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We studied mechanisms of immunosuppression caused by tumor-derived transforming growth factor-ß (TGFß) and restoration of the immune response by treatment with bleomycin in rats bearing KDH-8 hepatoma. Interleukin-2 (IL-2) production from splenocytes of KDH-8-tumor-bearing rats progressively decreased as the KDH-8 tumor grew. IL-2 production from concanavalin-A-stimulated normal rat splenocytes was signficiantly inhibited by in vitro cultured KDH-8-tumor-cell-conditioned medium; this inhibition could be blocked by neutralizing the conditioned medium with anti-TGFß antibody. TGFß activities were found in KDH-8-tumor-tissue-conditioned medium without acid treatment and were found in tumor-cell-conditioned medium after acid treatment; TGFß mRNA and TGFß protein were found in cultured KDH-8 tumor cells. These results suggested that the KDH-8-tumor-derived TGFß might be involved in the inhibition of IL-2 production from splenocytes. To determine whether bleomycin chemotherapy could reduce tumor-derived TGFß and restore the immune responses, we treated KDH-8 tumor-bearing rats with bleomycin (5 mg/kg, one shot) at an appropriate time (before the occurrence of immunosuppression) resulting in a significiant reduction of TGFß activity in KDH-8 tumor tissues and restoration of IL-2 production from splenocytes of tumor-bearing rats; KDH-8 tumor growth ultimately regressed. In vitro experiments also showed that TGFß activity, mRNA expression, and protein synthesis in KDH-8 tumor cells were reduced by bleomycin treatment, and that bleomycin-treated-KDH-8-tumor-cell-conditioned medium did not inhibit IL-2 production from normal rat splenocytes. These results suggest that bleomycin treatment restored IL-2 production in tumor-bearing rats through reducing the tumor-derived TGFß.  相似文献   

 To explore the mechanisms of immuno-modulatory activities of bleomycin, we investigated interferon γ (IFNγ) mRNA expression, tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) production, nitric oxide (NO) production and macrophage tumoricidal activities in rats bearing KDH-8 hepatoma cells, which secreted a large amount of transforming growth factor β (TGFβ), and these processes in KDH-8 tumor-bearing rats treated with bleomycin. We found that IFNγ mRNA expression, TNFα production, NO production and macrophage cytotoxic activities were lower in the KDH-8-bearing rats than in normal rats. On the other hand, low-dose bleomycin restored the macrophage cytotoxic activities, NO production, IFNγ mRNA expression and TNFα production in the KDH-8-bearing rats. In vitro experiments showed that KDH-8-derived TGFβ decreased the IFNγ mRNA expression and TNFα production in splenocytes, and NO production in peritoneal macrophages. These results suggest that low-dose bleomycin restored the cytokine production and macrophage tumoricidal activities in the KDH-8-bearing rats by decreasing KDH-8-derived TGFβ. Received: 14 October 1996 / Accepted: 22 July 1997  相似文献   

 A high-dose bolus regimen for interleukin(IL)-2 administration to cancer patients frequently causes serious side-effects in which various organs are involved. In order to reveal the mechanism of toxicities associated with this regimen, we compared the augmenting effect of high-dose IL-2 on murine organ-associated lymphocytes between neoplastic and non-neoplastic states. Intraperitoneal administration of IL-2 at a dose of 105 JRU (Japanese Reference Units) twice daily for 3 days led to the death of all the syngeneic MH134-hepatoma- or X5563-myeloma-bearing mice, whereas it had no lethal effect on non-tumor-bearing mice. Histological and morphometric analyses demonstrated that tumor-bearing mice displayed more extensive infiltration of large granular lymphocytes and agranular lymphocytes in the liver and lungs than did the non-tumor-bearing mice. Large granular lymphocytes had the ultrastructural characteristics of lymphokine-activated killer cells. Lymphocytes often underwent extravasation into the interstitial space and exhibited local proliferation without causing any direct injury to apposed parenchymal cells. Flow-cytometric analysis of hepatic mononuclear cells demonstrated that IL-2-receptor-β(IL-2Rβ)-bearing lymphocytes, i.e., natural killer cells and intermediate CD3 cells, were increased in number in the neoplastic state before the IL-2 injection. The present study indicates that the tumor-bearing state increases the number of organ-associated IL-2Rβ+ lymphocytes, which are then greatly amplified by the challenge of high-dose IL-2, leading to the functional disturbance of organs. We have further demonstrated here that an intermittent low-dose IL-2 regimen has a potential therapeutic effect on tumor regression without causing lethal side-effects. Received: 15 July 1996 / Accepted: 23 July 1997  相似文献   

