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Receåfindings indicate that cockroaches escape in response to tactile stimulation as well as they do in response to the classic wind puff stimulus. The thoracic interneurons that receive inputs from ventral giant interneurons also respond to tactile stimulation and therefore, represent a potential site of convergence between wind and tactile stimulation as well as other sensory modalities. In this article, we characterize the tactile response of these interneurons, which are referred to as type-A thoracic interneurons (TIAs). In response to tactile stimulation of the body cuticle, TIAs typically respond with a short latency biphasic depolarization which often passes threshold for action potentials. The biphasic response is not typical of responses to wind stimulation nor of tactile stimulation of the antennae. It is also not seen in tactile responses of thoracic interneurons that are not part of the TIA group. The responses of individual TIAs to stimulation of various body locations were mapped. The left-right directional properties of TIAs are consistent with their responses to wind puffs from various different directions. Cells that respond equally well to wind from the left and right side also respond equally well to tactile stimuli on the left and right side of the animal's body. In contrast, cells that are biased to wind on one side are also biased to tactile stimulation on the same side. In general, tactile responses directed at body cuticle are phasic rather than tonic, occurring both when the tactile stimulator is depressed and released. The response reflects stimulus strength and follows repeated stimulation quite well. However, the first phase of the biphasic response is more robust during high-frequency stimulation than the second phase. TIAs also respond to antennal stimulation. However, here the response characteristics are complicated by the fact that movement of either antenna evokes descending activity in both left and right thoracic connectives. The data suggest that the TIAs make up a multimodal site of sensory convergence that is capable of generating an oriental escape turn in response to any one of several sensory cues. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Tactile stimulation of an insect's abdomen evokes various behaviors including grooming and vigorous escape responses. We tested a sample of 37 tactile-sensitive abdominal interneurons for various morphological and physiological characteristics, including their ability to excite thoracic interneurons that are known to integrate wind information conducted by giant interneurons in the classical escape response. The results suggest that abdominal tactile-sensitive interneurons are heterogeneous both in anatomical and physiological properties. In general, these cells are very small interganglionic interneurons that respond to tactile stimulation at more than one abdominal segment. However, the larger population contained virtually all types of cells. Some projected anteriorly, others posteriorly, and still others projected in both directions. For most cells, the soma was on the side opposite to their axons, but in 24% of the cells it was on the same side. Patterns of dendritic arbors also varied among cells. However, tactile sensitivity was in general consistent with the morphological bias noted in dendritic branch patterns. We were able to document the existence of tactile abdominal interneurons that connect directly to thoracic interneurons involved in escape (TIAs). However, instances of demonstrated connectivity were rare. One cell that did show connectivity (AI652) was characterized in detail, and its properties were appropriate for conducting tactile signals in a directional escape system. The dendritic arbors were biased to the side that was ipsilateral to the cell's soma and axon. As a result, this cell's abdominal inputs and thoracic outputs are on the same side. This pattern is appropriate for generating the sensory fields recorded previously in TIAs. Its axon was located in the ventral median tract, which should bring it close to the integrating region of the TIAs. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 34: 227–241, 1998  相似文献   

We examined behavioral alterations in the brown cockroach, Periplaneta brunnea, infected with the acanthocephalan, Moniliformis moniliformis. The responses of infected and uninfected P. brunnea to light, substrate choice, and activity were compared. Infected brown cockroaches spent more time on white horizontal substrates under red and white light. Infected brown cockroaches also had a shorter freeze time than uninfected cockroaches after being presented with a light source. There was no difference in photophilia or activity of infected and uninfected brown cockroaches. These behavioral alterations in brown cockroaches were compared to those in Periplaneta americana, the American cockroach, infected with the same parasite. American and brown cockroaches differed in some responses to substrate, phototaxis, and activity.  相似文献   

