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本文报道纳特竖蟾(Eupemphix nattereri Steindachner,1863)巴西3个产地标本的核型,均为2n=22,由1对端部和10对中或亚中部着丝点染色体组成.仅一对NORs位于No.11染色体对长臂端部,而其位置有别于常见的具有标志性意义的近着丝点位置.该NORs的位置为rDNA为探针的荧光原位杂交(FISH)所确认.各染色体对中,着丝点C-带明显,插入或端带偶见.某些标本的No.8同源染色体对间C-带的大小随异染色质化的程度不同而变化.居于较小的实验标本量,这种在3个产地的雌或雄性标本之一中观察到的C-带异型现象可能为种下细胞地理学变异,亦或为细胞学意义的性染体分化.3产地之一的标本核型的No.11着丝点C-带异染色质化的程度较高.CMA3染色检测到部分GC-rich区域,DAPI染色未显示任何AT-rich区.成功获得BrdU复制带,并将其与滑背蟾类动物(leiuperid)中近缘属及物种进行对比分析.比较结果表明,纳特竖蟾的核型与斑符泡蟾种组(Physalaemus signifer group)难以相互区别,而与肿肋蟾属(Pleurodema Tschudi,1838)极为相似.核型数据支持形态学上将纳特竖蟾、二光肿肋蟾[Pleurodema diplolister (Peters,1870)]和短头肿肋蟾[P.brachyops(Cope,1869)]划为同一分支的观点[动物学报 53(2):285-293,2007].  相似文献   

Venturelli  Diego P.  Lofeu  Leandro  Kohlsdorf  Tiana  Klein  Wilfried 《Hydrobiologia》2022,849(7):1613-1624
Hydrobiologia - In species with complex life cycles, such as anuran amphibians, several traits are influenced by ecological factors during ontogeny. The anuran Physalaemus nattereri shows an...  相似文献   

In the present study, we describe for the first time a family of 190-bp satellite DNA related to 5S rDNA in anurans and the existence of 2 forms of 5S rDNA, type I (201 bp) and type II (690 bp). The sequences were obtained from genomic DNA of Physalaemus cuvieri from Palmeiras, State of Bahia, Brazil. Analysis of the nucleotide sequence revealed that the satellite DNA obtained by digestion with EcoRI, called PcP190EcoRI, is 70% similar to the coding region of type I 5S rDNA and 66% similar to the coding region of type II 5S rDNA. Membrane hybridization and PCR amplification of the sequence showed that PcP190EcoRI is tandemly repeated. The satellite DNA as well as type I and type II 5S rDNA were localized in P. cuvieri chromosomes by fluorescent in situ hybridization. The PcP190EcoRI sequence was found in the centromeres of chromosomes 1-5 and in the pericentromeric region of chromosome 3. Type I 5S rDNA was detected in chromosome 3, coincident with the site of PcP190EcoRI. Type II 5S rDNA was located interstitially in the long arm of chromosome 5. None of these sequences co-localized with nucleolar organizer regions. Our data suggests that this satellite DNA originates from the 5S ribosomal multigene family, probably by gene duplication, nucleotide divergence and sequence dispersion in the genome.  相似文献   

The oral apparatus of anuran tadpoles is a unique structure composed of soft and keratinized parts surrounding the mouth. Among the many variations, a common oral apparatus involves a dorsal gap in the marginal papillae, keratinized jaw sheaths, and two upper and three lower rows of labial teeth. In Leiuperidae, besides this generalized morphology, four configurations are distinguished by the arrangement of the lower marginal papillae and the number of lower tooth rows. Study of the early oral ontogeny in 12 species representing these five configurations shows variations in the development of the lower marginal papillae and the third lower labial tooth row. Similar configurations may result from similar pathways (e.g. Physalaemus cuvieri group and Pseudopaludicola falcipes) or different pathways (e.g. generalized oral discs of Pleurodema and Physalaemus). Different oral configurations may result from overlapping trajectories ending at different stages (e.g. Physalaemus riograndensis and Ph. biligonigerus) or different trajectories (e.g. Ph. henselii and Ph. gracilis). Further studies are needed to interpret the role that heterochrony has played in evolutionary change within this family. The unsuspected variation occurring in this transient structure highlights its evolutionary potential and might be insightful in studies of anuran phylogenies that are largely based on adult characters. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 330–345.  相似文献   

