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In order to survive, animals must quickly and accurately locate prey, predators, and conspecifics using the signals they generate. The signal source location can be estimated using multiple detectors and the inverse relationship between the received signal intensity (RSI) and the distance, but difficulty of the source localization increases if there is an additional dependence on the orientation of a signal source. In such cases, the signal source could be approximated as an ideal dipole for simplification. Based on a theoretical model, the RSI can be directly predicted from a known dipole location; but estimating a dipole location from RSIs has no direct analytical solution. Here, we propose an efficient solution to the dipole localization problem by using a lookup table (LUT) to store RSIs predicted by our theoretically derived dipole model at many possible dipole positions and orientations. For a given set of RSIs measured at multiple detectors, our algorithm found a dipole location having the closest matching normalized RSIs from the LUT, and further refined the location at higher resolution. Studying the natural behavior of weakly electric fish (WEF) requires efficiently computing their location and the temporal pattern of their electric signals over extended periods. Our dipole localization method was successfully applied to track single or multiple freely swimming WEF in shallow water in real-time, as each fish could be closely approximated by an ideal current dipole in two dimensions. Our optimized search algorithm found the animal’s positions, orientations, and tail-bending angles quickly and accurately under various conditions, without the need for calibrating individual-specific parameters. Our dipole localization method is directly applicable to studying the role of active sensing during spatial navigation, or social interactions between multiple WEF. Furthermore, our method could be extended to other application areas involving dipole source localization.  相似文献   

A video tracking system for measuring three-dimensional kinematics of a free-swimming fish is presented. The tracking is accomplished by simultaneously taking images from the ventral view and the lateral view of the fish with two cameras mounted on two computer-controlled and mutually orthogonal translation stages. Compared to the previous system we reported, the time resolution is greatly improved. A koi carp is selected for the experiment. By processing the images caught by the video tracking system, the three-dimensional kinematics of the koi carp during a continuous swimming containing several moderate maneuvers are obtained. In particular, the pitching motion of fish body and the tail motion, including lateral excursion, variation in tail height and torsion, are revealed for burst-and-coast swimming and turning maneuver. The error analysis is also provided for the measurement results.  相似文献   

Successful conservation of species that roam and disperse over large areas requires detailed understanding of their movement patterns and connectivity between subpopulations. But empirical information on movement, space use, and connectivity is lacking for many species, and data acquisition is often hindered when study animals cross international borders. The African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) exemplifies such species that require vast undisturbed areas to support viable, self-sustaining populations. To study wild dog dispersal and investigate potential barriers to movements and causes of mortality during dispersal, between 2016 and 2019 we followed the fate of 16 dispersing coalitions (i.e., same-sex group of ≥1 dispersing African wild dogs) in northern Botswana through global positioning system (GPS)-satellite telemetry. Dispersing wild dogs covered ≤54 km in 24 hours and traveled 150 km to Namibia and 360 km to Zimbabwe within 10 days. Wild dogs were little hindered in their movements by natural landscape features, whereas medium to densely human-populated landscapes represented obstacles to dispersal. Human-caused mortality was responsible for >90% of the recorded deaths. Our results suggest that a holistic approach to the management and conservation of highly mobile species is necessary to develop effective research and evidence-based conservation programs across transfrontier protected areas, including the need for coordinated research efforts through collaboration between national and international conservation authorities. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

