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Integrative bioethics is a brand of bioethics conceived and propagated by a group of Croatian philosophers and other scholars. This article discusses and shows that the approach encounters several serious difficulties. In criticizing certain standard views on bioethics and in presenting their own, the advocates of integrative bioethics fall into various conceptual confusions and inconsistencies. Although presented as a project that promises to deal with moral dilemmas created by modern science and technology, integrative bioethics does not contain the slightest normativity or action‐guiding capacity. Portrayed as a scientific and interdisciplinary enterprise, integrative bioethics displays a large number of pseudoscientific features that throw into doubt its overall credibility.  相似文献   

Cristina Richie 《Bioethics》2016,30(5):365-371
‘Bioethics still has important work to do in helping to secure status equality for LGBT people’ writes Timothy F. Murphy in a recent Bioethics editorial. The focus of his piece, however, is much narrower than human rights, medical care for LGBT people, or ending the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Rather, he is primarily concerned with sexuality and gender identity, and the medical intersections thereof (i.e. DSM diagnosis; access to SrS or ARTs). It is the objective of this response to provide an alternate account of bioethics from a Queer perspective. I will situate Queer bioethics within Queer studies, and offer three ‘lessons’ that bioethics can derive from this perspective. These are not definitive rules for Queer bioethics, since it is a field which fundamentally opposes categorizations, favoring pastiche over principles. These lessons are exploratory examples, which both complement and contradict LGBT bioethics. My latter two lessons – on environmental bioethics and disability – overlap with some of Murphy's concerns, as well as other conceptions of LGBT bioethics. However, the first lesson takes an antithetical stance to Murphy's primary focus by resisting all forms of heteroconformity and disavowing reproduction as consonant with Queer objectives and theory. The first lesson, which doubles as a primer in Queer theory, does heavy philosophical lifting for the remainder of the essay. This response to Timothy F. Murphy, whose work is certainly a legacy in bioethics, reveals the multiplicity of discourses in LGBT/Queer studies, many of which are advantageous – even essential – to other disciplines like bioethics.  相似文献   

刘长秋 《生命科学》2012,(11):1351-1356
20世纪下半叶以来,生命科技的发展极大地增进了人类的福祉,但也引生了大量伦理与法律问题,使得生命科技的伦理调整与法律规范成为必然。在生命科技发展的过程中,生命伦理发挥了重要的引领作用,它以其自身特定的机制保障着生命科技的健康发展。生命伦理与生命法存在着明显区别,这些区别使得生命伦理在现代生命科技社会中无法独立承担引领生命科技健康发展的使命,而必须与生命法共同在生命科技社会治理中发挥作用。在现代生命科技社会中,生命法具有不可取代的重要作用,正是基于此,20世纪70年代以来,各国兴起了一场生命伦理法律化的运动,纷纷强化了本国的生命法制建设,改变了以往单纯依赖生命伦理调整生命科技活动的历史,使法律也参与到生命科技的规制中来。人类生命科技治理必然要经历一个由单纯依赖生命伦理到依赖生命法与生命伦理相结合的发展阶段。当前,我国生命立法还存在诸多不足,难以适应生命科技发展的现实需要,需要采取相应的完善对策。  相似文献   

Since the discovery of his work in 1997, Fritz Jahr (1895-1953) has slowly become recognized as the author of the term and concept of bioethics. Jahr's ideas on bioethics were partly different from those shaped by Van Rensselaer Potter in the 1970s and, therefore, might be helpful for the further reform and broadening of modern bioethics. In this article, the authors elucidate ideas from lesser-known works by Jahr, especially those considering animal protection and teaching.  相似文献   

The complexities of modern science are not adequately reflected in many bioethical discussions. This is especially problematic in highly contested cases where there is significant pressure to generate clinical applications fast, as in stem cell research. In those cases a more integrated approach to bioethics, which we call systems bioethics, can provide a useful framework to address ethical and policy issues. Much as systems biology brings together different experimental and methodological approaches in an integrative way, systems bioethics integrates aspects of the history and philosophy of science, social and political theory, and normative analysis with the science in question. In this paper we outline how a careful analysis of the science of stem cell research can help to refocus the discussions related to the clinical applications of stem cells. We show how inaccurate or inadequate scientific assumptions help to create a set of unrealistic expectations and badly inform ethical deliberations and policy development. Systems bioethics offers resources for moving beyond the current impasse.  相似文献   

