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Two isoforms of troponin T have been isolated from bovine cardiac muscle. One isoform has an Mr of 31000 and a pI at about 7.1, the corresponding values for the second isoform being 33000 and 6.5. Both isoforms have identical C- and N-terminal sequences, and, according to the data from tryptic-peptide mapping, a similar structure of the central and C-terminal domains. The large N-terminal peptides of troponin T isoforms differ in the content of glutamine/glutamic acid and alanine. It is concluded that the isoform with Mr 33000 has an additional peptide enriched with glutamic acid and alanine that is inserted between the N-terminal pentapeptide and the cysteine located 40-60 residues from the N-terminus.  相似文献   

Alteration of troponin T (TnT) isoform expression has been reported in human and animal models of myocardial failure. The two adult beef cardiac TnT isoforms (TnT(3) and TnT(4)) were isolated for comparative functional analysis. Thin filaments were reconstituted containing pure populations of the isoforms. The in vitro motility assay was used to directly compare the effect of the two TnT isoforms on force and unloaded shortening as a function of free calcium. We found no significant differences between the two isoforms in terms of calcium sensitivity, cooperativity, or maximal activation (velocity and force) as assessed in a fully calcium-regulated system. Activation by myosin strong binding was similar for thin filaments containing either of the two TnT isoforms. Whereas maximally activated velocity and cooperativity was depressed at pH 6.5, no difference between thin filaments containing the two isoforms was detected. From the small magnitude of the TnT isoform shifts detected in myocardial failure and the lack of significant mechanical effect detected in the motility assay, variable TnT isoform expression is unlikely to be any functional significance in heart failure.  相似文献   

Bovine cardiac troponin T: amino acid sequences of the two isoforms   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Troponin T (TnT) is the tropomyosin-binding subunit of troponin, the thin filament regulatory complex that confers calcium sensitivity to striated muscle contraction and actomyosin ATPase activity. Bovine cardiac muscle contains two isoforms (TnT-1 and TnT-2) of TnT that differ in sequence near their amino termini. Thin filaments containing TnT-2 require less calcium to activate the MgATPase rate of myosin than do thin filaments containing TnT-1. Using whole troponin T purified from adult bovine cardiac muscle, we have determined the complete amino acid sequence of the larger, more abundant isoform TnT-1. We confirmed that sequence differences between TnT-1 and TnT-2 are confined to the amino-terminal regions and found that TnT-1 makes up approximately 75% of the total troponin T isolated. Partial sequencing of the separated isoforms showed that the difference between them is due solely to residues 15-19 (Glu-Ala-Ala-Glu-Glu) of TnT-1 being absent from TnT-2. The deleted segment may correspond to the product of exon 4 of the chicken cardiac TnT gene [Cooper, T.A., & Ordahl, C.P. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 11140-11148]. Exon 5, which is developmentally regulated in the chicken, is not expressed in either TnT-1 or TnT-2. TnT-1 contains 284 amino acid residues and has a Mr of 33,808, while TnT-2 contains 279 amino acid residues and has a Mr of 33,279. Bovine cardiac TnT contains the only known thiol group in any isolated TnT (Cys-39 of TnT-1, Cys-34 of TnT-2). Comparison of bovine, rabbit, and chicken cardiac TnT sequences shows near identity of the amino-terminal 13 amino acid residues (exons 2 and 3 of the chicken cardiac gene), many differences in the following 60 residues (exons 4-8), and great similarity in the C-terminal 230 residues (exons 9-18).  相似文献   

Alternative splicing of troponin T (TnT) in striated muscle during development results in expression of different isoforms, with the splicing of a 5(') exon of TnT resulting in the expression of low-molecular-weight basic adult TnT isoforms and high-molecular-weight acidic embryonic TnT isoforms. Although other differences exist, the main differences between cardiac TnT (cTnT) and fast skeletal muscle TnT (fTnT) are in the NH(2) terminus, with fTnT being less acidic than cTnT. A transgenic mouse line expressing chicken fTnT in the heart was used to investigate the functional significance of TnT NH(2)-terminal charge differences on cardiac muscle contractility. The rates of force redevelopment (k(tr)) at four levels of Ca(2+) activation were recorded for skinned left ventricular trabeculae from control and transgenic mice. The k(tr) vs Ca(2+) relationship was different in control mice and transgenic mice, suggesting that the structure of TnT, and possibly the NH(2)-terminal region, is involved in determining the kinetics of cross-bridge cycle. These results suggest that isoform shifts in TnT may be an important molecular mechanism for determining the Ca(2+) dependence of cardiac muscle contractility.  相似文献   