A major goal and challenge of invasion ecology is to describe and interpret spatial and temporal patterns of species invasions. Here, we examined fish invasion patterns at four spatially structured and hierarchically nested scales across the contiguous United States (i.e., from large to small: region, basin, watershed, and sub-watershed). All spatial relationships in both richness and fraction between species groups (e.g., natives vs. exotics) were positive at large scales. However, contrary to predictions using null/neutral models, the patterns at small scales were hump-shaped (unimodal), not simply negative. The fractions of both domestic (introduced among watersheds within the USA) and foreign (introduced from abroad) exotics increased with area across scales but decreased within each scale. The foreign exotics exhibited the highest dominance (lowest evenness) and spatial variation in distribution, followed by domestic exotics and natives, although on average natives still occupy larger areas than domestic and foreign exotics. The results provide new insight into patterns and mechanisms of fish species invasions at multiple spatial scales in the United States.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate metal detoxification in chronically exposed juvenile yellow perch (YP: Perca flavescens) and to field test the commonly assumed threshold toxicity model. Fish were collected from lakes located along a cadmium (Cd) and nickel (Ni) concentration gradient. Ambient dissolved metal concentrations were measured to evaluate exposure and total hepatic metal concentrations were determined as a measure of metal bioaccumulation. Hepatic metal partitioning among potentially metal-sensitive fractions (heat-denatured proteins, organelles) and detoxified metal fractions (metallothionein) was determined after differential centrifugation of YP liver homogenates. Major proportions of hepatic Cd were found in the heat-stable cytosolic peptides and proteins fraction (HSP; including metallothioneins), whereas Ni was mainly found in the potentially metal-sensitive heat-denaturable proteins fraction (HDP). For these chronically exposed fish there was no threshold exposure concentration below which binding of Cd or Ni to the heat-denaturable protein fraction or the organelle fraction did not occur. Metal detoxification was clearly incomplete and P. flavescens was subject to some metal-related stress, as evidenced notably by endocrine perturbations. Similar subcellular partitioning results were obtained when juvenile yellow perch were transferred from a reference lake to a Cd-contaminated lake and Cd accumulation was followed over time; there was no accumulation threshold below which Cd binding to the putative metal-sensitive fractions (HDP and organelles) did not occur. The presence of Cd and Ni in these fractions, even for low exposure concentrations and low hepatic accumulation, contradicts the threshold toxicity model that underpins metal toxicology theory and that is implicitly used in setting water quality guidelines for metals. Chronically exposed YP appear to have settled for a tradeoff between the cost of turning on their detoxification apparatus at full capacity, to completely suppress metal binding to metal-sensitive sites, and the alternative cost of allowing some binding of inappropriate metals to metal-sensitive sites.  相似文献   

The flight ability of animals is restricted by the scaling effects imposed by physical and physiological factors. In comparisons of the power available from muscle and the mechanical power required to fly, it is predicted that the margin between the powers should decrease with body size and that flying animals have a maximum body size. However, predicting the absolute value of this upper limit has proven difficult because wing morphology and flight styles varies among species. Albatrosses and petrels have long, narrow, aerodynamically efficient wings and are considered soaring birds. Here, using animal-borne accelerometers, we show that soaring seabirds have two modes of flapping frequencies under natural conditions: vigorous flapping during takeoff and sporadic flapping during cruising flight. In these species, high and low flapping frequencies were found to scale with body mass (mass −0.30 and mass −0.18) in a manner similar to the predictions from biomechanical flight models (mass −1/3 and mass −1/6). These scaling relationships predicted that the maximum limits on the body size of soaring animals are a body mass of 41 kg and a wingspan of 5.1 m. Albatross-like animals larger than the limit will not be able to flap fast enough to stay aloft under unfavourable wind conditions. Our result therefore casts doubt on the flying ability of large, extinct pterosaurs. The largest extant soarer, the wandering albatross, weighs about 12 kg, which might be a pragmatic limit to maintain a safety margin for sustainable flight and to survive in a variable environment.  相似文献   

Theoretical models of allometric scaling provide frameworks for understanding and predicting how and why the morphology and function of organisms vary with scale. It remains unclear, however, if the predictions of ‘universal’ scaling models for vascular plants hold across diverse species in variable environments. Phenomena such as competition and disturbance may drive allometric scaling relationships away from theoretical predictions based on an optimized tree. Here, we use a hierarchical Bayesian approach to calculate tree-specific, species-specific, and ‘global’ (i.e. interspecific) scaling exponents for several allometric relationships using tree- and branch-level data harvested from three savanna sites across a rainfall gradient in Mali, West Africa. We use these exponents to provide a rigorous test of three plant scaling models (Metabolic Scaling Theory (MST), Geometric Similarity, and Stress Similarity) in savanna systems. For the allometric relationships we evaluated (diameter vs. length, aboveground mass, stem mass, and leaf mass) the empirically calculated exponents broadly overlapped among species from diverse environments, except for the scaling exponents for length, which increased with tree cover and density. When we compare empirical scaling exponents to the theoretical predictions from the three models we find MST predictions are most consistent with our observed allometries. In those situations where observations are inconsistent with MST we find that departure from theory corresponds with expected tradeoffs related to disturbance and competitive interactions. We hypothesize savanna trees have greater length-scaling exponents than predicted by MST due to an evolutionary tradeoff between fire escape and optimization of mechanical stability and internal resource transport. Future research on the drivers of systematic allometric variation could reconcile the differences between observed scaling relationships in variable ecosystems and those predicted by ideal models such as MST.  相似文献   

