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Bidirectional ventricular tachycardia is a rare form of tachycardia. We hereby report a case of bidirectional ventricular tachycardia in an 8-year-old boy wherein careful clinical exami-nation led to the diagnosis of Andersen Tawil syndrome. The case also demonstrates the efficacy of flecainide in managing bidirectional ventricular tachycardia in the setting of Andersen Tawil syndrome.  相似文献   

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and fronto-temporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) are progressive neurological disorders affecting motor neurons. Cellular aggregates of fused in sarcoma (FUS) protein are found in cytoplasm of ALS and FTLD patients. Nuclear localisation signal (NLS) domain of FUS binds to Karyopherin β2 (Kapβ2), which drives nuclear transport of FUS from cytoplasm. Several pathogenic mutations are reported in FUS NLS, which are associated with its impaired nuclear transport and cytoplasmic mis-localisation. P525L mutation in NLS is most commonly found in cases of juvenile ALS (jALS), which affects individuals below 25 years of age. jALS progresses aggressively causing death within a year of its onset. This study elucidates the molecular mechanism behind jALS-causing P525L mutation hindering nuclear transport of FUS. We perform multiple molecular dynamics simulations in aqueous and hydrophobic solvent to understand the effect of the mutation at molecular level. Dynamics of Kapβ2-FUS complex is better captured in hydrophobic solvent compared to aqueous solvent. P525 and Y526 (PY-motif) of NLS exhibit fine-tuned stereochemical arrangement, which is essential for optimum Kapβ2 binding. P525L causes loss of several native contacts at interface leading to weaker binding, which promotes self-aggregation of FUS in cytoplasm. Native complex samples closed conformation, while mutant complex exhibits open conformation exposing hydrophilic residues of Kapβ2 to hydrophobic solvent. Mutant complex also fails to exhibit spring-like motion essential for its transport through nuclear pore complex. This study provides a mechanistic insight of binding affinity between NLS and Kapβ2 that inhibits self-aggregation of FUS preventing the disease condition.  相似文献   

IntroductionVentricular arrhythmias/premature ventricular complexes (VA/PVCs) that can be ablated from within the coronary venous system (CVS) have not been described in the United States Veterans Health Administration (VHA) population. We retrospectively studied the VA/PVCs ablations that were performed in the VHA population.MethodsData from 42 consecutive patients who underwent VA/PVCs ablation at Veterans Affairs Hospital, Indianapolis, IN, with 44 VA/PVCs was included in the study. Patients were divided into two groups (CVS group [n = 10], and non-CVS group [n = 32]) based on where the earliest pre-systolic activation was seen with >95% pacematch.ResultsThe mean age in CVS group was 65 ± 8 years versus 64 ± 12 years (p = 0.69) in non-CVS group. Overall there was a statistically significant reduction in PVC burden post ablation (27.7% (pre-ablation) versus 4.7% (post-ablation). In the 10 patients in the CVS group, either ablation or catheter-related mechanical trauma resulted in complete (n = 6 [60%]) or partial (n = 4 [40%]) long-term suppression of VA/PVCs. Right bundle branch block-type VA/PVC (9/11: 82%) was the most common morphology in the CVS group, whereas in the non-CVS group, this type was seen in only 3/33 (9%). The CVS group (25% of total VA/PVCs) had shorter activation time compared to non CVS group.ConclusionIn our experience VA/PVCs with electrocardiograms suggestive of epicardial origin can often be safely and successfully ablated within the coronary venous system. These arrhythmias have unique features in Veterans patient population.  相似文献   

