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Five young adults received audio biofeedback training to reduce trapezius EMG levels while they engaged in reading in an office, seated at a table. A multiple-baseline-across subjects design was employed in two separate studies. After training, all subjects demonstrated reduced EMG levels while reading in a home or library setting. The first study suggested that subjects reduced EMG levels by minimizing movements and altering their postures; the second study systematically demonstrated changes in such behavior, which was correlated with EMG levels. The data provide evidence that EMG biofeedback resulted in response generalization across several motoric classes, and in stimulus generalization from the training setting to the natural environment. The importance of assessing generalization is discussed.  相似文献   

BackgroundVarious studies have investigated scapulothoracic muscle activity and recruitment patterns in relation to shoulder complaints in different populations, but a consensus review is lacking.Hypothesis/purposeTo systematically review the state of the art regarding scapulothoracic muscle activity and recruitment timing in subjects with shoulder pain compared to pain free controls.Study designSystematic review.MethodsThe search for relevant articles was performed in Pubmed and Web of Science, including Web of Knowledge, using key words related to shoulder pain, scapulothoracic muscle activity or recruitment timing. Articles were included till November 2012. Case-control studies concerning the scapulothoracic region and muscle recruitment using electromyography (EMG) were included. Articles regarding rotator cuff muscles or neck-shoulder pathologies or studies handling a treatment outcome, were excluded. The methodological quality of the articles was assessed using appropriate risk of bias criteria for case-control studies.ResultsA total of 12 articles were included in the systematic review, containing patients with Shoulder Impingement Syndrome (SIS) or glenohumeral instability. In patients with SIS 3 out of 6 articles showed increased upper trapezius muscle (UT) activity, 3 out of 5 studies showed decreased lower trapezius muscle (LT) activity and 3 out of 5 articles showed decreased serratus anterior muscle (SA) activity. Patients with glenohumeral instability showed contradictory results on scapulothoracic muscle activity patterns. In both SIS and glenohumeral instability patients, no consensus was found on muscle recruitment timing.ConclusionPatients with SIS and glenohumeral instability display numerous variations in scapulothoracic muscle activity compared to healthy controls. In the SIS-group, the LT and SA muscle activity is decreased. In addition, the UT muscle activity is increased among the SIS patients, whereas no clear change is seen among patients with glenohumeral instability. Although the scapulothoracic muscle activity changed, no consensus could be made regarding muscle recruitment timing.  相似文献   

Eighteen patients with chronic low back pain(lbp) of muscle tension origin were given an EMG biofeedback training. Compared to seven controls they showed a significant decrease during training in muscle tension and subsequently in pain. However, at follow-up EMG levels dropped to the initial(high) level. Pain scores of patients with high pain decrements during training showed further improvement during follow-up, which was not the case with patients showing less substantial improvement. The importance of cognitions was discussed.We wish to express our thanks to Marijke Höweler-van Dalen for supervising this investigation, to Arnold Goedhart for statistical advice, to Dr. Orlebeke for his critical remarks, and to Dr. Penders for referring the patients in Amsterdam. We are particularly indebted to the general practitioners Paul Kreutzer and Jan Huls for referring the Andijk patients. Without their support this investigation would not have been possible.  相似文献   

N=1 withdrawal designs were employed with three children evidencing activity-level problems. Tutoring sessions occurred daily over a 2 1/2-month period. Each child was reinforced for decreasing frontalis muscle tension during auditory feedback while working arithmetic problems. Feedback was faded while tension reduction reinforcement was maintained. These procedures were repeated with reinforcement for increasing, rather than decreasing, muscle tension. Frontal EMG level, percent time on task, and motoric activity rate were obtained during sessions. Parent ratings of problem behavior in the home were recorded daily. Biofeedback with reinforcement was effective in both raising and lowering muscle tension. Effects were maintained by reinforcement. Results suggest a direct relationship between tension and activity levels. Academic performance and problem behavior improved significantly with reductions in EMG activity, although individual exceptions to these findings were present. Results lend support to the efficacy of frontal EMG biofeedback training in reducing activity, increasing attention to an academic task, and reducing problem behaviors.  相似文献   

