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Prolactin (PRL) is a polypeptidic hormone which acts both systemically and locally to cause lactation by interacting with the PRL receptor, a Janus kinase (JAK2)-coupled cytokine receptor family member. Several studies have reported that serum PRL level elevation is associated with an increased risk for breast cancer, and evidence has suggested that PRL is one actor in the pathogenesis and progression of this cancer. We previously reported the involvement of hIKCa1 in breast cell cycle progression and cell proliferation. However, mechanisms by which PRL cooperates with these channels to modulate breast epithelial cell proliferation remain unknown. Our results showed that, in the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line, PRL increased hIKCa1 current density. These channels were functional and regulated the resting membrane potential. The PRL effects were inhibited by TRAM-34 and clotrimazole, the most used hIKCa1 blockers. Moreover, PRL increased proliferation in a dose-dependent manner without overexpressing hIKCa1. To determine whether PRL-induced proliferation and hIKCa1 activity involved the JAK2 pathway, we used pharmacological JAK2 inhibitors (AG490 and JAK inhibitor I). Indeed, PRL-induced JAK2 phosphorylation was required for both cell proliferation and hIKCa1 activity. In the presence of either hIKCa1 blockers or siRNA-hIKCa1, PRL failed to increase cell proliferation and hIKCa1 activity. Taken together, our results demonstrate that PRL plays a role in breast cancer cell proliferation by increasing hIKCa1 activity through the JAK2 signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Mitochondria of Drosophila melanogaster undergo Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release through a putative channel (mCrC) that has several regulatory features of the permeability transition pore (PTP). The PTP is an inner membrane channel that forms from F-ATPase, possessing a conductance of 500 picosiemens (pS) in mammals and of 300 pS in yeast. In contrast to the PTP, the mCrC of Drosophila is not permeable to sucrose and appears to be selective for Ca2+ and H+. We show (i) that like the PTP, the mCrC is affected by the sense of rotation of F-ATPase, by Bz-423, and by Mg2+/ADP; (ii) that expression of human cyclophilin D in mitochondria of Drosophila S2R+ cells sensitizes the mCrC to Ca2+ but does not increase its apparent size; and (iii) that purified dimers of D. melanogaster F-ATPase reconstituted into lipid bilayers form 53-pS channels activated by Ca2+ and thiol oxidants and inhibited by Mg2+/γ-imino ATP. These findings indicate that the mCrC is the PTP of D. melanogaster and that the signature conductance of F-ATPase channels depends on unique structural features that may underscore specific roles in different species.  相似文献   