Artificial reefs are used by many fisheries managers as a tool to mitigate the impact of fisheries on coastal fish communities by providing new habitat for many exploited fish species. However, the comparison between the behavior of wild fish inhabiting either natural or artificial habitats has received less attention. Thus the spatio-temporal patterns of fish that establish their home range in one habitat or the other and their consequences of intra-population differentiation on life-history remain largely unexplored. We hypothesize that individuals with a preferred habitat (i.e. natural vs. artificial) can behave differently in terms of habitat use, with important consequences on population dynamics (e.g. life-history, mortality, and reproductive success). Therefore, using biotelemetry, 98 white seabream (Diplodus sargus) inhabiting either artificial or natural habitats were tagged and their behavior was monitored for up to eight months. Most white seabreams were highly resident either on natural or artificial reefs, with a preference for the shallow artificial reef subsets. Connectivity between artificial and natural reefs was limited for resident individuals due to great inter-habitat distances. The temporal behavioral patterns of white seabreams differed between artificial and natural reefs. Artificial-reef resident fish had a predominantly nocturnal diel pattern, whereas natural-reef resident fish showed a diurnal diel pattern. Differences in diel behavioral patterns of white seabream inhabiting artificial and natural reefs could be the expression of realized individual specialization resulting from differences in habitat configuration and resource availability between these two habitats. Artificial reefs have the potential to modify not only seascape connectivity but also the individual behavioral patterns of fishes. Future management plans of coastal areas and fisheries resources, including artificial reef implementation, should therefore consider the potential effect of habitat modification on fish behavior, which could have key implications on fish dynamics.  相似文献   

Vietnam is a significant consumer of wildlife, particularly wild meat, in urban restaurant settings. To meet this demand, poaching of wildlife is widespread, threatening regional and international biodiversity. Previous interventions to tackle illegal and potentially unsustainable consumption of wild meat in Vietnam have generally focused on limiting supply. While critical, they have been impeded by a lack of resources, the presence of increasingly organised criminal networks and corruption. Attention is, therefore, turning to the consumer, but a paucity of research investigating consumer demand for wild meat will impede the creation of effective consumer-centred interventions. Here we used a mixed-methods research approach comprising a hypothetical choice modelling survey and qualitative interviews to explore the drivers of wild meat consumption and consumer preferences among residents of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Our findings indicate that demand for wild meat is heterogeneous and highly context specific. Wild-sourced, rare, and expensive wild meat-types are eaten by those situated towards the top of the societal hierarchy to convey wealth and status and are commonly consumed in lucrative business contexts. Cheaper, legal and farmed substitutes for wild-sourced meats are also consumed, but typically in more casual consumption or social drinking settings. We explore the implications of our results for current conservation interventions in Vietnam that attempt to tackle illegal and potentially unsustainable trade in and consumption of wild meat and detail how our research informs future consumer-centric conservation actions.  相似文献   

Functional processes in freshwater ecosystems are highly influenced by acidic conditions. Foodwebs are affected and macroinvertebrate species diversity is decreased. This study aims to investigate leaf decomposition at very low pH in the acidic Banyupahit–Banyuputih river originating from the acidic crater lake Kawah Ijen in Indonesia. Leaf decomposition experiments were carried out for 200 days in the acidic river at pHs of approximately 0.7, 2.3 and 3.0 and in the neutral Kali Sengon river, using leaves from teak, Tectona grandis, and bamboo, Bambusa sp. Two different types of leaf packs were used: fine mesh size packs were used to exclude macroinvertebrates and coarse mesh size packs allowed macroinvertebrate colonization. Clear differences in decomposition rate were observed between the neutral Kali Sengon and the acidic Banyupahit–Banyuputih river with decomposition in the Kali Sengon river proceeding significantly faster for both leaf types. In the Kali Sengon k values (d−1) over 46 days were 0.0202 for fine teak, 0.0236 for coarse teak, 0.0114 for fine bamboo and 0.0151 for coarse bamboo. No significant differences were observed between the three sites in the acidic Banyupahit–Banyuputih river with k values of 0.0034–0.0066 for fine teak, 0.0002–0.0057 for coarse teak, 0.0029–0.0054 for fine bamboo and 0.0000–0.0068 for coarse bamboo. Moreover, no clear adaptation of macroinvertebrates or microbes to low pH conditions could be detected. The coarse mesh leaf packs in the neutral Kali Sengon river revealed that macroinvertebrates are important in the breakdown process. Fine mesh packs revealed that microbial activity is depressed under acidic conditions. Based on this evidence, we conclude that the toxicity at low pH conditions, and probably also the precipitation of metals on the leaf material, seriously affects leaf decomposition.  相似文献   

