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Multi-state modeling of biomolecules refers to a series of techniques used to represent and compute the behavior of biological molecules or complexes that can adopt a large number of possible functional states. Biological signaling systems often rely on complexes of biological macromolecules that can undergo several functionally significant modifications that are mutually compatible. Thus, they can exist in a very large number of functionally different states. Modeling such multi-state systems poses two problems: the problem of how to describe and specify a multi-state system (the “specification problem”) and the problem of how to use a computer to simulate the progress of the system over time (the “computation problem”). To address the specification problem, modelers have in recent years moved away from explicit specification of all possible states and towards rule-based formalisms that allow for implicit model specification, including the κ-calculus [1], BioNetGen [2][5], the Allosteric Network Compiler [6], and others [7], [8]. To tackle the computation problem, they have turned to particle-based methods that have in many cases proved more computationally efficient than population-based methods based on ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, or the Gillespie stochastic simulation algorithm [9], [10]. Given current computing technology, particle-based methods are sometimes the only possible option. Particle-based simulators fall into two further categories: nonspatial simulators, such as StochSim [11], DYNSTOC [12], RuleMonkey [9], [13], and the Network-Free Stochastic Simulator (NFSim) [14], and spatial simulators, including Meredys [15], SRSim [16], [17], and MCell [18][20]. Modelers can thus choose from a variety of tools, the best choice depending on the particular problem. Development of faster and more powerful methods is ongoing, promising the ability to simulate ever more complex signaling processes in the future.
This is a “Topic Page” article for PLOS Computational Biology.

Supervised machine learning is an essential but difficult to use approach in biomedical data analysis. The Galaxy-ML toolkit (https://galaxyproject.org/community/machine-learning/) makes supervised machine learning more accessible to biomedical scientists by enabling them to perform end-to-end reproducible machine learning analyses at large scale using only a web browser. Galaxy-ML extends Galaxy (https://galaxyproject.org), a biomedical computational workbench used by tens of thousands of scientists across the world, with a suite of tools for all aspects of supervised machine learning.

This is a PLOS Computational Biology Software paper.

The novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) causing potentially fatal coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19), with a significant health and economic burden around the globe. Currently many clinical studies are undergoing but still there is no any specific approved therapy or drug established for effective treatment of COVID-19. This review aimed to analyses various clinical studies which have been registered in www.clinicaltrials.gov and http://www.chictr.org.cn were registered with natural plant-based medicines and Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for discovering effective treatment and prevention of COVID-19. Total 46 and 64 natural drug and TCM interventions were identified which mainly determined the preventive strategies and possible treatments for COVID-19 infection. We identified that most of the clinical trial undergoing on natural compound like heparin and vitamin C as therapeutic agents and immune boosters for against COVID-19. Traditional Chinese medicines and herbal medicines can be effectively used as a preventive therapy against COVID-19 and after successful clinical trials and these potential therapies can be promoted by countries around the world. Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at (10.1007/s12088-020-00919-x).  相似文献   

Viral phylodynamics is defined as the study of how epidemiological, immunological, and evolutionary processes act and potentially interact to shape viral phylogenies. Since the coining of the term in 2004, research on viral phylodynamics has focused on transmission dynamics in an effort to shed light on how these dynamics impact viral genetic variation. Transmission dynamics can be considered at the level of cells within an infected host, individual hosts within a population, or entire populations of hosts. Many viruses, especially RNA viruses, rapidly accumulate genetic variation because of short generation times and high mutation rates. Patterns of viral genetic variation are therefore heavily influenced by how quickly transmission occurs and by which entities transmit to one another. Patterns of viral genetic variation will also be affected by selection acting on viral phenotypes. Although viruses can differ with respect to many phenotypes, phylodynamic studies have to date tended to focus on a limited number of viral phenotypes. These include virulence phenotypes, phenotypes associated with viral transmissibility, cell or tissue tropism phenotypes, and antigenic phenotypes that can facilitate escape from host immunity. Due to the impact that transmission dynamics and selection can have on viral genetic variation, viral phylogenies can therefore be used to investigate important epidemiological, immunological, and evolutionary processes, such as epidemic spread [2], spatio-temporal dynamics including metapopulation dynamics [3], zoonotic transmission, tissue tropism [4], and antigenic drift [5]. The quantitative investigation of these processes through the consideration of viral phylogenies is the central aim of viral phylodynamics.
This is a “Topic Page” article for PLOS Computational Biology.

