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Alzheimer's disease (AD), a prevalent form of dementia, is characterized by the decline of cognitive abilities with age. Available treatment options for AD are limited, making it a significant public health concern. Recent research suggests that metabolic dysfunction plays a role in the development of AD. In addition, insulin therapy has been shown to improve memory in patients with cognitive decline. In this study, we report the first examination of body composition, peripheral insulin sensitivity, and glucose tolerance in relation to behavioral assessments of learning, memory, and anxiety in the TgF344-AD rat model of AD. Results from glucose and insulin tolerance tests show that female TgF344-AD rats exhibit impaired glucose clearance and reduced insulin sensitivity at both 9 and 12 months of age, while males display no differences at 9 months and even improved glucose clearance at 12 months. Results from the Morris Water Maze assessment of learning and memory reveal that male TgF344-AD rats display impairments at both 9 and 12 months of age, while female TgF344-AD rats only show impairments at 12 months. Furthermore, results from open field and elevated plus maze tests suggest that female TgF344-AD rats display increased anxiety at 9 months of age; however, no differences were detected in males or at 12 months of age. Overall, our findings suggest that impairments in metabolism, commonly associated with type 2 diabetes, occur before or simultaneously with cognitive decline and anxiety in a sexually dimorphic manner in the TgF344-AD rat model.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by cognitive disorders and alterations of behavioral traits such as anhedonia and anxiety. Contribution of nonphysiological forms of amyloid and tau peptides to the onset of neurological dysfunctions remains unclear because most preclinical models only present one of those pathological AD-related biomarkers. A more recently developed model, the TgF344-AD rat has the advantage of overexpressing amyloid and naturally developing tauopathy, thus making it close to human familial forms of AD. We showed the presence of a learning dysfunction in a reference memory test, without spatial working memory impairment but with an increase in anxiety levels and a decrease in motivation to participate in the test. In the sucrose preference test, TgF344-AD rats did not show signs of anhedonia but did not increase the volume of liquid consumed when the water was replaced by sucrose solution. These behavioral phenomena were observed at an age when tau accumulation are absent, and where amyloid deposits are predominant in the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex. Within the hippocampus itself, amyloid accumulation is heterogenous between the subiculum, the dorsal hippocampus and the ventral hippocampus. Thus, our data demonstrated heterogeneity in the appearance of various behavioral and neurochemical markers in the TgF344-AD rat. This multivariate analysis will therefore make it possible to define the stage of the pathology, to measure its evolution and the effects of future therapeutic treatments.  相似文献   



To explore the correlation between Nuclear Overhauser Enhancement (NOE)-mediated signals and tumor cellularity in glioblastoma utilizing the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and cell density from histologic specimens. NOE is one type of chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) that originates from mobile macromolecules such as proteins and might be associated with tumor cellularity via altered protein synthesis in proliferating cells.

Patients and Methods

For 15 patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma, NOE-mediated CEST-contrast was acquired at 7 Tesla (asymmetric magnetization transfer ratio (MTRasym) at 3.3ppm, B1 = 0.7 μT). Contrast enhanced T1 (CE-T1), T2 and diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI) were acquired at 3 Tesla and coregistered. The T2 edema and the CE-T1 tumor were segmented. ADC and MTRasym values within both regions of interest were correlated voxelwise yielding the correlation coefficient rSpearman (rSp). In three patients who underwent stereotactic biopsy, cell density of 12 specimens per patient was correlated with corresponding MTRasym and ADC values of the biopsy site.


Eight of 15 patients showed a weak or moderate positive correlation of MTRasym and ADC within the T2 edema (0.16≤rSp≤0.53, p<0.05). Seven correlations were statistically insignificant (p>0.05, n = 4) or yielded rSp≈0 (p<0.05, n = 3). No trend towards a correlation between MTRasym and ADC was found in CE-T1 tumor (-0.31<rSp<0.28, p<0.05, n = 9; p>0.05, n = 6). The biopsy-analysis within CE-T1 tumor revealed a strong positive correlation between tumor cellularity and MTRasym values in two of the three patients (rSp patient3 = 0.69 and rSp patient15 = 0.87, p<0.05), while the correlation of ADC and cellularity was heterogeneous (rSp patient3 = 0.545 (p = 0.067), rSp patient4 = -0.021 (p = 0.948), rSp patient15 = -0.755 (p = 0.005)).