STIM1 and ORAI1, the two limiting components in the Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ (CRAC) signaling cascade, have been reported to interact upon store depletion, culminating in CRAC current activation. We have recently identified a modulatory domain between amino acids 474 and 485 in the cytosolic part of STIM1 that comprises 7 negatively charged residues. A STIM1 C-terminal fragment lacking this domain exhibits enhanced interaction with ORAI1 and 2–3-fold higher ORAI1/CRAC current densities. Here we focused on the role of this CRAC modulatory domain (CMD) in the fast inactivation of ORAI1/CRAC channels, utilizing the whole-cell patch clamp technique. STIM1 mutants either with C-terminal deletions including CMD or with 7 alanines replacing the negative amino acids within CMD gave rise to ORAI1 currents that displayed significantly reduced or even abolished inactivation when compared with STIM1 mutants with preserved CMD. Consistent results were obtained with cytosolic C-terminal fragments of STIM1, both in ORAI1-expressing HEK 293 cells and in RBL-2H3 mast cells containing endogenous CRAC channels. Inactivation of the latter, however, was much more pronounced than that of ORAI1. The extent of inactivation of ORAI3 channels, which is also considerably more prominent than that of ORAI1, was also substantially reduced by co-expression of STIM1 constructs missing CMD. Regarding the dependence of inactivation on Ca2+, a decrease in intracellular Ca2+ chelator concentrations promoted ORAI1 current fast inactivation, whereas Ba2+ substitution for extracellular Ca2+ completely abrogated it. In summary, CMD within the STIM1 cytosolic part provides a negative feedback signal to Ca2+ entry by triggering fast Ca2+-dependent inactivation of ORAI/CRAC channels.The Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ (CRAC)5 channel is one of the best characterized store-operated entry pathways (17). Substantial efforts have led to identification of two key components of the CRAC channel machinery: the stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1), which is located in the endoplasmic reticulum and acts as a Ca2+ sensor (810), and ORAI1/CRACM1, the pore-forming subunit of the CRAC channel (1113). Besides ORAI1, two further homologues named ORAI2 and ORAI3 belong to the ORAI channel family (12, 14).STIM1 senses endoplasmic reticulum store depletion primarily by its luminal EF-hand in its N terminus (8, 15), redistributes close to the plasma membrane, where it forms puncta-like structures, and co-clusters with ORAI1, leading to inward Ca2+ currents (12, 1619). The STIM1 C terminus, located in the cytosol, contains two coiled-coil regions overlapping with an ezrin-radixin-moesin (ERM)-like domain followed by a serine/proline- and a lysine-rich region (2, 8, 2022). Three recent studies have described the essential ORAI-activating region within the ERM domain, termed SOAR (Stim ORAI-activating region) (23), OASF (ORAI-activating small fragment) (24), and CAD (CRAC-activating domain) (25), including the second coiled coil domain and the following ∼55 amino acids. We and others have provided evidence that store depletion leads to a dynamic coupling of STIM1 to ORAI1 (2628) that is mediated by a direct interaction of the STIM1 C terminus with ORAI1 C terminus probably involving the putative coiled-coil domain in the latter (27).Furthermore, different groups have proven that the C terminus of STIM1 is sufficient to activate CRAC as well as ORAI1 channels independent of store depletion (2225, 27, 29). We have identified that OASF-(233–474) or shorter fragments exhibit further enhanced coupling to ORAI1 resulting in 3-fold increased constitutive Ca2+ currents. A STIM1 fragment containing an additional cluster of anionic amino acids C-terminal to position 474 displays weaker interaction with ORAI1 as well as reduced Ca2+ current comparable with that mediated by wild-type STIM1 C terminus. Hence, we have suggested that these 11 amino acids (474–485) act in a modulatory manner onto ORAI1; however, their detailed mechanistic impact within the STIM1/ORAI1 signaling machinery has remained so far unclear.In this study, we focused on the impact of this negative cluster on fast inactivation of STIM1-mediated ORAI Ca2+ currents. Lis et al. (30) have shown that all three ORAI homologues display distinct inactivation profiles, where ORAI2 and ORAI3 show a much more pronounced fast inactivation than ORAI1. Moreover, it has been reported (31) that different expression levels of STIM1 to ORAI1 affect the properties of CRAC current inactivation. Yamashita et al. (32) have demonstrated a linkage between the selectivity filter of ORAI1 and its Ca2+-dependent fast inactivation. Here we provide evidence that a cluster of acidic residues within the C terminus of STIM1 is involved in the fast inactivation of ORAI1 and further promotes that of ORAI3 and native CRAC currents.  相似文献   

Small-conductance, Ca2+ activated K+ channels (SK channels) are expressed at high levels in brain regions responsible for learning and memory. In the current study we characterized the contribution of SK2 channels to synaptic plasticity and to different phases of hippocampal memory formation. Selective SK2 antisense-treatment facilitated basal synaptic transmission and theta-burst induced LTP in hippocampal brain slices. Using the selective SK2 antagonist Lei-Dab7 or SK2 antisense probes, we found that hippocampal SK2 channels are critical during two different time windows: 1) blockade of SK2 channels before the training impaired fear memory, whereas, 2) blockade of SK2 channels immediately after the training enhanced contextual fear memory. We provided the evidence that the post-training cleavage of the SK2 channels was responsible for the observed bidirectional effect of SK2 channel blockade on memory consolidation. Thus, Lei-Dab7-injection before training impaired the C-terminal cleavage of SK2 channels, while Lei-Dab7 given immediately after training facilitated the C-terminal cleavage. Application of the synthetic peptide comprising a leucine-zipper domain of the C-terminal fragment to Jurkat cells impaired SK2 channel-mediated currents, indicating that the endogenously cleaved fragment might exert its effects on memory formation by blocking SK2 channel-mediated currents. Our present findings suggest that SK2 channel proteins contribute to synaptic plasticity and memory not only as ion channels but also by additionally generating a SK2 C-terminal fragment, involved in both processes. The modulation of fear memory by down-regulating SK2 C-terminal cleavage might have applicability in the treatment of anxiety disorders in which fear conditioning is enhanced.  相似文献   

