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The overproduction of DNA terminase of coliphage lambda   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

Terminase enzymes are common to double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) viruses and are responsible for packaging viral DNA into the confines of an empty capsid shell. In bacteriophage lambda the catalytic terminase subunit is gpA, which is responsible for maturation of the genome end prior to packaging and subsequent translocation of the matured DNA into the capsid. DNA packaging requires an ATPase catalytic site situated in the N terminus of the protein. A second ATPase catalytic site associated with the DNA maturation activities of the protein has been proposed; however, direct demonstration of this putative second site is lacking. Here we describe biochemical studies that define protease-resistant peptides of gpA and expression of these putative domains in Escherichia coli. Biochemical characterization of gpA-DeltaN179, a construct in which the N-terminal 179 residues of gpA have been deleted, indicates that this protein encompasses the DNA maturation domain of gpA. The construct is folded, soluble and possesses an ATP-dependent nuclease activity. Moreover, the construct binds and hydrolyzes ATP despite the fact that the DNA packaging ATPase site in the N terminus of gpA has been deleted. Mutation of lysine 497, which alters the conserved lysine in a predicted Walker A "P-loop" sequence, does not affect ATP binding but severely impairs ATP hydrolysis. Further, this mutation abrogates the ATP-dependent nuclease activity of the protein. These studies provide direct evidence for the elusive nucleotide-binding site in gpA that is directly associated with the DNA maturation activity of the protein. The implications of these results with respect to the two roles of the terminase holoenzyme, DNA maturation and DNA packaging, are discussed.  相似文献   

Terminases are enzymes common to complex double-stranded DNA viruses and are required for packaging of viral DNA into a protective capsid. Bacteriophage lambda terminase holoenzyme is a hetero-oligomer composed of the A and Nu1 lambda gene products; however, the self-association properties of the holoenzyme have not been investigated systematically. Here, we report the results of sedimentation velocity, sedimentation equilibrium, and gel-filtration experiments studying the self-association properties of the holoenzyme. We find that purified, recombinant lambda terminase forms a homogeneous, heterotrimeric structure, consisting of one gpA molecule associated with two gpNu1 molecules (114.2 kDa). We further show that lambda terminase adopts a heterogeneous mixture of higher-order structures, with an average molecular mass of 528(+/-34) kDa. Both the heterotrimer and the higher-order species possess site-specific cos cleavage activity, as well as DNA packaging activity; however, the heterotrimer is dependent upon Escherichia coli integration host factor (IHF) for these activities. Furthermore, the ATPase activity of the higher-order species is approximately 1000-fold greater than that of the heterotrimer. These data suggest that IHF bending of the duplex at the cos site in viral DNA promotes the assembly of the heterotrimer into a biologically active, higher-order packaging motor. We propose that a single, higher-order hetero-oligomer of gpA and gpNu1 functions throughout lambda development.  相似文献   

EcoK restriction during in vitro packaging of coliphage lambda DNA   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
S M Rosenberg 《Gene》1985,39(2-3):313-315
The K restriction system of Escherichia coli works in vitro [Meselson and Yuan, Nature 217 (1968) 1110-1114]. E. coli C lacks the K restriction system. I show that in vitro packaging in standard E. coli K-12-derived systems effects a loss of plaque-former output from K-unmodified lambda DNA relative to K-modified lambda DNA when compared with packaging in the E. coli C-derived system of Rosenberg et al. [Gene 38 (1985) 165-175]. I conclude that the EcoK restriction system is active in standard in vitro packaging systems. EcoK restriction during in vitro packaging could specifically depress recovery of some lambda and cosmid clones of eukaryotic DNA or any other DNA not modified for EcoK restriction.  相似文献   

Nat Sternberg 《Gene》1986,50(1-3):69-85
Generalized tranduction has for about 30 years been a major tool in the genetic manipulation of bacterial chromosomes. However, throughout that time little progress has been made in understanding how generalized transducing particles are produced. The experiments presented in this paper use phage λ to assess some of the factors that affect that process. The results of those experiments indicate: (1) the production of generalized transducing particles by bacteriophage λ is inhibited by the phage λ exonuclease (Exo). Also inhibited by λ Exo is the production of λdocR particles, a class of particles whose packaging is initiated in bacterial DNA and terminated at the normal phage packaging site, cos. In contrast, the production of λdocL particles, a class of particles whose packaging is initiated at cos and terminated in bacterial DNA, is unaffected by λ Exo; (2) λ-generalized transducing particles are not detected in induced lysis-defective (S) λ lysogens until about 60–90 min after prophage induction. Since wild-type λ would normally lyse cells by 60 min, the production of λ-generalized transducing particles depends on the phage being lysis-defective; (3) if transducing lysates are prepared by phage infection then the frequency of generalized transduction for different bacterial markers varies over a 10–20-fold range. In contrast, if transducing lysates are prepared by the induction of a λ lysogen containing an excision-defective prophage, then the variation in transduction frequency is much greater, and markers adjacent to, and on both sides of, the prophage are transduced with much higher frequencies than are other markers ; (4) if the prophage is replication-defective then the increased transduction of prophage-proximal markers is eliminated; (5) measurements of total DNA in induced lysogens indicate that part of the increase in transduction frequency following prophage induction can be accounted for by an increase in the amount of prophage-proximal bacterial DNA in the cell. Measurements of DNA in transducing particles indicate that the rest of the increase is probably due to the preferential packaging of the prophage-proximal bacterial DNA.