The binding affinities of protein-nucleic acid interactions could be altered due to missense mutations occurring in DNA- or RNA-binding proteins, therefore resulting in various diseases. Unfortunately, a systematic comparison and prediction of the effects of mutations on protein-DNA and protein-RNA interactions (these two mutation classes are termed MPDs and MPRs, respectively) is still lacking. Here, we demonstrated that these two classes of mutations could generate similar or different tendencies for binding free energy changes in terms of the properties of mutated residues. We then developed regression algorithms separately for MPDs and MPRs by introducing novel geometric partition-based energy features and interface-based structural features. Through feature selection and ensemble learning, similar computational frameworks that integrated energy- and nonenergy-based models were established to estimate the binding affinity changes resulting from MPDs and MPRs, but the selected features for the final models were different and therefore reflected the specificity of these two mutation classes. Furthermore, the proposed methodology was extended to the identification of mutations that significantly decreased the binding affinities. Extensive validations indicated that our algorithm generally performed better than the state-of-the-art methods on both the regression and classification tasks. The webserver and software are freely available at http://liulab.hzau.edu.cn/PEMPNI and https://github.com/hzau-liulab/PEMPNI.  相似文献   

Analyzing the dynamical properties of mobile objects requires to extract trajectories from recordings, which is often done by tracking movies. We compiled a database of two-dimensional movies for very different biological and physical systems spanning a wide range of length scales and developed a general-purpose, optimized, open-source, cross-platform, easy to install and use, self-updating software called FastTrack. It can handle a changing number of deformable objects in a region of interest, and is particularly suitable for animal and cell tracking in two-dimensions. Furthermore, we introduce the probability of incursions as a new measure of a movie’s trackability that doesn’t require the knowledge of ground truth trajectories, since it is resilient to small amounts of errors and can be computed on the basis of an ad hoc tracking. We also leveraged the versatility and speed of FastTrack to implement an iterative algorithm determining a set of nearly-optimized tracking parameters—yet further reducing the amount of human intervention—and demonstrate that FastTrack can be used to explore the space of tracking parameters to optimize the number of swaps for a batch of similar movies. A benchmark shows that FastTrack is orders of magnitude faster than state-of-the-art tracking algorithms, with a comparable tracking accuracy. The source code is available under the GNU GPLv3 at https://github.com/FastTrackOrg/FastTrack and pre-compiled binaries for Windows, Mac and Linux are available at http://www.fasttrack.sh.  相似文献   

Practical identifiability of Systems Biology models has received a lot of attention in recent scientific research. It addresses the crucial question for models’ predictability: how accurately can the models’ parameters be recovered from available experimental data. The methods based on profile likelihood are among the most reliable methods of practical identification. However, these methods are often computationally demanding or lead to inaccurate estimations of parameters’ confidence intervals. Development of methods, which can accurately produce parameters’ confidence intervals in reasonable computational time, is of utmost importance for Systems Biology and QSP modeling.We propose an algorithm Confidence Intervals by Constraint Optimization (CICO) based on profile likelihood, designed to speed-up confidence intervals estimation and reduce computational cost. The numerical implementation of the algorithm includes settings to control the accuracy of confidence intervals estimates. The algorithm was tested on a number of Systems Biology models, including Taxol treatment model and STAT5 Dimerization model, discussed in the current article.The CICO algorithm is implemented in a software package freely available in Julia (https://github.com/insysbio/LikelihoodProfiler.jl) and Python (https://github.com/insysbio/LikelihoodProfiler.py).  相似文献   

