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In recent experimental reports, robust circadian oscillation of the phosphorylation level of KaiC has been reconstituted by incubating three cyanobacterial proteins, KaiA, KaiB, and KaiC, with ATP in vitro. This reconstitution indicates that protein-protein interactions and the associated ATP hydrolysis suffice to generate the oscillation, and suggests that the rhythm arising from this protein-based system is the circadian clock pacemaker in cyanobacteria. The mechanism of this reconstituted oscillation, however, remains elusive. In this study, we extend our previous model of oscillation by explicitly taking two phosphorylation sites of KaiC into account and we apply the extended model to the problem of synchrony of two oscillatory samples mixed at different phases. The agreement between the simulated and observed data suggests that the combined mechanism of the allosteric transition of KaiC hexamers and the monomer shuffling between them plays a key role in synchronization among KaiC hexamers and hence underlies the population-level oscillation of the ensemble of Kai proteins. The predicted synchronization patterns in mixtures of unequal amounts of two samples provide further opportunities to experimentally check the validity of the proposed mechanism. This mechanism of synchronization should be important in vivo for the persistent oscillation when Kai proteins are synthesized at random timing in cyanobacterial cells.  相似文献   

Ceramide Induces Apoptosis in Cultured Mesencephalic Neurons   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7  
Abstract: The death of dopaminergic and other neurons in primary cultures of the mesencephalon could be induced by treatment with ceramide, as in lymphocytes where it mediates activation by the cytokines tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-1β of a novel sphingomyelin-dependent signaling pathway leading to apoptosis. The morphological hallmarks of this form of cell death—bleb formation, cell body shrinkage, nuclear chromatin condensation, and fragmentation—were observed in degenerating neurons. Internucleosomal DNA degradation could also be evidenced by gel electrophoresis. The C2 and C6 analogues as well as native ceramide, administered in a dodecane suspension, had a similar effect, whereas the closely related C2-dihydroceramide, which lacks the 4–5 trans double bond in the sphingosine chain, failed to induce apoptosis. Neuronal death could be delayed by serum factors, dibutyryl cyclic AMP, and the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2014,24(18):2161-2167
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The functional role of synchronization has attracted much interest and debate: in particular, synchronization may allow distant sites in the brain to communicate and cooperate with each other, and therefore may play a role in temporal binding, in attention or in sensory-motor integration mechanisms. In this article, we study another role for synchronization: the so-called “collective enhancement of precision”. We argue, in a full nonlinear dynamical context, that synchronization may help protect interconnected neurons from the influence of random perturbations—intrinsic neuronal noise—which affect all neurons in the nervous system. More precisely, our main contribution is a mathematical proof that, under specific, quantified conditions, the impact of noise on individual interconnected systems and on their spatial mean can essentially be cancelled through synchronization. This property then allows reliable computations to be carried out even in the presence of significant noise (as experimentally found e.g., in retinal ganglion cells in primates). This in turn is key to obtaining meaningful downstream signals, whether in terms of precisely-timed interaction (temporal coding), population coding, or frequency coding. Similar concepts may be applicable to questions of noise and variability in systems biology.  相似文献   

Lysophosphatidic Acid Induces Necrosis and Apoptosis in Hippocampal Neurons   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
Abstract: A diverse body of evidence indicates a role for the lipid biomediator lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) in the CNS. This study identifies and characterizes the induction of neuronal death by LPA. Treatment of cultured hippocampal neurons from embryonic rat brains with 50 µ M LPA resulted in neuronal necrosis, as determined morphologically and by the release of lactate dehydrogenase. A concentration of LPA as low as 10 µ M led to the release of lactate dehydrogenase. In contrast, treatment of neurons with 0.1 or 1.0 µ M LPA resulted in apoptosis, as determined by chromatin condensation. In addition, neuronal death induced by 1 µ M LPA was characterized as apoptotic on the basis of terminal dUTP nick end-labeling (TUNEL) staining, externalization of phosphatidylserine, and protection against chromatin condensation, TUNEL staining, and phosphatidylserine externalization by treatment with N -benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-Ala-Asp-fluoromethyl ketone, a broad-spectrum inhibitor of caspases, i.e., members of the interleukin-1β converting enzyme family. Studies with antagonists of ionotropic glutamate receptors did not indicate a significant role for these receptors in apoptosis induced by 1 µ M LPA. LPA (1 µ M ) also induced a decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential. Moreover, pretreatment of neurons with cyclosporin A protected against the LPA-induced decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential and neuronal apoptosis. Thus, LPA, at pathophysiological levels, can induce neuronal apoptosis and could thereby participate in neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

