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Perceptual training is generally assumed to improve perception by modifying the encoding or decoding of sensory information. However, this assumption is incompatible with recent demonstrations that transfer of learning can be enhanced by across-trial variation of training stimuli or task. Here we present three lines of evidence from healthy adults in support of the idea that the enhanced transfer of auditory discrimination learning is mediated by working memory (WM). First, the ability to discriminate small differences in tone frequency or duration was correlated with WM measured with a tone n-back task. Second, training frequency discrimination around a variable frequency transferred to and from WM learning, but training around a fixed frequency did not. The transfer of learning in both directions was correlated with a reduction of the influence of stimulus variation in the discrimination task, linking WM and its improvement to across-trial stimulus interaction in auditory discrimination. Third, while WM training transferred broadly to other WM and auditory discrimination tasks, variable-frequency training on duration discrimination did not improve WM, indicating that stimulus variation challenges and trains WM only if the task demands stimulus updating in the varied dimension. The results provide empirical evidence as well as a theoretic framework for interactions between cognitive and sensory plasticity during perceptual experience.  相似文献   

Two groups of pigeons learned a two key conditional discrimination. Color was the conditional stimulus and form the choice stimulus for subjects in one group. Form was the conditional stimulus and color the choice stimulus in the other group. Half the subjects in each group then underwent an intradimensional shift: The conditional stimulus dimension and choice stimulus dimension were unchanged but the correct and incorrect stimulus compounds were reversed. The remaining subjects underwent an extra-dimensional shift in which the conditional stimulus dimension and choice stimulus dimension were reversed. Subjects which experienced an intradimensional shift learned the new conditional discrimination more quickly. It was concluded that subjects followed rules to solve conditional discriminations but also learned the functions of each stimulus dimension.  相似文献   

Honeybees of different ages and reproductive castes cohabit in the hive where they are exposed to many odors that might affect associative learning. Our aim was to analyze the role of odors pre-exposed as volatiles on appetitive learning in honeybees of different ages and search for their long-term effect both under natural and laboratory conditions. By evaluating memory acquisition and retention through a differential proboscis extension response conditioning, we found that hive-exposed odors offered as a reinforced conditioned stimulus during training promoted a learning-reduced effect [latent inhibition (LI)]. On the other hand, no effect was found when the non-reinforced conditioned stimulus was pre-exposed. The LI effect varied with the odor identity. However, only slight differences were found with the age of the bees. Exposure-conditioning intervals longer than 24 h did not show an LI effect unless the odor concentration was increased or exposure was prolonged. Our results show that pre-exposed volatiles could either reduce learning performance, if this odor is later associated with food, or be irrelevant in the case that alternative scented resources circulate within the colony. The differential effects found according to the olfactory exposure characteristics could strongly influence the propagation of chemosensory information within the hive.  相似文献   

Negatively reinforced olfactory conditioning has been widely employed to identify learning and memory genes, signal transduction pathways and neural circuitry in Drosophila. To delineate the molecular and cellular processes underlying reward-mediated learning and memory, we developed a novel assay system for positively reinforced olfactory conditioning. In this assay, flies were involuntarily exposed to the appetitive unconditioned stimulus sucrose along with a conditioned stimulus odour during training and their preference for the odour previously associated with sucrose was measured to assess learning and memory capacities. After one training session, wild-type Canton S flies displayed reliable performance, which was enhanced after two training cycles with 1-min or 15-min inter-training intervals. Higher performance scores were also obtained with increasing sucrose concentration. Memory in Canton S flies decayed slowly when measured at 30 min, 1 h and 3 h after training; whereas, it had declined significantly at 6 h and 12 h post-training. When learning mutant t beta h flies, which are deficient in octopamine, were challenged, they exhibited poor performance, validating the utility of this assay. As the Drosophila model offers vast genetic and transgenic resources, the new appetitive conditioning described here provides a useful tool with which to elucidate the molecular and cellular underpinnings of reward learning and memory. Similar to negatively reinforced conditioning, this reward conditioning represents classical olfactory conditioning. Thus, comparative analyses of learning and memory mutants in two assays may help identify the molecular and cellular components that are specific to the unconditioned stimulus information used in conditioning.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained on a matching-to-sample task in which they had to respond to a different choice stimulus following the same durations (2 or 10 s) of two different signals. The duration signals consisted of a white light presented from the ceiling and a red light presented from the front wall. Subsequent test performance indicated that matching accuracy declined (1) when the set of choice stimuli following a duration signal differed from the set presented during training, and (2) when the color or location of the duration signal was changed from values used during training. These results are discussed in terms of attention to uninformative features of a visual stimulus.  相似文献   