Gracia D 《Bioethics》1993,7(2-3):97-107
Today the Western world harbors, at least, three very different ethical traditions, each with its own characteristics: the Anglo-Saxon, the Northern (or Central) European, and the Mediterranean. Because modern bioethics made its appearance in the Anglo-American culture, Europeans in general, and Mediterraneans in particular, have attempted not simply to "import" or "translate" bioethics, but rather to "recreate" or "remake" the discipline according to their own cultural and ethical traditions. In my presentation, I would like to explain the peculiarities of Mediterranean bioethics, analyzing the following seven points: First, how they think bioethics should be philosophically founded; Second, the Mediterranean ethics of virtue and the doctor-patient relationship; Third, the relationship between Ethics and Law; Fourth, Health Care Systems and Ethics, Fifth, the problems concerning patient rights; Sixth, ethics by Committees; and finally, some general conclusions.  相似文献   

New biotechnologies and the new biology deriving from them are having a revolutionary impact on economy and society and are consequently transforming the role of researchers, which is changing continually to meet the competence required. The advances in human genetics on the other hand make it necessary to look for different approaches and new rules in bioethics. Comprehensive views and careful considerations are therefore needed in order that this new biology may have a positive impact on health, being respectful of the social and ethical principles of human beings.  相似文献   

Patterns of genetic variability in human populations are profoundly influenced by social organisation, including lifestyle, language, religion and social status. A nice illustration is seen among societies that have specific rules about who can marry whom.  相似文献   

Who are the gatekeepers in bioethics? Does editorial bias or institutional racism exist in leading bioethics journals? We analyzed the composition of the editorial boards of 14 leading bioethics journals by country. Categorizing these countries according to their Human Development Index (HDI), we discovered that approximately 95 percent of editorial board members are based in (very) high-HDI countries, less than 4 percent are from medium-HDI countries, and fewer than 1.5 percent are from low-HDI countries. Eight out of 14 leading bioethics journals have no editorial board members from a medium- or low-HDI country. Eleven bioethics journals have no board members from low-HDI countries. This severe underrepresentation of bioethics scholars from developing countries on editorial boards suggests that bioethics may be affected by institutional racism, raising significant questions about the ethics of bioethics in a global context.  相似文献   

In the dialogue between Timothy F. Murphy and Cristina Richie about queer bioethics and queer reproduction in this journal, significant points of the emergent and extremely important discussions on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) and queer bioethics are raised. Richie specifies correctly that queer bioethics can either complement or contradict LGBT bioethics and the queer standpoint against heteroconformity and heterofuturity is decisive here. As the field of queer bioethics is such a recent and essential part of consideration for bioethics and as it is still evolving, the objective of this intervention is to provide both an overview of important milestones of queer bioethics and to highlight that queer bioethics is not mono‐logic and monolithic. To exemplify queer bioethic's ‘many‐headed monsters’, queer reproduction is revisited and complemented by a European viewpoint. It is central to my argument and here I disagree with Richie that to be against heterofuturity does not necessarily mean to be against queer reproduction. However, I also argue that there are other reasons why queer reproduction should not be pursued at all costs. Finally, I discuss the most recent debates on race, class and citizenship, for example, queer necropolitics. These points still need to be addressed in queer bioethical agendas.  相似文献   

Bioethics: power and injustice: IAB presidential address   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Benatar SR 《Bioethics》2003,17(5-6):387-399
A major focus within the modern bioethics debate has been on reshaping power relationships within the doctor-patient relationship. Empowerment of the vulnerable has been achieved through an emphasis on human rights and respect for individual dignity. However, power imbalances remain pervasive within healthcare. To a considerable extent this relates to insufficient attention to social injustice. Such power imbalances together with the development of new forms of power, for example through new genetic biotechnology, raise the spectre of increasing social injustice. Attention will be drawn to the need to extend the bioethics debate to include ethical considerations regarding public health. Changes in political philosophy will also be required to reshape international power relations and improve population health.  相似文献   

The paper reviews experimental and clinical data obtained on physiology and pathology of the higher nervous system by the Laboratory founded by I. P. Pavlov during 75 years of its existence: the principle of systemic organisation of the brain structures activity, the role of separate subcortical structures in organisation of behaviour, theoretical development of experimental pathology problems, inner inhibition, the role of sympathetic nervous system in conditioning, possible neurophysiological and neurochemical mechanisms of conditioning.  相似文献   

The content of human physiology as an independent part of modern physiology is discussed. It is substantiated that not only special sections of physiology where functions are specific for humans (the physiology of intellectual activity, speech, labor, and sport), but also the characteristics of functions and the specificity of regulation of each of the physiological systems are subjects of human physiology. The boundaries of the norm, the characteristics of regulation in humans, new chapters of renal physiology that appeared due to the achievements of molecular physiology and require fundamentally new approaches are exemplified by the physiology of the kidneys and water-electrolyte balance.  相似文献   

