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Cell fusion activity of hepatitis C virus envelope proteins   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
To examine the cell fusion activity of hepatitis C virus (HCV) envelope proteins (E1 and E2), we have established a sensitive cell fusion assay based on the activation of a reporter gene as described previously (O. Nussbaum, C. C. Broder, and E. A. Berger, J. Virol. 68:5411-5422, 1994). The chimeric HCV E1 and E2 proteins, each consisting of the ectodomain of the E1 and E2 envelope protein and the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of the vesicular stomatitis virus G glycoprotein, were expressed on the cell surface. Cells expressing the chimeric envelope proteins and T7 RNA polymerase were cocultured with the various target cell lines transfected with a reporter plasmid encoding the luciferase gene under the control of the T7 promoter. After cocultivation, the cell fusion activity was determined by the expression of luciferase in the cocultured cells. The induction of cell fusion requires both the chimeric E1 and E2 proteins and occurs in a low-pH-dependent manner. Although it has been shown that HCV E2 protein binds human CD81 (P. Pileri, Y. Uematsu, S. Campagnoli, G. Galli, F. Falugi, R. Petracca, A. J. Weiner, M. Houghton, D. Rosa, G. Grandi, and S. Abrignani, Science 282:938-941, 1998), the expression of human CD81 alone is not sufficient to confer susceptibility to cell fusion in the mouse cell line. Treatment of the target cells with pronase, heparinase, or heparitinase reduced the cell fusion activity induced by the chimeric envelope proteins. These results suggest (i) that both HCV E1 and E2 proteins are responsible for fusion with the endosomal membrane after endocytosis and (ii) that certain protein molecules other than human CD81 and some glycosaminoglycans on the cell surface are also involved in the cell fusion induced by HCV.  相似文献   

Functional hepatitis C virus envelope glycoproteins   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) encodes two envelope glycoproteins, E1 and E2, that are released from HCV polyprotein by signal peptidase cleavage. These proteins assemble as a noncovalent heterodimer that is retained in the endoplasmic reticulum. The transmembrane domains of E1 and E2 are multifunctional and play a major role in the biogenesis of E1E2 heterodimer. Because HCV does not replicate efficiently in cell culture, surrogate models have been developed to study some steps of its life cycle. Recently, infectious pseudotype particles (HCVpp) harboring unmodified E1E2 glycoproteins onto retroviral core particles have successfully been generated. They mimic the function of native HCV particles, thus representing a model to study the early steps of its lifecycle. The noncovalent E1E2 heterodimers present at the surface of the HCVpp, which contain complex-type glycans indicating modification by Golgi enzymes, are likely to mediate virus entry. The CD81 tetraspanin and the scavenger receptor SR-BI, two cellular molecules shown to interact with E2, are essential for HCVpp entry. However, these two proteins are not sufficient to provide entry functions in non permissive cells, suggesting that additional unidentified cellular factor(s) are necessary for HCVpp entry. Potential structural homology with other fusion proteins from closely related viruses suggest that HCV envelope glycoproteins belong to class II fusion proteins, but contrary to what is observed for other viral envelope proteins of this class, they are highly glycosylated and are not matured by a cellular endoprotease cleavage.  相似文献   

Glycosylation of hepatitis C virus envelope proteins   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Goffard A  Dubuisson J 《Biochimie》2003,85(3-4):295-301
Enveloped viruses are surrounded by a membrane derived from the host-cell that contains proteins called "envelope proteins". These proteins play a major role in virus assembly and entry. In most of the enveloped viruses, they are modified by N-linked glycosylation which is supposed to play a role in their stability, antigenicity and biological functions. Glycosylation is also known to play a major role in the biogenesis of proteins by being directly and/or indirectly involved in protein folding. Recent studies on hepatitis C virus (HCV) envelope proteins have revealed a complex interplay between cleavage by signal peptidase, folding and glycosylation. The knowledge that has been accumulated on the early steps of glycosylation of these proteins is presented in this review.  相似文献   

