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A novel rust resistance gene, R 15 , derived from the cultivated sunflower HA-R8 was assigned to linkage group 8 of the sunflower genome using a genotyping-by-sequencing approach. SNP markers closely linked to R 15 were identified, facilitating marker-assisted selection of resistance genes.


The rust virulence gene is co-evolving with the resistance gene in sunflower, leading to the emergence of new physiologic pathotypes. This presents a continuous threat to the sunflower crop necessitating the development of resistant sunflower hybrids providing a more efficient, durable, and environmentally friendly host plant resistance. The inbred line HA-R8 carries a gene conferring resistance to all known races of the rust pathogen in North America and can be used as a broad-spectrum resistance resource. Based on phenotypic assessments of 140 F2 individuals derived from a cross of HA 89 with HA-R8, rust resistance in the population was found to be conferred by a single dominant gene (R 15 ) originating from HA-R8. Genotypic analysis with the currently available SSR markers failed to find any association between rust resistance and any markers. Therefore, we used genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) analysis to achieve better genomic coverage. The GBS data showed that R 15 was located at the top end of linkage group (LG) 8. Saturation with 71 previously mapped SNP markers selected within this region further showed that it was located in a resistance gene cluster on LG8, and mapped to a 1.0-cM region between three co-segregating SNP makers SFW01920, SFW00128, and SFW05824 as well as the NSA_008457 SNP marker. These closely linked markers will facilitate marker-assisted selection and breeding in sunflower.


Key message

The new stem rust resistance gene Sr60 was fine-mapped to the distal region of chromosome arm 5AmS, and the TTKSK-effective gene SrTm5 could be a new allele of Sr22.


The emergence and spread of new virulent races of the wheat stem rust pathogen (Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici; Pgt), including the Ug99 race group, is a serious threat to global wheat production. In this study, we mapped and characterized two stem rust resistance genes from diploid wheat Triticum monococcum accession PI 306540. We mapped SrTm5, a previously postulated gene effective to Ug99, on chromosome arm 7AmL, completely linked to Sr22. SrTm5 displayed a different race specificity compared to Sr22 indicating that they are distinct. Sequencing of the Sr22 homolog in PI 306540 revealed a novel haplotype. Characterization of the segregating populations with Pgt race QFCSC revealed an additional resistance gene on chromosome arm 5AmS that was assigned the official name Sr60. This gene was also effective against races QTHJC and SCCSC but not against TTKSK (a Ug99 group race). Using two large mapping populations (4046 gametes), we mapped Sr60 within a 0.44 cM interval flanked by sequenced-based markers GH724575 and CJ942731. These two markers delimit a 54.6-kb region in Brachypodium distachyon chromosome 4 and a 430-kb region in the Chinese Spring reference genome. Both regions include a leucine-rich repeat protein kinase (LRRK123.1) that represents a potential candidate gene. Three CC–NBS–LRR genes were found in the colinear Brachypodium region but not in the wheat genome. We are currently developing a Bacterial Artificial Chromosome library of PI 306540 to determine which of these candidate genes are present in the T. monococcum genome and to complete the cloning of Sr60.

The lipase Lip2 of the edible basidiomycete, Pleurotus sapidus, is an extracellular enzyme capable of hydrolysing xanthophyll esters with high efficiency. The gene encoding Lip2 was expressed in Escherichia coli TOP10 using the gene III signal sequence to accumulate proteins in the periplasmatic space. The heterologous expression under control of the araBAD promoter led to the high level production of recombinant protein, mainly as inclusion bodies, but partially in a soluble and active form. A fusion with a C-terminal His tag was used for purification and immunochemical detection of the target protein. This is the first example of a heterologous expression and periplasmatic accumulation of a catalytically active lipase from a basidiomycete fungus.  相似文献   

An endophytic fungus, Tax-3, was isolated from barks of Taxus chinensis grown in the Qinba mountains, China. The strain was classified into Fusarium solani based on the morphological characteristics and the molecular phylogenetics inferred from the nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS sequences with the sequence similarity values of 100%. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) assay showed the F. solani, Tax-3, produced taxol with a higher yield of 163.35 μg/L in the reformative potato dextrose liquid medium (d), revealing its potential applications for taxol production. Bai Wan Deng and Kai Hui Liu contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Efficient transformation of leaf disc-derived callus of Codonopsis lanceolata was obtained using Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 harboring a binary vector, pYBI121, that carries the neomycin phosphotransferase (npt II) gene as a selectable marker. The green shoots recovered from agroinfected explants on selection medium (containing 0.1 mg/l α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), 1 mg/l 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), 100 mg/l kanamycin, and 250 mg/l cefotaxime) were rooted on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 2 mg/l IBA and 10 mg/l kanamycin. To optimize the transformation conditions, several factors were assessed, including the co-cultivation period, the duration of pre- and post-culture in darkness and light, the kanamycin concentration, and the Agrobacterium densities. We produced transgenic Codonopsis lanceolata overexpressing γ-tocopherol methyltransferase (γ-TMT) by this protocol. Moreover, the α-tocopherol content of the plants was enhanced by the overexpression of this gene. Bimal Kumar Ghimire and Eun Soo Seong contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   


Key message

The divergence patterns of NBS LRR genes in soybean Rsv3 locus were deciphered and several divergent alleles ( NBS_C, NBS_D and Columbia NBS_E ) were identified as the likely functional candidates of Rsv3.