NOE-imaging is a new contrast promising insight into pathophysiologic processes in glioblastoma regarding cell density and protein content, setting itself apart from DWI. Future studies might be based on the assumption that NOE-mediated CEST visualizes cellularity more accurately than ADC, especially in the CE-T1 tumor region.  相似文献   


Background and Purpose

Nuclear Overhauser Enhancement (NOE) mediated chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) is a novel magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique on the basis of saturation transfer between exchanging protons of tissue proteins and bulk water. The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the information provided by three dimensional NOE mediated CEST at 7 Tesla (7T) and standard MRI in glioblastoma patients.

Patients and Methods

Twelve patients with newly diagnosed histologically proven glioblastoma were enrolled in this prospective ethics committee–approved study. NOE mediated CEST contrast was acquired with a modified three-dimensional gradient-echo sequence and asymmetry analysis was conducted at 3.3ppm (B1 = 0.7 µT) to calculate the magnetization transfer ratio asymmetry (MTRasym). Contrast enhanced T1 (CE-T1) and T2-weighted images were acquired at 3T and used for data co-registration and comparison.


Mean NOE mediated CEST signal based on MTRasym values over all patients was significantly increased (p<0.001) in CE-T1 tumor (−1.99±1.22%), tumor necrosis (−1.36±1.30%) and peritumoral CEST hyperintensities (PTCH) within T2 edema margins (−3.56±1.24%) compared to contralateral normal appearing white matter (−8.38±1.19%). In CE-T1 tumor (p = 0.015) and tumor necrosis (p<0.001) mean MTRasym values were significantly higher than in PTCH. Extent of the surrounding tumor hyperintensity was smaller in eight out of 12 patients on CEST than on T2-weighted images, while four displayed at equal size. In all patients, isolated high intensity regions (0.40±2.21%) displayed on CEST within the CE-T1 tumor that were not discernible on CE-T1 or T2-weighted images.


NOE mediated CEST Imaging at 7T provides additional information on the structure of peritumoral hyperintensities in glioblastoma and displays isolated high intensity regions within the CE-T1 tumor that cannot be acquired on CE-T1 or T2-weighted images. Further research is needed to determine the origin of NOE mediated CEST and possible clinical applications such as therapy assessment or biopsy planning.  相似文献   



Neocortical lesions (NLs) are an important pathological component of multiple sclerosis (MS), but their visualization by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) remains challenging.


We aimed at assessing the sensitivity of multi echo gradient echo (ME-GRE) T2 *-weighted MRI at 7.0 Tesla in depicting NLs compared to myelin and iron staining.


Samples from two MS patients were imaged post mortem using a whole body 7T MRI scanner with a 24-channel receive-only array. Isotropic 200 micron resolution images with varying T2 * weighting were reconstructed from the ME-GRE data and converted into R2 * maps. Immunohistochemical staining for myelin (proteolipid protein, PLP) and diaminobenzidine-enhanced Turnbull blue staining for iron were performed.


Prospective and retrospective sensitivities of MRI for the detection of NLs were 48% and 67% respectively. We observed MRI maps detecting only a small portion of 20 subpial NLs extending over large cortical areas on PLP stainings. No MRI signal changes suggestive of iron accumulation in NLs were observed. Conversely, R2 * maps indicated iron loss in NLs, which was confirmed by histological quantification.


High-resolution post mortem imaging using R2 * and magnitude maps permits detection of focal NLs. However, disclosing extensive subpial demyelination with MRI remains challenging.  相似文献   