Angel is the first miniature inverted-repeat transposable element (MITE) isolated from fish. Angel elements are imperfect palindromes with the potential to form stem-loop structures in vitro. Despite sequence divergence of elements of up to 55% within and between species, their inverted repeat structures have been maintained, implying functional importance. We estimate that there are about 103–104 Angels scattered throughout the zebrafish genome, evidence that this family of transposable elements has been significantly amplified over the course of evolution. Angel elements and Xenopus MITEs carry common sequence motifs at their termini, indicating common origin and/or related mechanisms of transposition. We present a model in which MITEs take advantage of the basic cellular mechanism of DNA replication for their amplification, which is dependent on the characteristic inverted repeat structures of these elements. We propose that MITEs are genomic parasites that transpose via a DNA intermediate, which forms by a folding-back of a single strand of DNA, that borrow all of the necessary factors for their amplification from products encoded in the genomes in which they reside. DNA polymorphisms in different lines of zebrafish were detected by PCR using Angel-specific primers, indicating that such elements, combined with other transposons in vertebrate genomes, will be useful molecular tools for genome mapping and genetic analyses of mutations. Received: 7 April 1998 / Accepted: 7 April 1998  相似文献   

Pythons are harvested for the international leather industry and pet trade. We analyzed the CITES export records (1999–2008) of the most intensively commercialized wild pythons (Python regius, Python sebae, Python reticulatus, Python molurus, Python curtus species complex) from African and Asian countries where reliable data on trade rates and ecology are available. Mean declared annual numbers of exported pythons were 30,000 in five African countries and 164,000 in Indonesia. Trade intensity tripled in Indonesia over the last decade, but declined in Africa. African international trade is exclusively associated with the pet market (mainly United States and Europe), whereas Asian pythons are sold mostly for luxury leather, albeit more recently also for the pet trade. A negative correlation between the annual numbers of pythons traded in Africa vs. Asia suggests a rapid and recent shift of the pressure exerted on wild populations in the two main exporting continents. We also found a strong effect of the currency exchange rate (i.e., U.S.$/€, the currencies used by the major importing countries) on African python exports: when the cost per African python increased, importers relied increasingly on Asian providers for pet trade. Overall, our data indicate that Asian pythons (especially P. reticulatus) might be threatened due to the rapidly increasing pressure, whereas the decreasing international trade in African pythons is likely more sustainable.  相似文献   

Fish kills are a common occurrence in shallow, eutrophic lakes, but their ecological consequences, especially in the long term, are poorly understood. We studied the decadal-scale response of two UK shallow lakes to fish kills using a palaeolimnological approach. Eutrophic and turbid Barningham Lake experienced two fish kills in the early 1950s and late 1970s with fish recovering after both events, whereas less eutrophic, macrophyte-dominated Wolterton Lake experienced one kill event in the early 1970s from which fish failed to recover. Our palaeo-data show fish-driven trophic cascade effects across all trophic levels (covering benthic and pelagic species) in both lakes regardless of pre-kill macrophyte coverage and trophic status. In turbid Barningham Lake, similar to long-term studies of biomanipulations in other eutrophic lakes, effects at the macrophyte level are shown to be temporary after the first kill (c. 20 years) and non-existent after the second kill. In plant-dominated Wolterton Lake, permanent fish disappearance failed to halt a long-term pattern of macrophyte community change (for example, loss of charophytes and over-wintering macrophyte species) symptomatic of eutrophication. Important implications for theory and restoration ecology arise from our study. Firstly, our data support ideas of slow eutrophication-driven change in shallow lakes where perturbations are not necessary prerequisites for macrophyte loss. Secondly, the study emphasises a key need for lake managers to reduce external nutrient loading if sustainable and long-term lake restoration is to be achieved. Our research highlights the enormous potential of multi-indicator palaeolimnology and alludes to an important need to consider potential fish kill signatures when interpreting results.  相似文献   