Troponin T (TnT) is an essential protein in the Ca2+ regulatory system of striated of muscle. Three fiber type-specific TnT genes have evolved in higher vertebrates to encode cardiac, slow and fast skeletal muscle TnT isoforms. To understand the functional significance of TnT isoforms, we studied the effects of acidosis on the contractility of transgenic mouse cardiac muscle that expresses fast skeletal muscle TnT. Contractility analysis of intact cardiac muscle strips showed that while no differences were detected at physiological pH, the transgenic cardiac muscle had significantly greater decreases in +dF/dtmax at acidic pH than that of the wild-type control. Contractility of skinned cardiac muscles demonstrated that the presence of fast TnT resulted in significantly larger decreases in force and Ca2+ sensitivity at acidic pH than that of the wild-type control. The effect of TnT isoforms on the tolerance of muscle to acidosis may explain the higher tolerance of embryonic versus adult cardiac muscles. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that charge differences in TnT isoforms contribute to the contractility of muscle. The data further support a hypothesis that slow TnT is similar to the cardiac, but not fast, and TnT may contribute to the higher tolerance of slow muscles to stress conditions. Therefore, TnT isoform diversity may contribute to the compatibility of muscle thin filaments to cellular environments in different fiber types, during development and functional adaptation.  相似文献   

In order to show the tissue-specific distribution of troponin T (TnT) isoforms in avian skeletal muscles, their expression was examined by electrophoresis of the breast and leg muscles of seven avian species and immunoblotting with the antiserum against fast skeletal muscle TnT. It has been reported in the chicken that breast-muscle-type (B-type) and leg-muscle-type (L-type) TnT isoforms are expressed specifically in the adult breast and leg muscles, respectively. Their differential expression patterns were confirmed in all birds examined in this study. The expression of a segment encoded by the exon x series of TnT was also examined by immunoblotting with the antiserum against a synthetic peptide derived from the exon x3 sequence, because the segment has been shown to be included exclusively in the B-type, but not in the L-type TnT. The expression of the segment was found only in the breast muscle, but not in the leg muscle of all birds examined. TnT cDNA sequences from the duck breast and leg muscles were determined and showed that only B-type TnT had an exon x-related sequence, suggesting that the expression of B-type TnT containing the exon x-derived segment is conserved consistently in the birds.  相似文献   

Isolation and functional comparison of bovine cardiac troponin T isoforms   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
We report on the isolation of two bovine cardiac troponin isoforms which differ in sequence near the amino terminus of troponin T (Risnik, V. V., Verin, A. D., and Gusev, N. B. (1985) Biochem. J. 225, 549-552). The isoforms were isolated by direct separation on DEAE-cellulose and were also obtained by reconstitution of urea-dissociated subunits. The two isoforms were compared for their effects on processes involving interactions of troponin with tropomyosin and actin. The two isoforms had similar abilities to promote tropomyosin polymerization. They allowed equal potentiation, by high concentration of myosin subfragment 1, of the thin filament-activated MgATPase rate. In the presence of lower concentrations of myosin subfragment 1, the MgATPase rate was 96% sensitive to Ca2+, regardless of which troponin isoform was present. The Ca2+ concentration required to activate the MgATPase rate was similar but not identical for thin filaments containing one isoform or the other. In the presence of the smaller isoform, the Ca2+-activation curve is shifted 0.1 to 0.15 pCa units to the left. At 10(-6) M Ca2+ the MgATPase rate is 50% greater when the smaller troponin T isoform is present than when the larger is present. These results indicate that the variable region of troponin T influences the overall response of the thin filament to Ca2+, and raises the possibility that regulation of this region by mRNA splicing may modulate muscle function.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice expressing an allele of cardiac troponin T (cTnT) with a COOH-terminal truncation (cTnT(trunc)) exhibit severe diastolic and mild systolic dysfunction. We tested the hypothesis that contractile dysfunction in myocardium expressing low levels of cTnT(trunc) (i.e., <5%) is due to slowed cross-bridge kinetics and reduced thin filament activation as a consequence of reduced cross-bridge binding. We measured the Ca(2+) sensitivity of force development [pCa for half-maximal tension generation (pCa(50))] and the rate constant of force redevelopment (k(tr)) in cTnT(trunc) and wild-type (WT) skinned myocardium both in the absence and in the presence of a strong-binding, non-force-generating derivative of myosin subfragment-1 (NEM-S1). Compared with WT mice, cTnT(trunc) mice exhibited greater pCa(50), reduced steepness of the force-pCa relationship [Hill coefficient (n(H))], and faster k(tr) at submaximal Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)]), i.e., reduced activation dependence of k(tr). Treatment with NEM-S1 elicited similar increases in pCa(50) and similar reductions in n(H) in WT and cTnT(trunc) myocardium but elicited greater increases in k(tr) at submaximal activation in cTnT(trunc) myocardium. Contrary to our initial hypothesis, cTnT(trunc) appears to enhance thin filament activation in myocardium, which is manifested as significant increases in Ca(2+)-activated force and the rate of cross-bridge attachment at submaximal [Ca(2+)]. Although these mechanisms would not be expected to depress systolic function per se in cTnT(trunc) hearts, they would account for slowed rates of myocardial relaxation during early diastole.  相似文献   