The recent increase in the use of high field MR systems is accompanied by a demand for acquisition techniques and coil systems that can take advantage of increased power and accuracy without being susceptible to increased noise. Physical location and anatomical complexity of targeted regions must be considered when attempting to image deeper structures with small nuclei and/or complex cytoarchitechtonics (i.e. small microvasculature and deep nuclei), such as the brainstem and the cerebellum (Cb). Once these obstacles are overcome, the concomitant increase in signal strength at higher field strength should allow for faster acquisition of MR images. Here we show that it is technically feasible to quickly and accurately detect blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) signal changes and obtain anatomical images of Cb at high spatial resolutions in individual subjects at 7 Tesla in a single one-hour session. Images were obtained using two high-density multi-element surface coils (32 channels in total) placed beneath the head at the level of Cb, two channel transmission, and three-dimensional sensitivity encoded (3D, SENSE) acquisitions to investigate sensorimotor activations in Cb. Two classic sensorimotor tasks were used to detect Cb activations. BOLD signal changes during motor activity resulted in concentrated clusters of activity within the Cb lobules associated with each task, observed consistently and independently in each subject: Oculomotor vermis (VI/VII) and CrusI/II for pro- and anti-saccades; ipsilateral hemispheres IV-VI for finger tapping; and topographical separation of eye- and hand- activations in hemispheres VI and VIIb/VIII. Though fast temporal resolution was not attempted here, these functional patches of highly specific BOLD signal changes may reflect small-scale shunting of blood in the microvasculature of Cb. The observed improvements in acquisition time and signal detection are ideal for individualized investigations such as differentiation of functional zones prior to surgery.  相似文献   

Here we investigate the utility of a dual-echo Echo-Planar Imaging (DE-EPI) Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) approach to improve lesion conspicuity in pediatric imaging. This method delivers two ‘echo images’ for one diffusion-preparation period. We also demonstrate how the echoes can be utilized to remove transmit/receive coil-induced and static magnetic field intensity modulations on both echo images, which often mimic pathology and thereby pose diagnostic challenges. DE-EPI DWI data were acquired in 18 pediatric patients with abnormal diffusion lesions, and 46 pediatric patient controls at 3T. Echo1 [TE = 45ms] and Echo2 [TE = 86ms] were corrected for signal intensity variation across the images by exploiting the images equivalent coil-sensitivity and susceptibility-induced modulations. Two neuroradiologists independently reviewed Echo1 and Echo2 and their intensity-corrected variants (cEcho1 and cEcho2) on a 7-point Likert scale, with grading on lesion conspicuity diagnostic confidence. The apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) map from Echo1 was used to validate presence of true pathology. Echo2 was unanimously favored over Echo1 for its sensitivity for detecting acute brain injury, with a mean respective lesion conspicuity of 5.7/4.4 (p < 0.005) and diagnostic confidence of 5.1/4.3 (p = 0.025). cEcho2 was rated higher than cEcho1, with a mean respective lesion conspicuity of 5.5/4.3 (p < 0.005) and diagnostic confidence of 5.4/4.4 (p < 0.005). cEcho2 was favored over all echoes for its diagnostic reliability, particularly in regions close to the head coil. This work concludes that DE-EPI DWI is a useful alternative to conventional single-echo EPI DWI, whereby Echo2 and cEcho2 allows for improved lesion detection and overall higher diagnostic confidence.  相似文献   

用含小鼠金属硫蛋白(MT-1)基因启动子与突变的人ApoE7基因的6.0KbDNA片段作为目的基因制备转基因小鼠,利用显微注射法将目的基因导入441枚受精卵,移植于20只假孕鼠,其中15只受孕,共产仔鼠80只,经a-32P斑点杂交与Southern杂交法鉴定出两只整合有人ApoE基因的转基因雌鼠,其拷贝数分别为2和5。将两只首建鼠(雌性Fo代)与正常雄鼠交配,建立F1代转基因鼠系TGE7-2和TGE7-3,为进一步从整体上研究ApoE在脂质代谢中的作用以及ApoE与动脉粥样硬化和Alzheimer’s病的关系创造条件。  相似文献   