Although in vitro replication of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) JFH1 clone of genotype 2a (HCVcc) has been developed, a robust cell culture system for the 1a and 1b genotypes, which are the most prevalent viruses in the world and resistant to interferon therapy, has not yet been established. As a surrogate virus system, pseudotype viruses transiently bearing HCV envelope proteins based on the vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) and retrovirus have been developed. Here, we have developed a replication-competent recombinant VSV with a genome encoding unmodified HCV E1 and E2 proteins in place of the VSV envelope protein (HCVrv) in human cell lines. HCVrv and a pseudotype VSV bearing the unmodified HCV envelope proteins (HCVpv) generated in 293T or Huh7 cells exhibited high infectivity in Huh7 cells. Generation of infectious HCVrv was limited in some cell lines examined. Furthermore, HCVrv but not HCVpv was able to propagate and form foci in Huh7 cells. The infection of Huh7 cells with HCVpv and HCVrv was neutralized by anti-hCD81 and anti-E2 antibodies and by sera from chronic HCV patients. The infectivity of HCVrv was inhibited by an endoplasmic reticulum alpha-glucosidase inhibitor, N-(n-nonyl) deoxynojirimycin (Nn-DNJ), but not by a Golgi mannosidase inhibitor, deoxymannojirimycin. Focus formation of HCVrv in Huh7 cells was impaired by Nn-DNJ treatment. These results indicate that the HCVrv developed in this study can be used to study HCV envelope proteins with respect to not only the biological functions in the entry process but also their maturation step.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) fusion and entry involves sequential interactions between the viral envelope protein, gp120, cell surface CD4, and a G-protein-coupled coreceptor. Each interaction creates an intermediate gp120 structure predicted to display distinct antigenic features, including key functional domains for viral entry. In this study, we examined the disposition of these features during the fusion of HeLa cells expressing either HIV(HXB2) envelope (Env cells) or CXCR4 and CD4 (target cells). Cell-cell fusion, indicated by cytoplasmic dye transfer, was allowed to progress for various times and then arrested. The cells were then examined for reactivity with antibodies directed against receptor-induced epitopes on gp120. Analyses of cells arrested by cooling to 4( degrees )C revealed that antibodies against the CD4-induced coreceptor-binding domain, i.e., 17b, 48d, and CG10, faintly react with Env cells even in the absence of target cell or soluble CD4 (sCD4) interactions. Such reactivity increased after exposure to sCD4 but remained unchanged during fusion with target cells and was not intensified at the Env-target cell interface. Notably, the antibodies did not react with Env cells when treated with a covalent cross-linker either alone or during fusion with target cells. Immunoreactivity could not be promoted or otherwise altered on either temperature arrested or cross-linked cells by preventing coreceptor interactions or by using a 17b Fab. In comparison, two other gp120-CD4 complex-dependent antibodies against epitopes outside the coreceptor domain, 8F101 and A32, exhibited a different pattern of reactivity. These antibodies reacted with the Env-target cell interface only after 30 min of cocultivation, concurrent with the first visible transfer of cytoplasmic dye from Env to target cells. At later times, the staining surrounded entire syncytia. Such binding was entirely dependent on the formation of gp120-CD4-CXCR4 tricomplexes since staining was absent with SDF-treated or coreceptor-negative target cells. Overall, these studies show that access to the CD4-induced coreceptor-binding domain on gp120 is largely blocked at the fusing cell interface and is unlikely to represent a target for neutralizing antibodies. However, new epitopes are presented on intermediate gp120 structures formed as a result of coreceptor interactions. Such findings have important implications for HIV vaccine approaches based on conformational alterations in envelope structures.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In vitro fusion of transfected cells expressing the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) envelope proteins gp120/gp41, with target cells expressing CD4, and a suitable chemokine coreceptor is used widely to investigate the mechanisms of molecular recognition and membrane fusion involved in the entry of the HIV genome into cells and in syncytia formation. METHODS: We developed an assay that uses two different fluorescent lipophilic probes to single label each reacting cell population and flow cytometry to quantify the extent of cellular fusion after coculture. RESULTS: Fused cells are detected as double-fluorescent particles in this assay, therefore permitting measurement of their proportion in the total cell population. The time course and extent of HIV-glycoprotein-related cellular fusion, the optimal cell ratio, the size and cell composition of the fusion products, and the inhibition of fusion caused by soluble CD4 and anti-CXCR4 antibody 12G5 were determined. The assay was applied to measure fusion between gp120/gp41 and CD4-expressing cells growing as monolayers (HeLa/CHO fusion), as well as to suspension lymphocyte cultures (Jurkat/Jurkat fusion). CONCLUSIONS: The method's simple technical and minimal cell-invasive procedures, as well as its non-ambiguous automatic numerical quantification should be useful for the study of factors influencing cell-cell fusion.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) encodes two envelope glycoproteins, E1 and E2, that assemble as a noncovalent heterodimer which is mainly retained in the endoplasmic reticulum. Because assembly into particles and secretion from the cell lead to structural changes in viral envelope proteins, characterization of the proteins associated with the virion is necessary in order to better understand how they mature to be functional in virus entry. There is currently no efficient and reliable cell culture system to amplify HCV, and the envelope glycoproteins associated with the virion have therefore not been characterized yet. Recently, infectious pseudotype particles that are assembled by displaying unmodified HCV envelope glycoproteins on retroviral core particles have been successfully generated. Because HCV pseudotype particles contain fully functional envelope glycoproteins, these envelope proteins, or at least a fraction of them, should be in a mature conformation similar to that on the native HCV particles. In this study, we used conformation-dependent monoclonal antibodies to characterize the envelope glycoproteins associated with HCV pseudotype particles. We showed that the functional unit is a noncovalent E1E2 heterodimer containing complex or hybrid type glycans. We did not observe any evidence of maturation by a cellular endoprotease during the transport of these envelope glycoproteins through the secretory pathway. These envelope glycoproteins were recognized by a panel of conformation-dependent monoclonal antibodies as well as by CD81, a molecule involved in HCV entry. The functional envelope glycoproteins associated with HCV pseudotype particles were also shown to be sensitive to low-pH treatment. Such conformational changes are likely necessary to initiate fusion.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of the putative envelope region (E1) and the junction between the E1 and envelope 2/nonstructural 1 (E2/NS1) region of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) genome are divergent among different genotypes. To characterize them, we introduced a set of nested primers that are conserved among four different genotypes (types I–IV) of HCV for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification. The amplified products include the variable full-length E1 region, and the 5 end of the E2/NS1 region, the so-called hypervariable region-1 (HVR-1). Of 53 patients with histologically confirmed chronic liver disease and HCV viremia, type II virus was the most dominant strain as detected by the PCR genotyping method and the envelope region could be amplified in more than half of them irrespective of their genotypes. The specificity was confirmed by subsequent nucleotide sequence analysis. The positivity of envelope region PCR was not correlated with histologic diagnosis and hepatitis activities in these patients. Our results suggest that the nested primers can amplify the variable E1 and hypervariable 5 end of E2/NS1 of the HCV genome with moderate efficiency, and thus will be useful in future studies of HCV infections.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus envelope proteins bind lactoferrin.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
M Yi  S Kaneko  D Y Yu    S Murakami 《Journal of virology》1997,71(8):5997-6002
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) has two envelope proteins, E1 and E2, which form a heterooligomer. During dissection of interacting regions of HCV E1 and E2, we found the presence of an interfering compound or compounds in skim milk. Here we report that human as well as bovine lactoferrin, a multifunctional immunomodulator, binds two HCV envelope proteins. As determined by far-Western blotting, the bacterially expressed E1 and E2 could bind lactoferrin in human milk directly separated or immunopurified and separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The bindings of lactoferrin and HCV envelope proteins in vitro were confirmed by another method, the pull-down assay, with immunoprecipitated lactoferrin-bound protein A resin. By the same assay, mammal-expressed recombinant E1 and E2 were also demonstrated to bind human lactoferrin efficiently in vitro. Direct interaction between E2 and lactoferrin was proved in vivo, since anti-human lactoferrin antibody efficiently coimmunoprecipitated with secreted and intracellular forms of the E2 protein, but not glutathione S-transferase (GST), from lysates of HepG2 cells transiently cotransfected with the expression plasmids of human lactoferrin and gE2t-GST (the N-terminal two-thirds of E2 fused to GST) or GST. The N-terminal loop of lactoferrin, the region important for the antibacterial activity, has only a little role in the binding ability to HCV E2 but affected the secretion or stability of lactoferrin. Taken together, these results indicate the specific interaction between lactoferrin and HCV envelope proteins in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   