Rhythmic, synchronous firing of groups of neurons is associated with behaviorally relevant states, and it is thus of interest to understand the mechanisms by which synchronization may be achieved. In hippocampal slice preparations, networks of excitatory and inhibitory neurons have been seen to synchronize when strong stimulation is applied at separated sites between which any coupling must be subject to a significant axonal delay. We extend previous work on synchronization in a model system based on the network architecture of these hippocampal slices. Our new analysis addresses the effects of heterogeneous populations and noisy inputs on the stability of synchronous solutions in the system. We find that, with experimentally motivated constraints on the coupling strength, sufficiently large heterogeneity in the input currents renders synchrony unstable. The addition of noise, however, restores stable near-synchrony. We analytically reduce the high-dimensional biophysical equations for the full population to a simple three-dimensional map, and show that the map's stability properties correctly predict both the loss of stability and the restabilizing effect of the noise.  相似文献   

Cocaine Induces Apoptosis in Cortical Neurons of Fetal Mice   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Abstract: Exposure of fetal mouse brain cocultures to cocaine results selectively in the loss of neurites followed by neuronal death. By using enriched neuronal cultures, we here demonstrate that disappearance of neurons, when cultured with cocaine, is caused by apoptosis, based on (1) characteristic morphology of apoptotic nuclei at the level of neurons but not of glial cells by optic microscopy, and on total cell pellets by electron microscopy; (2) fragmentation of total DNA with a typical "ladder" pattern on agarose gels; (3) extensive in situ DNA fragmentation labeling (TUNEL method); and (4) prevention of cell loss by cycloheximide. The major metabolites of cocaine have no detectable effects on neurons, indicating that apoptosis is due to cocaine itself. Inappropriate neuronal apoptosis in cocaine-exposed fetal brain could perturb the neurodevelopmental program and contribute to the quantitative neuronal defects that are too frequently reported in the offspring of cocaine-abusing pregnant women.  相似文献   

Grooming behaviour is the most common innate behaviour in animals. In rodents, it consists of sequences of movements organized in four phases, executed symmetrically on both sides of the animal and creating a syntactic chain of behavioural events. The grooming syntax can be altered by stress and novelty, as well as by several mutations and brain lesions. Grooming behaviour is known to be affected by alterations of the dopamine system, including dopamine receptor modulation, dopamine alteration in genetically modified animals, and after brain lesion. While a lot is known about the initiation and syntactic modifications of this refined sequence of movements, effects of unilateral lesion of dopamine neurons are unclear particularly regarding the symmetry of syntactic chains. In the present work we studied grooming in mice unilaterally lesioned in the medial forebrain bundle by 6-hydroxydopamine. We found a reduction in completion of grooming bouts, associated with reduction in number of transitions between grooming phases. The data also revealed the development of asymmetry in grooming behaviour, with reduced tendency to groom the contralateral side to the lesion. Symmetry was recovered following treatment with L-DOPA. Thus, the present work shows that unilateral lesion of dopamine neurons reduces self-grooming behaviour by affecting duration and numbers of events. It produces premature discontinuation of grooming chains but the sequence syntax remains correct. This deficient grooming could be considered as an intrinsic symptom of Parkinson’s disease in animal models and could present some similarities with abnormalities of motor movement sequencing seen in patients. Our study also suggests grooming analysis as an additional method to screen parkinsonism in animal models.  相似文献   

The mammalian suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is the major endogenous pacemaker that coordinates various daily rhythms including locomotor activity and autonomous and endocrine responses, through a neuronal and humoral influence. In the present study we examined the behavior of dispersed individual SCN neurons obtained from 1- to 3-day-old rats cultured on multi-microelectrode arrays (MEAs). SCN neurons were identified by immunolabeling for the neuropeptides arginine-vasopressin (AVP) and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP). Single SCN neurons cultured at low density onto an MEA can express firing rate patterns with different circadian phases. In these cultures we observed rarely synchronized firing patterns on adjacent electrodes. This suggests that, in cultures of low cell densities, SCN neurons function as independent pacemakers. To investigate whether individual pacemakers can be influenced independently by phase-shifting stimuli, we applied melatonin (10 pM to 100 nM) for 30 min at different circadian phases and continuously monitored the firing rate rhythms. Melatonin could elicit phase-shifting responses in individual clock cells which had no measurable input from other neurons. In several neurons, phase-shifts occurred with a long delay in the second or third cycle after melatonin treatment, but not in the first cycle. Phase-shifts of isolated SCN neurons were also observed at times when the SCN showed no sensitivity to these phase-shifting stimuli in recordings from brain slices. This finding suggests that the neuronal network plays an essential role in the control of phase-shifts.  相似文献   

