesised by FAS may use the same precursors, it still remains unclear whether the structures that are formed from e.g. acetate chains (acetogenins) or propanoate chains (propanogenins) are PKS or FAS products. A critical comparison of PKS and FAS architectures and activities supports the hypothesis of a common evolutionary origin of these enzyme complexes and highlights why PKS can catalyse the biosynthesis of much more complex products than can FAS. Finally, we summarise knowledge which might assist researchers in designing approaches for the detection of insect PKS genes.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of congerin II, a galectin family lectin from conger eel, was determined at 1.45A resolution. The previously determined structure of its isoform, congerin I, had revealed a fold evolution via strand swap; however, the structure of congerin II described here resembles other prototype galectins. A comparison of the two congerin genes with that of several other galectins suggests acceralated evolution of both congerin genes following gene duplication. The presence of a Mes (2-[N-morpholino]ethanesulfonic acid) molecule near the carbohydrate-binding site in the crystal structure points to the possibility of an additional binding site in congerin II. The binding site consists of a group of residues that had been replaced following gene duplication suggesting that the binding site was built under selective pressure. Congerin II may be a protein specialized for biological defense with an affinity for target carbohydrates on parasites' cell surface.  相似文献   

The genus Streptomyces produces two-thirds of microbially derived antibiotics. Polyketides form the largest and most diverse group of these natural products. Antibiotic diversity of polyketides is generated during their biosynthesis by several means, including postpolyketide modification performed by oxidoreductases, a broad group of enzymes including cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (CYPs). CYPs catalyze site-specific oxidation of macrolide antibiotic precursors significantly affecting antibiotic activity. Efficient manipulation of Streptomyces CYPs in generating new antibiotics will require identification and/or engineering of monooxygenases with activities toward a diverse array of chemical substrates. To begin to link structure to function of CYPs involved in secondary metabolic pathways of industrially important species, we determined the X-ray structure of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) CYP154A1 at 1.85 A and analyzed it in the context of the closely related CYP154C1 and more distant CYPs from polyketide synthase (EryF) and nonribosomal peptide synthetase (OxyB) biosynthetic pathways. In contrast to CYP154C1, CYP154A1 reveals an active site inaccessible from the molecular surface, and an absence of catalytic activities observed for CYP154C1. Systematic variations in the amino acid patterns and length of the surface HI loop correlate with degree of rotation of the F and G helices relative to the active site in CYP154A1-related CYPs, presumably regulating the degree of active site accessibility and its dimensions. Heme in CYP154A1 is in a 180 degrees flipped orientation compared with most other structurally determined CYPs.  相似文献   

Natural products and natural product‐derived compounds have been widely used for pharmaceuticals for many years, and the search for new natural products that may have interesting activity is ongoing. Abyssomicins are natural product molecules that have antibiotic activity via inhibition of the folate synthesis pathway in microbiota. These compounds also appear to undergo a required [4 + 2] cycloaddition in their biosynthetic pathway. Here we report the structure of an flavin adenine dinucleotide‐dependent reductase, AbsH3, from the biosynthetic gene cluster of novel abyssomicins found in Streptomyces sp. LC‐6‐2.  相似文献   

Mitomycins are quinone‐containing antibiotics, widely used as antitumor drugs in chemotherapy. Mitomycin‐7‐O‐methyltransferase (MmcR), a key tailoring enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of mitomycin in Streptomyces lavendulae, catalyzes the 7‐O‐methylation of both C9β‐ and C9α‐configured 7‐hydroxymitomycins. We have determined the crystal structures of the MmcR–S‐adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) binary complex and MmcR–SAH–mitomycin A (MMA) ternary complex at resolutions of 1.9and 2.3 Å, respectively. The study revealed MmcR to adopt a common S‐adenosyl‐L ‐methionine‐dependent O‐methyltransferase fold and the presence of a structurally conserved active site general acid–base pair is consistent with a proton‐assisted methyltransfer common to most methyltransferases. Given the importance of C7 alkylation to modulate mitomycin redox potential, this study may also present a template toward the future engineering of catalysts to generate uniquely bioactive mitomycins. Proteins 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The structure of the glycosomal glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gGAPDH) from Trypanosoma cruzi complexed with chalepin, a natural product from Pilocarpus spicatus, has been determined by X-ray crystallography to 1.95 Å resolution. The structure is in the apo form without cofactors in the subunits of the tetrameric gGAPDH in the asymmetric unit. Unequivocal density corresponding to the inhibitor was clearly identified in one monomer. The final refined model of the complex shows extensive conformational changes when compared with the native structure. The mode of binding of chalepin to gGAPDH and its implications for inhibitor design are discussed.  相似文献   