This work demonstrates the feasibility of a hybrid radiofrequency (RF) applicator that supports magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and MR controlled targeted RF heating at ultrahigh magnetic fields (B0≥7.0T). For this purpose a virtual and an experimental configuration of an 8-channel transmit/receive (TX/RX) hybrid RF applicator was designed. For TX/RX bow tie antenna electric dipoles were employed. Electromagnetic field simulations (EMF) were performed to study RF heating versus RF wavelength (frequency range: 64 MHz (1.5T) to 600 MHz (14.0T)). The experimental version of the applicator was implemented at B0 = 7.0T. The applicators feasibility for targeted RF heating was evaluated in EMF simulations and in phantom studies. Temperature co-simulations were conducted in phantoms and in a human voxel model. Our results demonstrate that higher frequencies afford a reduction in the size of specific absorption rate (SAR) hotspots. At 7T (298 MHz) the hybrid applicator yielded a 50% iso-contour SAR (iso-SAR-50%) hotspot with a diameter of 43 mm. At 600 MHz an iso-SAR-50% hotspot of 26 mm in diameter was observed. RF power deposition per RF input power was found to increase with B0 which makes targeted RF heating more efficient at higher frequencies. The applicator was capable of generating deep-seated temperature hotspots in phantoms. The feasibility of 2D steering of a SAR/temperature hotspot to a target location was demonstrated by the induction of a focal temperature increase (ΔT = 8.1 K) in an off-center region of the phantom. Temperature simulations in the human brain performed at 298 MHz showed a maximum temperature increase to 48.6C for a deep-seated hotspot in the brain with a size of (19×23×32)mm3 iso-temperature-90%. The hybrid applicator provided imaging capabilities that facilitate high spatial resolution brain MRI. To conclude, this study outlines the technical underpinnings and demonstrates the basic feasibility of an 8-channel hybrid TX/RX applicator that supports MR imaging, MR thermometry and targeted RF heating in one device.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to investigate and evaluate the role of magnetic resonance (MR) diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) in characterizing breast lesions.

Materials and Methods

One hundred and twenty-four lesions in 103 patients (mean age: 57±14 years) were evaluated by MR DKI performed with 7 b-values of 0, 250, 500, 750, 1,000, 1,500, 2,000 s/mm2 and dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MR imaging. Breast lesions were histologically characterized and DKI related parameters—mean diffusivity (MD) and mean kurtosis (MK)—were measured. The MD and MK in normal fibroglandular breast tissue, benign and malignant lesions were compared by One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Tukey''s multiple comparison test. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was performed to assess the sensitivity and specificity of MD and MK in the diagnosis of breast lesions.


The benign lesions (n = 42) and malignant lesions (n = 82) had mean diameters of 11.4±3.4 mm and 35.8±20.1 mm, respectively. The MK for malignant lesions (0.88±0.17) was significantly higher than that for benign lesions (0.47±0.14) (P<0.001), and, in contrast, MD for benign lesions (1.97±0.35 (10−3 mm2/s)) was higher than that for malignant lesions (1.20±0.31 (10−3 mm2/s)) (P<0.001). At a cutoff MD/MK 1.58 (10−3 mm2/s)/0.69, sensitivity and specificity of MD/MK for the diagnosis of malignant were 79.3%/84.2% and 92.9%/92.9%, respectively. The area under the curve (AUC) is 0.86/0.92 for MD/MK.


DKI could provide valuable information on the diffusion properties related to tumor microenvironment and increase diagnostic confidence of breast tumors.  相似文献   



The ability to detect small malignant lesions with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is limited by inadequate accumulations of Gd with standard chelate agents. To date, no T1-targeted agents have proven superiority to Gd chelates in their ability to detect small tumors at clinically relevant field strengths. Activatable cell-penetrating peptides and their Gd-loaded dendrimeric form (ACPPD-Gd) have been shown to selectively accumulate in tumors. In this study we compared the performance of ACPPD-Gd vs. untargeted Gd chelates to detect small tumors in rodent models using a clinical 3T-MR system.

Materials and Methods

This study was approved by the Institutional-Animal Care-and-Use Committee. 2 of 4 inguinal breast fat pads of 16 albino-C57BL/6 mice were inoculated with tumor Py8119 cells and the other 2 with saline at random. MRI at 3T was performed at 4, 9, and 14 days after inoculation on 8 mice 24-hours after injection of 0.036mmol Gd/kg (ACPPD-Gd), and before and 2–3 minutes after 0.1 mmol/kg gadobutrol on the other 8 mice. T1-weighted (T1w) tumor signal normalized to muscle, was compared among the non-contrast, gadobutrol, and ACPPD-Gd groups using ANOVA. Experienced and trainee readers blinded to experimental conditions assessed for the presence of tumor in each of the 4 breast regions. Receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curves and area-under-curve (AUC) values were constructed and analyzed.