Cytosine Arabinoside Induces Apoptosis in Cerebellar Neurons in Culture   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Abstract: Cytosine arabinoside (AraC) is a pyrimidine antimetabolite that prevents cell proliferation by inhibiting DNA synthesis. We report that AraC kills cultured cerebellar neurons in a concentration-dependent fashion with an EC50 of ∼60 µ M when added shortly after seeding. This cell death has apoptotic features because we observed (1) morphology of apoptotic nuclei as judged by DNA staining with Hoechst 33258, (2) DNA fragmentation with typical ladder pattern on agarose gel, (3) positive nuclear labeling with a specific in situ DNA fragmentation staining, (4) prevention by deoxycytidine (IC50 = 1 µ M ), protein, and RNA synthesis inhibitors, and (5) release of DNA fragments in the incubating medium. We have also observed that several proteins were overexpressed in AraC-treated neurons by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. We conclude that AraC induces a signal that triggers a cascade of new mRNA and protein synthesis, leading to apoptotic cell death in cultured cerebellar granule cells.  相似文献   

We study some mechanisms responsible for synchronous oscillations and loss of synchrony at physiologically relevant frequencies (10–200 Hz) in a network of heterogeneous inhibitory neurons. We focus on the factors that determine the level of synchrony and frequency of the network response, as well as the effects of mild heterogeneity on network dynamics. With mild heterogeneity, synchrony is never perfect and is relatively fragile. In addition, the effects of inhibition are more complex in mildly heterogeneous networks than in homogeneous ones. In the former, synchrony is broken in two distinct ways, depending on the ratio of the synaptic decay time to the period of repetitive action potentials (s/T), where T can be determined either from the network or from a single, self-inhibiting neuron. With s/T > 2, corresponding to large applied current, small synaptic strength or large synaptic decay time, the effects of inhibition are largely tonic and heterogeneous neurons spike relatively independently. With s/T < 1, synchrony breaks when faster cells begin to suppress their less excitable neighbors; cells that fire remain nearly synchronous. We show numerically that the behavior of mildly heterogeneous networks can be related to the behavior of single, self-inhibiting cells, which can be studied analytically.  相似文献   

Animal circadian clocks are based on multiple oscillators whose interactions allow the daily control of complex behaviors. The Drosophila brain contains a circadian clock that controls rest–activity rhythms and relies upon different groups of PERIOD (PER)–expressing neurons. Two distinct oscillators have been functionally characterized under light-dark cycles. Lateral neurons (LNs) that express the pigment-dispersing factor (PDF) drive morning activity, whereas PDF-negative LNs are required for the evening activity. In constant darkness, several lines of evidence indicate that the LN morning oscillator (LN-MO) drives the activity rhythms, whereas the LN evening oscillator (LN-EO) does not. Since mutants devoid of functional CRYPTOCHROME (CRY), as opposed to wild-type flies, are rhythmic in constant light, we analyzed transgenic flies expressing PER or CRY in the LN-MO or LN-EO. We show that, under constant light conditions and reduced CRY function, the LN evening oscillator drives robust activity rhythms, whereas the LN morning oscillator does not. Remarkably, light acts by inhibiting the LN-MO behavioral output and activating the LN-EO behavioral output. Finally, we show that PDF signaling is not required for robust activity rhythms in constant light as opposed to its requirement in constant darkness, further supporting the minor contribution of the morning cells to the behavior in the presence of light. We therefore propose that day–night cycles alternatively activate behavioral outputs of the Drosophila evening and morning lateral neurons.  相似文献   

神经酰胺诱导小鼠皮层神经元凋亡   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
本实验以原代培养的小鼠大脑皮层神经元为模型,观察了天然神经酰胺在神经元凋亡中的作用。从测定LDH漏出率、MTT代谢率、DNA凝胶电泳,Giemsa染色以及电镜观察等各个方面,探讨了神经酰胺对神经元的作用模式。研究发现,神经酰胺在500~1000nM浓度范围内,作用12h以上,即可诱导原代培养的皮层神经元凋亡,而且此作用具有时间依赖性和剂量依赖性。表明神经酰胺不仅对HL-60细胞有促凋亡的作用,对大脑皮层神经元同样具有促凋亡的作用。  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that okadaic acid (OA) evokes tau phosphorylation and neurofibrillary changes in vivo, and in cultured neurons, that resemble Alzheimers disease pathogenesis. In order to investigate the mechanism of OA-neurotoxicity, we treated cultured rat neurons with OA and examined nuclear morphology, phosphatidylserine (PS) externalization, -fodrin cleavage, and the effects of cell death inhibitors. Our results demonstrated that cycloheximide (CHX) and the broad-spectrum caspase inhibitor, ZVAD, significantly reduced cell death in a dose-dependent manner. Nuclear fragmentation, a hallmark of apoptosis, occurred after OA treatment and was inhibited by CHX or ZVAD. PS externalization was apparent in 6–12 h in neurites and in cell bodies, and peaked at 24 h after OA treatment. Cleavage of -fodrin as visualized by the appearance of 150- and 120-kDa bands appeared with a time course similar to PS externalization. These results suggest that OA induce CHX and caspase sensitive neuronal apoptosis.  相似文献   