To reveal heterogeneity of mitochondrial function on the single-mitochondrion level we have studied the spatiotemporal dynamics of the mitochondrial Ca2+ signaling and the mitochondrial membrane potential using wide-field fluorescence imaging and digital image processing techniques. Here we demonstrate first-time discrete sites--intramitochondrial hotspots--of Ca2+ uptake after Ca2+ release from intracellular stores, and spreading of Ca2+ rise within the mitochondria. The phenomenon was characterized by comparison of observations in intact cells stimulated by ATP and in plasma membrane permeabilized or in ionophore-treated cells exposed to elevated buffer [Ca2+]. The findings indicate that Ca2+ diffuses laterally within the mitochondria, and that the diffusion is limited for shorter segments of the mitochondrial network. These observations were supported by mathematical simulation of buffered diffusion. The mitochondrial membrane potential was investigated using the potentiometric dye TMRM. Irradiation-induced fluctuations (flickering) of TMRM fluorescence showed synchronicity over large regions of the mitochondrial network, indicating that certain parts of this network form electrical syncytia. The spatial extension of these syncytia was decreased by 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate (2-APB) or by propranolol (blockers of nonclassical mitochondrial permeabilities). Our data suggest that mitochondria form syncytia of electrical conductance whereas the passage of Ca2+ is restricted to the individual organelle.  相似文献   

Ca2+ Channels in Higher Plant Cells   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文

Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) evokes release of Ca2+ from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), but the resulting Ca2+ signals are shaped by interactions with additional intracellular organelles. Bafilomycin A1, which prevents lysosomal Ca2+ uptake by inhibiting H+ pumping into lysosomes, increased the amplitude of the initial Ca2+ signals evoked by carbachol in human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells. Carbachol alone and carbachol in combination with parathyroid hormone (PTH) evoke Ca2+ release from distinct IP3-sensitive Ca2+ stores in HEK cells stably expressing human type 1 PTH receptors. Bafilomycin A1 similarly exaggerated the Ca2+ signals evoked by carbachol or carbachol with PTH, indicating that Ca2+ released from distinct IP3-sensitive Ca2+ stores is sequestered by lysosomes. The Ca2+ signals resulting from store-operated Ca2+ entry, whether evoked by thapsigargin or carbachol, were unaffected by bafilomycin A1. Using Gd3+ (1 mM) to inhibit both Ca2+ entry and Ca2+ extrusion, HEK cells were repetitively stimulated with carbachol to assess the effectiveness of Ca2+ recycling to the ER after IP3-evoked Ca2+ release. Blocking lysosomal Ca2+ uptake with bafilomycin A1 increased the amplitude of each carbachol-evoked Ca2+ signal without affecting the rate of Ca2+ recycling to the ER. This suggests that Ca2+ accumulated by lysosomes is rapidly returned to the ER. We conclude that lysosomes rapidly, reversibly and selectively accumulate the Ca2+ released by IP3 receptors residing within distinct Ca2+ stores, but not the Ca2+ entering cells via receptor-regulated, store-operated Ca2+ entry pathways.  相似文献   

It is well documented that nifedipine, a commonly used dihydropyridine Ca2+ channel blocker, has also significant interactions with voltage-gated K+ (Kv) channels. But to date, little is known whether nifedipine exerted an action on Kv2.1 channels, a member of the Shab subfamily with slow inactivation. In the present study, we explored the effects of nifedipine on rat Kv2.1 channels expressed in HEK293 cells. Data from whole-cell recording showed that nifedipine substantially reduced Kv2.1 currents with the IC50 value of 37.5 ± 5.7 μM and delayed the time course of activation without effects on the activation curve. Moreover, this drug also significantly shortened the duration of inactivation and deactivation of Kv2.1 currents in a voltage-dependent manner. Interestingly, the half-maximum inactivation potential (V1/2) of Kv2.1 currents was -11.4 ± 0.9 mV in control and became -38.5 ± 0.4 mV after application of 50 μM nifedipine. The large hyperpolarizing shift (27 mV) of the inactivation curve has not been reported previously and may result in more inactivation for outward delayed rectifier K+ currents mediated by Kv2.1 channels at repolarization phases. The Y380R mutant significantly increased the binding affinity of nifedipine to Kv2.1 channels, suggesting an interaction of nifedipine with the outer mouth region of this channel. The data present here will be helpful to understand the diverse effects exerted by nifedipine on various Kv channels.  相似文献   

Maximyuk  O.  Khmyz  V.  Lozovaya  N.  Dascal  N.  Krishtal  O. 《Neurophysiology》2002,34(2-3):182-183
Experiments on isolated rat brain neurons with an elevated intracellular sodium concentration (due to tetanic stimulation) demonstrated the existence of earlier unknown negative modulation of calcium channels by intracellular sodium.  相似文献   



The possible role of UCP2 in modulating mitochondrial Ca2+-uptake (mCa2+-uptake) via the mitochondrial calcium uniporter (MCU) is highly controversial.


Thus, we analyzed mCa2+-uptake in isolated cardiac mitochondria, MCU single-channel activity in cardiac mitoplasts, dual Ca2+-transients from mitochondrial ((Ca2+)m) and intracellular compartment ((Ca2+)c) in the whole-cell configuration in cardiomyocytes of wild-type (WT) and UCP2-/- mice.