Tumors ≥1mm3 were iso-intense to muscle without contrast on T1w sequences. They enhanced diffusely and homogeneously by 57±20% (p<0.001) 24 hours after ACPPD-Gd and by 25±13% (p<0.001) immediately after gadobutrol. The nearly 2-fold difference was similar for small tumors (1-5mm3) (45±19% vs. 19±18%, p = 0.03). ACPPD-Gd tended to improve tumor detection by an experienced reader (AUC 0.98 vs 0.91) and significantly more for a trainee (0.93 vs. 0.82, p = 0.02) compared to gadobutrol. This improvement was more pronounced when obvious tumors (>5mm3) were removed from the ROC analysis for both the experienced observer (0.96 vs. 0.86) and more so for the trainee (0.86 vs. 0.69, p = 0.04).


ACPPD-Gd enhances MMP-expressing tumors of any size at 3T 24 hours after administration, improving their detection by blinded observers when compared to non-contrast and contrast groups given commercial Gd-chelates and imaged during the equilibrium phase.  相似文献   

The existence of a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) closely linked to the fatty locus between the Zucker (Z) and Brown Norway (BN) rat strains allows evaluation of early effects of the fatty (fa) gene using offspring of back-crosses (N2) between F1 females and Zucker obese males. We examined several metabolic characteristics of N2 animals to determine if these hybrid animals exhibited similar characteristics of the obese syndrome to those of Zucker rats. Females from crosses of obese male Zucker (fd/fa) and lean female BN (+/+) rats were back-crossed to their sires, resulting in twelve N2 litters. At 9 weeks of age, liver, spleen, interscapular brown fat (IBAT), and gonadal, retroperitoneal (RP), and inguinal fat depots were removed and weighed. Samples of the RP depot were analyzed for cell size and number. Obese N2 rats were hyperphagic, with body weights in the range of those of obese Zucker rats. Obese N2 rats were also hyperinsulinemic [mean f SEM, pU/ml: females, 7.9 ± 0.6 vs. 82.1 f 8.4 (lean vs. obese); males, 10.5 ± 1.6 vs. 128.5 ± 13.4 (lean vs. obese)] and mildly hyperglycemic [mean ± SEM, mg/dl: females, 104.1 ± 2.0 vs. 139.0 ± 14.7 (lean vs. obese); males, 100.9 ± 2.6 vs. 132.0 ± 2.8 (lean vs. obese) p ≤ 0.05]. White fat depots in obese tats were 3 to 7 times heavier than those in lean rats; adipocyte numbers in RP depots were 50% greater in obese than in lean rats; and cell size was more than 3 times larger. IBAT, liver, and spleen were also heavier in obese vs. lean rats, while tail lengths were shorter. Percent lean carcass mass and % carcass protein were about 30% greater in lean vs. obese rats, while % carcass fat in obese rats was 5 times greater than that of lean rats. Thus, phenotypic expression of the fa gene in ZBN hybrid animals, with approximately 25% of their genetic background coming from the BN strain, appears to be similar to that in Zucker rats. Given the similarity of phenotypic expression of the fa gene between the Zucker strain and ZBN hybrids, it is plausible to consider using ZBN hybrids for studies of early manifestations of fa gene action prior to onset of detectable obesity .  相似文献   

Anatomical atlases play an important role in the analysis of neuroimaging data in rodent neuroimaging studies. Having a high resolution, detailed atlas not only can expand understanding of rodent brain anatomy, but also enables automatic segmentation of new images, thus greatly increasing the efficiency of future analysis when applied to new data. These atlases can be used to analyze new scans of individual cases using a variety of automated segmentation methods. This project seeks to develop a set of detailed 3D anatomical atlases of the brain at postnatal day 5 (P5), 14 (P14), and adults (P72) in Sprague-Dawley rats. Our methods consisted of first creating a template image based on fixed scans of control rats, then manually segmenting various individual brain regions on the template. Using itk-SNAP software, subcortical and cortical regions, including both white matter and gray matter structures, were manually segmented in the axial, sagittal, and coronal planes. The P5, P14, and P72 atlases had 39, 45, and 29 regions segmented, respectively. These atlases have been made available to the broader research community.  相似文献   