Cellulase activity measured as filter paper digesting activity (FPase) and carboxymethyl cellulase (CMCase) was demonstrated in hindgut extracts of the cockroach Periplaneta americana. The highest activities measured amounted to 0.89 and 0.12 U · ml-1 for CMCase and FPase, respectively. The cellulolytic capacity of the hindgut population increased dramatically when protozoa were present, and the activities were found to vary depending on the feeding regimen. Cellulose-rich diets induced high protozoal numbers, resulting in a high cellulase activity. A close correlation was found between the number of Nyctotherus ovalis organisms, the major protozoans in the hindgut, and both FPase and CMCase activity. Since the numbers of this protozoan also correlated with the methane production of the insect, it appears that N. ovalis is responsible for the major part of cellulolytic and methanogenic activity found in the hindgut of P. americana.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to test for nutrient-specific olfactory learning in the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana L. In a conditioning period, cockroaches were presented with two complementary foods, one of which contained protein and the other carbohydrate, this combination allowing them to select a nutritionally balanced diet. The foods were separated in space, and each was paired with one of two odors, citral or carvone. The cockroaches were then selectively deprived of one of the nutrients for 24 or 48 h. In the final (test) phase of the experiment the movement of the cockroaches toward the nutrient-associated odors was monitored. Associative learning was demonstrated with respect to protein, with protein-deprived cockroaches moving more frequently toward the protein-associated odor. No learned associations between carbohydrate and odor were demonstrated. These data are contrasted with similar experiments on an herbivorous insect, the locust Locusta migratoria.  相似文献   

美洲大蠊(Periplaneta americana)肠道微生物多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】分析美洲大蠊(Periplaneta americana)肠道微生物群落的组成。【方法】以美洲大蠊肠道微生物基因组为模板,Bact-27F和Univ-1492R为引物,PCR扩增16S rRNA基因,连接pGEM-T载体,构建肠道微生物16S rRNA基因文库,并对肠道微生物的组成及多样性进行分析。【结果】美洲大蠊肠道微生物主要包括变形杆菌门(Proteobacteria,66.4%),拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes,17.8%),厚壁菌门(Firmicutes,14.5%),梭杆菌门(Fusobacteria,0.6%),以及未分类微生物(unclassified bacteria,0.6%)。系统发育分析显示,15%的美洲大蠊肠道微生物16S rRNA基因序列与亲缘关系较近的杂食蟑螂肠道微生物的16S rRNA基因序列聚于一支;59%的美洲大蠊肠道微生物16S rRNA基因序列与不同食性动物肠道微生物的16S rRNA基因序列聚于一支。另一方面,18%的美洲大蠊肠道微生物16S rRNA基因序列与潜在的微生物致病菌一致性高于99%,说明美洲大蠊是一类潜在的致病菌携带者。【结论】美洲大蠊肠道微生物群落组成多样,宿主系统进化以及杂食性生活方式对其肠道微生物的组成有较大影响。  相似文献   

The level of an important carotenoid (-carotene) in the gut of Periplaneta americana depends on the content of the carotenoid in food: a carotenoid-fortified diet causes accumulation of -carotene up to 10 g/g wet weight, while on a carotenoid-deficient diet the level of this substance is low (0.7 g/g wet weight). In the eye, in contrast to the gut, a constant level of -carotene (1.3-1.4 g/g wet weight) is found regardless of the diet. This phenomenon remained unchanged over three years of feeding of the cockroaches with the carotenoid-deficient diet, suggesting that P. americana produces carotenoids by de novo biosynthesis. This suggestion was confirmed in experiments using intraperitoneal injection of the exogenous carotenoid biosynthesis precursor [14C]mevalonic acid pyrophosphate followed by extraction of carotenoid and chromatographic purification of the labeled product. Injection of 3.4 nmoles [14C]mevalonic acid pyrophosphate transiently increased the -carotene content in eyes on days 2 and 4 after injection of the label. Purification of radiolabeled carotenoids from eye and gut by the transfer of carotenoids into a less polar solvent, alkaline hydrolysis (saponification), and chromatography on alumina and cellulose columns decreased the specific radioactivity to a constant level that cannot be further decreased by repeated chromatography. The elution profile of these purified preparations of -carotene after chromatography is characterized by coincidence of symmetric peaks of count and absorption. We suggest that to create the optimal carotenoid concentration in the eye, P. americana uses two biochemical mechanism: 1) it accumulates carotenoids in reserve in the gut when abundant supplies of carotenoids are available in the diet; 2) it synthesizes carotenoids de novo when its food is deficient in these compounds.  相似文献   