Distinctive properties of the hepatitis B virus envelope proteins.   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
Using recombinant adenoviral vectors, we expressed and characterized the large, middle, and major envelope proteins of hepatitis B virus (HBV). Cells infected with the recombinant adenovirus which contained the large envelope gene (HS1.HP) expressed predominantly large envelope and small but detectable quantities of middle (4%) and major (6%) envelope proteins in the cell lysate. No HBV envelope proteins were detected in the culture medium from HS1.HP-infected cells. Cells infected with recombinant adenovirus which contained the middle envelope gene (HS2.HP) expressed and secreted the middle and major envelope proteins in a molar ratio of 3:1. Cells infected with the recombinant adenovirus which contained the major envelope gene (HS.HP) expressed and secreted major envelope proteins. The HBV envelope proteins secreted by cells infected with either HS2.HP or HS.HP were assembled in 22-nm particles, as shown by velocity sedimentation rate determination, buoyant densities, and electron microscopy. Cells coinfected with a recombinant adenovirus which contained the large envelope gene and with either HS2.HP or HS.HP expressed similar quantities of the large, middle, and major envelope proteins in the cell lysates. Secretion of the major and middle envelope proteins was inhibited more than 95% by the presence of the large envelope proteins. These results suggest that differential biosynthesis, transport, and processing of the envelope proteins occur during HBV infection, allowing efficient assembly and secretion of virions and hepatitis B surface antigen particles.  相似文献   

