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Ten years after the large-scale tsetse control campaigns in the important cattle rearing areas of the Faro and Deo Division of the Adamaoua Plateau in Cameroon, the seasonal distribution and abundance of tsetse flies (Glossina spp.) were determined. During a period of 12 consecutive months (January-December 2005), the tsetse population was monitored along four trap transects consisting of a total of 32 traps and two flyround transects traversing the study area, which comprised the tsetse-infested valley, a buffer zone and the supposedly tsetse-free plateau. Throughout the study period, a total of 2195 Glossina morsitans submorsitans and 23 Glossina tachinoides were captured in the traps and 1007 G. m. submorsitans (78.8% male flies) were captured along the flyround transects. All G. tachinoides and almost all G. m. submorsitans were captured in the valley. Five G. m. submorsitans were captured in traps located in the buffer zone, whereas no flies were captured in traps located on the plateau. The index of apparent abundance (IAA) of G. m. submorsitans was substantially higher in the areas close to game reserves. In the remaining part of the valley, where wildlife is scarce and cattle are present during transhumance (dry season), the IAA of tsetse was substantially lower. In this part of the valley, the abundance of tsetse seemed to be associated with the presence of cattle, with the highest IAA during transhumance when cattle are present and the lowest apparent abundance during the rainy season when cattle have moved to the plateau. It is concluded that the distribution of tsetse in a large part of the valley undergoes substantial seasonal changes depending on the presence or absence of cattle. The repercussions of those findings for the control of tsetse in the valley and the probability of reinvasion of the plateau are discussed.  相似文献   

An electric walk-through fly trap was evaluated for the management of the horn fly, Hematobia irritans (L.), on dairy cattle in North Carolina over 2 yr. The trap relies on black lights and electrocution grids to attract and kill flies that are brushed from the cattle passing through. During the first season, horn fly densities were reduced from >1,400 to <200 flies per animal. Horn fly density averaged 269.2 +/- 25.8 on cattle using the walk-through fly trap twice daily, and 400.2 +/- 43.5 on the control group during the first year. The second year, seasonal mean horn fly density was 177.3 +/- 10.8 on cattle using the walk-through fly trap compared with 321.1 +/- 15.8 on the control group. No insecticides were used to control horn flies during this 2-yr study.  相似文献   

Laboratory bioassays and field trials were conducted to evaluate an "attract-and-kill" system using methyl eugenol (ME) with neonicotinoid insecticides against male oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae). In laboratory bioassays, mortality of male flies resulting from the conventional toxicant, naled was 98.3-100% at 24 through 72 h after treatment, whereas the neonicotinoid insecticides imidacloprid and acetamiprid caused only approximately 60-80% at 24 through 72 h after treatment. In the assays of residual effect, naled was persistent up to 96 wk, whereas imidacloprid or acetamiprid was persistent up to 150 wk, resulting in 38.9 or 61.2% male mortality, respectively. Imidacloprid, in particular, caused a delayed lethal effect on flies. In another experiment, male mortality within 28 wk from clothianidin, another neonicotinoid insecticide, was approximately 80% after exposure for 24 h, suggesting a delayed lethal effect similar to those treated with imidacloprid, and mortality was up to 91.8%, if observed, 72 h after treatment. In field trials, attractiveness was similar between ME alone and ME incorporated with naled or neonicotinoids, indicating that addition of these insecticides to ME in traps is not repellent to B. dorsalis males. Using an improved wick-typed trap with longer attractiveness for simulating field application, addition of imidacloprid or acetamiprid maintained 40.1 or 64.3% male mortality, respectively, when assayed once every 2 wk from traps placed in orchards for 42 wk without changing the poison, whereas incorporation with naled resulted in as high as 98.1% after 34 wk and approximately 80% at 42 wk, indicating that persistence is increased compared with sugarcane fiberboard blocks for carrying poison attractants. This study also suggests that neonicotinoid insecticides could be used as an alternative for broad-spectrum insecticides as toxicants in fly traps.  相似文献   

Stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) (Diptera: Muscidae), are a blood-feeding pest of cattle worldwide. A new trapping material, Coroplast, was compared with Alsynite sticky traps based on the number, sex, and parity of stable flies caught. Coroplast sticky traps caught more stable flies than Alsynite (trap catches of 2384 versus 753 on 15 traps), with this increase attributed to catching more males (1531 versus 532) and nulliparous females (817 versus 175); parous catches were similar (36 versus 46). The spectral reflectance of Alsynite and Coroplast sticky traps is reported. We also examine Coroplast traps in detail with respect to trap color. Although clean sheets of Alsynite had a higher solar reflectance than Coroplast (90 versus 82% at 450 nm), Coroplast with debris had a higher reflectance than debris-covered Alsynite (62 versus 30% at 450 nm). White Coroplast was most effective, followed by closely by gray. Black and blue were the least effective trapping colors.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The horn fly, Haematobia irritans (Linnaeus 1758) (Diptera: Muscidae) is one of the most widespread and economically important pests of cattle. Although insecticides have been used for fly control, success has been limited because of the development of insecticide resistance in all countries where the horn fly is found. This problem, along with public pressure for insecticide-free food and the prohibitive cost of developing new classes of compounds, has driven the investigation of alternative control methods that minimize or avoid the use of insecticides. This review provides details of the economic impact of horn flies, existing insecticides used for horn fly control and resistance mechanisms. Current research on new methods of horn fly control based on resistant cattle selection, semiochemicals, biological control and vaccines is also discussed.  相似文献   

Sentinel cattle and a grid of swormlure-baited sticky traps were used to monitor a Malaysian population of the Old World screw-worm fly, Chrysomya bezziana Villeneuve. Observations were carried out on an isolated cattle station at monthly intervals during the period August 1996 to June 2000. The number of flies caught was unaffected by weather conditions at the time of trapping, but was positively correlated with the total rainfall and the average daily air temperature prevailing 15-28 days earlier, when trapped flies were still juveniles. Trap catches were biased in favour of females, but daily catch rates of both sexes increased significantly the longer traps were open, suggesting that efficacy was related to the differential volatility of the chemicals comprising swormlure. Oviposition on sentinel cattle occurred mostly in late afternoon or early evening but increased significantly as the wound aged. Oviposition rates were positively correlated with female catch rates, but the relationship was curvilinear, suggesting that fly populations may be subject to some form of density-dependent constraint. Consistent differences in oviposition rates on sentinel cattle at different localities on the cattle station suggested the existence of highly clumped, quasi-stationary populations. Differences in trap catches between traps located in pastoral areas and those sited in nearby oil palm or rubber plantations supported this interpretation of the data. These findings are discussed in relation to the use of the sterile insect technique for the control of screw-worm fly infestations.  相似文献   

A walk-through fly trap designed in 1938 by W. G. Bruce was tested for two field seasons in Missouri. Screened elements along both sides of the device functioned as cone traps, thereby catching horn flies, Haematobia irritans (L.), as they were swept from cattle by strips of carpet hung from the roof. Horn fly control on pastured cattle averaged 54 and 73% when they were afforded access to the trap. Analyses of Diptera captured in the trap indicated that horn flies comprised the most abundant species; face flies, Musca autumnalis De Geer, stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.), and others were present in smaller numbers. Cattle were not reluctant to use the trap, and no structural problems were observed during the experiment.  相似文献   

The horn fly, Haematobia irritans, is a serious pest of cattle in North America. The control of horn flies has primarily relied on insecticides. However, the heavy use of insecticides has led to the development of insecticide resistance in horn flies. Novel methods to control horn flies are greatly needed. Transgenic technology is an effective tool to genetically modify insects and may lead to novel methods of pest control based on genomic approaches. Here we report a piggyBac‐mediated transformation of the horn fly via electroporation. Transformation with a DsRed fluorescent marker protein coding region was verified by PCR analysis of individual fly bodies and pupal cases and sequencing of PCR products. However, Southern blot analysis failed to indicate the DsRed gene was integrated into the horn fly genome. Thus, the electroporation protocol may have caused the DsRed gene to be integrated into bacterial symbionts of the horn fly.  相似文献   

1. The significance of Glossina fusca group tsetse flies as vectors of cattle trypanosomiasis was examined using biconical traps to survey tsetse populations at one site in Gabon and two sites in Zaire. 2. Mean trypanosome infection rates in G.tabaniformis Westwood over the study period ranged from a minimum of 8.9% at one site to a maximum of 17.7% at another. The mean infection rate in G.nashi Potts was 6.0%. 3. Up to 49% of bloodmeals of G.tabaniformis were from cattle. Trypanosome prevalence in cattle where G.tabaniformis appeared to be the main vector was 9.5% and 5.4% at the Mushie and OGAPROV ranches, respectively. 4. A highly significant positive correlation was found between tsetse challenge and trypanosome prevalence in N'Dama cattle across sites. Tsetse challenge was defined as the product of tsetse relative densities, trypanosome infection rates in the flies and the proportion of feeds taken by them from cattle. Thus, G.tabaniformis can be an important vector of pathogenic Trypanosoma species in cattle.  相似文献   

The stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) (Diptera: Muscidae), is one of the most serious pests to livestock. It feeds mainly on cattle and causes significant economic losses in the cattle industry. Standard stable fly control involving insecticides and sanitation is usually costly and often has limited effectiveness. As we continue to evaluate and develop safer fly control strategies, the present study reports on the effectiveness of catnip (Nepeta cataria L.) oil and its constituent compounds, nepetalactones, as stable fly repellents. The essential oil of catnip reduced the feeding of stable flies by >96% in an in vitro bioassay system, compared with other sesquiterpene-rich plant oils (e.g. amyris and sandalwood). Catnip oil demonstrated strong repellency against stable flies relative to other chemicals for repelling biting insects, including isolongifolenone, 2-methylpiperidinyl-3-cyclohexen-1-carboxamide and (1S,2'S)-2-methylpiperidinyl-3-cyclohexen-1-carboxamide. The repellency against stable flies of the most commonly used mosquito repellent, DEET, was relatively low. In field trials, two formulations of catnip oil provided >95% protection and were effective for up to 6 h when tested on cattle. Catnip oil also acted as a strong oviposition repellent and reduced gravid stable fly oviposition by 98%.  相似文献   

Captures of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), in Jackson traps baited with trimedlure were compared with captures in cylindrical open-bottom dry traps baited with a food-based synthetic attractant (ammonium acetate, putrescine, and trimethylamine). Tests were conducted in Guatemala during a sterile male release program in an area where wild flies were present in low numbers. More wild and sterile females were captured in food-based traps, and more wild and sterile males were captured in trimedlure traps. The food-based traps captured almost twice as many total (male plus female) wild flies as the trimedlure traps, but the difference was not significant. Females made up approximately 60% of the wild flies caught in the food-based attractant traps; the trimedlure traps caught no females. The ratio of capture of males in trimedlure traps to food-based traps was 6.5:1 for sterile and 1.7:1 for wild flies. Because fewer sterile males are captured in the food-based traps, there is a reduction in the labor-intensive process of examining flies for sterility. The results indicate that traps baited with food-based attractants could be used in place of the Jackson/trimedlure traps for C. capitata sterile release programs because they can monitor distributions of sterile releases and detect wild fly populations effectively; both critical components of fruit fly eradication programs by using the sterile insect technique.  相似文献   

Relative house fly, Musca domestica L., activity at three large dairies in central California was monitored during the peak fly activity period from June to August 2005 by using spot cards, fly tapes, bait traps, and Alsynite traps. Counts for all monitoring methods were significantly related at two of three dairies; with spot card counts significantly related to fly tape counts recorded the same week, and both spot card counts and fly tape counts significantly related to bait trap counts 1-2 wk later. Mean fly counts differed significantly between dairies, but a significant interaction between dairies sampled and monitoring methods used demonstrates that between-dairy comparisons are unwise. Estimate precision was determined by the coefficient of variability (CV) (or SE/mean). Using a CV = 0.15 as a desired level of estimate precision and assuming an integrate pest management (IPM) action threshold near the peak house fly activity measured by each monitoring method, house fly monitoring at a large dairy would require 12 spot cards placed in midafternoon shaded fly resting sites near cattle or seven bait traps placed in open areas near cattle. Software (FlySpotter; http://ucanr.org/ sites/FlySpotter/download/) using computer vision technology was developed to count fly spots on a scanned image of a spot card to dramatically reduce time invested in monitoring house flies. Counts provided by the FlySpotter software were highly correlated to visual counts. The use of spot cards for monitoring house flies is recommended for dairy IPM programs.  相似文献   

Helerolylenchus aulumnalis was found in six northern California counties surveyed, and the incitlence of nematode infection of face flies ranged from 4.7 to 43.8%. Intensive studies at a cattle ranch in Yuba County showed that population densities of the host and nematode infections were highest in flies from cow pats receiving full sun. Average host population density was 105.7 puparia per pat, and nematode infection averaged 38.6%. Pats in partial sun averaged 13.5 puparia and 13,1% nematode infection. No face fly was recovered from shaded pats. When data from pats first exposed during day or night were compared, no significant differences in host population density or nematode infection rates were apparent. Uninfected and superinfected flies were more frequent than predicted by a Poisson distribution.Infected and uninfected female flies of all ages captured on white sticky traps appeared to feed with similar frequency upon a creatny substance which was probably acquired from cattle, However, older infected females fed less on blood and more upon dung than older uninfected females. Percent nematode infection and host population densities were highest in spring and early summer, declined to a midsummer low, and then increased slightly. Both dung-reared flies and captured females showed similar trends in abundance anti infection rates. Regression analysis indicated that H. autumnalis may not be regulating face fly population density.  相似文献   