G-quadruplex DNA structures have become attractive drug targets, and native mass spectrometry can provide detailed characterization of drug binding stoichiometry and affinity, potentially at high throughput. However, the G-quadruplex DNA polymorphism poses problems for interpreting ligand screening assays. In order to establish standardized MS-based screening assays, we studied 28 sequences with documented NMR structures in (usually ∼100 mM) potassium, and report here their circular dichroism (CD), melting temperature (Tm), NMR spectra and electrospray mass spectra in 1 mM KCl/100 mM trimethylammonium acetate. Based on these results, we make a short-list of sequences that adopt the same structure in the MS assay as reported by NMR, and provide recommendations on using them for MS-based assays. We also built an R-based open-source application to build and consult a database, wherein further sequences can be incorporated in the future. The application handles automatically most of the data processing, and allows generating custom figures and reports. The database is included in the g4dbr package (https://github.com/EricLarG4/g4dbr) and can be explored online (https://ericlarg4.github.io/G4_database.html).  相似文献   

A general principle of biology is the self‐assembly of proteins into functional complexes. Characterizing their composition is, therefore, required for our understanding of cellular functions. Unfortunately, we lack knowledge of the comprehensive set of identities of protein complexes in human cells. To address this gap, we developed a machine learning framework to identify protein complexes in over 15,000 mass spectrometry experiments which resulted in the identification of nearly 7,000 physical assemblies. We show our resource, hu.MAP 2.0, is more accurate and comprehensive than previous state of the art high‐throughput protein complex resources and gives rise to many new hypotheses, including for 274 completely uncharacterized proteins. Further, we identify 253 promiscuous proteins that participate in multiple complexes pointing to possible moonlighting roles. We have made hu.MAP 2.0 easily searchable in a web interface (http://humap2.proteincomplexes.org/), which will be a valuable resource for researchers across a broad range of interests including systems biology, structural biology, and molecular explanations of disease.  相似文献   

Genetic and chemical perturbations impact diverse cellular phenotypes, including multiple indicators of cell health. These readouts reveal toxicity and antitumorigenic effects relevant to drug discovery and personalized medicine. We developed two customized microscopy assays, one using four targeted reagents and the other three targeted reagents, to collectively measure 70 specific cell health phenotypes including proliferation, apoptosis, reactive oxygen species, DNA damage, and cell cycle stage. We then tested an approach to predict multiple cell health phenotypes using Cell Painting, an inexpensive and scalable image-based morphology assay. In matched CRISPR perturbations of three cancer cell lines, we collected both Cell Painting and cell health data. We found that simple machine learning algorithms can predict many cell health readouts directly from Cell Painting images, at less than half the cost. We hypothesized that these models can be applied to accurately predict cell health assay outcomes for any future or existing Cell Painting dataset. For Cell Painting images from a set of 1500+ compound perturbations across multiple doses, we validated predictions by orthogonal assay readouts. We provide a web app to browse predictions: http://broad.io/cell-health-app. Our approach can be used to add cell health annotations to Cell Painting datasets.  相似文献   

EDock‐ML is a web server that facilitates the use of ensemble docking with machine learning to help decide whether a compound is worthwhile to be considered further in a drug discovery process. Ensemble docking provides an economical way to account for receptor flexibility in molecular docking. Machine learning improves the use of the resulting docking scores to evaluate whether a compound is likely to be useful. EDock‐ML takes a bottom‐up approach in which machine‐learning models are developed one protein at a time to improve predictions for the proteins included in its database. Because the machine‐learning models are intended to be used without changing the docking and model parameters with which the models were trained, novice users can use it directly without worrying about what parameters to choose. A user simply submits a compound specified by an ID from the ZINC database (Sterling, T.; Irwin, J. J., J Chem Inf Model 2015, 55[11], 2,324–2,337.) or upload a file prepared by a chemical drawing program and receives an output helping the user decide the likelihood of the compound to be active or inactive for a drug target. EDock‐ML can be accessed freely at edock‐ml.umsl.edu  相似文献   