The deposition of α-synuclein (αS) aggregates in the gut and the brain is ever present in cases of Parkinson's disease. While the central non-amyloidogenic-component (NAC) region of αS plays a critical role in fibrilization, recent studies have identified a specific sequence from within the N-terminal region (NTR, residues 36–42) as a key modulator of αS fibrilization. Due to the lack of effective therapeutics which specifically target αS aggregates, we have developed a strategy to prevent the aggregation and subsequent toxicity attributed to αS fibrilization utilizing NTR targeting peptides. In this study, L- and D-isoforms of a hexa- (VAQKTV-Aib, 77–82 NAC) and heptapeptide (GVLYVGS-Aib, 36–42 NTR) containing a self-recognition component unique to αS, as well as a C-terminal disruption element, were synthesized to target primary sequence regions of αS that modulate fibrilization. The D-peptide that targets the NTR (NTR-TP-D) was shown by ThT fluorescence assays and TEM to be the most effective at preventing fibril formation and elongation, as well as increasing the abundance of soluble monomeric αS. In addition, NTR-TP-D alters the conformation of destabilised monomers into a less aggregation-prone state and reduces the hydrophobicity of αS fibrils via fibril remodelling. Furthermore, both NTR-TP isoforms alleviate the cytotoxic effects of αS aggregates in both Neuro-2a and Caco-2 cells. Together, this study highlights how targeting the NTR of αS using D-isoform peptide inhibitors may effectively combat the deleterious effects of αS fibrilization and paves the way for future drug design to utilise such an approach to treat Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

A 51-year-old male developed recurrent episodes of palpitations and pre-syncope after surgical aortic valve replacement. Electrocardiograms after surgery revealed a wide complex tachycardia with alternating left bundle branch and right bundle branch block morphologies. An electrophysiology study (EPS) demonstrated typical bundle branch reentry ventricular tachycardia (BBRVT) treated successfully with right bundle ablation. We demonstrate the key diagnostic features of BBRVT on EPS, describe the circuit of BBRVT with explanation of the HV pseudointerval, and highlight the association of BBRVT and valve replacement.  相似文献   

IntroductionMechanical suppression of premature ventricular complexes (PVCs) is not a well-known observation. We retrospectively reviewed this phenomenon in the Ventricular Arrhythmia (VA) ablation procedures performed at Richard L. Roudebush Veterans Health Administration (VHA) center.MethodsData from 40 consecutive patients who underwent VA ablation at VHA, Indianapolis, IN, with 44 VA was included in the study. Demographic and electrophysiological parameter data was collected.ResultsOverall the mean age of the population was 64 ± 11 years. The phenomenon of mechanical suppression was seen in 11 PVCs. The mean age was 59 ± 15 years in the group in which mechanical suppression was seen. Of the 11 cases, the site of earliest activation was seen in the coronary sinus in 8 and in the pulmonary artery in 3. In one case catheter ablation was not performed because of proximity to the left coronary artery system. However, sustained pressure at the site with earliest electrograms (?35 ms) and 95% pacematch resulted in long-term suppression of PVCs. In the cases in which mechanical suppression was seen, there was a statistically significant reduction in PVC burden compared to pre ablation PVC load (1.1% ± 1.50% (post ablation) versus 24.04% ± 13.07% (pre ablation) versus p < 0.05).In all the 11 cases the site of mechanical suppression was also the site with earliest electrograms.ConclusionThis case series illustrates phenomenon of mechanical suppression of PVCs as an indication for good site for successful ablation in unique veteran patient population.  相似文献   

Identifying protein–protein and other proximal interactions is central to dissecting signaling and regulatory processes in cells. BioID is a proximity-dependent biotinylation method that uses an “abortive” biotin ligase to detect proximal interactions in cells in a highly reproducible manner. Recent advancements in proximity-dependent biotinylation tools have improved efficiency and timing of labeling, allowing for measurement of interactions on a cellular timescale. However, issues of size, stability, and background labeling of these constructs persist. Here we modified the structure of BioID2, derived from Aquifex aeolicus BirA, to create a smaller, highly active, biotin ligase that we named MicroID2. Truncation of the C terrminus of BioID2 and addition of mutations to alleviate blockage of biotin/ATP binding at the active site of BioID2 resulted in a smaller and highly active construct with lower background labeling. Several additional point mutations improved the function of our modified MicroID2 construct compared with BioID2 and other biotin ligases, including TurboID and miniTurbo. MicroID2 is the smallest biotin ligase reported so far (180 amino acids [AAs] for MicroID2 versus 257 AAs for miniTurbo and 338 AAs for TurboID), yet it demonstrates only slightly less labeling activity than TurboID and outperforms miniTurbo. MicroID2 also had lower background labeling than TurboID. For experiments where precise temporal control of labeling is essential, we in addition developed a MicroID2 mutant, termed lbMicroID2 (low background MicroID2), that has lower labeling efficiency but significantly reduced biotin scavenging compared with BioID2. Finally, we demonstrate utility of MicroID2 in mass spectrometry experiments by localizing MicroID2 constructs to subcellular organelles and measuring proximal interactions.  相似文献   