 Peripheral blood lymphocytes obtained from children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) at onset were studied for the expression of interleukin-2 (IL-2) receptor α-chain (CD25) by two-color flow-cytometric analysis. Stimulated with anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody (mAb) alone, CD25 expression was significantly suppressed in CD4+ T cells from 27 of 48 (56.3%) cases and in CD8+ T cells from 29 of 48 (60.4%) cases. When stimulated with anti-CD3 mAb plus phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), CD25 expression was clearly restored in certain cases of ALL. When PMA plus ionomycin were used for stimulation of T cells, CD25 was inducible in a majority of cases. Interestingly CD25 expression upon anti-CD3 mAb stimulation was recovered after complete remission had been achieved. These observations suggest the presence in ALL children at onset of an in vitro defect in the signal transduction pathway of the T-cell-receptor/CD3 complex, resulting in inefficient CD25 expression. However, immune-staining analysis indicated that protein kinase C was normally translocated from the cytosol fraction to the cell membrane fraction. The mobilization of cytoplasmic free calcium is also normal. Received: 27 March 1996 / Accepted: 23 December 1996  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) is a prototype of a family of polypeptides that regulates cellular growth and phenotypic differentiation [(1986) Science 233, 532-534; (1987) Cell 49, 437-438]. TGF-β injection induces angiogenesis and fibrosis locally [(1986) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83, 4167-4171; (1987) Science 237, 1333-1336] and stimulates the synthesis of extracellular matrix proteins, fibronectin, collagens, and proteoglycans in vitro in many cell types [(1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 4337-4345; (1987) Biochem J. 247, 597-604]. Ascorbate is also known to induce collagen synthesis and to promote wound healing [(1988) J. Invest. Dermatol. 90, 420-424; (1986) Coll. Rel. Res. 6, 455-466]. We report that in cultured human skin fibroblasts, ascorbate and TGF-β synergistically enhance the biosynthesis of type I and III collagens and their steady-state mRNAs. TGF-β alone has no enhancing effect on type III collagen synthesis. The cooperation between ascorbate and TGF-β may be of significance in wound healing and in disorders of fibrosis.  相似文献   

 Injection of the superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) activates both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells expressing certain families of T cell receptor (TCR) variable-region β (Vβ) chain. T cells respond with profound cytokine production and induction of cytotoxicity. Repeated injections, however, cause deletion and anergy of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, resulting in reduced frequency of SEA-responsive cells TCR-Vβ11+ as well as reduced cytokine levels in serum upon challenge with SEA. Exogenous interleukin-2 (IL-2) in vivo rescued SEA-responsive CD4+ and CD8+ cells from SEA-induced deletion and/or increase expansion of SEA-primed cells as well as preventing down-regulation of endogenous IL-2 production in vivo. Combined treatment with SEA and IL-2 also superinduced production of important cytokines for the cytotoxic function of T cells, tumour necrosis factor α, interferon γ and IL-6, on a cellular level. These studies show that continuous stimulation with IL-2 in vivo could be useful for superantigen-based immunotherapy by induction of excessive T cell activation and by prevention of the development of T cell deletion and anergy. Received: 29 August 1996 / Accepted: 16 January 1997  相似文献   