Isolated mitochondria showed a Ru360 sensitive mCa2+-uptake, which was significantly decreased in UCP2-/- (229.4±30.8 FU vs. 146.3±23.4 FU, P<0.05). Single-channel registrations confirmed a Ru360 sensitive voltage-gated Ca2+-channel in mitoplasts, i.e. mCa1, showing a reduced single-channel activity in UCP2-/- (Po,total: 0.34±0.05% vs. 0.07±0.01%, P<0.05). In UCP2-/- cardiomyocytes (Ca2+)m was decreased (0.050±0.009 FU vs. 0.021±0.005 FU, P<0.05) while (Ca2+)c was unchanged (0.032±0.002 FU vs. 0.028±0.004 FU, P>0.05) and transsarcolemmal Ca2+-influx was inhibited suggesting a possible compensatory mechanism. Additionally, we observed an inhibitory effect of ATP on mCa2+-uptake in WT mitoplasts and (Ca2+)m of cardiomyocytes leading to an increase of (Ca2+)c while no ATP dependent effect was observed in UCP2-/-.


Our results indicate regulatory effects of UCP2 on mCa2+-uptake. Furthermore, we propose, that previously described inhibitory effects on MCU by ATP may be mediated via UCP2 resulting in changes of excitation contraction coupling.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial Ca2+ homeostasis in intact cells   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
《The Journal of cell biology》1994,126(5):1183-1194
Ca2+ is a key regulator not only of multiple cytosolic enzymes, but also of a variety of metabolic pathways occurring within the lumen of intracellular organelles. Until recently, no technique to selectively monitor the Ca2+ concentration within defined cellular compartments was available. We have recently proposed the use of molecularly engineered Ca(2+)-sensitive photoproteins to obtain such a result and demonstrated the application of this methodology to the study of mitochondrial and nuclear Ca2+ dynamics. We here describe in more detail the use of chimeric recombinant aequorin targeted to the mitochondria. The technique can be applied with equivalent results to different cell models, transiently or permanently transfected. In all the cell types we analyzed, mitochondrial Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]m) increases rapidly and transiently upon stimulation with agonists coupled to InsP3 generation. We confirm that the high speed of mitochondrial Ca2+ accumulation with this type of stimuli depends on the generation of local gradients of Ca2+ in the cytosol, close to the channels sensitive to InsP3. In fact, only activation of these channels, but not the simple release from internal stores, as that elicited by blocking the intracellular Ca2+ ATPases, results in a fast mitochondrial Ca2+ accumulation. We also provide evidence in favor of a microheterogeneity among mitochondria of the same cells, about 30% of them apparently sensing the microdomains of high cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]c). The changes in [Ca2+]m appear sufficiently large to induce a rapid activation of mitochondrial dehydrogenases, which can be followed by monitoring the level of NAD(P)H fluorescence. A general scheme can thus be envisaged by which the triggering of a plasma membrane receptor coupled to InsP3 generation raises the Ca2+ concentration both in the cytoplasm (thereby triggering energy-consuming processes, such as cell proliferation, motility, secretion, etc.) and in the mitochondria, where it activates the metabolic activity according to the increased cell needs.  相似文献   

High-resolution fluorescent imaging of mitochondrial-targeted probes was used to examine the ability of mitochondria to decode complex spatial and temporal Ca2+ signals evoked in synaptically active networks of hippocampal neurons. Green-to-red photoconversion of the mitochondrial-targeted probe, mito-Kaede, demonstrated that mitochondria were present as discrete organelles 2-6 microm in length. Real-time imaging of mitochondrial-targeted ratiometric pericam (2 mtRP) visualised rapid, repetitive, transient mitochondrial Ca2+ fluxes in response to periods of synaptic activation. Mitochondrial Ca2+ fluxes within cellular compartments were dependent on the extent of synaptic recruitment, but independent of cross-talk with the endoplasmic reticulum or the presence of an interconnected mitochondrial network. Mitochondria in dendritic regions demonstrated a greater sensitivity to synaptic activation compared with somatic mitochondria. Temporal decoding of synaptic signals was rate-limited by the activity of the mitochondrial Na+/Ca2+ exchanger. Spatial regulation of mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake was determined by the magnitude of the cytosolic Ca2+ rise in each cellular compartment.  相似文献   

