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The pivotal event for sterol-induced degradation of the cholesterol biosynthetic enzyme HMG-CoA reductase is binding of its membrane domain to Insig proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum. Insigs are carriers for gp78, an E3 ubiquitin ligase that marks reductase for proteasomal degradation. We report here the isolation of mutant Chinese hamster ovary cell lines, designated SRD-16, -17, and -18, in which sterol-induced ubiquitination and degradation of reductase are severely impaired. These cells were produced by chemical mutagenesis and selection with SR-12813, a compound that mimics sterols in stimulating ubiquitination and degradation of reductase. Each SRD cell line was found to contain a point mutation in one reductase allele, resulting in substitutions of aspartate for serine-60 (SRD-16), arginine for glycine-87 (SRD-17), and proline for alanine-333 (SRD-18). Sterols failed to promote ubiquitination and degradation of these reductase mutants, owing to their decreased affinity for Insigs. Thus, three different point mutations in reductase, all of which localize to the membrane domain, disrupt Insig binding and abolish sterol-accelerated degradation of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The Niemann-Pick C1 (NPC1) protein regulates the transport of cholesterol from late endosomes/lysosomes to other compartments responsible for maintaining intracellular cholesterol homeostasis. The present study examined the expression of the NPC1 gene and the distribution of the NPC1 protein that resulted from the transport of LDL-derived cholesterol through normal human fibroblasts. A key finding was that the transport of cholesterol from late endosomes/lysosomes to the sterol-regulatory pool at the endoplasmic reticulum, as determined by feedback inhibition of the sterol-regulatory element binding protein (SREBP) pathway, was associated with the downregulation of the NPC1 gene. Consistent with these results, fibroblasts incubated with LDL had decreased amounts of SREBP protein that interacted with sterol-regulatory element (SRE) sequences positioned within the NPC1 gene promoter region. Finally, partial colocalization of the NPC1 protein with late endosomes/lysosomes and distinct regions of the endoplasmic reticulum suggested that the NPC1 protein may facilitate the transport of cholesterol directly between these two compartments. Together, these results indicate that the transport of LDL-derived cholesterol from late endosomes/lysosomes to the sterol-regulatory pool, known to be regulated by the NPC1 protein, is responsible for promoting feedback inhibition of the SREBP pathway and downregulation of the NPC1 gene.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO-K1) starved for 24 h for amino acids show a severalfold increase in velocity of proline transport through the A system (Vmax is five times that of unstarved cells). This increase is inhibited by cycloheximide, actinomycin D, N-methyl-alpha-amino isobutyric acid (MeAIB, a non-metabolizable specific A system amino acid analog), and by other amino acids that are generally transported by the A system. However, transport by the A system is not a prerequisite for this repression, and all compounds that have affinity for the A system do not necessarily act as "co-repressors." The addition of proline, MeAIB, or other amino acids, as described above, to derepressed cells results in a rapid decrease in A system activity. As shown with proline and MeAIB, this decrease in activity is in part due to a rapid trans-inhibition and a slow, irreversible inactivation of the A system. Neither process is inhibited by cycloheximide or actinomycin D. Alanine antagonizes the growth of CHO-K1 pro cells by preventing proline transport, and alanine-resistant mutants (alar) have been isolated (Moffett et al., Somatic Cell Genet. 9:189-213, 1983). alar2 and alar4 are partial and full constitutive mutants for the A system and have two and six times the Vmax for proline uptake by the A system, respectively. The A system in alar4 is also immune to the co-repressor-induced inactivation. Both alar2 and alar4 phenotypes are recessive. Alar3 shows an increase in Vmax and Km for proline transport through the A system, and this phenotype is codominant. All three mutants have a pleiotropic effect, producing increases in activity of the ASC and P systems of amino acid transport. This increase is not due to an increase in the Na+ gradient. The ASC and P phenotypes behave similarly to the A system in hybrids. A model has been proposed incorporating these results.  相似文献   

Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a lipid growth factor that induces proliferation of fibroblasts by activating the cAMP response element binding protein (CREB). Here, we further investigated whether LPA induces proliferation of P19 cells, a line of pluripotent embryonic carcinoma cells. 5′-Bromo-2-deoxyuridine incorporation and cell viability assays showed that LPA stimulated proliferation of P19 cells. Immunoblot experiments with P19 cells revealed that the mitogen activated protein kinases, including p-ERK, p38, pAKT, glycogen synthase kinase 3β, and CREB were phosphorylated by treatment with 10 μM LPA. LPA-induced phosphorylation of CREB was efficiently blocked by U0126 and H89, inhibitors of the MAP kinases ERK1/2 and mitogen- and stress-activated protein kinase 1, respectively. Involvement of cyclin D1 in LPA-induced P19 cell proliferation was verified by immunoblot analysis in combination with pharmacological inhibitor treatment. Furthermore, LPA up-regulated CRE-harboring cyclin D1 promoter activity, suggesting that CREB and cyclin D1 play significant roles in LPA-induced proliferation of P19 embryonic carcinoma cells.  相似文献   