Bees learn both the absolute distance and the apparent size of landmarks in the vicinity of a foraging site. They learn about landmarks both when approaching and when leaving the site. Whereas learning on arrival can take place on every visit to the food source, learning on departure is limited to the first few visits, when the bee Turns Back and Looks (TBL) at the feeder in a stereotyped manoeuvre before flying off. We investigated whether one specific function of TBLs is to acquire information about the absolute distance of landmarks from the feeding site. Bees were trained to forage from a feeder which lay at a fixed distance from a cylinder. During training, bees were exposed to the cylinder either only while they approached and landed on the feeder, or only on their departure from it, or at both of these times. Tests on trained bees immediately after the TBL phase revealed that those bees which had viewed the cylinder only on arrival had learnt the apparent size of the cylinder, but not its distance from the feeder. In contrast, bees which saw the cylinder on departure had learnt its absolute distance. They also learnt the cylinder's apparent size, provided that the cylinder was close to the feeder. Bees which had viewed the cylinder on arrival as well as on departure learnt both absolute distance and apparent size. Distance dominated the bees' behaviour in the initial phase of learning, apparent size was more important later on. We suggest that early during learning bees need information about the 3-D structure of the environment so that they can identify those landmarks close to a foraging site which will specify accurately the site's position. This information is acquired during TBLs. Later, landmark guidance can be achieved by 2-D image matching.  相似文献   

In the honeybee, the conditioning of the proboscis extension response using tactile antennal stimulations is well suited for studying the side-specificity of learning including the possible bilateral transfer of memory traces in the brain, and the role of inhibitory networks. A tactile stimulus was presented to one antenna in association with a sucrose reward to the proboscis. The other antenna was either not stimulated (A+/0 training), stimulated with a non-reinforced tactile stimulus B (A+/B− training) or stimulated with B reinforced with sucrose to the proboscis (A+/B+ training). Memory tests performed 3 and 24 h after training showed in all situations that a tactile stimulus learnt on one side was only retrieved ipsilaterally, indicating no bilateral transfer of information. In all these groups, we investigated the effect of the phenylpyrazole insecticide fipronil by applying a sublethal dose (0.5 ng/bee) on the thorax 15 min before training. This treatment decreased acquisition success and the subsequent memory performances were lowered but the distribution of responses to the tactile stimuli between sides was not affected. These results underline the role of the inhibitory networks targeted by fipronil on tactile learning and memory processes.  相似文献   

Human participants searched in a dynamic three-dimensional virtual-environment rectangular enclosure for a distinctly colored bin located in one of the four corners. During test trials, all bins were rendered identical in color, and the shape of the rectangular search space either remained the same or was modified to a relatively sized contracted rectangle, an expanded rectangle, or a square. Participants made one choice response during test trials. In the rectangular enclosures, more of participants’ choice responses were allocated to the geometrically correct corners than to the geometrically incorrect corners. In the square enclosure, participants’ choice responses were allocated equivalently to each of the four corners. Results replicate previous enclosure size studies demonstrating encoding of enclosure geometry with human and non-human animal subjects conducted in real environments and extend these results to include encoding of relative enclosure geometry. Results are discussed with respect to theoretical accounts of geometry learning.  相似文献   