Heteromorphisms between sex chromosomes are rarely found in anurans and sex chromosome differentiation is considered to be a set of recent recurrent events in the evolutionary history of this group. This paper describes for the first time heteromorphic sex chromosomes Z and W in the leiuperid genus Physalaemus. They were found in P. ephippifer, a species of the P. cuvieri group, and corresponded to the eighth pair of its karyotype. The W chromosome differed from the Z chromosome by the presence of an additional segment in the short arm, composed of a distal NOR and an adjacent terminal DAPI-positive C-band. The identification of this sex chromosome pair may help in future investigations into the sex determining genes in the genus Physalaemus.  相似文献   

Genetic divergence and speciation mechanisms of the Amazonian Engystomops frog have been inferred mainly from mtDNA sequences, microsatellite and male advertisement call. Although many aspects of this divergence remain unclear, cytogenetic analyses of Amazonian Engystomops populations are described and are compared to the relationships inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequence data. High cytogenetic variation distinguished karyotypic patterns among the populations, even between populations which had no prezygotic isolation previously inferred from mating call analysis. Interestingly, the Puyo and Acre populations, which are in different clades, showed heteromorphic sex chromosomes (XX/XY), not identified in the other Ecuatorian populations analyzed. The analysis of a specimen collected in a site near Yasuní (Ecuador) which was cytogenetically related to the specimens from Puyo (Ecuador), was also phylogenetically closely related these specimens. In the rhodopsin nucleotide sequences, six polymorphic sites were identified and various specimens were heterozygous for them. All the data presented herein, in conjunction with those previously reported, corroborate the hypothesis that Engystomops petersi is a complex of distinct species. It also indicates that karyotypic evolution patterns may have played a substantial role in the Engystomops speciation and the occurrence of sporadic mating events between divergent evolutive lineages is discussed.  相似文献   

Amphibians share with other ectothermic vertebrates an extracutaneous pigmentary system consisting of melanin-containing cells in various organs and tissues. This paper describes the interspecific variation in the visceral pigmentation and extracutaneous pigment system in four species of the genus Dendropsophus [i.e., D. elianeae, D. minutus, D. nanus, and D. sanborni (Anura: Hylidae)]. Fifteen adult males from each species were collected in the region of São José do Rio Preto (State of São Paulo, Brazil), and their visceral pigmentation was analyzed during the reproductive period. The individuals were weighed and measured, and the pigmented visceral cells were classified and documented in photographs. The shape and quantity of the pigment cells differed among the various structures of the same individual, as well as among the same structures of different species. Similarities and differences among these species were observed, and a visceral pigmentation pattern for anatomical structures was detected. In the digestive system of all species analyzed, there was an absence of pigment cells on the stomach and middle intestine. However, the pigmentation of the final portion of the intestine (i.e., the rectum) showed interspecific variation, with D. minutus presenting intense pigmentation, whereas the other species presented no pigmentation. Significant differences were detected also in the cardio-respiratory system, mesentery, and lumbosacral peritoneum.  相似文献   

I. Das 《Journal of Zoology》1996,238(4):785-794
The autecology of Rana hexadactyla (Lesson) was studied at a seasonal locality in south India. The herbivorous larva transforms into an insectivorous frog, and a second dietary switch from insectivory to folivory occurs in adults, with plants constituting 79.5% of the diet, by volume. A variety of invertebrates and small vertebrates is consumed, especially by the adult females before the reproductive season. Larger frogs take larger animal prey and more prey types. Monthly figures of prey diversity generally show high values during the wet months.
In Rana hexadactyla , the utilization of permanent waterbodies may help buffer the impact of the long dry seasons and, together with a supply of abundant food in the form of aquatic macrophytes, is thought to be linked to the capacity of the species to spawn three times a year.  相似文献   