The soybean Rsv3 locus, which confers resistance to the soybean mosaic virus (SMV), has been previously mapped to a region containing five nucleotide binding site–leucine-rich repeats (NBSLRR) genes (referred to as nbs_AE) in Williams 82. In resistant cultivars, however, the number of NBSLRR genes in this region and their divergence from susceptible alleles remain unclear. In the present study, we constructed and screened a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library for an Rsv3-possessing cultivar, Zaoshu 18. Sequencing two positive BAC inserts on the Rsv3 locus revealed that Zaoshu 18 possesses the same gene content and order as Williams 82, but two of the NBSLRR genes, NBS_C and NBS_D, exhibit distinct features that were not observed in the Williams 82 alleles. Obtaining these NBS-LRR genes from eight additional cultivars demonstrated that the NBS_AD genes diverged into two different alleles: the nbs_AD alleles were associated with the rsv3-type cultivars, whereas the NBS_AD alleles were associated with the Rsv3-possessing cultivars. For the NBS_E gene, the cultivar Columbia possesses an allele (NBS_E) that differed from that in Zaoshu 18 and rsv3-type cultivars (nbs_E). Exchanged fragments were further detected on alleles of the NBS_CE genes, suggesting that recombination is a major force responsible for allele divergence. Also, the LRR domains of the NBS_CE genes exhibited extremely strong signals of positive selection. Overall, the divergence patterns of the NBSLRR genes in Rsv3 locus elucidated by this study indicate that not only NBS_C but also NBS_D and Columbia NBS_E are likely functional alleles that confer resistance to SMV.

Recombinant Zantedeschia aethiopica agglutinin (ZAA) was expressed in Escherichia coli as N-terminal His-tagged fusion. After induction with isopropylthio-β-d-galactoside (IPTG), the recombinant ZAA was purified by metal-affinity chromatography. The purified ZAA protein was applied in anti-fungal assay and the result showed that recombinant ZAA had anti-fungal activity towards leaf mold (Fulvia fulva), one of the most serious phytopathogenic fungi causing significant yield loss of crops. This study suggests that ZAA could be an effective candidate in genetic engineering of plants for the control of leaf mold.  相似文献   

Graptolites from the Jaeger collection at the Museum für Naturkunde (Berlin, Germany) provide important information on structural details of Silurian (Wenlock–Ludlow) retiolitids as well as for the biostratigraphic and biogeographic distribution of these magnificent graptolites. Species of the genera Cometograptus, Spinograptus and Plectograptus are described from isolated glacial boulder material, collected in northern Germany and from shale specimens found in the Lower Graptolite Shale of Thuringia. The biostratigraphic placement of material derived from glacial erratic boulders, however, is far from being precise. The fauna associated with the neotype of Plectograptus macilentus in the ‘Unterer Graptolithenschiefer’ of Thuringia is discussed and illustrated. Cometograptus alfeisenacki from the Cyrtograptus lundgreni Biozone is recognized as a new species. The genus is discovered for the first time in North German glacial erratic boulders.  相似文献   

Transgenic apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) Florina plants were obtained by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The efficiency of gene transfer was 7.9%, calculated as a number of explants producing at least one transgenic shoot, after co-cultivation of leaf explants from in vitro-grown shoots in a thin layer of the A. tumefaciens C58C1 strain with the binary vector pCMB-B:GUS. Polymerase chain reaction revealed that all the clones contained the nptII and rolB genes, while four of them did not contain the gus gene. Southern blot analysis confirmed the integration of the nptII and rolB genes, with one to three copies per genome being present. All independent rolB-transgenic lines were able to produce roots in vitro on the hormone free medium, while the plants, transformed with the vector pIB16.1, or untransformed control plants did not root, and only half of shoots of MM106 rootstock rooted on this medium. The average root number in the rolB-transgenic clones ranged from 4 to 7.7. Pretreatment with indole-3-butyric acid caused root formation in all transgenic and control plants and significantly increased root number in the rolB-transgenic lines, compared to untransformed plants. RolB-transgenic plants, grown in vivo in greenhouse for 2 years, did not differ phenotypically from the wild type line with the exception of root parts. All rolB-transformed plants produced altered root systems containing more fine roots leading to significantly increased fresh root weight in five plant lines.  相似文献   



