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Comparative phylogeography is an effective approach to assess the evolutionary history of biological communities. We used comparative phylogeography in fourteen tree taxa from Lower Guinea (Atlantic Equatorial Africa) to test for congruence with two simple evolutionary scenarios based on physio-climatic features 1) the W-E environmental gradient and 2) the N-S seasonal inversion, which determine climatic and seasonality differences in the region. We sequenced the trnC-ycf6 plastid DNA region using a dual sampling strategy: fourteen taxa with small sample sizes (dataset 1, mean n = 16/taxon), to assess whether a strong general pattern of allele endemism and genetic differentiation emerged; and four taxonomically well-studied species with larger sample sizes (dataset 2, mean n = 109/species) to detect the presence of particular shared phylogeographic patterns. When grouping the samples into two alternative sets of two populations, W and E, vs. N and S, neither dataset exhibited a strong pattern of allelic endemism, suggesting that none of the considered regions consistently harboured older populations. Differentiation in dataset 1 was similarly strong between W and E as between N and S, with 3–5 significant FST tests out of 14 tests in each scenario. Coalescent simulations indicated that, given the power of the data, this result probably reflects idiosyncratic histories of the taxa, or a weak common differentiation pattern (possibly with population substructure) undetectable across taxa in dataset 1. Dataset 2 identified a common genetic break separating the northern and southern populations of Greenwayodendron suaveolens subsp. suaveolens var. suaveolens, Milicia excelsa, Symphonia globulifera and Trichoscypha acuminata in Lower Guinea, in agreement with differentiation across the N–S seasonal inversion. Our work suggests that currently recognized tree taxa or suspected species complexes can contain strongly differentiated genetic lineages, which could lead to misinterpretation of phylogeographic patterns. Therefore the evolutionary processes of such taxa require further study in African tropical rainforests.  相似文献   

The golden jackal (Canis aureus) is one of the most common and widely distributed carnivores in India but phylogeographic studies on the species have been limited across its range. Recent studies have observed absence of mitochondrial (mt) DNA diversity in European populations while some North African populations of golden jackal were found to carry gray wolf (Canis lupus lupaster) mtDNA lineages. In the present study, we sequenced 440 basepairs (bp) of control region (CR) and 412 bp of cytochrome b (cyt b) gene of mtDNA from 62 golden jackals sampled from India (n = 55), Israel (n = 2) and Bulgaria (n = 5), to obtain a total of eighteen haplotypes, comprising sixteen from India and one each from Israel and Bulgaria. Except for three previously described haplotypes represented by one cyt b and one CR haplotype both from India, and one CR haplotype from Bulgaria, all haplotypes identified in this study are new. Genetic diversity was high in golden jackals compared to that reported for other canids in India. Unlike the paraphyletic status of African conspecifics with the gray wolf, the Indian (and other Eurasian) golden jackal clustered in a distinct but shallow monophyletic clade, displaying no evidence of admixture with sympatric and related gray wolf and domestic dog clades in the region. Phylogeographic analyses indicated no clear pattern of genetic structuring of the golden jackal haplotypes and the median joining network revealed a star-shaped polytomy indicative of recent expansion of the species from India. Indian haplotypes were observed to be interior and thus ancestral compared to haplotypes from Europe and Israel, which were peripheral and hence more derived. Molecular tests for demographic expansion confirmed a recent event of expansion of golden jackals in the Indian subcontinent, which can be traced back ~ 37,000 years ago during the late Pleistocene. Our results suggest that golden jackals have had a potentially longer evolutionary history in India than in other parts of the world, although further sampling from Africa, the Middle East and south-east Asia is needed to test this hypothesis.  相似文献   

If potential morphologically cryptic species, identified based on differentiated mitochondrial DNA, express ecological divergence, this increases support for their treatment as distinct species. However, mitochondrial DNA introgression hampers the correct estimation of ecological divergence. We test the hypothesis that estimated niche divergence differs when considering nuclear DNA composition or mitochondrial DNA type as representing the true species range. We use empirical data of two crested newt species (Amphibia: Triturus) which possess introgressed mitochondrial DNA from a third species in part of their ranges. We analyze the data in environmental space by determining Fisher distances in a principal component analysis and in geographical space by determining geographical overlap of species distribution models. We find that under mtDNA guidance in one of the two study cases niche divergence is overestimated, whereas in the other it is underestimated. In the light of our results we discuss the role of estimated niche divergence in species delineation.  相似文献   