In this study we examined electrocommunication behavior in Sternarchogiton nattereri (Apteronotidae), a weakly electric fish from South America. We focused on variation between females and males lacking external dentition and used playbacks of simulated conspecifics to elicit chirps (modulations of their electric organ discharge, EOD). Chirp responses were not affected by the frequency of the playback stimulus. EOD frequency, chirp rate, and chirp duration were not sexually dimorphic; however, the amount of chirp frequency modulation was significantly greater in toothless males than in females. These results reinforce that sex differences in chirp structure are highly diverse and widespread in the Apteronotidae.  相似文献   

Summary The connections of the olfactory bulb were studied in the piranha using the Nauta and horseradish-peroxidase methods. Three olfactory tracts project to seven terminal fields in the telencephalon and one in the diencephalon, all of them bilaterally. The contralateral olfactory bulb also receives a small input. All contralateral projections decussate in the anterior commissure and are relatively weak compared to the ipsilateral projections. HRP-containing cells were found in all of the ipsilateral telencephalic aggregates receiving an olfactory tract projection; the contralateral side was free of labeled cell bodies. Although only about one fourth of the entire telencephalon receives a direct olfactory input, the high degree of differentiation of the olfactory system suggests that the piranha depends substantially on the sense of olfaction and that this species may be a good model for further studies on olfactory mechanisms.  相似文献   

The regulation of body temperature in ectotherms has a major impact in their physiological and behavioral processes. Observing changes in thermal parameters related with reproduction allows us to better understand how Rhinella arenarum optimizes a thermal resource. The aim of this study was to compare the thermal parameters of this species between breeding and non-breeding periods. In the field, we recorded the body temperature from captured animals, the air temperature, and the temperature of the substrate. In the laboratory, we measured the temperature R. arenarum selected on a thermal gradient and the critical extreme temperatures. The results of our study show variations in thermal parameters between the two situations studied. This species makes efficient use of thermal resources during the breeding period by basking to significantly increase body temperature. Because calling is energetically costly for males, this behavior results in increased efficiency to callers during the breeding period.  相似文献   

Pigs might be exposed to lipopolysaccharides (LPS) and deoxynivalenol (DON) at the same time, and both toxins are thought to interactively affect the intestinal barrier, the innate immune system, and the xenobiotics metabolism. Hence, we aimed at examining the single and combined effects of both toxins on nutrient digestibility and DON metabolism. For this purpose, barrows (26?±?4 kg) were fed restrictedly either a control diet (CON) or a diet contaminated with 3.1 mg DON/kg (DON) for 37 days. At day 37 of the experiment, pigs were infused intravenously for 60 min either with 100 μg DON/kg body weight (BW) (CON-DON), 7.5 μg LPS/kg BW (CON-LPS, DON-LPS) or a combination of both substances (CON-DON?+?LPS), or physiological saline (CON-CON, DON-CON). Blood samples were collected frequently until 3.25 h before the pigs were sacrificed for bile, liver, and kidney collection. The apparent digestibility of N-free extractives was significantly increased by 1 % when the DON-contaminated diet was fed. The total DON content in blood was significantly higher in endotoxemic pigs (34.8 ng/mL; CON-DON?+?LPS) when compared to the pigs infused with DON alone (18.8 ng/mL; CON-DON) while bile concentrations were not influenced by LPS. DON residue levels in liver and kidney closely reflected the treatment effects as described for blood. In contrast to DON infusion, the LPS challenge resulted in a significantly lower total DON concentration (13.2 vs. 7.5 ng/mL in groups DON-CON and DON-LPS, respectively) when the pigs were exposed to DON through the diet. The conjugation degree for DON in blood and bile was not influenced by treatments. In conclusion, endotoxemic pigs are characterized by higher DON residue levels in blood, liver, and kidney, probably by a compromised elimination.  相似文献   