Composition of adipose tissue and marrow fat in humans by 1H NMR at 7 Tesla   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Proton NMR spectroscopy at 7 Tesla (7T) was evaluated as a new method to quantify human fat composition noninvasively. In validation experiments, the composition of a known mixture of triolein, tristearin, and trilinolein agreed well with measurements by (1)H NMR spectroscopy. Triglycerides in calf subcutaneous tissue and tibial bone marrow were examined in 20 healthy subjects by (1)H spectroscopy. Ten well-resolved proton resonances from triglycerides were detected using stimulated echo acquisition mode sequence and small voxel ( approximately 0.1 ml), and T(1) and T(2) were measured. Triglyceride composition was not different between calf subcutaneous adipose tissue and tibial marrow for a given subject, and its variation among subjects, as a result of diet and genetic differences, fell in a narrow range. After correction for differential relaxation effects, the marrow fat composition was 29.1 +/- 3.5% saturated, 46.4 +/- 4.8% monounsaturated, and 24.5 +/- 3.1% diunsaturated, compared with adipose fat composition, 27.1 +/- 4.2% saturated, 49.6 +/- 5.7% monounsaturated, and 23.4 +/- 3.9% diunsaturated. Proton spectroscopy at 7T offers a simple, fast, noninvasive, and painless method for obtaining detailed information about lipid composition in humans, and the sensitivity and resolution of the method may facilitate longitudinal monitoring of changes in lipid composition in response to diet, exercise, and disease.  相似文献   

TGR(mREN2)27 (TGR) rats are transgenic animals with an additional mouse renin gene, which leads to overactivity of the renin-angiotensin system. Adult TGR rats are characterized by fulminant hypertension, hypertensive end-organ damage, and an inverse circadian blood pressure pattern. To study the ontogenetic development of cardiovascular circadian rhythms, telemetric blood pressure transmitters were implanted in male Sprague-Dawley (SPRD, n = 5) and heterozygous, transgenic TGR rats before 5 weeks of age. The TGR received either drinking water or enalapril 10 mg/L in drinking water (n = 5 per group). Drug intake was measured throughout the study by computerized monitoring of drinking volume. Circadian patterns in blood pressure and heart rate were analyzed from 5 to 11 weeks of age. In the first week after transmitter implantation, blood pressure did not differ among SPRD, untreated, and enalapril-treated TGR rats. In parallel with the rise in blood pressure of untreated TGR rats, a continuous delay of the circadian acrophase (time of fitted blood pressure maximum) was observed, leading to a complete reversal of the rhythm in blood pressure at an age of 8 weeks. Enalapril reduced blood pressure at night, but was less effective during the day, presumably due to the drinking pattern of the animals, which ingested about 90% of their daily water intake during the nocturnal activity period. After discontinuation of treatment, blood pressure returned almost immediately to values found in untreated TGR rats. In conclusion, the inverse circadian blood pressure profile in TGR rats develops in parallel with the increase in blood pressure. Direct effects of the brain renin-angiotensin system may be involved in the disturbed circadian rhythmicity in TGR(mREN2)27 rats.  相似文献   



To analyze if tumor vessels can be visualized, segmented and quantified in glioblastoma patients with time of flight (ToF) angiography at 7 Tesla and multiscale vessel enhancement filtering.

Materials and Methods

Twelve patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma were examined with ToF angiography (TR = 15 ms, TE = 4.8 ms, flip angle = 15°, FOV = 160×210 mm2, voxel size: 0.31×0.31×0.40 mm3) on a whole-body 7 T MR system. A volume of interest (VOI) was placed within the border of the contrast enhancing part on T1-weighted images of the glioblastoma and a reference VOI was placed in the non-affected contralateral white matter. Automated segmentation and quantification of vessels within the two VOIs was achieved using multiscale vessel enhancement filtering in ImageJ.


Tumor vessels were clearly visible in all patients. When comparing tumor and the reference VOI, total vessel surface (45.3±13.9 mm2 vs. 29.0±21.0 mm2 (p<0.035)) and number of branches (3.5±1.8 vs. 1.0±0.6 (p<0.001) per cubic centimeter were significantly higher, while mean vessel branch length was significantly lower (3.8±1.5 mm vs 7.2±2.8 mm (p<0.001)) in the tumor.


