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Summary The first fossil mousebird (Aves, Coliiformes) known from the Eocene of England is described. This taxon,Eocolius walkeri gen. n. sp. n., is assigned to the order Coliiformes (mousebirds) on the basis of a character of the proximal ulna (large cotyla dorsalis). The degree of similarity between the preserved elements ofEocolius and those of the other known fossil and Recent taxa further support this conclusion. At present, this new taxon is considered to occupy an unresolved position near to the base of the coliiform ingroup; the phylogenetic position ofEocolius cannot be resolved further owing to a lack of preservation of diagnostic characters.
Ein Mausvogel (Aves: Coliiformes) aus dem Eozän von England
Zusammenfassung Der erste fossile Mausvogel (Aves: Coliiformes) aus dem Eozän von England wird beschrieben. Dieses Taxon,Eocolius walkeri gen. n. sp. n., wird aufgrund von Merkmalen der proximalen Ulna (grosse Cotyla dorsalis) in die Ordnung Coliiformes gestellt. Darüber hinaus stützt der Grad der Üebereinstimmung zwischen den erhaltenen Skelettelementen vonEocolius und den anderen bekannten fossilen und rezenten Taxa diese Zuordnung. Zur Zeit nimmt dieses neue Taxon eine nicht näher aufgelöste Stellung an der Basis der Coliiformes ein. Das Fehlen diagnostischer Merkmale lässt keine sichere Zuordnung vonEocolius zu den ausgestorbenen Sandcoleidae oder den rezenten Coliidae zu.

A partial skeleton of a new fossil loon (Aves, Gaviiformes), ?Colymboides metzleri n.sp., is described from the early Oligocene (Rupelian) of Frauenweiler in Germany. The new species resembles the early Miocene species Colymboides minutus in size and overall morphology, but differs in several osteological details. The specimen represents the first associated remains of an early Tertiary loon. Preserved stomach content further provides the first direct evidence that early Tertiary loons were already specialized towards a piscivorous diet, hunting fishes in a marine environment.Communicated by F. Bairlein  相似文献   

Fosshagen  Audun  Iliffe  Thomas M. 《Hydrobiologia》1988,167(1):357-361
Nanocopia minuta was collected from an inland marine cave on Bermuda. This new genus is reminiscent of Platycopia in its cephalic appendages and in the 5th legs of the male. The 1st leg has a 3-segmented exopod and a 1-segmented endopod. The other legs show reductions with no armature along the inner margin of the exopods and with 2-segmented endopods in the female. Only 2nd and 3rd legs bear two outer spines on the first exopodal segment.Owing to similarities in sexual characters, mouthparts, and modifications of the swimming legs, Nanocopia and Platycopia are considered more closely related to each other than either is to Antrisocopia.Platycopioida now contains three genera of which two are found only in Roadside Cave. The order has retained several primitive characters and seems to have separated early from the gymnoplean stem.  相似文献   

A near-complete, partially articulated skeleton of a hummingbird was recently found in the menilite shales of the Polish Flysh Carpathians. The specimen is dated to the Early Oligocene (Rupelian, approx. 31 Myr). It shares derived characters with extant hummingbirds and plesiomorphic characters with swifts. Its long, thin beak and short and stout humerus and ulna are typical for hummingbirds, but the coracoid resembles that observed in swifts. The osteology of the specimen is generally similar to that of the hummingbird described from the Early Tertiary of Germany but because it clearly differs in some characters from the German hummingbird Eurotrochilus inexpectatus, it is described as a new species of the same genus.  相似文献   

A new genus and a new species of Canthocamptidae: Maraenobiotus canadensis and Neomaraenobiotus laurentiacus (Copepoda: Harpacticoida) are described and their taxonomic relationships are discussed. They have been collected from wet mosses in Northern Canada.  相似文献   