Y I Henis  O Gutman 《Biochemistry》1987,26(3):812-819
We have recently employed fluorescence photobleaching recovery (FPR) to demonstrate that the envelope glycoproteins of Sendai virions become laterally mobile on the surface of human erythrocytes following fusion [Henis, Y. I., Gutman, O., & Loyter, A. (1985) Exp. Cell Res. 160, 514-526]. In order to investigate whether this lateral mobilization is involved in the mechanism of virally mediated cell-cell fusion, or is merely a result of viral envelope-cell fusion, we have now performed FPR studies on erythrocytes fused with reconstituted Sendai virus envelopes (RSVE). These RSVE, which were prepared by solubilization of Sendai virions with Triton X-100 followed by removal of the detergent through adsorption to SM-2 Bio-beads, fused with human erythrocytes as efficiently as native virions but induced cell-cell fusion to a much lower degree. The fraction of the viral envelope glycoproteins that became laterally mobile in the erythrocyte membrane following fusion was markedly lower in the case of RSVE than in the case of native virions. The lower cell-cell fusion activity of the RSVE does not appear to be due to inactivation of the viral fusion protein, since the envelope-cell fusion and hemolytic activities of the RSVE were similar to those of native virions. Moreover, fusion with RSVE or with native virions resulted in the incorporation of rather similar amounts of viral glycoproteins into the cell membrane. Since the reduced fraction of laterally mobile viral glycoproteins correlates with the lower cell-cell fusion activity of the RSVE.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We have developed a novel high-throughput screening assay of hepatitis C virus (HCV) nonstructural protein 3 (NS3) helicase inhibitors using the fluorescence-quenching phenomenon via photoinduced electron transfer between fluorescent dyes and guanine bases. We prepared double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) with a 5′-fluorescent-dye (BODIPY FL)-labeled strand hybridized with a complementary strand, the 3′-end of which has guanine bases. When dsDNA is unwound by helicase, the dye emits fluorescence owing to its release from the guanine bases. Our results demonstrate that this assay is suitable for quantitative assay of HCV NS3 helicase activity and useful for high-throughput screening for inhibitors. Furthermore, we applied this assay to the screening for NS3 helicase inhibitors from cell extracts of microorganisms, and found several cell extracts containing potential inhibitors.  相似文献   

Shang L  Yue L  Hunter E 《Journal of virology》2008,82(11):5417-5428
The membrane-spanning domain (MSD) of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gp41 glycoprotein is critical for its biological activity. Previous C-terminal truncation studies have predicted an almost invariant core structure of 12 amino acid residues flanked by basic amino acids in the HIV-1 MSD that function to anchor the glycoprotein in the lipid bilayer. To further understand the role of specific amino acids within the MSD core, we initially replaced the core region with 12 leucine residues and then constructed recovery-of-function mutants in which specific amino acid residues (including a GGXXG motif) were reintroduced. We show here that conservation of the MSD core sequence is not required for normal expression, processing, intracellular transport, and incorporation into virions of the envelope glycoprotein (Env). However, the amino acid composition of the MSD core does influence the ability of Env to mediate cell-cell fusion and plays a critical role in the infectivity of HIV-1. Replacement of conserved amino acid residues with leucine blocked virus-to-cell fusion and subsequent viral entry into target cells. This restriction could not be released by C-terminal truncation of the gp41 glycoprotein. These studies imply that the highly conserved core residues of the HIV Env MSD, in addition to serving as a membrane anchor, play an important role in mediating membrane fusion during viral entry.  相似文献   