Two species in the caddisfly genus Gumaga (Sericostomatidae) are currently recognized in North America: Gumaga nigricula (McLachlan, 1871) and Gumaga griseola (McLachlan, 1871). Ecological and morphological studies over the last 20 years indicated that both species were either extremely variable or that morphologically cryptic species were unknowingly being included in the studies. The study reported here examined whether genetic characters (as measures of reproductive isolation and genetic differentiation) could resolve the taxonomic issues concerning Gumaga, and consequently provide insight into the observed ecological and morphological variation. Allozyme electrophoresis was used to examine the genetic relationships among larvae of Gumaga collected from five streams and two springbrooks in northern California. For each specimen, 18 enzymes representing 21 presumptive gene loci were scored. Genetic variability was high at all but one site: 14.3–47.6% of the loci were polymorphic (3–10 loci per site) and heterozygosity averaged 5.9–20.7%. Six genetically distinct groups of individuals were identified (i.e., Gumaga types A, B, C, D, E, F). Mean Nei's genetic distances between groups ranged from 0.371 (type A versus type B) to >1.0 (type F versus types A, B, D, or E). The high degree of genetic differentiation among groups is maintained even when the groups are in close proximity (e.g., Gumaga types A and E at the same site and Gumaga types A, B, and C within the same drainage basin). In addition, previous studies have found evidence of premating mechanisms that limit interbreeding among Gumaga types A, B, and D. Thus, it appears that these six groups represent reproductively isolated species rather than genetic variants of one or two species. Extensive morphological and genetic studies are necessary to clarify taxonomic relationships within the genus Gumaga, but the results of this and other genetic analyses of aquatic insects illustrate the potential insight that this approach can provide to taxonomic, behavioral, and ecological studies. Furthermore, these results also illustrate how unusual (and what is often perceived as interesting) ecological variability observed for a single species may in fact reflect the presence of morphologically cryptic species.  相似文献   

Comparative phylogeography allow us to understand how shared historical circumstances have shaped the formation of lineages, by examining a broad spectrum of co-distributed populations of different taxa. However, these types of studies are scarce in the Neotropics, a region that is characterized by high diversity, complex geology, and poorly understood biogeography. Here, we investigate the diversification patterns of five lineages of amphibians and reptiles, co-distributed across the Choco and Andes ecoregions in northwestern Ecuador. Mitochondrial DNA and occurrence records were used to determine the degree of geographic genetic divergence within species. Our results highlight congruent patterns of parapatric speciation and common geographical barriers for distantly related taxa. These comparisons indicate similar biological and demographic characteristics for the included clades, and reveal the existence of two new species of Pristimantis previously subsumed under P. walkeri, which we describe herein. Our data supports the hypothesis that widely distributed Chocoan taxa may generally experience their greatest opportunities for isolation and parapatric speciation across thermal elevational gradients. Finally, our study provides critical information to predict which unstudied lineages may harbor cryptic diversity, and how geology and climate are likely to have shaped their evolutionary history.  相似文献   

The Paramesotriton caudopunctatus species group is mainly distributed in the karst mountain ecosystems of Guizhou, China. Although some species have been included in previous phylogenetic studies, the evolutionary relationships and divergence-time of members of this species group as a whole remain unexplored. In this study, we report the sequencing of one protein coding mitochondrial gene fragment(ND2) and one nuclear gene(POMC), and use a combination of phylogenetic analyses and coalescent simulations to explore the cryptic diversity and evolutionary history of the P. caudopunctatus species group. Phylogenetic relationships revealed that the P. caudopunctatus species group is composed of two major groups, i. e., East Clade and Western-South Clade. The divergence-time and ancestral area estimation suggested that the P. caudopunctatus species group likely originated in the Doupeng Mountains in Guizhou, China at 12.34 Ma(95% HPD: 8.30–14.73), and intraspecific divergence began at about 2.17 Ma(95% HPD: 1.39–2.97). This timing coincides with the orogenesis of the Miaoling Mountains during the Late Miocene to early Pleistocene. The delimitation of species in the P. caudopunctatus species group supports the existence of the currently identified species, and consensus was confirmed across methods for the existence of least to two cryptic species within what has been traditionally considered to be P. caudopunctatus species group. This study is of significance for understanding the species formation, dispersal, and diversity of the tailed amphibians in the karst mountains ecosystem of Guizhou and the role of the Miaoling Mountains as a geographical barrier to species dispersal.  相似文献   