Chondrocyte production of catabolic and inflammatory mediators participating in extracellular matrix degradation has been regarded as a central event in osteoarthritis (OA) development. During OA pathogenesis, interleukin-1β (IL-1β) decreases the mRNA expression and protein levels of transforming growth factor-β receptor type-2 (TGFBR2), thus disrupting transforming growth factor-β signaling and promoting OA development. In the present study, we attempted to identify the differentially expressed genes in OA chondrocytes upon IL-1β treatment, investigate their specific roles in OA development, and reveal the underlying mechanism. As shown by online data analysis and experimental results, TGFBR2 expression was significantly downregulated in IL-1β-treated human primary OA chondrocytes. IL-1β treatment induced degenerative changes in OA chondrocytes, as manifested by increased matrix metalloproteinase 13 and a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 5 proteins, decreased Aggrecan and Collagen II proteins, and suppressed OA chondrocyte proliferation. These degenerative changes were significantly reversed by TGFBR2 overexpression. miR-302c expression was markedly induced by IL-1β treatment in OA chondrocytes. miR-302c suppressed the expression of TGFBR2 via direct binding to its 3′- untranslated region. Similar to TGFBR2 overexpression, miR-302c inhibition significantly improved IL-1β-induced degenerative changes in OA chondrocytes. Conversely, TGFBR2 silencing enhanced IL-1β-induced degenerative changes and significantly reversed the effects of miR-302c inhibition in response to IL-1β treatment. In conclusion, the miR-302c/TGFBR2 axis could modulate IL-1β-induced degenerative changes in OA chondrocytes and might become a novel target for OA treatment.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (10.1007/s12079-020-00591-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

 In the present study, we carried out a functional analysis of regional lymph node lymphocytes (RLNL) from patients with lung cancer after in vitro activation by interleukin-2 (IL-2) and interleukin-12 (IL-12). IL-12 (100 U/ml) enhanced both the proliferation and cytotoxic activity of RLNL in a culture with low doses of IL-2 (5 – 10 JRU/ml). After comparing an RLNL culture with a low dose of IL-2 alone, a higher proportion of CD8+ cells and CD56+ cells and a lower proportion of CD4+ cells were found in the culture with both IL-12 and a low dose of IL-2. Such a combination of the cytokines effectively activated RLNL in terms of the expression of IL-2 receptors. In the culture condition of IL-12 and a low dose of IL-2, a synergistic effect was observed in the production of such cytokines as interferon γ, tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα), and TNFβ, as well as in tumor cytotoxicity. However, the addition of IL-12 inhibited the cytotoxicity of RLNL in the culture with a high dose of IL-2 (100 JRU/ml). This inhibition is considered to be partially due to the endogenous production of TNFα by lymphocytes, because the neutralization of TNFα bioactivity partially restored the cytotoxic activities of RLNL. Furthermore, in the presence of hydrocortisone, IL-12 synergistically enhanced the cytotoxic activity of RLNL cultured with a high dose of IL-2. These results provide useful information about the improvement of adoptive immunotherapy against cancer using RLNL. Received: 2 February 1996 / Accepted: 30 July 1996  相似文献   

 The generation of interleukin-2 (IL-2)-mediated helper activity is a central step in the immune response induced by allogeneic histocompatibility antigens, and IL-2-producing helper T-lymphocyte precursor (HTLp) frequencies have been proposed as a measure of alloreactivity in transplant recipients. We analyzed the influence of HLA-matching on the alloresponse of HTLp in limiting dilution assays derived from healthy individuals. Mean HTLp frequencies were significantly higher in HLA-DR antigen-mismatched than HLA-DR-matched combinations. Significant differences in the effect of one or two mismatched HLA-DR antigens on mean HTLp frequencies were also detected. Mean HLA class I (HLA-A, -B, -Cw) mismatches were not significantly different in each group and had no apparent influence on HTLp frequencies. Analysis of HLA protein sequence disparities revealed no significant difference in the number of mismatched amino acid residues at the HLA-DRB1 locus between one and two HLA-DR antigen-mismatched combinations but correlated strongly with HTLp frequency. The positive correlation was evident with mismatched residues in the beta sheet and alpha helical regions of the HLA-DRB1 molecule, suggesting a predominant influence of bound peptides in the stimulation of alloreactive helper cells. This finding was supported by analysis of the location of individual residue mismatches. Evidence of an effect of polymorphism in the CD4-binding region in the β-2 domain of HLA-DRB1 molecules was also found. Our results demonstrate the major influence of HLA-DR amino acid sequence mismatching on alloreactive HTLp frequencies but also suggest that additional genetic or environmental influences affect the alloreactive helper T-cell repertoire. Received: 2 September 1997 / Revised: 29 September 1997  相似文献   