Length of baseline training influences how methamphetamine disrupts temporal performance under a peak interval schedule. Acute methamphetamine produces overestimation of time following relatively brief training, but following extended training, methamphetamine produces more general loss of stimulus control. The current study extends the study of training length on the effects of methamphetamine to an interval-bisection procedure. Six pigeons responded under a psychophysical choice procedure in which responses to one key color were correct after presentation of four shorter sample durations and responses to another key color were correct after presentation of four longer sample durations. One group of three pigeons received briefer baseline training (45 sessions), while another group received more extended training (223 sessions) prior to methamphetamine administration. There was no evidence of overestimation of time or generalized loss of stimulus control in either group. Sensitivity (precision of timing) was higher in the group with more extensive training and was disrupted by methamphetamine.  相似文献   

This experiment replicated previous demonstrations that interposing a brief stimulus between reinforced responses and the presentation of the reinforcer reduces responding maintained by intermittent reinforcement schedules. Furthermore, we could find no significant difference between the relative size of the reduction during training on ratio and interval schedules when the predictive significance of the response and stimulus was controlled by a yoking procedure.  相似文献   

Effects of prior discrimination training on stimulus control by color and shape dimensions of compound stimuli were studied with college students. In Phase 1, single-stimulus discrimination training was conducted for two values of color and shape. Phase 2 discrimination training employed two 2-dimensional compound stimuli composed of the color and shape stimuli trained in Phase 1. For conflict-compound stimuli, the stimulus-response-consequence contingency was altered between phases for one stimulus dimension (target dimension), but not for the other, non-target, dimension. Level of congruence (100%, 25%, and 0%) of the contingency for the target dimension between phases was manipulated across groups. When each stimulus value was tested in Phase 3, level of Phase-2-consistent responding to the target dimension varied with level of Phase-1-to-Phase-2 congruence. In Experiment 2, training history for the non-target dimension was altered across three conditions: (a) Correlated with reinforcement, as in Experiment 1, (b) No-Training, or (c) Not-Correlated. Phase-2-consistent responding to the target cue in Phase 3 was lower under the latter conditions than under the Correlated condition, indicating that the non-target dimension modulated control by the target dimension, consistent with stimulus competition. The data suggest elemental, rather than configural processing of the compound stimuli during Phase 2.  相似文献   

Avoidance learning poses a challenge for reinforcement-based theories of instrumental conditioning, because once an aversive outcome is successfully avoided an individual may no longer experience extrinsic reinforcement for their behavior. One possible account for this is to propose that avoiding an aversive outcome is in itself a reward, and thus avoidance behavior is positively reinforced on each trial when the aversive outcome is successfully avoided. In the present study we aimed to test this possibility by determining whether avoidance of an aversive outcome recruits the same neural circuitry as that elicited by a reward itself. We scanned 16 human participants with functional MRI while they performed an instrumental choice task, in which on each trial they chose from one of two actions in order to either win money or else avoid losing money. Neural activity in a region previously implicated in encoding stimulus reward value, the medial orbitofrontal cortex, was found to increase, not only following receipt of reward, but also following successful avoidance of an aversive outcome. This neural signal may itself act as an intrinsic reward, thereby serving to reinforce actions during instrumental avoidance.  相似文献   