This study characterizes a transgenic animal model for the troponin T (TnT) mutation (I79N) associated with familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. To study the functional consequences of this mutation, we examined a wild type and two I79N-transgenic mouse lines of human cardiac TnT driven by a murine alpha-myosin heavy chain promoter. Extensive characterization of the transgenic I79N lines compared with wild type and/or nontransgenic mice demonstrated: 1) normal survival and no cardiac hypertrophy even with chronic exercise; 2) large increases in Ca(2+) sensitivity of ATPase activity and force in skinned fibers; 3) a substantial increase in the rate of force activation and an increase in the rate of force relaxation; 4) lower maximal force/cross-sectional area and ATPase activity; 5) loss of sensitivity to pH-induced shifts in the Ca(2+) dependence of force; and 6) computer simulations that reproduced experimental observations and suggested that the I79N mutation decreases the apparent off rate of Ca(2+) from troponin C and increases cross-bridge detachment rate g. Simulations for intact living fibers predict a higher basal contractility, a faster rate of force development, slower relaxation, and increased resting tension in transgenic I79N myocardium compared with transgenic wild type. These mechanisms may contribute to mortality in humans, especially in stimulated contractile states.  相似文献   

Using monoclonal antibodies (McAbs) which can distinguish between breast- and leg-type troponin T (TnT), we studied the spatial distribution of TnT isoforms in adult chicken fast skeletal muscles. The breast (pectoralis major) and leg (iliotibialis posterior) muscles were composed predominantly of homogeneous fibers containing breast- and leg-type TnT, respectively. The posterior latissimus dorsi muscle was composed of heterogeneous fibers of at least two types, namely breast and leg types. In developing and regenerating fast muscles, only leg-type TnT was expressed at early stages, and later breast-type TnT appeared either transiently or permanently. This led ultimately to several distinct adult fast muscle breast/leg TnT isoform profiles. Since both types of TnT were synthesized in embryonic and regenerating muscles with nerves intact as well as in regenerating muscles with nerves resected, the switching on of their expression during fast muscle development appears to be independent of nerves. However, its full development ("fine tuning" of the protein isoform distribution within the fast fiber types) and the maintenance of the adult state are presumed to be dependent on the nerves, since, although regenerating fibers in denervated muscles could exhibit the early and then the later embryonic stainabilities, they again returned to the early embryonic state; further, the denervation of adult muscles caused the replacement of TnT isoform from the adult to the early embryonic state.  相似文献   

At least four isoforms of troponin T (TnT) exist in the human heart, and they are expressed in a developmentally regulated manner. To determine whether the different N-terminal isoforms are functionally distinct with respect to structure, Ca(2+) sensitivity, and inhibition of force development, the four known human cardiac troponin T isoforms, TnT1 (all exons present), TnT2 (missing exon 4), TnT3 (missing exon 5), and TnT4 (missing exons 4 and 5), were expressed, purified, and utilized in skinned fiber studies and in reconstituted actomyosin ATPase assays. TnT3, the adult isoform, had a slightly higher alpha-helical content than the other three isoforms. The variable region in the N terminus of cardiac TnT was found to contribute to the determination of the Ca(2+) sensitivity of force development in a charge-dependent manner; the greater the charge the higher the Ca(2+) sensitivity, and this was primarily because of exon 5. These studies also demonstrated that removal of either exon 4 or exon 5 from TnT increased the cooperativity of the pCa force relationship. Troponin complexes reconstituted with the four TnT isoforms all yielded the same maximal actin-tropomyosin-activated myosin ATPase activity. However, troponin complexes containing either TnT1 or TnT2 (both containing exon 5) had a reduced ability to inhibit this ATPase activity when compared with wild type troponin (which contains TnT3). Interestingly, fibers containing these isoforms also showed less relaxation suggesting that exon 5 of cardiac TnT affects the ability of Tn to inhibit force development and ATPase activity. These results suggest that the different N-terminal TnT isoforms would produce different functional properties in the heart that would directly affect myocardial contraction.  相似文献   