Friele MB 《Bioethics》2003,17(4):301-318
Bioethical and bio-political questions are increasingly tackled by committees, councils, and other advisory boards that work on different and often interrelated levels. Research ethics committees work on an institutional or clinical level; local advisory boards deal with biomedical topics on the level of particular political regions; national and international political advisory boards try to answer questions about morally problematic political decisions in medical research and practice. In accordance with the increasing number and importance of committees, the quality of their work and their functional status are being subjected to more and more scrutiny. Besides overall criticism regarding the quality of their work, particular committees giving political advice are often suspected of being incompatible with democratic values, such as respect for affected parties, representation of diverse values and transparency in the decision-making processes. Based on the example of the German National Ethics Council, whose inauguration caused a still ongoing debate on the aims and scopes of committees in general, this paper discusses: (1) the requirements of modern democratic societies in dealing with complex scientific-technical problems; (2) the composition and organisation of committees working as political advisory boards; and (3) the appointment procedures and roles of laymen and experts, and here in particular of ethicists, who may legitimately be taken on by a committee. I will argue that bioethics committees do not necessarily endanger democratic values, but can considerably improve their realisation in democratic decision-making procedures--if, and only if, they do not act as substitutes for parliamentarian processes, but help prepare parliamentarian processes to be organised as rationally as possible.  相似文献   

From both within and without bioethics, growing criticism of the predominant methods and practices of the field can be heard. These critiques tend to lament an emphasis on logically derived rules and philosophical theories that inadequately capture how and why people have the moral attitudes they do, and they urge the use of more empirically grounded social sciences--history, sociology, and anthropology--to draw attention to the complex factors behind such attitudes. However, these critiques do not go far enough, as they do not question why debate over ethical categories should have such a central role in voicing concerns about medicine. The importance of using other forms of inquiry, especially that of history, to examine aspects of medical practice and the emergence of bioethics itself is not simply to refine bioethical moral analysis. Instead, history can be employed to counter the preoccupation with translating concerns about medicine into moral terms and to move towards what is more sorely needed: a true medical humanism.  相似文献   

Anthropologists and sociologists offer numerous critiques of bioethics. Social scientists criticize bioethicists for their arm-chair philosophizing and socially ungrounded pontificating, offering philosophical abstractions in response to particular instances of suffering, making all-encompassing universalistic claims that fail to acknowledge cultural differences, fostering individualism and neglecting the importance of families and communities, and insinuating themselves within the “belly” of biomedicine. Although numerous aspects of bioethics warrant critique and reform, all too frequently social scientists offer ungrounded, exaggerated criticisms of bioethics. Anthropological and sociological critiques of bioethics are hampered by the tendency to equate bioethics with clinical ethics and moral theory in bioethics with principlist bioethics. Also, social scientists neglect the role of bioethicists in addressing organizational ethics and other “macro-social” concerns. If anthropologists and sociologists want to provide informed critiques of bioethics they need to draw upon research methods from their own fields and develop richer, more informed analyses of what bioethicists say and do in particular social settings.  相似文献   

Religious voices were important in the early days of the contemporary field of bioethics but have now become decidedly less prominent. This is unfortunate because religious elements are essential parts of the most foundational aspects of bioethics. The problem is that there is an incommensurability between religious language and languages of public discourse such as the “public reason” of John Rawls. To eliminate what is unique in religious language is to lose something essential. This paper examines the reasons for the marginalization of religion in bioethics, shows the limitations of Rawls’s notion of public reason, and argues for a more robust role for theology in articulating a new language for public discourse in bioethics.  相似文献   

STEPHEN HOLLAND 《Bioethics》2011,25(4):192-201
This paper discusses the viability of a virtue‐based approach to bioethics. Virtue ethics is clearly appropriate to addressing issues of professional character and conduct. But another major remit of bioethics is to evaluate the ethics of biomedical procedures in order to recommend regulatory policy. How appropriate is the virtue ethics approach to fulfilling this remit? The first part of this paper characterizes the methodology problem in bioethics in terms of diversity, and shows that virtue ethics does not simply restate this problem in its own terms. However, fatal objections to the way the virtue ethics approach is typically taken in bioethics literature are presented in the second section of the paper. In the third part, a virtue‐based approach to bioethics that avoids the shortcomings of the typical one is introduced and shown to be prima facie plausible. The upshot is an inviting new direction for research into bioethics' methodology.  相似文献   

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