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During aestivation the metabolic rate of the Australian goldfields frog Neobatrachus wilsmorei was reduced by 80% from its standard metabolic rate. The in vitro rate of oxygen consumption of isolated muscle and skin from aestivating frogs was up to 50% lower than that of the non-aestivating frogs. This in vitro rate of oxygen consumption was maintained for 6–12 h, indicating an intrinsic metabolic depression of tissues during aestivation. Frogs became dehydrated during aestivation. Muscle, skin and liver also became dehydrated during aestivation, but brain and kidney did not. Na+ and K+ contents and extracellular space measurement for muscle indicated that ion gradients were maintained across the muscle cell membrane during aestivation. Increases in plasma concentrations of Na+ and K+ were matched with similar increases in muscle intracellular ion concentrations. Extracellular space measurements were unsuccessful in the other tissues, but K+ content in all tissues (per dry weight) was maintained during aestivation, and the concentration of plasma K+ did not increase above that which can be accounted for by dehydration, indicating that K+ gradients were maintained.Abbreviations bm body mass - DPM disintegrations per minute - dw dry weight - MR metabolic rate - vO2 rate of oxygen consumption - ww wet weight  相似文献   

This study investigates how visual and tactile sensory information, as well as biomechanical effects due to differences in physical characteristics of the prey, influence feeding behavior in the frog Cyclorana novaehollandiae. Video motion analysis was used to quantify movement patterns produced when feeding on five prey types (termites, waxworms, crickets, mice and earthworms). Twelve kinematic variables differed significantly among prey types, and twelve variables were correlated with prey characteristics (including mass, length, height and velocity of movement). Results indicate that C.␣novaehollandiae uses a different strategy to capture each prey type. Visual assessment of prey characteristics appeared to be more important in modulating feeding behavior than tactile cues or biomechanical effects. We propose a hierarchical hypothesis of behavioral choice, in which decisions are based primarily on visual analysis of prey characteristics. In this model, the frogs first choose between jaw prehension and tongue prehension based on prey size. If they have chosen jaw prehension, they next choose between upward or downward head rotation based on length and height of the prey. If they have chosen tongue prehension, they next choose between behavior for fast and slow prey. Final decisions may be the result of behavioral fine tuning based on tactile feedback. Accepted: 5 August 1996  相似文献   

The effect of exposure to low temperatures (5 °C) on lymphocyte proliferation, leukocyte populations, and serum complement levels was examined in the northern leopard frog, Rana pipiens. Proliferation of T lymphocytes in response to phytohemagglutinin stimulation was significantly decreased in frogs kept for 2, 3, and 5 months at 5 °C compared to that of animals kept at 22 °C. A significant increase in the average percentage of neutrophils and a decrease in the mean percentage of eosinophils was observed in the blood of frogs held for 5 months in the cold compared to animals held at 22 °C for the same length of time. Mean serum complement activity after 1 month at 5 °C was significantly reduced in comparison to animals held at 22 °C and was not detectable after 5 months in the cold. Recovery of complement levels at room temperature (22 °C) was also examined after cold exposure. Complement levels were significantly higher than controls (at 22 °C) in frogs returned to 22 °C for 7 and 14 days after 5 months in the cold. After frogs were held at 5 °C for 1 month, serum complement levels increased significantly within 2 days after returning to 22 °C and continued to rise 5 and 9 days after warming. Injections with Aeromonas hydrophila following a 5-week exposure to 5 °C failed to cause death or observable symptoms of disease in frogs that were returned to 22 °C. Accepted: 20 November 1996  相似文献   

Short- and long-term effects of temperature on ion flux and energy turnover were studied in hepatocytes from thermally acclimated trout and roach. In trout hepatocytes K+ efflux was insensitive towards acute exposure to low temperature but was downregulated during cold acclimation of the fish so as to balance the uncompensated decreased K+(Rb+) uptake of the cells. In contrast, both K+(Rb+) uptake and K+ efflux of roach hepatocytes were temperature sensitive in the short term. These acute effects, however, were offset during cold acclimation by a near perfect compensation of both fluxes leading to re-establishment of ion flux homeostasis at the original level. Our findings, based on a new method permitting the simultaneous monitoring of K+ efflux and uptake in the same cell population, provide experimental verification of two of the three possible strategies, recently discussed by Cossins et al. (1995), by which the ionic steady state of fish cells may adjust to acute and chronic temperature change. By comparing hepatocytes from two groups of trout, one kept on a maintenance diet (ration I), the other fed ad libitum (ration II), we discovered striking effects of nutritional state on the absolute levels as well as on the temperature relationships of K+ uptake and protein synthetic activity. Both of these functions in the hepatocytes increased in the ration II fed as compared to the ration I fed trouts, but the increase of protein synthetic activity was greater and more uniform at the three experimental temperatures than that of K+ uptake. Moreover, protein synthetic activity proved to be considerably more temperature sensitive than K+ uptake and, in contrast to the latter, showed a compensatory response after cold acclimation. Accepted: 16 December 1996  相似文献   

