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This paper argues that fertility transition comes about when personal material well-being is determined less by personal relationships than by formal education and skill training. This transformation occurs when changes in opportunity structure and the labor market increasingly reward educationally acquired skills and perspectives, for these changes have the effect of sharply limiting or eliminating the expected intergenerational income flows from or through children. This modification and extension of Caldwell's wealth flows model permits us to account for historical-, regional-, and social-class-specific differences in the onset and pace of fertility transition, and points to new, macro-level socioeconomic indicators whose ability to account for historical variation infertility is validated by a preliminary test.  相似文献   

We describe the fission of one large East African clan of spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta). During an 8-mo period from late 1989 to early 1990, 8 of 22 adult females vanished from the clan, along with their juvenile offspring. 6 of these 8 adult females formed a new clan in an area adjacent to the parent clan's home range. The 6 adult female dispersers belonged to three mid- or low-ranking matrilines in the parent clan. Two juvenile males returned to the parent clan for temporary visits, and three female members of one matriline rejoined the parent clan after absences of over 8 mo. Returning females, but not males, were targets of severe aggression by adult female residents of the parent clan, and by juvenile residents of both sexes. Returning females fell from their previous mid-ranking positions to the bottom of the adult female hierarchy. Our data suggest that clan fission was promoted by the simultaneous occurrence of low food availability, an unusually high density of higher-ranking conspecific competitors, and the availability of neighboring vacant habitat.  相似文献   

Via the current model on the evolutionary ecology of female social relationships, Sterck et al. (1997) argue that ecological conditions determine how competition over food resources affects female fitness. The relative importance of different modes of competition then affects female social relationships and dispersal patterns. I outline the model and review relevant data. There are 3 modes of feeding competition: within-group scramble (WGS), within-group contest (WGC), and between-group contest (BGC), which occur in various combinations in different populations of nonhuman primates. Ecological measures support predictions that limiting resources lead to WGS and clumped resources induce WGC. The ecological basis of BGC remains elusive, but it is probably linked to resource abundance. Tests of the proxies of feeding competition support the idea that short-term search substrates and increasing group size lead to WGS, while high-quality patches of intermediate size relative to group size lead to WGC. However, when tested across populations, independent measures of aggression rates do not always match the actual or presumed competitive regimes. This mismatch might be explained by confounding factors and the predominately indirect measures of feeding competition. Predicted relationships between feeding competition and female social relationships/dispersal are only partly supported. This might be attributed to the fact that few studies have taken ultimate approaches using mechanistic correlates of fitness (net energy gain) or lifetime reproductive success to measure consequences of feeding competition. But to resolve existing inconsistencies, additional factors need to be taken into account as well, for example, male sexual strategies may affect female feeding competition; constraints on group size may enforce female dispersal; and demography may alter rates of alliances. More explicitly, ultimate approaches are needed to test the consistency of the socioecological model.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory indicates that ornament expression in males is in close relation to their condition. This “honesty” relationship serves as the basis for female choice: Females would mate with healthy males over sick males after assessing male ornament signal expression and derive benefits for their progeny. Here, we investigated female mate choice for infected and non‐infected males, male survival after infection (to corroborate the negative effect of infection), and fitness consequences of female preferences using Tenebrio molitor beetles. Male infection was produced having two types of challenges as follows: males infected with entomopathogenic fungi and males infected with nylon implants. Similar to previous studies, we corroborated that females preferred fungus‐infected males over positive control, negative control, and nylon‐challenged males. Survival was the lowest for fungus‐treated males followed by nylon‐treated and control males. Females mated with fungus‐treated males laid fewer and smaller eggs, and the laid eggs had less lipid content with a reduced eclosion success compared to females mated with non‐challenged males. Our interpretation is that fungus‐treated males invested their energetic resources to increase their attractiveness at the risk of survival, in a terminal investment fashion. Females, however, would have corrected their choice by investing less in their offspring.  相似文献   

Changes in subsistence strategy have caused some of the profoundest changes to the structure and health of humans. This study aims to test whether these changes have reduced work-load as assessed by entheseal changes. Entheseal changes, formerly called musculoskeletal stress markers, are thought to reflect muscle usage throughout life, although it is widely agreed that they have a multifactorial origin. This paper uses a meta-analysis of comparable published data to plot trends in time by muscle, enthesis type and sex. The results show that agriculturalists have the lowest scores for entheseal changes, with hunte–gatherers next highest and those working in industry the highest. These findings are the same for males and females, for most muscles and muscle groups. However, entheseal changes are highly correlated with increased age and the age distributions of the samples analysed could not be compared. It is, therefore, possible that differences in age distribution of the samples are one of the reasons for this finding. Recommendations are provided to reduce this and other limitations for future meta-analyses.  相似文献   

Sound localization in insects is typically investigated using single loudspeaker paradigms to examine the impact of sensory cues. Here, the contribution of specific cues to turning responses in a two-loudspeaker paradigm equivalent to a choice situation was examined. For that, several sensory cues were systematically varied to determine their respective contribution to the strength of the turning response in female crickets. In three experimental sets (1) the temporal arrangement of chirp patterns broadcast from two speakers, (2) the relative timing of chirps and (3) the impact of phase differences of the carrier frequency were varied at different intensity levels between both speakers. While the arrangement of chirp patterns had little influence on the strength of turning responses, time delays up to 20 ms and phase differences of 90° and 270° clearly affected directional turning at otherwise equal intensities. In all three sets of experiments turning responses were sensitive to intensity differences and saturated at +/? 6 dB. Turning responses due to timing of pulses or phase differences were compensated by intensity differences of 2–3 dB. Building on a large body of literature on peripheral and central processing it was possible to assign the observed effects to specific processing stages in the auditory pathway of crickets.  相似文献   