Larvae of two new genera of Caenidae are described from the River Niandan, Guinea. Their position in the phylogenetic system of Caenidae is discussed. Niandancus alienus gen. n., sp. n. is the first known representative of the Brachycercinae in the Ethiopic region. Aenigmocaenis morgensterni gen. n., sp. n. could represent the sister group to all other Caenidae, as the most important larval synapomorphy of the family, a band or row of microtrichia on the ventral side of the operculate gill, is lacking.  相似文献   

Phyllodiaptomus sasikumari, a new species of calanoid copepod is described from the material collected in several ephemeral ponds and pools in the Palghat District of Kerala State, South India.  相似文献   

Thottea ponmudiana sp. nova from Kerala (India) can readily be distinguished from its closest allyTh. siliquosa and all the other known species of the genus by its yellow flowers with purple eyes, deeply lobed perianth with strongly reflexed margins, uniseriate stamens united in three bundles and strongly 4-angled, green, glabrescent fruits.  相似文献   

Five taxa of agglutinated conical foraminifera were recorded for the first time in the Trentinara Formation, and two of them are new. Barattolites trentinarensis n. gen. n. sp. shows high conical shape, an eccentric proloculus, trochospiral early chambers, two orders of radial subepidermal partitions and columnar pillars. It is recorded in the Ypresian of Panno Bianco Mt. (Calabria) and in the Ypresian-Lower Lutetian of Serra Pastorella (Basilicata). Pseudochrysalidina (?) variospira n. sp. shows a high conical test, a trochospiral juvenile growth stage, a megalosphere in apical position, and low pillars and chambers in the adult stage. It is known in the Ypresian of Serra Pastorella. Agglutinated conical foraminifera fill the late Lower to early Middle Eocene gap in their Paleogene record. Their very intermittent record is due to their extremely narrow ecological range.  相似文献   

New filamentous heterocystous cyanobacteria were isolated from the alkaline soda lake Magadi in Kenya. The characteristics of the isolates are summarized and their taxonomic position discussed.Uniform attributes of the strains, grouped in two types, Mag II 702 and Mag I 504 are the following: helical structure of the trichomes, immotility, gas vacuolation, obligate autotrophy, nitrogen fixation under aerobic conditions, and closely similar fatty acid composition, including the uncommon cis-vaccenic acid.For these organisms the assignment to a new genus named Cyanospira is proposed with the species C. rippkae and C. capsulata, separated on the basis of structural, chemical and mean DNA-base composition. Type strains 702 and 504 will be deposited at the ATCC and PCC.  相似文献   

To more confidently assess phylogenetic relationships among astome ciliates, we obtained small subunit (SSU) rRNA sequences from nine species distributed in six genera and three families: Almophrya bivacuolata, Eudrilophrya complanata, Metaracoelophrya sp. 1, Metaracoelophrya sp. 2, Metaracoelophrya intermedia, Metaradiophrya sp., Njinella prolifera, Paraclausilocola constricta n. gen., n. sp., and Paraclausilocola elongata n. sp. The two new species in the proposed new clausilocolid genus Paraclausilocola n. gen. are astomes with no attachment apparatus, two files of contractile vacuoles, and an arc-like anterior suture that has differentiations of thigmotactic ciliature on the anterior ends of the left kineties of the upper surface. Phylogenetic analyses were undertaken using neighbor-joining, Bayesian inference, maximum likelihood, and maximum parsimony. The nine species of astomes formed a strongly supported clade, showing the subclass Astomatia to be monophyletic and a weakly supported sister clade to the scuticociliates. There were two strongly supported clades within the astomes. However, genera assigned to the same family were found in different clades, and genera assigned to the same order were found in both clades. Thus, astome taxa appear to be paraphyletic when morphology is used to assign species to genera.  相似文献   

The rotifer fauna has been investigated at three littoral brackish water localities in the Öresund, Denmark. Samples taken from plankton, periphyton and psammon yielded 14 rotifer species. Two of these are new to science and are described herein. Both species were found in psammon at the same locality. Erignatha longidentata n. sp. is characterised by having toes with swollen bases, convex outer margins and concave inner margins. The trophi have a pair of large subunci and relatively large unci. The other new species, Paradicranophorus wesenberglundi n. sp., is characterised by having two large red pigmented eyespots and large conical toes. The rami are lyrate, and intramallei and supramanubria are present in the mallei.  相似文献   