Synesthesia is a rare condition in which a stimulus from one modality automatically and consistently triggers unusual sensations in the same and/or other modalities. A relatively common and well-studied type is grapheme-color synesthesia, defined as the consistent experience of color when viewing, hearing and thinking about letters, words and numbers. We describe our method for investigating to what extent synesthetic associations between letters and colors can be learned by reading in color in nonsynesthetes. Reading in color is a special method for training associations in the sense that the associations are learned implicitly while the reader reads text as he or she normally would and it does not require explicit computer-directed training methods. In this protocol, participants are given specially prepared books to read in which four high-frequency letters are paired with four high-frequency colors. Participants receive unique sets of letter-color pairs based on their pre-existing preferences for colored letters. A modified Stroop task is administered before and after reading in order to test for learned letter-color associations and changes in brain activation. In addition to objective testing, a reading experience questionnaire is administered that is designed to probe for differences in subjective experience. A subset of questions may predict how well an individual learned the associations from reading in color. Importantly, we are not claiming that this method will cause each individual to develop grapheme-color synesthesia, only that it is possible for certain individuals to form letter-color associations by reading in color and these associations are similar in some aspects to those seen in developmental grapheme-color synesthetes. The method is quite flexible and can be used to investigate different aspects and outcomes of training synesthetic associations, including learning-induced changes in brain function and structure.  相似文献   

We are only starting to understand how variation in cognitive ability can result from local adaptations to environmental conditions. A major question in this regard is to what extent selection on cognitive ability in a specific context affects that ability in general through correlated evolution. To address this question, we performed artificial selection on visual associative learning in female Nasonia vitripennis wasps. Using appetitive conditioning in which a visual stimulus was offered in association with a host reward, the ability to learn visual associations was enhanced within 10 generations of selection. To test for correlated evolution affecting this form of learning, the ability to readily form learned associations in females was also tested using an olfactory instead of a visual stimulus in the appetitive conditioning. Additionally, we assessed whether the improved associative learning ability was expressed across sexes by color‐conditioning males with a mating reward. Both females and males from the selected lines consistently demonstrated an increased associative learning ability compared to the control lines, independent of learning context or conditioned stimulus. No difference in relative volume of brain neuropils was detected between the selected and control lines.  相似文献   

Participants completed a category-learning task in which they needed to discover which of three stimulus dimensions (shape, color or size) was relevant. After meeting a learning criterion (nine of 10 consecutive correct responses), participants continued making categorization choices and response latencies associated with these trials were examined. In both Experiments 1 and 2, people responded reliably faster when correct responses matched the previous responses with respect to irrelevant dimension values. Thus, they demonstrated a form of incidental short-term memory analogous to that we previously reported in studies of rats. In Experiment 2, participants' explicit memory for irrelevant dimension values was assessed after category learning was complete. The results indicated that people were unaware of the irrelevant dimension values encountered on trials preceding surprise probe trials. This indicates that memory for the irrelevant dimension values was implicit (i.e. unconscious). The findings are discussed with respect to both human and non-human studies of hippocampus-independent memory and implicit memory.  相似文献   

Five squirrel monkeys served under a simultaneous discrimination paradigm with visual compound stimuli that allowed measurement of excitatory and inhibitory control exerted by individual stimulus components (form and luminance/“color”), which could not be presented in isolation (i.e., form could not be presented without color). After performance exceeded a criterion of 75% correct during training, unreinforced test trials with stimuli comprising recombined training stimulus components were interspersed while the overall reinforcement rate remained constant for training and testing. The training-testing series was then repeated with reversed reinforcement contingencies. The findings were that color acquired greater excitatory control than form under the original condition, that no such difference was found for the reversal condition or for inhibitory control under either condition, and that overall inhibitory control was less pronounced than excitatory control. The remarkably accurate performance throughout suggested that a forced 4-s delay between the stimulus presentation and the opportunity to respond was effective in reducing “impulsive” responding, which has implications for suppressing impulsive responding in children with autism and with attention deficit disorder.  相似文献   