Coffee is an important crop and is crucial to the economy of many developing countries, generating around US70 billion per year. There are 115 species in the < i > Coffea < /i > genus, but only two, < i > C. arabica < /i > and < i > C. canephora < /i > , are commercially cultivated. Coffee plants are attacked by many pathogens and insect-pests, which affect not only the production of coffee but also its grain quality, reducing the commercial value of the product. The main insect-pest, the coffee berry borer ( < i > Hypotheneumus hampei < /i > ), is responsible for worldwide annual losses of around US70 billion per year. There are 115 species in the Coffea genus, but only two, C. arabica and C. canephora, are commercially cultivated. Coffee plants are attacked by many pathogens and insect-pests, which affect not only the production of coffee but also its grain quality, reducing the commercial value of the product. The main insect-pest, the coffee berry borer (Hypotheneumus hampei), is responsible for worldwide annual losses of around US500 million. The coffee berry borer exclusively damages the coffee berries, and it is mainly controlled by organochlorine insecticides that are both toxic and carcinogenic. Unfortunately, natural resistance in the genus Coffea to H. hampei has not been documented. To overcome these problems, biotechnological strategies can be used to introduce an α-amylase inhibitor gene (α-AI1), which confers resistance against the coffee berry borer insect-pest, into C. arabica plants.  相似文献   

TNFalpha and TNFbeta, or linfotoxin (LTalpha), are two molecules playing an important role in inflammation. Their genes map on Chromosome 6, between the HLA class II and class I loci. Polymorphisms in, or near, TNF genes have been associated with susceptibility to several autoimmune diseases. Studies of TNF genes in celiac disease (CD) have presented contradictory results. We have assessed the role of TNFalpha and linfotoxin alpha (TNFbeta) in CD and their relative value as CD markers in addition to the presence of DQ2. The TNFA -308 polymorphism and the polymorphism at the first intron of the LTA gene were typed in CD patients and healthy controls and the results were correlated with the presence of DQ2. Significant differences were found in genotype and allele frequencies for the TNFA and LTA genes between CD patients and controls, with an increase in the presence of the TNFA*2 and LTA*1 alleles in CD patients. These differences increase when DQ2-positive CD patients and DQ2-positive controls are compared. In DQ2-positive individuals, allele 2 (A) in position -308 of the promoter of TNFA and allele 1 (G) of the NcoI RFLP in the first intron of LTA are additional risk markers for CD.  相似文献   

Morphologically identical transgenic mint (Mentha arvensis L.) with bacterial glutathione synthetase gene has been developed. Transformed plants were obtained by co-cultivation of leaf disks with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA 4404 harbouring a binary vector pCAMBIA-CpGS that carried E. coli glutathione synthetase (GS), β-glucuronidase as reporter gene and nptII as selective marker gene for kanamycin resistance. Using a constitutive double CaMV 35S promoter and an rbcS transit peptide, we successfully addressed CpGS to the chloroplasts through pJIT 117 vector. Preculture and the presence of AS in the co-cultivation medium played a significant role in enhancing transformation frequency. The highest transformation frequency was achieved with MS selection medium supplemented with 25% coconut water, 1.12 mg l−1 BAP, 0.2 mg l−1 NAA, 50 mg l−1 kanamycin and 125 mg l−1 cefotaxime. Robust rooting of regenerated shoots was obtained in half-strength liquid MS medium containing 0.2 mg l−1 NAA and 50 mg l−1 kanamycin. The presence and expression of transgenes in transgenics (T0) was evidenced by GUS histoenzymatic assay, PCR and RT-PCR analysis of nptII and the gene of interest, i.e., GS of putative transgenic leaves. Chromosomal integration of GS gene was confirmed by Southern blot analysis. Transgenic plants were successfully acclimatized in the greenhouse. An overall transformation frequency of 15% was achieved in approximately 3 months of time period. These results are discussed in relation to heavy metal trafficking pathways in higher plants and to the interest of using plastid expression of PCS for biotechnological applications. Akhilesh Kumar and Amrita Chakraborty contributed equally.  相似文献   

Of the genes involved in galactose metabolism, GAL7, GAL10, and GAL1 are tightly linked in this order on chromosome II in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. While several species of the order Saccharomycetales have similar gene organization, Kazachstania naganishii is unique, in which GAL7 and GAL1 are close to each other whereas GAL10 is substantially apart from them on chromosome XI. In this study, we inserted the recognition sequence of I-SceI homing-endonuclease into GAL10 and also into the intervening segment of GAL7-GAL1. By cleaving chromosome DNA of the gene-manipulated strain with I-SceI, we obtained evidence that chromosome XI (610 kbp) was replaced with three fragments (305, 265, and 40 kbp). Using appropriate probes, we further found that GAL10 was about 40 kbp apart from the GAL7-GAL1 cluster and that orientation of GAL10 was reversed comparing to the S. cerevisiae counter part. We, therefore, contend that comparison of the organization of the GAL cluster among Saccharomycetales is of importance to elucidate evolution of chromosomes and that the experimental scheme developed in this study is useful for this line of investigation.  相似文献   