Mouse embryonic palatal mesenchymal (MEPM) cells were cultured either on plastic tissue culture dishes or on the surface of three-dimensional collagen gels or within collagen gel matrices in DMEM/F12 medium containing 2.5% donor calf serum. MEPM cells proliferated exponentially when cultured on collagen or on plastic. Cells cultured within collagen gels did not proliferate but remained viable. Addition of 10 ng/ml epidermal growth factor (EGF) or transforming growth factor alpha (TGF) stimulated the proliferation of those cells cultured on plastic or on collagen but not those cultured within collagen gels. Immunocytochemical analysis revealed that MEPM cells synthesise collagen types I, III, IV, V, VI and IX; fibronectin, heparan sulphate proteoglycan, laminin and tenascin in vitro. These molecules are all present in the developing palate in vivo. EGF and TGF produced a generalised stimulation of extracellular matrix (ECM) synthesis by MEPM cells in vitro. Biochemical analysis indicated that cells cultured within collagen gels had the highest intrinsic rate of protein synthesis. On all substrata neither EGF nor TGF markedly altered the types of ECM molecules synthesised but rather caused a general increase in the total amount produced. This stimulation was most marked where the cells were cultured within collagen gels. The lack of stimulation of proliferation of MEPM cells cultured within collagen gels (i.e. in a physiologically-relevant environment) by EGF or TGF together with the marked stimulation of ECM synthesis suggests that these factors may act as differentiation signals via their effects on ECM production. Correspondence to: M.J. Dixon  相似文献   

 Although immunotherapy with bacillus Calmette Guérin (BCG) is an established adjuvant treatment for malignant melanoma, the mechanism of its role in this process is unclear. To investigate the possible contribution of tumor-inhibitory cytokines induced by BCG, B16F10 melanoma cell growth in culture was assessed in response to purified cytokines and conditioned media of BCG-stimulated splenocytes. Interferon-γ (IFNγ) was the most potent single agent (IC50≈50 pg/ml). Tumor necrosis factor α was substantially weaker (IC50>10 ng/ml) but provided synergy with IFNγ. None of the other cytokines such as interleukin-2 (IL-2), IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12, or granulocyte/macrophage-colony-stimulating factor had direct antitumor activity against B16F10 melanoma cells. However, when IL-2 and/or GM-CSF were combined with BCG either by exogenous addition or through endogenous production by novel cytokine-secreting recombinant BCG (rBCG), a substantial increase in INFγ production by splenocytes was observed. Antitumor activity of this conditioned medium directly correlated with IFNγ concentration and was completely blocked by neutralizing antibody to IFNγ. These results suggest that BCG may exert part of its antitumor action on melanoma through the induction of IFNγ, which can be greatly enhanced through the concomitant addition of IL-2 and/or GM-CSF. Furthermore, by utilizing rBCG that secrete these cytokines, it may be possible to potentiate the antitumor effect of BCG directly at the site of BCG inoculation. Received: 29 January 1996 / Accepted: 9 April 1996  相似文献   