Morphine, first characterized in opium from the poppy Papaver somniferum, is one of the strongest known analgesics. Endogenous morphine has been identified in several mammalian cells and tissues. The synthetic pathway of morphine in the opium poppy has been elucidated. The presence of common intermediates in plants and mammals suggests that biosynthesis occurs through similar pathways (beginning with the amino acid l-tyrosine), and the pathway has been completely delineated in plants. Some of the enzymes in the mammalian pathway have been identified and characterized. Two of the latter steps in the morphine biosynthesis pathway are demethylation of thebaine at the O3- and the O6-positions, the latter of which has been difficult to demonstrate. The plant enzymes responsible for both the O3-demethylation and the O6-demethylation are members of the FeII/α-ketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase family. Previous studies showed that human cytochrome P450 (P450) 2D6 can catalyze thebaine O3-demethylation. We report that demethylation of thebaine at the O6-position is selectively catalyzed by human P450s 3A4 and 3A5, with the latter being more efficient, and rat P450 3A2. Our results do not support O6-demethylation of thebaine by an FeII/α-ketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase. In rat brain microsomes, O6-demethylation was inhibited by ketoconazole, but not sulfaphenazole, suggesting that P450 3A enzymes are responsible for this activity in the brain. An alternate pathway to morphine, oripavine O6-demethylation, was not detected. The major enzymatic steps in mammalian morphine synthesis have now been identified.  相似文献   

UDP-galactose 4-epimerase catalyzes the conversion of UDP-galactose to UDP-glucose during normal galactose metabolism. The molecular structure of UDP-galactose 4-epimerase from Escherichia coli has now been solved to a nominal resolution of 2.5 A. As isolated from E. coli, the molecule is a dimer of chemically identical subunits with a total molecular weight of 79,000. Crystals of the enzyme used for this investigation were grown as a complex with the substrate analogue, UDP-benzene, and belonged to the space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with unit cell dimensions of a = 76.3 A, b = 83.1 A, c = 132.1 A, and one dimer per asymmetric unit. An interpretable electron density map calculated to 2.5 A resolution was obtained by a combination of multiple isomorphous replacement with six heavy atom derivatives, molecular averaging, and solvent flattening. Each subunit of epimerase is divided into two domains. The larger N-terminal domain, composed of amino acid residues 1-180, shows a classic NAD+ binding motif with seven strands of parallel beta-pleated sheet flanked on either side of alpha-helices. The seventh strand of the beta-pleated sheet is contributed by amino acid residues from the smaller domain. In addition, this smaller C-terminal domain, consisting of amino acid residues 181-338, contains three strands of beta-pleated sheet, two major alpha-helices and one helical turn. The substrate analogue, UDP-benzene, binds in the cleft located between the two domains with its phenyl ring in close proximity to the nicotinamide ring of NAD+. Contrary to the extensive biochemical literature suggesting that epimerase binds only one NAD+ per functional dimer, the map clearly shows electron density for two nicotinamide cofactors binding in symmetry-related positions in the dimer. Likewise, each subunit in the dimer also binds one substrate analogue.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of human angiogenin has been determined by X-ray crystallography and is compared here with an earlier model which predicted its structure, based on the homology of angiogenin with bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A. Comparison of the predicted model and crystal structure shows that the active-site histidine residues and the core of the angiogenin molecule, including most of the-strands and-helices, were predicted reasonably well. However, the structure of the surface loop regions and residues near the truncated C-terminus differs significantly. The C-terminal segment includes the active-site residues Asp-116, Gln-117, and Ser-118; Gln-117 in particular has been shown to be important in affecting the ribonucleolytic activity of angiogenin. Also, the orientation of one helix in the model differed from the orientation observed experimentally by about 20°, resulting in a large displacement of this chain segment. The difficulty encountered in predicting the surface loop regions has led to a new algorithm [Palmer and Scheraga (1991),J. Comput. Chem.,12, 505–526; (1992),J. Comput. Chem.,13, 329–350] for predicting the conformations of surface loops.  相似文献   

A comparison of X-ray and NMR structures for human endothelin-1.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Direct comparisons between the recently solved X-ray and NMR structures of human endothelin-1 with respect to secondary structure, RMS deviations, surface accessibilities, and side-chain conformers indicate important differences in conformation, especially in the C-terminus, but also in the central loop region, that are important for defining the specificity of binding. These differences are larger than seen for other X-ray and NMR structures that have been compared. Comparisons between the X-ray structure and the NMR NOE constraints highlight the regions of flexibility and environment-induced diversity in the endothelin structures.  相似文献   

