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Conscious sheep (n = 6), exposed to 3.5 h of normobaric hypoxia (arterial PO2 = 40 Torr) while allowed varying arterial PCO2, showed striking early increments of cerebral blood flow (CBF; +200-250%, by radiolabeled microspheres) and decrements of cerebral vascular resistance (CVR) in association with an early temporary elevation of cerebral O2 consumption (CMRO2; +25-60%). After 2 h, CMRO2 returned to normoxic levels, while CBF declined to a lower but still elevated level (+150%). CBF/CMRO2 increased twofold, while cerebral fractional extraction of O2 was unchanged. Mean arterial pressure was unchanged, but cerebral venous pressure rose (+11 mmHg) in a stable fashion such that cerebral perfusion pressure declined by 13%. Cerebral venous hematocrit and hemoglobin concentration were both elevated (+2.2-2.7% Hct units; +1.0-1.3 g/dl, respectively) above the corresponding arterial values between 150 and 210 min of hypoxia, suggesting venous hemoconcentration in possible association with a transcapillary fluid shift. CBF, and especially CVR, were well correlated with arterial O2 content.  相似文献   

Dynamics of breathing in the hypoxic awake lamb   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Newborn mammals respond to hypoxia with an immediate hyperventilation that is rapidly dampened. Changes in mechanical properties of the respiratory system during hypoxia have been considered an important reason for this fall in minute ventilation (VE). We have studied the dynamic mechanical behavior of the respiratory system in eight unanesthetized intact newborn lambs (mean age 2 days) during normoxia and hypoxia (FIO2 = 0.08). Mouth pressure (P), airflow (V), and volume (V) were recorded while lambs were breathing through a leak-proof face mask and a pneumotachograph. Active compliance (C') and resistance (R') of the respiratory system were computed from P developed during an inspiratory effort against airway closure at end expiration and V and V of the preceding breaths. Tidal expiratory V-V curves were analyzed to estimate the elevation in functional residual capacity (FRC) over resting volume (Vr). After hypoxia, there was an immediate increase in VE in the first 2 min, from 0.49 to 1.13 l.kg-1.min-1, followed by a rapid decrease to 0.80. After 8 min of hypoxia, C' was unchanged. The inspiratory R' decreased during hypoxia, probably reflecting a drop in inspiratory laryngeal resistance. The expiratory V-V curves during hypoxia showed considerable braking, often with a double peak in expiratory V. This pattern was only occasionally seen during normoxia. In animals with a linear segment of the expiratory V-V curves the FRC-Vr difference could be calculated and averaged 1.93 ml/kg during normoxia and 3.47 during hypoxia. The recoil P of the respiratory system at end expiration was 0.75 cmH2O during normoxia vs. 1.63 cmH2O during hypoxia (P less than 0.01).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Dwyer CM 《Theriogenology》2003,59(3-4):1027-1050
The survival of the neonate relies on the integrated expression of appropriate behaviours from both the mother and young. In precocious species, like the sheep, the speed with which the lamb stands and seeks the udder is related to lamb survival. In this study the effects of birth difficulty, lamb birth weight, ewe loss or gain in backfat from conception to delivery, ewe parity, litter size, and lamb sex on neonatal lamb behavioural development were investigated in over 500 lambs of two breeds (Scottish Blackface and Suffolk). Lambs that required assistance to be delivered were significantly slower to perform all neonatal behaviours than unassisted lambs (P<0.001), and were less active over the first 3 days after delivery (P<0.05). There were no effects of lamb birthweight that were not accounted for by the increased likelihood of requiring assistance in heavier birth weight lambs. Ewes that mobilised less body fat during their pregnancy produced lambs that stood and sucked quickly (P<0.001), and were more active over the first 3 days of life. Lambs born to first parity ewes were slower to stand and suck than lambs born to experienced ewes (P<0.001). There was an improvement in time taken by lambs to stand, seek the udder and to suck with each increase in ewe parity. Litter size had an additional retarding influence on the behaviour of multiple-born lambs that could not be accounted for by birthweight. In the Suffolk breed male lambs were slower to stand and suck than female lambs, this effect was not seen in Blackface lambs. These data demonstrate that lambs that require assistance at birth, even if they survive the birth process, lambs born to ewes that lose a lot of condition over pregnancy or first parity ewes, triplet lambs and, at least in some breeds, male lambs are slower to progress through the sequence of neonatal behaviours. These lambs are, therefore, at greater risk of not surviving to weaning.  相似文献   

The effect of hypoxia in development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is increasing evidence that the oxygen supply to the human embryo in the first trimester is tightly controlled, suggesting that too much oxygen may interfere with development. The use of hypoxia probes in mammalian embryos during the organogenic period indicates that the embryo is normally in a state of partial hypoxia, and this may be essential to control cardiovascular development, perhaps under the control of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF). A consequence of this state of partial hypoxia is that disturbances in the oxygen supply can more easily lead to a damaging degree of hypoxia. Experimental mammalian embryos show a surprising degree of resilience to hypoxia, with many organogenic stage embryos able to survive 30-60 min of anoxia. However, in some embryos this degree of hypoxia causes abnormal development, particularly transverse limb reduction defects. These abnormalities are preceded by hemorrhage/edema and tissue necrosis. Other parts of the embryo are also susceptible to this hypoxia-induced damage and include the genital tubercle, the developing nose, the tail, and the central nervous system. Other frequently observed defects in animal models of prenatal hypoxia include cleft lip, maxillary hypoplasia, and heart defects. Animal studies indicate that hypoxic episodes in the first trimester of human pregnancy could occur by temporary constriction of the uterine arteries. This could be a consequence of exposure to cocaine, misoprostol, or severe shock, and there is evidence that these exposures have resulted in hypoxia-related malformations in the human. Exposure to drugs that block the potassium current (IKr) can cause severe slowing and arrhythmia of the mammalian embryonic heart and consequently hypoxia in the embryo. These drugs are highly teratogenic in experimental animals. There is evidence that drugs with IKr blockade as a side effect, for example phenytoin, may cause birth defects in the human by causing periods of embryonic hypoxia. The strongest evidence of hypoxia causing birth defects in the human comes from studies of fetuses lacking hemoglobin (Hb) F. These fetuses are thought to be hypoxic from about the middle of the first trimester and show a range of birth defects, particularly transverse limb reduction defects.  相似文献   