Shoulder pain is a common clinical problem affecting most individuals in their lifetime. Despite the high prevalence of rotator cuff pathology in these individuals, the pathogenesis of rotator cuff disease remains unclear. Position and motion related mechanisms of rotator cuff disease are often proposed, but poorly understood. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of systematically altering glenohumeral plane on subacromial proximities across arm elevation as measures of tendon compression risk. Three-dimensional models of the humerus, scapula, coracoacromial ligament, and supraspinatus were reconstructed from MRIs in 20 subjects. Glenohumeral elevation was imposed on the humeral and supraspinatus tendon models for three glenohumeral planes, which were chosen to represent flexion, scapular plane abduction, and abduction based on average values from a previous study of asymptomatic individuals. Subacromial proximity was quantified as the minimum distance between the supraspinatus tendon and coracoacromial arch (acromion and coracoacromial ligament), the surface area of the supraspinatus tendon within 2 mm proximity to the coracoacromial arch, and the volume of intersection between the supraspinatus tendon and coracoacromial arch. The lowest modeled subacromial supraspinatus compression measures occurred during flexion at lower angles of elevation. This finding was consistent across all three measures of subacromial proximity. Knowledge of this range of reduced risk may be useful to inform future studies related to patient education and ergonomic design to prevent the development of shoulder pain and dysfunction.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the effect of frontal EMG biofeedback and relaxation training on a group of 20 anxious patients experiencing stressful life events. The patients were divided into two groups, high and low in stress, based on their life change score on the Recent Life Changes Questionnaire. Patients were evaluated at pre, post, and 6-week follow-up. Treatment consisted of 10 sessions of biofeedback-assisted relaxation. Results indicated that the high stress group showed pre to post changes on anxiety, depression, symptoms, and EMG, while low stress showed no change. Post to follow-up comparisons showed maintenance of improvement for the high stress group and no change for low stress. From pre to follow-up assessment, the high stress group showed significant changes. Both groups reported internal attributions following biofeedback and relaxation training. The high stress group attributed their improvement to the belief they were in control of their minds and bodies, while the low stress group most frequently reported the effort put into the task. The results indicate support for a cognitive explanation for some of biofeedback's effects.  相似文献   

Eighteen patients with chronic low back pain (lbp) of muscle tension origin were given an EMG biofeedback training. Compared to seven controls they showed a significant decrease during training in muscle tension and subsequently in pain. However, at follow-up EMG levels dropped to the initial (high) level. Pain scores of patients with high pain decrements during training showed further improvement during follow-up, which was not the case with patients showing less substantial improvement. The importance of cognitions was discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare trunk muscular recruitment and lumbar spine kinematics when motion was constrained to either the thorax or the pelvis. Nine healthy women performed four upright standing planar movements (rotations, anterior–posterior translations, medial–lateral translations, and horizontal circles) while constraining pelvis motion and moving the thorax or moving the pelvis while minimizing thorax motion, and four isometric trunk exercises (conventional curl-up, reverse curl-up, cross curl-up, and reverse cross curl-up). Surface EMG (upper and lower rectus abdominis, lateral and medial aspects of external oblique, internal oblique, and latissimus dorsi) and 3D lumbar displacements were recorded. Pelvis movements produced higher EMG amplitudes of the oblique abdominals than thorax motions in most trials, and larger lumbar displacements in the medial–lateral translations and horizontal circles. Conversely, thorax movements produced larger rotational lumbar displacement than pelvis motions during rotations and higher EMG amplitudes for latissimus dorsi during rotations and anterior–posterior translations and for lower rectus abdominis during the crossed curl-ups. Thus, different neuromuscular compartments appear when the objective changes from pelvis to thorax motion. This would suggest that both movement patterns should be considered when planning spine stabilization programs, to optimize exercises for the movement and muscle activations desired.  相似文献   