Whole genome shotgun sequencing produces increasingly higher coverage of a genome with random sequence reads. Progressive whole genome assembly and eventual finishing sequencing is a process that typically takes several years for large eukaryotic genomes. In the interim, all sequence reads of public sequencing projects are made available in repositories such as the NCBI Trace Archive. For a particular locus, sequencing coverage may be high enough early on to produce a reliable local genome assembly. We have developed software, Tracembler, that facilitates in silico chromosome walking by recursively assembling reads of a selected species from the NCBI Trace Archive starting with reads that significantly match sequence seeds supplied by the user.  相似文献   

We studied heterologous expression of xylanase 11A gene of Chaetomium thermophilum in Pichia pastoris and characterized the thermostable nature of the purified gene product. For this purpose, the xylanase 11A gene of C. thermophilum was cloned in P. pastoris GS115 under the control of AOX1 promoter. The maximum extracellular activity of recombinant xylanase (xyn698: gene with intron) was 15.6 U ml−1 while that of recombinant without intron (xyn669) was 1.26 U ml−1 after 96 h growth. The gene product was purified apparently to homogeneity level. The optimum temperature of pure recombinant xylanase activity was 70°C and the enzyme retained its 40.57% activity after incubation at 80°C for 10 min. It exhibited quite lower demand of activation energy, enthalpy, Gibbs free energy, entropy, and xylan binding energy during substrate hydrolysis than that required by that of the donor, thus indicating its thermostable nature. pH-dependent catalysis showed that it was quite stable in a pH range of 5.5–8.5. This revealed that gene was successfully processed in Ppastoris and remained heat stable and may qualify for its potential use in paper and pulp and animal feed applications.  相似文献   

The blattisociid mite Lasioseius floridensis Berlese was found associated with the broad mite, Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks), on gerbera leaves in Mogi das Cruzes, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Blattisociid mites are not common on aerial plant parts, except under high air humidity levels. Some Lasioseius species have been mentioned as effective control agents of rice pest mites, but nothing is known about the biology of L. floridensis. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether the observed co-occurrence of L. floridensis and P. latus was just occasional or whether the latter could be important as food source for the former, assumed by laboratory evaluation of the ability of the predator to maintain itself, reproduce and develop on that prey. Biological parameters of L. floridensis were compared when exposed to P. latus and to other items as food. The study showed that mating is a pre-requisite for L. floridensis to oviposit and that oviposition rate was much higher on the soil nematode Rhabditella axei (Cobbold) (Rhabditidae) than on P. latus. Ovipositon on the acarid mite Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank) was about the same as on P. latus, but it was nearly zero when the predator was fed the fungi Aspergillus flavus Link or Penicillium sp., or cattail (Typha sp.) pollen. Survivorship was higher in the presence of pollen and lower in the presence of A. flavus or Penicillium sp. than in the absence of those types of food. Life table parameters indicated that the predator performed much better on R. axei than on P. latus. To evaluate the potential effect of L. floridensis as predator of P. latus, complementary studies are warranted to determine the frequency of migration of L. floridensis to aerial plant parts, when predation on P. latus could occur.  相似文献   

A gene encoding endochitinase from Trichoderma virens UKM-1 was cloned and expressed in E. coli BL21 (DE3). Both the endochitinase gene and its cDNA sequences were obtained. The endochitinase gene encodes 430 amino acids from an open reading frame comprising of 1,690 bp nucleotide sequence with three introns. The endochitinase was expressed as soluble and active enzyme at 20°C when induced with 1 mM IPTG. Maximum activity was observed at 4 h of post-induction time. SDS-PAGE showed that the purified endochitinase exhibited a single band with molecular weight of 42 kDa. Biochemical characterization of the enzyme displayed a near neutral pH characteristic with an optimum pH at 6.0 and optimum temperature at 50°C. The enzyme is stable between pH 3.0–7.0 and is able to retain its activity from 30 to 60°C. The presence of Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions increased the enzyme activity up to 20%. The purified enzyme has a strong affinity towards colloidal chitin and low effect on ethyl cellulose and D-cellubiose which are non-chitin related substrates. HPLC analysis from the chitin hydrolysis showed the release of (GlcNAc)3, (GlcNAc)2 and GlcNAc, in which (GlcNAc)2 was the main product.  相似文献   

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