These results are most easily interpreted in terms of a model for the initiation of bacterial DNA packaging by λ, in which the proteins involved (Ter) do not recognize any particular sequence in bacterial DNA but rather  相似文献   

T Miwa  K Matsubara 《Gene》1982,20(2):267-279
Several species of DNA molecules are packaged into lambda phage heads if they carry the region around the cohesive end site of lambda phage (cos lambda). The minimal functional sequence around cos lambda needed for packaging was examined by cloning in pBR322. The results showed that the minimal region contained 85 bp around cos lambda; 45 bp of the left arm of lambda phage and 40 bp of the right arm. A 75-bp region located to the right of the minimal region seems to enhance packaging. A 223-bp fragment containing these regions can be used as a portable element for plasmid DNA packaging into lambda phage heads. Plasmid ppBest 322, a derivative of pBR322 carrying this portable packager and both amp and tet genes, was constructed. This plasmid is useful for cloning of large DNA fragments.  相似文献   

Double-stranded DNA packaging in bacteriophage T4 and other viruses occurs by translocation of DNA into an empty prohead by a packaging machine assembled at the portal vertex. Coordinated with this complex process is the cutting of concatemeric DNA to initiate and terminate DNA packaging and encapsidate one genome-length viral DNA. The catalytic site responsible for cutting, and the mechanisms by which cutting is precisely coordinated with DNA translocation remained as interesting open questions. Phage T4, unlike the phages with defined ends (e.g. lambda, T3, T7), packages DNA in a strictly headful manner, and exhibits no strict sequence specificity to initiate or terminate DNA packaging. Previous evidence suggests that the large terminase protein gp17, a key component of the T4 packaging machine, possesses a non-specific DNA cutting activity. A histidine-rich metal-binding motif, H382-X(2)-H385-X(16)-C402-X(8)-H411-X(2)-H414-X(15)-H430-X(5)-H436, in the C-terminal half of gp17 is thought to be involved in the terminase cleavage. Here, exhaustive site-directed mutagenesis revealed that none of the cysteine and histidine residues other than the H436 residue is critical for function. On the other hand, a cluster of conserved residues within this region, D401, E404, G405, and D409, are found to be critical for function. Biochemical analyses showed that the D401 mutants exhibited a novel phenotype, showing a loss of in vivo DNA cutting activity but not the DNA packaging activity. The functional nature of the critical residues and their disposition in the conserved loop region between two predicted beta-strands suggest that these residues are part of a metal-coordinated catalytic site that cleaves the phosphodiester bond of DNA substrate. The data suggest that the T4 terminase consists of at least two functional domains, an N-terminal DNA-translocating ATPase domain and a C-terminal DNA-cutting domain. Although the DNA recognition mechanisms may be distinct, it appears that T4 and other phage terminases employ a common catalytic paradigm for phosphodiester bond cleavage that is used by numerous nucleases.  相似文献   

Tailed icosahedral bacteriophages and other viruses package their double-stranded DNA inside a preformed procapsid. In a large number of phages packaging is initiated by recognition and cleavage by a viral packaging ATPase (terminase) of the specific pac sequence (pac cleavage), which generates the first DNA end to be encapsidated. A sequence-independent cleavage (headful cleavage) terminates packaging, generating a new starting point for another round of packaging. The molecular mechanisms underlying headful packaging and its processivity remain poorly understood. A defined in vitro DNA packaging system for the headful double-stranded DNA bacteriophage SPP1 is reported. The in vitro system consists of DNA packaging reactions with highly purified terminase and SPP1 procapsids, coupled to a DNase protection assay. The high yield obtained enabled us to quantify directly the efficiency of DNA entry into the procapsids. We show that in vitro DNA packaging requires the presence of both terminase subunits. The SPP1 in vitro system is able to efficiently package mature SPP1 DNA as well as linear plasmid DNAs. In contrast, no DNA packaging could be detected with circular DNA, signifying that in vitro packaging requires free DNA extremities. Finally, we demonstrate that SPP1 in vitro DNA packaging is independent of the pac signal. These findings suggest that the formation of free DNA ends that are generated by pac cleavage in vivo is the rate-limiting step in processive headful DNA packaging.  相似文献   