Mutations in PRKN cause the second most common genetic form of Parkinson's disease (PD)—a debilitating movement disorder that is on the rise due to population aging in the industrial world. PRKN codes for an E3 ubiquitin ligase that has been well established as a key regulator of mitophagy. Together with PTEN-induced kinase 1 (PINK1), Parkin controls the lysosomal degradation of depolarized mitochondria. But Parkin's functions go well beyond mitochondrial clearance: the versatile protein is involved in mitochondria-derived vesicle formation, cellular metabolism, calcium homeostasis, mitochondrial DNA maintenance, mitochondrial biogenesis, and apoptosis induction. Moreover, Parkin can act as a modulator of different inflammatory pathways. In the current review, we summarize the latest literature concerning the diverse roles of Parkin in maintaining a healthy mitochondrial pool. Moreover, we discuss how these recent discoveries may translate into personalized therapeutic approaches not only for PRKN-PD patients but also for a subset of idiopathic cases.  相似文献   

The nucleosome comprises two histone dimers of H2A-H2B and one histone tetramer of (H3-H4)2, wrapped around by ~145 bp of DNA. Detailed core structures of nucleosomes have been established by X-ray and cryo-EM, however, histone tails have not been visualized. Here, we have examined the dynamic structures of the H2A and H2B tails in 145-bp and 193-bp nucleosomes using NMR, and have compared them with those of the H2A and H2B tail peptides unbound and bound to DNA. Whereas the H2A C-tail adopts a single but different conformation in both nucleosomes, the N-tails of H2A and H2B adopt two distinct conformations in each nucleosome. To clarify these conformations, we conducted molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, which suggest that the H2A N-tail can locate stably in either the major or minor grooves of nucleosomal DNA. While the H2B N-tail, which sticks out between two DNA gyres in the nucleosome, was considered to adopt two different orientations, one toward the entry/exit side and one on the opposite side. Then, the H2A N-tail minor groove conformation was obtained in the H2B opposite side and the H2B N-tail interacts with DNA similarly in both sides, though more varied conformations are obtained in the entry/exit side. Collectively, the NMR findings and MD simulations suggest that the minor groove conformer of the H2A N-tail is likely to contact DNA more strongly than the major groove conformer, and the H2A N-tail reduces contact with DNA in the major groove when the H2B N-tail is located in the entry/exit side.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2023,29(7):553-559
ObjectiveAutoantibodies against the thyrotropin receptor (TSH-R-Ab) are key mediators for the pathogenesis of Graves' disease (GD). TSH-R-Ab degradation was evaluated using several immunoassays within an exploratory, controlled trial in patients with GD receiving a monoclonal antibody (mAb) targeting the neonatal crystallizable fragment receptor (FcRn).MethodsSerial measurements of TSH-R-Ab serum levels were performed using 3 different binding and cell-based assays in patients with GD either on medication or on placebo.ResultsIn contrast to the placebo group, in which no changes were observed, a 12-week mAb therapy led to an early and significant decrease (>60%) in the serum TSH-R-Ab levels in patients with thyroidal and extrathyroidal GD, as unanimously shown in all 3 assays. These marked changes were noted already at week 7 post baseline (P <.0001 for the binding immunoassay and for the luciferase (readout) bioassay). The 3 TSH-R-Ab binding and bioassays were highly correlated in the samples of both study groups (binding immunoassay vs luciferase bioassay, r =.91, P <.001, binding vs cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) bioassay, r = 0.86, P <.001, and luciferase vs cAMP bioassay, r = 0.71, P =.006). The serological results correlated with the course of the extrathyroidal clinical parameters of GD, that is, clinical activity score and proptosis.ConclusionTargeting the FcRn markedly reduces the disease-specific TSH-R-Ab in patients with GD. The novel and rapid TSH-R-Ab bioassay improves diagnosis and management of patients with GD.  相似文献   