In this study, 10 troponin T isoforms from adult porcine skeletal muscle messenger RNA were clarified. These were eight fast- and two slow-type isoforms. Fast-type isoforms had three and two variable exons in the N-terminal and the C-terminal region respectively. Slow-type isoforms had one variable exon in the N-terminal region.  相似文献   

Striated muscle contraction is powered by actin-activated myosin ATPase. This process is regulated by Ca(2+) via the troponin complex. Slow- and fast-twitch fibers of vertebrate skeletal muscle express type I and type II myosin, respectively, and these myosin isoenzymes confer different ATPase activities, contractile velocities, and force. Skeletal muscle troponin has also diverged into fast and slow isoforms, but their functional significance is not fully understood. To investigate the expression of troponin isoforms in mammalian skeletal muscle and their functional relationship to that of the myosin isoforms, we concomitantly studied myosin, troponin T (TnT), and troponin I (TnI) isoform contents and isometric contractile properties in single fibers of rat skeletal muscle. We characterized a large number of Triton X-100-skinned single fibers from soleus, diaphragm, gastrocnemius, and extensor digitorum longus muscles and selected fibers with combinations of a single myosin isoform and a single class (slow or fast) of the TnT and TnI isoforms to investigate their role in determining contractility. Types IIa, IIx, and IIb myosin fibers produced higher isometric force than that of type I fibers. Despite the polyploidy of adult skeletal muscle fibers, the expression of fast or slow isoforms of TnT and TnI is tightly coupled. Fibers containing slow troponin had higher Ca(2+) sensitivity than that of the fast troponin fibers, whereas fibers containing fast troponin showed a higher cooperativity of Ca(2+) activation than that of the slow troponin fibers. These results demonstrate distinct but coordinated regulation of troponin and myosin isoform expression in skeletal muscle and their contribution to the contractile properties of muscle.  相似文献   

The nature and kinetics of postexercise cardiac troponin (cTn) appearance is poorly described and understood in most athlete populations. We compared the kinetics of high-sensitivity cTn T (hs-cTnT) after endurance running in training-matched adolescents and adults. Thirteen male adolescent (mean age: 14.1 ± 1.1 yr) and 13 male adult (24.0 ± 3.6 yr) runners performed a 90-min constant-load treadmill run at 95% of ventilatory threshold. Serum hs-cTnT levels were assessed preexercise, immediately postexercise, and at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 24 h postexercise. Serum NH(2)-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-pro-BNP) levels were recorded preexercise and 3, 6, and 24 h postexercise. Left ventricular function was assessed preexercise, immediately postexercise, and 6 h postexercise. Peak hs-cTnT occurred at 3-4 h postexercise in all subjects, but was substantially higher (P < 0.05) in adolescents [median (range): 211.0 (11.2-794.5) ng/l] compared with adults [median (range): 19.1 (9.7-305.6) ng/l]. Peak hs-cTnT was followed by a rapid decrease in both groups, although adolescent data had not returned to baseline at 24 h. Substantial interindividual variability was noted in peak hs-cTnT, especially in the adolescents. NT-pro-BNP was significantly elevated postexercise in both adults and adolescents and remained above baseline at 24 h in both groups. In both groups, left ventricular ejection fraction and the ratio of early-to-atrial peak Doppler flow velocities were significantly decreased immediately postexercise. Peak hs-cTnT was not related to changes in ejection fraction, ratio of early-to-atrial peak Doppler flow velocities, or NT-pro-BNP. The present data suggest that postexercise hs-cTnT elevation 1) occurred in all runners, 2) peaked 3-4 h postexercise, and 3) the peak hs-cTnT concentration after prolonged exercise was higher in adolescents than adults.  相似文献   

