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Lymphangiogenesis results in the formation of a vascular network distinct from arteries and veins that serves to drain interstitial fluid from surrounding tissues and plays a pivotal role in the immune defense of vertebrates as well as in the progression of cancer and other diseases . In mammals, lymph vessels are lined by endothelial cells possibly sprouting from embryonic veins, and their development appears to be critically dependent on the function of PROX1 and VEGFC signaling . The existence of a lymphatic system in teleosts has been a matter of debate for decades. Here we show on the morphological, molecular, and functional levels that zebrafish embryos develop a lymphatic vasculature that serves to retrieve components of the interstitium to the lymph system. We demonstrate the existence of vessels that are molecularly and functionally distinct from blood vessels and show that the development of these vessels depends on Vegfc and VEGFR-3/Flt4 signaling. These findings imply that the molecular components controlling lymphangiogenesis in zebrafish and mammals are conserved and that the zebrafish lymphatic system develops early enough to allow in vivo observations, lineage tracing, and genetic as well as pharmacological screens.  相似文献   

Liang D  Jia W  Li J  Li K  Zhao Q 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e30865
Retinoic acid (RA) is known to regulate definitive myelopoiesis but its role in vertebrate primitive myelopoiesis remains unclear. Here we report that zebrafish primitive myelopoiesis is restricted by RA in a dose dependent manner mainly before 11 hpf (hours post fertilization) when anterior hemangioblasts are initiated to form. RA treatment significantly reduces expressions of anterior hemangioblast markers scl, lmo2, gata2 and etsrp in the rostral end of ALPM (anterior lateral plate mesoderm) of the embryos. The result indicates that RA restricts primitive myelopoiesis by suppressing formation of anterior hemangioblasts. Analyses of ALPM formation suggest that the defective primitive myelopoiesis resulting from RA treatment before late gastrulation may be secondary to global loss of cells for ALPM fate whereas the developmental defect resulting from RA treatment during 10-11 hpf should be due to ALPM patterning shift. Overexpressions of scl and lmo2 partially rescue the block of primitive myelopoiesis in the embryos treated with 250 nM RA during 10-11 hpf, suggesting RA acts upstream of scl to control primitive myelopoiesis. However, the RA treatment blocks the increased primitive myelopoiesis caused by overexpressing gata4/6 whereas the abolished primitive myelopoiesis in gata4/5/6 depleted embryos is well rescued by 4-diethylamino-benzaldehyde, a retinal dehydrogenase inhibitor, or partially rescued by knocking down aldh1a2, the major retinal dehydrogenase gene that is responsible for RA synthesis during early development. Consistently, overexpressing gata4/6 inhibits aldh1a2 expression whereas depleting gata4/5/6 increases aldh1a2 expression. The results reveal that RA signaling acts downstream of gata4/5/6 to control primitive myelopoiesis. But, 4-diethylamino-benzaldehyde fails to rescue the defective primitive myelopoiesis in either cloche embryos or lycat morphants. Taken together, our results demonstrate that RA signaling restricts zebrafish primitive myelopoiesis through acting downstream of gata4/5/6, upstream of, or parallel to, cloche, and upstream of scl.  相似文献   

In many animals, germline progenitors are kept undifferentiated to give rise to germline stem cells (GSCs), enabling continuous production of gametes throughout animal life. In the Drosophila ovary, GSCs arise from a subset of primordial germ cells (PGCs) that stay undifferentiated even after gametogenesis has started. How a certain population of PGCs is protected against differentiation, and the significance of its regulatory mechanisms on GSC establishment remain elusive. Here we show that epidermal growth factor receptor (Egfr) signaling in somatic stromal intermingled cells (ICs), activated by its ligand produced in germ cells, controls the size of the PGC pool at the onset of gametogenesis. Egfr signaling in ICs limits the number of cells that express the heparan sulfate proteoglycan Dally, which is required for the movement and stability of the locally-produced stromal morphogen, Decapentaplegic (Dpp, a BMP2/4 homologue). Dpp is received by PGCs and maintains them in an undifferentiated state. Altering Egfr signaling levels changes the size of the PGC pool and affects the number of GSCs established during development. While excess GSC formation is compensated by the adult stage, insufficient GSC formation can lead to adult ovarioles that completely lack GSCs, suggesting that ensuring an absolute size of the PGC pool is crucial for the GSC system.  相似文献   

