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Vessels are a critical and necessary component of most tissues, and there has been substantial research investigating vessel formation and stabilization. Several groups have investigated coculturing endothelial cells with a second cell type to promote formation and stabilization of vessels. Some have noted that long-term vessels derived from implanted cocultures are often chimeric consisting of both host and donor cells. The questions arise as to whether the coculture cell might impact the chimeric nature of the microvessels and can modulate the density of donor cells over time. If long-term engineered microvessels are primarily of host origin, any impairment of the host''s angiogenic ability has significant implications for the long-term success of the implant. If one can modulate the host versus donor response, one may be able to overcome a host''s angiogenic impairment. Furthermore, if one can modulate the donor contribution, one may be able to engineer microvascular networks to deliver molecules a patient lacks systemically for long times. To investigate the impact of the cocultured cell on the host versus donor contributions of endothelial cells in engineered microvascular networks, we varied the ratio of the neural progenitors to endothelial cells in subcutaneously implanted poly(ethylene glycol)/poly-L-lysine hydrogels. We found that the coculture of neural progenitors with endothelial cells led to the formation of chimeric host-donor vessels, and the ratio of neural progenitors has a significant impact on the long term residence of donor endothelial cells in engineered microvascular networks in vivo even though the neural progenitors are only present transiently in the system. We attribute this to the short term paracrine signaling between the two cell types. This suggests that one can modulate the host versus donor contributions using short-term paracrine signaling which has broad implications for the application of engineered microvascular networks and cellular therapy more broadly.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe number of children receiving domiciliary ventilatory support has grown over the last few decades driven largely by the introduction and widening applications of non-invasive ventilation. Ventilatory support may be used with the intention of increasing survival, or to facilitate discharge home and/or to palliate symptoms. However, the outcome of this intervention and the number of children transitioning to adult care as a consequence of longer survival is not yet clear.MethodsIn this retrospective cohort study, we analysed the outcome in children (<17 years) started on home NIV at Royal Brompton Hospital over an 18 year period 1993-2011. The aim was to establish for different diagnostic groups: survival rate, likelihood of early death depending on diagnosis or discontinuation of ventilation, and the proportion transitioning to adult care.Results496 children were commenced on home non invasive ventilation; follow-up data were available in 449 (91%). Fifty six per cent (n=254) had neuromuscular disease. Ventilation was started at a median age (IQR) 10 (3-15) years. Thirteen percent (n=59) were less than 1 year old. Forty percent (n=181) have transitioned to adult care. Twenty four percent (n=109) of patients have died, and nine percent (n=42) were able to discontinue ventilatory support.ConclusionLong term ventilation is associated with an increase in survival in a range of conditions leading to ventilatory failure in children, resulting in increasing numbers surviving to adulthood. This has significant implications for planning transition and adult care facilities.  相似文献   

Repeat photography has emerged as a popular tool for visualizing climate change yet has been employed relatively little by visual and environmental anthropologists. Based on research in Tanzania’s South Pare Mountains, this article shows how repeat photography can be a powerful method for environmental anthropologists both practically and epistemologically: repeat photography as a practice integrates well with ethnography, while the contradictions emerging through multimodal research help us reflect on the narratives about environmental change that we encounter and write ourselves. At the same time, detailed ethnography is crucial for understanding the lived experience and wider politico-economic dimensions of landscape change that are not visible through repeat photography alone.  相似文献   

The dynamics of collective decision making is not yet well understood. Its practical relevance however can be of utmost importance, as experienced by people who lost their fortunes in turbulent moments of financial markets. In this paper we show how spontaneous collective “moods” or “biases” emerge dynamically among human participants playing a trading game in a simple model of the stock market. Applying theory and computer simulations to the experimental data generated by humans, we are able to predict the onset of such moments before they actually happen.  相似文献   



There is stigma attached to the identification of residents carrying antimicrobial resistant organisms (ARO) in long term care homes, yet there is a need to collect data about their prevalence for public health surveillance and intervention purposes.


We conducted a point prevalence study to assess ARO rates in long term care homes in Ontario using a secure data collection system.