BackgroundMuscle imbalance between serratus anterior (SA), upper trapezius (UA), middle trapezius (MT), and lower trapezius (LT) muscles has been observed in subjects with subacromial impingement syndrome (SAIS).Objective(1) To investigate the effect of electromyography (EMG) biofeedback training on muscle balance ratios and scapular kinematics in healthy adults and subjects with SAIS. (2) To investigate whether the effects of EMG biofeedback on muscle balance ratios are different between groups.DesignTwelve healthy adults and 13 subjects with SAIS were recruited in this study. EMG was used to record the activity of scapular muscles. The ratios (UT/SA, UT/MT, and UT/LT) during exercises with/without EMG biofeedback were calculated. Scapular kinematics were recorded before and after exercises with/without EMG biofeedback.ResultsFor the subjects with SAIS, muscle balance ratios were lower during forward flexion with EMG biofeedback than during exercise only (UT/SA: 70.3–45.2; UT/LT: 124.8–94.6). Additionally, similar results were found during side-lying external rotation (UT/MT: 58.5–36.4). For the scapular upward rotation and tipping in both groups, there were no significant differences with and without EMG biofeedback.ConclusionEMG biofeedback improved the scapular muscular balance during training exercises in both groups. Further clinical trials should investigate the long-term effects of EMG biofeedback.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study investigated which biofeedback (BF) training enables efficient activation of the infraspinatus muscle that affect joint position sense (JPS) and force sense (FS) of the shoulder joint. Twenty healthy males participated and performed three external rotation (ER) exercises under three randomly assigned training conditions: 1) non-biofeedback (NBF), 2) BF and 3) force biofeedback (FBF). Each exercise was performed at intervals of one week between training conditions. After performed the ER exercise under each training condition, the relative error (RE) was calculated at shoulder ER 45° and 80°, and then shoulder ER force were measured to determine the JPS error and FS error, respectively. Muscle activity of infraspinatus and posterior deltoid were measured and compared between training conditions. The RE of shoulder ER 45° and 80° were significantly lower under the FBF conditions than other training conditions (P < 0.05). The RE of shoulder ER force were also significantly lower under the FBF conditions compared to those under the other training conditions (P < 0.05). The activity of the infraspinatus muscle was significantly higher under the FBF conditions during all three ER exercises than other training conditions (p < 0.05). We suggest that BF trainings can be useful to improve the proprioception of shoulder joint as well as activation of infraspinatus muscle while performing the ER exercises.  相似文献   

Underlying most research on biofeedback learning is a theoretical model of the processes involved. The current study tested a prediction from the Awareness Model: High initial EMG awareness should facilitate response control during EMG biofeedback training. Seventy-two undergraduates were assessed for forehead EMG awareness by asking them to produce target responses from 1.0 to 5.0 µV every 15 s for 16 trials. Based on this assessment, two groups (high and low awareness) were trained for 64 trials to produce these target levels with either EMG biofeedback, practice (no feedback), or noncontingent EMG feedback. A transfer task was identical to the initial assessment. During training, the biofeedback group deviated less from target than the practice and noncontingent groups. The biofeedback group was the only group to improve from initial EMG awareness activity. During transfer, only the low awareness biofeedback group remained below initial EMG awareness level. These findings can be interpreted in terms of the Two-Process Model.  相似文献   

In clinical practice, postural correction is a common treatment approach for individuals with neck and shoulder pain. As chronic static muscle use is thought to be associated with the onset of some neck and shoulder pain syndromes, it is important to understand the impact a postural correction program might have on muscle activation amplitudes in the neck and shoulder regions. Normalized surface electromyographic data were recorded from the levator scapulae, upper trapezius, supraspinatus, posterior deltoid, masseter, rhomboid major, cervical erector spinae, and sternocleidomastoid muscles of the dominant side of each of eighteen healthy subjects. Subjects performed five repetitions of each of four seated typing postures (habitual, corrected, head-forward and slouched) and four standing postures (habitual, corrected, and head-forward and slouched). Repeated-measures analysis of variance models (α = 0.05) revealed that in sitting postural correction tended to decreased the level of muscle activation required in all muscles studied during seated computer work, however this finding was not statistically significant. Corrected posture in sitting did, however produce a statistically significant reduction in muscle activity compared to forward head posture. Corrected posture in standing required more muscle activity than habitual or forward head posture in the majority of cervicobrachial and jaw muscles, suggesting that a graduated approach to postural correction exercises might be required in order to train the muscles to appropriately withstand the requirements of the task. A surprising finding was that muscle activity levels and postural changes had the largest impact on the masseter muscle, which demonstrated activation levels in the order of 20% maximum voluntary electrical activation.  相似文献   