In all vertebrates, the neurogenic placodes are transient ectodermal thickenings that give rise to sensory neurons of the cranial ganglia. Epibranchial (EB) placodes generate neurons of the distal facial, glossopharyngeal and vagal ganglia, which convey sensation from the viscera, including pharyngeal endoderm structures, to the CNS. Recent studies have implicated signals from pharyngeal endoderm in the initiation of neurogenesis from EB placodes; however, the signals underlying the formation of placodes are unknown. Here, we show that zebrafish embryos mutant for fgf3 and fgf8 do not express early EB placode markers, including foxi1 and pax2a. Mosaic analysis demonstrates that placodal cells must directly receive Fgf signals during a specific crucial period of development. Transplantation experiments and mutant analysis reveal that cephalic mesoderm is the source of Fgf signals. Finally, both Fgf3 and Fgf8 are sufficient to induce foxi1-positive placodal precursors in wild-type as well as Fgf3-plus Fgf8-depleted embryos. We propose a model in which mesoderm-derived Fgf3 and Fgf8 signals establish both the EB placodes and the development of the pharyngeal endoderm, the subsequent interaction of which promotes neurogenesis. The coordinated interplay between craniofacial tissues would thus assure proper spatial and temporal interactions in the shaping of the vertebrate head.  相似文献   

Notch signaling plays a well-described role in regulating the formation of neurons from proliferative neural precursors in vertebrates but whether, as in flies, it also specifies sibling cells for different neuronal fates is not known. Ventral spinal cord precursors called pMN cells produce mostly motoneurons and oligodendrocytes, but recent lineage-marking experiments reveal that they also make astrocytes, ependymal cells and interneurons. Our own clonal analysis of pMN cells in zebrafish showed that some produce a primary motoneuron and KA' interneuron at their final division. We investigated the possibility that Notch signaling regulates a motoneuron-interneuron fate decision using a combination of mutant, transgenic and pharmacological manipulations of Notch activity. We show that continuous absence of Notch activity produces excess primary motoneurons and a deficit of KA' interneurons, whereas transient inactivation preceding neurogenesis results in an excess of both cell types. By contrast, activation of Notch signaling at the neural plate stage produces excess KA' interneurons and a deficit of primary motoneurons. Furthermore, individual pMN cells produce similar kinds of neurons at their final division in mib mutant embryos, which lack Notch signaling. These data provide evidence that, among some postmitotic daughters of pMN cells, Notch promotes KA' interneuron identity and inhibits primary motoneuron fate, raising the possibility that Notch signaling diversifies vertebrate neuron type by mediating similar binary fate decisions.  相似文献   

DEAH-box helicase 15 (DHX15) is ATP-dependent RNA helicase which is known for its role in RNA metabolism. Recent studies reported DHX15 involves in the intestinal immunity. However, the role of DHX15 (or RNA helicase) in intestinal development is poorly understood. Here, we revealed an unidentified role for dhx15 in regulating zebrafish intestinal development. We found the profound intestinal defects in dhx15 knockout zebrafish. Decreased proliferation and increased apoptosis of the intestine cells were observed when dhx15 were deleted. Further RNA genome wide analysis and qRT-PCR analysis showed the Wnt signaling pathway is down-regulated in the dhx15 knockout zebrafish. Thus, we concluded that dhx15 regulates zebrafish intestinal development through the Wnt signaling pathway. Here, we provided new insights into the role of dhx15 in intestinal development beyond its well-characterized role in intestinal immunity.  相似文献   

Wnts have been shown to provide a posteriorizing signal that has to be repressed in the anterior neuroectoderm for normal anteroposterior (AP) patterning. We have previously identified a zebrafish frizzled8a (fz8a) gene expressed in the presumptive anterior neuroectoderm as well as prechordal plate at the late gastrula stage. We have investigated the role of Fz8a-mediated Wnt8b signalling in anterior brain patterning in zebrafish. We show that in zebrafish embryos: (1) Wnt signalling has at least two different stage-specific posteriorizing activities in the anterior neuroectoderm, one before mid-gastrulation and the other at late gastrulation; (2) Fz8a plays an important role in mediating anterior brain patterning; (3) Wnt8b and Fz8a can functionally interact to transmit posteriorizing signals that determine the fate of the posterior diencephalon and midbrain in late gastrula embryos; and (4) Wnt8b can suppress fz8a expression in the anterior neuroectoderm and potentially affect the level and/or range of Wnt signalling. In conclusion, we suggest that a gradient of Fz8a-mediated Wnt8b signalling may play crucial role in patterning the posterior diencephalon and midbrain regions in the late gastrula.  相似文献   

Basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-2 is important for vessel formation and/or maintenance of vascular integrity in the embryo. FGF signaling may be mediated through transmembrane tyrosine kinase receptors or directly through intracellular pathways that do not involve receptor activation. To determine the role of receptor-mediated signaling in endothelial cells, an adenovirus encoding truncated FGF receptor (FGFR)-1, under the control of the cytomegalovirus promoter, was expressed in endothelial cells. FGF signaling was impaired, as indicated by inhibition of MAPK phosphorylation. Functional consequences included inhibition of endothelial cell migration and induction of apoptosis. To address the role of endothelial FGFR signaling in vascular development, recombinant adenovirus encoding a dominant-negative FGFR was injected into the sinus venosus of embryonic day 9.0 cultured mouse embryos. Previous studies demonstrated that transgenes delivered via adenovirus, under the control of the cytomegalovirus promoter, are expressed selectively in the developing vasculature. Embryos expressing a control adenovirus developed normally, whereas those expressing the FGFR-1 mutant exhibited abnormal embryonic and extra-embryonic vascular development. These data demonstrate that FGF, by signaling through the FGFR, plays a pivotal role in the development and maintenance of a mature vascular network in the embryo.  相似文献   

Forward genetic analyses can reveal important developmental regulatory genes and how they function to pattern morphology. This is because a mutated gene can produce a novel, sometimes beautiful, phenotype that, like the normal phenotype, immediately seems worth understanding. Generally the loss-of-function mutant phenotype is simplified from the wild-type one, and often the nature of the pattern simplification allows one to deduce how the wild-type gene contributes to patterning the normal, more complex, morphology. This truism seems no less valid for the vertebrate head skeleton than for other and simpler cases of patterning in multicellular plants and animals. To show this, we review selected zebrafish craniofacial mutants. "Midline group" mutations, in genes functioning in one of at least three signal transduction pathways, lead to neurocranial pattern truncations that are primarily along the mediolateral axis. Mutation of lazarus/pbx4, encoding a hox gene partner, and mutation of valentino/kreisler, a hox gene regulator, produce anterior-posterior axis disruptions of pharyngeal cartilages. Dorsoventral axis patterning of the same cartilages is disrupted in sucker/endothelin-1 mutants. We infer that different signal transduction pathways pattern cartilage development along these three separate axes. Patterning of at least the anterior-posterior and dorsoventral axes have been broadly conserved, e.g., reduced Endothelin-1 signaling similarly perturbs cartilage specification in chick, mouse, and zebrafish. We hypothesize that Endothelin-1 also is an upstream organizer of the patterns of cellular interactions during cartilage morphogenesis.  相似文献   


Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) constitutively express growth factors and cytokines for survival. Chemotherapy alters these signals to induce cell death. However, drug resistance in AML remains a major hindrance to successful treatment and early warning is unavailable. Modulation of signaling pathways during chemotherapy may provide a window to detect response and predict treatment outcome. Blood samples collected from AML patients before and at day-3 of induction therapy were compared for changes in expression of CD117, CD34, pro-inflammatory cytokines and mediators of Akt and MAPK pathways, using multi-color flow cytometry. Nine patients were diagnosed as drug-resistant and seven sensitive to chemotherapy. Twelve were paired. Average percentages of CD34 (66.8?±?11.7% vs. 26.2?±?5.8%, p?=?0.033) and pBAD (66.9?±?8.2% vs. 28.9?±?8.2%, p?=?0.016) were significantly increased in chemo-resistant (N?=?9) compared to chemo-sensitive (N?=?5) samples. Percentages of CD34 were strongly correlated with pBAD (R?=?0.785; p?=?0.001; N?=?14) and pFKHR (R?=?0.755; p?=?0.002; N?=?14) at day-3 induction. Chemo-sensitive cases expressed significantly higher percentages of IL-18Rα (71.9?±?9.6% vs. 29.8?±?5.8%, p?=?0.016). Though not significantly different in the outcome, IL-1β was strongly associated with activated Akt-S473, IL-6 with phosphorylated JNK and FKHR while TNF-α appeared to trigger Bim, in treated samples. These preliminary results suggested AML cells resistant to chemotherapy increased expression of CD34 and may signal through pBAD while cells sensitive to chemotherapy-induced IL18Rα expression. These were observed early during induction therapy. Identifying CD34 is interesting as it is a convenient marker to monitor drug-resistance in AML patients. Inhibition of CD34 and pBAD signaling may be important in treating drug-resistant AML.  相似文献   