A defective expression or activity of neurotrophic factors, such as brain‐ and glial‐derived neurotrophic factors, contributes to neuronal damage in Huntington’s disease (HD). Here, we focused on transforming growth factor‐β (TGF‐β1), a pleiotropic cytokine with an established role in mechanisms of neuroprotection. Asymptomatic HD patients showed a reduction in TGF‐β1 levels in the peripheral blood, which was related to trinucleotide mutation length and glucose hypometabolism in the caudate nucleus. Immunohistochemical analysis in post‐mortem brain tissues showed that TGF‐β1 was reduced in cortical neurons of asymptomatic and symptomatic HD patients. Both YAC128 and R6/2 HD mutant mice showed a reduced expression of TGF‐β1 in the cerebral cortex, localized in neurons, but not in astrocytes. We examined the pharmacological regulation of TGF‐β1 formation in asymptomatic R6/2 mice, where blood TGF‐β1 levels were also reduced. In these R6/2 mice, both the mGlu2/3 metabotropic glutamate receptor agonist, LY379268, and riluzole failed to increase TGF‐β1 formation in the cerebral cortex and corpus striatum, suggesting that a defect in the regulation of TGF‐β1 production is associated with HD. Accordingly, reduced TGF‐β1 mRNA and protein levels were found in cultured astrocytes transfected with mutated exon 1 of the human huntingtin gene, and in striatal knock‐in cell lines expressing full‐length huntingtin with an expanded glutamine repeat. Taken together, our data suggest that serum TGF‐β1 levels are potential biomarkers of HD development during the asymptomatic phase of the disease, and raise the possibility that strategies aimed at rescuing TGF‐β1 levels in the brain may influence the progression of HD.  相似文献   

Rat neonatal heart muscle cells (cardiomyocytes) were found to express a high-affinity surface receptor for transforming growth factor-β2 (TGF-β2). Specific binding was rapid, saturable, ligand-selective, and reversible. Equilibrium binding analyses revealed that the cardiomyocyte had one class of specific binding sites with a Kd 26 pM TGF-β2, a Bmax of ˜9 fmol/106 cells, and ˜5,000 binding sites/cardiomyocyte. Binding was selective for TGF-β2 in comparison to other TGF-β isoforms and to unrelated growth factors. Affinity-binding experiments revealed three types of cardiomyocyte TGF-β2 binding proteins, the most prominent of which corresponded to the high-molecular mass proteoglycan. These data raise the possibility that the anti-ischemic cardioprotective effects ofTGF-β may reflect receptor-mediated signal transduction at the cardiomyocyte level.  相似文献   

 There is strong evidence that antitumor activity of interleukin-12 (IL-12) in vivo is mediated, in part, through interferon (IFNγ) produced by IL-12-stimulated natural killer and T cells. Since IFNγ and tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) have been reported to synergize in antitumor effects in a number of models, we decided to examine whether the combined treatment with recombinant mouse IL-12 and recombinant human TNFα would produce similar effects. The efficacy of the combined IL-12/TNFα immunotherapy was evaluated in three tumor models in mice: B16F10 melanoma, Lewis lung (LL/2) carcinoma and L1 sarcoma. Intratumoral daily injections of 1 μg IL-12 in combination with 5 μg TNFα into B16F10-melanoma-bearing mice resulted in a significant retardation of the tumor growth as compared with that in controls and in mice treated with either cytokine alone. Similar effects were obtained using 0.1 μg IL-12 and 5 μg TNFα in LL/2 carcinoma and L1 sarcoma models. Antitumor activity against L1 sarcoma was still preserved when TNFα at a low dose (1 μg) was combined with 0.1 μg IL-12 and applied for a prolonged time. Potentiation of antitumor effects, which was observed in IL-12/TNFα-based immunotherapy, could result from at least three different mechanisms, partly related to stimulation of IFNγ and TNFα production in treated mice: (a) direct cytostatic/cytotoxic effects on tumor cells, (b) induction of antitumor activity of macrophages, and (c) inhibition of blood vessel formation in the tumor. Our studies demonstrate that combination tumor immunotherapy with IL-12 and TNFα may be more effective than single-cytokine treatment, and suggest possible mechanisms by which IL-12 and TNFα may exert potentiated therapeutic effects against locally growing tumors. Received: 17 February 1997 / Accepted: 5 August 1997  相似文献   