Actin is a hallmark protein of the cytoskeleton in eukaryotic cells, affecting a range of cellular functions. Actin dynamics is regulated through a myriad of actin-binding proteins and post-translational modifications. The mammalian actin family consists of six different isoforms, which vary slightly in their N-terminal (Nt) sequences. During and after synthesis, actins undergo an intricate Nt-processing that yields mature actin isoforms. The ubiquitously expressed cytoplasmic β-actin is Nt-acetylated by N-alpha acetyltransferase 80 (NAA80) yielding the Nt-sequence Ac-DDDI-. In addition, β-actin was also reported to be Nt-arginylated by arginyltransferase 1 (ATE1) after further peptidase-mediated processing, yielding RDDI-. To characterize in detail the Nt-processing of actin, we used state-of-the-art proteomics. To estimate the relative cellular levels of Nt-modified proteoforms of actin, we employed NAA80-lacking cells, in which actin was not Nt-acetylated. We found that targeted proteomics is superior to a commercially available antibody previously used to analyze Nt-arginylation of β-actin. Significantly, despite the use of sensitive mass spectrometry-based techniques, we could not confirm the existence of the previously claimed Nt-arginylated β-actin (RDDI-) in either wildtype or NAA80-lacking cells. A very minor level of Nt-arginylation of the initially cleaved β-actin (DDDI-) could be identified, but only in NAA80-lacking cells, not in wildtype cells. We also identified small fractions of cleaved and unmodified β-actin (DDI-) as well as cleaved and Nt-acetylated β-actin (Ac-DDI-). In sum, we show that the multi-step Nt-maturation of β-actin is terminated by NAA80, which Nt-acetylates the exposed Nt-Asp residues, in the virtual absence of previously claimed Nt-arginylation.  相似文献   

Angiopoietin-like 4 (ANGPTL4) is an important regulator of plasma triglyceride (TG) levels and an attractive pharmacological target for lowering plasma lipids and reducing cardiovascular risk. Here, we aimed to study the efficacy and safety of silencing ANGPTL4 in the livers of mice using hepatocyte-targeting GalNAc-conjugated antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs). Compared with injections with negative control ASO, four injections of two different doses of ANGPTL4 ASO over 2 weeks markedly downregulated ANGPTL4 levels in liver and adipose tissue, which was associated with significantly higher adipose LPL activity and lower plasma TGs in fed and fasted mice, as well as lower plasma glucose levels in fed mice. In separate experiments, injection of two different doses of ANGPTL4 ASO over 20 weeks of high-fat feeding reduced hepatic and adipose ANGPTL4 levels but did not trigger mesenteric lymphadenopathy, an acute phase response, chylous ascites, or any other pathological phenotypes. Compared with mice injected with negative control ASO, mice injected with ANGPTL4 ASO showed reduced food intake, reduced weight gain, and improved glucose tolerance. In addition, they exhibited lower plasma TGs, total cholesterol, LDL-C, glucose, serum amyloid A, and liver TG levels. By contrast, no significant difference in plasma alanine aminotransferase activity was observed. Overall, these data suggest that ASOs targeting ANGPTL4 effectively reduce plasma TG levels in mice without raising major safety concerns.  相似文献   

Amyloidogenic proteins form aggregates in cells, thereby leading to neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer's and prion's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in humans, and degenerative myelopathy (DM) and cognitive dysfunction in dogs. Hence, many small-molecule compounds have been screened to examine their inhibitory effects on amyloidogenic protein aggregation. However, no effective drug suitable for transition to clinical use has been found. Here we examined several novel oxindole compounds (GIF compounds) for their inhibitory effects on aggregate formation of the canine mutant superoxide dismutase 1 (cSOD1 E40K), a causative mutation resulting in DM, using Thioflavin-T fluorescence. Most GIF compounds inhibited the aggregation of cSOD1 E40K. Among the compounds, GIF-0854-r and GIF-0890-r were most effective. Their inhibitory effects were also observed in cSOD1 E40K-transfected cells. Additionally, GIF-0890-r effectively inhibited the aggregate formation of human SOD1 G93A, a causative mutation of ALS. GIF-0827-r and GIF-0856-r also effectively inhibited aggregate formation of human prion protein (hPrP). Subsequently, the correlation between their inhibitory effects on cSOD1 and hPrP aggregation was shown, indicating GIF compounds inhibited the aggregate formation of multiple amyloidogenic proteins. Conclusively, the novel oxindole compounds (GIF-0827-r, GIF-0854-r, GIF-0856-r, and GIF-0890-r) are proposed as useful therapeutic candidates for amyloidogenic neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