Concentrations of six heavy metals (chromium, nickel, copper, arsenic, cadmium, and lead) in fish and vegetables were estimated to evaluate contamination levels and health risks for Bangladeshi adults. The analyzed metals varied between different species of fish and vegetables. Metals like Ni, Cd, and Pb in fish species were higher than the respective maximum allowable concentrations (MAC), whereas As, Cd, and Pb in some species of vegetables exceeded the MAC. Health risks associated with these metal intakes were evaluated in terms of dietary intake and target hazard quotients (THQs). The THQ values for individual metals were below 1 (except As for some species), suggesting that people would not experience significant health hazards if they ingest a single metal from one species of fish and/or vegetable. However, total metal THQ (TTHQ) signifies the potential non-carcinogenic health hazard to the highly exposed consumers in Bangladesh. Also, the estimation showed that the carcinogenic risk (TR) of arsenic and lead were within the acceptable range for fish but exceeded the accepted risk level for vegetables. From the health point of view, this study showed that the inhabitants who consume contaminated fish and vegetables are exposed chronically to metal pollution with carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic consequences.  相似文献   

Proteins with expanded polyglutamine (polyQ) regions are prone to form amyloids, which can cause diseases in humans and toxicity in yeast. Recently, we showed that in yeast non-toxic amyloids of Q-rich proteins can induce aggregation and toxicity of wild type huntingtin (Htt) with a short non-pathogenic polyglutamine tract. Similarly to mutant Htt with an elongated N-terminal polyQ sequence, toxicity of its wild type counterpart was mediated by induced aggregation of the essential Sup35 protein, which contains a Q-rich region. Notably, polymerization of Sup35 was not caused by the initial benign amyloids and, therefore, aggregates of wild type Htt acted as intermediaries in seeding Sup35 polymerization. This exemplifies a protein polymerization cascade which can generate a network of interdependent polymers. Here we discuss cross-seeded protein polymerization as a possible mechanism underlying known interrelations between different polyQ diseases. We hypothesize that similar mechanisms may enable proteins, which possess expanded Q-rich tracts but are not associated with diseases, to promote the development of polyQ diseases.  相似文献   

Highlights? Mucin biopolymers reduce bacterial adhesion to underlying substrates ? Bacterial motility is maintained or increased in the presence of mucins ? Mucins block aggregate formation by motile bacteria ? Immotile Pseudomonas aeruginosa can form alginate and Psl-dependent flocs in mucus  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that disease interactions between cultured and wild fish occur repeatedly, although reported cases have mainly relied just on the observation of similar symptoms in affected populations. Whether there is an explicit pathogen transfer between fish stocks, or each develops its own pathogen population, has been insufficiently studied and rarely supported by molecular tools. In this study, we used population dynamics and genetic structure of the monogenean Furnestinia echeneis in reared and neighbouring wild sea bream to indicate pathogen transfer, characterized by the phenotypic plasticity of the parasite attachment apparatus and the lack of phylogenetic differentiation. The observed pattern of genetic variation inferred by nuclear DNA Internal Transcribed Spacer 1 (ITS1) and mtDNA cytochrome C oxidase 1 (COI), between parasite populations is most likely caused by a recent shared demographic history like a reduced species area in the last glacial period. In spite of such recent expansion that populations underwent, F. echeneis shows differentiation in haptor morphometry as an adaptive trait in closely related populations at the aquaculture site. This suggests that differentiation in morphology may occur relatively rapidly in this species and that adaptive forces, not the speciation process, drives this monogenean parasitation. On the other hand, the observed phylogenetic inertia suggests a low to moderate gene flow (based on FST) between parasites in cultured and wild fish, evidencing for the first time the transfer of pathogens at the aquaculture site inferred by a molecular tool.  相似文献   

马春燕  刘松  陆豫  余勃 《天然产物研究与开发》2012,24(12):1766-1771,1776
从中国鄱阳湖捕获的暗纹东方鲀卵巢中分离到4株菌,通过小鼠实验、薄层色谱、质谱分析及荧光分光光度法确认TL-1菌株发酵液中含河豚毒素。24℃培养5 d,通过活性炭柱、凝胶柱从TL-1发酵液中分离河豚毒素粗毒液。经形态、生理生化及16S rRNA分析鉴定,表明该菌属于花域芽孢杆菌属。本研究首次报道从鄱阳湖河豚鱼中分离到产毒菌。  相似文献   

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