The phenoloxidase system responsible for the sclerotization of cockroach ootheca is found to be present as an inactive form in the left colleterial gland of Periplaneta americana. The supernatant fraction obtained by centrifugation of the milky white secretions contained the inactive phenoloxidase which required both sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and the insoluble sediment for exhibiting enzyme activity. Bovine serum albumin could replace the sediment in the activation process. Proteins separated from the supernatant fraction by molecular sieve chromatography on Sephadex G-25 did not require either albumin or the sediment, but required SDS for exhibiting the phenoloxidase activity. Among the detergents tested, SDS (anionic) and cetylpyridinium chloride (cationic) activated the phenoloxidase, but CHAPS (zwitterionic) or nonionic detergents failed to activate the enzyme. The activation caused by SDS occurred well below the critical micellar concentration of SDS indicating that SDS is causing the activation by binding to the protein and altering its conformation. Chloroform-methanol extracts of vestibulum or right gland could replace SDS confirming the presence of endogenous activator(s) of phenoloxidase system. A variety of exogenously added lipids could activate the latent enzyme, among which linoleate, oleate, laurate, linolenate, phosphatidylethanolamine, and phosphatidylglycerol proved to be the effective activators of the latent phenoloxidase. Partially purified phenoloxidase was found to be extremely labile and lost its activity on a) freezing and thawing, b) dialysis, and c) heating for 10 min at 55 degrees C. It exhibited a pH optimum of 7 and was inhibited drastically by phenylthiourea and diethyldithiocarbamate. It readily oxidized a number of o-diphenols such as 3,4-dihydroxybenzylalcohol, 3,4-dihydroxyphenethyl alcohol, catechol, N-acetyldopamine, N-acetylnorepinephrine, dopa, dopamine, etc., but failed to oxidize both 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid and 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde. It neither converted the typical laccase substrate syringaldazine to its quinone methide product, nor oxidized the p-diphenols, hydroquinone and methylhydroquinone. Therefore, the enzyme participating in the quinone tanning of cockroach ootheca appears to be a typical o-diphenol oxidase and not a laccase as previously thought.  相似文献   

The isolation and characterization of homogeneous arginine kinase from the cockroach is reported. The purification protocol produces 6.6 mg of pure enzyme from 6.8 g of whole cockroach. The purified enzyme cross-reacts with a heterologous antibody and monoclonal antibody against arginine kinase from the shrimp. Both antibody preparations also cross-react with extracts from several species known to contain monomeric arginine kinase, but fail to react with extracts from organisms containing dimeric arginine kinase. Cockroach arginine kinase has a molecular mass of approximately 43,000 determined from measurements by gel filtration and gel electrophoresis. Compared with other arginine kinases, the enzyme from the cockroach is relatively thermostable (50% activity retained at 50 degrees C for 10 min) and has a pH optima of 8.5 and 6.5-7.5, for the forward and reverse reactions, respectively. Treatment with 5,5'dithiobis[2-nitrobenzoic acid] indicates that arginine kinase has a single reactive sulfhydryl group and, interestingly, the reaction is biphasic. The Michaelis constants for the phosphagen substrates, arginine: 0.49 mM, phosphoarginine: 0.94 mM, and nucleotide substrates MgATP: 0.14 mM, MgADP: 0.09 mM, are in the range reported for other arginine kinases. A 1% solution of pure enzyme has an absorbance of 7.0 at 280 nm. Calculations based on circular dichroic spectra indicate that arginine kinase from the cockroach has 12% alpha-helical structure. The intrinsic protein fluorescence emission maximum at 340 nm suggests that tryptophan residues are below the surface of the protein and not exposed to solvent. Arginine kinase from the cockroach and shrimp are known to be deleterious immunogens towards humans. The availability of pure protein, its characterization and potential regulation of activity, will be useful in developing agents to control the cockroach population and its destructive role in agriculture and human health.  相似文献   