The time course of resynchronization of the circadian activity rhythm of hamsters was observed following a 10-hr advance or delay in the light-dark cycle (LD 12:12). Twenty-six shift patterns of the lighting schedule were studied; they consisted of continuous (daily), three-step, two-step and one-step shifting. So long as the daily shift of the lighting schedule was 1 hr or less, the locomotor rhythm followed the continuous shift perfectly. As the amount of daily shift increased, the time course of activity onset deviated more from the time of lights off; the tendency was more marked in advancing than in delaying shifts. Responses of the activity rhythm to stepwise shifting were essentially the same as those to a continuous shift. They were, however, characterized by larger individual variations, and it took additional days before entrainment was achieved. By fitting the time course of entrainment to an exponential model with a constant term, estimates of time constant and shift error were derived. The time constant became shorter with increasing amounts of daily shifts up to 2 hr per day, increasing the number of shift steps, and/or reducing the amount of the initial shift of the seies. The shift error estimated was 0.51 ± 0.12 hr, indicating precise resynchronization. Accordingly, a quicker resynchronization may be expected when a multiple step shift with a moderate initial shift are employed. In the case of a 10-hr shift, for example, a shift of 3 hr followed by another 7 hr may be recommended.  相似文献   

The time course of resynchronization of the circadian activity rhythm of hamsters was observed following a 10-hr advance or delay in the light-dark cycle (LD 12:12). Twenty-six shift patterns of the lighting schedule were studied; they consisted of continuous (daily), three-step, two-step and one-step shifting. So long as the daily shift of the lighting schedule was 1 hr or less, the locomotor rhythm followed the continuous shift perfectly. As the amount of daily shift increased, the time course of activity onset deviated more from the time of lights off; the tendency was more marked in advancing than in delaying shifts. Responses of the activity rhythm to stepwise shifting were essentially the same as those to a continuous shift. They were, however, characterized by larger individual variations, and it took additional days before entrainment was achieved. By fitting the time course of entrainment to an exponential model with a constant term, estimates of time constant and shift error were derived. The time constant became shorter with increasing amounts of daily shifts up to 2 hr per day, increasing the number of shift steps, and/or reducing the amount of the initial shift of the seies. The shift error estimated was 0.51 ± 0.12 hr, indicating precise resynchronization. Accordingly, a quicker resynchronization may be expected when a multiple step shift with a moderate initial shift are employed. In the case of a 10-hr shift, for example, a shift of 3 hr followed by another 7 hr may be recommended.  相似文献   

We used phase resetting methods to predict firing patterns of rat subthalamic nucleus (STN) neurons when their rhythmic firing was densely perturbed by noise. We applied sequences of contiguous brief (0.5–2 ms) current pulses with amplitudes drawn from a Gaussian distribution (10–100 pA standard deviation) to autonomously firing STN neurons in slices. Current noise sequences increased the variability of spike times with little or no effect on the average firing rate. We measured the infinitesimal phase resetting curve (PRC) for each neuron using a noise-based method. A phase model consisting of only a firing rate and PRC was very accurate at predicting spike timing, accounting for more than 80% of spike time variance and reliably reproducing the spike-to-spike pattern of irregular firing. An approximation for the evolution of phase was used to predict the effect of firing rate and noise parameters on spike timing variability. It quantitatively predicted changes in variability of interspike intervals with variation in noise amplitude, pulse duration and firing rate over the normal range of STN spontaneous rates. When constant current was used to drive the cells to higher rates, the PRC was altered in size and shape and accurate predictions of the effects of noise relied on incorporating these changes into the prediction. Application of rate-neutral changes in conductance showed that changes in PRC shape arise from conductance changes known to accompany rate increases in STN neurons, rather than the rate increases themselves. Our results show that firing patterns of densely perturbed oscillators cannot readily be distinguished from those of neurons randomly excited to fire from the rest state. The spike timing of repetitively firing neurons may be quantitatively predicted from the input and their PRCs, even when they are so densely perturbed that they no longer fire rhythmically.  相似文献   

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