Two species of troponin T have been purified by ion-exchange chromatography from erector spinae, the major fast white muscle of the rabbit back, and from a pool of the fast hindlimb muscles gastrocnemius and plantaris. Designated Tn-T1f and Tn-T2f, they can be resolved by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, with apparent molecular weights of 37,500 and 37,000 respectively. Their amino acid compositions are similar and correlate well with that reported for troponin T from fast muscle (Pearlstone, J. R., Carpenter, M. R., and Smillie, L. B. (1977) J. Biol. Chem. 252, 971-977). Tn-T2f most likely corresponds to the previously studied troponin T; further characterization was undertaken to determine how the newly identified Tn-T1f differs from Tn-T2f. Phosphorylation of alkaline phosphatase-treated troponin demonstrated that Tn-T1f and Tn-T2f are not interconverted by a change in phosphorylation state. Comparison of the CNBr fragments of Tn-T1f and Tn-T2f by SDS-gel electrophoresis and reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography revealed similar but not identical peptide patterns. The major difference occurs in the amino-terminal CNBr peptides corresponding to CB3. Since both Tn-T1f and Tn-T2f have blocked amino termini, the difference does not result from proteolysis at the amino terminus of one of the proteins. These observations indicate that the two species of troponin T do not result from a known post-translational modification, but rather from differences in the amino acid sequence, suggesting that they arise either from the expression of different genes or a single gene from which different mRNAs are transcribed.  相似文献   

We have isolated 52 mouse cardiac troponin-T-encoding cDNA clones (TnT) by specific antibody screening of a λZAPII expression library. Sequencing data from the large sample of independent cDNAs demonstrated relationships among the expression of four alternatively-spliced exons of the cardiac TnT gene, producing seven classes of cDNAs encoding four protein isoforms differing in two variable regions. In the N-terminal variable region and next to the embryonic-specific exon 4, an alternatively spliced exon 3a was identified in 20% of the adult isoforms. The alternatively spliced exon 12, corresponding to a central variable region between the two functional domains of TnT, was found in approx. 79% of the 52 mouse cardiac TnT cDNAs with a single base mutation completely abolishing the splicing at an internal acceptor site. Three novel alternative splicing acceptor sites in the 5'-untranslated portion of exon 2 have been identified with different frequencies.  相似文献   

Cardiac excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling is impaired at the myofilament level in the reversible postischemic dysfunction known as "stunned" myocardium. We characterized tension development and calcium cycling in intact isolated trabeculae from transgenic (TG) mice expressing the major proteolytic degradation fragment of troponin I (TnI) found in stunned myocardium (TnI(1-193)) and determined the ATPase activity of myofibrils extracted from TG and non-TG mouse hearts. The phenotype of these mice at baseline recapitulates that of stunning. Here, we address the question of whether contractile reserve is preserved in these mice, as it is in genuine stunned myocardium. During twitch contractions, calcium cycling was normal, whereas tension was greatly reduced, compared with non-TG controls. A decrease in maximum Ca2+-activated tension and Ca2+ desensitization of the myofilaments accounted for this contractile dysfunction. The decrease in maximum tension was paralleled by an equivalent decrease in maximum Ca2+-activated myofibrillar ATPase activity. Exposure to high calcium or isoproterenol recruited a sizable contractile reserve in TG muscles, which was proportionately similar to that in control muscles but scaled downward in amplitude. These results suggest that calcium regulatory pathways and beta-adrenergic signal transduction remain intact in isolated trabeculae from stunned TG mice, further recapitulating key features of genuine stunned myocardium.  相似文献   

Large samples of original cDNAs encoding neonatal and adult mouse fast skeletal muscle troponin T (fTnT) have been isolated and characterized. The results demonstrate expression relationships of 8 alternatively spliced exons of the fTnT gene and reveal the primary structure of as many as 13 fTnT isoforms that diverge into acidic and basic classes due to differential mRNA splicing in the N-terminal variable region. In the C-terminal variable region encoded by the mutually exclusive exons 16 and 17, the splicing pathway and structure of exon 16 appears to be adult fTnT-specific, suggesting an adaptation to the functional demands of mature fast skeletal muscle. The cloned cDNAs were expressed in E. coli as standards to identify a high Mr to low Mr, acidic to basic fTnT isoform transition in postnatal developing skeletal muscles. Different from the developmental cardiac TnT switch generated by alternative splicing of a single exon, the fTnT isoform transition is an additive effect of alternative splicing of multiple N-terminal-coding exons, especially exons 4, 8 and fetal that are expressed at higher frequencies in the neonatal than in the adult muscle. The developmental fTnT isoform primary structure transition in both N- and C-terminal variable regions suggest a physiological importance of the apparently complex TnT isoform expression.  相似文献   

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