Octenol (1-octen-3-ol), acetone, 4-methylphenol, 3-n-propylphenol, and other potential attractants (human urine, stable fly faeces), as well as guiacol, creosol (potential repellents), were tested as baits for biting flies in North America using standard phthalogen blue IF3GM cotton Nzi traps, or similar commercial polyester traps. Baits were tested during the summers of 2001-04 at a residence in Canada and during January-August 2001 at a dairy in the U.S.A. Behaviour in the presence of octenol was also studied by intercepting flies approaching a trap through the use of transparent adhesive film. Analogous bait and/or trap comparisons were conducted in natural settings in June 1996 in Kenya and in September-December 1997 in Ethiopia. In Canada, catches of five of six common tabanids (Tabanus similis Macquart, Tabanus quinquevittatus Wiedemann, Hybomitra lasiophthalma [Macquart], Chrysops univittatus Macquart, Chrysops aberrans Philip) and the stable fly Stomoxys calcitrans L. were increased significantly by 1.2-2.1 times with octenol (1.5 mg/h). Catches of T. quinquevittatus and S. calcitrans were 3.5-3.6 times higher on a sticky enclosure surrounding a trap baited with octenol. No other baits or bait combinations had an effect on trap catches in North America. In Ethiopia, standard Nzi traps baited with a combination of acetone, octenol and cattle urine caught 1.8-9.9 times as many Stomoxys as similarly baited epsilon, pyramidal, NG2G, S3, biconical and canopy traps, in order of decreasing catch. When baits were compared, catches in Nzi traps of six stable fly species, including S. calcitrans, were not affected by octenol (released at approximately 1 mg/h), or cattle urine (140 mg/h), used alone or in combination with acetone (890 mg/h). Acetone alone, however, significantly increased the catches of common Stomoxys such as Stomoxys niger niger Macquart, Stomoxys taeniatus Bigot, and S. calcitrans by 2.4, 1.6 and 1.9 times, respectively. Catches of Glossina pallidipes Austen were increased significantly in traps baited with acetone, urine or octenol, or any combination, relative to those in unbaited traps (1.4-3.6x). Catches of Glossina morsitans submorsitans Newstead were increased significantly by 1.5-1.7 times, but only when baits were used individually. Unlike other studies with East African tsetse, catches of both tsetse species with the complete bait combination (acetone, urine and octenol) did not differ from those in unbaited traps. Experiments with an incomplete ring of electric nets surrounding a Nzi trap, and a new approach using a sticky enclosure made from transparent adhesive film, revealed diverse responses to artificial objects and baits among biting flies. In Kenya, daily trap efficiency estimates for traps baited with either carbon dioxide (6 L/min) or a combination of acetone, cattle urine and octenol were 21-27% for G. pallidipes, 7-36% for Glossina longipennis Corti, 27-33% for S. n. niger, and 19-33% for Stomoxys niger bilineatus Grünberg, assuming 100% electrocution efficiency. Actual trap efficiencies may have been lower, given observed outside : inside electric net catch ratios of 0.6 : 1.6. Observed ratios averaged 54% of expected values, with 10 of 15 possible ratios less than the minimum possible value of 1.0.  相似文献   

The stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.), historically has been a pest of livestock in confined operations but seldom of animals on pastures or rangelands. In the past two decades, however, S. calcitrans has become a major pest of cattle and horses on pastures in the midwestern United States. Although there usually is an overabundance of diverse stable fly and house fly, Musca domestica L., larval habitats in confined livestock operations, no larval habitat for stable flies has been clearly identified in the pasture-range environment. Because the winter feeding of hay in round bales results in significant amounts of hay wastage that when mixed with manure, might develop into suitable larval habitats, this study evaluated these areas as developmental sites for the abundant stable flies in pastures. There was a trend for fly traps placed in the vicinity of hay feeding sites to catch more stable flies than those placed distant from these sites. Estimates of stable flies emerging from these sites ranged from 102 to 1225 flies per core sample (25 by 25 cm). The mean number of adult stable flies during May and June 2001 through 2004 correlated negatively with the average minimum temperatures during the preceding winter (November-February) but not with rainfall or temperatures during the spring. These results support the hypothesis that winter feeding sites of hay in round bales are the main source of stable flies in pastures.  相似文献   