H.G.  L.M.  N.L.  S.  M.W.J.   《Cytokine & growth factor reviews》2009,20(4):305-317
With the development of growth factors and growth factor modulators as therapeutics for a range of disorders, it is prudent to consider whether modulating the growth factor profile in a tissue can influence tumour initiation or progression. As recombinant human TGF-β3 (avotermin) is being developed for the improvement of scarring in the skin it is important to understand the role, if any, of this cytokine in tumour progression.Elevated levels of TGF-β3 expression detected in late-stage tumours have linked this cytokine with tumourigenesis, although functional data to support a causative role are lacking. While it has proved tempting for researchers to interpret a ‘correlation’ as a ‘cause’ of disease, what has often been overlooked is the normal biological role of TGF-β3 in processes that are often subverted in tumourigenesis. Clarifying the role of this cytokine is complicated by inappropriate extrapolation of the data relating to TGF-β1 in tumourigenesis, despite marked differences in biology between the TGF-β isoforms. Indeed, published studies have indicated that TGF-β3 may actually play a protective role against tumourigenesis in a range of tissues including the skin, breast, oral and gastric mucosa. Based on currently available data it is reasonable to hypothesize that administration of acute low doses of exogenous TGF-β3 is unlikely to influence tumour initiation or progression.  相似文献   

Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF/CCN2) is a matricellular protein induced by transforming growth factor (TGF)‐β and intimately involved with tissue repair and overexpressed in various fibrotic conditions. We previously showed that keratinocytes in vitro downregulate TGF‐β‐induced expression of CTGF in fibroblasts by an interleukin (IL)‐1 α‐dependent mechanism. Here, we investigated further the mechanisms of this downregulation by both IL‐1α and β. Human dermal fibroblasts and NIH 3T3 cells were treated with IL‐1α or β in presence or absence of TGF‐β1. IL‐1 suppressed basal and TGF‐β‐induced CTGF mRNA and protein expression. IL‐1α and β inhibited TGF‐β‐stimulated CTGF promoter activity, and the activity of a synthetic minimal promoter containing Smad 3‐binding CAGA elements. Furthermore, IL‐1α and β inhibited TGF‐β‐stimulated Smad 3 phosphorylation, possibly linked to an observed increase in Smad 7 mRNA expression. In addition, RNA interference suggested that TGF‐β activated kinase1 (TAK1) is necessary for IL‐1 inhibition of TGF‐β‐stimulated CTGF expression. These results add to the understanding of how the expression of CTGF in human dermal fibroblasts is regulated, which in turn may have implications for the pathogenesis of fibrotic conditions involving the skin. J. Cell. Biochem. 110: 1226–1233, 2010. Published 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

 We tested whether treatment with an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthesis (N G-methyl-L-arginine, MeArg) can ameliorate interleukin-2(IL-2)-therapy-induced capillary leak syndrome in healthy or tumor-bearing mice without compromising the antitumor effects of IL-2 therapy. Healthy or C3-L5-mammary-adenocarcinoma-bearing C3H/HeJ mice were treated with one or two rounds of various doses of IL-2 (ten injections, i. p., every 8 h) or MeArg (ten injections s. c., every 8 h) or their combination. In an additional experiment, MeArg was given chronically in the drinking water, rather than s. c. to healthy mice subjected to one round of therapy as above. Mice were killed 1 h after their last IL-2 injection to measure the water content of the lungs and pleural cavities (markers of capillary leakage), NO production (given by NO2 and NO3 levels in the serum and pleural effusion), as well as the effect of therapies on the primary tumor size and number of spontaneous lung metastatic nodules. Results revealed that all doses of IL-2 (7500 – 35 000 Cetus U/injection), as well as both rounds of IL-2 therapy, caused capillary leakage. However, no pleural effusion was seen after the second round in any of the IL-2-treated groups. MeArg therapy, given subcutaneously (5 – 20 mg kg–1 injection–1 in healthy and 20 mg kg–1 injection–1 in tumor-bearing mice), did not ameliorate IL-2-induced capillary leakage in either group of mice, and did not compromise antitumor effects of IL-2. However, subcutaneous MeArg therapy alone reduced the growth of the primary tumors, the occurrence of spontaneous lung metastases and the amount of tumor-induced pulmonary edema. When MeArg therapy was given orally (1 mg/ml drinking water), a substantial drop in NO production, as well as reduction in capillary leakage was noted in IL-2-treated healthy mice. These findings suggest that NO inhibitors could be a valuable adjunct to IL-2 therapy of cancer and infectious diseases. Received: 23 October 1995 / Accepted: 22 November 1995  相似文献   

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