Impairments in muscle activation have been linked to increased risk of developing shoulder pathologies such as subacromial impingement syndrome (SIS) and associated rotator cuff injuries. Individuals with SIS have demonstrated increased upper trapezius (UT) muscle activation and reduced serratus anterior (SA) and lower trapezius (LT) muscle activation, which can be collectively represented as ratios (UT/SA and UT/LT). Targeted exercise is an important component of shoulder rehabilitation programs to re-establish optimal muscle activation and ratios. Electromyography (EMG) biofeedback during exercise has been shown to reduce UT activation and favorably alter scapular muscle activation ratios, however, a literature gap exists regarding the efficacy of other types of biofeedback. Therefore, we compared the effects of three types of biofeedback (visual EMG, auditory, verbal cues) on UT/SA and UT/LT ratios during a seated resisted scaption exercise in fifteen subjects without shoulder pain. Baseline muscle activation was recorded and compared to real-time muscle activation during each randomized biofeedback trial. All biofeedback types showed improvements in the UT/SA and UT/LT ratios, with visual EMG demonstrating a significant change in UT/LT ratio (p < 0.05). These results suggest that biofeedback could be utilized as a component of rehabilitation programs to prevent or treat shoulder pain.  相似文献   

Although progressive resistance training of trunk muscles on devices is very common, today, the effects of increasing resistance on trunk muscle activity during dynamic extension and flexion movements on training devices have not been reported yet. Thirty healthy subjects participated in maximal isometric and submaximal dynamic (at 30%, 50% and 70% of maximum mean torque (MMT)) extension and flexion exercises on Tergumed lumbar training devices. The normalized (as a percentage of maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVIC)) electromyographic activity of 16 abdominal and back muscles was investigated. The results of the present study indicated that in general, with increasing resistance from 30% MMT to 50% MMT and 70% MMT, the activity of all back muscles during the extension exercises and the activity of all abdominal muscles during the flexion exercises increased significantly. To train strength (>60% of MVIC), low intensities (30% and 50% MMT) appeared sufficient to affect the back muscles, but for the abdominals higher resistance (70% MMT) was required. In contrast to the other back muscles, the lumbar multifidus demonstrated high activity levels during both the extension and the flexion exercises. As the lumbar multifidus is demonstrated to be an important muscle in segmental stabilization of the lumbar spine, this finding may help in understanding the efficacy of rehabilitation programs using specific training devices.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to use wavelet analyses and pattern classification techniques to examine potential changes in the joint time–frequency distribution of surface electromyographic (EMG) signals due to an 8-week resistance training program. Thirteen untrained men (mean ± S.D. age = 22.2 ± 4.0 yrs) performed eight separate submaximal isometric muscle actions of the dominant leg extensors in 10% increments from 10 to 80% of the maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). During each muscle action, a monopolar surface EMG signal was detected from the vastus lateralis. All signals were then analyzed with a wavelet analysis designed specifically for EMG signals, and the resulting intensity patterns were classified using pattern classification techniques into their respective pre-training versus post-training categories. The results showed accuracy rates (% of correctly classified patterns) that ranged from approximately 62 to 92%, but these rates did not change consistently with increases in force. In addition, for five of the eight submaximal force levels, the classification was considered to be significantly different from random. Thus, although the differences between the pre- and post-training EMG intensity patterns were not always consistent, our findings did suggest that there is the potential for wavelet analyses and pattern classification techniques to be used to examine neuromuscular adaptations during resistance training.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of the application of postural taping on the kinematics of the lumbo–pelvic–hip complex, electromyographic (EMG) activity of back extensor muscles, and the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) in the low back during patient transfer. In total, 19 male physical therapists with chronic low back pain performed patient transfers with and without the application of postural taping on the low back. The kinematics of the lumbo–pelvic–hip complex and EMG activity of the erector spinae were recorded using a synchronized 3-D motion capture system and surface EMG. RPE was measured using Borg’s CR-10 scale. Differences in kinematic data, EMG activity, and RPE between the two conditions were analyzed using a paired t-test. Peak angle and range of motion (ROM) of lumbar flexion, EMG activity of the erector spinae, and RPE decreased significantly, while peak angle and ROM of pelvic anterior tilt and hip flexion increased significantly during patient transfer under the postural taping condition versus no taping (p < 0.05). These findings suggest that postural taping can change back extensor muscle activity and RPE as well as the kinematics of the lumbo–pelvic–hip complex in physical therapists with chronic low back pain during patient transfer.  相似文献   