The genus Discoglossus (Anura, Discoglossidae) comprises five morphologically similar species. Molecular analyses have found high values of genetic differentiation among these cryptic taxa and confirmed the existence of two Iberian endemic lineages ( Discoglossus galganoi and D. jeanneae ) and a distinct lineage of uncertain origin representing a third species in NE Spain. In order to analyse the pattern of geographical distribution of haplotype diversity within Iberian Discoglossus and test the hypothesis of an Algerian origin for populations in NE Spain sequence data has been resolved from 35 populations of D. galganoi and D. jeanneae on the Iberian Peninsula and samples from NE Spain and north Africa. I analysed 959 bp corresponding to partial sequences of cytochrome b and nad 4 and found extremely low values of sequence divergence among populations of D. jeanneae . Three clades can be recognized within D. galganoi , however, and a statistically significant association with geography can be explained as a result of past fragmentation. Sequence data strongly support an Algerian origin for populations of Discoglossus from NE Spain. Finally, the taxonomic status of Discoglossus in Morocco is discussed and its elevation to species status as Discoglossus scovazzi Camerano, 1878 is suggested.  相似文献   

Comparison of electrophoretic globin phenotypes of 18 different Xenopus taxa reveals four different basic types of banding patterns. Each type includes species that also are similar in their morphological, cytogenetical, and biochemical characteristics. Three of these patterns reflect distinct evolutionary lines, while the fourth may be interpreted as the intersection of two of these lines. The composition of the basic pattern of the highly polyploid species is consistent with an allopolyploid origin of most of these species. The number of distinct globin polypeptides--four in the only extant diploid species, X. tropicalis, and five or more in most of the tetraploid species, including X. laevis--suggests that primordial globin genes had undergone duplication either before or after the tetraploidization event. Finally, the individual globin phenotypes are excellent molecular markers that are of great help in identifying the various species but not the subspecies.   相似文献   

Heterochrony produces morphological change with effects in shape, size, and/or timing of developmental events of a trait related to an ancestral ontogeny. This paper analyzes heterochrony during the ontogeny of Ceratophryinae (Ceratophrys, Chacophrys, and Lepidobatrachus), a monophyletic group of South American frogs with larval development, and uses different approaches to explore their morphological evolution: (1) inferences of ancestral ontogenies and heterochronic variation from a cladistic analysis based on 102 morphological larval and adult characters recorded in ten anuran taxa; (2) comparisons of size, morphological variation, and timing (age) of developmental events based on a study of ontogenetic series of ceratophryines, Telmatobius atacamensis, and Pseudis platensis. We found Chacophrys as the basal taxon. Ceratophrys and Lepidobatrachus share most derived larval features resulting from heterochrony. Ceratophryines share high rates of larval development, but differ in rates of postmetamorphic growth. The ontogeny of Lepidobatrachus exhibits peramorphic traits produced by the early onset of metamorphic transformations that are integrated in an unusual larval morphology. This study represents an integrative examination of shape, size, and age variation, and discusses evolutionary patterns of metamorphosis. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 154 , 752–780.  相似文献   

The hylid frog genus Scinax ranges from southern Mexico to eastern Argentina. The 84 recognized species are currently arranged in five groups: the Scinax rubra , Scinax rostrata , Scinax catharinae , Scinax staufferi , and Scinax perpusilla species groups. Although a few species groups are distinctive, compelling evidence of monophyly is lacking for three groups, and their interrelationships remain virtually unknown. With the objective of testing the monophyly of the species groups and exploring their interrelationships, a cladistic analysis was performed, employing 86 characters from osteology, myology, adult and larval external morphology, reproductive biology, and karyotypes taken from 36 representative species of the five species groups plus eight outgroup taxa. The analysis of the resulting data matrix shows moderately well-supported (as assessed through Bremer support and parsimony jackknifing) S. catharinae and S. rostrata species groups. The S. staufferi species group is polyphyletic, as currently composed, given that some of its species are nested within the S. catharinae species group. The only representative of the S. perpusilla species group is the sister species of the S. catharinae species group. Although weakly supported, the representatives of the S. rostrata and S. staufferi species groups are nested, separately, within the S. rubra species group. In order to have a taxonomy consistent with these results, it is proposed not to recognize the S. rubra group but to recognize a more inclusive rubra clade that includes all studied exemplars of the former S. rubra group, plus some of the S. staufferi group and all of the S. rostrata group. Similarly, a catharinae clade is recognized, within which all studied exemplars of the S. catharina e group (that now includes Scinax berthae and Scinax agilis ) and the one studied representative of the S. perpusilla group are included.  相似文献   

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