Na+/K+-pump activity and intracellular Na+ and K+ concentration changes in blowfly photoreceptors are derived from intracellular potential measurements in␣vivo with a model based on the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz theory for membrane currents. The relation between the intracellular Na+ concentration and the pump activity appears to follow a Hill function with a Hill coefficient of 1 and a maximal possible Na+ current due to pump activity of about −4 nA. The developed photoreceptor model incorporates the slow and fast voltage-dependent K+ channels of the blowfly photoreceptor of which the properties were taken from the literature. Accepted: 5 August 1996  相似文献   

Using AnCP (Aspergillus nidulans CCAAT-binding protein) as a CCAAT-specific binding factor model, the possibility that one factor is able to recognize CCAAT sequences in several different genes in A.␣nidulans was examined. DNase I protection analysis showed that AnCP specifically bound to CCAAT sequence-containing regions comprising 21 to 36 bp of the taa, amdS and gatA genes. Furthermore, replacement of the CCAAT sequence with CGTAA was found to abolish the binding of AnCP and to have an inhibitory effect on taa promoter activity. This clearly demonstrates a positive function of the CCAAT element. However, amylase was induced by starch and repressed by glucose in a CCAAT-box disruptant, as in wild-type cells. Received: 28 June 1996 / Accepted: 7 October 1996  相似文献   

Evolution of Substrate Specificities in the P-Type ATPase Superfamily   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
P-type ATPases make up a large superfamily of ATP-driven pumps involved in the transmembrane transport of charged substrates. We have performed an analysis of conserved core sequences in 159 P-type ATPases. The various ATPases group together in five major branches according to substrate specificity, and not according to the evolutionary relationship of the parental species, indicating that invention of new substrate specificities is accompanied by abrupt changes in the rate of sequence evolution. A hitherto-unrecognized family of P-type ATPases has been identified that is expected to be represented in all the major phyla of eukarya. Received: 21 May 1997 / Accepted: 1 August 1997  相似文献   

B. Seely  K. Lajtha 《Oecologia》1997,112(3):393-402
The central grassland region of the United States encompasses major gradients in temperature and precipitation that determine the distribution of plant life forms, which in turn may influence key ecosystem processes such as nutrient cycling and soil organic matter dynamics. One such gradient is the threefold increase in precipitation from the eastern Colorado shortgrass-steppe, in the rain shadow of the Rocky Mountains, to the tallgrass prairie in eastern Kansas. We investigated the relative roles of plant species and plant cover in influencing soil C and N cycling in three sites along this gradient. Plant cover (i.e., the presence or absence of an individual plant) was relatively more important than plant species in explaining variability in soil properties at the dry site, the Central Plains Experimental Range in␣northeastern Colorado. However, plant species explained relatively more of the variability in soil properties than did plant cover at the two wetter sites, Hays and Konza, in central and eastern Kansas. The wetter sites had more continuous plant cover, resulting in less plant-cover-induced variation in soil C and N, than did the dry site, which had distinct patches of bare ground. Plant species at the wetter sites had higher and more variable levels of tissue C:N than plant species at the dry site, due to both within species changes and changes in species composition. Aboveground tissue C:N was better correlated with net nitrogen mineralization rates at the wet sites than the dry site. Thus, tissue chemistry appears to exert more control on nitrogen dynamics at the wet than the dry sites. The results suggest that plant species traits that are relevant to nutrient cycling (e.g., tissue C:N ratios, spatial patterns, productivity) reflect environmental limitations as well as species' physiological potentials. Furthermore, a dominant environmental driver such as precipitation may ameliorate or exaggerate the importance of individual species traits for nutrient cycling. Received: 11 July 1996 / Accepted: 5 December 1996  相似文献   