Mass-spectrometry-enabled ADP-ribosylation workflows are developing rapidly, providing researchers a variety of ADP-ribosylome enrichment strategies and mass spectrometric acquisition options. Despite the growth spurt in upstream technologies, systematic ADP-ribosyl (ADPr) peptide mass spectral annotation methods are lacking. HCD-dependent ADP-ribosylome studies are common, but the resulting MS2 spectra are complex, owing to a mixture of b/y-ions and the m/p-ion peaks representing one or more dissociation events of the ADPr moiety (m-ion) and peptide (p-ion). In particular, p-ions that dissociate further into one or more fragment ions can dominate HCD spectra but are not recognized by standard spectral annotation workflows. As a result, annotation strategies that are solely reliant upon the b/y-ions result in lower spectral scores that in turn reduce the number of reportable ADPr peptides. To improve the confidence of spectral assignments, we implemented an ADPr peptide annotation and scoring strategy. All MS2 spectra are scored for the ADPr m-ions, but once spectra are assigned as an ADPr peptide, they are further annotated and scored for the p-ions. We implemented this novel workflow to ADPr peptides enriched from the liver and spleen isolated from mice post 4 h exposure to systemic IFN-γ. HCD collision energy experiments were first performed on the Orbitrap Fusion Lumos and the Q Exactive, with notable ADPr peptide dissociation properties verified with CID (Lumos). The m-ion and p-ion series score distributions revealed that ADPr peptide dissociation properties vary markedly between instruments and within instrument collision energy settings, with consequences on ADPr peptide reporting and amino acid localization. Consequentially, we increased the number of reportable ADPr peptides by 25% (liver) and 17% (spleen) by validation and the inclusion of lower confidence ADPr peptide spectra. This systematic annotation strategy will streamline future reporting of ADPr peptides that have been sequenced using any HCD/CID-based method.  相似文献   

Phosphatidic acid (PA) is the simplest phospholipid and is involved in the regulation of various cellular events. Recently, we developed a new PA sensor, the N-terminal region of α-synuclein (α-Syn-N). However, whether α-Syn-N can sense physiologically produced, endogenous PA remains unclear. We first established an inactive PA sensor (α-Syn-N-KQ) as a negative control by replacing all eleven lysine residues with glutamine residues. Using confocal microscopy, we next verified that α-Syn-N, but not α-Syn-N-KQ, detected PA in macrophagic phagosomes in which PA is known to be enriched, further indicating that α-Syn-N can be used as a reliable PA sensor in cells. Finally, because PA generated during neuronal differentiation is critical for neurite outgrowth, we investigated the subcellular distribution of PA using α-Syn-N. We found that α-Syn-N, but not α-Syn-N-KQ, accumulated at the peripheral regions (close to the plasma membrane) of neuronal growth cones. Experiments using a phospholipase D (PLD) inhibitor strongly suggested that PA in the peripheral regions of the growth cone was primarily produced by PLD. Our findings provide a reliable sensor of endogenous PA and novel insights into the distribution of PA during neuronal differentiation.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2022,28(10):1100-1106
ObjectiveSince January 2020, the highly contagious novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has caused a global pandemic. Severe COVID-19 leads to a massive release of proinflammatory mediators, leading to diffuse damage to the lung parenchyma, and the development of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Treatment with the highly potent glucocorticoid (GC) dexamethasone was found to be effective in reducing mortality in severely affected patients.MethodsTo review the effects of glucocorticoids in the context of COVID-19 we performed a literature search in the PubMed database using the terms COVID-19 and glucocorticoid treatment. We identified 1429 article publications related to COVID-19 and glucocorticoid published from 1.1.2020 to the present including 238 review articles and 36 Randomized Controlled Trials. From these studies, we retrieved 13 Randomized Controlled Trials and 86 review articles that were relevant to our review topics. We focused on the recent literature dealing with glucocorticoid metabolism in critically ill patients and investigating the effects of glucocorticoid therapy on the immune system in COVID-19 patients with severe lung injury.ResultsIn our review, we have discussed the regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in patients with critical illness, selection of a specific GC for critical illness-related GC insufficiency, and recent studies that investigated hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal dysfunction in patients with COVID-19. We have also addressed the specific activation of the immune system with chronic endogenous glucocorticoid excess, as seen in patients with Cushing syndrome, and, finally, we have discussed immune activation due to coronavirus infection and the possible mechanisms leading to improved outcomes in patients with COVID-19 treated with GCs.ConclusionFor clinical endocrinologists prescribing GCs for their patients, a precise understanding of both the molecular- and cellular-level mechanisms of endogenous and exogenous GCs is imperative, including timing of administration, dosage, duration of treatment, and specific formulations of GCs.  相似文献   