House-resting Anopheles mosquitoes are targeted for vector control interventions; however, without proper species identification, the importance of these Anopheles to malaria transmission is unknown. Anopheles longipalpis, a non-vector species, has been found in significant numbers resting indoors in houses in southern Zambia, potentially impacting on the utilization of scarce resources for vector control. The identification of An. longipalpis is currently based on classical morphology using minor characteristics in the adult stage and major ones in the larval stage. The close similarity to the major malaria vector An. funestus led to investigations into the development of a molecular assay for identification of An. longipalpis. Molecular analysis of An. longipalpis from South Africa and Zambia revealed marked differences in size and nucleotide sequence in the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) region of ribosomal DNA between these two populations, leading to the conclusion that more than one species was being analysed. Phylogenetic analysis showed the Zambian samples aligned with An. funestus, An. vaneedeni and An. parensis, whereas the South African sample aligned with An. leesoni, a species that is considered to be more closely related to the Asian An. minimus subgroup than to the African An. funestus subgroup. Species-specific primers were designed to be used in a multiplex PCR assay to distinguish between these two cryptic species and members of the An. funestus subgroup for which there is already a multiplex PCR assay.  相似文献   

Endogenous retroviruses provide important insights into the deep history of this viral lineage. Endogenous foamy viruses are thought to be very rare and only a few cases have been identified to date. Here we report a novel endogenous foamy virus (CaEFV) within the genome of the Cape golden mole (Chrysochloris asiatica). The identification of CaEFV reveals the presence of foamy virus in the placental mammal superorder Afrotheria. Phylogenetic analyses place CaEFV basal to other foamy viruses of Eutherian origin, suggesting an ancient codivergence between foamy virus and placental mammals. These findings have implications for understanding the long-term evolution, diversity, and biology of retroviruses.  相似文献   

Bird‐biting blackflies in the Simulium (Eusimulium) aureum group (Diptera: Simuliidae) are widespread vectors of Leucocytozoon and Trypanosoma parasites. The polytene chromosomes of 619 larvae of the three nominal members of the S. aureum group in North Africa were evaluated cytogenetically for cryptic biodiversity. Seven chromosomal segregates were discovered among 29 populations in Algeria and Morocco. This diversity was based primarily on two chromosomal inversions, which have assumed unique roles in different lineages, including sex linkage, fixation, loss and autosomal polymorphism. Reproductive isolation was demonstrated for six of the seven segregates, doubling the number of species known in the area. Four species were linked with existing names: (a) Simulium mellah Giudicelli & Bouzidi, which is known only from North African high‐salinity habitats; (b) Simulium petricolum (Rivosecchi), which is tentatively conspecific with continental European populations; (c) Simulium rubzovianum (Sherban) and its synonym Simulium latinum (Rubtsov), which is widely distributed from North Africa across Europe into Western Asia, and (d) Simulium velutinum (Santos Abreu) and its new synonym Simulium tenerificum Crosskey, which is restricted to North Africa and the Canary Islands. Of the remaining entities, two are new species precinctive to North Africa and one, known only from Morocco, is of undetermined taxonomic status.  相似文献   

Forest or mouse shrews (Myosorex) represent a small but important radiation of African shrews generally adapted to montane and/or temperate conditions. The status of populations from Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and the north of South Africa has long been unclear because of the variability of traits that have traditionally been ‘diagnostic’ for the currently recognized South African taxa. We report molecular (mitochondrial DNA and nuclear DNA), craniometric, and morphological data from newly collected series of Myosorex from Zimbabwe (East Highlands), Mozambique (Mount Gorogonsa, Gorongosa National Park), and the Limpopo Province of South Africa (Soutpansberg Range) in the context of the available museum collections from southern and eastern Africa and published DNA sequences. Molecular data demonstrate close genetic similarity between populations from Mozambique and Zimbabwe, and this well‐supported clade (herein described as a new species, M yosorex meesteri sp. nov. ) is the sister group of all South African taxa, except for Myosorex longicaudatus Meester & Dippenaar, 1978. Populations of Myosorex in Limpopo Province (herein tentatively assigned to Myosorex cf. tenuis) are cladistically distinct from both Myosorex varius (Smuts, 1832) and Myosorex cafer (Sundevall, 1846), and diverged from M. varius at approximately the same time (2.7 Mya) as M. cafer and Myosorex sclateri Thomas & Schwann, 1905 diverged (2.4 Mya). Morphometric data are mostly discordant with the molecular data. For example, clearly distinct molecular clades overlap considerably in craniometric variables. On the other hand, extreme size differentiation occurs between genetically closely related populations in the Soutpansberg Range, which coincides with the bissection of the mountain range by the dry Sand River Valley, indicating the potential for strong intraspecific phenotypic divergence in these shrews. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