Mammalian cells are used for the production of numerous biologics including monoclonal antibodies. Unfortunately, mammalian cells can lose viability at later stages in the cell culture process. In this study, the effects of expressing the anti-apoptosis genes, E1B-19K and Aven, separately and in combination on cell growth, survival, and monoclonal antibody (MAb) production were investigated for a commercial Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) mammalian cell line. CHO cells were observed to undergo apoptosis following a model insult, glucose deprivation, and at later stages of batch cell culture. The CHO cell line was then genetically modified to express the anti-apoptotic proteins E1B-19K and/or Aven using an ecdysone-inducible expression system. Stable transfected pools induced to express Aven or E1B-19K alone were found to survive 1-2 days longer than the parent cell line following glucose deprivation while the expression of both genes in concert increased cell survival by 3 days. In spinner flask batch studies, a clonal isolate engineered to express both anti-apoptosis genes exhibited a longer operating lifetime and higher final MAb titer as a result of higher viable cell densities and viabilities. Interestingly, survival was increased in the absence of an inducer, most likely as a result of leaky expression of the anti-apoptosis genes confirmed in subsequent PCR studies. In fed-batch bioreactors, the expression of both anti-apoptosis genes resulted in higher growth rates and cell densities in the exponential phase and significantly higher viable cell densities, viabilities, and extended survival during the post-exponential phase. As a result, the integral of viable cells (IVC) was between 40 and 100% higher for cell lines engineered to express both Aven and E1B-19K in concert, and the operational lifetime of the fed-batch bioreactors was increased from 2 to 5 days. The maximum titers of MAb were also increased by 40-55% for bioreactors containing cells expressing Aven and E1B-19K. These increases in volumetric productivity arose primarily from enhancements in viable cell density over the course of the fed-batch culture period since the specific productivities for the cells expressing anti-apoptosis genes were comparable or slightly lower than the parental hosts. These results demonstrate that expression of anti-apoptosis genes can enhance culture performance and increase MAb titers for mammalian CHO cell cultures especially under conditions such as extended fed-batch bioreactor operation.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that infusion of bone marrow cells (BMC) improves CCl4-induced cirrhosis. However, it is unclear why the injected BMC are resistant to CCl4 damage and subsequently improve the local microenvironment in damaged liver. To analyze the cellular phenomena involved in this process, we studied the damaged liver using electron microscopy. We found that CCl4 caused rough endoplasmic reticula to swell in hepatocytes. To analyze the gene expression patterns associated with this process, we conducted PCR-selected suppressive subtractive hybridization. We found that expression levels of HSP84, HSP40, and XBP1 differed markedly between control liver and liver infused with BMC. Immunohistochemical staining revealed that expression levels of HSP84 and HSP40 were markedly higher in the early phase of differentiation immediately after BMC infusion, but decreased over time. XBP1 expression remained high during the late phase, and GRP78 expression increased with XBP1 activation. We also found that GFP-positive BMC expressed XBP1 and GRP78. XBP1 and GRP78 are associated with ER stress. Thus, continuous high XBP1 and GRP78 expression might be essential for the survival and proliferation of BMC in a CCl4-induced persistent liver damage environment.  相似文献   

Hox gene expression is activated by all-trans retinoic acid (RA), through binding to retinoic acid receptor-retinoid X receptor (RAR-RXR) heterodimers bound at RA response elements (RAREs) of target genes. The RARs and RXRs each have three isotypes (alpha, beta, and gamma), which are encoded by distinct genes. Hox genes are also repressed by polycomb group proteins (PcG), though how these proteins are targeted is unclear. We used chromatin immunoprecipitation assays to investigate the association of RXRalpha, RARgamma, cofactors, and the PcG protein SUZ12 with the Hoxa1, RARbeta2, and Cyp26A1 RAREs in F9 embryonal carcinoma cells (teratocarcinoma stem cells) during RA treatment. We demonstrate that RARgamma and RXRalpha are associated with RAREs prior to and during RA treatment. pCIP, p300, and RNA polymerase II levels increased at target RAREs upon exposure to RA. Conversely, SUZ12 was found associated with all RAREs studied and these associations were attenuated by treatment with RA. Upon RA removal, SUZ12 re-associated with RAREs. H3ac, H3K4me2, and H3K27me3 marks were simultaneously detected at target loci, indicative of a bivalent domain chromatin structure. During RA mediated differentiation, H3K27me3 levels decreased at target RAREs whereas H3ac and H3K4me2 levels remained constant. These studies provide insight into the dynamics of association of co-regulators with RAREs and demonstrate a novel link between RA signaling and PcG repression.  相似文献   

Laboratory of genetics and physiology 2 (LGP2) is an actual detector and regulator during RNA viral infection in innate immunity. In this study, 5′-flanking region and all introns of LGP2 in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) were excavated. The genomic CiLGP2 (C. idella LGP2) was 8062 bp in length, with a 364 bp 5′-flanking region, twelve exons and eleven introns. Besides, the promoter activity of the upstream region before initiator codon was identified. By sequencing, six single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and one 20-bp insertion/deletion polymorphism were detected in CiLGP2. With a challenge experiment, the genotype and allele distributions of these seven polymorphisms were examined. Analytic result revealed only the − 1392 C/G, 494 A/T and 4403 C/T loci were significantly associated with the resistance/susceptibility to grass carp reovirus (GCRV) (P < 0.05). To further identify these correlations, another independent challenge test was performed. The analytic result based on the cumulative mortality demonstrated that the stock in − 1392 GG genotype was more susceptible to GCRV than that in CC genotype, while the stocks in 494 TT genotype and 4403 TT genotype were more resistant to GCRV than that in AA and CC genotype stocks, respectively (P < 0.05). Those significant SNPs might be potential gene markers for the future molecular selection of C. idella strains that are resistant to GCRV.  相似文献   

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