Rapid restriction mapping of DNA cloned in lambda phage vectors   总被引:62,自引:0,他引:62  
A protocol for the rapid restriction mapping of phage λ clones has been developed. Partial digestion products are selectively labelled at the right or left cohesive λ DNA termini by hybridisation with [32P]oligonucleotides complementary to the single-stranded cos ends. After gel electrophoresis and autoradiography, the restriction map can be directly determined from the “ladder” of partial digestion products.  相似文献   

A series of simple, in situ immunoassays have been developed which can be used in screening for translation products of genes cloned in vitro recombination experiments with either phage or plasmid vectors. Antigen-antibody complex formation occurring within a vector-phage plaque can be used to detect the production of a specific protein from an amplified gene. Immunoassays of colonies lysed in situ either by λ prophage induction or by biochemical means afford a much higher level of sensitivity than the plaque assay probably adequate to detect the production of a few molecules of protein per cell.  相似文献   

DNA packaging by large DNA viruses such as the tailed bacteriophages and the herpesviruses involves DNA translocation into a preformed protein shell, called the prohead. Translocation is driven by an ATP hydrolysis-powered DNA packaging motor. The bacteriophages encode a heterodimeric viral DNA packaging protein, called terminase. The terminases have an ATPase center located in the N terminus of the large subunit implicated in DNA translocation. In previous work with phage lambda, lethal mutations that changed ATP-reactive residues 46 and 84 of gpA, the large terminase subunit, were studied. These mutant enzymes retained the terminase endonuclease and helicase activities, but had severe defects in virion assembly, and lacked the terminase high-affinity ATPase activity. Surprisingly, in the work described here, we found that enzymes with the conservative gpA changes Y46F and Y46A had only mild packaging defects. These mild defects contrast with their profound virion assembly defects. Thus, these mutant enzymes have, in addition to the mild DNA packaging defects, a severe post-DNA packaging defect. In contrast, the gpA K84A enzyme had similar virion assembly and DNA packaging defects. The DNA packaging energy budget, i.e. DNA packaged/ATP hydrolyzed, was unchanged for the mutant enzymes, indicating that DNA translocation is tightly coupled to ATP hydrolysis. A model is proposed in which gpA residues 46 and 84 are important for terminase's high-affinity ATPase activity. Assembly of the translocation complex remodels this ATPase so that residues 46 and 84 are not crucial for the activated translocation ATPase. Changing gpA residues 46 and 84 primarily affects assembly, rather than the activity, of the translocation complex.  相似文献   

Summary DNA terminase is the enzyme that catalyses the cleavage of DNA concatemers into genome-size molecules and packages them into the capsid. The cleavage (DNA maturation) takes place in a specific site in the phage DNA called cos. Either one of two Escherichia coli proteins, integration host factor (IHF) and terminase host factor (THF), is required, in addition to terminase, for maturation of wild-type DNA in vitro. In vivo, at least some cos cleavage is known to occur in mutants that are unable to synthesize active IHF. No THF-defective mutants have yet been isolated. In order to determine if IHF, THF or any other host protein is involved in DNA maturation in vivo, I devised a selection for host mutants that are unable to support cos cleavage. The selection is based on the assumption that DNA terminase will kill cells by cleaving chromosomally located cos sites. I found that DNA terminase will indeed kill cells provided that they contain a chromosomal cos site and provided also that they are defective in the host recA or recB genes. These two genes are required for certain pathways of genetic recombination and repair of damaged DNA, and I suggest that they prevent terminase-induced killing by repairing broken chromosomes. Interstingly, mutation in a related host gene, recD, did not render cells susceptible to terminase killing. recD and recB both encode subunits of exonuclease V, but recD mutants, unlike recB, remain proficient in genetic recombination and repair. I found mutants that survived the lethal effect of terminase in cos-containing E. coli recA at a frequency of about 5×10-5. About 90% of these survivors were defective in terminase synthesis, and the rest were defective in IHF function. This result suggests that in the absence of IHF in vivo cos cleavage decreases to a level that permits repair of the damage, and therefore survival, even in recombination deficient cells. The absence of mutations in any other host gene suggests that IHF is the major accessory factor in DNA maturation in vivo. Alternatively, or in addition, mutations in other accessory factors are lethal.Abbreviations gp gene product: e.g. gpA, product of gene A - () prophage state - [] plasmid-carrier state  相似文献   