A partial right humerus has been recovered from the Early Cretaceous (Albian) Eumeralla Formation at Dinosaur Cove in south-eastern Australia. General morphology, size and the presence of a single epicondylar foramen (the entepicondylar) suggest that the bone is from a mammal or an advanced therapsid reptile. The humerus is similar in size, shape and torsion to the equivalent bone of extant and late Neogene echidnas (Tachyglossidae) but, contrary to the situation in extant monotremes, in which the ulna and radius articulate with a single, largely bulbous condyle, it bears a shallow, pulley-shaped (i.e. trochlear-form) ulnar articulation that is confluent ventro-laterally with the bulbous radial condyle. This form of ulnar articulation distinguishes this bone from the humeri of most advanced therapsids and members of several major groups of Mesozoic mammals, which have a condylar ulnar articulation, but parallels the situation found in therian mammals and in some other lineages of Mesozoic mammals. As in extant monotremes the distal humerus is greatly expanded transversely and humeral torsion is strong. Transverse expansion of the distal humerus is evident in the humeri of the fossorial docodont Haldanodon, highly-fossorial talpids and some clearly fossorial dicynodont therapsids, but the fossil shows greatest overall similarity to extant monotremes and it is possible that the peculiar elbow joint of extant monotremes evolved from a condition approximating that of the fossil. On the basis of comparisons with Mesozoic and Cainozoic mammalian taxa in which humeral morphology is known, the Dinosaur Cove humerus is tentatively attributed to a monotreme. However, several apparently primitive features of the bone exclude the animal concerned from the extant families Tachyglossidae and Ornithorhynchidae and suggest that, if it is a monotreme, it is a stem-group monotreme. Whatever, the animal's true affinity, the gross morphology of its humerus indicates considerable capacity for rotation-thrust digging.  相似文献   

We use archaeological data and spatial methods to reconstruct the dispersal of farming into areas of sub-Saharan Africa now occupied by Bantu language speakers, and introduce a new large-scale radiocarbon database and a new suite of spatial modelling techniques. We also introduce a method of estimating phylogeographic relationships from archaeologically-modelled dispersal maps, with results produced in a format that enables comparison with linguistic and genetic phylogenies. Several hypotheses are explored. The ‘deep split’ hypothesis suggests that an early-branching eastern Bantu stream spread around the northern boundary of the equatorial rainforest, but recent linguistic and genetic work tends not to support this. An alternative riverine/littoral hypothesis suggests that rivers and coastlines facilitated the migration of the first farmers/horticulturalists, with some extending this to include rivers through the rainforest as conduits to East Africa. More recently, research has shown that a grassland corridor opened through the rainforest at around 3000–2500 BP, and the possible effect of this on migrating populations is also explored. Our results indicate that rivers and coasts were important dispersal corridors, but do not resolve the debate about a ‘Deep Split’. Future work should focus on improving the size, quality and geographical coverage of the archaeological 14C database; on augmenting the information base to establish descent relationships between archaeological sites and regions based on shared material cultural traits; and on refining the associated physical geographical reconstructions of changing land cover.  相似文献   