ToF angiography at 7-Tesla MRI enables characterization and quantification of the internal vascular morphology of glioblastoma and may be used for the evaluation of therapy response within future studies.  相似文献   

When performing non-enhanced time-of-flight MR angiography of the lower extremity arteries at 7 T with cardiac triggering, the acquisition time is a crucial consideration. Therefore, in previous studies, saturation RF pulses were applied only every second TR. In the axial source images a slight artifact with an appearance similar to aliasing could be observed. The purpose of this study was to investigate the origin of this artifact. The reason for the artifact is supposed to be related to the two effective TRs during acquisition caused by the sparsely applied saturation RF pulse. Several sequence variants were simulated and implemented within the sequence source code to examine this hypothesis. An adaptation of the excitation flip angles for each TR as well as a correction factor for the k-space data was calculated. Additionally, a different ordering of the k-space data during acquisition was implemented as well as the combination of the latter with the k-space correction factor. The observations from the simulations were verified using both a static and a flow phantom and, finally, in a healthy volunteer using the same measurement setup as in previous volunteer and patient studies. Of all implemented techniques, only the reordering of the k-space was capable of suppressing the artifact almost completely at the cost of creating a ringing artifact. The phantom measurements showed the same results as the simulations and could thus confirm the hypothesis regarding the origin of the artifact. This was additionally verified in the healthy volunteer. The origin of the artifact could be confirmed to be the periodic signal variation caused by two effective TRs during acquisition.  相似文献   



Angiotensin-(1–7) [Ang-(1–7)] counteracts many actions of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Despite its renoprotective effects, extensive controversy exists regarding the role of Ang-(1–7) in obstructive nephropathy, which is characterized by renal tubulointerstitial fibrosis and apoptosis.


To examine the effects of Ang-(1–7) in unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO), male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into three groups: control, UUO, and Ang-(1–7)-treated UUO rats. Ang-(1–7) was continuously infused (24 μg/[kg·h]) using osmotic pumps. We also treated NRK-52E cells in vitro with Ang II (1 μM) in the presence or absence of Ang-(1–7) (1 μM), Mas receptor antagonist A779 (1 μM), and Mas receptor siRNA (50 nM) to examine the effects of Ang-(1–7) treatment on Ang II-stimulated renal injury via Mas receptor.


Angiotensin II (Ang II) and angiotensin type 1 receptor (AT1R) protein expression was higher in UUO kidneys than in controls. Ang-(1–7) treatment also decreased proapoptotic protein expression in UUO kidneys. Ang-(1–7) also significantly ameliorated TUNEL positive cells in UUO kidneys. Additionally, Ang-(1–7) reduced profibrotic protein expression and decreased the increased tumor growth factor (TGF)-β1/Smad signaling present in UUO kidneys. In NRK-52E cells, Ang II induced the expression of TGF-β1/Smad signaling effectors and proapoptotic and fibrotic proteins, as well as cell cycle arrest, which were attenuated by Ang-(1–7) pretreatment. However, treatment with A779 and Mas receptor siRNA enhanced Ang II-induced apoptosis and fibrosis. Moreover, Ang II increased tumor necrosis factor-α converting enzyme (TACE) and decreased angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) expression in NRK-52E cells, while pretreatment with Ang-(1–7) or A779 significantly inhibited or enhanced these effects, respectively.


Ang-(1–7) prevents obstructive nephropathy by suppressing renal apoptosis and fibrosis, possibly by regulating TGF-β1/Smad signaling and cell cycle arrest via suppression of AT1R expression. In addition, Ang-(1–7) increased and decreased ACE2 and TACE expression, respectively, which could potentially mediate a positive feedback mechanism via the Mas receptor.  相似文献   

Altered lipid metabolism is closely associated with diabetes in humans, although predisposing genetic factors that affect hyperlipidemia have not yet been clarified. Our previously established OLETF strain is an obese rat model of type II diabetes, exhibiting hypertriglycemia as well as hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, and abundant abdominal fat. To identify genetic factors responsible for dyslipidemic phenotypes in OLETF rats, we performed a whole-genome scan using 293 male (OLETF × BN) × OLETF backcross rats. Our analysis identified two significant quantitative trait loci (QTLs), on rat chromosomes 1 and 8, that are related to fasting triglyceride levels. The chromosome 1 QTL colocalized with Dmo1 (diabetes mellitus, OLETF type 1), a locus previously shown to associate strongly with both fat levels and body weight. The other significant QTL localizes to the chromosome 8 marker D8Mit2, in a region where several apo-lipoprotein genes are clustered.  相似文献   

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