The effect of a 3-week exercise programme on performance and economy of walking was analysed in 16 male patients with chronic heart failure [mean age 51.8 (SD 6.9) years, height 174.9 (SD 6.3) cm, body mass 75.3 (SD 11.5) kg, ejection fraction 20.8 (SD 5.0)%]. They were submitted to a cardiopulmonary exercise test on a cycle ergometer and a 6-min walking test on a treadmill before and after the period of exercise training. The training programme consisted of interval cycle (five times a week for 15 min), and treadmill ergometer training (three times a week for 10 min) at approximately 70% cycling peak oxygen uptake (O2peak) and supplementary exercises (three times a week for 20 min). Compared to the pre values cycling O2peak [11.9 (SD 2.9) vs 14.0 (SD 2.3) ml ·  kg–1 · min–1], maximal self paced walking speed [0.68 (SD 0.33) vs 1.16 (SD 0.30) m · s–1], and net walking power [2.16 (SD 0.89) vs 2.73 (SD 0.91) W · kg–1] had increased (P < 0.01) while net energy cost [3.31 (SD 0.66) vs 2.33 (SD 0.38) J · kg–1 ·  m–1] had decreased (P < 0.001) after the training period. Approximately 42% of the increase of walking speed resulted from a higher walking power output, whereas approximately 58% corresponded to a positive effect on walking economy. The improvement in walking economy was a function of an increase in walking velocity itself and a result of a more efficient walking technique. These results would indicate that in patients with marked exercise intolerance, adequate exercise training programmes could contribute to favourable metabolic changes with positive effects on the economy of motion. Accepted: 29 August 1996  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms have been observed in most mammals, but their importance and function remain controversial with respect to daily cycles during hibernation. We investigated the timing of arousals from and entries into hibernation for both free-living and captive mountain pygmy-possums (Burramys parvus). Under both natural and laboratory conditions most arousals and entries were entrained with the light-dark cycle. Entries occurred mainly during the night and arousals preferably around dusk, which coincides with the onset of the normal activity phase for the nocturnal pygmy-possums. This entrainment prevailed throughout the hibernation season although only the laboratory animals were constantly subjected to photoperiodic stimuli, whereas under natural conditions hibernacula are shielded from photic cues and diurnal temperature fluctuations. Nevertheless, possums left their hibernacula frequently throughout winter and were occasionally trapped close to the snow surface suggesting that during the periods of post-arousal normothermia they can be exposed to environmental stimuli. It thus appears that the synchronisation with the photocycle was governed by a temperature-compensated circadian clock which was reset periodically during short activity periods. For the mountain pygmy-possum, entrainment with the photocycle probably has two functions: 1. Entrainment ensures that foraging bouts during the hibernation season remain synchronised with the dark phase. 2. Information about the prevailing climatic conditions sampled during short activity periods enables them to time final spring emergence from hibernation when snow melt begins and ensures that the breeding season can commence as early as possible. Accepted: 26 August 1998  相似文献   

Photoperiodic time measurement regulating larval diapause in the pitcher-plant mosquito, Wyeomyia smithii, varies in a close relationship with latitude. The critical photoperiod mediating the maintenance and termination of diapause is positively correlated with latitude (r 2 = 0.977) among six populations from southern (30–31° N), intermediate (40° N), and northern (46–49° N) latitudes in North America. The developmental response to unnaturally short and to unnaturally long photoperiods declines with increasing latitude, so that longer critical photoperiods are associated with a downward rather than a lateral shift in the photoperiodic response curve. Exotic light and dark cycles of varying period (T) with a short (10 h) photophase and a scotophase ranging from 14 (T = 24) to 62 (T = 72) h, reveal two geographic patterns: a decline in perturbability of the photoperiodic clock with increasing latitude, and no change with latitude in the 21-h period of rising and falling development with increasing T. These results show (1) that there is a rhythmic component to photoperiodic time measurement in W. smithii, (2) that the period of this rhythm is about 21 h in all populations, and (3) that more northern populations show decreasing responsiveness to photoperiod and increasing stability against perturbation by exotic period lengths (T > 24). Previous studies on W.␣smithii indicate that this single temperate species of a tropical and subtropical genus has evolved from south to north. We therefore conclude that the evolution of increasing critical photoperiod in W. smithii during its adaptive radiation into North America has more likely involved the amplitude and not the period of the underlying circadian pacemaker. Received: 22 July 1996 / Accepted: 30 September 1996  相似文献   