The American cockroach, Periplaneta americana has two vitellins (Vn1 and Vn2) and corresponding vitellogenins (Vg1 and Vg2). Vns/Vgs were separated on the SDS-PAGE as three major polypeptide bands [170, 100 (multisubunits), and 50 kD] and a minor polypeptide band (150 kD) both in the egg (mature terminal oocyte) extract and in the female hemolymph. We previously cloned one Vg (Vg1) cDNA and showed that the 170-kD polypeptide originated from the C-terminus of the Vg1. In the present study, we cloned the other Vg (Vg2) cDNA. It is 5,826 bp long encoding 1,876 amino acid residues (including 16 residues for putative signal peptide) in a single ORF. The deduced amino acid sequences of both Vgs (Vg1 and Vg2) of P. americana showed 30% identity. The GL/ICG motif is followed by eight cysteine residues at conserved locations near the C-terminal and the DGXR motif starts 18 residues upstream of the GL/ICG motif. The chemically determined N-terminal amino acid sequences of the 150-kD and of the 50-kD polypeptides matched exactly with each other and with the deduced N-terminal amino acid sequence of the Vg2 cDNA. The pattern of processing in P. americana Vns/Vgs is discussed.  相似文献   

Trehalase activities were found in several tissues of the adult American cockroach, Periplaneta americana. Among these, male accessory glands, fat body, thoracic muscle, hepatic cecum, blood and mid-gut contained high trehalase activity; activity in the male accessory gland was especially high. The enzymic properties of soluble trehalases were investigated and the enzymes from the male accessory gland were highly purified.

The properties of these enzymes were electrophoretically and kinetically distinct from each other. The presence of enzymes with somewhat different properties in different tissues suggests that trehalose utilization and trehalase activity may be regulated by way of a tissue-specific mechanism. The detailed properties of these enzymes are presented with a discussion of their regulation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The female American cockroach, Periplaneta americana L., produces two sex pheromone components: periplanone-A (PA) and periplanone-B (PB). PB induces male locomotion and upwind orientation. PA, when presented alone, has the same effect but with a higher threshold concentration. When added to PB in the natural ratio, however, PA reduces rather than increases locomotory activity. To examine whether PA affects male orientation in the natural blend, a pheromone source was suspended above the centre of a circular arena. Efforts were made to exclude air movements so that pheromone concentration declined centrifugally. Males walking in a PB gradient spent more time near the source than in the peripheral areas when low doses were presented. At emission rates approximately equivalent to those of a female, however, they were not able to locate the pheromone source as precisely as at lower rates. In contrast, males walking in a PA gradient spent more time in the centre of the arena when the pheromone dosage was increased. When PA was added to natural levels of PB, males walked more slowly and stopped more frequently near the source than with PB alone. Thus PA improves chemo-orientation of males when presented in a natural ratio with PB. A reduction of linear velocity near the pheromone source (an orthokinetic effect) is involved in this process.  相似文献   

The binding of [N-methyl-3H]scopolamine to a cockroach nerve cord preparation has been investigated. Specific [N-methyl-3H]scopolamine binding was found to be saturable and of high affinity (Kd = 13.9 nM). Muscarinic ligands were found to displace [N-methyl-3H]scopolamine binding more effectively than nicotinic ligands. The distribution of these [N-methyl-3H]scopolamine binding sites was examined in the metathoracic ganglion at the light microscope level by autoradiographical techniques. Specific binding was found to be localized to distinct regions of the neuropile. This pattern showed certain similarities to that seen when the ganglion was stained for acetylcholinesterase, suggesting a functional role for these insect muscarinic acetylcholine receptors.  相似文献   