Since the demonstration of color vision in honey bees 100 years ago by Karl von Frisch, appetitive conditioning to color targets has been used as the principal way to access behavioral aspects of bee color vision. Yet, analyses on how conditioning parameters affect color perception remained scarce. Conclusions on bee color vision have often been made without referring them to the experimental context in which they were obtained, and thus presented as absolute facts instead of realizing that subtle variations in conditioning procedures might yield different results. Here, we review evidence showing that color learning and discrimination in bees are not governed by immutable properties of their visual system, but depend on how the insects are trained and thus learn a task. The use of absolute or differential conditioning protocols, the presence of aversive reinforcement in differential conditioning and the degrees of freedom of motor components determine dramatic variations in color discrimination. We, thus, suggest top-down attentional modulation of color vision to explain the changes in color learning and discrimination reviewed here. We discuss the possible neural mechanisms of this modulation and conclude that color vision experiments require a careful consideration of how training parameters shape behavioral responses.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicates that pigeons can readily learn visual discriminations based on both absolute and relational stimulus factors. To examine how these two types of control function in their non-dominant auditory modality, we tested four pigeons in a go/no-go sequential auditory discrimination in which both absolute and relational cues were redundantly available. In this task, sequences of different sounds created from one set of pitches were reinforced, while different sequences created from another set of pitches and any same sequences made from either set of pitches were not. Across three experiments, we independently varied the relative discriminability of the absolute and relational components. The pigeons were consistently and primarily controlled by the absolute fundamental pitch of our notes in all of the experiments, although this was influenced by the range and arrangement of the pitches used in each set. A majority of the pigeons also demonstrated relational control when this component was made more salient. The more robust control exhibited by absolute factors is consistent with the comparative hypothesis that birds in general may have a well-developed aptitude for processing absolute pitch in many auditory settings. The relational control is consistent with our recent evidence of same/different auditory learning by pigeons.  相似文献   

Female mate choice by multiple male traits is an important current topic in animal behavior. However, the relative importance among the multiple cues in female choice is not explored in most cases. Female guppies Poecilia reticulata use both the color saturation of orange spots and the total length of males as mate choice criteria. In the present study, we used digitally modified video playbacks to examine the relative importance of these two male traits to female mate preferences. We initially examined the effective difference in the color saturation of orange spots as well as that in total length between two stimulus male images. Females only showed a strong preference for a bright male image (compared to the dull image) when the difference in color saturation was large (91% versus 25%). Conversely, females only exhibited a preference for larger size when they were presented a choice between two relatively small male images (total length 26.0 mm versus 23.0 mm). When two male images in which both the two traits were modified were presented to females, they prioritized male images possessing higher color saturation of orange spots, indicating the color saturation of male orange spots to be a more important factor than the total length in their mate choice. The color saturation of orange spots may convey more reliable information about the males to the females than their total lengths. These findings imply that females may rank multiple male criteria depending on relative benefits or costs derived from their mate choice based on each criterion.  相似文献   

Visual perceptual learning, a manifestation of neural plasticity, refers to improvements in performance on a visual task achieved by training. Attention is known to play an important role in perceptual learning, given that the observer''s discriminative ability improves only for those stimulus feature that are attended. However, the distribution of attention can be severely constrained by perceptual grouping, a process whereby the visual system organizes the initial retinal input into candidate objects. Taken together, these two pieces of evidence suggest the interesting possibility that perceptual grouping might also affect perceptual learning, either directly or via attentional mechanisms. To address this issue, we conducted two experiments. During the training phase, participants attended to the contrast of the task-relevant stimulus (oriented grating), while two similar task-irrelevant stimuli were presented in the adjacent positions. One of the two flanking stimuli was perceptually grouped with the attended stimulus as a consequence of its similar orientation (Experiment 1) or because it was part of the same perceptual object (Experiment 2). A test phase followed the training phase at each location. Compared to the task-irrelevant no-grouping stimulus, orientation discrimination improved at the attended location. Critically, a perceptual learning effect equivalent to the one observed for the attended location also emerged for the task-irrelevant grouping stimulus, indicating that perceptual grouping induced a transfer of learning to the stimulus (or feature) being perceptually grouped with the task-relevant one. Our findings indicate that no voluntary effort to direct attention to the grouping stimulus or feature is necessary to enhance visual plasticity.  相似文献   

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