Fluorescence photobleaching recovery was employed to study the effects of specific immobilization of Sendai virus envelope glycoproteins (F, the fusion protein, and HN, the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase) on the virally mediated fusion of human erythrocytes. Lateral immobilization of varying fractions of F and/or HN (after virus adsorption and hemagglutination, but before fusion) was achieved by cross-linking them with succinyl concanavalin A (inhibiting both F and HN) or with specific rabbit IgG directed against either F or HN. Alternatively, agglutinated cells were treated with low concentrations of the above proteins (inducing only minor inhibition of either mobility or fusion), and immobilization of F and/or HN was induced by cross-linking with a secondary antibody; this protocol ensured a minimal contribution of direct binding to the viral proteins to the inhibition of fusion. Our results demonstrate that lateral immobilization of either F or HN results in a strong inhibition of cell-cell fusion and a much weaker inhibition of virus-cell fusion. The level of cell-cell fusion was directly correlated with the level of laterally mobile viral glycoproteins in the cell membrane (either F or HN). We conclude that lateral mobility of both F and HN in the red cell membrane is essential for cell-cell fusion and that not only F but also HN has a role in this fusion event. The possible reasons for the different dependence of cell-cell and virus-cell fusion on viral glycoprotein mobility are discussed.  相似文献   

Analysis of the properties for individual hepatitis C virus (HCV) proteins makes it possible to establish their molecular structure and conformation, to localize antigenic and immunogenic determinants, to identify protective epitopes, and to solve applied problems (e.g., design of diagnostic tests, vaccines, and drugs). Linear and conformational epitopes of HCV proteins were localized using the phage display technique, and the peptides exposed on the phages selected with monoclonal antibodies against HCV proteins were tested for immunogenicity. Of the 11 epitopes revealed, three were strongly linear; two depended on the secondary; and one on the tertiary structure of the corresponding protein (conformational epitopes). Amino acid sequences involved in the other epitopes were established. The results can be used to improve the diagnosis of hepatitis C, to study the effect of amino acid substitutions on the antigenic properties of HCV proteins, and to analyze the immune response in patients infected with genotypically different HCV. It was shown with the example of the NS5A epitope that phage particles with epitope-mimicking peptides (mimotopes) induce production of antibodies against the corresponding HCV proteins.  相似文献   

We investigated cell-cell fusion induced by the envelope glycoprotein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 strain IIIB expressed on the surface of CHO cells. These cells formed syncytia when incubated together with CD4-positive human lymphoblastoid SupT1 cells or HeLa-CD4 cells but not when incubated with CD4-negative cell lines. A new assay for binding and fusion was developed by using fluorescent phospholipid analogs that were produced in SupT1 cells by metabolic incorporation of BODIPY-labeled fatty acids. Fusion occurred as early as 10 min after mixing of labeled SupT1 cells with unlabeled CHO-gp160 cells at 37 degrees C. When both the fluorescence assay and formation of syncytia were used, fusion of SupT1 and HeLa-CD4 cells with CHO-gp160 cells was observed only at temperatures above 25 degrees C, confirming recent observations (Y.-K. Fu, T.K. Hart, Z.L. Jonak, and P.J. Bugelski, J. Virol. 67:3818-3825, 1993). This temperature dependence was not observed with influenza virus-induced cell-cell fusion, which was quantitatively similar at both 20 and 37 degrees C, indicating that cell-cell fusion in general is not temperature dependent in this range. gp120-CD4-specific cell-cell binding was found over the entire 0 to 37 degrees C range but increased markedly above 25 degrees C. The enhanced binding and fusion were reduced by cytochalasins B and D. Binding of soluble gp120 to CD4-expressing cells was equivalent at 37 and 16 degrees C. Together, these data indicate that during gp120-gp41-induced syncytium formation, initial cell-cell binding is followed by a cytoskeleton-dependent increase in the number of gp120-CD4 complexes, leading to an increase in the avidity of cell-cell binding. The increased number of gp120-CD4 complexes is required for fusion, which suggests that the formation of a fusion complex consisting of multiple CD4 and gp120-gp41 molecules is a step in the fusion mechanism.  相似文献   