Here, we present the design, synthesis, and SAR of dual orexin 1 and 2 receptor antagonists, which were optimized by balancing the antagonistic activity for orexin receptors and lipophilicity. Based on the prototype compound 1, ring construction and the insertion of an additional heteroatom into the resulting ring led to the discovery of orexin 1 and 2 receptor antagonists, which were 3-benzoyl-1,3-oxazinane derivatives. Within these derivatives, (−)-3h enabled a high dual orexin receptor antagonistic activity and a low lipophilicity. Compound (−)-3h exhibited potent sleep-promoting effects at a po dose of 1 mg/kg in a rat polysomnogram study, and optimal PK properties with a rapid Tmax and short half-lives in rats and dogs were observed, indicating a predicted human half-life of 0.9–2.0 h. Thus, (−)-3h (ORN0829; investigation code name, TS-142) was selected as a viable candidate and is currently in clinical development for the treatment of insomnia.  相似文献   

Photoreceptor cells express the patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing 2 (PNPLA2) gene that codes for pigment epithelium-derived factor receptor (PEDF-R) (also known as ATGL). PEDF-R exhibits phospholipase activity that mediates the neurotrophic action of its ligand PEDF. Because phospholipids are the most abundant lipid class in the retina, we investigated the role of PEDF-R in photoreceptors by generating CRISPR Pnpla2 knock-out mouse lines in a retinal degeneration-free background. Pnpla2−/− mice had undetectable retinal Pnpla2 gene expression and PEDF-R protein levels as assayed by RT-PCR and immunofluorescence, respectively. The photoreceptors of mice deficient in PEDF-R had deformities as examined by histology and transmission electron microscopy. Pnpla2 knockdown diminished the PLA2 enzymatic activity of PEDF-R in the retina. Lipidomic analyses revealed the accumulation of lysophosphatidyl choline-DHA and lysophosphatidyl ethanolamine-DHA in PEDF-R-deficient retinas, suggesting a possible causal link to photoreceptor dysfunction. Loss of PEDF-R decreased levels of rhodopsin, opsin, PKCα, and synaptophysin relative to controls. Pnpla2−/− photoreceptors had surface-exposed phosphatidylserine, and their nuclei were TUNEL positive and condensed, revealing an apoptotic onset. Paralleling its structural defects, PEDF-R deficiency compromised photoreceptor function in vivo as indicated by the attenuation of photoreceptor a- and b-waves in Pnpla2−/− and Pnpla2+/− mice relative to controls as determined by electroretinography. In conclusion, ablation of PEDF-R in mice caused alteration in phospholipid composition associated with malformation and malperformance of photoreceptors. These findings identify PEDF-R as an important component for photoreceptor structure and function, highlighting its role in phospholipid metabolism for retinal survival and its consequences.  相似文献   

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