Canet, Emmanuel, Jean-Paul Praud, and Michel A. Bureau.Periodic breathing induced on demand in awake newborn lamb. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(2): 607-612, 1997.Spontaneous periodic breathing, although a common feature infullterm and preterm human infants, is scarce in other newborn mammals.The aim of this study was to induce periodic breathing in lambs. Four10-day-old and two <48-h-old awake lambs were instrumented withjugular catheters connected to an extracorporeal membrane lung aimed atcontrolling arterial PCO2(PaCO2). ArterialPO2(PaO2) was set and maintained at thedesired level by changing inspiredO2 fraction and providingO2 through a small catheter intothe "apneic" lung. At a criticalPaO2/PaCO2combination, the four 10-day-old lambs exhibited periodic breathingthat could be initiated, terminated, and reinitiated on demand. In the2-day-old lambs with low chemoreceptor gain, periodic breathing washardly seen, regardless of the trials done to find the criticalPO2/PCO2combination. We conclude that periodic breathing can be induced inlambs and depends on criticalPaO2/PaCO2combinations and maturity of the chemoreceptors.


In awake lambs we investigated the role of the peripheral chemoreceptors in producing dynamic ventilatory (VE) responses to CO2. The immediate VE response, within 15 s, to transient CO2 inhalation was studied in two groups: 1) five lambs before carotid denervation and 2) the same lambs after carotid denervation. The time course of VE responses during the first 60 s after a step change to 8% inspired CO2 was also studied in lambs after carotid denervation and in a group of six carotid body-intact lambs 10-11 days of age. Acute CO2 responses were assessed using step changes to various concentrations of CO2 + air and CO2 + O2, while VE was recorded breath by breath. Intact lambs exhibited a brisk VE response to step changes in CO2, beginning after 3-5 s. Hyperoxia altered but did not suppress the dynamic VE CO2 response when the carotid chemoreceptors were intact. Carotid denervation markedly reduced the VE response during the first 25 s after a CO2 step change, revealing the time delay required for the central chemoreceptors to produce an effective VE response. The residual VE response remaining after CD was thought to be mediated by the remaining aortic body chemoreceptors and was eliminated by adding O2 to the CO2 challenges. However, after carotid denervation, even with CO2 + hyperoxia, the onset of a small tidal volume response was apparent by 10-12 s.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Thyroarytenoid muscle activity during hypoxia in awake lambs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is generally accepted that hypoxia in early life results in active laryngeal braking of expiratory airflow via the recruitment of glottic adductor muscles. We examined the electromyogram expiratory activity of the thyroarytenoid muscle in seven 11- to 18-day-old awake nonsedated lambs exposed to an inspired O2 fraction of 0.08 for 18 min. The lambs breathed through a face mask and a pneumotachograph. During baseline prehypoxic breathing, the thyroarytenoid muscle was largely inactive in each awake lamb. Unexpectedly, no recruitment of the thyroarytenoid muscle was recorded during hypoxia in any of the seven lambs; simultaneous examination of the flow-volume curves revealed an absence of expiratory airflow braking. Also unexpectedly, marked expiratory activity of the thyroarytenoid muscle was recorded, with each expiration occurring within less than 10 s after the return to room air. The resulting delay of expiration was apparent in the flow-volume loops. Thus, in awake 11- to 18-day-old lambs, 1) active expiratory glottic adduction is absent during hypoxia and 2) a return from hypoxia to room air results in prolonged expiration as well as active glottic adduction that controls end-expiratory lung volume.  相似文献   

The acute hypoxic pressor response was studied in 22 chronically catheterized awake rats, 13 in whom the pulmonary arterial circulation had been remodeled by 10 days of exposure to hypobaric hypoxia. Five of these had their hematocrit lowered to normocytic levels after the chronic hypoxic exposure. Nine were controls. After 24 h in room air the pulmonary arterial pressure (Ppa) and pulmonary vascular resistance (Rp) of hypoxic-polycythemic rats was at least twice the control value; in the hypoxic-normocytic rats Ppa and Rp were less than that of hypoxic-polycythemic animals and greater than that of controls. Cardiac index, heart rate, and O2 saturation were similar in all groups. In 10% O2 a rise in Ppa and Rp occurred in all groups; in absolute terms the rise was greater in hypoxic rats than in controls and greater in polycythemic than in normocytic animals. In the intact animal the acute hypoxic pressor response can still be elicited in a pulmonary vascular bed structurally altered by chronic hypoxia. When calculated as a percent increase over base line, its intensity was greater than in room air controls and for Ppa was independent of hematocrit.  相似文献   

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