The NG domain of the prokaryotic signal recognition protein Ffh is a two-domain GTPase that comprises part of the prokaryotic signal recognition particle (SRP) that functions in co-translational targeting of proteins to the membrane. The interface between the N and G domains includes two highly conserved sequence motifs and is adjacent in sequence and structure to one of the conserved GTPase signature motifs. Previous structural studies have shown that the relative orientation of the two domains is dynamic. The N domain of Ffh has been proposed to function in regulating the nucleotide-binding interactions of the G domain. However, biochemical studies suggest a more complex role for the domain in integrating communication between signal sequence recognition and interaction with receptor. Here, we report the structure of the apo NG GTPase of Ffh from Thermus aquaticus refined at 1.10 A resolution. Although the G domain is very well ordered in this structure, the N domain is less well ordered, reflecting the dynamic relationship between the two domains previously inferred. We demonstrate that the anisotropic displacement parameters directly visualize the underlying mobility between the two domains, and present a detailed structural analysis of the packing of the residues, including the critical alpha4 helix, that comprise the interface. Our data allows us to propose a structural explanation for the functional significance of sequence elements conserved at the N/G interface.  相似文献   

T4 phage beta-glucosyltransferase (BGT) modifies T4 DNA. We crystallized BGT with UDP-glucose and a 13mer DNA fragment containing an abasic site. We obtained two crystal structures of a ternary complex BGT-UDP-DNA at 1.8A and 2.5A resolution, one with a Tris molecule and the other with a metal ion at the active site. Both structures reveal a large distortion in the bound DNA. BGT flips the deoxyribose moiety at the abasic site to an extra-helical position and induces a 40 degrees bend in the DNA with a marked widening of the major groove. The Tris molecule mimics the glucose moiety in its transition state. The base-flipping mechanism, which has so far been observed only for glycosylases, methyltransferases and endonucleases, is now reported for a glucosyltransferase. BGT is unique in binding and inserting a loop into the DNA duplex through the major groove only. Furthermore, BGT compresses the backbone DNA one base further than the target base on the 3'-side.  相似文献   

Plant natural products have been extensively exploited in food,medicine,flavor,cosmetic,renewable fuel,and other industrial sectors.Synthetic biology has recently emerged as a promising means for the cost-effective and sustainable production of natural products.Compared with engineering microbes for the production of plant natural products,the potential of plants as chassis for producing these compounds is underestimated,largely due to challenges encountered in engineering plants.Knowledge in pl...  相似文献   

The enzyme m1A22-tRNA methyltransferase (TrmK) catalyzes the transfer of a methyl group to the N1 of adenine 22 in bacterial tRNAs. TrmK is essential for Staphylococcus aureus survival during infection but has no homolog in mammals, making it a promising target for antibiotic development. Here, we characterize the structure and function of S. aureus TrmK (SaTrmK) using X-ray crystallography, binding assays, and molecular dynamics simulations. We report crystal structures for the SaTrmK apoenzyme as well as in complexes with methyl donor SAM and co-product product SAH. Isothermal titration calorimetry showed that SAM binds to the enzyme with favorable but modest enthalpic and entropic contributions, whereas SAH binding leads to an entropic penalty compensated for by a large favorable enthalpic contribution. Molecular dynamics simulations point to specific motions of the C-terminal domain being altered by SAM binding, which might have implications for tRNA recruitment. In addition, activity assays for SaTrmK-catalyzed methylation of A22 mutants of tRNALeu demonstrate that the adenine at position 22 is absolutely essential. In silico screening of compounds suggested the multifunctional organic toxin plumbagin as a potential inhibitor of TrmK, which was confirmed by activity measurements. Furthermore, LC-MS data indicated the protein was covalently modified by one equivalent of the inhibitor, and proteolytic digestion coupled with LC-MS identified Cys92 in the vicinity of the SAM-binding site as the sole residue modified. These results identify a cryptic binding pocket of SaTrmK, laying a foundation for future structure-based drug discovery.  相似文献   

Vespid phospholipase A1 (vPLA1) from the black-bellied hornet (Vespa basalis) catalyzes the hydrolysis of emulsified phospholipids and shows potent hemolytic activity that is responsible for its lethal effect. To investigate the mechanism of vPLA1 towards its function such as hemolysis and emulsification, we isolated vPLA1 from V. basalis venom and determined its crystal structure at 2.5 Å resolution. vPLA1 belongs to the α/β hydrolase fold family. It contains a tightly packed β-sheet surrounded by ten α-helices and a Gly-X-Ser-X-Gly motif, characteristic of a serine hydrolyase active site. A bound phospholipid was modeled into the active site adjacent to the catalytic Ser-His-Asp triad indicating that Gln95 is located at hydrogen-bonding distance from the substrate's phosphate group. Moreover, a hydrophobic surface comprised by the side chains of Phe53, Phe62, Met91, Tyr99, Leu197, Ala167 and Pro169 may serve as the acyl chain-binding site. vPLA1 shows global similarity to the N-terminal domain of human pancreatic lipase (HPL), but with some local differences. The lid domain and the β9 loop responsible for substrate selectivity in vPLA1 are shorter than in HPL. Thus, solvent-exposed hydrophilic residues can easily accommodate the polar head groups of phospholipids, thereby accounting for the high activity level of vPLA1. Our result provides a potential explanation for the ability of vPLA1 to hydrolyze phospholipids of cell membrane.  相似文献   

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