Graph theoretical analyses of nervous systems usually omit the aspect of connection polarity, due to data insufficiency. The chemical synapse network of Caenorhabditis elegans is a well-reconstructed directed network, but the signs of its connections are yet to be elucidated. Here, we present the gene expression-based sign prediction of the ionotropic chemical synapse connectome of C. elegans (3,638 connections and 20,589 synapses total), incorporating available presynaptic neurotransmitter and postsynaptic receptor gene expression data for three major neurotransmitter systems. We made predictions for more than two-thirds of these chemical synapses and observed an excitatory-inhibitory (E:I) ratio close to 4:1 which was found similar to that observed in many real-world networks. Our open source tool (http://EleganSign.linkgroup.hu) is simple but efficient in predicting polarities by integrating neuronal connectome and gene expression data.  相似文献   

Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and receptor-type vascular endothelial protein tyrosine phosphatase (VE-PTP) are one of the majors signaling pathways related to endothelial health in diabetes. Several reports have shown that the inhibition of VE-PTP can lead the nitric oxide production, although repeated studies showed that VE-PTP regulated the eNOS exclusive at Ser1177 in indirect-manner. A recent, exciting paper (Siragusa et al. in Cardiovasc Res, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1093/cvr/cvaa213), showing that VE-PTP regulates eNOS in a direct-manner, dephosphorylating eNOS at Tyr81 and indirect at Ser1177 and the effects of a VE-PTP inhibitor, AKB-9778, in the blood pressure from diabetic patients.  相似文献   

As the cost of single-cell RNA-seq experiments has decreased, an increasing number of datasets are now available. Combining newly generated and publicly accessible datasets is challenging due to non-biological signals, commonly known as batch effects. Although there are several computational methods available that can remove batch effects, evaluating which method performs best is not straightforward. Here, we present BatchBench (https://github.com/cellgeni/batchbench), a modular and flexible pipeline for comparing batch correction methods for single-cell RNA-seq data. We apply BatchBench to eight methods, highlighting their methodological differences and assess their performance and computational requirements through a compendium of well-studied datasets. This systematic comparison guides users in the choice of batch correction tool, and the pipeline makes it easy to evaluate other datasets.  相似文献   

It is hard to realize that the living world as we know it is just one among many possibilities[1]. Evolving digital ecological networks are webs of interacting, self-replicating, and evolving computer programs (i.e., digital organisms) that experience the same major ecological interactions as biological organisms (e.g., competition, predation, parasitism, and mutualism). Despite being computational, these programs evolve quickly in an open-ended way, and starting from only one or two ancestral organisms, the formation of ecological networks can be observed in real-time by tracking interactions between the constantly evolving organism phenotypes. These phenotypes may be defined by combinations of logical computations (hereafter tasks) that digital organisms perform and by expressed behaviors that have evolved. The types and outcomes of interactions between phenotypes are determined by task overlap for logic-defined phenotypes and by responses to encounters in the case of behavioral phenotypes. Biologists use these evolving networks to study active and fundamental topics within evolutionary ecology (e.g., the extent to which the architecture of multispecies networks shape coevolutionary outcomes, and the processes involved).
This is a “Topic Page” article for PLOS Computational Biology.

dadi is a popular but computationally intensive program for inferring models of demographic history and natural selection from population genetic data. I show that running dadi on a Graphics Processing Unit can dramatically speed computation compared with the CPU implementation, with minimal user burden. Motivated by this speed increase, I also extended dadi to four- and five-population models. This functionality is available in dadi version 2.1.0, https://bitbucket.org/gutenkunstlab/dadi/.  相似文献   

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