Limb skeletal muscle is derived from cells of the dermomyotome that detach and migrate into the limb buds to form separate dorsal and ventral myogenic precursor domains. Myogenic precursor cell migration is dependent on limb bud mesenchymal expression of hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (Hgf), which encodes a secreted ligand that signals to dermomyotome through the membrane receptor tyrosine kinase Met. Here, we find that correct patterning of Hgf expression in forelimb buds is dependent on retinoic acid (RA) synthesized by retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (Raldh2) expressed proximally. Raldh2(-/-) forelimb buds lack RA and display an anteroproximal shift in expression of Hgf such that its normally separate dorsal and ventral expression domains are joined into a single anterior-proximal domain. Met and MyoD are expressed in this abnormal domain, indicating that myogenic cell migration and differentiation are occurring in the absence of RA, but in an abnormal location. An RA-reporter transgene revealed that RA signaling in the forelimb bud normally exists in a gradient across the proximodistal axis, but uniformly across the anteroposterior axis, with all proximal limb bud cells exhibiting activity. Expression of Bmp4, an inhibitor of Hgf expression, is increased and shifted anteroproximally in Raldh2(-/-) limb buds, thus encroaching into the normal expression domain of Hgf. Our studies suggest that RA signaling provides proximodistal information for limb buds that counterbalances Bmp signaling, which in turn helps mediate proximodistal and anteroposterior patterning of Hgf expression to correctly direct migration of Met-expressing myogenic precursor cells.  相似文献   

The segmentation of the vertebrate hindbrain into rhombomeres is highly conserved, but how early hindbrain patterning is established is not well understood. We show that rhombomere 4 (r4) functions as an early-differentiating signaling center in the zebrafish hindbrain. Time-lapse analyses of zebrafish hindbrain development show that r4 forms first and hindbrain neuronal differentiation occurs first in r4. Two signaling molecules, FGF3 and FGF8, which are both expressed early in r4, are together required for the development of rhombomeres adjacent to r4, particularly r5 and r6. Transplantation of r4 cells can induce expression of r5/r6 markers, as can misexpression of either FGF3 or FGF8. Genetic mosaic analyses also support a role for FGF signaling acting from r4. Taken together, our findings demonstrate a crucial role for FGF-mediated inter-rhombomere signaling in promoting early hindbrain patterning and underscore the significance of organizing centers in patterning the vertebrate neural plate.  相似文献   

Mice deficient for fibroblast growth factor (Fgf)R2-IIIb show a block in thymic growth after embryonic day 12.5, a stage that just precedes its detection in thymic epithelial cells. Fgf7 and Fgf10, the main ligands for FgfR2-IIIb, are expressed in the mesenchyme surrounding the thymic epithelial primordium, and Fgf10-deficient mice also exhibit impaired thymic growth. Hence, Fgf signaling is essential for thymic epithelial proliferation. In addition to the proliferative block, most thymic epithelial cells fail to progress from an immature cytokeratin 5-positive to a cytokeratin 5-negative phenotype. Nevertheless, sufficient epithelial cell differentiation occurs in the severely hypoplastic thymus to allow the development of CD4/CD8-double-positive thymocytes and a very small number of single-positive thymocytes expressing TCRs.  相似文献   

Recent studies from our laboratory have begun to elucidate the role of agrin in zebrafish development. One agrin morphant phenotype that results from agrin knockdown is microphthalmia (reduced eye size). To begin to understand the mechanisms underlying the role of agrin in eye development, we have analyzed retina development in agrin morphants. Retinal differentiation is impaired in agrin morphants, with retinal lamination being disrupted following agrin morpholino treatment. Pax 6.1 and Mbx1 gene expression, markers of eye development, are markedly reduced in agrin morphants. Formation of the optic fiber layer of the zebrafish retina is also impaired, exhibited as both reduced size of the optic fiber layer, and disruption of retinal ganglion cell axon growth to the optic tectum. The retinotectal topographic projection to the optic tectum is perturbed in agrin morphants in association with a marked loss of heparan sulfate expression in the retinotectal pathway, with this phenotype resembling retinotectal phenotypes observed in mutant zebrafish lacking enzymes for heparan sulfate synthesis. Treatment of agrin morphants with a fibroblast growth factor (Fgf) receptor inhibitor, rescue of the retinal lamination phenotype by transplantation of Fgf8-coated beads, and disruption of both the expression of Fgf-dependent genes and activation of ERK in agrin morphants provides evidence that agrin modulation of Fgf function contributes to retina development. Collectively, these agrin morphant phenotypes provide support for a crucial role of agrin in retina development and formation of an ordered retinotectal topographic map in the optic tectum of zebrafish.  相似文献   

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