All long term care homes in the province were asked to provide colonization or infection counts for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) as recorded in their electronic medical records, and the number of current residents. Data was collected online during the October-November 2011 period using a Paillier cryptosystem that allows computation on encrypted data.


A provably secure data collection system was implemented. Overall, 82% of the homes in the province responded. MRSA was the most frequent ARO identified at 3 cases per 100 residents, followed by ESBL at 0.83 per 100 residents, and VRE at 0.56 per 100 residents. The microbiological findings and their distribution were consistent with available provincial laboratory data reporting test results for AROs in hospitals.


We describe an ARO point prevalence study which demonstrated the feasibility of collecting data from long term care homes securely across the province and providing strong privacy and confidentiality assurances, while obtaining high response rates.  相似文献   

综述了CREB的研究进展和该领域中需深入研究和注意的问题.CREB作为一种转录因子参与短时记忆向长时记忆的转化,它具有激活型和抑制型两种形式,籍此可以更加精细地调节记忆的转化,这在不同种属动物中已经得到证实,且其基因序列存在着高度的保守性.  相似文献   

With attention to the experiences, agency, and rights of tuberculosis (TB) patients, this symposium on TB and ethics brings together a range of different voices from the social sciences and humanities. To develop fresh insights and new approaches to TB care and prevention, it is important to incorporate diverse perspectives from outside the strictly biomedical model. In the articles presented in this issue of the Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, clinical experience is married with historical and cultural context, ethical concerns are brought to bear on global health, and structural analyses shed light upon the lived experience of people living with TB. The relational and reciprocal dimensions of care feature strongly in these discussions, which serve as a poignant reminder that behind each of the yearly deaths from TB is a deeply personal story. No single discipline holds a monopoly on how to care for each of these people, but strong cases are made for support from mental health and social workers in addressing the kaleidoscope of needs in TB prevention. As the World Health Organization moves towards the goal of eliminating TB globally by 2050, attending to the needs of TB patients serves global interests to lower disease burden and to develop better integrated communities worldwide.  相似文献   



Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is a rare genetically transmitted disease prone to ventricular arrhythmias. We therefore investigated the clinical, echocardiographical and electrophysiological predictors of appropriate implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) therapy in patients with ARVC.


A retrospective analysis was performed in 26 patients (median age of 40 years at diagnosis, 21 males and 5 females) with ARVC who underwent ICD implantation.


Over a median (range) follow-up period of 10 (2.7, 37) years, appropriate ICD therapy for ventricular arrhythmias was documented in 12 (46%) out of 26 patients. In all patients with appropriate ICD therapy the ICD was originally inserted for secondary prevention. Median time from ICD implantation to ICD therapy was 9 months (range 3.6, 54 months). History of heart failure was a significant predictor of appropriate ICD therapy (p = 0.033). Left ventricular disease involvement (p = 0.059) and age at implantation (p = 0.063) were borderline significant predictors. Patients with syncope at time of diagnosis were significantly less likely to receive ICD therapy (p = 0.02). Invasive electrophysiological testing was not significantly associated with appropriate ICD therapy.


In our cohort of patients with ARVC, history of heart failure was a significant predictor of appropriate ICD therapy, whereas left ventricular involvement and age at time of ICD implantation were of borderline significance. These predictors should be tested in larger prospective cohorts to optimize ICD therapy in this rare cardiomyopathy.  相似文献   



The Darlington and Northallerton Asthma Study is an observational cohort study started in 1983. At that time little was published about long term outcome in asthma and the contribution of change in reversible disease or airway remodelling to any excess deterioration in function. The study design included regular review of overall and fixed function lung. We report the trends over fifteen years.


All asthmatics attending secondary care in 1983, 1988 and 1993 were recruited. Pulmonary function was recorded at attendance and potential best function estimated according to protocol. Rate of decline was calculated over each 5-year period and by linear regression analysis in those seen every time. The influence of potential explanatory variables on this decline was explored.