In addition to vegetative remains, fertile remains from ten plants, representing seven distinct taxa whose size and complexity are much greater than most contemporaneous fossils, are reported from late Ludlow (Ludfordian) sediments of Bathurst Island in Nunavut, Canada. Evidence for the age of these beds is gathered from stratigraphic relationships and index fossils including conodonts, graptolites, and brachiopods. Zosterophylls dominate the collection, some of which constitute the earliest record of fertile structures arranged in dense clusters and longitudinal rows along axes. Representatives include a plant that resembles Bathurstia, one species of Zosterophyllum, and two specimens that bear affinity to this genus. Distichophytum is also represented, as is a new zosterophyll named Macivera gracilis. The prevalence of sporangial clustering and reduced sporangial stalks in this flora leads to a discussion of the origins and significance of these morphological features. Following a review of some of the other Silurian floras, particularly the Baragwanathia-bearing Lower Plant Assemblage of Victoria, Australia, which also shows morphological advancement over the rhyniophytoid-dominated floras common to Laurussia, it is concluded that the Bathurst Island flora presents the best evidence to date of substantial morphological diversity, complexity, and stature of vascular land plants in this period.  相似文献   

Rift Valley Fever (RVF) virus (Family Bunyaviridae) is an arthropod-borne RNA virus that infects primarily domestic ruminants and occasionally humans. RVF epizootics are characterized by numerous abortions and mortality among young animals. In humans, the illness is usually characterized by a mild self-limited febrile illness, which could progress to more serious complications. RVF virus is widespread and endemic in many regions of Africa. In Western Africa, several outbreaks have been reported since 1987 when the first major one occurred at the frontier of Senegal and Mauritania. Aiming to evaluate the spreading and molecular epidemiology in these countries, RVFV isolates from 1944 to 2008 obtained from 18 localities in Senegal and Mauritania and 15 other countries were investigated. Our results suggest that a more intense viral activity possibly took place during the last century compared to the recent past and that at least 5 introductions of RVFV took place in Senegal and Mauritania from distant African regions. Moreover, Barkedji in Senegal was possibly a hub associated with the three distinct entries of RVFV in West Africa.  相似文献   

Palaeoenvironmental data and climatic reconstructions show that the Mediterranean ecoregion of North Africa underwent drastic ecological changes during the Pleistocene. Given its rich palaeontological record, North Africa is a pertinent region for documenting the role of climate change and human mediated‐habitat changes on the demography and genetic structure of faunal species. In the present study, we collected data from this species in Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia, and we combined molecular (mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences, microsatellites), fossil, palaeoenvironmental, and human context data to propose an explanation for the fluctuations of populations belonging to the Meriones shawii complex in the past. Genetic and fossil data both indicate a strong bottleneck in Moroccan populations at the Middle Holocene (last interglacial optimum) compared to the Late Pleistocene. Our mitochondrial DNA data suggest a diversification event within Morocco corresponding to the 130–125 kya interglacial optimum. Given that (1) major demographic changes in the M. shawii complex coincide with the interglacial optimums, and (2) the impact of human activities on the landscape and faunal communities was moderate during the Middle Holocene (beginnings of the Neolithic culture), our results demonstrate that climate, rather than anthropogenic influences, likely explains the M. shawii complex population decline in the Holocene.  相似文献   

West Nile virus (WNV) is the most widely distributed of the encephalitic flaviviruses and is a major cause of encephalitis, with isolates obtained from all continents, apart from Antarctica. Subsequent to its divergence from the other members of the Japanese encephalitis virus complex, presumably in Africa, WNV has diverged into individual lineages that mostly correspond with geographic distribution. Here we elucidate the phylogeography and evolutionary history of isolates from lineage 1 of WNV. Interestingly, there are many examples of the same amino acid having evolved independently on multiple occasions. In Africa, WNV exists in an endemic cycle, whereas it is epidemic in Europe, being reintroduced regularly from Africa either directly (in western Europe) or via the Middle East (in eastern Europe). Significantly, introduction into other geographic areas has occurred on one occasion only in each region, leading to subsequent establishment and expansion of the virus in these areas. Only one endemic genotype each is present in India and Australia, suggesting that WNV was successfully introduced into these locations once only. Each introduction occurred many centuries ago, probably due to trade and exploration during the 19th century. Likewise, in the Americas, WNV was successfully introduced in 1999 and subsequently became endemic across most temperate regions of North America (NA). In contrast to previous suggestions, an isolate from the epidemic in Israel in 1998 was not the direct progenitor of the NA epidemic; rather, both epidemics originated from the same (unknown) location.  相似文献   

Abstract Chemotaxonomic studies were performed on some gram-positive coryneform bacteria of uncertain taxonomic position isolated from human skin. The results indicate that the cutaneous strains represent a new mycolic acid-less Corynebacterium species for which the name Corynebacterium amycolatum sp. nov. is proposed.  相似文献   

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