Helmut Kunz 《Hydrobiologia》1995,297(2):83-98
Two new species of marine, sand-dwelling harpacticoids are described: Phyllopodopsyllus pallaresae n. sp. from Namibia, and P. hartmannorum n. sp. from Tanzania. The hitherto unknown male of P. xenus (Kunz) is described from Namibia. Further remarks are made on P. furciger Sars from Tanzania.Zwei neue sandbewohnende Harpacticoiden-Arten werden beschrieben: Phyllopodosyllus pallaresae n. sp. von Namibia und Phyllopodopsyllus hartmannorum n. sp. von Tansania. Außerdem wird das bisher unbekannte Männchen von Phyllopodopsyllus xenus (Kunz) von Namibia beschrieben. Morphologische Merkmale von Phyllopodopsyllus furciger Sars werden anhand eines Fundes von Tansania ergänzt.  相似文献   

The new oedischiine Palatinoedischia elongata nov. gen., nov. sp., is described from the Early Permian of Germany. It is characterized by a very particular broad area between R+M+CuA and CuP of the tegmen. The possible closest relative of this new taxon is the genus Plesioidischia, also from the Early Permian of Germany. They possibly constitute their own clade, but a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis is needed to clarify the whole superfamily Oedischioidea.  相似文献   

Synopsis A recent (1979) expedition to the Chagos Archipelago resulted in the collection of about 40 new taxa of fishes. A new genus,Trimmatom, and two new species,T. nanus andT. offucius, are described here. The new genus is characterized by having all pelvic-fin rays simple (unbranched), a scaleless body, no head pores, a wide gill opening extending anteroventrally to below the eye, and hypurals 1 and 2 fused to the complex formed by the fusion of the ural centrum and hypurals 3 and 4.T. nanuss andT. offucius are differentiated on the basis of fin ray counts and colour pattern.T. nanus is the smallest vertebrate yet to be described. Mature females with ovaries full of eggs are 8–10 mm in standard length.  相似文献   

Two new shrimp-associated gobies,Amblyeleotris yanoi sp. nov. andA. masuii sp. nov. are described on the basis of specimens from Iriomote-jima Island and Okinawa-jima Islands, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan.A. yanoi is distinguished from other members of the genus by the combination of the following characters: 14 anal fin soft rays, 19 pectoral fin rays, 97–103 longitudinal scales, a candle flame-shaped marking on the caudal fin, a very low membrane connecting the pelvic fins and absence of a ventral frenum.A. masuii differs from all other congeners by having 92–97 longitudinal scales, the length of the interpelvic connecting membrane relative to the longest pelvic fin ray (0.43–0.66), black blotches on the sides of the chin, and blue spots on the opercle and preopercle.  相似文献   

A new species of rotifer, Lecane tanganyikae n.sp., is described from the littoral of Lake Tanganyika and some water bodies in the plain of the Rusizi river near Lake Tanganyika, Bujumbura Province, Burundi. The affiliation of the new species, especially in relation to L. elsa Hauer, is discussed.  相似文献   

A new cheilostome bryozoan,Uharella seymourensis n. gen., n. sp., is described from the Eocene of Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Colonies ofU. seymourensis encrust lithoclasts, locally in high densities with 1–2 mm-wide strips of unencrusted substrate between neighbouring colonies. This unusual patterning could indicate chemical defence against encroaching colonies or may have resulted from grazing.U. seymourensis is an ascophoran-grade cheilostome with an unusual umbonuloid frontal shield apparently derived entirely or in part from kenozooidal overgrowth. The most closely related genus appears to be the European Maastrichtian and Danian genusBrydonella Berthelsen, 1962 with whichUharella is here united in Brydonellidae n. fam.   相似文献   

On a new charophyte from India   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Chara indica is described as a new species on morphological and cytological grounds.Part of Ph. D. Thesis of Ranchi University.  相似文献   

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