David M. Shaw 《Bioethics》2017,31(6):424-431
In this article I argue that vagueness concerning consent to post‐mortem organ donation causes considerable harm in several ways. First, the information provided to most people registering as organ donors is very vague in terms of what is actually involved in donation. Second, the vagueness regarding consent to donation increases the distress of families of patients who are potential organ donors, both during and following the discussion about donation. Third, vagueness also increases the chances that the patient's intention to donate will not be fulfilled due to the family's distress. Fourth, the consequent reduction in the number of donated organs leads to avoidable deaths and increased suffering among potential recipients, and distresses them and their families. There are three strategies which could be used to reduce the harmful effects of this vagueness. First, recategorizing the reasons (commonly referred to as ‘overrules’ under the current system) given by families who refuse donation from registered donors would bring greater clarity to donation discussions. Second, people who wish to donate their organs should be encouraged to discuss their wishes in detail with their families, and to consider recording their wishes in other ways. Finally, the consent system for organ donation could be made more detailed, ensuring both that more information is provided to potential donors and that they have more flexibility in how their intentions are indicated; this last strategy, however, could have the disadvantage of discouraging some potential donors from registering.  相似文献   

A trademark of Homo sapiens is the enormous variation in behavioral patterns across populations. Insight into the development of human cultures can be aided by studies on communities of Pan across Africa that display unique combinations of social behavior and elementary technology. Only cross-population comparisons can reveal whether the diversity reflects differential genetics, environmental constraints, or is a cultural variant. However, the recently recognized and most endangered subspecies, Pan troglodytes vellerosus, remains completely unstudied in this respect. We report first evidence from a new long-term study of Nigerian chimpanzees at Gashaka. Their dietary composition is highly varied and they have to cope with high concentrations of antifeedant defenses of plants against consumption. Gashaka chimpanzees use a varied tool kit for extractive foraging. For example, they harvest insects throughout the year, via digging sticks and probes, to obtain honey from stingless-bee and honeybee nests, dipping wands to prey on army ants, and fishing rods to eat arboreal ants. Tools appeared to be custom-made with a considerable degree of standardization in length, diameter, and preferential use of distal ends. Moreover, compared to the rainy season, tools were longer during the dry season when insects retreat further into their nests. Many of the expressions of subsistence technology seem to be environmentally constrained. Most notably, the absence of termite-eating could reflect a low abundance of mounds. Other traits may represent cultural variation. For example, the chimpanzees did not hammer open 2 types of hard-shelled nuts with tools, unlike what occurs elsewhere in West Africa. The prevalence of elementary technology may indicate that the material culture of Gashaka chimpanzees is most related to core cultural tendencies of Central African populations.  相似文献   

Cultural dimensions of health and behavior have been difficult to study because of limited theoretical and methodological models linking the cultural, the individual, and the biological. We employ a cognitive theory of culture to understand culture and health in an African American community in the southern United States. First, cultural consensus analysis is used to test for shared cultural models of lifestyles and social supports within the community. Then, the theoretical and operational construct of "cultural consonance" is used to assess the degree to which individuals behave in a way consistent with cultural models. Findings indicate that cultural consonance in lifestyle and social support combine synergistically in association with blood pressure. These associations of cultural consonance and health are not altered by taking into account a variety of other variables, indicating an independent association of cultural dimensions of behavior with health status. Implications of these results for culture theory are discussed, [culture theory, culture consensus analysis, cultural consonance, African American community, arterial blood pressure]  相似文献   

The liver serves as the key organ for the removal and detoxification of bacterial endotoxins that are continously absorbed in small amounts from the gastrointestinal tract. This paper postulates that liver injury impairs this detoxification process leading to further liver damage and systemic effects as well. Evidence is reviewed to support the contention that endotoxin may be a major common pathway for liver injury by a variety of agents, and methods of reducing endotoxicity of gut origin are proposed. Finally, a new solid phase radioimmunometric assay for E. coli 026 is described and its usefulness as a gut marker suggested.  相似文献   



To assess sexual risk-taking of female sex workers (FSWs) with emotional partners (boyfriends and husbands), compared to regular and casual clients. Experiences of violence and the degree of relationship control that FSWs have with emotional partners are also described.


Cohort study with quarterly follow-up visit over 12-months.


Four hundred HIV-uninfected FSWs older than 16 years were recruited from their homes and guesthouses in Mombasa, Kenya. A structured questionnaire assessed participant characteristics and study outcomes at each visit, and women received risk-reduction counselling, male and female condoms, and HIV testing.


Four or more unprotected sex acts in the past week were reported by 21.3% of women during sex with emotional partners, compared to 5.8% with regular and 4.8% with casual clients (P<0.001). Total number of unprotected sex acts per week was 5–6-fold higher with emotional partners (603 acts with 259 partners) than with regular or casual clients (125 acts with 456, and 98 acts with 632 clients, respectively; P<0.001). Mostly, perceptions of “trust” underscored unprotected sex with emotional partners. Low control over these relationships, common to many women (36.9%), was linked with higher partner numbers, inconsistent condom use, and being physically forced to have sex by their emotional partners. Half experienced sexual or physical violence in the past year, similarly associated with partner numbers and inconsistent condom use.


High-risk sexual behaviour, low control and frequent violence in relationships with emotional partners heighten FSWs'' vulnerability and high HIV risk, requiring targeted interventions that also encompass emotional partners.  相似文献   

Parents' Cultural Belief Systems: Their Origins, Expressions, and Consequences. Sara Harkness and Charles M. Super, eds. New York: The Guilford Press, 1996. 558 pp.  相似文献   

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