The small (S), middle (M) and large (L) envelope proteins of the hepatitis B virus (HBV) are initially synthesized as multispanning membrane proteins of the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. We now demonstrate that all envelope proteins synthesized in transfected cells or in a cell-free system adopt more than one transmembrane orientation. The L protein disposes its N-terminal preS domain both to the cytoplasmic and the luminal side of the membrane. This unusual topology does not depend on interaction with the viral nucleocapsid, but is preserved in secreted empty envelope particles. Pulse-chase analysis suggests a novel process of post-translational translocation leading to the non-uniform topology. Analysis of L deletion mutants indicates that the block to co-translational translocation can be attributed to a specific sequence within preS, suggesting that translocation of L may be regulated. Additional topological heterogeneity is displayed in the S region of the envelope proteins and in the S protein itself, as assayed in a cell-free system. S proteins integrated into microsomal membranes exhibit both a luminal and a cytoplasmic orientation of the internal hydrophilic region carrying the major antigenic determinants. This may explain the unusual partial glycosylation of the HBV envelope proteins.  相似文献   

Group II nucleopolyhedroviruses (NPVs), e.g., Spodoptera exigua MNPV, lack a GP64-like protein that is present in group I NPVs but have an unrelated envelope fusion protein named F. In contrast to GP64, the F protein has to be activated by a posttranslational cleavage mechanism to become fusogenic. In several vertebrate viral fusion proteins, the cleavage activation generates a new N terminus which forms the so-called fusion peptide. This fusion peptide inserts in the cellular membrane, thereby facilitating apposition of the viral and cellular membrane upon sequential conformational changes of the fusion protein. A similar peptide has been identified in NPV F proteins at the N terminus of the large membrane-anchored subunit F(1). The role of individual amino acids in this putative fusion peptide on viral infectivity and propagation was studied by mutagenesis. Mutant F proteins with single amino acid changes as well as an F protein with a deleted putative fusion peptide were introduced in gp64-null Autographa californica MNPV budded viruses (BVs). None of the mutations analyzed had an major effect on the processing and incorporation of F proteins in the envelope of BVs. Only two mutants, one with a substitution for a hydrophobic residue (F152R) and one with a deleted putative fusion peptide, were completely unable to rescue the gp64-null mutant. Several nonconservative substitutions for other hydrophobic residues and the conserved lysine residue had only an effect on viral infectivity. In contrast to what was expected from vertebrate virus fusion peptides, alanine substitutions for glycines did not show any effect.  相似文献   

The envelope proteins of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and human T-cell lymphotrophic virus (HTLV) mediate cell attachment and membrane fusion. For HIV-1, the precursor protein gp160 is cleaved proteolytically into two fragments, the surface-associated receptor binding subunit gp120 and the membrane spanning subunit gp41, which is involved in membrane fusion during virus entry. Soluble and immunoreactive variants of gp41 are essential for the reliable diagnosis of HIV-1 infections. Hitherto, gp41 was solubilized by adding detergents, or in acidic or alkaline solvents. We find that covalent fusions with SlyD or FkpA, two homodimeric Escherichia coli chaperones with peptidyl-prolyl isomerase activity, solubilize retroviral envelope proteins without compromising their immunological reactivity. gp41 from HIV-1, gp36 from HIV-2 and gp21 from HTLV could be expressed in large amounts in the Escherichia coli cytosol when fused with one or two subunits of SlyD or FkpA. The fusion proteins could be easily isolated and refolded, and showed high solubility and immunoreactivity, thus providing sensitive and reliable tools for diagnostic applications. Covalent fusions with SlyD or FkpA might be valuable generic tools for the solubilization and activation of aggregation-prone proteins.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a fundamental process for anti-viral defense. Not surprisingly, viruses have developed strategies to subvert or use autophagy for their own benefit. In cell culture, autophagy proteins are proviral factors that favor initiation of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Autophagy proteins are required for translation of incoming viral RNA. We propose that autophagy factors might support the delivery of incoming RNA to the translation apparatus and/or the recruitment of cellular factors required to initiate HCV translation.  相似文献   

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