In the Swiss Prealps Entomobrya nivalis hibernates in an inactive state, hidden under bark flakes on spruce. For freeze avoidance it relies on thermal hysteresis proteins (THPs) and polyols (mainly ribitol, with small amounts arabitol and threitol). Polyols are present only during the inactive state, THPs additionally protect during the transition phase in spring and autumn, when animals are still active but frosts may occur. Peak values were recorded in February/March for THPs (3.5 °C hysteresis between melting and freezing point) and for polyols (26 μg mg−1 FW; hemolymph osmolality 680 mosmol l−1). E. nivalis is able to control its hemolymph osmolality independently of body water content. Mean osmolality in summer was 350– 440 mosmol l−1, in winter it was elevated to 650 mosmol l−1, due to a synthesis mainly of ribitol. Body water content varied between 1.8 and 3.3 mg H2O mg−1 DW, depending on humidity conditions. Experiments on triggering of antifreeze synthesis showed the action of temperature and photoperiod as cues, but there was also evidence for an endogenous rhythm. No clear correlation between antifreeze concentration and supercooling ability could be established, suggesting that gut content or other parameters also play an inportant role. Accepted: 18 November 1995  相似文献   

The larval proleg withdrawal reflex of the hawk moth, Manduca sexta, exhibits robust habituation. This reflex is evoked by deflecting one or more mechanosensory planta hairs on a proleg tip. We examined neural correlates of habituation in an isolated proleg preparation consisting of one proleg and its segmental ganglion. Repeated deflection of a single planta hair caused a significant decrease in the number of action potentials evoked in the proleg motor nerve (which carries the axons of proleg retractor motor neurons). Significant response decrement was seen for interstimulus intervals of 10 s, 60 s and 5 min. Response decrement failed to occur in the absence of repetitive stimulation, the decremented response recovered spontaneously following a rest, and electrical stimulation of a body wall nerve facilitated the decremented response (a neural correlate of dishabituation). Adaptation of sensory neuron responses occurred during repeated hair deflections. However, when adaptation was eliminated by direct electrical stimulation of sensory neurons, the response in the proleg motor nerve still decreased significantly. Muscle recordings indicated that the response of an identified proleg retractor motor neuron decreased significantly during habituation training. Thus, habituation of the proleg withdrawal reflex includes a central component that is apparent at the level of a single motor neuron. Accepted: 20 December 1996  相似文献   

The ontogeny of deep-body cold sensitivity was studied in 1 to 12 days old Pekin ducklings Anas platyrhynchos. Deep-body cold sensitivity was determined by means of thermodes implanted in the abdominal cavity. The thermodes were perfused with cold water for 15-min periods to lower the core temperature. Cooling of the body core elicited increases in metabolic rate and vasoconstrictions in the legs of all the ducklings. From the changes induced in metabolic rate and core temperature, deep-body cold sensitivity values of between −5.17 and −6.36 W · kg−1 · °C−1, were estimated. These values, which are in the range of those reported previously for adult Pekin ducks, did not change with age, and it is concluded that deep-body cold sensitivity is fully developed at hatching. Our next aim was to investigate whether the autonomic responses elicited by exposure of ducklings to cold ambient conditions could be explained by temperature changes within the body core. During cold exposure, the increase in metabolic rate was not accompanied by a concomitant decrease in core temperature. On the contrary, deep-body temperature increased slightly during the initial phase of cold exposure. The ducklings attained a metabolic rate amounting to 85–90% of their peak metabolic rate before the core temperature fell below the regulated level measured at thermoneutrality. Thus, despite the findings that Pekin ducklings have a highly-developed deep-body cold sensitivity, their metabolic cold defence under natural conditions seems to be mediated primarily by peripheral thermoreceptors. Accepted: 7 January 1997  相似文献   

(1) Electro-olfactogram recording was used to determine whether the olfactory epithelium of adult sea lamprey is specifically sensitive to bile acids, some of which have been hypothesized to function as pheromones. Ten bile acids were selected from 38 which had already been pre-screened for olfactory activity. These compounds were first tested on their own, then as adapting stimuli, and finally as components of mixtures (2) The lamprey-specific bile acids, petromyzonol sulfate and allocholic acid, were the most potent compounds tested. Five other bile acids were also detectable at picomolar concentrations. Petromyzonol sulfate had a distinctive dose-response curve. (3) Cross-adaptation demonstrated that sensitivity to bile acids is attributable to at least four independent classes of olfactory receptor sites and that both the nature and position of conjugating group(s) are critical to receptor specificity. Notably, petromyzonol sulfate has its own highly specific and independent receptor site. The situation for unconjugated bile acids was more complex and there appeared to be several sub-classes of receptor sites for these compounds. (4) Mixture studies largely confirmed the cross-adaptation results, describing receptor site independence for the same four sets of odorants. Mixture enhancement was also seen when expected and there was no evidence of mixture suppression. (5) Together, these data demonstrate that conspecific bile acids are discriminated by the olfactory epithelium of the sea lamprey, supporting the possibility that these compounds may function as migratory pheromones. Accepted: 23 November 1996  相似文献   