1724 satisfactory 5-year measurements were obtained in 912 subjects and in 200 subjects on all occasions. Overall rate of decline (ml/year (95%CI)) calculated from 5-year periods was FEV1 ♂41.0 (34.7–47.3), ♀28.9 (23.2–34.6) and best FVC ♂63.1 (55.1–71.2)ml/year, ♀45.8 (40.0–51.6).The principal association was with age. A dominant cubic factor suggested fluctuations in the rate of change in middle life with less rapid decline in youth and more rapid decline in the elderly. Rapid decline was possibly associated with short duration. Treatment step did not predict rate of deterioration.


Function declined non-linearly and more rapidly than predicted from normal subjects. It reports for the first time a cubic relationship between age and pulmonary function. This should be taken into account when interpreting other articles reporting change in function over time.  相似文献   

Abnormalities in Chrysanthemum Regenerated from Long Term Cultures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plants regenerated from leafy callus of Chrysanthemum morifoliumRamat. maintained for 9 years (LC plants) were compared to thoseregenerated from leafy callus maintained for 1 month (SC plants)in order to assess the effects of long-term culture. LC plantsdiffered morphologically from those derived from the 1-monthculture. Aberrant forms, proliferation of apical buds, variableleaf shapes and stunted growth were observed in 15 per centof the LC plants. The remaining 85 per cent were characterizedby excessive growth of lateral shoots. Flowers were smallerand irregularly formed in most LC plants. Although the growthrates of plants in both LC and SC groups were similar, floweringwas delayed considerably in the LC plants. Application of GA3or IAA had no effect in restoring normal form. Genetic instability,chimeral rearrangement and residual hormone effects are offeredas possible explanations for the abnormalities observed. Tissue culture, Chrysanthemum morifolium, phenotypic variability  相似文献   

Fibronectin (FN) is a large extracellular matrix glycoprotein important for development and wound healing in vertebrates. Recent work has focused on the ability of FN fragments and embryonic or tumorigenic splicing variants to stimulate fibroblast migration into collagen gels. This activity has been localized to specific sites and is not exhibited by full-length FN. Here we show that an N-terminal FN fragment, spanning the migration stimulation sites and including the first three type III FN domains, also lacks this activity. A screen for interdomain interactions by solution-state NMR spectroscopy revealed specific contacts between the Fn N terminus and two of the type III domains. A single amino acid substitution, R222A, disrupts the strongest interaction, between domains 4–5FnI and 3FnIII, and restores motogenic activity to the FN N-terminal fragment. Anastellin, which promotes fibril formation, destabilizes 3FnIII and disrupts the observed 4–5FnI-3FnIII interaction. We discuss these findings in the context of the control of cellular activity through exposure of masked sites.Fibronectin (FN),4 a large multidomain glycoprotein found in all vertebrates, plays a vital role in cell adhesion, tissue development, and wound healing (1). It exists in soluble form in plasma and tissue fluids but is also present in fibrillar networks as part of the extracellular matrix. The structures of many FN domains of all three types, FnI, FnII, and FnIII, are known, for example (24). Although interactions between domains that are close in primary sequence have been demonstrated (3, 5), studies of multidomain fragments generally assume a beads-on-string model (2). There is, however, much evidence for the presence of long range order in soluble FN as a number of functional sites, termed cryptic, are not active in the native molecule, until exposed through conformational change. These include self-association sites (58), sites of protein interactions (9), and sites that control cellular activity (10, 11). Low resolution studies of the FN dimer suggest a compact conformation under physiological conditions (1214); however, attempts to define large scale structure in FN by small angle scattering or electric birefringence (1517) have yielded contradictory results. Interpretation of domain stability changes in terms of interaction sites (18) has also not been straightforward (2), possibly because of domain stabilization through nearest-neighbor effects (19, 20).A FN splicing variant produced in fetal and cancer patient fibroblasts, termed migration stimulation factor (MSF), stimulates migration of adult skin fibroblasts into type I collagen gels (10, 21) and breast carcinoma cells using the Boyden chamber (22). MSF comprises FN domains 1FnI to 9FnI, a truncated 1FnIII, and a small C-terminal extension; a recombinant FN fragment corresponding to 1FnI-9FnI (Fn70kDa) displays the same activity (10). An overview of FN domain structure and nomenclature is presented in Fig. 1a. Further experiments sub-localized full motogenic activity to the gelatin binding domain of FN (GBD, domains 6FnI-9FnI) (23) and partial activity to a shorter fragment spanning domains 7–9FnI (24). Two IGD tripeptides of domains 7FnI and 9FnI were shown to be essential through residue substitutions and reconstitution of partial motogenic activity in synthetic peptides (10, 24, 25); however, similar IGD tripeptides outside the GBD, on domains 3FnI and 5FnI, appear to have little effect (10, 23). Full-length adult FN does not affect cell migration in similar assays (10, 23); thus motogenic activity sites are presumed to be masked in the conformation adopted by soluble FN, although they could be exposed by molecular rearrangement.Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.Motogenic activity of FN fragments. a, schematic representation of the FN domain structure (top) and enlargement of the FN N terminus (bottom). Type I domains are shown as pentagons; type II domains as hexagons; and type III domains as ovals. b, comparison of motogenic activity versus protein concentration of wild-type Fn70kDa and Fn100kDa fragments. Error bars are derived from duplicate experiments, and a gray band denotes migration activity of media without additives. c, similar comparisons for mutant Fn100kDa fragments. d, analytical size exclusion chromatography of large FN fragments. The trace of UV absorbance at 280 nm versus elution volume shown here indicates a larger hydrodynamic radius for Fn100kDa R222A compared with the wild type, consistent with our model (Fig. 6a).Here we show that a recombinant fragment, closely matching a truncated form of FN identified in zebrafish (26), as well as amphibians, birds, and mammals (27), does not stimulate cell migration. This fragment is similar to MSF but includes the first three FnIII domains (1–3FnIII), suggesting that these domains are responsible for a conformational transition that masks the activity sites in this construct and probably in full-length FN. To identify the mechanism behind this transition, we performed structural studies by solution NMR spectroscopy and identified a specific long range interaction between domains 4–5FnI and 3FnIII as essential for this masking effect. Interestingly, this interaction does not involve direct contacts with the GBD but possibly represses motogenic activity through chain compaction, evident in analytical size exclusion assays. Intramolecular interactions thus provide a mechanism by which conformational rearrangement induced, for example, by tension or splicing variation can result in cellular activity differences.  相似文献   