S M Rosenberg  M M Stahl  I Kobayashi  F W Stahl 《Gene》1985,38(1-3):165-175
In previous systems for in vitro packaging of lambda DNA, phages are produced from the packaging components as well as from added DNA. We have developed a new genetic strategy for in vitro packaging that bypasses this endogenous phage problem. Our system employs a single bacterial strain whose lambda prophage codes for all of the packaging proteins but is deleted for cos, the packaging origin. Crude extracts of the single lysogen: (i) are virtually free from endogenous phages, (ii) package added lambda DNA efficiently and (iii) are easy to prepare. Using the cos- in vitro packaging system we show that packaging of lambda linear monomers is a second-order reaction, but that packaging from concatemers prepared by annealing or ligation is first order. We conclude that in our cos- system, linear monomers are a poor substrate for in vitro packaging but that packaging from concatemers works well.  相似文献   

Double-stranded DNA packaging in bacteriophages is driven by one of the most powerful force-generating molecular motors reported to date. The phage T4 motor is composed of the small terminase protein, gpl6 (18kDa), the large terminase protein, gp17 (70kDa), and the dodecameric portal protein gp20 (61kDa). gp16, which exists as an oligomer in solution, is involved in the recognition of the viral DNA substrate, the very first step in the DNA packaging pathway, and stimulates the ATPase and packaging activities associated with gp17. Sequence analyses using COILS2 revealed the presence of coiled coil motifs (CCMs) in gp16. Sixteen T4-family and numerous phage small terminases show CCMs in the corresponding region of the protein, suggesting a common structural and functional theme. Biochemical properties such as reversible thermal denaturation and analytical gel filtration data suggest that the central CCM-1 is critical for oligomerization of gp16. Mutations in CCM-1 that change the hydrophobicity of key residues, or pH 6.0, destabilized coiled coil interactions, resulting in a loss of gp16 oligomerization. The gp16 oligomers are in a dynamic equilibrium with lower M(r) intermediate species and monomer. Monomeric gp16 is unable to stimulate gp17-ATPase, an activity essential for DNA packaging, while conversion back into oligomeric form restored the activity. These data for the first time defined a CCM that is critical for structure and function of the small terminase. We postulate a packaging model in which the gp16 CCM is implicated in the regulation of packaging initiation and assembly of a supramolecular DNA packaging machine on the viral concatemer.  相似文献   

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The application of transgenic technology to domestic poultry offers an alternative means to conventional practice for improvement of this highly productive agricultural species. The hen's reproductive system has unique characteristics which have imposed limitations on the use of established methods for artificial gene transfer. In this article, we review the various strategies that have been adopted to overcome the problem. Target sites for gene insertion include the fertilized ovum, the blastodermal embryo in the unincubated egg, and the primordial germ cells. Notable success in obtaining somatic and germline transformation has been achieved with the use of retroviral vectors to infect the blastodermal embryo. Current attempts to introduce DNA directly into the genome, without resort to pathogen-derived vectors, are discussed.  相似文献   

Double-stranded DNA packaging in icosahedral bacteriophages is driven by an ATPase-coupled packaging machine constituted by the portal protein and two non-structural packaging/terminase proteins assembled at the unique portal vertex of the empty viral capsid. Recent studies show that the N-terminal ATPase site of bacteriophage T4 large terminase protein gp17 is critically required for DNA packaging. It is likely that this is the DNA translocating ATPase that powers directional translocation of DNA into the viral capsid. Defining this ATPase center is therefore fundamentally important to understand the mechanism of ATP-driven DNA translocation in viruses. Using combinatorial mutagenesis and biochemical approaches, we have defined the catalytic carboxylate residue that is required for ATP hydrolysis. Although the original catalytic carboxylate hypothesis suggested the presence of a catalytic glutamate between the Walker A (SRQLGKT(161-167)) and Walker B (MIYID(251-255)) motifs, none of the four candidate glutamic acid residues, E198, E208, E220 and E227, is required for function. However, the E256 residue that is immediately adjacent to the putative Walker B aspartic acid residue (D255) exhibited a phenotypic pattern that is consistent with the catalytic carboxylate function. None of the amino acid substitutions, including the highly conservative D and Q, was tolerated. Biochemical analyses showed that the purified E256V, D, and Q mutant gp17s exhibited a complete loss of gp16-stimulated ATPase activity and in vitro DNA packaging activity, whereas their ATP binding and DNA cleavage functions remained intact. The data suggest that the E256 mutants are trapped in an ATP-bound conformation and are unable to catalyze the ATP hydrolysis-transduction cycle that powers DNA translocation. Thus, this study for the first time identified and characterized a catalytic glutamate residue that is involved in the energy transduction mechanism of a viral DNA packaging machine.  相似文献   

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