(1) In vitro retinas of a crab, Leptograpsus, were treated with a phospholipase inhibitor, manoalide, or a G-protein activator, Mas-7. Both drugs address early stages of the phototransduction cascade. (2) Manoalide inhibited the light-dependent reduction of rhabdoms during the `day' phase of the light cycle, but did not induce rhabdom overgrowth. Following a period of darkness manoalide failed to affect the diminution of illuminated rhabdoms. (3) The diminution of rhabdoms that follows photoreceptor depolarisation induced by 100 mmol · l−1 K+ in darkness was not affected by 2␣μmol · l−1 manoalide. (4) When retinas in the `night' phase were treated with Mas-7 in darkness, rhabdom diameters were augmented, concurrently with endocytosis of photoreceptor plasma membranes. (5) The results of combining manoalide and Mas-7 with actinomycin D, U-57908 or okadaic acid, drugs used in previous studies to manipulate steps notionally lower in the transduction cascade, lead to a hypothetical model for the regulation of phototransductive membrane turnover by arthropods. Accepted: 3 October 1996  相似文献   

The heat increment of feeding (HIF), a transient postprandial increase in metabolic rate, is the energy cost of processing a meal. We measured HIF in house wren chicks (Troglodytes aedon) ranging in mass from 1.6 to 10.3 g. This mass range (age 2–10 days) spanned a transition from blind, naked, ectothermic chicks through alert, endothermic birds with nearly complete feathering. We fed chicks crickets (2.7–10% of chick body mass) and determined HIF from continuous measurements of oxygen consumption rate (O2) before and after meals. At warm ambient temperatures (T a) of 33–36 °C, the magnitude of HIF (in ml O2 or joules) was linearly related to meal mass and was not affected by chick mass. HIF accounted for 6.3% of ingested energy, which is within the range of results for other carnivorous vertebrates. The duration of HIF was inversely related to chick mass; 10-g chicks processed a standard meal approximately twice as fast as 2-g chicks. HIF duration increased with increasing meal mass. The peak O2 during HIF, expressed as the factorial increase above resting metabolism, was independent of body mass and meal mass. In large, endothermic chicks ( > 8 g), HIF substituted for thermoregulatory heat production at low T a. Accepted: 11 December 1996  相似文献   

In this study we used pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides) in field experiments to examine linkages between intertidal saltmarsh and adjacent subtidal habitats. Pinfish are more than twice as abundant in intertidal marshes adjacent to seagrass beds than in those adjacent to the unvegetated subtidal bottom. Movement of pinfish between the marsh edge and the adjacent subtidal habitat was greater for fish captured in areas with both intertidal and subtidal vegetation than in those with intertidal vegetation and adjacent unvegetated mudflats. This movement provides an important link between habitats, allowing transfer of marsh-derived secondary production to subtidal seagrass beds and vice versa. Pinfish held in enclosures with both intertidal and subtidal vegetation were, on average, approximately 90% heavier than fish held in enclosures with intertidal vegetation and unvegetated subtidal bottom. Because saltmarshes and seagrass beds contribute to the production of living marine resources, active measures are being taken to preserve and restore these habitats. The results from this study have direct application to decisions concerning site selection and optimal spatial proximity of saltmarsh and seagrass habitats in the planning of restoration and mitigation projects. To maximize secondary production and utilization of intertidal marshes, managers may opt to restore and/or preserve marshes adjacent to subtidal seagrass beds. Received: 31 May 1996 / Accepted: 23 October 1996  相似文献   

The LGMD2 belongs to a group of giant movement-detecting neurones which have fan-shaped arbors in the lobula of the locust optic lobe and respond to movements of objects. One of these neurones, the LGMD1, has been shown to respond directionally to movements of objects in depth, generating vigorous, maintained spike discharges during object approach. Here we compare the responses of the LGMD2 neurone with those of the LGMD1 to simulated movements of objects in depth and examine different image cues which could allow the LGMD2 to distinguish approaching from receding objects. In the absence of stimulation, the LGMD2 has a resting discharge of 10–40 spikes s−1 compared with <1 spike s−1 for the LGMD1. The most powerful excitatory stimulus for the LGMD2 is a dark object approaching the eye. Responses to approaching objects are suppressed by wide field movements of the background. Unlike the LGMD1, the LGMD2 is not excited by the approach of light objects; it specifically responds to movement of edges in the light to dark direction. Both neurones rely on the same monocular image cues to distinguish approaching from receding objects: an increase in the velocity with which edges of images travel over the eye; and an increase in the extent of edges in the image during approach. Accepted: 23 October 1996  相似文献   

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