Sixteen patients suffering from tension or mixed headaches participated in a frontalis EMG treatment schedule of 15 sessions where the therapist was either actively present or almost completely absent. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the therapist's active presence on the subject's ability to lower the EMG level. The active presence of the therapist consistently led to higher frontalis EMG level than that during the therapist's absence. Data also show that the EMG feedback administered was apparently effective in reducing subjective headache intensity along with EMG levels. The findings raise the question of an optimal dosage of presence and activity of the therapist during EMG feedback training.  相似文献   

 The purpose of this study was to provide objective information on the involvement of different abdominal and hip flexor muscles during various types of common training exercises used in rehabilitation and sport. Six healthy male subjects performed altogether 38 different static and dynamic training exercises – trunk and hip flexion sit-ups, with various combinations of leg position and support, and bi- and unilateral leg lifts. Myoelectric activity was recorded with surface electrodes from the rectus abdominis, obliquus externus, obliquus internus, rectus femoris, and sartorius muscles and with indwelling fine-wire electrodes from the iliacus muscle. The mean electromyogram amplitude, normalised to the highest observed value, was compared between static and dynamic exercises separately. The hip flexors were highly activated only in exercises involving hip flexion, either lifting the whole upper body or the legs. In contrast, the abdominal muscles showed marked activation both during trunk and hip flexion sit-ups. In hip flexion sit-ups, flexed and supported legs increased hip flexor activation, whereas such modifications did not generally alter the activation level of the abdominals. Bilateral, but not unilateral, leg lifts required activation of abdominal muscles. In trunk flexion sit-ups an increased activation of the abdominal muscles was observed with increased flexion angle, whereas the opposite was true for hip flexion sit-ups. Bilateral leg lifts resulted in higher activity levels than hip flexion sit-ups for the iliacus and sartorius muscles, while the opposite was true for rectus femoris muscles. These data could serve as a basis for improving the design and specificity of test and training exercises. Accepted: 12 August 1996  相似文献   

The Re-Link Trainer (RLT) is a modified walking frame with a linkage system designed to apply a non-individualized kinematic constraint to normalize gait trajectory of the left limb. The premise behind the RLT is that a user’s lower limb is constrained into a physiologically normal gait pattern, ideally generating symmetry across gait cycle parameters and kinematics. This pilot study investigated adaptations in the natural gait pattern of healthy adults when using the RLT compared to normal overground walking. Bilateral lower limb kinematic and electromyography data were collected while participants walked overground at a self-selected speed, followed by walking in the RLT. A series of 2-way analyses of variance examined between-limb and between-condition differences. Peak hip extension and knee flexion were reduced bilaterally when walking in the RLT. Left peak hip extension occurred earlier in the gait cycle when using the RLT, but later for the right limb. Peak hip flexion was significantly increased and occurred earlier for the constrained limb, while peak plantarflexion was significantly reduced. Peak knee flexion and plantarflexion in the right limb occurred later when using the RLT. Significant bilateral reductions in peak electromyography amplitude were evident when walking in the RLT, along with a significant shift in when peak muscle activity was occurring. These findings suggest that the RLT does impose a significant constraint, but generates asymmetries in lower limb kinematics and muscle activity patterns. The large interindividual variation suggests users may utilize differing motor strategies to adapt their gait pattern to the imposed constraint.  相似文献   

EMG signals of dynamically contracting muscle have never been used to predict experimentally known muscle forces across subjects. Here, we use an artificial neural network (ANN) approach to first derive an EMG–force relationship from a subset of experimentally determined EMGs and muscle forces; second, we use this relationship to predict individual muscle forces for different contractile conditions and in subjects whose EMG and force data were not used in the derivation of the EMG–force relationship; and third, we validate the predicted muscle forces against the known forces recorded in vivo. EMG and muscle forces were recorded from the cat soleus for a variety of locomotor conditions giving a data base from three subjects, four locomotor conditions, and 8–16 steps per subject and condition. Considering the conceptual differences in the tasks investigated (e.g. slow walking vs. trotting), the intra-subject results obtained here are superior to those published previously, even though the approach did not require a muscle model or the instantaneous contractile conditions as input for the force predictions. The inter-subject results are the first of this kind to be presented in the literature and they typically gave cross-correlation coefficients between actual and predicted forces of >0.90 and root mean square errors of <15%, thus they were considered excellent.

From the results of this study, it was concluded that ANNs represent a powerful tool to capture the essential features of EMG–force relationships of dynamically contracting muscle, and that ANNs might be used widely to predict muscle forces based on EMG signals.  相似文献   

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