The effect of odour attractants on the composition of samples of Glossina pallidipes Austen was investigated by comparing the age and nutritional status of flies caught in unbaited biconical traps with those caught in traps baited with cow urine and acetone. For both male and female flies, baited traps caught more flies with significantly higher fat content than did unbaited traps. Thus the samples from baited traps were more representative of the population as a whole: males showed a fuller range of the fat/haematin conditions known to occur in the field and proportionately more females were in later stages of the pregnancy cycle, than from unbaited traps.  相似文献   

The efficacy of three suction traps for trapping phlebotomine sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) was compared. Traps were baited with Co2 and used without any light source. CO2‐baited CDC traps were evaluated either in their standard downdraft orientation or inverted (iCDC traps). Mosquito Magnet‐X (MMX) counterflow geometry traps were tested in the updraft orientation only. Both updraft traps (iCDC and MMX) were deployed with their opening ~10 cm from the ground while the opening of the downdraft (CDC) trap was ~40 cm above ground. Comparisons were conducted in two arid locations where different sand fly species prevail. In the Jordan Valley, 3,367 sand flies were caught, 2,370 of which were females. The predominant species was Phlebotomus (Phlebotomus) papatasi, Scopoli 1786 (>99%). The updraft‐type traps iCDC and MMX caught an average of 118 and 67.1 sand flies per trap night, respectively. The CDC trap caught 32.9 sand flies on average per night, significantly less than the iCDC traps. In the Judean desert, traps were arranged in a 3×3 Latin square design. A total of 565 sand flies were caught, 345 of which were females. The predominant species was P. (Paraphlebotomus) sergenti Parrot 1917 (87%). The updraft traps iCDC and MMX caught an average of 25.6 and 17.9 sand flies per trap per night, respectively. The CDC trap caught 7.8 sand flies on average per night, significantly less than the iCDC traps. The female to male ratio was 1.7 on average for all trap types. In conclusion, updraft traps deployed with their opening close to the ground are clearly more effective for trapping sand flies than downdraft CDC traps in open habitats.  相似文献   

Predictive models describing best-fit regression equations for per cent mortality of horn flies as a function of temperature were determined for each of three pyrethroid insecticides (fenvalerate, flucythrinate and permethrin) over the temperature range 20-35 degrees C. Susceptible horn flies, Haematobia irritans (L.), were exposed to c. an LC70 dose of each pyrethroid using a residue-on-glass method. This technique used confined exposure in chambers with temperatures of 20, 25, 30 and 35 degrees C. Within this range, mortality was greatest at 25 degrees C with all three insecticides. Estimated temperature-mortality equations for each pyrethroid revealed different responses of horn flies to each of these insecticides. Horn flies exposed to flucythrinate demonstrated a linear mortality response that varied inversely with temperature. The response to permethrin was described by a quadratic equation, while the response to fenvalerate was best fitted by a cubic equation.  相似文献   

Stable flies are noxious blood‐feeding pests of exotic animals at zoological parks, inflicting painful bites, and causing discomfort to animals. Stable fly management is difficult because of the flies’ tendency to remain on the host animals only when feeding. Non‐toxic traps can be efficient but traps placed around exhibit perimeters captured fewer‐than‐expected numbers of flies. By surrounding traps with square electric fence enclosures, traps could be placed in the exhibits with the host animals and compared with an equal number of traps placed along perimeter fences. During a 21‐week study, traps inside exhibits captured 5× more stable flies than traps placed along exhibit perimeters. Traps inside exhibits tended to show more fluctuations in fly populations than traps along perimeters. The increased numbers of flies captured using this technique should provide relief from this pestiferous fly and greatly improve animal health and welfare. We believe this to be the first study where traps were used to capture stable flies in exhibit yards at a zoological park.  相似文献   

Cattle flies, including Musca autumnalis, Haematobia irritans, and Hydrotaea irritans, are pests of pastured cattle. A 2-year study of the natural occurrence of entomopathogenic fungi in adult cattle flies and other flies associated with pastures showed that the four species included in the Entomophthora muscae species complex (E. muscae sensu lato) caused high infection levels in several species of flies. However, only a few specimens of cattle flies were infected by E. muscae sensu stricto despite the fact that cattle flies were observed to perch on spear thistles, which acted as transmission site for all four Entomophthora species. Transmission experiments with E. muscae s.l. supported the field data. Of the two species considered host specific, E. syrphi caused substantial infection in a muscid, and E. scatophagae likewise could be transmitted to a muscid. This emphasizes the need for a revision of the two species. Low prevalences were recorded of another entomophthoralean, Furia americana, and of the hyphomycetes Beauveria bassiana and Verticillium lecanii.  相似文献   

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