Mitochondria may function as multiple separate organelles or as a single electrically coupled continuum to modulate changes in [Ca2+]c (cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration) in various cell types. Mitochondria may also be tethered to the internal Ca2+ store or plasma membrane in particular parts of cells to facilitate the organelles modulation of local and global [Ca2+]c increases. Differences in the organization and positioning contributes significantly to the at times apparently contradictory reports on the way mitochondria modulate [Ca2+]c signals. In the present paper, we review the organization of mitochondria and the organelles role in Ca2+ signalling.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial Ca2+ and the heart   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It is now well established that mitochondria accumulate Ca(2+) ions during cytosolic Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](i)) elevations in a variety of cell types including cardiomyocytes. Elevations in intramitochondrial Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](m)) activate several key enzymes in the mitochondrial matrix to enhance ATP production, alter the spatial and temporal profile of intracellular Ca(2+) signaling, and play an important role in the initiation of cell death pathways. Moreover, mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake stimulates nitric oxide (NO) production by mitochondria, which modulates oxygen consumption, ATP production, reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, and in turn provides negative feedback for the regulation of mitochondrial Ca(2+) accumulation. Controversy remains, however, whether in cardiac myocytes mitochondrial Ca(2+) transport mechanisms allow beat-to-beat transmission of fast cytosolic [Ca(2+)](i) oscillations into oscillatory changes in mitochondrial matrix [Ca(2+)](m). This review critically summarizes the recent experimental work in this field.  相似文献   

During development, disease or in response to changes in local environmental and/or nutrient supply, cellular metabolism is substantially remodeled. Reduced mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake was recently reported to induce metabolic remodeling, which through stimulating alterations in the epigenome causes changes in gene expression associated with fibroblast to myofibroblast differentiation.  相似文献   

Recent data shed light on two novel aspects of the mitochondria-Ca2+ liaison. First, it was extensively investigated how Ca2+ handling is controlled by mitochondrial shape, and positioning; a playground also of cell death and survival regulation. On the other hand, significant progress has been made to explore how intra- and near-mitochondrial Ca2+ signals modify mitochondrial morphology and cellular distribution. Here, we shortly summarize these advances and provide a model of Ca2+-mitochondria interactions.  相似文献   

Plant organelle function must constantly adjust to environmental conditions, which requires dynamic coordination. Ca2+ signaling may play a central role in this process. Free Ca2+ dynamics are tightly regulated and differ markedly between the cytosol, plastid stroma, and mitochondrial matrix. The mechanistic basis of compartment-specific Ca2+ dynamics is poorly understood. Here, we studied the function of At-MICU, an EF-hand protein of Arabidopsis thaliana with homology to constituents of the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter machinery in mammals. MICU binds Ca2+ and localizes to the mitochondria in Arabidopsis. In vivo imaging of roots expressing a genetically encoded Ca2+ sensor in the mitochondrial matrix revealed that lack of MICU increased resting concentrations of free Ca2+ in the matrix. Furthermore, Ca2+ elevations triggered by auxin and extracellular ATP occurred more rapidly and reached higher maximal concentrations in the mitochondria of micu mutants, whereas cytosolic Ca2+ signatures remained unchanged. These findings support the idea that a conserved uniporter system, with composition and regulation distinct from the mammalian machinery, mediates mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake in plants under in vivo conditions. They further suggest that MICU acts as a throttle that controls Ca2+ uptake by moderating influx, thereby shaping Ca2+ signatures in the matrix and preserving mitochondrial homeostasis. Our results open the door to genetic dissection of mitochondrial Ca2+ signaling in plants.  相似文献   

The effect of ethanol on maxi Ca2+-activated K+ channels (BK channels) in GH3 pituitary tumor cells was investigated using single-channel recordings and focusing on intracellular signal transduction. In outside-out patches, ethanol caused a transient concentration-dependent increase of BK-channel activity. 30 mm (1.4‰) ethanol significantly increased mean channel open time and channel open probability by 26.3 ± 9% and 78.8 ± 10%, respectively; single-channel current amplitude was not affected by ethanol. The augmenting effect of ethanol was blocked in the presence of protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitors staurosporine, bisindolylmaleimide, and PKC (19–31) pseudosubstrate inhibitor as well as by AMP-PNP (5′-adenylylimidodiphosphate), a nonhydrolyzable ATP-analogue, but not by the phospholipase C blocker U-73122. Phosphatase inhibitors microcystin-LR and okadaic acid promoted the ethanol effect. The blocking effect was released at higher concentrations of ethanol (100 mm) suggesting a second site of action or a competition between blockers and ethanol. Our results suggest that the effect of ethanol on BK-channels is mediated by PKC stimulation and phosphorylation of the channels which increases channel activity and hence may influence action potentials duration and hormone secretion. Received: 24 July 1996/Revised: 27 December 1996  相似文献   

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