The kinetic mechanism and evaluation of several potential inhibitors of purified arginine kinase from the cockroach (Periplanta americana) were investigated. This monomeric phosphagen kinase is important in maintaining ATP levels during the rapid energy demands of muscle required for contraction and motility. Analysis reveals the following dissociation constants (mM) for the binary complex: E.Arg P-->E+Arg P, K=1.0; E.Arg-->E+Arg, K=0.45; E.MgATP-->E+MgATP, K=0.17; E.MgADP-->E+MgADP, K=0.12; and the ternary complex: Arg P.E.MgADP-->E.MgADP+Arg P, K=0.94; Arg.E.MgATP-->E.MgATP+Arg, K=0.49; MgATP.Enz.Arg-->E.Arg+MgATP, K=0.14; MgADP.E.Arg P-->E.Arg P+MgADP, K=0.09. For a particular substrate, the ratio of the dissociation constants for the binary to ternary complex is close to one, indicating little, if any, cooperativity in substrate binding for the rapid equilibrium, random addition mechanism. The time course of the arginine kinase reaction exhibits a pronounced curvature, which, as described for enzyme from other sources, is attributed to formation of an inhibitory catalytic dead-end complex, MgADP.E.Arg. The curvature is accentuated by the addition of monovalent anions, including borate, thiocyanate, and, most notably, nitrite and nitrate. This effect is attributed to stabilization of the dead-end complex through formation of a transition state analog. However, the substantial decrease in initial velocity (92%) caused by nitrate is due to an additional inhibitory effect, further characterized as non-competitive inhibition (Ki=8.0 mM) with the substrate L-arginine. On the other hand, borate inhibition of the initial velocity is only 30% with significant subsequent curvature, suggesting that this anion functions as an inhibitor mainly by formation of a transition state analog. However, some component of the borate inhibition appears to be mediated by an apparent partial competitive inhibition with L-arginine. D-arginine is not a substrate for arginine kinase from the cockroach, but is an effective competitive inhibitor with a Ki=0.31 mM. L-Canavanine is a weak substrate for arginine kinase (Km=6.7 mM) with a Vmax for the pure enzyme that is approximately one-third that of L-arginine. However, initial velocity experiments of substrate mixtures suggest that competition between L-canavanine and L-arginine may not be a simple summation effect and may involve a structural modification. Sensitivity of arginine kinase activity to D-arginine as well as nitrate and borate anions, coupled with the fact that L-arginine is an essential amino acid for the cockroach, suggest that arginine kinase could be a useful chemotherapeutic target for the control of cockroach proliferation.  相似文献   

In the escape system of the cockroach, Periplaneta americana, a population of uniquely identifiable throacic interneurons (type A or TIAs) receive information about wind via chemical synapses from a population of ventral giant interneurons (vGIs). The TIAs are involved in the integration of sensory information necessary for orienting the animal during escape. It is likely that there are times in an animal's life when it is advantageous to modify the effectiveness of synaptic transmission between the vGIs and the TIAs. Given the central position of the TIAs inthe escape system, this would greatly alter associated motor outputs. We tested the ability of octopamine, serotonin, and dopamine to modulate synaptic transmission between vGIs and TIAs. Both octopamine and dopamine significantly increased the amplitude of vGI-evoked excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in TIAs at 10?4?10?2 M, and 10?3 M, respectively. On the other hand, serotonin significantly decreased the vGI-evoked EPSPs in TIAs at 10?4?10?3 M. These results indicate that octopamine, serotonin, and dopamine are capable of modulating the efficacy of transmission of important neural connections within this circuit. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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