An investigation was made to measure the effectiveness of one of the newer agents used in promotion of oral hygiene, i.e., Chlorhexidine gel. The study was designed with elderly people in long term care.  相似文献   

End-of-life decisions regarding the withdrawal and withholding of lifesupporting technology have become commonplace within intensive careunits (ICUs). In this paper, we examine the dialogue between ICU teammembers and families regarding limitation of treatment as a therapeuticnarrative – that is, as a story which frames therapeutic events aswell as the critically ill patient's experience in a meaningful andpsychologically comforting way for families and health care providersalike. The key themes of these end-of-life narratives are discussed, aswell as the qualities that the stories share with other narratives ofthe same genre.  相似文献   

A mouse model of chronic airway infection is a key asset in cystic fibrosis (CF) research, although there are a number of concerns regarding the model itself. Early phases of inflammation and infection have been widely studied by using the Pseudomonas aeruginosa agar-beads mouse model, while only few reports have focused on the long-term chronic infection in vivo. The main challenge for long term chronic infection remains the low bacterial burden by P. aeruginosa and the low percentage of infected mice weeks after challenge, indicating that bacterial cells are progressively cleared by the host.This paper presents a method for obtaining efficient long-term chronic infection in mice. This method is based on the embedding of the P. aeruginosa clinical strains in the agar-beads in vitro, followed by intratracheal instillation in C57Bl/6NCrl mice. Bilateral lung infection is associated with several measurable read-outs including weight loss, mortality, chronic infection, and inflammatory response. The P. aeruginosa RP73 clinical strain was preferred over the PAO1 reference laboratory strain since it resulted in a comparatively lower mortality, more severe lesions, and higher chronic infection. P. aeruginosa colonization may persist in the lung for over three months. Murine lung pathology resembles that of CF patients with advanced chronic pulmonary disease.This murine model most closely mimics the course of the human disease and can be used both for studies on the pathogenesis and for the evaluation of novel therapies.  相似文献   

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